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Fisika Teknik Bab 1 Dan 2-1 PDF

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Systems of Measu rement



i:. How many grains of sand

are on your favorite beach? (See

Example 1 -6.)

1 -1 U n its

1 -2 Convers i o n of U n its
1 -3 D i m e n s i o n s of Phys i c a l Q u a n tities
1 -4 Scie n ti fic N otati o n

1 -5 S i g n ificant F i g u res a n d Order of Mag n itude

e have always been curious about the world around us. Since the be­

W ginnings of recorded thought, we have sought ways to impose order

on the bewildering diversity of events that we observe. Science is a
process of searching for hmdamental and universal principles that govern causes
and effects in the universe. The process of science is the building, testing, and
connecting of falsifiable models in an effort to describe, explain, and predict real­
ity. The process involves hypotheses, repeatable experiments and observations,
and new hypotheses. The prime criteria for determining the value of a scientific
model is its simplicity and its usefulness in correctly making predictions or ex­
plaining observations concerning a broad spectrum of phenomena.
Today we think of science as divided into separate fields, although this divi­
sion occurred only in the last century or so. The separation of complex systems
into smaller categories that can be more easily studied is one of the great suc­
cesses of science in general. Biology, for example, is the study of living organ­
isms. Chemistry deals with the interaction of elements and compounds. Geology
is the study of the earth. Astronomy is the study of the solar system, the stars and
galaxies, and the universe as a whole. Physics is the science of matter and energy,
space and time. It includes the principles that govern the motion of particles and
waves, the interactions of particles, and the properties of molecules, atoms, and
atomic nuclei, as well as larger-scale systems such as gases, liquids, and solids.
2 C H A PTER 1 Systems of Measurement

Some consider physics the most fundamental science because its principles
supply the foundation of the other scientific fields.
Physics is the science of the exotic and the science of everyday life. At the
exotic extreme, black holes boggle the imagination. In everyday life, engineers,
musicians, architects, chemists, biologists, doctors, and many others routinely
command such subjects as heat transfer, fluid flow, sound waves, radioactivity,
and stresses in buildings or bones to perform their daily work. Countless ques­
tions about our world can be answered with a basic knowledge of physics. Why
must a helicopter have two rotors? Why do astronauts float in space? Why do
moving clocks run slow? Why does sound travel around corners while light
appears to travel in straight lines? Why does an oboe sound different from a
flute? How do CD players work? Why is there no hydrogen in the atmosphere?
Why do metal objects feel colder than wood objects at the same temperature?
Why is copper an electrical conductor while wood is an insulator? Why is
lithium, with its three electrons, extremely reactive, whereas helium, with two
electrons, is chemically inert?
> In this chapter, we will begin to prepare ourselves to answer some of these
questions by examining the units and dimensions used. Any time a measure­
ment is made, the accuracy of the measurement should be stated. If a fuel­
gauge reading is 100 gallons, it does not mean that there are exactly 100 gallons
of fuel left. So, what exactly does it mean, and how do I express it?

C l a s s ical a n d M oder n Phy s i c s

The earliest recorded efforts to systematically assemble knowledge concerning
motion came from ancient Greece. In Aristotle's (384-322 B.C.) system of natural
philosophy, explanations of physical phenomena were deduced from assump­
tions about the world, rather than derived from experimentation. For example, it
was a fundamental assumption that every substance had a "natural place" in the
universe. Motion was thought to be the result of a substance trying to reach its
natural place. Because of the agreement between the deductions of Aristotelian
physics and the motions observed throughout the physical universe, and the lack
of experimentation that could overturn the ancient physical ideas, the Greek
view was accepted for nearly two thousand years. It was the Italian scientist
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), whose brilliant experiments on motion established
once and for all the absolute necessity of experimentation in physics, who initi­
ated the disintegration of Aristotelian physics. Within a hundred years, Isaac
Newton had generalized the results of Galileo's experiments into his three spec­
tacularly successful laws of motion, and the reign of the natural philosophy of
Aristotle was over.
Experimentation during the next two hundred years brought a flood of
discoveries-and raised a flood of new questions. These inspired the develop­
ment of new models to explain them. By the end of the nineteenth century,
Newton's laws for the motions of mechanical systems had been joined by equally
impressive laws from James Maxwell, James Joule, Sadi Carnot, and others to
describe electromagnetism and thermodynamics. The subjects that occupied
physical scientists through the end of the nineteenth century-mechanics, light,
heat, sound, electricity and magnetism- -are usually referred to as classical
physics. Because classical physics is what we need to understand the macroscopic
world we live in, it dominates Parts I through V of this text.
The remarkable success of classical physics led many scientists to believe that
the description of the physical universe was complete. However, the discoveries
of X rays by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1 895, and of radioactivity by Antoine Becquerel
and Marie and Pierre Curie in the next few years seemed to be outside the frame­
work of classical physics. The theory of special relativity proposed by Albert
Einstein in 1 905 contradicted the ideas of space and time of Galileo and Newton.
In the same year, Einstein suggested that light energy is quantized; that is, that
SECTION 1 - 1 Units 3

light comes in discrete packets rather than being wavelike and continuous as was
thought in classical physics. The generalization of this insight to the quantization
of all types of energy is a central idea of quantum mechanics, one that has many
amazing and important consequences. The application of special relativity, and
particularly quantum theory, to such microscopic systems as atoms, molecules,
and nuclei, which has led to a detailed understanding of solids, liquids, and gases,
is often referred to as modern physics. Modern physics is the subject of Part VI of
this text.
While classical physics is the main subject of this book, from time to time in
the earlier parts of the text we will note the relationship between classical and
modern physics. For example, when we discuss velocity in Chapter 2, we will
take a moment to consider velocities near the speed of light and briefly cross over
to the relativistic universe first imagined by Einstein. After discussing the conser­
vation of energy in Chapter 7, we will discuss the quantization of energy and
Einstein's famous relation between mass and energy, E mc2. Just a few chapters

later, in Chapter R, we will study the nature of space and time as revealed by
Einstein in 1903.

1 .1 U n i ts

We all know of things that cannot be measured-the beauty of a flower, or of a

Bach fugue. As certain as our knowledge of these things may be, we readily
admit that this knowledge is not science. The ability not only to define but also to
measure is a requisite of science, and in physics, more than in any other field
of knowledge, the precise definition of terms and the accurate measurement of
quantities have led to great discoveries. We begin with some preliminary chores,
such as establishing some basic definitions and learning about units and how to
deal with them in equations. The fun comes later.
Measurement of any quantity involves comparison with some precisely de­
fined unit value of the quantity. For example, to measure the distance between
two points, we need a standard unit, such as a meter. The statement that a certain
distance is 25 meters means that it is 25 times the length of the unit meter. That is,
a standard meterstick fits into that distance 25 times. It is important to include
the unit, in this case meters, along with the number 25 in expressing this dis­
North Pole
tance, because there are other units of distance such as kilometers or miles that
are in common use. To say that a distance is 25 is meaningless. The magnitude of
any physical quantity must include both a number and a unit.

The I n t e r n at i o n a l S y s t e m of U n i t s
A small number of fundamental units are sufficient to express all physical quan­
tities. Many of the quantities that we shall be studying, such as velocity, force,
momentum, work, energy, and power can be expressed in terms of three funda­
mental measures: length, time, and mass. The choice of standard units for these
fundamental quantities determines a system of units. The system used univer­
sally in the scientific community is called 51 (for Systeme International). The stan­
dard 51 unit for length is the meter, the standard lmit of time is the second, and
the standard unit of mass is the kilogram. Complete definitions of the 51 units are
given in Appendix B.

Length The standard unit of length, the meter (abbreviated m), was originally
defined by two scratches on a bar made of a platinum-iridium alloy kept at the F I G U RE 1 - 1 The meter was originally
International Bureau of Weights and Measures in 5evres, France. This length was chosen so that the distance from the
chosen so that the distance between the equator and the North Pole along the equator to the North Pole along the
meridian through Paris would be 10 million meters (Figure 1-1 ) . The meter is meridian through Paris would be 107 m.
4 C H A PTE R 1 Systems of Measurement

now defined in terms of the speed of light-the meter is the distance light travels
through empty space in 1 /299,729,458 second. (This makes the speed of light
exactly 299,792,458 m/s.)

EXE ReI 5E What is the circumference of the earth in meters?

(Answer About 4 X 107 m)

Time The unit of time, the second (s), was originally defined
in terms of the rotation of the earth and was equal to
(1 /60) ( 1 / 60)( 1 / 24) of the mean solar day. The second is now
defined in terms of a characteristic frequency associated with
the cesium atom. All atoms, after absorbing energy, emit light
with wavelengths and frequencies characteristic of the partic­
ular element. There is a set of wavelengths and frequencies
for each element, with a particular frequency and wavelength
associated with each energy transition within the atom. As far
as we know, these frequencies remain constant. The second is
defined so tha t the frequency of the light from a certain tran­
sition in cesium is exactly 9,192,631,770 cycles per second.
With these definitions, the fundamental units of length and
time are accessible to laboratories throughout the world.

Mass The unit of mass, the kilogram (kg), which equals
1000 grams (g), is defined to be the mass of a standard body,
also kept at Sevres. A duplicate of the standard I -kg body is
kept at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. We shall discuss the con­
cept of mass in detail in Chapter 4, where we will see that the
weight of an object at a given point on earth is proportional to
its mass. Thus the masses of objects of ordinary size can be
compared by weighing them.
In our study of thermodynamics and electricity, we shall
need three more fundamental physical units: one for temper­
ature, the kelvin (K) (formerly the degree Kelvin); one for the
amount of a substance, the mole (mol); and one for electrical
current, the ampere (A). There is another fundamental unit,
the candela (cd) for luminous intensity, which we shall have
no occasion to use in this book. These seven fundamental
units, the meter (m), second (s), kilogram (kg), kelvin (K),
ampere (A), mole (mol), and candela (cd), constitute the
international system of units or SI units.
The unit of every physical quantity can be expressed in
terms of the fundamental SI units. Some frequently used
combinations are given special names. For example, the
SI unit of force, kg ' m / s2 is called a newton (N). Similarly, the
SI unit of power, 1 kg·m2/s3 = N ' m / s, is called a watt (W) .
When a unit like the newton or the watt is someone's name,
it is written starting with a lowercase letter. Abbreviations
for sllch units start with uppercase letters.
Prefixes for common multiples and submultiples of
SI units are listed in Table 1-1 . These multiples are all powers (b)
of 10. Such a system is called a decimal system. The decimal
system based on the meter is called the metric system. The (a) Water clock used to measure time intervals in the
prefixes can be applied to any SI unit; for example, 0.001 sec­ thirteenth century. (b) Cesium fountain clock with
ond is 1 millisecond (ms); 1,000,000 watts is 1 megawatt (MW). developers Jefferts & Meekhof.
SECTION 1 · 1 U n its 5

TA B L E 1 - 1
Prefixes for Powers of l Ot

Multiple Prefix Abbreviation

1018 exa E
1015 peta P
1012 tera T
109 giga G
1 06 mega M
103 kilo k
102 hecto h
101 deka da
10- 1 deci d
10-2 centi c
10-3 milli m
10-6 micro J.L
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p
10- 15 femto f
10-18 atto a
t The prefixes hecto (h), deka (da), and deci (d) are not multiples of 1 03 or 10-3 and are rarely used. The other prefix
that is not a multiple of 103 or 10- 3 is centi (c). The prefixes frequently used i n this book are printed i n red. Note
that all prefix abbreviations for rn ultiples 106 and higher are uppercase l etters; a l l others a re Im,vercase letters.

O ther S y s tems of U n i t s
Another decimal system still in use but gradually being replaced b y SI units is
the cgs system, based on the centimeter, gram, and second. The centimeter is
defined as 0.01 m. The gram is now defined as 0.001 kg. Originally the gram was
defined as the mass of one cubic centimeter (cm3) of water at 4°C. The kilogram is
then the mass of 1 liter (1000 cm3) of water.
In another system of units, the U.S. customary system, a lmit of force, the
pound, is chosen to be a fundamental lmit. In this system, the unit of mass is
then defined in terms of the fundamental unit of force. The pound is defined
in terms of the gravitational attraction of the earth at a particular place for a
standard body. The fundamental unit of length in this system is the foot and
the unit of time is the second, which has the same definition as the SI lmit. The
foot is defined as exactly one-third of a yard, which is now defined in terms of
the meter:

1 yd = 0.9144 m 1-1

1 ft = hd = 0.3048 m 1-2

making the inch exactly 2.54 cm. This scheme is not a decimal system. It is less
convenient than the SI or other decimal systems because common multiples of
the unit are not powers of 10. For example, 1 yd 3 ft and 1 ft 12 in. We = =

will see in Chapter 4 that mass is a better choice for a fundamental lmit than force
because mass is an intrinsic property of an object, independent of its location. Re­
lations between the U.S. customary system and SI units are given in Appendix A.
6 C H A PT E R 1 Systems of Measurement

1.2 C o n vers io n of U n its

All physical quantities contain both a number and a unit. When such quantities are
added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided in an algebraic equation, the unit can be
treated like any other algebraic quantity. For example, suppose you want to find
the distance traveled in 3 hours (h) by a car moving at a constant rate of 80 kilome­
ters per hour (km/h). The distance is the product of the speed v and the time t:

80 km
x = vt = -- X 3 l1: = 240 km

We cancel the unit of time, the hours, just as we would any algebraic quantity
to obtain the distance in the proper unit of length, the kilometer. This method
of treating units makes it easy to convert from one unit of distance to another.
Suppose we want to convert our answer of 240 km to miles (mi). Using the fact
that 1 mi = 1 .6 1 km, we divide each side of this equality by 1 .61 km to obtain

1 mi
--- = 1
1 .61 km

Because any quantity can be multiplied by 1 without changing its value, we can
now change 240 km to miles by multiplying by the factor (1 mi) / (1 .61 km):

1 mi
240 km = 240 kID X
� = 149 mi
1 .61 .1<d1.l
(a) Laser beam from the Macdonald
The factor (1 mi) / ( 1 .61 km) is called a conversion factor. All conversion factors Observatory used to measure the
distance to the moon. The distance can
have a value of 1 and are used to convert a quantity expressed in one unit of
be measured within a few centimeters
measure into its equivalent in another unit of measure. By writing out the units
by measuring the time required for the
explicitly and canceling them, we do not need to think about whether we multi­ beam to go to the moon and back after
ply by 1 .6 1 or divide by 1 .61 to change kilometers to miles, because the units tell reflecting off a mirror (b) placed on the
us whether we have chosen the correct or incorrect factor. moon by the Apollo 14 astronauts.

(a) (b)
S E CTION 1 - 3 Dimensions of Physical Quantities 7


Your employer sends you on a trip to a foreign country where the road signs
give distances in kilometers and the automobile speedometers are calibrated
in kilometers per hour. If you drive 90 km/h, how fast are you going in meters
per second and in miles per hour?

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M We use the facts that 1 000 m 1 km, 60 s = 1 min,
and 60 min = 1 h to convert to meters per second. The quantity 90 km/h is multi­
plied by a set of conversion factors each having the value 1, so the value of the
speed is not changed. To convert to miles per hour, we use the conversion factor
(1 mi) / ( 1 .61 km) = 1 .
1000 m 1M 1 m:i:r[
1 . Multiply 9 0 km/h b y a set o f conversion factors that -- X l kID X � X = 25 m / s
convert km to m and h to s:
M � I I
90 m
2. Multiply 90 km/h by 1 mi/ 1 .61 km: ::m ! :m
1. l
= 55.9 mi/h1 1

� � EXERCISE What is the equivalent of 65 mi/h in m/s? (Answer 29.1 m/s)

1.3 D ime n s io n s of P h ys ical Q u antities

The area of a surface is found by multiplying one length by

another. For example, the area of a rectangle of sides 2 m
and 3 m is A = (2 m)(3 m) = 6 m2. The units of this area are
square meters. Because area is the product of two lengths, it
is said to have the dimensions of length times length, or
length squared, often written U. The idea of dimensions is
easily extended to other nongeometric quantities. For exam­
ple, speed is said to have the dimensions of length divided
by time, or L / T. The dimensions of other quantities such as
force or energy are written in terms of the fundamental
quantities of length, time, and mass. Adding two physical
quantities makes sense only if the quantities have the same
dimensions. For example, we cannot add an area to a speed
to obtain a meaningful sum. If we have an equation like

A = B + C TA B L E 1 - 2
the quantities A, B, and C must all have the same dimen­ Dimensions of Physical Quantities
sions. Addition of B and C also requires that these quantities
be in the same units. For example, if B is an area of 500 in.2 Quantity Symbol Dimension
and C is 4 ft2, we must either convert B into square feet or C
into square inches in order to find the sum of the two areas. Area A U
We can often find mistakes in a calculation by checking Volume V V
the dimensions or units of the quantities in our result. Speed LIT
Suppose, for example, that we mistakenly use the formula

A = 27Tr for the area of a circle. We can see immediately

Acceleration a LIP
that this caru10t be correct because 2 7Tr has dimensions of Force F MLlT2
length whereas area must have dimensions of length Pressure (FIA) p M I LP
squared. Dimensional consistency is a necessary but not a
Density (MIV) MIV
sufficient condition for an equation to be correct. An equa­

tion can have the correct dimensions in each term without Energy E MU/T2
describing any physical situation. Table 1 -2 gives the dimen­ Power (E/T) P MU/ P
sions of some quantities we will encounter in physics.
8 C HAPTE R 1 Systems of Measurement


The pressure in a fluid in motion depends on its density p and its speed v. Find
a simple combination of density and speed that gives the correct dimensions
of pressure.

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M We note from Table 1 -2 that both pressure and den­

sity have units of mass in the numerator, whereas speed does not contain M. We
therefore divide the units of pressure by those of density and inspect the result.
p] M(L/ T2)
1. Divide the units of pressure by those of density:
p] M/V T2

2. By inspection, we note that the result has dimensions of

v2. The dimensions of pressure are thus the same as the
p = p] 2 =
[ ] [ [V J �(�y 1 � 1
L 2

dimensions of density times speed squared:

R E M A R K 5 When we study fluids in motion in Chapter 13, we will see from

Bernoulli's law that for a fluid moving at a constant height, p + � pv2 is constant
• where p is the pressure in the fluid.

1 .4 Sc ienti f i c Notati o n

Handling very large o r very small numbers i s simplified by using scientific nota­
tion. In this notation, the number is written as a product of a number between
1 and 10 and a power of 1 0, such as 1 02 ( = 100) or 103 (= 1000). For example, the
number 12,000,000 is written 1.2 X 107; the distance from the earth to the sun,
about 150,000,000,000 m, is written 1.5 X 1011 m. The number 11 in 1011 is called
the exponent. For numbers smaller than 1, the exponent is negative. For exam­
ple, 0.1 = 10-1, and 0.000 1 = 10-4. The diameter of a virus, which is about
0.00000001 m, is written 1 X 10-8 m.
When numbers in scientific notation are multiplied, the exponents are added;
when divided, the exponents are subtracted. These rules can be seen from some
simple examples:

102 X 103 = 100 X 1,000 = 1 00,000 = 1 05


102 100 1
- = -- = - = 102-3 = lO- l
103 1000 10

In this notation, 10° is defined to be 1. To see why, suppose we divide 1000 by

itself. We have

1000 103
-- = - = 103-3 = 10° = 1
1000 103


In 12 g of carbon, there are NA = 6.02 X 1023 carbon atoms (Avogadro'S num­

ber). If you could count 1 atom per second, how long would it take to count the
atoms in 1 g of carbon? Express your answer in years.
SECTION 1 -4 Scientific Notation 9

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M We need to find the total number of atoms to be

counted, N, and then use the fact that the number counted equals the counting
rate R multiplied by the time t.

1. The time is related to the total number of atoms N, and

t = -

the rate of counting R = 1 atom /s:

6.02 X 1023 atoms
2. Find the number of carbon atoms in 1 gram: 1g 5.02 X 1022 atoms
12 g
N = X =

5.02 X 1022 atoms

3. Calculate the number of seconds it takes to count these 5.02 10 22 s
= = = X
1 atom l s
t -

at 1 per second:
365 d 24 h 3600 s
4. Calculate the number of seconds i n a year: X -- X -- 3.15 107 sly
= -- = X
1d 1h

5. Use the conversion factor 3.15 X 1 07 s l y (a handy quan­ = 5.02 X 1022 s X
3.15 107 s
tity to remember) to convert the answer in step 3 to years:

= �:�� X 1022-7 Y = 1 1.59 X 1015 Y I

REMARK5 The time required is about 1 00,000 times the age of the universe.

E X E R e I 5 E If you divided the task so that each person counted different atoms,

how long would it take for 5 billion (5 X 109) people to count the atoms in 1 g of
carbon? (Answer 3.19 X 105 y)

How MUCH WATER? E X A M P L E 1 · 4

A liter (L) is the volume of a cube that is 10 cm by 10 cm by 10 cm. If you drink

1 liter of water, how much volume i n cubi c centimeters and in cubic meters
would it occupy in your stomach?

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M The volume of a cube of side t' is V = t'3. The volume

in cubic centimeters is found directly from t' = 10 cm. To find the volume in cubic
meters, convert cm3 to m3 using the conversion factor 1 cm = 10-2 m.

1. Calculate the volume in cm3:

2. Convert to m3: 103 cm3 = 103 cm3 X ( 10

___- 2_m
1 cm
_ 3) = 103 cm3 X ( 10- 6 m3
1 cm3
L _
1 0-3 m3

REMARK5 Note that the conversion factor (which equals 1) can be raised to the
third power without changing its value, enabling us to cancel units.

Care is required when adding or subtracting numbers written in scientific no­

tation when their exponents don't match. Consider, for example,

(1 .200 X 102) + (S X 10-1) = 120.0 + O.S = 1 20.S

To find the sum without converting both numbers into ordinary decimal form,
it is sufficient to rewrite either of the numbers so that its power of 10 is the same
as that of the other. For example, we can find the sum by writing 1 .200 X 102 =
1200 X 10 -1 and then adding:

(1200 X 10-1) + (S X 10-1) = 120S X 1 0 - 1 = 1 20.S

When the exponents are very different, one of the numbers is much smaller than
the other. The smaller number can often be neglected in addition or subtraction.
10 C HAPTE R Systems of Measurement

For example,

(2 X 106) + (9 X 10-3) = 2,000,000 + 0.009

= 2,000,000.009 = 2 X 106

where the symbol means "is approximately equal to. "


When raising a power t o another power, the exponents are multiplied. For

1.5 S i g n i f i cant F i g u res a n d

O rder of M a g n i t u de

Many o f the numbers i n science are the result o f measurement and are therefore
known only to within some degree of experimental uncertainty. The magnitude
of the uncertainty depends on the skill of the experimenter and the apparatus
used, and often can only be estimated. A rough indication of the uncertainty in a
measurement is inferred by the number of digits used. For example, if we say
that a table is 2.50 m long, we are often saying that its length is between 2.495 m
and 2.505 m. That is, we know the length to about ± 0.005 m = ± 0.5 cm. If we
used a meterstick with millimeter markings and measured the table length care­
fully, we might estimate that we could measure the length to ± 0.5 mm rather
than ± 0.5 cm. We would indicate this precision when giving the length by using
four digits, such as 2.503 m. A reliably known digit (other than a zero used to
locate the decimal point) is called a significant figure. The number 2.50 has three
significant figures; 2.503 m has four. The number 0.001 03 has three significant
figures. (The first three zeroes are not significant figures but merely locate the Benzene molecules of the order of 10- 10 m
decimal point.) In scientific notation, the number 0.001 03 is written 1 .03 X 1 0-3. in diameter as seen in a scanning electron

A common student error is to carry more digits than the certainty of measure- microscope.

ment warrants. Suppose, for example, that you measure the area of a circular
playing field by pacing off the radius and using the formula for the area of a
circle, A = 7Tr2. If you estimate the radius to be 8 m and use a 10-digit calculator
to compute the area, you obtain 7T(8 m) 2 = 201 .0619298 m2. The digits after the
decimal point give a false indication of the accuracy with which you know the
area. If you found the radius by pacing, you might expect that your measurement
was accurate to only about 0.5 m. That is, the radius could be as great as 8.5 m or
as small as 7.5 m. If the radius is 8.5 m, the area is 7T (8.5 m) 2 = 226.9800692 m2,
whereas if it is 7.5 m, the area is 7T (7.5 m)2 = 1 76.714587 m2. There is a general
rule to guide you when combining several numbers in multiplication or division:

The number of significant figures in the result of multiplication or division

is no greater than the least number of significant figures in any of the factors.

In the previous example, the radius is known to only one significant figure,
so the area is also known only to one significant figure. It should be written as
2 X 102 m2, which says that the area is probably between 150 m2 and 250 m2.
The precision of the sum or difference of two measurements is only as good as Chromosomes measuring on the order
the precision of the least precise of the two measurements. A general rule is: of 10 -6 m across as seen in a scanning
electron microscope.

The result of addition or subtraction of two numbers has no significant fig­

ures beyond the last decimal place where both of the original numbers had
significant figures.
SECTION 1 - 5 Si g nificant Fi g ures a nd Order of Ma g nitude 1 1


Find the sum of 1.040 and 0.21342.

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M The first number, 1 .040, has only three significant

figures beyond the decimal point, whereas the second, 0.21342 has five. Accord­
ing to the rule stated above, the sum can have only three significant figures
beyond the decimal point.

Sum the numbers, keeping only three digits beyond the 1 .040 + 0.21342 = 1 1 .253 1
decimal point:

EXE ReISE Apply the appropriate rule for significant figures to calculate the
following: (a) 1.58 x 0.03, (b) 1 .4 + 2.53, (c) 2.34 x 102 + 4.93 (Answer (a) 0.05,
(b) 3.9, (c) 2.39 x 102)

Most examples and exercises in this book will be done with data to three (or
sometimes four) significant figures, but occasionally we will say, for example,
that a table top is 3 ft by 8 ft rather than taking the time and space to say it is
3.00 ft by 8.00 ft. Any data you see in an example or exercise can be assumed to be
known to three significant figures unless otherwise indicated. The same assump­
tion holds for the data in the end-of-chapter problems. In doing rough calcula­
tions or comparisons, we sometimes round off a number to the nearest power of
10. Such a number is called an order of magnitude. For example, the height of a
small insect, say an ant, might be 8 x 1 0-4 m 10-3 m. We would say that the

order of magnitude of the height of an ant is 1 0-3 m. Similarly, though the height
of most people is about 2 m, we might round that off and say that the order
of magnitude of the height of a person is 100 m. By this we do not mean to
imply that a typical height is really 1 m but that it is closer to 1 m than to 10 m or
to 10- 1 = 0.1 m. We might say that a typical human being is three orders of mag­
nitude taller than a typical ant, meaning that the ratio of heights is about 1000
to 1 . An order of magnitude does not provide any digits that are reliably known.

Distances familiar in our everyday world.

The height of the woman is of the order
of 100 m and that of the mountain is of the
order of 104 m.

Earth, with a diameter o f the order o f 107 m, as seen

from space. The diameter of the Andromeda galaxy is o f the order of 1021 m.
12 CHAPTER Systems of Measurement

TA B L E 1 - 3
The Universe by Orders of Magnitude

Size or Distance (m) Mass (kg) Ti m e Interval (s)

Proton 10-15 Electron 10-30 Time for light to cross nucleus 10-23
Atom 10-10 Proton 10-27 Period of visible light radiation 10-15
Virus 10-7 Amino acid 10-25 Period of microwaves 10-10
Giant amoeba 10-4 Hemoglobin 10-22 Half-life of muon 10-6
Walnut 10-2 Flu virus 10-19 Period of highest audible sound 10-4
Human being 100 Giant amoeba 10-8 Period of human heartbeat 100
Highest mountain 104 Raindrop 10-6 Half-life of free neutron 103
Earth 107 Ant 10-4 Period of earth's rotation 105
Sun 109 Human being 102 Period of earth's revolution
Distance from earth Saturn V rocket 106 around sun 107
to sun 1011 Pyramid 1010 Lifetime of human being 109
Solar system 1013 Earth 1024 Half-life of plutonium-239 1012
Distance to nearest star 1016 Sun 1030 Lifetime of mOlmtain range 1015
Milky Way galaxy 1021 Milky Way galaxy 1041 Age of earth 1017
Visible universe 1026 Universe 1052 Age of universe 1018

It may be thought of as having no significant figures. Table 1-3 gives some typical
order-of-magnitude values for a variety of sizes, masses, and time intervals
encountered in physics.
In many cases the order of magnitude of a quantity can be estimated using fI'Illllr
reasonable assumptions and simple calculations. The physicist Enrico Fermi was �� I E X P LO R I N G
a master at using cunning order-of-magnitude estimations to generate answers How many piano tuners are there in
for questions that seemed impossible to calculate because of lack of information. Chicago ? Find out this, and more, at
Problems like these are often called Fermi questions. The following is an exam­ www.whfreeman.com/ tiplerSe.
ple of a Fermi question.


What thickness of rubber tread is worn off the tire of an automobile as it

travels 1 km (0.6 mi)?

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M We assume the tread thickness of a new tire is 1 cm.

This may be off b y a factor of two or so, but 1 mm is certainly too small and
10 cm is too large. Since tires have to be replaced after about 60,000 km (about
37,000 mi), we will assume that the tread is completely worn off after 60,000 km.
In other words, the rate of wear is 1 em of tire per 60,000 km of travel.
1 em wear 1 .7 X 10-5 cm wear
Use 1 em wear per 60,000 km travel to compute the
60,000 km travel 1 km travel
thickness worn after 1 km of travel:

I = 0.2 11m wear per km of travel I

E X E R e I S E How many grains of sand are on a 0.50 km stretch of beach that is

100 m wide? Hin t: Assume that the sand is 3 m deep. Estimate that the diameter of
• one grain of sand is 1 .00 mm. (Answer 2 X 1014 )
Summary 13


The fundamental units in the SI system are the meter (m), the second (s), the kilo­
gram (kg), the kelvin (K), the ampere (A), the mole (mol), and the candela (cd).
The unit(s) of every physical quantity can be expressed in terms of these funda­
mental units.

Topic Relevant Equations a nd Rema rks

1. Units The magnitude of physical quantities (for example, length, time, force, and energy)
are expressed as a number times a unit.

Fundamental units The fW1damental lmits in the SI system (short for Systeme International) are the
meter (m), the second (s), the kilogram (kg), the kelvin (K), the ampere (A), the
mole (mol), and the candela (cd). The unit(s) of every physical quantity can be
expressed in terms of these fundamental units.

Units in equations Units in equations are treated just like any other algebraic quantity.

Conversion Conversion factors, which are always equal to 1, provide a convenient method for
converting from one kind of unit to another.

2. Dimensions The two sides of an equation must have the same dimensions.

3. Scientific Notation For convenience, very small and very large numbers are generally written as a factor
times a power of 10.

4. Exponents

Multiplication When multiplying two numbers, the exponents are added.

Division When dividing two numbers, the exponents are subtracted.

Raising to a power When a number containing an exponent is itself raised to a power, the exponents are

5. Significant Figures

Multiplica tion and division The number of significant figures in the result of multiplication or division is
no greater than the least number of significant figures in any of the numbers.

Addition and subtraction The result of addition or subtraction of two numbers has no significant figures
beyond the last decimal place where both of the original numbers had significant

6. Order of Magnitude A number rounded to the nearest power of 10 is called an order of magnitude. The
order of magnitude of a quantity can often be estimated using reasonable assump­
tions and simple calculations.
14 C HAPTER 1 Systems of Measurement


• Single-concept, single-step, relatively easy In a few problems, you are given more

•• Intermediate-level, may require synthesis of concepts data than you actually need; in a few
other problems, you are required to
••• Challenging
supply data from your general
!SSM! Solution is in the Student Solutions Manual
knowledge, outside sources, or
i ll 1 Problems available on iSOLVE online homework service informed estimates.
iWI ./ These "Checkpoint" online homework service problems ask students
a dditional questions about their confidence level, and how they arrived
at their answer

Conceptual Problems diameter of the moon. (The angle (J sub tended by the moon is
approximately D/I'01 where D is the diameter of the moon and
I'm is the distance to the moon.)
• !SSM! i ,Ira Which of the following is not one
of the fundamental physical quantities in the SI system? 1 1 . . !SSM! i· \1 � The sun has a mass of 1 .99 X 1030
(a) Mass. (b) Length. (c) Force. (d) Time. (e) All of the above are kg and is composed mostly of hydrogen, with only a small
fundamental physical quantities. fraction being heavier elements. The hydrogen atom has a
mass of 1 .67 x 10-27 kg. Estimate the number of hydrogen
2 • i I T In doing a calculation, you end up with
atoms in the sun.
m/s in the numerator and m/s2 in the denominator. What are
your final units? (a) m2/ s3. (b) l /s. (c) S3/m2. (d) s. (e) m/s. 12 •• Most soft drinks are sold in aluminum cans. The
mass of a typical can is about 0.018 kg. (a ) Estimate the num­
3 • i1 The prefix giga means (a) 103, (b) 106,
ber of aluminum cans used in the United States in one year.
(c) 109, (d) 1 012, (e) 1Q15.
(b) Estimate the total mass of aluminum in a year's consump­
4 • i The prefix mega means (a) 10-9, (b) 10-6, tion from these cans. (c) If aluminum returns $l/kg at a recy­
(c) 10-3, (d) 106, (e) 1 09. cling center, how much is a year's accumulation of aluminum
5 • !SSM! iJ.n.b The prefix pico means (a) 10- 1 2, cans worth?
(b) 1 0-6, (c) 1 0-3, (d) 1 06, (e) 109. 13 •• In his essay "There's plenty of room at the bottom,"
6 . The number 0.0005130 has __ signifi- Richard Feynman proposed writing the entire Encyclopaedia
cant figures. (a) one, (b) three, (c) four, (d) seven, (e) eight. Bl'ittanica on the head of a pin. (a) Estimate the size of the
letters needed if we assume that a pinhead is 1 / 16 in across
7 • i The number 23.0040 has __ significant (the value that Feynman used). (b) If the atomic spacing in a
figures. (a) two, (b) three, (c) four, (d) five, (e) six. metal is about 0.5 nm (5 X 10- 1 0 m), about how many atoms
8 • What are the advantages and disadvantages of across is each letter?
using the length of your arm for a standard length? 14 .. !SSM! (a ) Estimate the number of gallons of gaso-
9 • True or false: line used per day by automobiles in the United States and
the total amount of money spent on it. (b) If 19.4 gal of
(a) Two quantities must have the same dimensions in order to
gasoline can be made from one barrel of crude oil, estimate
be added.
the total number of barrels of oil imported into the United
(b) Two quantities must have the same dimensions in order to
States per year to make gasoline. How many barrels per day
be multiplied.
is this?
(c) All conversion factors have the value 1 .
15 •• There is a n environmental debate over the use of
cloth versus disposable diapers. (a ) If we assume that between
Estimation and Approximation birth and 2.5 y of age, a child uses 3 diapers per day, estimate
the total number of disposable diapers used in the United
States per year. (b) Estimate the total landfill volume due to
10 .. !SSM!
these diapers, assuming that 1000 kg of waste fills about 1 m3
The angle sub­
of landfill volume. (c) How many square miles of landfill
tended by the
area at an average height of 10 m is needed for the disposal of
moon's diameter
diapers each year?
at a point on the
earth is about 16 ••• Each binary digit is termed a bit. A series of bits
0.524° (Figure 1-2) . grouped together is called a word. An 8-bit word is called a
Use this and the byte. Suppose a computer hard disk has a capacity of 20 giga­
fact tha t the moon bytes. (a) How many bits can be stored on the disk? (b) Esti­
is about 384 Mm mate the number of typical books that can be stored on the
away to find the FIGURE I -2 Problem 10 disk assuming each character requires one 8-bit word.
Problems 1S

1 7 . . IssMI Estimate the yearly toll revenue of the George 32 • • i 1 j T A right circular cylinder has a diameter of
Washington Bridge in New York. At last glance, the toll is $6 6.S in and a height of 2 ft. What is the volume of the cylinder
to go into New York from New Jersey; going from New York in (a) cubic feet, (b) cubic meters, (c) liters?
into New Jersey is free. There are a total of 14 lanes.
33 • • 155MI In the following, x is in meters, t is in seconds,
v is in meters per second, and the acceleration a is in meters
Units per second squared. Find the SI units of each combination:
(a) v2/x, (b) �, (c) � at2.
18 • Express the following quantities using the prefixes
listed in Table 1-1 and the abbreviations listed on page EP-1; Dimensions of Physical Quantities
for example, 10,000 meters 10 km. (a) 1,000,000 watts,

(b) 0.002 gram, (c) 3 X 10-6 meter, (d) 30,000 seconds.

34 •
What are the dimensions of the constants in each
19 • Write each of the following without using prefixes: part of Problem 21?
(a) 40 fLW, (b) 4 ns, (c) 3 MW, (d) 2S km.
35 •• The law of radioactive decay is N(t) = Noe-At,
20 • IssMI Write the following (which are not SI units) where No is the number of radioactive nuclei at t = 0, N(t) is
without using abbreviations. For example, 103 meters = 1 kilo­
the number remaining at time t, and ;\ is a quantity known as
meter: (a) 10- 1 2 boo, (b) 1 09 low, (c) 10-6 phone, (d) 10-18 boy,
the decay constant. What is the dimension of ;\?
(e) 106 phone, (j) 10-9 goat, (g) 1 01 2 bull.
36 • • IS5MI The SI unit of force, the kilogram-meter per
21 •• i In the following equations, the distance x is
second squared (kg'm/s2) is called the newton (N). Find the
in meters, the time t is in seconds, and the velocity v is in me­
dimensions and the SI units of the constant G in Newton's law
ters per second. What are the SI units of the constants C I and
of gravitation F = Gml11"l / rl.
Cz? (a) x = CI + C t, (b) x = � Cl tl, (c) v2 = 2C1x, (d) x = 2
CI cos Czt, (e) v2 = 2 CI V - (C X)2. 37 •• An object on the end of a string moves in a circle.
The force exerted by the string has units of ML/T2 and de­
22 •• i If x is in feet, t is in seconds, and v is in feet
pends on the mass of the object, its speed, and the radius of the
per second, what are the units of the constants C I and C in
2 circle. What combination of these variables gives the correct
each part of Problem 21?
38 • • i ;/ Show that the product of mass, accelera-
Conversion of Units tion, and speed has the dimensions of power.
39 • • The momentum of an object is the product of its
23 • From the original definition of the meter in terms of velocity and mass. Show that momentum has the dimensions
the distance from the equator to the North Pole, find in meters of force multiplied by time.
(a) the circumference of the earth and (b) the radius of the
earth. (c) Convert your answers for (a) and (b) from meters
40 • • What combination of force and one other physical
quantity has the dimensions of power?
into miles.
24 • i 41 . . 155MI i 1 T ./ When an object falls through air,
The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. What
there is a drag force that depends on the product of the surface
is the speed of a supersonic plane that travels at twice the
area of the object and the square of its velocity, that is, Fair =
speed of sound? Give your answer in kilometers per hour and
CAv2, where C is a constant. Determine the dimensions of C.
miles per hour.
42 • • Kepler's third law relates the period of a planet
25 • 155MI i A basketball player is 6 ft 101 in. tall.
to its orbital radius r, the constant G in Newton's law of gravi­
What is his height in centimeters?
tation (F = G11"l111'l / r2), and the mass of the sun Ms' What com­
26 • Complete the following: (a) 100 km/h = __ mi/h, bination of these factors gives the correct dimensions for the
(b) 60 cm = __ in., (c) 1 00 yd = __ m. period of a planet?
27 • The main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is 4200 ft.
Express this distance in kilometers. Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
28 • IS5MI Find the conversion factor to convert from
miles per hour into kilometers per hour. 43 • 155MI Express as a decimal number without using
29 • Complete the following: (a) 1.296 x 105 km/h2 = powers of 10 notation: (a) 3 X 104, (b) 6.2 x 10-3, (c ) 4 X 10-6,
__ km/ (h·s), (b) 1 .296 x 1 05 km/h2 = m/s2,
__ (d) 2.17 X 105.
(c) 60 mi/h __ ft/ s, (d) 60 mi/h =
= m/ s.
44 • Write the following in scientific notation:
30 • There are 1 .0S7 quarts in a liter and 4 quarts in a (a) 3.1 GW = __ W, (b) 10 pm = __ m, (c) 2.3 fs =

gallon. (a) How many liters are there in a gallon? (b) A barrel __ s, (d) 4 fLS = __ S.

equals 42 gallons. How many cubic meters are there in a 45 • i Calculate the following, round off to the
barrel? correct number of significant figures, and express your result
31 · There are 640 acres in a square mile. How in scientific notation: (a) (1.14)(9.99 X 1 04), (b) (2.78 X 10-8) -
many square meters are there in one acre? (S.31 X 10-9), (c) 1 2 7T/ (4.S6 X 10 -3), (d) 27.6 + (S.99 X 1 01).
16 C HAPTE R 1 Systems of Measurement

46 • Calculate the following, round off to the correct 58 • • If the average density of the universe is at least
number of significant figures, and express your result in sci­ 6 X 10-27 kg /m3, then the universe will eventually stop
entific notation: (a) (200.9)(569.3), (b) (0.000000513)(62.3 X 107), expanding and begin contracting. (a ) How many electrons
(c) 28,401 + (5.78 X 1 04), (d) 63.25 / (4.17 X 10-3). are needed in a cubic meter to produce the critical density?
(b) How many protons per cubic meter would produce the
47 • ISSMI ""J:I.O] A cell membrane has a thickness of critical density? (me = 9.11 X 10-31 kg; 11'Ip = 1 .67 X 10-27 kg.)
about 7 nm. How many cell membranes would it take to make
a stack 1 in high? 59 • • 155MI The Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector in
Japan is a large transparent cylinder filled with ultrapure
48 • Calculate the following, round off to the correct
water. The height of the cylinder is 41.4 m and the diameter is
number of significant figures, and express your result in sci­
39.3 m. Calculate the mass of the water in the cylinder. Does
entific notation: (a) (2.00 X 1 04)(6.10 X 10-2), (b) (3.141592)
this match the claim posted on the official Super-K Web
(4.00 X l OS), (c) (2.32 X 103) / (1 . 1 6 X 108), (d) (5.14 X 103) +
site that the detector uses 50,000 tons of water? The density of
(2.78 X 102), (e) (1.99 X 102) + (9.99 X lO -S).
water is 1,000 kg/m3
49 • IssMI Perform the following calculations and row1d
off the answers to the correct number of significant figures:
60 • • • The table below gives experimental results for a
measurement of the period of motion T of an object of mass m
(a ) 3.141592654 X (23.2)2, (b) 2 X 3.141592654 X 0.76,
suspended on a spring versus the mass of the object. These
(c) 4 / (3 1T) X ( 1 . 1)3, (d) (2.0)5 /3.141592654.
data are consistent with a simple equation expressing T as a
function of rn of the form T = Cm", where C and n are con­
General Problems stants and n is not necessarily an integer. (a ) Find 11 and C.
(There are several ways to do this. One is to guess the value
50 • On many of the roads in Canada the speed limit is of 11 and check by plotting T versus m" on graph paper. If your
100 km /h. What is the speed limit in miles per hour? guess is right, the plot will be a straight line. Another is to plot
log T versus log m. . The slope of the straight line on this plot
51 • IssMI If you could COW1t $1 per second, how many is n . ) (b) Which data points deviate the most from a straight­
years would it take to count 1 billion dollars (1 billion = 109)? line plot of T versus rn"?
52 • Sometimes a conversion factor can be derived from
Mass In , kg 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.75 1 .00 1 .50
the knowledge of a constant in two different systems. (a ) The
speed of light in vacuum is 186,000 mils = 3 X 108 m/s. Use Period T, s 0.56 0.83 1.05 1 .28 1.55 1.75 2.22
this fact to find the number of kilometers in a mile. (b) The 61 • • • The table below gives the period T and orbit radius
weight of 1 ft3 of water is 62.4 lb. Use this and the fact that r for the motions of four satellites orbiting a dense, heavy
1 cm3 of water has a mass of 1 g to find the weight in pounds asteroid. (a ) These data can be fitted by the formula T = Cr".
of a I-kg mass. Find C and n . (b) A fifth satellite is discovered to have a period
53 • • r The mass of one uranium atom is 4.0 X of 6.20 y. Find the radius for the orbit of this satellite, which
10-26 kg. How many uranium atoms are there in 8 g of pure fits the same formula.
Period T, y 0.44 1.61 3.88 7.89
54 •• .I During a thunderstorm, a total of 1 .4 in. Radius r, Gm 0.088 0.208 0.374 0.600
of rain falls. How much water falls on one acre of land?
(1 mi2 = 640 acres.) 62 . . . IssMI The period T of a simple pendulum depends
on the length L of the pendulum and the acceleration of
55 • • An iron nucleus has a radius of 5.4 X 1O-1S m and a gravity g (dimensions L / P). (a ) Find a simple combination of
mass of 9.3 X 10-26 kg. (a ) What is its mass per unit volume in
L and g that has the dimensions of time. (b) Check the
kg/m3? (b) If the earth had the same mass per LU1it volume, what
dependence of the period T on the length L by measuring
would be its radius? (The mass of the earth is 5 .98 X 1024 kg.)
the period (time for a complete swing back and forth) of
56 • • Evaluate the following expressions: (a ) (5.6 X lO -S) a pendulum for two different values of L. (c ) The correct
(0.0000075) / (2.4 X 10- 1 2), (b) (14.2)(6.4 X 107)(8.2 X 10-9) - formula relating T to L and g involves a constant that is a
4.06, (c) (6.1 X 10- 6)2(3.6 X 104)3 1 (3.6 X 10-11) 1 /2, multiple of 1T, and cannot be obtained by the dimensional
(d) (0.000064)1 /3/ [(12.8 X 10-3)(490 X 10-1)1 /2]. analysis of Part (a). It can be found by experiment as in
Part (b) if g is known. Using the value g = 9.81 m/ S2 and your
57 • • IssMI The astronomical wut (AU) is defined in terms
experimental results from Part (b), find the formula relating T
of the distance from the earth to the SLU1, namely 1 .496 X 1011 m.
to L and g.
The parsec is the radius of a circle for which a central angle of
1 s intercepts an arc of length 1 AU. The light-year is the dis­ 63 • • • i IT J .I The weight of the earth's atmosphere
tance that light travels in 1 y. (a ) How many parsecs are there pushes down on the surface of the earth with a force of 14.7 1b
in one astronomical unit? (b) How many meters are in a for each square inch of the earth's surface. What is the weight
parsec? (c) How many meters in a light-year? (d) How many in pounds of the earth's atmosphere? (The radius of the earth
astronomical units in a light-year? (e) How many light-years is about 6370 km.)
in a parsec?

Motion i n
One Dimension



il How can she estimate her

arrival time? (See Example 2-2.)

2- 1 D i s p l acement, Ve locity, a n d S peed

2-2 Acce l e ration
2-3 Moti o n With C o n sta n t Accel e rati o n

2-4 I n tegration

e begill our study of the physical universe by e xam inm g objects in mo­

W tion. The study of motion, whose measurement, more than 400 years
ago gave birth to physics, is called kinematics.
» In this chapter, we start with the simplest case of kinematics, the motion of
a particle along a straight line, like the motion of a car moving along a flat,
straight, narrow road. A particle is an obj ect whose position can be described
by a single point. Anything can be considered to be a particle-a molecule, a
person, or a galaxy-as long as we can reasonably ignore its internal structure.

2 .1 D ispl aceme nt, Ve l ocity, a n d Speed

Figure 2-1 shows a car at position Xi at time ti and at position xf at a later time tf·
The change ill the car 's position, called the displacement, is given by x f - Xi ' We
use the Greek letter /;;. (uppercase delta) to indicate the change m a quantity; thus,
the change in X is written /;;.x :
18 _ C H A PTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension

1--- t.x -----


o x -·
The notation Llx (read "delta x" ) stands for a single quantity,
the change in x. 1t is not a product of Ll and x any more than
cos e is a product of cos and e. By convention, the change in a quantity is always its FIGURE 2· 1 A car moving in a
final value minus its initial value. straight line. A coordinate axis consists
Velocity is the rate at which the position changes. The average velocity of of a line along the path of the car. A
the particle is defined as the ratio of the displacement Llx to the time interval point on this line is chosen to be the
Llt = tf - tj: origin O. Other points on it are
assigned a number x, the value of x
being proportional to its distance from

Llx xf - Xj O. Points to the right of 0 are positive

vav = - = --- 2-2 as shown, and points to the left are
Ll t tf - tj
negative. When the car travels from
point Xi to point xI' its displacement is
.1x = Xf - Xi '

Displacement and average velocity may be positive or negative. A positive value

indicates motion in the positive x direction. The SI unit of velocity is meters per
second (m/s), and the U.S. customary unit is feet per second (ft / s) .


A comet moving toward the sun is first seen at X j 3.0 X 1012 m relative to the

sun (see Figure 2-2). Exactly one year later, it is seen at xf 2.1 X 1012 m. Find its

displacement and average velocity.


+ + x

".U.' 2-2 '

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M Comets move in elliptical orbits around the sun.

Here we consider just the distance from the sun as if the comet moved in one di­
mension. We are given Xj and Xf' If we choose tj = 0,
then tf = Y = X s.1 3.16 107
The average velocity is LlX/ M.

1. The displacement is found from its definition: Llx = xf - Xj = (2.1 1012 m) - (3.0 X 1012 m)

= -9 X 1011 m
-91011X m
2. The average velocity is the displacement divided by the
time interval:
3.16 X 107 s
= -2.85 X 104 m/s 1 -28.5 km/ s I

R E M A R K S Both displacement and average velocity are negative, because the

comet moved toward smaller values of x. Note that the units, m for Llx, and m / s
or km / s for vav' are essential parts of the answers. It i s meaningless to s a y "the
displacement is -9 X 1011"
or "the average velocity of a particle is -28.5."
E X E R e I S E A jet plane leaves the gate in Detroit at 2:15
P.M . Its average velocity
is500 km /h for the trip to Chicago, which is 483
km away. When does it arrive at
the gate in Chicago? (Answer 3:13
P. M . Detroit time, which is actually P. M . 2:13
• Chicago time)
SECTION 2 - 1 Displacement, Velocity, and Speed 19

DRIVING TO SCHOOL E X A M P L E 2 · 2 Put It i n Context

It normally takes you 10 min to travel S mi to school along a straight road. You
leave home 15 min before class begins. Delays caused by a broken traffic light
slow down traffic to 20 mph for the first 2 mi of the trip. Will you be late for class?

PICTU RE T H E P R O B L E M You need to find the total time that it will take you to

travel to class. To do so, you must find the time M2 mi that you will be driving at
20 mph, and the time M3 m i for the remainder of the trip, during which you are
driving at your usual speed.

1. The total time equals the time to travel the first 2 mi plus
the time to travel the remaining 3 mi:
2 mi
2. Using tlX = vaJlt, solve for the time taken to travel 2 mi = 0.1 h = 6 min
20 mi I I1
at 20 mi/h:
tlx 3 mi
3. Using tlx = vavM, relate the time to travel the last 3 mi at M3 mi = - =
the usual speed:
vav vusual --

tlxtot 5 mi . .
4. Using tlx = vav M, solve for the v usu a J' the speed needed vusuaJ = = --.- = 0.5 rru/mm
10 m1n

for you to travel the 5 mi in 10 min:

tl tusua J

3 mi
5. Solve for t3 mi : M3 mi = . = 6 min

m1 I mm
6. Solve for the total time:

7. The trip takes 12 min with the delay, compared to the usual 10 minutes. Because
you wisely allowed yourself 15 min for the trip, you will not be late for class.

The average speed of a particle is the ratio of the total distance traveled to the
total time from start to finish:

total distance
Average speed =
tota I time

Since the total distance and total time are both always positive, the average speed
is always positive.

AVERAGE SPEED IN A FOOT RACE E X A M P L E 2 · 3 o 50 100 X, nl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-
You run 100 m in 12 s then turn around and j og 50 m back � 12 5 �
toward the starting point in 30 s (see Figure 2-3). Calculate
+----------- - -----
(a) your average speed, and (b) your average velocity for the xf 30 5
total trip. F IG U RE 2 · 3

P I C T U R E T H E P R O B L E M We use the definitions of average speed and

average velocity, noting that average speed is the total distance divided by
M, whereas the average velocity is the net displacement divided by tlt:

Average speed =
(a) 1. Your average speed equals the total distance divided -

by the total time:


2. Calculate the total distance traveled and the total s= Sl + S2 = 100 m + 50 m = 150 m
t = 12 s + 30 s = 42 s
20 C HAPTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension

3. Use 8 and t to find your average speed: Average speed = 1��� = 1 3.57 m / s 1
(b) 1. Your average velocity is the ratio of the net displace­ vav = flt
ment �x to the time interval �t:

2. Your net displacement is xf - Xi' where Xi = 0 is your �X = xf - Xi = 50 m - 0 = 50 m

initial position and xf = 50 m is your final position:
�X 50 m
3. Use �x and I:lt to find your average velocity: v av = -
= --
42 s
I 1.19 m/s I
C H E C K The world record for a 1 00-m race is just under 10 s, so
o P LA U 5 I B I L I TY
10 m/ s is about the maximum possible speed obtainable. The result of 3.57 m/ s
for the average speed in (a ) is reasonable, given that you merely jogged for
one-third of the distance. If you had obtained 35.7 m/s for the average speed,
that would have been a clue that something was wrong with the calculation.

R E M A R K 5 Note that your average speed is greater than your average velocity

because the total distance traveled is greater than the total displacement. Also,
note that the net displacement is the sum of the individual displacements. That is,
I �X = �Xl + �X2 = (100 m) + ( - 50 m) 50 m, which is the Part (b), step 2 result.


Two trains 75 km apart approach each other on parallel tracks, each moving at
15 km/h. A bird flies back and forth between the trains at 20 km/h until the
trains pass each other. How far does the bird fly?

PICTU R E TH E This problem seems difficult at first, but viewed in


the right way it is actually quite simple. We approach it by first writing an equa­
tion for the quantity to be found, the total distance 8 flown by the bird.

1. The total distance traveled by the bird equals its speed 8 = (average Speed) bird X t
times the time:
= (speed ) av bird X t
2. The time that the bird is in the air is the time taken for 8 1 + 82 = (speed) av 1 X t + (speed)av 2 X t = 0
the trains to meet. The sum of the distances traveled by
the two trains is 0 = 75 km. Find the time it will take the
two trains to travel a total distance 0: o
t = -------
(speed) av 1 + (speed) av
3. The total distance traveled by the bird is therefore: 8 = (speed) av bird X t

(speed) a \, bi. rd
(speed) av 1 + (SPeed) av 2

75 km
- 20 km /h
15 km/h + 15 km/h

= 1 50 km 1
REMA R K5 Some try to solve this problem by finding and summing the dis­
tances flown by the bird each time it moves from one train to the other. This
makes a relatively easy problem quite difficult. It is important to develop a
thoughtful, systematic approach to solving problems. Begin by writing an equa­
tion for the unknown quantity in terms of other quantities. Then proceed by de­
I termining the values for each of the other quantities in the equation.
SECTION 2- 1 Displacement, Velocity, and Speed 21

Figure 2-4 depicts average velocity graphically. A x

straight line connects points P I and P2 and forms the

hypotenuse of the triangle having sides 6.x and 6.t. The
ratio 6.x/ M is the line's slope, which gives us a geomet­ X2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ric interpretation of average velocity:

The average velocity is the slope of the straight

line connecting the points (t], Xl ) and (t2' x2) .


Generally, average velocity depends on the time inter­

val on which it is based. In Figure 2-4, for example, the
(X1, 11) : : J_ _
smaller time interval indicated by t� and P� gives a I'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _

larger average velocity, as shown by the greater steep­ ·

ness of the line connecting points p] and P� . �'------ b.t 12 - 11 = ------ � :

I n s ta n ta n e o u s Ve l o c i ty
On first consideration, defining the velocity of a parti­ �X
slope Dav
= =

cle at a single instant seems impossible. At a given in­

stant, a particle is at a single point. If it is at a single
point, how can it be moving? If it is not moving, how F I G U R E 2 · 4 Graph of x versus t for a particle moving in one
dimension_ Each point on the curve represents the location x at
can it have a velocity? This age-old paradox is resolved
a particular time t_ We have drawn a straight line between
when we realize that observing and defining motion positions PI and P2• The displacement ..ix = x2 - Xl and the time
requires that we look at the position of the object at interval ..it = t2 - tl between these points are indicated_ The
more than one time. Consider Figure 2-5. As we con­ straight line between P1 and P2 i s the hypotenuse of the triangle
sider successively shorter time intervals beginning at tl, having sides ..ix and ..it, and the ratio ..ixl..it is its slope. In
the average velocity for the interval approaches the geometric terms, the slope is a measure of the line's steepness_

slope of the tangent at tl . We define the slope of this

tangent as the instantaneous velocity at tl' This tan­
gent is the limit of the ratio 6.x/ M as M, and therefore
6.x, approaches zero. So we can say:
..... '"

The instantaneous velocity is the limit of the ratio :$-
6.x/ M as M approaches zero. & M2

v(t) = hm
. 6.x
_____________ _______________ 1 _____________ 1 _

1'>1->0 A
D. t ,

= slope of the line tangent to the �:.------ � t3 ----.--�·:

x-versus-t curvet 2 -4

F I G U R E 2 · 5 Graph of x versus t. Note the sequence of
This limit is called the derivative of X with respect to t. successively smaller time intervals, ..itJ l ..it2, ..ity . . . . The
In the usual calculus notation, the derivative is written average velocity of each interval is the slope of the straight line
dx/dt for that interval. As the time intervals become smaller, these
slopes approach the slope of the tangent to the curve at point t1•
6.x dx The slope of this line is defined as the instantaneous velocity at
v ( t) = lim - = - 2-5 time tl.
1'>1-;0 M dt

A line 's slope may be positive, negative, or zero; consequently, instantaneous

velocity (in one-dimensional motion) may be positive (x increasing), negative
(x decreaSing), or zero (no motion ) . The magnitude of the instantaneous velocity
is the instantaneous speed.

t T h e slope of t h e line tangent to a curve is often referred to more s i m p l y as t h e "slope of t h e curve."

22 C HAPTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension


.t, m :
The position of a particle as a function of time is
8 " I
given by the curve shown i n Figure 2-6. Find
7 " ... ...
the instantaneous velocity at time t = 2 s. When
, '
6 ... ... :
is the velocity greatest? When i s it zero? Is it ever
,', ' �
4 -----------------

PICTURE TH E In Figure 2-6, we have
sketched the line tangent to the curve at t = 2 s. The 1
tangent line's slope is the instantaneous velocity of 0
the particle at the given time. You can use this figure -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I, S

to measure the slope of the tangent line. FIGURE 2-6

Cover the column to the right and try these on your own before looking at the answers.

Steps Answers
1. Find the values X l and x2 on the tangent line at times Xl = 4 m, X 2 = 8.5 m
tl = 2 s and t2 = 5 s.
8.5 m - 4 m
2. Compute the slope of the tangent line from these values.
This slope equals the instantaneous velocity at t = 2 s.
v = slope =

5s - 2s
= I 1 .5 m l s I
3. From the figure, the slope (and therefore velocity) is
greatest at about t = 4 s. The slope and velocity are
zero at t = 0 and t = 6 s and are negative before 0 and
after 6 s.

EXE RCISE What is the average velocity of this particle between t 2 s and
• t = 5 s? (Answer 1 . 1 7 m/s)

x, n1



The position of a stone dropped from a cliff is described approxi­ 350

mately by x = se, where x is in meters measured downward from 300

the original position at t = 0, and t is in seconds. Find the velocity
at any time t. (We omit explicit indication of units to simplify the 250

notation.) 200

PICTURE THE We can compute the velocity at some

time t by computing the derivative dxldt directly from the definition 100

in Equation 2-4. The corresponding curve giving X versus t is shown 50

in Figure 2-7. Tangent lines are drawn at times t1, t2, and t3' The slopes
of these tangent lines increase steadily, indicating that the instanta­ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1, 5
neous velocity increases steadily with time.

�x x( t + M) - x(t)
1 . By definition the instantaneous velocity is: v(t) = lim - = lim _
--'-- _-'---
_ - .c...:....
�HO �t �HO �t

2. We compute the displacement �x from the position x(t) = 5t2

function x(t) :

3. At a later time t + M, the position is x(t + M), given by : x(t + M) = 5(t + M ) 2 = 5[t2 + 2t M + ( M) 2]

= 5t2 + 10 M t + 5 ( �t)2
SECTION 2 - 1 Displacement, Velocity, and Speed 23

4. The displacement for this time interval is thus: �x= x ( t + M) - x(t)

= [5t2 + 10tM + 5 ( M r] - Sf

= 10Mt + 5 ( Mr

�x 10Mt + 5(M)2
5. Divide �x by M to find the average velocity for this time v
= - =
= lOt + 5M
�t �t

6. As we consider shorter and shorter time intervals, M
approaches zero and the second term 5M approaches
v(t) = lim -;, = lim (lOt
,1 1-> O u t ,11->0
+ 5M) =


zero, though the first term, l Ot, remains unchanged:

R E M A R K 5 If we had set M = a in steps 4 and 5, the displacement would be

�x = 0, in which case the ratio �x/ M would be undefined. Instead, we leave M

• as a variable until the final step, when the limit M -7 a is well defined.

To find derivatives quickly, we use rules based on the limiting process above
(see Appendix Table A-4). A particularly useful rule is

If x = Ct", then - = Cnt,,- l 2-6

where C and n are any constants. Using this rule in Example 2-6, we have
x 5t2, and v dx/dt lOt, in agreement with our previous results.
= = =

R e l a t i ve Ve l o c i ty
If you are sitting in an airplane moving with a velocity of
500 mi/h toward the east, your velocity is also 500 mi/h
toward the east. However, 500 mi/h toward the east
might be your velocity relative to the surface of the earth,
or it might be your velocity relative to the air outside the
airplane. (If the plane is flying in a j et stream, these two
velocities would be very different.) Furthermore, your
velocity is zero relative to the airplane itself. To specify the
velocity of a particle you must also specify the frame of
reference_ In this discussion three different frames of
reference are specified, the surface of the earth, the air
outside the airplane, and the airplane itself.

Midair refueling. Each plane is nearly at

A frame of reference is an extended object whose parts are at rest relative rest relative to the other, though both are
to each other. moving with very large velocities relative
to the earth.

To make position measurements we use coordinate axes that are attached to ref­
erence frames. For a horizontal coordinate axis attached to the plane your posi­
tion remains constant, at least it does if you remain in your seat. However, for a
horizontal coordinate axis attached to the surface of the earth, and for a horizon­
tal coordinate axis attached to a balloon floating in the air outside the plane, your
position keeps changing. If you have trouble imagining a coordinate axis at­
tached to the air outside the plane, instead imagine a coordinate axis attached to
a balloon that is suspended in the air. The air and the balloon are at rest relative
to each other, so together they form a single reference frame.
24 C H A PTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension

If a particle moves with velocity VpA relative to reference frame A, which is

in turn moving with velocity vAB relative to reference frame B, the velocity of
the particle relative to B is


For example, if you swim in a river parallel to the direction of the flow, your
velocity relative to the shore Vys equals your velocity relative to the water Vyw
plus the velocity of the water relative to the shore vws :

If you are swimming upstream at 2 m l s relative to the water, and the water
is moving at 1 . 2 m l s relative to the shore, then your velocity relative to the
shore is Vys -2 m l s + 1 . 2 m l s = - 0 . 8 mis, where we have chosen down­

stream to be the positive direction.

A great surprise of twentieth-century physics was the discovery that
Equation 2-7a is only an approximation. When we study the theory of relativ­
ity in Chapter 39, we will see that the exact expression for relative velocities


where c 3 X 1 08 m l s is the speed of light in a vacuum. In all everyday cases


with macroscopic objects, VpA and vAB are both so much smaller than c that
Equations 2-7a and b give essentially the same result, but for high-speed ob­
jects, such as electrons or distant galaxies, the difference between these two
equations becomes significant. Equation 2-7b has the interesting property that
if VpA c, then VpB also equals c, which is a core tenet of relativity, namely that

the speed of light is the same in all reference frames.

E X E R e I 5 E Using Equation 2-7b, substitute c for VpA and solve for Vp B ' verify­

ing that Equation 2-7b is in agreement with the result "the speed of light is
the same in all reference frames ."

2.2 A c ce l erati o n

Acceleration is the rate of change of the instantaneous velocity. When you

step on your car 's accelerator, for example, you expect to change your velocity.
The average acceleration for a particular time interval M t2 - t J is defined as

the ratio !::" v I M, where !::,. V v2 - vJ :

A falling apple captured by strobe
photography at 60 flashes per
second. The acceleration of the

!::,. V apple is indicated by the widening

a av
= -
2-8 spaces between the images.
!::,. t


Acceleration has dimensions of length divided by time squared. The 51 unit is

meters per second squared, m / s . (In Equation 2-8, if the numerator is in m l s
and the denominator is i n s , then !::" v i M is i n units o f (m / s) / s . Multiplying the
SEC T ION 2-2 Acceleration 2S

numerator and the denominator by 1 s, we find the units of D.v / D.t to equal
m/s2.) We can write Equation 2-8 as D.v = aavD.t. Thus, if a particle at rest
accelerates at 5.1 m/s2, its velocity after 1 s is 5.1 mis, its velocity after 2 s
is 10.2 m/s, and so on. Instantaneous acceleration is the limit of the ratio
D.v / D.t as D.t approaches zero. On a plot of velocity versus time, the instan­
taneous acceleration at time t is the slope of the line tangent to the curve at
that time:

a = lim­
M->O D.t

= slope of the line tangent to the v-versus-t curve 2-9


Thus, acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time, dv/dt.

Since velocity is the derivative of the positionx with respect to t, acceleration
is the second derivative of x with respect to t, d2x/dt2. We can see the reason
for this notation when we write the acceleration as dv/dt and replace v with

dv d(dx / dt) d2x

a = -
= 2-10
dt dt dt2

If acceleration remains zero, there is no change in velocity over time-velocity

is constant. In this case, the curve of x versus t is a straight line. If acceleration
is nonzero and constant, as in Example 2-9, then velocity varies linearly with
time and x varies quadratically with time.


A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 96 km/h (60 mi/h) in 2 s, whereas a

Corvette requires 4.5 s. Compute the average accelerations for the cheetah
and Corvette and compare them with the free-fall acceleration due to gravity,
g = 9.81 m/s2•
26 C HAP T E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

!::iv 96km/h - 0
1 . Find the average acceleration from the information given: cat aov =
!::it 2s
= 48km/(h·s)

!::iv 96km/h - 0
car aov =
!::it 4.5 s
= 21.3 km/(h·s)

48km 1h
2. Convert to m/S2 using 1 h= 3600 s= 3.6ks: cat -- X -- = 13.3 m/s2
h·s 3.6ks

21 .3km
car X � - 5.92 m/s2

h.s 3.6ks

3. To compare the result with the acceleration due to grav­
ity, multiply each by the conversion factor 19/9.81 m/s2:
cat 13.3 m/s2 X
9.81 m/s2
1 1 .36g
car 5.92 m/s2 X

9.81 m/s2
= 0.60g
REMAR K S Note that by expressing the time in kiloseconds in step 2, the kilo
prefixes inkm andks cancel.

EXER C ISE A car is traveling at 45km/h at time t O. It accelerates at a constant


rate of 10 km/(h·s). (a) How fast is it traveling at t = 2 s? (b) At what time is the
car traveling at 70km/h?

(Answer (a) 65km/h (b) 2.5 s)

EXER CISE I N DI MENSIONAL ANALYSIS If a car starts from rest at x = 0

with constant acceleration a, its velocity v depends on a and the distance traveled
x. W hich of the following equations has the correct dimensions and therefore
could be a possible equation relating
x, a, and v?
(a) v = 2ax (c) v = 2ax2
(b) v2= 2a/x (d) v2= 2ax

(Answer Only (d) has the same dimensions on both sides of the equation.
Although we cannot obtain the exact equation from dimensional analy sis, we can
• often obtain the functional dependence.)


The position of a particle is given by x = CtJ, where C is a constant having

units of m/s3• Find the velocity and acceleration as functions of time.

1. We find the velocity by applying dx/dt = Cnt"-1

(Equation 2-6):
dx r;;:::;l

2. The time derivative of velocity gives the acceleration:
a= - =

o PLAUSIBILITY CHECK We can check the units of our answers. For velocity,
• [v] = [C][t2] = (m/s3)(s2)= m/s. For acceleration, [a]= [C][ t] = (m/s3)(s)= m/s2.
SEC T ION 2-3 Motion With Constant Acceleration 27

2·3 Motion With Constant Acceleration

The motion of a particle that has constant acceleration is common in nature. For
example, near the earth's surface all unsupported objects fall vertically with con­
stant acceleration (provided air resistance is negligible). If a particle has a con­
stant acceleration a, it follows that the average acceleration for any time interval
is also a. Thus,


If the velocity is Vo at time t = 0, and v at some later time t, the corresponding ac­
celeration is

!:!.v v - Vo v - Vo
a=-= =
t - 0
--- ---

M t

Rearranging y ields v as a function of time:

v = Vo + at 2-12


This is the equation for a straight line in a v-versus-t plot (Figure 2-8). The line's
FIG U R E 2- 8 Graph of velocity versus
slope is the acceleration a and its v intercept is the initial velocity vo. time for constant acceleration.
The displacement !:!.X= x - Xo in the time interval M= t - 0 is


For constant acceleration, the velocity varies linearly with time, and the average
velocity is the mean value of the initial and final velocities. (This relation holds
only if the acceleration is constant.) If va is the initial velocity and v is the
final velocity, the average velocity is



The displacement is then

!:!.x = x - Xo= va) = !(vo + v)t 2-15

We can eliminate v by substituting = va

v + at from Equation 2-12:

!:!.x = �(vo + v)t = �(vo + va + at)t = vat + � at2

The displacement is thus



The first term on the right, vat, is the displacement that would occur if a were
zero, and the second term, �at2, is the additional displacement due to the constant "It goes from zero to 60 in abollt 3 seconds."
acceleration. © Sydney Harris
28 C HAP T E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

Let's eliminate t from Equations 2-12 and 2-14 and find

a relation between L1X, a, v, and vo' From Equation 2-12, t =
(v - va) /a. Substituting this into Equation 2-14,




Equation 2-17 is useful, for example, if we want to find the

final velocity of a ball dropped from rest at some height x and
we are not interested in the time the fall takes.

Problems with One Object

Many practical problems deal with objects in free-fall, that is,
falling freely under the influence of gravity only. All objects in
free-fall with the same initial velocity move identically. As
shown in Figure 2-9, a feather and an apple, simultaneously
released from rest in a large vacuum chamber, fall with iden­
tical motions. They have the same acceleration. The magni­
tude of this acceleration, designated by g, has the approxi­
mate value

g = 9.81 m/s2 = 32.2 ft/s2

Because g is the magnitude of the acceleration, it is always pos­

itive. If downward is the positive direction, then the free-fall
acceleration is a = g; if upward is positive, then a = -g. FIG U R E 2- 9


Upon graduation, a joyful physics student throws her cap straight upward
Ymax � v=O a=-g

with an initial speed of 14.7 m/s. Given that its acceleration is 9.81 m/s2 down­
ward (we neglect air resistance), (a) how long does it take to reach its highest
point? (b) What is the distance to the highest point? (c) Assuming the cap is

v !:"y= Y - Yo
caught at the same height from which it was released, what is the total time the
cap is in flight?
y �
PI C T U RE T H E PRO B L E M When the cap is at its highest point, its instanta-
o neous velocity is zero. Thus, we translate the phrase "at its highest point" into !:"y

"0= 14.7 mh
the mathematical condition v = o. Y

- ---+t
(a) 1 . Make a sketch of the cap in its initial position and
again at its highest point. Include a coordinate axis Yo -
and label the origin and the two positions of the cap. !:,.Yo

2. The time is related to the velocity and acceleration:

O �------���
v = va + at
0 - Vo -14.7m/s


3. To find the time at which the cap reaches its greatest

_ _
t = 1.50 s
height, set v = 0 and solve for t: a -9.81 m/s2
S E C T ION 2· 3 Motion With Constant Acceleration 29

(b) We can find the displacement from the time t and the D.Y = va) = ! (vo + v)t
average velocity:
= ! (14.7 mls + 0)(1.50 s) = 1 11.0 m 1
(e) 1. Set D.y 0 in Equation 2-16 and solve for t:

o= (vo + !at) t
2. There are two solutions for t if D.y = The first corre­ t= 0 (first solution)
sponds to the time at which the cap is released, the
second to the time at which the cap is caught: t= --=
2vo 2(14.7 m/s) = f3sl (second solution)
a -9.81 m/s2 �
REMARK5 The t = 3 s solution also follows from a
symmetry in the system-it takes the same time for
the cap to fall from its greatest height as to rise to y(I), m Height

that height (see Figure 2-11). In reality the cap will 15

not have a constant acceleration because air resis­
tance has a significant effect on a light object like a
cap. If air resistance is not negligible, the fall time
will exceed the rise time.
EXERe I5 E Find Ymux - Yo using (a) Equation 2-15 and
(b) Equation 2-16. (e) Find the velocity of the cap
when it returns to its starting point. (Answer ( ) and a (a)
(b) Ymax - Yo = 11.0 m (e ) -14.7 m/s; notice that the fi­
nal speed is the same as the initial speed)
v(t), m/s Velocity
EXERe I 5E What is the velocity of the cap at the
following points in time? (a) 0.1 s before it reaches 15
its highest point; (b) 0.1 s after it reaches its highest ,
point. (e) Compute D.vl/::;.t for this 0.2-s-long time 10 ,

interval. (Answer ( ) + 0.981 mls (b) - 0.981 mls

(e) [(-0.981 m/s) - (+0.981 m/s)]/(0.2 s) =-9.81 ,
m/s2) ,
O �-------- --�--��, --�---- ------�L--
o 1 ', 2 3 t, S
EXEReI 5E A car starting from rest gains speed at ,
-5 -
a constant rate of 8 m/s2. (a) How fast is it going ,
after 10 s? (b) How far has it gone after 10 s? (e) What ,
is its average velocity for the interval t = 0 to t -10 ,
• 10 s? (Answer ( ) 80 mls (b) 400 m (e ) 40 m/s)


FIGURE 2-1 1
The next example concerns a car's stopping dis­
tance how far it travels while coming to a halt.


On a highway at night you see a stalled vehicle and

brake your car to a stop with an acceleration of magni­
tude 5 m/s2• (An acceleration that reduces the speed is
often called a deceleration.) What is the car's stopping
distance if its initial speed is (a) 15 mls (about 34 mi/h) or
(b) 30 m/s?
30 C HAPT E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

PICTUR E TH E PROBLEM If we choose the direction of motion to be positive,

the stopping distance and the initial velocity are positive, but the acceleration is
negative. Thus, the initial velocity is Vo 15 mis, the final velocity is 0, and
= v =

the acceleration is a -5 m/s2. We seek the distance traveled, �x. We do not


need to know the time it takes for the car to stop, so Equation 2-17 is the most
convenient formula to use.
(a) Using Equation 2-17 with 0, calculate the displace-
v = V6 + 2a�x
v =

ment �x: so

m/s)2 22.5 m
m/s2) I
2( - 5
(b) From the previous step we see that if v =0, then �x = 22(22.5 m) = 1 90 m 1
�x = -v 6 / (2a). Thus, �x is proportional to the square of
the initial speed. Using this observation and the Part (a)
result, find the stopping distance for an initial speed
equal to twice that in Part (a):
REMARK S The answer to (b) can also be gotten by directly
substituting the initial speed of 30 m/ s into the expression 90

for �x obtained in Part (a). Ninety meters is a considerable 80

distance, roughly the length of a football field. Changing Vo
by a factor of 2 changes the stopping distance by a factor 70

22 4 (see Figure 2-12). The practical implication of this

60 -
squared dependence is that even modest increases in speed
• cause significant increases in stopping distance. E 50
�' 40

30 -

FIGUR E 2 - 1 2 Stopping distance as a function of the initial
velocity. The curve shows the case for Example 2-10, where the 10

acceleration is a -5.0 m/s2; the points shown on the red curve

are the solutions to parts (a) and (b). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
vo, m/s

STOPPING DISTANCE E X A M P L E 2· " T r y It Yo u rs e lf

In Example 2-10, (a) how much time does it take for the car to stop if its initial
velocity is 30 m/s? (b) How far does the car travel in the last second?


(a) Except for the numbers, this is the same as Part
(a)of Example 2-9. Use the same procedure shown in Example 2-10. (b) Since the
speed decreases by 5 m/ s each second, the velocity 1 s before the car stops must
be 5 m/s. Find the average velocity during the last second and use that to find
the distance traveled.
Cover the column to the right and try these on your own before looking at the answers.

Steps Answers
(a) Find the total stopping time t. t = 6s
SECTION 2· 3 Motion With Constant Acceleration 31

(b) 1. Find the average velocity during the last second. 1 m/s I
V av = 2.5

2. Compute the distance traveled from 6x = vavM.

REMARKS If Part (b) asked for the average velocity during the last 1.3 seconds
(rather than during the last second), we can find the initial velocity v1 during this
interval using 6v = aM (Equation 2-11).
Sometimes valuable insight can be gained about the motion of an object by as­
suming that the constant-acceleration formulas still apply even when the acceler-
• ation is not constant. This is the case in the following example.


In a crash test, a car traveling 100 km/h (about

62 mi/h) hits an immovable concrete wall. What is its
accelera tion?

PICTURE THE PROB LEMIn this example, it is not

appropriate to treat the car as a particle because different
parts of the vehicle will have different accelerations as
the car crumples to a halt. Moreover, the accelerations
are not constant. However, we can treat a bolt in the center
of the car as a particle. We need additional information
to solve this problem-either the stopping distance or
the time to stop. We can estimate the stopping distance
using common sense. Upon impact, the center of the
car will certainly move forward less than half the length
of the car. We'll choose 0.75 m as a reasonable estimate
of the stopping distance. Since the problem neither
asks for nor provides the time we will use the relation
v2 = v6 + 2a6x.
1 . Using v2 = v6 + 2a6x, solve for the acceleration: V2 = v� + 2a6x
V 2 - v� 02 - (100 km/h) 2
26x 2(0.75 m)
2. Convert the velocity from km/h to m/s. In one hour
there are 602 s = 3.6 ks:
(100 km/h) x ( 3.��s ) = 27.8 m/s
3. Complete the calculation of the acceleration: a=
02 - (100 km/h) 2 (27.8 m/s) 2
2(0.75 m) 1 .5 s

- 514 m/s2 I -500 m/s2 1


REMARK5 Note that the magnitude of this acceleration is greater than 50g.
This estimate is what the magnitude of the acceleration would be both if the dis­
placement of the center of the car were actually 0.75 m and if the acceleration
• were constant.
32 C HAP T E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

A TRAVELING ELECTRON E X A M P L E 2- 1 3 T ry I t Yo u rs e l f

An electron in a cathode-ray tube accelerates from rest with a constant acceler­

ation of 5.33 x 10 12 m/s2 for 0.15 p,s (1 p,s = 10-6 s). The electron then drifts with
constant velocity for 0.2 p,s. Finally, it comes to rest with an acceleration of
-2.67 x 1013 m/s2• How far does the electron travel?

P I CT U R E T H E PROBLEM The equations for constant acceleration do not apply

to this problem directly because the acceleration of the electron varies with time.
Divide the electron's motion into three intervals, each with a different constant
acceleration and use the final position and velocity for one interval as the initial
conditions for the next interval. Choose the origin to be at the electron's starting
position, and the positive direction to be the direction of motion.
Cover the column to the right and try these o n your own before looking a t the answers.

Steps Answers
1. Find the displacement and final velocity for the first �Xl = 6.00 cm, VI = X
8.00 105 m/ s
0.15-fl$ interval.
2. Use this final velocity as the constant velocity to find the �X2 16 cm

displacement while it drifts at constant velocity.

3. Use this same velocity as the initial velocity and Equa­ �X3 = 1.20 cm
tion 2-17 with v = 0 to find the displacement for the
third interval, in which the electron slows down.
4. Add the displacements found in steps 1, 2, and 3 to find �X �Xl + �X2 + �X3

the total displacement. = 6.00 cm + 16 cm + 1.20 cm = 1 23.2 cm 1

REMARKS In an X-ray machine

electrons are accelerated from a hot
wire to a metal target. They crash
into it, coming abruptly to rest. As a
result, the target emits X rays char-
• acteristic of the target metal.

(left) The two-mile-long linear

accelerator at Stanford University, used
to accelerate electrons and positrons
in a straight line to nearly the speed
of light. (right) Cross-section of the
accelerator's electron beam as shown
on a video monitor.

TOSSING BINOCULARS E X A M P L E 2- 1 4 T ry It Yo u rs e l f

John climbs a tree to get a better view of the speaker at an outdoor gradua­
tion ceremony. Unfortunately, he l e aves his binoculars behind. Marsha
throws them up to John, but her strength is greater than her accuracy. The
b inoculars pass John's outstretched hand after 0.69 s and again 1.68 s later.
How high is John?
SECTION 2· 3 Motion With Constant A ccelera tion 33

PIC TUR E THE There are two unknowns in this problem, Jolm's
height h and the initial velocity of the binoculars We know that y = h at v a'
t1 = 0.69 s and y h at t2 = 0.69 s + 1.68 s 2.37 s. Expressing h as a function of
= =

time t gives us two equations from which the two unknowns can be determined.
Cover the column to the right and try these on your own before looking at the answers.

Steps Answers
1. Using I:!.y = + !at2, equate y for times tl and noting h =
va t t2, vat1 - �gti and h = va t2 - !gt�
that y = h, and a = -g in each case.
2. Eliminate from these two equations and solve for h in
terms of the times tl and t2. This can be done by solving
the first equation for and substituting into the second so
h= 1 8. 0 2 mI
REMARKS We have two unknowns, h and but are given two times, t1 and
va, t2,
so we can write two equations and solve them for either or both of the two
EXERC I SE Find the initial velocity of the binoculars and the velocity of the
binoculars as they pass Jolm on the way down. (Answer = 15.0 m/s; = va v2
-8.24 m/s)

Problems with Two Objects

We now give some examples of problems involving two objects moving with
constant acceleration.

A car is speeding at 25 m/s (-90 km/h; -56 mi/h) in
a school zone. A police car starts from rest just as
the speeder passes and accelerates at a constant rate of • Speeder
5 m/s2• (a) When does the police car catch the speeding • Police
car? (b) How fast is the police car traveling when it
catches up with the speeder?

PICTU RE THE To determine when the two


cars will be at the same position, we write the positions of

the speeder and of the police car xp as functions of time
and solve for the time t when = xp' Xs

(a) 1. Write the position functions for Xs = vst and - 2p

a t2

the speeder and the police car: FIG U RE 2 - 1 3 The two

curves depict the positions of
2. Set = xp and solve for the time
tc' for tc 0:
. the speeder and the police car.
They have the same position
t =
5 m/s) = �
2(2 at t 0 and again at t = te'

c p a 5 m/s2 �
(b) 1. The velocity of the police car is v p = aptc = (5 m/sZ)(10 s) = 1 50 mls I
given by = + with = 0:
v va ate' va
34 C H A PT E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

REMARK5 Notice that the final speed of the police car in (b) is exactly twice that
of the speeder. Since the two cars covered the same distance in the same time,
they must have had the same average speed. The speeder's average speed, of
course, is 25 ml s. For the police car to start from rest and have an average speed
of 25 mis, it must reach a final speed of 50 m/s.
E X E R CIS EHow far have the cars traveled when the police car catches the
• speeder? (Answer 250 m)

THE POLICE CAR E X A M P L E 2· 1 6 T ry It Yo u rs e l f

How fast is the police car in Example 2-15 traveling when x

it is 25 m behind the speeding car?

• Speeder
PICTURE THE PROBLEMThe speed is given by vp = at), • Police
where tl is the time at which = - xp = 25
Xs m.

Cover the column t o the right and try these o n your own xs r-------�
before looking at the answers.
xpr-------��--� D=25m
Steps Answers

1. Sketch an x-versus-t curve showing

the positions of the two cars at time t)
(Figure 2-14).
2. Using the equations for xp and Xs
from Example 2-15, solve for t) when FI G U R E 2 - 1 4
Xs - xp = 25 m. We expect two solu-
tions, one shortly after the start time
and one shortly before the speeder is
3. Use vp ) = a p t) to compute the speed of VpI = 1 5.64 mls I and 1 44.4 mls I
the police car at t = t).
REMARK5 We see from Figure 2-14 that the distance between the cars starts at
zero, increases to a maximum value, and then decreases. The separation at any
time is = - xp = vst - !apt2. At maximum separation, dO I dt = 0, which
occurs at t = 5 s. At equal time intervals before and after t = 5 s, the separations
• are equal.


While standing in an elevator, you see a screw fall from the ceiling. The ceiling
is 3 m above the floor. How long does it take for the screw to hit the floor if the
elevator is moving upward and gaining speed at a constant rate of af = 4.0 m/s2?

PICTU RE THE PROB LEM Write the position as a function of time for both the
screw, and the floor, When the screw hits the floor = Choose the
Ys' Yf· Ys Yf.
origin to be the initial position of the floor, and designate "upward" as the posi­
tive direction.
2 3 Motion With Constant A cceleration 3S

1. Make a sketch of the elevator and the screw as shown
af 4 m/s2

Figure 2-15. Include a coordinate axis indicating the positions as = -g

of the screw and the floor:
2. Write the position function for the Yf - YOf = v Of t + !aft2
elevator floor and for the screw: Ys - YOs = vOs t + �a t2 s
Ys +-+--iIf----1
3. At t = t] the screw hits the floor. At Ys = Yf as

this time these positions are equal: YOs + vOs t1 + � as ti = YOf + vOf t1 + � aft i

4. At t = 0, the floor and the screw

have the same velocity. Use this to so
simplify the step 3 result:

YOs +12 a st2-

1- YOf +12 a ft21 o

5. Use the given information to further YOf = 0, a f= 4.0 m/s2 FI G U R E 2· 1 5 The coordinate axis

simplify: YOs=h= 3 m, a s= - g
is fixed to the building.


h = � (g + af)ti

2 (3 m)
6. Solve for the time: 9.81 m/s2 + 4.0 m/s2
= I 0.659 s I
REMARK5 The time of fall depends on the acceleration of the eleva tor, but not
on its velocity. There is an "effective gravity" g' = g + af in the frame of reference
of the elevator. In the case (presumably hypothetical) in which the elevator itself
is in free-fall, that is, a f = - g', the time of fall becomes infinite and the screw
appears "weightless."
�:� 'X,.
C I S' The 'peed of a good ba" cunne< i, 9.5 mh. The di,tance
� between bases is 26 m, and the pitcher is about 18.5 m from home plate.
--0� If a runner on first base edges 2 m off the base and then begins rUlming

at the instant the ball leaves the pitchers's hand, what is the likelihood that the
• runner will steal second base safely?

THE MOVING ELEVATOR E X A M P L E 2· 1 8 T r y It Y o u r s e l f

Consider the elevator and screw in Example 2-17. Assume the velocity of
the elevator is 16 mls upward when the screw separates from the ceiling.
(a) How far does the elevator rise while the screw is falling? How far does
the screw fall? (b) What is the velocity of the screw and the velocity of the
elevator at impact? (c) What i s the velocity of the screw relative to the floor
at impact?
36 C HAPTER 2 Motion in One Dimension

P I CT U R E THE The time of flight of the screw is obtained in the


solution of Example 2-17. Use this time to solve parts (a) and (b). For part (c), the
velocity of the screw relative to the building equals the velocity of the screw
relative to the elevator floor plus the velocity of the elevator floor relative to
the building.
Cover the column to the right and try these on your own before looking at the answers.

Steps Answers

(a) 1. Using Equation 2-16, find the distance the floor rises I1Yf = vfO t, + !af ti = 1 11.4 m 1
in time t1.
2. The screw starts out 3 m above the floor.
(b) Using Equation 2-12, find the impact velocity of the v = va + at, so
screw and of the floor at impact. Vs = vsa - g tl = 1 9.53 m/s 1
vf = VfO + aftl = 1 18.6 m/s 1
(c) Using Equation 2-7a, find the velocity of the screw rela- vsb = vsf + Vfb
tive to the elevator floor. so
Vsf = vsb - Vfb = 9.53 m/s - 18.6 m/s
= 1 -9.10 m/s
REMARK5 The screw strikes the floor 8.4 m above its position when it leaves
the ceiling. Relative to the building it is still rising when it strikes the floor. Note
• that at impact the velocity of the screw relative to the building is positive.
----� --

2 . 4 I n t egra tio n

To find the velocity from a given acceleration, we note that the velocity is the
function v(t) whose derivative is the acceleration a(t):
dt = a(t)

If the acceleration is constant, the velocity is that function of time which, when
differentiated, equals this constant. One such function is
v = at, a = constant
More generally, we can add any constant to at without changing the time deriva­
tive. Calling this constant we have c,

v = at + c

When t = 0, v = Thus, is the initial velocity va'

c. c

Similarly, the position function x(t) is that function whose derivative is the
=v = va + at
2 4 Inte gration 37

We can treat each term separately. The fW1ction whose derivative is a constant va
is plus any constant. The function whose derivative is at is !at2 plus any con­
stant. Writing Xo for the combined arbitrary constants, we have

When t = 0, x = xo' Thus, Xo is the initial position.

Whenever we find a function from its derivative, we must include an arbitrary v(t)
constant in the general function. Since we go through the integration process
twice to find x(t) from the acceleration, two constants arise. These constants are
usually determined from the velocity and position at some given time, which is v(t) Va constant
usually chosen to be t = O. They are therefore called the initial conditions. A
= =

common problem, called the initial-value problem, takes the form "given a(t)
and the initial values of x and find x(t)." This problem is particularly important
v, I
in physics because the acceleration of a particle is determined by the forces acting
on it. Thus, if we know the forces acting on a particle and the position and veloc­
ity of the particle at some particular time, we can find its position at all other
A function F(t) whose derivative (with respect to t) equals the functionf(t) is
called the antiderivative off(t). Finding the antiderivative of a function is related Shaded area = va
to the problem of finding the area under a curve. Consider motion with a con­ 8.1 8.X

stant velocity The change in position �x during an interval M is

F I G U R E 2 1 6 The displacement for the
intervall1t equals the area under the
velocity-versus-time curve for that
interval. For v(t) Vo constant, the
This is the area under the v-versus-t curve (Figure 2-16). If is negative, both the

displacement equals the area of the


displacement and the area under the curve are negative. Normally we think of shaded rectangle.
area as a quantity that cannot be negative. However, in this context that is not the
case. In this case the "area under the curve" (the area between the curve and the
time axis) is a negative quantity.
The geometric interpretation of the displacement as the
area under the v-versus-t curve is true not only for constant v(t)
velocity, but it is true in general, as illustrated in Figure 2-17.
To show this we first divide the time interval into numerous
small intervals, M1, M2, and so on. Then we draw a set of rec-
tangles as shown. The area of the rectangle corresponding to
the ith time interval Mi (shaded in the figure) is viMi, which is V
approximately equal to the displacement �Xi during the inter­
val Mi' The sum of the rectangular areas is therefore approxi-
mately the sum of the displacements during the time intervals
and is approximately equal to the total displacement from
time t1 to t2. Mathematically, we write this as

where the Greek letter L (uppercase sigma) stands for sum.

We can make the approximation as accurate as we wish by
putting enough rectangles under the curve, each rectangle
having a sufficiently small value for M. For the limit of 18.1 118.1218.131 • 1 18.li 1
• • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1
smaller and smaller time intervals (and more and more rec­ 11 12
tangles), the resulting sum approaches the area under the
curve, which in turn equals the displacement. The limit as M
approaches zero (and the number of rectangles approaches in­
2 1 7 Graph of a general
v(t)-versus-t curve. The total
finity) is called an integral and is written displacement from t1 to t2 is the area

�x = x(t?) - x(t1) = lim (" ViMi) = It2 dt

under the curve for this interval, which

, t,
can be approximated by summing the
v 2-18
';1->0 L.. areas of the rectangles.
38 C HA P T E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

It is helpful to think of the integral sign f as an elongated indicating a sum. The v
limits t1 and t2 indicate the initial and final values of the variable t. The displace­
ment is thus the area under the v-versus-t curve. Figure 2-18 demonstrates that
the average velocity has a simple geometric interpretation in terms of the "area
under a curve."
To illustrate that the displacement equals the area under the v-versus-t curve,
consider what happens when you throw a golf ball straight up. The ball rises a
meter or so, reverses direction, and then descends, gaining speed until you catch
it. Assuming air resistance is negligible, the velocity of the ball is given by v =
V + a t (Equation 2-12), where the up direction is taken as positive and a g
o =

Figure 2-19 is a plot of this velocity during the time that the ball is in free-fall. As
shown, the velocity, which is initially positive, equals zero half way through the
flight. As the ball descends, the velocity remains negative and, just before the ball F I G U R E 2 - 1 8 The displacementilx
during the time intervalilt = t2 - t, is
is caught, reaches -vo. During the rising portion of the motion, the area under equal to the area of the shaded region.
the curve is positive, whereas during the descending portion it is negative. Thus, We know from the definition of average
the total area under the curve for the entire flight is zero. It is easy to see that the velocity that ilx vavilt. This is j ust the
displacement of the ball is also zero. Because the ball is thrown from the same =

area of a rectangle of height vav and width

place at which it is caught, the change in position is zero. Therefore, the displace­ ilt. Thus, the rectangular area vavilt and
ment and the area under the v-versus-t curve are equal because they both are the area under the v-versus-t curve must
zero. be equal.
The process of computing an integral is called integration. In Equation 2-18,
v is the derivative of x, and x is the antiderivative of v. This is an example of the
fundamental theorem of calculus, whose formulation in the seventeenth century
greatly accelerated the mathematical development of physics. v

Iff(t) dF(t)
dt ' ff(t) dt
2- 19
v=vo+at n=-g

The antiderivative of a function is also called the indefinite integral of the func­ Negative

tion and is written without limits on the integral sign, as in area

I v dt
Finding the function x from the derivative v (that is, finding the antiderivative) is
also called integration. For example, if v = va a constant, then
F I G U R E 2 · 1 9 A v-versus-t curve for a
golf ball thrown straight up that is caught

x = I Va dt = va t + xa
by the thrower. The area under the curve
is positive for the rising portion of the
motion and negative for the descending
where xa is the arbitrary constant of integration. We can find a general rule for the portion. The area under the curve for the
integration of a power of t from Equation 2-6, which gives the general rule for the entire flight is zero.
derivative of a power. The result is
I t" dt
= -- =1= - 1 2-20
1 + C, 11
11 +

where C is an arbitrary constant. This can be checked by differentiating the right

side using the rule of Equation 2-6. (For the special case 11 = -1, ft-1 dt = In t + C,
where In t is the natural logarithm of t.)
The change in velocity for some time interval can similarly be interpreted as
the area under the a-versus-t curve for that interval. This is written
2-2 1

We can now derive the constant-acceleration equations by computing the indefi­

nite integrals of the acceleration and velocity. If a is constant, we have
SECTION 2 4 - Inte gration 39

v = f a dt = a f dt = Vo + at 2-22

where we have expressed times the constant of integration as vo' Integrating


again, and writing Xo for the constant of integration, gives

x = f (vo at)dt = Xo + vot + !at2
+ 2-23

It is instructive to derive Equations 2-22 and 2-23 using definite integrals in­
stead of indefinite ones. For constant acceleration, Equation 2-21, with t1 = 0,
v(t2 ) - v(O) = a ro dt = a(t2 - 0)
where the time t2 is arbitrary. Because it is arbitrary, we can set t2 = t to obtain
v = Vo + at
where v = v(t) and Vo v(O). To derive Equation 2-23, we substitute Vo + at for v

in Equation 2-18 with t1 = O. This gives

v(t) v=vo+nl
X(t2 ) - x(O) = It,o (Vo + t ) dt
v(t2) I-------:;;-.r
This integral is equal to the area under the v-versus-t curve (Figure 2-20). Evalu­
ating the integral and solving for x gives v(O) Area

where t2 is arbitrary. Setting t2 = t we obtain

FI G U R E 2 · 2 0 The area under the
v-versus-t curve equals the displacement
�x x(tz) - x(O).

where x = x(t) and Xo = x(O).

Having derived the constant-acceleration kinematic equations without any
reference to average velocity, we can now show that the average velocity for the
special case of constant acceleration is the mean value between the initial and fi­
nal velocities as given by Equation 2-14. Let Vo be the initial velocity at t 0, and

v be the final velocity at time t. According to the definition of average velocity,

the displacement is

Also, from Equation 2-23, we have

We eliminate the acceleration using a = (v - vo)/ t from Equation 2-12. This gives
= v0t + -2 (--
1 V - Vo ) 2
t t = v0t + -2 vt - -2 v0t = -2 (v + v )t
1 1 1

Comparing this with X va) (Equation 2-24), we have

which is Equation 2-14.

40 C H A PTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension

The average velocity can be visualized using a v-versus-t curve (Figure 2-21). v v = va + al FIGURE 2·2 1
The displacement llx equals the area under this curve. However, the average V2
velocity is the area under the curve v = vav for the same time interval. Thus, the
height of the v = vav curve is such that the areas under the two curves are equal.
This implies that the areas of the two gray-shaded triangles are equal and that


1 v2
A1 =A2

Vav = ! ( V1 + v2)
v) x(11)
Llx = x(l2) -

0 11 12


A Shelter Island ferryboat moves with

constant velocity Vo = 8 mls for 60 s. It then
shuts off its engines and coasts. Its2coasting
velocity is given b y v = voti It , where
t1 = 60 s. What is the displacement of
the boat for the interval 0 < t< oo?

PICTUR E TH E This velocity


function is shown in Figure 2-22. The total

displacement is calculated as the sum of
the displacement �X1 during the interval
o < t <
t1 60 s and the displacement �X2

during the interval t1 t < < 00.


6 -

4 LlX1

2 FI G U R E 2 · 2 2

I, s
0 60 120 180 240 300

1. The velocity of the boat is constant during the first 60 s; �X1 = Vollt = Vot1 = (8 m/s)(60 s) = 480 m
thus the displacement is simply the velocity times the
elapsed time:
2. The remaining displacement is given by the integral of
the velocity from t = t1 to t = 00. We use Equation 2-18 to II
llX2 = foo v dt = foo ot?
dt = v0t12 foo t-2 dt = v01_1
t2 �

calculate the integral: = -voti(2.

- !)1 = t
Vo t1 = (8 m/s)(60 s) = 480 m
3. The total displacement is the sum of the displacements llx = �X1 + �X2 = 480 m + 480 m = 1 960 m I
found above:
REMARKS Note that the area under the v-versus-t curve is finite. Thus, even
though the boat never stops moving, it travels only a finite distance. A better rep­
resentation of the velocity of a coasting boat might be the exponentially decreas­
ing function v = voe-b(t-t,), where b is a positive constant. In that case, the boat
• would also coast a finite distance in the interval t1 t :S :S 00.
Summary 41


Displacement, velocity, and acceleration are important defined kinematics quantities.

Topic Releva nt Equations a nd Rema rks

1. Displacement 2-1

Graphical interpretation Displacement is the area under the v-versus-t curve.

2. Velocity

Average velocity v -
= 2-2

( ) 1. LlX dx
Instantaneous velocity v t un -
= llHO =- 2-5
Llt dt

Graphical interpretation The instantaneous velocity is represented graphically as the slope of the x-versus-t

Relative velocity If a particle moves with velocity vpA relative to reference frame A, which is in turn
moving with velocity VAB relative to a second reference frame B, the velocity of the
particle rela ti ve to B is

3. Speed

total distance 5
Average speed Average spee d 2-3
= total time

Instantaneous speed Instantaneous speed is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity.

4. Acceleration

Average acceleration a =- 2-8

dv d2x
Instantaneous acceleration a =-=- 2-10
dt dt2

Graphical in terpreta tion The instantaneous acceleration is represented graphically as the slope of the v-versus-t

Acceleration due to gravity The acceleration of an object near the surface of the earth in free-fall under the influ­
ence of gravity is directed downward and has the magnitude
g = 9.81 m/s2 = 32.2 ft/s2

5. Displacement and velocity Displacement is represented graphically as the area under the v-versus-t curve. This
as integrals area is the integral of v over time from some initial time t1 to some final time t and is

LlX = lim
2: v M
v dt 2-18
42 CHAPTER 2 Motion in One Dimension

Similarly, change in velocity is represented graphically as the area under the a-versus-t

�V = lim L a/lti =
.6./--+0 .
f l'a dt

Velocity v = Vo + at 2-12

Displacement in terms of Vav 2-15

Displacement in terms of a 2-16

v in terms of a and �x V2 = V B + 2a �x 2-17


• Single-concept, single-step, relatively easy In a few problems, you are given more
• • Intermediate-level, may require synthesis of concepts data than you actually need; in a few
other problems, you are required to
• • • Challenging
supply data from your general
IssMI Solution is in the Student Solutions Manual
knowledge, outside sources, or
Problems available on iSOLVE online homework service
informed estimates .
.I These "Checkpoint" online homework service problems ask students
a dditional questions about their confidence level, and how they arrived
at their answer

For all problems, use g = 9.81 m/s2 for the acceleration due to gravity and neglect friction and air resistance
unless instructed to do otherwise.

Conceptual Problems 6 • True/false; explain: The displacement always equals

the product of the average velocity and the time interval.

1 • What is the average velocity over the "round trip" 7 • True/fa \se; explain:
of an object that is launched straight up from the ground and (a ) For the velocity to remain constant, the acceleration must
falls straight back down to the ground? remain zero.
2 • IssMI An object thrown straight up falls back to the (b) For the speed to remain constant, the acceleration must re­
ground. Its time of flight is T, its maximum height is H, and its main zero.
height at release is negligible. Its average speed for the entire 8 .. ISSMI Draw careful graphs of the position and ve-
flight is (a) H/T, (b) 0, (c) H / (2T), (d) 2H/T. locity and acceleration over the time period 0 :S t :S 25 s for a
3 • i To avoid falling too fast during a landing, cart that
an airplane must maintain a minimum airspeed (the speed of (a) moves away from the origin at a slow and steady (constant)
the plane relative to the air) . However, the slower the ground velocity for the first 5 s;
speed (speed relative to the ground) during a landing, the (b) moves away at a medium-fast, steady (constant) velocity
safer the landing. Is it safer for an airplane to land with the for the next s; 5
wind or against the wind? (c) stands still for the next 5 s;
4 • Give an example of one-dimensional motion where
(d) moves toward the origin at a slow and steady (constant)
velocity for the next 5 s;
(a) the velocity is positive and acceleration is negative, and
(e) stands still for the last 5 s.
(b) the velocity is negative and the acceleration is positive.
s • IssMI Stand in the center of a large room. Call move-
9 • True/false; explain: The average velocity always
equals one-half the sum of initial plus final velocities.
ment to your right "positive," and movement to your left "neg­
ative." Walk across the room along a straight line in such a way 10 • Identical twin brothers standing on a horizontal
that, after getting started, your velOcity is negative but your ac­ bridge each throw a rock straight down into the water below.
celeration is positive. (a) Is your displacement initially positive They throw rocks at exactly the same time, but one hits the
or negative? Explain. (b) Describe how you vary your speed as water before the other. How can this occur if the rocks have
you walk. (c) Sketch a graph of v versus t for your motion. the same starting time?
Problems 43

11 • • IssMI Dr. Josiah S. Carberry stands at the top of the F I G U R E 2 · 2 S Problem 16

Sears Tower in Chicago. Wanting to emulate Galileo, and B
ignoring the safety of the pedestrians below, he drops a bowl­

.� �
ing ball from the top of the tower. One second later, he drops a E

second bow ling ball. While the balls are in the air, does their POSitiOn ,
separation (a) increase over time, (b) decrease, or (c) stay the Time
same? Ignore any effects that air resistance may have.
- 0
12 • • Which of the position-versus-time curves in Fig-
ure 2-23 best shows the motion of an object with constant
positive accelera tion? 17 · If the instantaneous velocity does not
change, will the average velocities for different intervals differ?

F I G U R E 2 · 2 3 Problem 12 18 • If Vav = 0 for some time interval I1t, must the instan-
taneous velocity v be zero at some point in the interval? Sup­

port your answer by sketching a possible x-versus-t curve
that has I1x 0 for some interval !:;to
19 • • An object moves along a line as shown in Fig-
ure 2-26. At which point or points is its speed at a minimum?
(a) A and E. (b) B, D, and E. (c) C only. (d) E only. (e) None of
these is correct.

F I G U R E 2 · 2 6 Problem 19

Position '
� Time

13 • IssMI Which of the velocity-versus-time curves in

Figure 2-24 best describes the motion of an object with con­
20 .. ISSM! For each of the four graphs of x ver-
stant positive acceleration?
sus t in Figure 2-27, answer the following questions. (a) Is
the velocity at time t2 greater than, less than, or equal to the
F I G U R E 2 · 2 4 Problem 13 velocity at time tl? (b) Is the speed at time t greater than, less
than, or equal to the speed at time tl?

F I G U R E 2 · 2 7 Problem 20

: ,

(a) (b)

x x

14 • Does the following statement make sense? "The av-

erage velocity of the car at A.M. was 60 km/h. "
15 • IssMI Is it possible for the average velocity of an
object to be zero during some interval, even though its aver­
age velocity for the first half of the interval is not zero?
(e) (d)
16 • The diagram in Figure 2-25 tracks the path of an ob-
ject moving in a straight line along the x axis. Assuming that 21 • True/false; explain:
the object is at the origin (xo = 0) at to = 0, which point on the (a) If the acceleration remains zero, the body cannot be moving.
position-versus-time graph represents the instant the object is (b) If the acceleration remains zero, the x-versus-t curve must
farthest from the origin? (a ) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E . be a straight line.
44 C HAPTER 2 Motion in One Dimension

22 • Is it possible for a body to simultaneously have 32 • On a graph showing position on the vertical
zero velocity and nonzero acceleration? axis and time on the horizontal axis, a straight line with a
negative slope represents motion with (a) constant positive
23 . A ball is thrown straight up. What is the
acceleration, (b) constant negative acceleration, (c) zero ve­
velocity of the ball at the top of its flight? What is its accelera­
locity, (d) constant positive velocity, (e) constant negative
tion at that point?
24 • Find the average speed over the "round trip" of an
33 • • On a graph showing position on the vertical axis
object that is launched straight up from the ground, reaches a
and time on the horizontal axis, a parabola that opens upward
height H, and falls straight back down to the ground, hitting it
represents (a) a positive acceleration, (b) a negative accelera­
after T seconds have elapsed. Express this in terms of the ini­
tion, ( c) no acceleration, (d) a positive followed by a negative
tial launch speed vo'
acceleration, (e) a negative followed by a positive
25 • A bowling ball is thrown upward. While it is in acceleration.
flight, its acceleration is (a) decreasing, (b) constant, (c) zero,
34 • • On a graph showing velocity on the vertical axis
(d) increasing.
and time on the horizontal axis, a constant acceleration of
26 • At t = 0, object A is dropped from the roof of a zero is represented by (a) a straight line with positive slope,
building. At the same instant, object B is dropped from a win­ (b) a straight line with negative slope, (c) a straight line with
dow 10 m below the roof. During their descent to the ground, zero slope, (d) either (a), (b), or ( c) , (e) none of the above.
the distance between the two objects (a) is proportional to t,
• • On a graph showing velocity on the vertical axis
(b) is proportional to t2, (c) decreases, (d) remains 10 m 35
and time on the horizontal axis, constant acceleration is repre­
sented by (a) a straight line with positive slope, (b) a straight
27 . . IssMI Assume that the Porsche accelerates uniformly line with negative slope, (c) a straight line with zero slope,
from 80.5 km/h (50 mi/h) at t = 0 to 113 km/h (70 mi/h) at (d) either (a), (b), or (c), (e) none of the above.
t = 9 s. Which graph in Figure 2-28 best describes the motion of
36 • • Which graph of v versus t in Figure 2-29 best
the car?
describes the motion of a particle with positive velocity and
negative acceleration?
FI G U R E 2 · 2 8 Problem 27
FI G U R E 2 · 2 9 Problem 36

v v v
+ 1----- + +

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(a) (b) (c)

28 .. IssMI An object is dropped from rest and falls a dis­
tance 0 in a given time. If the time during which it falls is v v
doubled, the distance it falls will be (a) 40, (b) 20, (c) 0, + +
(d) 0/2, (e) 0/4.
29 • • A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity va.
lts velocity halfway to its highest point is (a) 0.25vo' (b) 0.5vo'
(c) 0.707vo' (d) va' (e) cannot be determined from the informa­
tion given.
(d) (e)
30 • True or false:
(a) The equation LlX = vot +
�at2 is valid for all particle motion
in one dimension. 37 •• .I Which graph of v versus t in Figure 2-29
(b) If the velocity at a given instant is zero, the acceleration at best describes the motion of a particle with negative velocity
that instant must also be zero. and negative acceleration?
(c) The equation LlX = vavLlt holds for all particle motion in
38 • • A graph of the motion of an object is plotted with
one dimension.
the velocity on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal
31 • IssMI If an object is moving at constant accelera­ axis. The graph is a straight line. Which of these quantities
tion in a straight line, its instantaneous velocity halfway can be determined from this graph? (a) The displacement
through any time interval is (a) greater than its average ve­ from time t = 0 to any other time shown. (b) The initial veloc­
locity, (b) less than its average velocity, ( c) equal to its average ity at t
= O. (c) The acceleration as a function of time. (d) The
velocity, (d) half its average velocity, ( e) twice its average average velocity for any specified time interval. ( e) All of
velocity. the above.
Problems 4S

39 . . IssMI Figure 2-30 shows the position of a car plot­ Estimation and Approximation
ted as a function of time. At which times to to t7 is the velocity
(a) negative? (b) positive? (c) zero? At which times is the accel­
eration (a) negative? (b) positive? (c) zero? 42 • Measure your own pulse rate (the number of heart
beats per minute). Typical adult "resting rates" fall between
F I G U R E 2 - 3 0 Problem 39 60 bpm (beats per min) and 80 bpm. (a) How many times will
your heart beat during the time that it takes you to drive 1 mi
at 60 mph? (b) How many times will your heart beat during
your lifetime? (Assume a lifetime of 95 y.)
43 . . ISSMI i Occasionally, people cal1 survive
after fallil1g large distances if the surface they fall on is soft
enough. During a traverse of the Eiger 's infamous Nordvand,
mowltaineer Carlos Ragone's rock anchor pulled out and he
plummeted 500 ft to land il1 snow. Amazingly, he suffered
only a few bruises al1d a wrenched shoulder. (a) What
final speed did he reach before impact? Ignore air resistance.
(b) Assuming that his impact left a hole in the snow 4 ft deep,
estimate his acceleration as he slowed to a stop. Assume
that the acceleration was constant. Express this as a multiple
40 • • Sketch v-versus-t curves for each of the following of g (the magnitude of free-fall acceleration at the surface of
conditions: (a ) Acceleration is zero and constant while the earth).
velocity is not zero. (b) Acceleration is constant but not zero. 44 • • When we solve problems involving free-fall
(c) Velocity and acceleration are both positive. (d) Velocity and above the surface of the earth, it's important to remember
acceleration are both negative. (e) Velocity is positive and ac­ that air resistance always exists; if we naively assume that
celera tion is negative. if) Velocity is negative and acceleration objects always fall with constant acceleration, we may get
is positive. (g) Velocity is momentarily zero but the accelera­ answers that are wrong by orders of magnitude. How can
tion is not zero. we tell when it is valid to assume that a body is falling with
41 • • Figure 2-31 shows nine graphs of position, velocity, (almost) constant acceleration? As a real body falls from rest
and acceleration for objects in motion along a straight line. through the air, as its speed increases, its acceleration
Indicate the graphs that meet the following conditions: downward decreases. The velocity will approach, but
(a) velocity is constant, (b) velocity reverses its direction, never quite reach, a terminal velocity that depends on the
(c) acceleration is constant, (d) acceleration is not constant. mass and cross-sectional area of the body; at the terminal
(e) Which graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration are velocity, the forces of gravity and air resistance exactly
mutually consistent? balance. For a "typical" skydiver falling through the air, a
reasonable estimate for the terminal velocity is about
F I G U R E 2 · 3 1 Problem 41 50 m l s (roughly 120 mph). At a speed of half the terminal
velocity, the skydiver 's accelera­
tion will be �g. (a) Let's take half
the terminal velocity as a reason­
able " upper bound" beyond
which we shouldn't use the
constant acceleration formulas
to calculate velocities and dis-
(a) (b) (c) placements. Roughly how far,
and for how long, will the sky­
diver fall before we can't use
these formulas anymore? (b) Re­
peat the analysis for a mouse,
which has a terminal velocity of
about 1 m / s .
45 • • On June 1 6, 1999 Maurice
(d) (e) (f) Greene of the United States set
a new world's record for the

a� al __ a� 1 00-m dash with a time t = 9.79 s.

Suppose that he started from rest
at constant acceleration a and

� � �
reached his maximum velocity
in 3.00 s, which he then kept
until the finish line. What was the
(g) (h) (I) accelera tion a?
46 C HA P T E R 2 Motion in One Dimen s ion

46 . . IssMI The photograph in Figure 2-32 is a short-time 52 • IssMI The speed of light, c, is 3 X 108 m/s. (a) How
exposure (1 /30 s) of a juggler with two tennis balls in the air. long does it take for light to travel from the sun to the earth, a
The telmis ball near the top of its trajectory is less blurred distance of 1 .5 x 1 011 m? (b) How long does it take light to
than the lower one. Why is that? Can you estimate the speed travel from the moon to the earth, a distance of 3.84 x 108 m?
of the lower ball from the picture? (c) A light-year is a unit of distance equal to that traveled by
light in 1 year. Convert 1 light-year into kilometers and miles.
FI G U R E 2 · 3 2 Problem 46
53 • Proxima Centauri, a dim companion to Alpha
Centauri, is 4.1 X 1013 km away. From the vicinity of this star,
Gregor places an order at Tony's Pizza in Hoboken, New
Jersey, communicating via light Signals. Tony's fastest deliv­
ery craft travels at 1O-4c (see Problem 52). (a ) How long does it
take Gregor 's order to reach Tony's Pizza? (b) How long does
Gregor wait between sending the signal and receiving the
pizza? If Tony's has a 1000-years-or-it's-free delivery policy,
does Gregor have to pay for the pizza?
54 • A car making a 100-km journey travels 40 km/h for
the first 50 km. How fast must it go during the second 50 km
to average 50 km/h?
55 . . IssMI An archer fires an arrow, which produces a
muffled "thwok" as it hits a target. If the archer hears the
"thwok" exactly 1 s after firing the arrow and the average
speed of the arrow was 40 m i s, what was the distance sepa­
rating the archer and the target? Use 340 m/ s for the speed of
56 • • Jolm can run 6 m/s. Marcia can run 15% faster than
John. (a) By what distance does Marcia beat John in a 100-m
47 • • Look up the speed at which a nerve impulse travels
race? (b) By what time does Marcia beat John in a 100-m race?
through the body. Estimate the time between stubbing your
toe on a rock and feeling the pain due to this. 57 • i � 1 Figure 2-33 shows the position of a parti-
cle as a function of time. Find the average velocities for the
time intervals a, b, c, and d indicated in the figure.
Speed, Displacement, and Velocity
F I G U R E 2 · 3 3 Problem 57
48 • (a) An electron in a television tube travels the 16-cm
distance from the grid to the screen at an average speed of X/ In

4 X 107 m/s. How long does the trip take? (b) An electron 6
in a current-carrying wire travels at an average speed of
4 X 10-5 m/s. How long does it take to travel 16 cm? 4

49 • IssMI A runner runs 2.5 km, in a straight line, in
9 min and then takes 30 min to walk back to the starting point.
(a ) What is the rUlmer ' s average velocity for the first 9 min?
(b) What is the average velocity for the time spent walking? 2 �, 14 i, s
(c) What is the average velocity for the whole trip? (d) What is -2 - --- .. .. .. .. .. - � .. .. .. .. .. .. � .. .. .. .. .. ..
the average speed for the whole trip?
50 · A car travels in a straight line with an aver-
age velocity of 80 km/ h for 2.5 h and then with an average -6
velocity of 40 km/ h for 1 .5 h. (a) What is the total displacement -- a �- b � c -�- d -�
I 1 • I

for the 4-h trip? (b) What is the average velocity for the total
51 • One busy air route across the Atlantic Ocean is 58 • • It has been found that galaxies are moving away
about 5500 km. (a ) How long does it take for a supersonic jet from the earth at a speed that is proportional to their distance
flying at 2 times the speed of sound to make the trip? Use from the earth. This discovery is known as Hubble's law. The
340 m/s for the speed of sound. (b) How long does it take a speed of a galaxy at a distance r from the earth is given by v =
subsonic jet flying at 0.9 times the speed of sound to make the Hi", where H is the Hubble constant, equal to 1 .58 X 10- 18 S-l .
same trip? (c) Allowing 2 h at each end of the trip for ground What is the speed of a galaxy (a ) 5 X 10 22 m from earth and
travel, check-in, and baggage handling, what is your average (b) 2 X 1025 m from earth? (c) If each of these galaxies has trav­
speed, door to door, when traveling on the supersonic jet? eled with constant speed, how long ago were they both lo­
(d) What is your average speed taking the subsonic jet? cated at the same place as the earth?
Problems 47

S9 • • IssMI i �- The cheetah can run as fast as VI = 68 .. ISSMI t " The position of an object is related to
113 km/h, the falcon can fly as fast as v2 = 1 6 1 km/h, and the time by x = At2 - B t + C, where A = 8 m/s2, B = 6 mis, and
sailfish can swim as fast as V3 = 1 05 km/ h. The three of them C = 4 m. Find the instantaneous velocity and acceleration as
run a relay with each covering a distance L at maximum functions of time.
speed. What is the average speed V of this relay team? Com­
69 • • The one-dimensional motion of a particle is plotted
pare this with the average of the three speeds.
in Figure 2-34. ( a ) What is the average acceleration in the in­
60 • • Two cars are traveling along a straight road. Car A tervals AB, BC, and CE? (b) How far is the particle from its
maintains a constant speed of 80 km/h; car B maintains a con­ starting point after 10 s? (c) Sketch the displacement of the
stant speed of 110 km/h. At t = 0, car B is 45 km behind car A . particle as a function of time; label the instants A, B, C, D, and
How much farther will c a r A travel before it i s overtaken b y E on your figure. (d) At what time is the particle traveling
c a r B? most slowly?
61 •• IssMI A car traveling at a constant speed of 20 m/s
passes an intersection at time t = 0, and 5 s later another car F I G U R E 2 - 3 4 Problem 69
traveling at a constant speed of 30 m/ s passes the same inter­
section in the same direction. (a) Sketch the position functions
x, (t) and x2 (t) for the two cars. (b) Determine when the second v, m/s
car will overtake the first. (c) How far from the intersection
will the two cars be when they pull even? (d) Where is the first
car when the second car passes the intersection?
62 • Joe and Sally tend to argue when they travel. Just as 5
they reached the moving sidewalk at the airport, their tem­ O r-����---L�--�-
pers flared to a point where neither was talking to the other. t, s
Though they stepped on the moving belt at the same time, Joe
chose to stand and ride, while Sally opted to keep walking.
Sally reached the end in 1 min, while Joe took 2 min. How -1 5
long would it have taken Sally if she had walked twice as fast
relative to the moving belt?
63 • • Margaret has j ust enough gas in her speedboat to
get to the marina, an upstream journey that takes 4.0 h. Find­
ing it closed for the season, she spends the next 8.0 h floating
back downstream (out of gas) to her shack. The entire trip took
12.0 h. How long would it have taken if she had bought gas at Constant Acceleration and Free-Fall
the marina? Assume that the effect of the wind is negligible.

70 • ISSMI An object projected upward with initial ve-

Acceleration locity va attains a height 11. Another object projected up with
initial velocity 2 va will attain a height of (a) 4h, (b) 311, (c) 211,
(d) h.
64 • I A BMW-M3 sports car can accelerate in
third gear from 48.3 km/ h (30 mi/h) to 80.5 km/h (50 mi/h) 71 • A car starting a t x = 50 m accelerates from rest a t a
in 3.7 s. (a ) What is the average acceleration of this car in constant rate of 8 m / S2 . (a ) How fast is it going after 10 s?
m/ S2 ? (b) If the car continued at this acceleration for another (b) How far has it gone after 10 s? (c) What is its average veloc­
second, how fast would it be moving? ity for the interval 0 :=; t :=; 10 s?

6S • At t = 5 s, an object at x = 3 m has a velocity of 72 • An object with an initial velocity of 5 m/s has a

+5 m/s. At t = 8 s, it is at x 9 m and its velocity is - 1 m/s.
constant acceleration of 2 m / s2 . When its speed is 15 mis,
Find the average acceleration for this interval. how far has it traveled?

66 •• A particle moves with velocity v = (8 m/s2) t - 73 • IssMI An object with constant acceleration has a
7 m / s. (a ) Find the average acceleration for two 1-s intervals, velocity of 10 m / s when it is at x = 6 m and of 15 m/s when it
one beginning at t = 3 s and the other beginning at t = 4 s. is at x = 10 m. What is its acceleration?
(b) Sketch v versus t. What is the instantaneous acceleration at 74 • The speed of an object increases at a constant rate
any time? of 4 m/ s each second. At t = 0, its velocity is 1 m/ s and its po­
67 • • i_ ' .I The position of a certain particle de- sition is x = 7 m. How fast is it moving when it is at x = 8 m
pends on time according to the equation x(t) = t 2 - 5t + 1 , and what does t equal then?
where x i s i n meters i f t i s in seconds. (a ) Find the displace­ 7S •• i .I A ball is thrown upward with an initial
ment and average velocity for the interval 3 s :=; t :=; 4 s. velocity of 20 m/ s. (a ) How long is the ball in the air? (Neglect
(b) Find the general formula for the displacement for the time the height of the release point.) (b) What is the greatest height
interval from t to t + !::..t . (c) Use the limiting process to obtain reached by the ball? (c) How long after release is the baU 15 m
the instantaneous velocity for any time t. above the release point?
48 C H A PTE R 2 Motion in One Dimension

sees the end of the trail 35 m ahead and decides to speed up to

reach it. He accelerates at a constant rate of 0.5 m/ S2, leaving
76 •• ./ In the Blackhawk landslide in California,
a mass of rock and mud fell 460 m down a mountain and then
Bert behind, who continues on at a constant speed. (a) How
traveled 8 km across a level plain. It has been theorized that
long does it take Al to reach the end of the trail? (b) Once he
the rock and mud moved on a cushion of water vapor. Assume
reaches the end of the trail, he immediately turns around and
that the mass dropped with the free-fall acceleration and then
heads back along the trail with a constant speed of 0.85 m/s.
slid horizontally, losing speed at a constant rate. (a) How long
How long does it take him to reach Bert? ( c) How far are they
did the mud take to drop the 460 m? (b) How fast was it travel­
from the end of the trail when they meet?
ing when it reached the bottom? (c) How long did the mud
take to slide the 8 km horizontally? 86 • • Solve Problem 85, parts (b) and (c), using a
77 • • IssMI A load of bricks is being lifted by a crane at a spreadsheet program.
steady velocity of 5 m / s when one brick falls off 6 m above • • A rocket is fired vertically with an upward acceler­
ation of 20 m/ S2 . After 25 s, the engine shuts off and the rocket
the ground. (a ) Sketch x(t) to show the motion of the free
brick. (b) What is the greatest height the brick reaches above then continues rising (while in free-fall) . The rocket eventu­
the ground? (c) How long does it take to reach the ground? ally stops rising and then falls back to the ground. Calculate
(d) What is its speed just before it hits the ground? (a ) the highest point the rocket reaches, (b) the total time the
78 • • A bolt comes loose from underneath an elevator rocket is in the air, (c) the speed of the rocket just before it hits
that is moving upward at a speed of 6 m/s. The bolt reaches the ground.
the bottom of the elevator shaft in 3 s. (a ) How high up is the 88 • • i ' . J A flowerpot falls from the ledge of an
elevator when the bolt comes loose? (b) What is the speed of apartment building. A person in an apartment below, coinci­
the bolt when it hits the bottom of the shaft? dentally holding a stopwatch, notices that it takes 0.2 s for the
79 . . IssMI An object is dropped from rest at a height of pot to fall past his window, which is 4 m high. How far above
120 m. Find the distance it falls during its final second in the the top of the window is the ledge from which the pot fell?
air. 89 • • IssMI In a classroom demonstration, a glider moves
80 •• An object is released from rest at a height h. During along an inclined air track with constant acceleration. It is
the final second of its fall, it traverses a distance of 38 m. What projected from the start of the track with an initial velocity.
is h? After 8 s have elapsed, it is 100 cm from its starting point and
is moving along the track at a velocity of - 15 cm/ s. Find the
81 • IssMI A stone is thrown vertically from a 200-m-tall
initial velocity and the acceleration.
cliff. During the last half second of its flight the stone travels a
distance of 45 m. Find the initial speed of the stone. 90 • • A rock dropped from a cliff falls one-third of its
total distance to the ground in the last second of its fall.
82 • • An object is released from rest at a height h. It trav­
How high is the cliff?
els 0.411 during the first second of its descent. Determine the
average velocity of the object during its entire descent. • • A typical automobile under hard braking loses
speed at a rate of about 7 m/ S2; the typical reaction time to en­

83 • • A bus accelerates at 1 .5 m/ S2from rest for 12 s. It

gage the brakes is 0.50 s. A school board sets the speed limit in
then travels at constant velocity for 25 s, after which it slows
a school zone to meet the condition that all cars should be able
to a stop with an acceleration of - 1 .5 m / s2 . (a ) How far does
to stop in a distance of 4 m. (a ) What maximum speed should
the bus travel? (b) What is its average velocity?
be allowed for a typical automobile? (b) What fraction of the
84 • • IssMI It is relatively easy to use a spreadsheet pro- 4 m is due to the reaction time?
gram such as Microsoft Excel to solve certain types of physics
92 • • Two trains face each other on adjacent tracks. They
problems. For example, you probably solved Problem 75 us­
are initially at rest, and their front ends are 40 m apart. The
ing algebra. Let's solve Problem 75 in a different way, this 2
train on the left accelerates rightward at 1 .4 m / S The train on
time using a spreadsheet program. While we can solve this 2
the right accelerates leftward at 2.2 m / S . How far does the
problem using algebra, there are many places in physics
train on the left travel before the front ends of the trains pass?
where we can't get an alternative solution so easily, and
have to rely on numerical methods like the one shown here. 93 • • Two stones are dropped from the edge of a 60-m
(a ) Using Microsoft Excel or some other spreadsheet program, cliff, the second stone 1 .6 s after the first. How far below the
generate a graph of the height versus time for the ball in top of the cliff is the second stone when the separation be­
Problem 75 (thrown upward with an initial velocity of tween the two stones is 36 m?
20 m/s). Determine the maximum height, the time it was in
94 • • ISSMI A motorcycle officer hidden at an intersection
the air, and the time(s) when the ball is 15 m above the
observes a car that ignores a stop sign, crosses the intersec­
ground by inspection (i.e., look at the graph and find them.)
tion, and continues on at constant speed. The police officer
(b) Now change the initial velocity to 10 m / s and find the
takes off in pursuit 2.0 s after the car has passed the stop sign,
maximum height the ball reaches and the time the ball spends
accelerates at 6.2 m/s2 until her speed is 110 km/h, and then
in the air.
continues at this speed until she catches the car. At that in­
85 . . ISSMI i i Al and Bert are jogging side-by-side stant, the car is 1 .4 km from the intersection. How fast was the
on a trail in the woods at a speed of 0.75 m/s. Suddenly Al car traveling?
Problems 49

95 •• At t = 0, a stone is dropped from the top of a 1 02 •• A particle moves with a constant acceleration of
cliff above a lake. Another stone is thrown downward 1.6 s later 3 m/ S2 . At a time of 4 s, it is at a position of 1 00 m with respect
from the same point with an initial speed of 32 m/s. Both stones to some coordinate system; at a time of 6 s, it has a velocity of
hit the water at the same instant. Find the height of the cliff. 15 m/ s. Find its position at a time of 6 S.

96 • • • A passenger train is traveling at 29 m / s 1 03 . . ISSMI i 1 ./ A plane landing on a small tropical

when the engineer sees a freight train 360 m ahead of his train island has j ust 70 m of runway on which to stop. If its initial
traveling in the same direction on the same track. The freight speed is 60 mi s, (a) what is the minimum acceleration of the
train is moving at a speed of 6 m / s . (a) If the reaction time of plane during landing, assuming it to be constant? (b) How
the engineer is 0.4 s, what is the minimum rate at which the long does it take for the plane to stop with this acceleration?
passenger train must lose speed if a collision is to be avoided? 1 04 • • ./ An automobile accelerates from rest at
(b) If the engineer's reaction time is 0.8 s and the train loses 2 m/s2 for 20 s. The speed is then held constant for 20 s, after
speed at the minimum rate described in part (a), what is the which there is an acceleration of -3 m/s2 until the automobile
relative speed with which the two trains collide? How far will stops. What is the total distance traveled?
the passenger tra in have traveled in the time between the
1 05 . . ISSMI i If it were possible for a spacecraft to
sighting of the freight train and the collision?
maintain a constant acceleration indefinitely, trips to the
97 • Intent on studying the effects of gravity near the planets of the Solar System could be undertaken in days or
surface of the earth, a student launches a small projectile weeks, while voyages to the nearer stars would only take a
straight up with a speed of 300 m / s . How high will the pro­ few years. (a) Show that g, the magnitude of free-fa ll acceler­
jectile rise? (Ignore air resistance. ) ation on earth, is approximately 1 c . Y / y2 . (See Problem 52
for the definition of a light-year.) (b) Using data from the ta­
98 • IssMI At the end of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
bles at the back of the book, find the time it would take for a
Willie Wonka presses a button that shoots the great glass ele­
one-way trip from Earth to Mars (at Mars' closest approach
vator through the roof of his chocolate factory. (a) If the eleva­
to Earth). Assume that the spacecraft starts from rest, travels
tor reaches a maximum height of 10 km above the roof, what
was its speed immediately after crashing through the roof?
along a straight line, accelerates halfway at 19,and then flips
Ignore air resistance, even though in this case it makes little
around and decelerates at 19 for the rest of the trip.
sense to ignore it. (b) Assume that the elevator's speed j ust 1 06 • i ./ The Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas is
after it crashes through the roof was half of what it was just 1137 ft high. It takes 1 min, 20 s to ascend from the ground
before its impact with the roof. Assuming that it started from floor to the top of the tower using the high-speed elevator.
rest on the grow1d floor of the chocolate factory, and that the Assuming that the elevator starts and ends at rest, and
height of the roof is 150 m above the grolU1d floor, what uni­ its acceleration has a constant magnitude when moving,
form acceleration is needed for it to reach this high speed? find the acceleration of the elevator. Express it in terms of
a multiple of the acceleration of gravity.
99 • • The click beetle can project itself vertically with an
acceleration of about a = 400g (an order of magnitude more 1 07 • • ./ A train pulls away from a station with a
than a human could stand). The beetle jumps by "unfolding" constant acceleration of 0.4 m/s2. A passenger arrives at the
its legs, which are about d = 0.6 cm long. How high can the track 6.0 s after the end of the train has passed the very same
click beetle jump? How long is the beetle in the air? (Assume point. What is the slowest constant speed at which she can
constant acceleration while in contact with the ground, and run and catch the train? Sketch curves for the motion of the
neglect air resistance.) passenger and the train as functions of time.

1 00 · ./ A test of the prototype of a new au tomo- 1 08 • • • Ball A is dropped from the top of a building at the
bile shows that the minimum distance for a controlled stop same instant that ball B is thrown vertically upward from the
from 98 km /h to zero is 50 m. Find the acceleration, assuming ground. When the balls collide, they are moving in opposite
it to be constant, and express your answer as a fraction of the directions, and the speed of A is twice the speed of B. At what
free-fall acceleration. How much time does the car take to stop? fraction of the height of the building does the collision occur?

1 0 1 . . IssMI Consider the motion of a particle that experi­ 1 09 • • • Solve Problem 108 if the collision occurs when the
ences free-fa l l with a constant acceleration. Before the advent balls are moving in the same direction and the speed of A is
of computer-driven data-logging software, we used to do a 4 times that of B.
free-fa l l experiment in which a coated tape was placed verti­ 1 1 0 .. IssMI Starting at one station, a subway train
cally next to the path of a dropped conducting puck. A high­ accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 1 . 0 m/s2 for half
voltage spark generator would cause an arc to jump between the distance to the next station, then slows down at the
two vertical wires through the falling puck and through the same rate for the second half of the journey. The total dis­
tape, thereby marking the tape at fixed time intervals M. tance between stations is 900 m. (a) Sketch a graph of the
Show that the change in height in successive time intervals velocity v as a function of time over the full journey.
for an object falling from rest follows Calilea's Rule of Odd (b) Sketch a graph of the distance covered as a function of
Numbers: i1Y2 1 = 3i1yw i1Y32 = 5 i1yw . . . , where i1Yl0 is the time over the full journey. Place appropriate numerical values
change in y during the first interval of duration M , i1Y 1 is the on both axes.
change in !J during the second interval of duration M, etc.
50 C HAPTER 2 Motion in One Dimension

1s � t � 3 s. (d) The equation of the curve is v = (0.5 m/s3)t2

111 •• i-; ,T'""T
A speeder traveling at a constant speed of
1 25 km/ h races past a billboard. A patrol car pursues from Find the displacement of the particle for the interval 1 s � t �
rest with constant acceleration of (8 km/h) / s until it reaches 3 s by integration and compare this answer with your answer
its maximum speed of 190 km/h, which it maintains until it for part (b). Is the average velocity equal to the mean of the
catches up with the speeder. (a) How long does it take the pa­ initial and final velocities for this case?
trol car to catch the speeder if it starts moving just as the
speeder passes? (b) How far does each car travel? (c) Sketch
x(t) for each car. FI G U R E 2 - 3 5 Problem 116
1 1 2 • • When the patrol car in Problem 111 (traveling at
v, m/s
190 km/h), pulls within 100 m behind the speeder (traveling
at 125 km/h), the speeder sees the police car and slams on his 8
brakes, locking the wheels. (a) Assuming that each car can 7
brake at 6 m/ S2 and that the driver of the police car brakes in­ 6
stantly as she sees the brake lights of the speeder (reaction
a s), show that the cars collide. (b) At what time after
time =

the speeder applies his brakes do the two cars collide? (c) Dis­
cuss how reaction time affects this problem. 3
1 1 3 • • Urgently needing the cash prize, Lou enters the
Rest-to-Rest auto competition, in which each contestant's car
begins and ends at rest, covering a distance L in as short a 2 3 4 t, s
time as possible. The intention is to demonstrate mechanical
and driving skills, and to consume the largest amount of fos­
sil fuels in the shortest time possible. The course is designed
so that maximum speeds of the cars are never reached. (a) If
Lou's car has a maximum acceleration of a and a maximum
1 1 7 . . [SSM[ The velocity of a particle is given by v =
deceleration of 2a, then at what fraction of L should Lou move
(7 m / s3)t2 - 5 m is, where t is in seconds and v is in meters
his foot from the gas pedal to the brake? (b) What fraction of
per second. If the particle starts from the origin, Xo = 0, at to =
the time for the trip has elapsed at that point?
0, find the general position function x(t).
1 14 • • 1� { A physics professor demonstrates her 1 1 8 • • Consider the velocity graph in Figure 2-36. Assum­
ing x = a at t = 0, write correct algebraic expressions for x(t),
new "anti-gravity parachute" by exiting from a helicopter at
an altitude of 575 m with zero initial velocity. For 8 s, she falls
v(t), and a(t) with appropriate numerical values inserted for
freely. Then she switches on the "parachute" and her rate of
all constants.
descent slows at a constant rate of 15 m/ S2 until her downward
speed reaches 5 m i s, whereupon she adjusts her controls to
maintain that speed until she reaches the ground. (a) On a sin­
gle graph, sketch her acceleration and velocity as functions of F I G U R E 2 - 3 6 Problem 118
time. (Take upward to be positive.) (b) What is her speed at the
end of the first 8 s? (c) For how long is she losing speed? Vp m/s
(d) How far does she travel while losing speed? (e) How much
time is required for the entire trip from the helicopter to the
ground? (J) What is her average velocity for the entire trip?
o �------��---------+----
t, s

Integration of the Equations of Motion

115 • [SSM[ The velocity of a particle is given by v(t) =

(6 m/s2) t + (3 m/s). (a) Sketch v versus t and find the area
under the curve for the interval t = a to t 5 s. (b) Find the

position function x(t). Use it to calculate the displacement

1 1 9 • • • Figure 2-37 shows the acceleration of a particle ver­
during the interval t a to t = 5 S.
sus time. (a) What is the magnitude, in m is, of the area of the
1 16 • Figure 2-35 shows the velocity of a particle versus shaded box? (b) The particle starts from rest at t = O. Estimate
time. (a) What is the magnitude in meters represented by the velocity at t = 1 s, 2 s, and 3 s by counting the boxes under
the area of the shaded box? (b) Estimate the displacement the curve. (c) Sketch the curve v versus t from your results for
of the particle for the two 1-s intervals beginning at t = 1 s part (b), and using it, estimate how far the particle travels in
and at t = 2 s. (c) Estimate the average velocity for the interval the interval t = a to t = 3 s.
Problems Sl

FI G U R E 2 · 3 7 Problem 119 1 22 • • The acceleration of a certain rocket is given by a =

bt, where b is a positive constant. (a) Find the general position
function x(t). (b) Find the position and velocity at t = 5 s if x =
4 o and v = 0 at t = 0 and b = 3 m / s3 .

1 23 • • i In the time interval from 0.0 s to 10.0 s, the

3 acceleration of a particle is given by a = (0.20 m/ S3)t for one­
/'r""" dimensional motion. If a particle starts from rest at the origin,
2 / (a) calculate first its instantaneous velocity at any time during
the interval, then (b) calculate its average velocity over the time
1 / interval from 2.0 s to 7.0 s .
J 1 24 • Consider the motion of a particle that experiences a
oV nonconstant acceleration a given by a = ao + bt, where ao and b
o 1 2 3 4 t, s
are constant. (a) Find the instantaneous velocity as a function
of time. (b) Find the position as a function of time. (c) Find the
average velocity over the time interval with an initial time of
1 20 • • Figure 2-38 is a graph of v versus t for a particle zero and arbitrary final time t.
moving along a straight line. The position of the particle at
time to = 0 is Xo = 5 m. (a) Find x for various times t by count­
ing boxes, and sketch x as a function of t. (b) Sketch a graph of
the acceleration a as a function of the time t.
General Problems

F I G U R E 2 · 3 8 Problem 120 1 25 • • • The following apparatus is used in a sci-

ence class to determine the free-fall acceleration. Two photo­
gates are set up, one at the edge of a table exactly 1 .0 m high,
the second one directly below it at a height of 0.5 m. A marble
is dropped through the photogates from the height of 1 m
6 above the floor (i.e., exactly the same as the height of the
� ....... table), starting a timer when it enters the first photogate and
4 1\ stopping it when it enters the second one. The magnitude of
1/ free-fall acceleration is determined by gexp = (1 m) / (ilt) 2,
2 1\
1/ where Llt is the time measured by the timer. A careless student
a 1\ sets up the first photogate 0.5 em below the edge of the table.
(Assume that the second photogate is properly placed at a
-2 height of 0.5 m.) What value of gexp will he determine? What
\ percentage difference does this represent from the accepted
-4 \ value at sea level?

-6 1 26 " · ISSMI The position of a body oscillating on a spring

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t, S
is given by x = A sin wt, where A and w are constants with
values A = 5 cm and w = 0.1 75 S-1. (a) Plot x as a function of
t for 0 :5 t :5 36 s. (b) Measure the slope of your graph at t = 0
to find the velocity at this time. (c) Calculate the average
1 21 . . IssMI Figure 2-39 shows a plot of x versus t for a
velocity for a series of intervals beginning at t = 0 and ending
body moving along a straight line. Sketch rough graphs of v at t = 6, 3, 2, 1 , 0.5, and 0.25 s. (d) Compute dx/dt and find the
as a function of t and a as a function of t for this motion. velocity at time t = O. (e) Compare your results in parts
(c) and (d).

FI G U R E 2 · 3 9 Problem 121 1 27 . . . i Consider an object that is attached to a

driving motor so that the object moves with a velocity given
x by v = v max sin(wt), where w is in radians /so (a) What is the
acceleration of the object and is it constant? (b) At t = 0, the
position is xo. What is the position as a function of time?
1 28 • • • Su ppose the accelera tion of a particle is a function
of x, where a(x) = (2 S -2) X. (a) If the velocity at x = 1 m is zero,
what is the speed of the particle at x = 3 m? (b) How long does
it take the particle to travel from x = 1 m to x = 3 m?
52 C HA P T E R 2 Motion in One Dimension

1 29 • • • Suppose that a particle moves in a straight line the rock's acceleration as a function of velocity has the form
such that, at each instant of time, its position and velocity a = g - bv where g is the magnitude of free-fall acceleration
have the same numerical value if expressed in SI units. (a) Ex­ and v is the rock's speed. Prove that if the rock has an initial
press the position x as a function of time t. (b) Show that at velocity v = ° at time t = 0, it will have the dependence on
each instant of time the acceleration has the same numerical tim.e given above.
value as the position and velocity.
1 32 • • • The acceleration of a skydiver jumping from an air­
1 30 • • • A small rock sinking through water experiences an plane is given by the formula a = g - cv2, where c is a constant
exponentially decreasing acceleration as a function of time depending on the skydiver's cross-sectional area and the den­
given by a (t) = ge - bt, where b is a positive constant that de­ sity of the surrounding atmosphere she is diving through.
pends on the shape and size of the rock and the physical prop­ (a) If her initial speed is ° when j umping from the plane, show
erties of the water. Based upon this result, derive an expres­ that her speed as a function of time is given by the formula
sion for the position of the rock as a function of time. Assume v ( t) = vr tanh ( t / T) , where vT is the terminal velocity
that its initial velocity is 0. (VT = Vi7C) and T = v T/g is a time scale determining very
roughly the time it takes for her speed to approach vT. (b) Use
1 3 1 · " ISSMI In Problem 130, a rock falls through water
a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel to graph v(t)
with a continuously decreasing acceleration of the form a(t) =
as a function of time, using a terminal velocity of 56 m/s (use
ge-bt, where b is a positive constant. In physics, we are not of­
this to calculate c and T ) . Does the resulting curve make
ten given acceleration directly as a function of time, but usu­
ally either as a function of position or of velocity. Assume that

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