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Karaka 12th Bhava

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Kārakas in Vedic Astrology - a different perspective

12th Bhāva

In this series of articles on kārakas for different bhāvas we shall now try to understand the
kāraka for the 12th bhāva. Some of the kārakas are mentioned specifically in Jyotish texts, and
some need to be understood by implication. As usual we shall begin by again looking at what
Sage Pārāshara says about the kāraka of the 12th bhāva.

The sage says:

ु कुजुः सोमो गरर्भौमुः
सूर्यो गरुः ु ससतुः शस ुः।

गरश्चन्द्रस ु जीवो मन्दश्च र्भावकारकाुः॥३३।३४॥
sūryo guruḥ kujaḥ somo gururbhaumaḥ sitaḥ śaniḥ|
guruścandrasuto jīvo mandaśca bhāvakārakāḥ ||33|34||

Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
are the kārakas of bhāvas (from 1 to 12)

Thus, Sage Pārāshara tells us that Saturn is the karaka for the 12th bhāva. All learned Āchāryas
concur. The learned “Vaidyanātha” in his Jyotish classic, “Jātaka Pārijāta”, also hints at how
is the 12th bhāva to be looked at and gives some hints about what could be the indicated by the
12th bhāva, thus:

ु र्दरू ाटनं दुर् ूततं दातृत्वं शयनातदसौख्यतिभिं तित्तक्षयं तिन्तयेत।्

तरष्फस्थे िरखेिरे िरर्ृहे दुुःस्थाननाथेऽथिा नानादेशिनाटनो तह शतनना यक्तेु ऽथिाऽऽलोतिते॥१५।७२॥ जा/पा
lagnādantyatadīśabhānutanayairdūrāṭanaṁ durgatiṁ dātṛtvaṁ śayanādisaukhyavibhavaṁ
vittakṣayaṁ cintayet|
riṣphasthe carakhecare caragṛhe duḥsthānanāthe'thavā nānādeśavanāṭano hi śaninā
yukte'thavā''lokite||15|72|| jā/pā

One should think of travels to distant lands from the 12th bhāva, its lord, and Saturn.
Similarly, misfortune, philanthropy, bed pleasures, happiness, wealth and expenditure should
also be analyzed from these (three parameters). If the 12th bhāva is placed in a Chara
(cardinal) rāshi or occupied by Mars or lord of a malefic bhāva and be aspected by Saturn
the jātaka shall travel to many different countries

Some learned have opined that Ketu is also a karaka for the 12th house as it represents giving
up of all that is represented by the 12th bhāva, including ego and attachments to material things,
even the life itself (according to some Nādi experts). So, we can consider Saturn and the lord
of the 12th to act as karaka for the 12th house indications.

Let us now, look at our standard chart of Arnold Schwarzenegger,

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Kārakas in Vedic Astrology - a different perspective
12th Bhāva

Now we find that in case of Arnold, we observe that Saturn the karaka for the 12th bhāva
occupies his 2nd house while lord of the 12th Venus also occupies the 2nd bhāva. Ketu the
Moksha kāraka (causative agent for emancipation/giving up some possession) is seen to occupy
his 6th bhāva. We can analyze the chart from point of view of bhāva ownership perspective,
and have done so in our articles on Bhāvas, however being on the subject of Karakas, we shall
restrict ourselves to Saturn and its implications as the 12th karaka. We can observe Mars
occupying the 12th giving him travels to different countries too, but let us restrict ourselves to
the Karaka analysis.

We further find that Saturn is placed in the 8th bhāva (bhāva of secrecy) of Navāmsha chakra
(chart) and there occupies the Navāmsha of Jupiter. Ketu in 6th (not occupying the 12th) makes
it obvious that there is no possibility of Arnold giving up the indications of the 12th bhāva, so
spirituality is not his forte. So what do we do with this information? The karaka of the 12 th
bhāva occupying the 2nd bhāva can indicate some expenditure of accumulated wealth, possibly

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Kārakas in Vedic Astrology - a different perspective
12th Bhāva

due to matters related to the 12th bhāva, which include bed-pleasures, misfortune, philanthropy,
travels to distant lands, for happiness of the jātaka etc. So how do we know where could he
spend the accumulated wealth? The key is obviously the lord of the 12th also being a causative
agent or karaka as indicated by the shloka quoted earlier. We find Venus the indicator of
enjoyment, and sexual potency, with lord of the third Sun (indicator of personal servants
represented by 3rd bhāva).
I am sure those who have gone through the earlier articles know of affair of Arnold with his
maid, besides other affairs which came to be known, leading to his loss of wealth (some
speculate it is close to $ 400million) through divorce settlement with his wife Maria Shriver.
This suit was filed in 2011 when Saturn (karaka for 12th bhāva and also 8th bhāva of secret
things) antardashā in Jupiter (Lord of 7th bhāva of spouse) mahādashā was running for him.

Thus, we now come to close of this series of article on Karakas of different bhāvas, in Vedic

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