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Copernicus Programme Fact Sheet

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The EU Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme

What is Copernicus? and contributing missions (existing commercial monitoring. Sentinel-1B reached orbit in 2016.
Copernicus is a European Union Programme and public satellites designed for other pur- Sentinel-2 satellites provide data based on
aimed at developing European information poses but providing some of their observation their multi-spectral optical sensor, while Sen-
services based on satellite Earth Observation capacity to Copernicus). The Sentinel satellites tinel-3 satellites carry a suite of optical and
and in-situ (non-space) data. The Programme are specifically designed to meet the needs of radar instruments for land, ocean and atmo-
is coordinated and managed by the European the Copernicus services and their users. Since spheric applications. The two constellations
Commission. It is implemented in partnership the launch of the first unit of the Sentinel-1 were placed in orbit between 2015 and 2018.
with the Member States, the European Space mission in 2014, the European Union set in Sentinel-5P and its atmospheric composition
Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for motion a process to place a constellation of sensor was launched in 2017.
the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites almost 20 more satellites in orbit before 2030. The other Sentinel missions (Sentinel-4,
(EUMETSAT), the European Centre for Medi- Sentinel-1 satellites provide a unique set of Sentinel-5 and Sentinel-6) will be launched
um-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), EU high-resolution, all-weather, day and night within the next years and will be progressively
Agencies and Mercator Océan. Vast amounts radar images to be used for land and ocean covering all domains of Earth Observation.
of global data from satellites and from ground-
based, airborne and seaborne measurement
systems are being used to provide information
to help service providers, public authorities and
other international organisations improve the
quality of life for the citizens of Europe. The
information services provided are freely and
openly accessible to everyone.

How does Copernicus

collect data?
The Copernicus Space and Service Components
have been specifically designed to meet user
requirements. On the basis of satellite and in
situ observations, the services deliver near-
real-time data on a global level which can also
be used for local and regional needs, to help us
better understand our planet and sustainably
manage the environment we live in. Copernicus
observes from satellites: Copernicus observes
from satellites: Copernicus is served by a set
of dedicated satellites (the Sentinel family)
Mont Saint-Michel, France - Copernicus Sentinel-2 data (2018).

Geba River Estuary and Bissagos Islands in Guinea-Bissau – Copernicus Santa Vitória e Mombeja and Beja in Portugal – Copernicus Sentinel-2 Europe, Africa, Middle East and India – Copernicus Sentinel-5P data
Sentinel-2 data (2018) processed by Pierre Markuse data (2018) (2018) processed by KNMI

Copernicus also collects information from in What happens to the data? for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
situ sensors such as ground stations, which The Copernicus system delivers data and This data policy applies to the data and
deliver data acquired by a multitude of sensors information to Copernicus users, supplied on information generated within the Copernicus
on the ground, at sea or in the air. These data a long term and sustainable basis through a programme, i.e., Sentinel mission data and
come from European and non-European organ- set of services and petabytes of Sentinel open Copernicus service information.
isations and from Member States. Copernicus data. The EC funds industry and public entities
monitors: it stores the information and keeps which provide these services. The information How does Copernicus help
track of changes or recurring phenomena. can be used by end users for a wide range the citizens of Europe?
This constitutes a large amount of reliable of applications in a variety of areas. These Copernicus is the concrete realisation of
and up-to-date information on the status of include urban area management, sustainable the European idea of providing our citizens
our planet. Copernicus analyses: the data is development and nature protection, regional with new public services on both a European
analysed in a way that generates indicators and local planning, agriculture, forestry and and global scale. By investing in Earth
useful for researchers and end users, providing fisheries, health, civil protection, infrastructure,
monitoring and observation systems and
information on past, present and future trends. transport and mobility, as well as tourism. networks, which monitor and forecast the
They can analyse, for example, the air quality state of the environment on land, sea and
in our cities and detect visible and noticeable What is the added-value of in the atmosphere, we are now better able
increases in air pollution (smoke, dust, smog) the Copernicus System? understand our planet, protect and sustain our
or analyse the rise in global sea levels. Guarantee of service, providing global spatial environment and feel more safe and secure.
What are the services?  Near-real time data provided to end users; Copernicus in Action (examples)
The services address six thematic areas:  Integration of the data (space and in situ)  The Marine Environment Monitoring Service
 An Atmosphere Monitoring Service and analyses; provided data to the Italian authorities sup-
fully operational since July 2015;  High resolution images; porting oil spill scenario calculations during
 A Marine Environment Monitoring Service  Regular and systematicvalidation of data; the parbuckling of Costa Concordia;
fully operational since May 2015;  Reduced reaction time to enable better  During the terrible forest fires in Sweden
 A Land Monitoring Service response to man-made or natural disasters; in July 2018, the Emergency Management
fully operational since January 2013;  Global/Pan European Approach to Earth Service provided reference maps and forest
 A Climate Change Service monitoring. fires delineation of the affected areas;
fully operational since July 2018;  Copernicus also plays an important role in
 An Emergency Management Service The Copernicus data policy creating business opportunities for small
fully operational since April 2012; promotes the access, use and medium-sized enterprises, which create
 A Security Service operational since 2016. and sharing of Copernicus jobs and growth. It is estimated that the
information and data on a full, programme could result in some 48,000
free and open basis direct and indirect jobs being created over
There is no restriction on use or reproduction the period 2015-2030.
Copernicus EU and redistribution, with or without adaptation,



Copernicus EU

Status as of December 2018

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