Gordon Lee - September 13, 2016
Since the early 1900s, thermocouples have provided critical temperature-measurements, especially
at very high temperature. For many industrial and process-critical applications, both T/Cs and RTDs
(resistor temperature detectors) have become "gold standards" for temperature measurement.
Although RTDs have better accuracy and repeatability, the relative advantages of thermocouples
Making high-accuracy temperature measurements with thermocouples can, however, be tricky. You
can optimize measurement accuracy through solid circuit design and calibration, but understanding
how thermocouples work helps before you design circuits or use thermometers.
Thomas Seebeck
?V = S(T) × ?T
Where ?V is the gradient of voltage, ?T is the gradient of temperature, and S(T) is the Seebeck
coefficient. This coefficient is dependent on the material, and it also varies as a function of
temperature. The voltage across two different temperature points on a wire equals the integration of
the Seebeck-coefficient function over the temperature range.
For example, T1, T2, and T3 in Figure 1 represent temperatures at different locations on a piece of
metal wire. T1 (blue) represents the coldest point and T3 (red) the hottest point. The voltage across
points T2 and T1 is
(Eq. 3)
(Eq. 4)
(Eq. 5)
Thermocouples consist of two dissimilar materials, usually metal wires with different Seebeck
coefficients, S(T). Why are two materials essential when a temperature difference in a single
material produces a voltage difference? Assume that the metal wire in Figure 2 is made of a
material "A." If a voltmeter with probe wires that are also made of material A, the voltmeter will
theoretically not detect any voltage.
Figure 2. Voltage measurement connection when the probes and wires are made of same
material shows no potential difference.
The reason is that when the probes are connected to the ends of the wire, they act as the extension
of the metal wire. The ends of this long wire that connects to the inputs of the voltmeter are at the
same temperature (TM). If the ends of a wire are at the same temperature, no voltage will develop
across the wire.
To prove this mathematically, we calculate the voltage accumulated across the whole wire loop
starting from the positive terminal of the voltmeter to the negative terminal.
Using the additive property of integral, the above equation becomes:
When the lower bound and upper bound of the integral limits are the same, the result of the integral
is V = 0.
Eq. 9 shows the measuring voltage is equal to the integral of the difference of the Seebeck
coefficient functions of the two material types. This is the reason why thermocouples are made with
two dissimilar types of metal.
Figure 3. Voltage measurement connection but with the probes and wires are made of
different materials shows the physical reality of the Seebeck effect.
From the circuit of Fig. 3 and Eq. 9, assuming SA(T), SB(T), and the measured voltage are known, we
still can't calculate the temperature at the hot junction (TH) unless we know the temperature at the
cold junction (TC). In the early days of thermocouples, an ice bath corresponding to 0°C was used as
a reference temperature (hence the term cold junction) because this method is low cost, very easily
accessible, and the temperature self-regulated. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Thermocouples need a reference temperature, shown here at 0°C, for calculating
the unknown temperature TH.
Although we know the reference temperature for the circuit in Fig. 4, it's not practical to solve the
integral equation for TH. Standard reference tables are available for all common types of
thermocouples, so you can look up the temperature for corresponding voltage output. But, it's
important to keep in mind that all of the standard thermocouple reference tables were tabulated
with a 0°C reference temperature.
Thermocouple Systems
Modern thermocouples consist of two dissimilar metal wires joined at one end (TH). Voltage is
measured at the open ends of the wire pair. Following the equivalent circuit in Figure 5, VC is the
same as the Eq. 9, derived previously for Fig. 3.
If we have a temperature sensor to measure the cold-junction temperature, why couldn't we use this
temperature sensor to measure the temperature at the hot junction directly? You see, the cold-
junction temperature range is much narrower than the hot-junction temperature range, so the
temperature sensor doesn't need to sustain the extreme temperature that the thermocouple does.
To determine V0
(Eq. 14)
The first term of Eq. 13 is exactly the same as Eq. 10 (derived from Fig. 5). The equivalent voltage
output is VC, and is a known value because the voltage at the cold junction is measured by the
voltmeter. The second term is equivalent to the voltage output of a thermocouple with its hot-
junction temperature equal to the TC and cold junction temperature equal to 0°C.
Since TC is also being measured by a separate temperature sensor, we can use the standard
reference table to find the corresponding Seebeck voltage (Vi) for the second term of Eq. 13:
(Eq. 15)
V0 = VC + Vi
With this value of V0, the corresponding temperature at TH can be determined with the standard
reference table.
The procedure of finding the hot junction temperature with cold junction compensation has these
The standard thermocouple reference tables can be found on the NIST ITS-90 thermocouple
database. If it's impractical to implement a look-up table in a microcontroller due to lack of memory
or for other reasons, the NIST ITS-90 website also provides sets of formulas for each thermocouple
type which can be used to convert temperature to voltage or the reverse.
Starting from the left side of Fig. 7, a thermocouple is connected to the system board connector.
Although the thermocouple is the sensor itself, it can be the source of error as well. A long
thermocouple easily picks up surrounding electromagnetic noise; shielding the wire can significantly
reduce the noise.
It's important that the next component, the amplifier, have high input impedance, because the input
impedance of the amplifier and the thermocouple resistance produces a voltage-divider. The higher
the amplifier input impedance, the less error it will create.
(Eq. 16)
Further, the amplifier boosts the thermocouple's output, which is usually in the millivolt range.
While the amplifier's high closed-loop gain amplifies both the signal and the noise, the addition of a
low-pass filter at the ADC input will eliminate most of the noise. A low-pass filter is effective because
the ADC conversion rate for these applications is usually very low—perhaps few samples per
second—because temperature doesn't change very quickly.
Finally, the on-board temperature sensor needs to be located very close to the cold junction
connector (ideally touching the ends of the thermocouple leads, but that isn't possible in many
cases) to get the best measurement of the cold junction temperature. Any error in the cold-junction
measurement will reflect on the calculation of the hot-junction temperature.
Whether you design your own thermocouple measurement circuit or incorporate a reference design,
you'll need to verify its accuracy. Here's how we checked the accuracy of the MAXREFDES67#
reference design (Figure 8).
Figure 8. The MAXREFDES67# is reference design for thermocouples and RTDs that can
measure voltage & current, and thus temperature, over the range of -40°C to 150°C.
As an example of how to minimize measurement error, let's look at using a thermocouple system
such as Maxim's MAXREFDES67 reference design. To check for measurement accuracy of this or
any measurement system, you need a known temperature and a trusted meter for comparison. In
this example, I used three reference thermometers: The Omega HH41 thermometer (now replaced
by the HH42), the ETI reference thermometer, and the Fluke 724 temperature calibrator.
The K-type thermocouple probe connected to MAXREFDES67# was placed in a Fluke 7341
calibration bath and calibrated at 20°C. The data of blue points used the Omega HH41 as a
reference, and the green-point data used the ETI unit. The red-point data that shows the maximum
error of less than 0.1°C is based on the Fluke 724 instrument, but unlike the previous tests, the
Fluke 724 wasn't used as a reference meter. It simulates the output of an ideal K-type thermocouple
and connects to the input of the MAXREFDES67# with thermocouple extension wire. Figure 9
shows the test results.
Figure 9. The error vs. temperature of MAXREFDES67# was evaluated using an Omnitec
EC3TC, K-type thermocouple calibrated at 20°C, and compared to three other reference
thermometers; results show the high accuracy achieved.
Using thermocouples for industrial temperature measurement applications has many benefits
including temperature range, response time, cost, and durability. The theory of thermocouple is
somewhat tricky, but it is necessary to fully understand it so you can make correct measurements
and accurate conversions from voltage to temperature.
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