Hot Spots in Turboexpander Bearings: Case History, Stability Analysis, Measurements and Operational Experience
Hot Spots in Turboexpander Bearings: Case History, Stability Analysis, Measurements and Operational Experience
Hot Spots in Turboexpander Bearings: Case History, Stability Analysis, Measurements and Operational Experience
Adjustable nozzles are located around the expander wheel to
control the gas flow by changing the flow area.
A 3D backwards lean blades compressor wheel is employed
as a loading device, to recover the mechanical energy from the
A vane diffuser is provided at the compressor wheel
periphery to optimize the booster head-flow characteristics and
to maximize its efficiency.
The stiff shaft is supported in the bearing carrier by two
tilting pad bearings with multi lobe axial face for the thrust load.
The radial bearings have 5 pads. They are loaded by the rotor
weight of about 120 kg, which yields a specific bearing load of
about 0.24 N/mm2. The load direction is on pad.
Figure 1. Dual turboexpander 2-TC 400/90 with the oil unit and The bearing support structure is relatively stiff compared to
control panel assembled in the workshop the oil film and can therefore be regarded as rigid.
The bearing carrier also includes the labyrinth seals and
The turbo-expanders in this case are very robust stiff shaft supports the expander nozzle assembly and booster diffuser. The
machines of proven design, for operation up to rather high wheels are connected to the shaft by a Hirth radial spur tooth
maximum continuous operating speed (MCOS) of 18’600 rpm. coupling and tightening bolt. The assembly of the bearing carrier
At this MCOS speed the journal bearing peripheral velocity is with nozzle assembly, diffuser and shrouds is called plug-in unit.
about 88 m/s. Expander and compressor housings are assembled on each side
During the internal testing of the turbo-expanders, the of the flanged bearing carrier (see Fig. 2).
measured shaft vibration started to rise suddenly just above the
nominal speed. The sudden vibration increase was identified as Expander Compressor
a spiral vibration as described in [5]. The bearings were
considered as the most likely source for a hot spot. Hot spot
stability analyses were performed to confirm these test findings,
and different remedies were considered for the machines based
on these analyses. Two described remedies as described below
were implemented and extensively tested at speeds up to 22’000
rpm (bearing journal velocity 104 m/s), a speed which is much
higher than the machine trip speed of 19’500 rpm.
After the successful internal testing the machines were
given free for factory acceptance test (FAT) witnessed by
customer. The performance and mechanical behavior of both
machines were accepted by the customer without reservations.
Figure 2. Cross section of the turboexpander TC 400/90
The expansion turbine is of the radial inflow type with
advanced aerodynamic design maximizing the isentropic
efficiency. The machine is of a cartridge concept, which allows
a quick replacement of the machinery bearing carrier including
Calculated basic rotor dynamic behavior
the rotating parts without interference with the expander cold
The Campbell diagram (natural frequencies and damping
insulated process pipes.
ratios as a function of speed) of the shaft is shown in Fig. 3
together with the mode shapes of the forward whirling modes.
The speed range from the nominal speed to maximum continuous
speed in the diagram is grey shaded. There are two forward and
backward whirling rigid body modes below nominal speed with a
very high damping (damping ratio >20%). The forward whirling
1st and 2nd bending modes are above the speed range with a
comfortable separation margin. The backward whirling 1 st
bending mode coincides with the speed at the maximum
continuous speed. However, it cannot be excited by unbalance or
thermal bending.
Test bed measurements of original configuration
During the internal performance test of the machines also the
mechanical machine behavior was tested up to the trip speed of
19’500 rpm, following the API 617 test requirements [11]. The
vibrations were monitored utilizing the Bently Nevada ADRE
system. Figure 5 shows the typical test bed computer mimic for
1xn the automated performance data monitoring and acquisition.
Although the shaft has two large overhung masses there are
no typical overhang modes thanks to the stiff design. The 1 st
bending mode has its largest deflection at the impellers; Figure 5. Test bed computer mimic
however, the vibration node is outside the bearing.
The response to an unbalance with a magnitude of 4 times The measured vibration of the tested machine had a
the API residual unbalance (165gmm) [11] is shown in Fig. 4. dominant synchronous (1xN) component. The ADRE vibration
The unbalance distribution as indicated in the figure excites the polar plot (all plots show only this 1xN component) had the
1st bending mode. The unbalance magnitude is based on the typical spiral vibration appearance, as shown in Fig. 6 for the
complete rotor weight, not just on the overhung portions as for MCOS speed of 18’600 rpm. The rotation direction of the spiral
overhang modes. The evaluation of the response according to vibration was forward (co-rotational). The time period for 360°
API is also shown in the figure. It can be seen, that the phase angle change was around 5 minutes.
separation margin (SM) of 55.5% is by far larger than the
required margin of 25.6%, which depends on the amplification
factor (AF) and damping, respectively. The unbalance
sensitivity of 0.437 (amplitude limit Al / amplitude in the
critical Ac) is smaller than the required 0.5, although it is not an
issue because of the large separation margin. The API
evaluation is automatically done in the program MADYN 2000
[10], which has been used for the analysis of the basic behavior.
Figure 4. Unbalance response plot with API evaluation Figure 6b. Spiral vibration in polar plot – compressor side
A hysteresis between run up and run down can be seen in the later than position 1. It is obvious, that for each position, there is
vibration versus speed plot (Bode plot), Fig. 7. It is a typical one point on the shaft surface, which is subject to maximum
behavior for a spiral vibration. friction due to the maximum velocity gradient (red profile). The
opposite point of the shaft is subject to the minimum friction due
to the minimum gradient (blue profile). In case of a synchronous
orbit it is always the same point on the shaft, which is subject to
maximum friction (red dot) and minimum friction (blue dot).
Thus a differential heating and a hot spot occurs.
Hot spot stability chart (original design) thrust collars and by increasing the diameter of the central
The hot spot stability chart for the original configuration is section.
shown in Fig. 10. Hot spots in both bearings were considered in The reduction of the heat input into the shaft can be
the analysis, which work together and excite the rotor. accomplished by reduction of the tilting pad bearing to shaft
Therefore two thermal modes (see appendix A) appear. They contact area, by reduction of the oil viscosity, or by increasing
represent the response to the thermally bent rotor. The threshold the bearing clearance.
of the 1st thermal mode (black line) is determined by the 1st The heat elimination rate can be increased by higher lube oil
bending and has its minimum at its critical speed. The threshold flow, or by bearing modifications. The bearing modification can
of the 2nd mode (green line) is determined by the 2nd bending. It include asymmetric tilting pads, cooling groove in the pads, or
is not important in the speed range of interest. pads made of material with higher conductivity e.g. bronze.
The estimated heat ratio (see appendix B) is the red curve In view of the delivery constrains of tilting pads made of
in the chart. It is the ratio of the differential heat generated in bronze the following two configurations have been selected for
the bearing due to losses (which is assumed to enter the shaft) to further testing:
the differential heat eliminated from the shaft by heat transfer to 1. modified stiffer rotor
the oil. Due to the simplifying assumptions, which do not 2. bearings with reduced pad width and in addition
consider the detailed bearing geometry such as the bearing utilizing lower oil viscosity.
preload and the gaps between the pads, a second heat ratio line The influence of the bearing parameter changes on the ratio
(dotted) is drawn assuming only 50% of the input according to of added to eliminated heat can be seen in Eq. (22) in appendix
Eq. (22) in appendix B. The stability threshold is between the B. The influence of the lower viscosity is obvious, since the ratio
ratio with 100% and 50% heat input. The present and many is proportional to it. The influence of a reduced bearing width
other experiences prove that in this case there is a large risk to cannot be directly seen, since it does not appear in the equation.
run into a hot spot problem, i.e. to get a spiral vibration with However, the parameter (thermal deflection per temperature
increasing amplitude. difference in the bearing cross section) is roughly proportional to
the width. Thus the ratio is also proportional to the width.
The increase of the bearings clearance was not considered,
because it did not bring any significant spiral vibration reduction
during the already performed foregoing testing, in spite of the
1.Hop Spot Mode
fact that the heat ratio is a square function of the clearance. Most
2.Hot Spot Mode
probably the lower heat ratio was compensated by a lower
threshold due to a reduction of the 1st bending mode frequency
p* /q
The Campbell diagram for the 1st forward whirling bending The vibration levels for the modified rotor could be accepted
mode of the original and stiffened rotor is shown in Fig. 13. As according to the API 617 criteria. But because of the eliminated
expected the stiffer rotor increases the separation margin. The thrust collars and the beginning hot spot phenomena on the
damping is reduced. However, due to the large separation compressor side above the MCOS, this variant was not
margin this should not deteriorate the rotor dynamic considered as an acceptable solution.
performance. From this behavior can be concluded, that the actual heat
ratio at MCOS is close to the threshold in Fig. 14, i.e. it
corresponds to about 80% heat input according to the estimation
in appendix B (Eq. (22)).
Figure 13. Campbell diagram for the 1 forward whirling
bending mode
1.Hop Spot Mode
3.50E-02 2.Hot Spot Mode
Bearing (50% heat input)
2.50E-02 1.Hot Spot Mode Stiffer Rotor
2.Hot Spot Mode Stiffer Rotor
p* /q
Nominal Speed
1.50E-02 MCOS
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
n [rpm]
Figure 14. Hot spot stability chart for the modified rotor Figure 17. Vibration hysteresis in Bode plot – compressor side
Figure 18. Original 0.6D bearing and modified 0.4D bearing Figure 20a. Vibration in polar plot – expander side
Bearing (50% heat input)
Nominal Speed
viscosity. With this execution both turbo-expanders and their
+ - MCOS
spare plug-in units were successfully FAT tested with the
+ - customer and all accepted without reservations.
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Figure 19. Hot spot stability chart for the reduced bearing After this new exhaustive experience with the vibration
width with reduced oil viscosity induced hot spots, based on predictive analysis and testing, the
unexplained historical cases from the years 1996 and 2001 were
Test bed measurements for modified bearings with analyzed and the unexpected excessive vibrations during FAT
reduced oil viscosity were re-evaluated. Both cases with still available ADRE
With the modified bearings and the oil viscosity reduced vibration records could be clearly identified as the spiral
from nominal 46 cSt to 32 cSt the test results did not show any vibration problem (see Fig. 22 and 23).
more the spiral vibration and vibration hysteresis. With the two Both cases happened on turbo-expanders with similar shaft-
described measures the shaft thermal bow due to the hot spot bearings configurations as shown in Fig. 2 and 11. The first case
phenomenon and the spiral vibration were completely (Fig. 22) was identified by slight labyrinth rubbing marks on
eliminated up to the tested speed of 22’000 rpm. The test results shaft and was corrected by increasing the labyrinth clearance.
are shown in Fig. 20 and 21. The second case was tested up to 104 m/s bearing journal
velocity (Fig. 23) and was corrected during FAT by clearance, the lube oil properties (viscosity) and can be
modification of the bearing clearance. But the vibration influenced by the same. The described advanced hot spot
problem solving was a kind of a try and error solution, the stability analysis can be utilized as the analytic tool to eliminate
predictive analytical method was missing. unforeseen and possible vibration problems already during the
design stage. This way the time consuming vibration trouble
shooting during the internal testing, the FAT and the start up of
high speed rotating machines can be avoided.
The turbo-expanders as described in this paper are today
successfully operating in the foreseen speed and load range.
The authors thank Cryostar SAS for allowing publication of
this document.
NOMENCLATURE If the rotor is thermally deformed the equation of motion for
c Specific heat capacity coordinates x relative to the static position of the undeformed
f Vector of external excitation forces rotor is
m Mass of the bearing journal
p Factor for added heat Mx (D G)x Kx K R xT f( t ) (2)
q Factor for eliminated heat
t Time where KR is the stiffness matrix of the rotor alone (without
u Bearing peripheral speed pedestals and journal bearings) and xT is the vector describing
x Translational deflection coordinate the thermal deformation. The thermal deformation xT is assumed
x Vector of coordinates to depend linearly on the thermal deflections xT,HS of the shaft at
xT Thermal translational deflection coordinate a reference location. Typically it is the location of the hot spot
xT Vector of coordinates describing the thermal deflection (HS).
A Area of the bearing journal surface surrounded by oil
D Damping matrix xT T xT, HS , (3)
G Gyroscopic matrix T
xT,HS ( xT,h , xT,v ) (4)
K Stiffness matrix
KR Stiffness matrix of the free rotor where xT,h and xT,v are the thermal translational deflections in
M Mass matrix horizontal and vertical direction at the location of the hot spot.
P Bearing power loss The matrix T is derived from the thermal deformation of the
T Transformation matrix rotor (see Fig. 9), which is determined by a static calculation with
Heating efficiency
Q thermal loads: for the first column of T for a temperature
Real part of the eigenvalue gradient in horizontal direction and for the second column for a
Heat transfer coefficient temperature gradient in vertical direction.
Relation between thermal deflection and cross The modeling of the hot spot phenomenon according to the
sectional temperature difference theory of Kellenberger is based on the following thermal
Radial bearing clearance equation:
Factor for heat dissipation
x T,HS
~ p ~ HS q ~ (5)
Eigenvalue x x
Imaginary part of the eigenvalue
Oil viscosity
Factor for heat input with ~
x T,HS as the thermal deflection at the location of a hot
Cross sectional temperature difference
Rotor speed in [rad/s] spot and ~ x HS ~
xh , ~
xv as the vector of the translational
is the
shaft displacements at the location of the hot spot. Q
added heating efficiency and Q is the dissipated heating
STABILITY Equation (5) was derived in detail by Kellenberger (see [3]).
The equation of motion of the Finite Element model of a The coordinates in Eq. (5) are rotating in contrast to the
multi bearing rotor has the form coordinates in Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) which are stationary.
Equation (5) implies the following:
Mx (D G)x Kx f(t ) (1) The change of cross sectional temperature difference is
with the mass matrix M, the damping matrix D, the gyroscopic proportional to the change of thermal deflection,
matrix G and the stiffness matrix K. The matrices D and K are the differential heat input across the shaft cross section is
non-symmetric due to the damping and stiffness coefficients of proportional to the shaft displacement and the speed,
the journal bearings and dependant on rotor speed. the differential dissipated heat across the shaft cross section
is proportional to the thermal deflection.
The proportionality factors for the added and dissipated heat
are p and q. Kellenberger has applied the method to simplified
shaft models. The method was extended for the use on general
shaft systems (see [5]).
Transforming Eq. (5) into stationary coordinates xT,h, xT,v, The additional two eigenvalues are a conjugate complex pair
xh, xv yields
T i . (9)
The thermal equation for the cross sectional temperature The added heat can be estimated as
difference in the journal is: . 2 x (20)
. Q P
with the bearing power loss P
3 A
, (12)
mc u2 A , (21)
3 .
Q (13)
2mc the viscosity , the peripheral speed u and the radial bearing
and m as the mass of the journal, c as the specific heat capacity, clearance .
A as the surface area of the journal surrounded by oil, as the (20) and (21) substituted into (19) yields:
heat transfer coefficient and Q as the added heat. p u2
. (22)
The thermal equation according to Kellenberger has the q 2
following form (also see A5):
xT p x qxT (14)
xT , (15)