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Pollution and Conservation Reading

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Pollution and Conservation Reading

There are many kinds of pollution. Air, water, and land can be polluted.
Some pollution is caused by nature, such as floods, forest fires, and volcanoes.
People are the major cause of pollution. We pollute the air with our cars, homes,
and factories. We pollute the water by dumping garbage and chemicals in the
water. We pollute the soil with chemicals and garbage. We harm the land by
cutting down trees in the forest, especially to build roads and new houses without
careful planning and thinking.

All people need water to drink and to make plants grow. Rivers and lakes
are polluted when sewage or garbage is dumped into the water. Plants and
animals die because of the pollution in the water. Other pollution in water is
caused by oil spills. The oil often stays on top of the water. It covers the beaches
and land. It gets on the fish, birds, and animals that live in, on, and around the

Particulates are tiny bits of liquid or solid matter that get in the air. Cars
and factories put particulates in the air, and this makes the air looks gray and
smoggy. Usually the wind helps the air pollutants to move around, but when the
air doesn’t move, pollutants stay in the air. Some people cannot go outside when
the air is very bad.

The only way to save our environment is to think about pollution. How can
you stop or limit pollution? How do we protect our environment?

Conservation is one way to protect our environment. Conservation is the

wise use and protection of our environment. We can control water pollution by
not producing as much waste and by proper disposal of sewage and garbage.
We can take care of recreation land by cleaning up after ourselves and not
causing more pollution. Carpooling and public transportation will help reduce air

Recycling is a type of conservation. Recycling is reusing items over again

or in a new way. Recycling can help us conserve our natural resources so they
will last many more years.

Pollution and Conservation Reading Worksheet

Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Use
information from the book, Wump World, and the other reading to answer
the questions.

1. What are two things that you can you do to stop pollution?

2. What are two things you can do to protect our environment?

3. What is one thing that you can do to practice conservation?

4. What is one thing at your house that you can do to conserve natural

5. What is one thing at your school that you can do to conserve natural
Pollution and Conservation Reading Quiz Name_________________
Circle the correct answer based on what you learned from Wump World
and the other reading on conservation.

1. How can we help save our environment?

a. stop pollution
b. put garbage in the river
c. drive cars everywhere

2. What are tiny bits of liquid or solid matter called?

a. oil spills
b. environment
c. particulates

3. Recycling is:
a. wasting natural resources
b. reusing items over again
c. creating pollution

4. What is the main idea of this article?

a. The air is dirty from cars.
b. The soil gets polluted from littering.
c. People cause pollution, but they can also stop or limit it.

5. How does the author feel about conservation?

a. It is a waste of time.
b. Everyone needs to do his/her part.
c. Only some people should conserve natural resources.
Pollution and Conservation Reading Worksheet and Quiz Answer Key

Questions 1-5 will have a variety of answers but should include information from
Wump World and the reading. Possible answers could be: pick up trash,
recycle cans and paper, dispose of waste materials in proper containers, walk
more, use less paper, use fewer metal items, etc.

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B
What Can I Do to Help the Environment? Poster

Instructions: Create a poster that shows how you can help save our
environment from pollution or wasting natural resources. Use color and
imagination to clearly show the viewer what will help our environment.

Rubric for Poster

5 – Poster clearly shows a conservation practice.
3 – Conservation practice could be inferred.
1 – No evidence of conservation practice.

5 – Many details are evident in drawing. Concept is clearly understood.
3 – Some details are evident in drawing. Concept may be unclear.
1 – No details are evident. Concept is not one that will help our environment.

5 – Picture is neat, clearly organized and complete. Artist uses a variety of
objects in picture. Picture is colored. Color enhances the picture.
3 – Picture is complete and somewhat organized. Artist uses few objects in
picture—looks unfinished. Picture is colored or partly colored.
1 – Picture is incomplete. Objects in picture are unclear. No color in picture.

Total 15 Pts
Vocabulary Test Name________________________

Word Definition
_______1. natural resources A. putting harmful or poisonous
substances into the environment
_______2. particulates B. wise use and protection of our
_______3. recycling C. things that we can use that are
created in nature (forests, minerals)
_______4. conservation D. all the things that surround you (air,
land, buildings)
_______5. pollution E. using items over and over again or
in a new way
_______6. environment F. tiny bits of liquid or solid matter that
get in the air

Vocabulary Test Name________________________

Word Definition
_______1. natural resources A. putting harmful or poisonous
substances into the environment
_______2. particulates B. wise use and protection of our
_______3. recycling C. things that we can use that are
created in nature (forests, minerals)
_______4. conservation D. all the things that surround you (air,
land, buildings)
_______5. pollution E. using items over and over again or
in a new way
_______6. environment F. tiny bits of liquid or solid matter that
get in the air
Wump World Vocabulary Worksheet Name__________________________

Vocabulary Word in the Book Definition

_____1. bumbershoots A. shy and quiet

_____2. potbellied B. hurry, rush

_____3. horde C. trouble

_____4. Pollutians D. rounded like a pot

_____5. prattling E. shocked

_____6. earthshaking machines F. scared

_____7. timid G. creatures from the planet Pollutus

_____8. horrified H. turned ugly, gone bad

_____9. frenzy I. hurried together

_____10. pell-mell J. talking, chattering

_____11. turmoil K. a large group

_____12. gone sour L. a type of tree that shoots out of the ground
with a tall trunk and a bushy top
_____13. swarmed M. going in every direction

_____14. staggered N. tired after walking a long way

_____15. footsore and weary O. loud and noisy machines that make the
ground shake
Vocabulary Test Answer Key

1. C
2. F
3. E
4. B
5. A
6. D

Wump World Vocabulary Worksheet Answer Key

1. L
2. D
3. K
4. G
5. J
6. O
7. A
8. F
9. B
10. M
11. C
12. H
13. I
14. E
15. N

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