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Chapter Ii: Block Diagrams in Control Systems Engineering: G(S) G G G G

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1. Blocks – It contains the transfer function (ratio of

A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation
output and input) of the control system. It also
of the functions performed by each of its components and
represents the physical components of the system.
the flow of signals on it. Such diagram depicts the
2. Summing Point (also known as summer) – a circle
interrelationships that exist among the various
representation that indicates a summing operation.
components. Differing from a purely abstract mathematical
The plus or minus sign at each arrowhead indicates
representation, a block diagram has the advantage of
whether that signal is to be added or subtracted. It is
indicating more realistically the signal flows of the actual
important that the quantities being added or
subtracted have the same dimensions and the same
In a block diagram all system variables are linked to each units.
other through functional blocks. The functional block or
simply block is a symbol for a mathematical operation on What will be the relationship between the output
the input signal to the block that produces the output. The and the inputs for the summing points represented
transfer functions of the components are usually entered below?
in the corresponding blocks, which is connected by arrows
to indicate the direction of the flow of the signals. Note that
the signal can pass only in the direction of the arrows.
The advantage of the block diagram
representation of a control system lie in the fact that it is 3. Take-off (Pick-off) Point – It indicates that the same
easy to form the overall block diagram for the entire signal is to go several places in the diagram.
system by merely connecting the blocks of the 4. Arrows – represent unidirectional signal flow. These
components according to the signal flow and it is possible are referred to as signals.
to evaluate the contribution of each component to the
overall performance of the system. A block diagram
contains information on the physical construction of the BLOCK DIAGRAM REDUCTION
1. Blocks in Cascade - Each signal is derived from
the product of the input times the transfer
BLOCK DIAGRAM ELEMENTS function. Therefore, any finite blocks in series
may be algebraically combined by multiplication.
Summing C C
Block Take-off R R
Point G1 G2 G1G2
R E Point C

± C
2. Blocks in Tandem (Blocks in Parallel) -
Parallel subsystems have a common input and
an output formed by the algebraic sum of the
outputs from all subsystems.

Take first things first. Triumph is just “umph” added to try.

Moving Block Diagram Element/s to Create Familiar
G1 Forms
R C R C It is important to note that blocks can be connected in
G1±G2 series only if the output of one block is not affected by the
± next following block. A complicated block diagram
G2 involving many feedback loops can be simplified by a
step-by-step rearrangement, using some of the
3. Feedback Form (Canonical Form)
transformations shown below.
In simplifying a block diagram, remember the
G following:
 The product of the transfer functions in the feed-
± B
forward direction must remain the same.
 The product of the transfer functions around the
loop must remain the same.
E= Actuating signal or Error Signal
B = Feedback Signal
R = Reference Input Signal When multiple inputs are present in a linear control
G = direct transfer function or forward transfer system, each input can be treated independently of the
function others (analyze the system one source at a time), using
H = feedback transfer function the process called superposition. The complete output of
the system can then be obtained adding together the
outputs corresponding to each input.
Procedure in Simplifying Systems with Multiple Inputs
= Closed-loop transfer -function or control ratio 1. Set all inputs, except one, equal to zero.
R 2. Transform the block diagram to canonical form.
E 3. Calculate the response due to chosen input acting
= Actuating Signal Ratio or Error Ratio
R alone.
B 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each of the remaining inputs.
= Primary Feedback Ratio
R 5. Algebraically add all of the responses determined in
steps 1-4. This sum is the total output of the system
Steps in Reducing (Simplifying) Complicated Block with all inputs acting simultaneously.
1. Combine all cascade blocks
2. Combine all parallel blocks
3. Eliminate all feedback loops
4. Shift summing points to the left and take-off
(pick-off) points to the right of the major loop.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until canonical form has
been achieved for a particular input.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 to for each input (for multiple
inputs), as required.

Take first things first. Triumph is just “umph” added to try.

Transformation Block Diagram Equivalent Block Diagram

X1 X3
X1 + G X3 G +
1. Moving the summing point to the ±
right of a block ±
X2 G

X1 X2 X1 X2
2. Moving Pickoff point to the left of
X2 X2
a block G

X1 X
X1 X2 G
3. Moving a Pickoff point to the G 2

right of a block X1 1
X1 G

X1 X1 + X3
G + X3 G
4. Moving Summing Point to the
± ±
left of a block
X2 1/G

G1 C G1
5. Removing a Block from a ± G1
R G2
Forward Path G2 ±C

Take first things first. Triumph is just “umph” added to try.

Example 1:
Determine C/R for the given system Example 6:
G2 Reduce the given block diagram to canonical
C form isolating H3. H3
R +
G1 + –
+ G1 + G2 G3
+ H1

Example 2: – H2
Determine the output C of the system
U H1
+ C
R + +
G1 G2 Example 7:
– +
R +
Example 3: – –
Shown is a block diagram for the control system for H
speed of a shaft with the terms in the boxes being
the transfer functions for the elements concerned. H
Example 8:

Example 4:
Determine the output C of the given system
+ C
R +
G1 + G2

H1 + H2

+ U2
Example 5: R + + + C
G1 G2 G3
Reduce into one block
– –


Take first things first. Triumph is just “umph” added to try.

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