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I A. Read The Following Test Carefully. The Leopard

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English Written Test

NAME:______________________________________________________ Date: ______________
The Environment and Consumerism modulo 5
A. Read the following test carefully.
Leopards are the best athletes in the
animal kingdom: they run very fast, jump
very high and they are very good
They rest during the day and they hunt
during the night, so it’s difficult for
humans to see them. They eat wild sheep,
goats, deer, monkeys, cheetahs, fish and
of course, people. When they are young,
they hunt for mice and birds.
In the wild, leopards live for about 12 years, but in zoos they often live much longer,
as long as 25 years. Leopards live in Africa and Asia. They can live in any kind of
climate if they have enough to eat. They can live in forest, in deserts and in the
There are people (called hunters or poachers) that kill leopards to sell their fur for
a lot of money. We must help the leopard because it is one of the endangered
species in the world.

B. Choose the best option according to the text: (4x3=12)

1. Humans don’t see leopards because…
a) they are extinct.
b) they rest during the day.
c) they are afraid of humans.

2. In zoos, leopards live…

a) 12 years.
b) 25 years.
c) forever.
3. Leopards can live in a kind of climate if…
a) there is not too much sun.
b) they have food
c) they are protected from other animals.

4. Leopards are in danger because…

a) there is no food for them to eat.
b) people are killing them.
c) they are not good hunters.

C. Answer the questions about the text. (6x5=30)

1. Why are leopards the best athletes in the animal kingdom?
2. What do they do during the night?
3. What do they eat? __________________________________________________________________
4. Where do they live?
5. Can they live in deserts?
6. Why do poachers kill leopards?
A. Choose the correct answer according to what you have learnt in class.
1. What is solar energy?
a. electrical energy b. energy that comes from the sun c. wind power
2. What are the three R’s of the environment?
a. rewind, restart, recycle b. reduce, recycle, reuse c. renew, recycle, repeat
3. What should you do with paper you don’t need any more?
a. makes lots of aeroplanes b. throw it in the dustbin c. put it in the
recycling bin.
4. The ozone layer is…
a. a natural disaster b. an endangered animal c. a protective filter that covers the
5. When you brush your teeth, you shouldn’t…
a. splash water all over the place b. turn off the water c. leave the water
6. You should recycle…
a. water b. aluminium and paper c. apples
7. You can help slow global warming by…
a. using public transport b. not recycling items c. wasting electricity at home.

B. Match the words/phrases to their translation. (14x2=28)

1. endangered species a. lixo tóxico
2. air pollution b. espécies em perigo de extinção
3. global warming c. poluição do ar
4. destroy d. aquecimento global
5. sound pollution e. chuva ácida
6. toxic waste f. efeito estufa
7. trash g. poupar energia
8. greenhouse effect h. desflorestação
9. acid rain i. proteger o ambiente
10. deforestation j. destruir
11. save energy k. promover a ecologia
12. protect the environment l. poluição sonora
13. walk or cycle instead of using the m. caminhar ou andar de bicicleta em
car. vez de usar o carro
14. promote ecology n. lixo

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14.

C. Do this crossword. (7x1=7)

1. to keep safe from harm or destruction 1 P R T

2.to use something again 2 R E E

3. environmentally friendly means of transport 3 B C E

4. a source of power 4 R Y
5. the relation of plants and animals to their 5 E C Y
6. of the sun 6 S L R

7 a large area covered with trees. 7 F E T

D. Match the problems to the solutions (3x1=3)

Environmental problems Possible solutions
Great amount of rubbish 1 ____ a) saving water, trees, energy
Wasting natural resources 2 ____ b) preserving natural habitats
Extinction of species 3 ____ c) reusing and recycling products

III Grammar

A. Write the modal verbs: Can/can’t; must/mustn’t; Should/shouldn’t. (8x2=16)

1. Tigers ______________________________fly.
2. You look sick. You ____________________go to the doctor.
3. You ______________________pass the test to complete the course.
4. You __________________________play volleyball.
5. You ___________________________run in the corridor.
6. I think you __________________be more careful with your cat.
7. Mum, __________ I buy this book? No, you ____________.
8. You ____________________buy plastic bags.

D. Complete these sentences by using the Imperative form. (5x2=10)

1. ___________________(help) your grandmother!
2. ____________________ (not / forget) to call me.
3. Jim, _______________(wait) for me!
4. Please, ____________________(not/drink) so much.
5. Mum, ______________(let) me go to the party, please!

E. Link the sentences using the connector given in brackets. (10X2=20)

1. I´m going to the bank__________ I want to open an account. (because / when)

2. _______________Julia Roberts is a successful actress; she is a friend of the environment.
(Although / because)
3. Nature was wild _________________man walked on the Earth. (after/before)
4. Man appeared on Earth ___________________ dinosaurs. (after/before)
5. I´ll study this species __________________I have time. (when / until)
6. We´ll watch “An Inconvenient Truth” _______________the end of the month (before/
7. I´ll be there on time ________________I get a taxi. (although/if)
8. Every night ________________ I go to bed, I brush my teeth and make sure I don´t leave
the tap dripping. (after /before)
9. She was studying _________________I was watching TV. (while/ before).
10. It was really cold _________________we arrived at the top of the mountain.

F. Insert the (‘) whenever necessary. (5x3=15)

1. Pauls car is parked over there. _________________________________________
2. This is my grandparents house. ________________________________________
3. The cats eyes are blue. _______________________________________________
4. Lindas job is very well paid. ___________________________________________
5. This my girlfriends brother. ____________________________________________
G. Complete the sentences with the gerund form. (9x2=18)
1.She is good at (dance) _______________________________.
2. He is crazy about (sing) ______________________________.
3. I don't like (play)_____________________________ cards.
4. They are afraid of (swim)___________________ in the sea.
5. You should give up (smoke) ___________________________.
6. Sam dreams of (be)__________________________ a popstar.
7. He is interested in (make)______________________ friends.
8. My uncle is afraid of (go) ______________________by plane.
9. We insist on (cook)___________________ the dinner ourselves.
A. List… (4x2=8)
1. The three Rs: _________________________________________________________
2. Three things that you can recycle_________________________________________
3. Two ways of saving energy______________________________________________
4. Two ways of saving water______________________________________________
B. Imagine you are responsible for an environmental campaign. Write six messages to
all teenagers around the world to make them think about this problem. (6x2=12)
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________

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