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Biological Nutrient Removal in Bardenpho Process

Article  in  Journal of American Science · December 2014

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4 authors, including:

Mostafa M. Emara Farag. Abdelhai Ahmed

Al-Azhar University Al-Azhar University


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Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Biological Nutrient Removal in Bardenpho process

Mostafa M. Emaraa,b, Farag A. Ahmeda, Farouk M. Abd El-Azizc and Ahmed M. A. Abd El -Razekd,e
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science (boys) Al-Azhar University
Science Center for Detection and Remediation of Environmental Hazards (SCDREH), Al-Azhar University, Cairo,
National Authorities for Water and wastewater, Cairo, Egypt
PhD student in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science (boys) Al-Azhar University
e El-Watanya company for development and investment, Cairo, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: ahmedchemist2007@yahoo.com

Abstract: Nitrogen and phosphorus waste loads in streams, lakes, and coastal estuaries can cause algae
proliferation, eutrophication and low oxygen levels. The process for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal
from wastewater is widely accepted. Nitrogen removal requires aerobic–anoxic stages, while phosphorus removal
requires alternating anaerobic–aerobic stages. Typical conventional biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems
include three sequential separated stages: anaerobic / anoxic / aerobic, concluding with a secondary clarifier. In this
study, we are concerned with the sewage treatment plant (Fisha Selim wastewater treatment plant).The system used
in this plant is rotating biological contactors (RBC). Samples were collected during 2013 from the influent and the
effluents of plants. The samples were analyzed following standard procedures for the determination of sludge BOD5,
COD, ammonia, Total Nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, TSS, VSS and other parameters. The results
demonstrated that the treated water is not good in some months. So the defect was returned to the operation and
RBC system is not good in nutrient removal. The pilot plant was designed to improve the quality of the effluent so
we constructed bardenpho processes which remove more pollutants and this modified the pilot plant (A/O process)
which I studied in my master.The first two stages of the 4‐stage Bardenpho are identical to the MLE system. The
third stage is a secondary anoxic zone to provide denitrification of the portion of the flow that is not recycled to the
primary anoxic zone. The fourth and final zone is a re‐aeration zone that serves to strip any nitrogen gas and
increase the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration before clarification. The average removal efficiency in terms of
chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen
(Total-N) and total phosphorus for 4 stage bardenpho pilot plant was 97%, 98%, 97%, 97% and 50%. The removal
efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS),
total nitrogen (Total-N) and total phosphorus for 5 stage bardenpho pilot plant was 99%, 99%, 99%, 99% and 90%.
[Mostafa M. Emara, Farag A. Ahmed, Farouk M. Abd El-Aziz and Ahmed M. A. Abd El –Razek. Biological
Nutrient Removal in Bardenpho process. J Am Sci 2014;10(5s):1-9]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 1

Keywords: Wastewater, Biological Nutrient Removal, rotating biological contactor, Nitrification, Denitrification,
Bardenpho Process, Enhance biological phosphorus removal

1-Introduction medium (and the attached biological growth) to air and

Rotating biological contactor (RBC) is an the wastewater. The slowly rotated media are about
attached-growth biological process, which consists of 40% immersed in the wastewater for aerobic removal
a series of rotating plastic media all coated with a layer of organic waste by the biological film developing on
of biofilm. The biofilm or slime on the media the media. The lattice-structured medium, and to a
aerobically react with substances in a waste stream for lesser extent the disc structure, is fragile and should be
bio-oxidation and nitrification, or anaerobically react protected from direct exposure to wind, sun, and
with the substances for denitrification Barnard(2006). weather fluctuation. Therefore, the media are usually
Rotating biological contactors (RBCs) were enclosed in a superstructure or individual shaft covers.
originally developed in Europe and recently accepted Aguilera et al.,(2003).
by America and Asia. The process system is primarily The rotating biological contactor is an
a fixed-film biological reactor consisting of a synthetic aerobic treatment system and can be conceptually
medium mounted on a horizontal shaft and placed in a described as a series of circular discs mounted on a
contour-bottomed tank. The general concept of horizontal shaft in a open semi-circular cylindrical
rotating biological contactors is to let wastewater flow tank. The discs which are made up of PVC, asbestos,
through the tank, and to rotate the medium in the wood, etc. are partially submerged in the wastewater
wastewater to be treated, alternatively exposing the and are continuously rotated with the help of a motor

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

and reduction gear unit so as to provide mixing inside autotrophs that oxidize inorganic nitrogen compounds
the tank. When the biofilm containing aerobic bacteria for energy:
sufficiently grows on the surface of the discs, the Nitrosomonas
bacteria attached on the surfaces alternately come in
contact with atmospheric oxygen and wastewater. This Nitrobacter
oxygen is utilized by the bacteria for aerobic
degradation of organic matter present in the
Carbon for cell growth is obtained from
wastewater. Over a period of time, the thickness of
carbon dioxide. Consequently, organic substrate
biofilm increases and a stage comes when the biofilm
(BOD) is not a prerequisite for the growth of nitrifiers.
gets detached or sloughed off from the disc surface.
Nitrite accumulation is typically not encountered in a
The contents of the tank along with sloughed solids
fully nitrifying system because Nitrosomonas is
are then passed on to settling tank where separation of
slower growing; however, there is some indication that
suspended solids takes places and a clear supernatant
at wastewater temperatures of above 25 oC to 30 oC,
is taken for discharge and disposal,Henze et al.,(2003).
nitrite-to-nitrate conversion may become rate-limiting,
Media rotation can be provided by either
resulting in increased chlorine demand for
mechanical drives or air-motivated rotation. Rotation
disinfection. It is now known that organisms other
not only results in exposure of the film to the
than Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter can also mediate
atmosphere as a means of aeration, but also provides
the nitrification process; therefore, the term ammonia
rotational shear forces for stripping off the excess
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) is used to refer to them
biomass on the medium. The stripped biological solids
collectively. Nitrification results in the conversion of
are maintained in suspension by the mechanical
nitrogen from a reduced form (ammonia) to an
mixing action of the rotation medium, or by
oxidized form (nitrate) Wang et al.,(2009).
supplemental diffused air, depending on the driving
force of rotation. The air-driven system, in rotating the
Denitrification is done by heterotrophic
media by diffused air generated near the tank bottom,
microorganisms—organisms that use organic
alleviates the development of undesirable anaerobic
materials as a source of nutrients and metabolic
Conditions, and also reduces the oxygen limitation,
synthesis as a source of energy. Heterotrophic
which often is the limiting factor in biological
organisms spend less energy on synthesis than
oxidation by attached growth systems, Costley and
autotrophic organisms do, so they grow more quickly
and yield more cell mass, Bott et al.,(2007).
Wastewater treatment efficiency in terms of
Denitrification must follow nitrification to
carbonaceous oxidation and nitrification can be
achieve significant total nitrogen removal.
significantly increased by the multiple staging of
Denitrification is the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen
rotating biological contactors. A complete rotating
gas by certain heterotrophic bacteria. The process
biological contactors’ system could consist of two or
requirements are anoxic conditions and a source of
more parallel trains with each train consisting of
rapidly biodegradable organic matter (RBOM).
multiple stages, Primary clarifiers are optional
Anoxic refers to the presence of combined oxygen
whereas secondary clarifiers are required for solids
(nitrate and nitrite) and the absence of free or
separation. RBC systems can also be used for
dissolved oxygen (DO) Bott et al.,(2009).
biological denitrification, Griffin and Findlay(2000).
The simplified reaction is:
The result from this plant during 2013 were
studied and this indicate the efficiency removal in
chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen Biological phosphorus removal is realized by
demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS),total creating conditions favorable for the growth of
nitrogen (Total-N) and total phosphorus was 82%, phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). An initial
86%, 63%, 54% and 50%. anaerobic zone allows the PAOs to take up VFAs into
Biological Nitrogen Removal their cells and store them as poly hydroxyl buterate
Biological nitrogen removal reactions are (PHB). The polyphosphate stored just prior to this is
nitrification and denitrification. Other related reactions oxidized and used as an energy source, producing
Include ammonification (conversion of organic ATP; and it is thereby released into the liquid phase.
nitrogen to ammonia nitrogen) and nitrogen uptake for The anaerobic uptake of organic matter is inherently
cell growth, Water Environment Federation (2004). related to the accumulated polyphosphate. After the
Nitrification mixed liquor reaches the aerobic zone, the stored PHB
Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia to is used by the PAOs for cell growth and to provide
nitrite and nitrate. The key organisms involved are energy for reforming polyphosphate from all the
thought to be Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. These are available orthophosphate and also for the synthesis of

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

poly glucose (glycogen).By going through both The pilot plant was designed to improve the
anaerobic and aerobic conditions, PAOs are quality of the effluent so we constructed bardenpho
adequately established and become predominant in the processes which remove more pollutants and this
biomass community after several weeks, Clark et modified the pilot plant (A/O process) which I studied
al.,(2010). in my master, Mostafa et al.,(2010).
The PAO’s are the only bacteria being able 2-Materials and Methods
to store substrate in a first anaerobic reactor and to 2-1 The Study Area
oxidize them in a second aerobic reactor. This is only Investigations of sewage were carried out in
possible by enrichment of the Poly–P storage. This the period of 2014 year and performed some
enrichment of the PAOs containing a high parameters as pH, biochemical oxygen demand,
concentration of polyphosphate leads to the chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, organic
establishment of biological phosphorus removal. The nitrogen, ammonia, some heavy metals, and others are
net elimination of the process results from the bacterial determined before and after treatment and compared
cell growth and the removal of surplus sludge at the with each results from bardenpho pilot plants until
point when the phosphate is taken up to a higher level reach to optimum condition for removing of the
than that released in the anaerobic stage, Clippelieret studied pollutants.
The Bardbnpho Process Table 1: charecteristics of Fisha Selim wastewater
The bardenpho process is an activated sludge treatment plant
process specially designed to accomplish biological Plant Fisha Selim wastewater
phosphorus and nitrogen removal. The original treatment plant
process developed by Barnard is a single-sludge, four- Governorate EL-Gharbia
stage (anoxic–aeration–anoxic–aeration) system System Rotating biological
intended for nitrogen removal through nitrification and contactors
denitrification. For the purpose of P removal, the Capacity 6000m3/day
bardenpho process has been modified by adding an Time for collecting 1 year
anaerobic stage ahead of the original four-stage samples
Bardenpho nitrogen removal system. Such a No of collecting 1times
modification allows for the creation of an anaerobic– samples for month
aerobic contacting condition necessary for biological Description of loading high
phosphorus uptake, DeBarbadillo et al.,(2008).
In the modified bardenpho process, the 2-2 Pilot plant
recycled activated sludge separated from the clarifier 2-2-1 4-Stage Bardenpho Process
is mixed with the influent wastewater prior to the
anaerobic contactor. Such a mixing strategy can
initiate luxury phosphorus uptake by releasing
phosphates first. The mixed liquor from the anaerobic
contactor then flows into the first anoxic 2-2-2 5-Stage Bardenpho Process
denitrification stage in which it is further mixed with
the internally recycled mixed liquor from the aerobic
nitrification zone. In the first anoxic stage, nitrate is
denitrified to nitrogen gas using the influent BOD as
carbon source. About 70% of the nitrate–nitrogen
3-Results and discussion
produced in the system can be removed in the first
Investigations of sewage were carried out in
anoxic stage. Then, the mixed liquor flows into the
the period of 2014year.
aerobic nitrification zone in which luxury phosphorus
3-1 Bardenpho Process
uptake, ammonium oxidation, and additional BOD
3-1-1 4-Stage Bardenpho Process
removal occur. Following the aerobic nitrification
The 4-Stage Bardenpho Process is a
stage, a second anoxic stage can further provide the
continuous-flow suspended-growth process with
possibility to enhance additional denitrification, which
alternating anaerobic/aerobic/anaerobic/aerobic stages,
is designed to remove additional nitrate in order to
utilized primarily for nitrogen removal. The overall
minimize nitrate fed back to the anaerobic contactor.
process is similar to a conventional activated sludge
The final aerobic stage provides a short time period of
process; however, each stage of the process creates
mixed liquor aeration prior to clarification to minimize
specific treatment conditions, as described below:
anaerobic conditions and phosphorus release in the
second clarifier, Dold et al.,(2008).

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

The Stage 1 reactor serves as the first anoxic stage. recycled back to the head of stage 2 for de-
Nitrate rich mixed liquor from the second stage reactor nitrification. Luxury phosphorus uptake by the
is mixed with influent wastewater in the absence of organisms also occurs within this stage.
oxygen. Bacteria utilize the BOD in the influent, The Stage 4 reactor serves as the second
reducing the nitrate to gaseous nitrogen, which is anoxic stage. Nitrates not recycled to stage 1 are
released to the atmosphere. Approximately two-thirds introduced, in the absence of air, where they are
of the influent nitrogen is removed within this stage. reduced to nitrogen gas and released to the
The Stage 2 reactor serves as the first nitrification atmosphere. This stage is designed to produce low
stage. Oxygen is introduced to oxidize the BOD and effluent nitrate concentrations.
ammonia. BOD is converted to new cell mass and The Stage 5 reactor serves as the re-aeration
carbon dioxide. Ammonia is converted to nitrite, then stage. If the sludge is allowed to become septic,
nitrate. Mixed liquor from this stage is recycled back phosphorus could be released in the final clarifier.
to the head of stage 1 for de-nitrification. Subjecting the waste to reaeration introduces
The stage 3 reactor serves as the second anoxic stage. additional oxygen to the mixed liquor, insuring that it
Nitrate not recycled to stage 1 is introduced, in the remains aerobic for improved settling within the final
absence of air, where it is reduced to nitrogen gas and clarifier. The settled phosphorus rich sludge is
released to the atmosphere. This stage is designed to returned to the head of Stage 1 for regeneration of the
produce low effluent nitrate concentrations. entire process, Ahn et al.,(2010).
The Stage 4 reactor serves as the re-aeration stage.
Subjecting the waste to reaeration introduces Table (2): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho Pilot
additional oxygen to the mixed liquor, ensuring that it plant in January 2014
remains aerobic for improved settling within the final Test In out 4-Stage Five-Stage
clarifier, Selock ( 2008). Bardenpho Bardenpho
3-1-2 5-Stage Bardenpho Process Process Process
The 5-Stage Bardenpho Process is also a Temp 17.5 17.9 18.0 18.0
continuous-flow suspended-growth process with PH 7.7 7.9 7.98 8.0
alternating anaerobic/aerobic/anaerobic/aerobic stages, TSS 280 54 7 3
however; an additional reactor is used at the head of BOD 350 46 10 8
the plant for both nitrogen removal and enhanced COD 498 62 18 15
phosphorus removal. The overall process is similar to T.N 37 24 6 3
a conventional activated sludge process with each Amm 24 2.0 0 0
stage of the process creating specific treatment Nitrite 0.2 1.8 0 0
conditions, as described below:
Nitrate 0.1 19.7 4 1
The Stage 1 reactor serves as the
Phosphate 4.5 3 2.4 0.8
fermentation stage. Activated sludge consisting of a
Nickel 0.5 0.37 0.16 0.08
broad spectrum of organisms is returned from the
clarifier to the fermentation reactor. This sludge is Iron 1.3 1.0 0.2 0.11
mixed with plant influent to produce the appropriate
stress conditions that allow large quantities of Table (3): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho
phosphorus to be removed biologically in the Pilot plant in Feb 2014
subsequent aerobic stages. Organism stress occurs in Test In out 4-Stage Five-Stage
the absence of dissolved oxygen and nitrates. Bardenpho Bardenpho
The Stage 2 reactor serves as the first anoxic Process Process
stage. Nitrate rich mixed liquor from the third stage Temp 20 20.5 20.6 20.8
reactor is mixed with conditioned wastewater from the PH 7.42 7.68 7.71 7.72
fermentation reactor in the absence of oxygen. TSS 360 28 7 3
Bacteria digest the carbonaceous BOD in the BOD 400 29 10 6
wastewater by using the bound oxygen in the nitrate, COD 520 42 16 15
thus reducing the nitrate to gaseous nitrogen, which is T.N 42 20 6 3
released to the atmosphere. Approximately two-thirds Amm 27 3.0 0.3 0.1
of the influent nitrogen is removed within this stage. Nitrite 0.3 1.5 0.1 0
The Stage 3 reactor serves as the first Nitrate 0.4 15.5 4 1
nitrification stage. Oxygen is introduced to oxidize the Phosphate 5.0 3.2 2.0 0.7
BOD and ammonia. BOD is converted to new cell Nickel 0.6 0.32 0.19 0.07
mass and carbon dioxide. Ammonia is converted to Iron 1.2 1.0 0.24 0.1
nitrite, then nitrate. Mixed liquor from this stage is

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Table (4): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho Pilot 3. 2 Comparison of results between Fisha Selim
plant in March 2014 WWTP and Bardenpho pilot plant.
Test In out 4-Stage 5-Stage 3. 2.1 Total suspended solid (TSS):
Bardenpho Bardenpho Most pollutants found in wastewater can be
Process Process classified as solids. Wastewater treatment is generally
Temp 23 23.4 23.6 23.9 designed to remove solids or to convert solids to a
PH 7.53 8.3 7.8 7.9 form that is more stable or can be removed. Solids can
TSS 308 30 7 3 be classified by their chemical composition (organic or
BOD 396 38 10 6 inorganic) or by their physical characteristics
COD 711 51 16 15 (settleable, floatable, and colloidal). Suspended solids
T.N 45 24 6 3 include silt and clay particles, plankton, algae, fine
Amm 30 2.0 0.3 0.1 organic debris, and other particulate matter. These are
Nitrite 0.8 1.8 0.1 0.1 particles that will not pass through a filter. Higher
Nitrate 0.6 19.5 4 1 concentrations of suspended solids can serve as
PO4 4 2.2 1.9 0.8 carriers of toxics, which readily cling to suspended
particles. This is particularly a concern where
Nickel 0.5 0.24 0.15 0.07
pesticides are being used on irrigated crops. Where
Iron 1.43 1.1 0.28 0.1
solids are high, pesticide concentrations may increase
well beyond those of the original application as the
Table (5): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho irrigation water travels down irrigation ditches. Higher
Pilot plant in April 2014 levels of solids can also clog irrigation devices and
Test In out 4-Stage Five-Stage might become so high that irrigated plant roots will
Bardenph Bardenpho lose water rather than gain it.
o Process Process
Temp 24.4 25 25.2 25.3 Table (7): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho Pilot
PH 7.46 7.7 7.8 7.9 plant in June 2014
TSS 216 26 7 3
BOD 290 38 10 6 Test In out 4-Stage Five-Stage
Bardenpho Bardenpho
COD 630 56 16 15
Process Process
T.N 40 21 6 3
Temp 27.2 27.6 27.8 27.9
Amm 26 1.9 0.2 0
Nitrite 1.6 1.4 0.1 0 PH 7.6 7.96 7.98 8.0
Nitrate 0.9 16.2 4 1 TSS 396 32 7 3
PO4 3.8 2.9 2.5 0.8 BOD 480 42 11 6
Nickel 0.42 0.34 0.25 0.06 COD 670 64 18 15
Iron 1.4 1.1 0.48 0.09 T.N 43 24 6 3
Amm 27 3.5 0.3 0.1
Table (6): Fisha Selim WWTP and Bardenpho Pilot Nitrite 1.3 1.8 0.1 0.1
plant in May 2014 Nitrate 1.1 19 4 2
Test In out 4-Stage Five-Stage Phosphate 5 3.4 2.8 0.9
Bardenpho Bardenpho Nickel 0.48 0.36 0.22 0.06
Process Process Iron 1.4 1.1 0.6 0.09
Temp 25 25.3 25.4 25.6
PH 7.47 7.7 7.8 7.8 3. 3 Comparison of results between Fisha Selim
TSS 294 25 7 3 WWTP and Bardenpho pilot plant.
BOD 395 35 11 6 3. 3.1 Total suspended solid (TSS):
COD 737 50 18 15 Most pollutants found in wastewater can be
T.N 45 19 6 3 classified as solids. Wastewater treatment is generally
Amm 28 4 0 0 designed to remove solids or to convert solids to a
Nitrite 1.0 1.4 0 0 form that is more stable or can be removed. Solids can
Nitrate 0.8 14 4 1 be classified by their chemical composition (organic or
Phosphate 4.5 3.1 2.9 0.8 inorganic) or by their physical characteristics
Nickel 0.43 0.27 0.18 0.06 (settleable, floatable, and colloidal). Suspended solids
1.4 1.0 0.5 0.08 include silt and clay particles, plankton, algae, fine
organic debris, and other particulate matter. These are

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

particles that will not pass through a filter. Higher The concentration of BOD5 recorded in Table (2-
concentrations of suspended solids can serve as 7), and represented graphically in Figures (4) for Fisha
carriers of toxics, which readily cling to suspended Selim WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant shows the
particles. This is particularly a concern where decrease in the concentration of BOD5 in Fisha Selim
pesticides are being used on irrigated crops. Where WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant with time.
solids are high, pesticide concentrations may increase As indicated in tables (2-7), the efficiency
well beyond those of the original application as the removal was (83 - 90 %) of BOD5 concentration in
irrigation water travels down irrigation ditches. Higher Fisha Selim WWTP (after 12h), the efficiency removal
levels of solids can also clog irrigation devices and was (98 %) of BOD5concentration in 4 stage
might become so high that irrigated plant roots will bardenpho pilot plant (after 14h) and the efficiency
lose water rather than gain it. removal was (99 %) of BOD5 concentration in 5 stage
The concentration of total suspended solids bardenpho pilot plant (after 14 h).
recorded in Tables (2-7), and represented graphically 3. 3.3Chemical oxygen demand.
in Figures (3) for Fisha Selim WWTP and bardenpho The amount of a specified oxidant that reacts
pilot plant shows the decrease in the concentration of with the sample under controlled conditions (where
TSS in Fisha Selim WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant the quantity of oxidant consumed is expressed in terms
and time. of its oxygen equivalence). In short, it provides a
measure of how much oxygen a sample will consume
I n W W TP

O ut W W TP
4 - S t ag e B a rd e n ph o P ro c e s s
(oxygen demand), and it does so in three or four hours.
5 - S t ag e B a rd e n ph o P ro c e s s
350 The COD test, therefore, provides a means to quickly
TSS (mg/L)

250 estimate the five-day BOD (BOD5) of a sample.



50 700
J an Fe b M ar Apr M ay Ju n

M o n th s 500

COD (mg/L)
Fig. (3): TSS values in Fisha Selim WWTP and 200
4-Stage Bardenpho Process
5-Stage Bardenpho Process

bardenpho pilot plant 100

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

The data show the efficiency removal was Months

(83 - 90 %) of TSS concentration in Fisha Selim

WWTP (after 12 h), the efficiency removal was (98 % Fig. (5): COD values in Fisha Selim WWTP and
) of TSS concentration in 4 stage bardenpho pilot plant bardenpho pilot plant
( after 14 h) and the efficiency removal was(99 % ) of
TSS concentration in 5 stage bardenpho pilot plant ( The concentration of COD recorded in Tables (2-
after 14 h) 7), and represented graphically in Figure (5) for Fisha
3.3.2 Biochemical oxygen demand. Selim WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant shows the
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a decrease in the concentration of COD in Fisha Selim
measure of the amount of biodegradable matter in the WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant with time.
wastewater. It is normally measured by a 5-day test As indicated in Tables (2-7), the efficiency
conducted at 20°C. The BOD5 for domestic waste is removal was (87 - 90 %) of COD concentration in
normally in the range of 100 to 300 mg/L. (14) Fisha Selim WWTP (after 12 h), the efficiency
removal was (97% ) of COD concentration in 4 stage
bardenpho pilot plant ( after 14 h) and the efficiency

4-Stage Bardenpho Process
removal was (99 % ) of COD concentration in 5 stage
5-Stage Bardenpho Process
bardenpho pilot plant ( after 14 h).
3.3.4 Total nitrogen
BOD (mg/L)

Total effluent nitrogen comprises ammonia,
nitrate, particulate organic nitrogen, and soluble
organic nitrogen. The biological processes that
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun primarily remove nitrogen are nitrification and
denitrification. During nitrification ammonia is
oxidized to nitrite by one group of autotrophic
Fig. (4): BOD values in Fisha Selim WWTP and bacteria, most commonly Nitrosomonas. Nitrite is then
bardenpho pilot plant. oxidized to nitrate by another autotrophic bacteria
group, the most common being Nitrobacter.

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Denitrification involves the biological The typical phosphorus content of MLSS in

reduction of nitrate to nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and conventional secondary treatment is approximately 2
nitrogen gas. Both heterotrophic and autotrophic percent by weight. Enhanced biological phosphorus
bacteria are capable of denitrification. removal (EBPR) refers to phosphorus uptake greater
In W W T P
than these metabolic requirements by specialized
Out W W TP
4 - S t a g e B a r d e n p h o P ro c e s s
5 - S t a g e B a r d e n p h o P ro c e s s
aerobic heterotrophs called Phosphorus Accumulating
Organisms (PAOs).
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)



30 Acinetobacter is the most widely recognized

PAO. The phosphorus content of the biomass can be




as high as 10 percent by weight, but is typically in the
J an F eb Mar Apr May Ju n
range of 3 to 5 percent; hence, the biological
M o n th s
phosphorus removal capability of a system is directly
Fig. (6): Total nitrogen (mg/l) in Fisha Selim related to the fraction of PAOs in the MLSS,
WWTP and bardenpho pilot plant Environmental and Water Resources Institute (2005).
In the anaerobic zone (Figure 8), the PAOs
Complete nitrification and denitrification take up and store VFAs as carbon compounds such as
occur in bardenpho pilot plant after14 h but in the poly-b-hydroxy butyrate (PHB). Those PAOs, being
plant we found the ratio of ammonia pass 1 mg/l and aerobes, cannot use the VFAs for cell growth in the
this does not agree with environmental low also the anaerobic zone. Instead, the VFAs are used to
ratio of nitrite point to defect in operation. The ratio of replenish the cell’s stored PHB for subsequent
nitrate indicate to the denitrification not occur in the utilization in the aerobic zone. In other words, in the
plant but the value of nitrate agree with environmental anaerobic zone the PAOs do not multiply, but get fat!
law. As indicated in Tables (2-7), the efficiency The energy required for PHB accumulation is
removal was (45-50 %) of Total nitrogen provided by the cleavage
concentration in Fisha Selim WWTP (after 12 h), the of another storage product, the inorganic
efficiency removal was (97 – 98 % ) of Total nitrogen polyphosphate granules. This splitting of release of
concentration in 4 stage bardenpho pilot plant ( after phosphorus and may be likened to a battery
14 h) and the efficiency removal was (99 % ) of Total discharging wastewater treatment plant Global(2007).
nitrogen concentration in 5 stage bardenpho pilot plant
( after 14 h).
3.3.5 phosphate
Phosphorus appears in water as
orthophosphate (PO4-3), polyphosphate (P2O7), and
organically bound phosphorus. Microbes utilize
phosphorus during cell synthesis and energy transport.
As a result, 10 to 30 per cent of all influent
phosphorus is removed during secondary biological
treatment. More phosphorus can be removed if one of Figure 8: Biological Phosphorus Removal
a number of specially developed biological
phosphorus removal processes is used. These In the subsequent aerobic zone, the PAOs use
processes are based on the exposure of microbes in an the internally stored PHB as a carbon and energy
activated-sludge system to alternating anaerobic and source and take up all the phosphate released in the
aerobic conditions. This stresses the microorganisms, anaerobic zone and additional phosphate present in the
so that their uptake of phosphorus exceeds normal influent wastewater to renew the stored polyphosphate
levels. pool (recharging of the battery). This is because 24 to
36 times more energy is released by PHB oxidation in
In W W T P

O ut W W TP
4 -S ta g e B a rd e n p h o P ro c e s s
the aerobic zone than is used to store PHB in
5 -S ta g e B a rd e n p h o P ro c e s s
5 anaerobic zone; hence, the phosphorus uptake is
Phosphate (mg/L)

significantly more than the phosphorus release.Net

phosphorus removal is realized when sludge is wasted.
When the phosphorus rich return sludge is recycled to

Jan Feb M ar A pr May J un

the anaerobic zone, the process is repeated (Figure 9).
M o n th s

Fig. (7): Phosphate (mg/l) in Fisha Selim WWTP

and Bardenpho pilot plant

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

O ut W W T P
4 -S t ag e B ar de np ho P ro c es s
5 -S t ag e B ar de np ho P ro c es s

Iron (mg/L)

Figure 9: Anaerobic-Aerobic Cycling for EBPR 0.1

Jan Feb M ar Ap r M ay Ju n

M o nth s

In short, the complex biochemical reactions of

the EBPR process are fueled by the cyclical formation Fig. (11): Iron (mg/l) in Fisha Selim WWTP and
and degradation of stored organic compounds (e.g. bardenpho pilot plant
PHB), in concert with the degradation and formation
of inorganic polyphosphate granules. Some PAOs The data show the efficiency removal of
have the capability to denitrify. Denitrifying PAOs heavy metal Fisha Selim WWTP (after 12 h) ranged
(DePAO) use nitrate instead of free oxygen to oxidize between (10-30 %). The efficiency removal of heavy
their internally stored PHB and effect phosphorus metal reached 70 % after 14 h in 4 stage bardenpho
uptake in the anoxic zone. pilot plant. The efficiency removal of heavy metal
The PAOs require higher energy than other concentration reached ( 90 -100 )% after 14 h in 5
heterotrophs (non-PAOs) to accomplish the cyclical stage bardenpho pilot plant.
reactions associated with the EBPR process. The two -Conclusion:
most critical factors that favor the proliferation of The Bardenpho process is a proven method of
PAOs, and therefore the reliability of EBPR are: (1) removing nutrients using naturally occurring
the integrity of the anaerobic zone and (2) the microorganisms. The primary objective of BNR plant
availability of VFAs, Manariotis et al,m(2010). operations is to achieve regulatory compliance
The data show the efficiency removal of consistently. Other objectives often include
Phosphate concentration in Fisha Selim WWTP(after operational cost savings; process optimization; and a
12 h) reached 40 % and the result not agree with law safe, clean workplace. Meeting these objectives
48. The efficiency removal of Phosphate concentration demands proper design, operation, and management.
is from 44 % to 69.5 % after 14 h in 4 stage bardenpho Designers should incorporate features that would
pilot plant and the result not agree with low 48. The provide maximum process flexibility and ease of
efficiency removal of Phosphate concentration from operation and maintenance.
80 % to 88 % after 14 h in 5 stage bardenpho pilot The 4-stage Bardenpho process involves an
plant. anoxic zone, followed by an aerobic zone (with an
3-3-6 Nickel Content internal recycle to the first anoxic zone), which is
followed by a second anoxic zone and a small aerobic
zone. With pumps and zone sizes typically set large
O ut W W TP
enough to accommodate a 400 percent internal recycle
4-Sta ge Ba rde nph o Pro ces s
5-Sta ge Ba rde nph o Pro ces s rate, the first anoxic zone accomplishes the bulk of the
0.5 denitrification. The second anoxic zone removes
Nickel (mg/L)

nitrates from the first aerobic zone that are not

recycled to the first anoxic zone.The second aerobic
zone removes the nitrogen gas from the wastewater
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ju n
before the wastewater enters the secondary clarifiers.
M on th s By aerating, the possibility of denitrification in the
clarifier is removed. The sludge tends to settle better,
Fig. (10): Nickel (mg/l) in Fisha Selim WWTP and and overall operation of the secondary clarifier is
bardenpho pilot plant improved.
The 5‐stage Bardenpho process consists of the
3-3-7 iron Content 4‐stage process with an anaerobic zone added to the
The data show the efficiency removal of front of the system. A nitrate‐rich liquor is recycled
heavy metal Fisha Selim WWTP (after 12 h) ranged from the first aerobic stage to the first anoxic zone.
between (10-30 %).The efficiency removals of heavy The RAS is recycled from the clarifier to the
metal reached 70 % after 14 h in 4 stage bardenpho beginning of the anaerobic zone. Since the nitrates in
pilot plant. The efficiency removal of heavy metal the RAS are typically low (from 1 to 3 mg/L), they do
concentration reached ( 90 -100 )% after 14 h in 5
stage bardenpho pilot plant.

Journal of American Science 2014;10(5s) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

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