11th Basic Electrical Engineering
11th Basic Electrical Engineering
11th Basic Electrical Engineering
Basic Electrical
Content Creation
The wise
possess all
e are living in a modern world where all the systems are interconnected and in-
terdependent with electrical sciences. By the year 2050, the demand of electri-
cal energy is double or even become triple due to the advancement in modern
technology. Now-a-days, affordable knowledge is essential in the field of electrical sciences for
better understanding of electrical appliances.
This book has been written primarily as a text book for the students and is designed to
serve the introductory part of the subject, electrical engineering in school education under
vocational stream. The basic concepts of electrical sciences are explained with neat diagrams
for better understanding to the learners.
This Electrical Machines and Appliances (EMA) book has been written with the inspira-
tion and interaction of scholars in electrical fields in India and abroad. The resource materials
and ideas for making this book is obtained from experts in the field of electrical engineering
in around the country to meet the curriculum to international standards. The design of this
book is based on bloom’s taxonomy which is a learning tool for all students. The theory and
problems available in this text book obviously motivates the students for better understand-
ing. The contents of this book are mainly confined to the content of syllabus fulfilling the
I along with team members originally undertook the task of writing the text book for
the vocational group students as basic subject in the field of electrical engineering due to the
knowledge which have experienced in three decades. My experience in teaching taught me
two things about students; need for better understanding of concepts and relating the con-
cepts to the real life cycle. This intention forced me in making this book as effective one as a
learning material for the vocational group students. As a result, the students will definitely
follow along with the subject teacher in demonstrating an example in handling classes. I
hope this book will definitely satisfy the primary needs of the student’s community to pur-
sue secondary level courses.
Myself with our subject experts’ team have provided this text book a more knowledge-
able and readable one fulfilling the needs of students. Consequently, the teacher will feel
more comfortable using the book because it reflects the electrical engineering concepts in
a pedagogy way.
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the faculty from various academic
institutions for the improvement of this text book writing.
Finally, it is an immense pleasure to express the gratitude and sincere thanks to all of
them who has given this opportunity to take part in writing the book for vocational stream
Career Guidance
After completion of Higher Secondary course (+2), Vocational stream
students undergo the following courses as detailed below:
(i.e.) They can directly join in the SECOND YEAR of the concerned
Diploma course.
After that, they can register their names in the “Board of Apprenticeship
training, No. 4th Cross street, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 13” for
employment opportunities.
Basic Electrical
he objective of this lesson is to know about Electricity, the methods of power generation.
Beyond this, about the safety precautionary measures of electricity and also what are the
first aids to be given to a person who is affected by electric shock.
ranklin started exploring the
phenomenon of electricity in
He was the first to label as
positive and negative respectively and
also the first to discover the principle A solar power plant in Kamuthi, Tamil
of conservation of charge. In 1748, he Nadu has just became the world’s largest
constructed a multiple plate capacitor, plant. With a capacity to produce 648 MW
that he called as “electrical battery”. of electricity, this plant comprises of
He made important contribu 2.5 million individual solar modules and
tions to science, especially in the covers an area of 10 sq km.
understanding of electricity, and is
remembered for the wit, wisdom, and
elegance of his writing d) Electricity due to Heat
If the ends of two dissimilar metal rods
are joined together to form a junction
and is heated, voltage is developed at
b) Electricity due to Light the other ends and this effect is known
When the light falls on the photo as thermo electric effect.
sensitive materials, the electrons from
the surface produce the flow of current. In the above four methods, sufficient
The material which emits electrons electricity is not produced and the
due to the light fallen on the surface is energy of electricity is also less. The
called “photo sensitive material”. other two following methods are used
to produce sufficient electricity with
Example :- S odium, Potassium, high energy.
Lithium and Caesium.
1.2.1 LT Lines
In India, low 1.3
Tension (LT) supply is
440 volts for three-phase
connections and 230 A man who works in the electrical
volts for single-phase appliances must handle the work carefully
connection. Consumer of without any damage to the equipment
electricity like individual houses, shops, and workers. They must know all the
small offices and smaller manufacturing operations of electrical equipment clearly.
units get their electricity on LT connection. Electrical accident may occur only due to
carelessness. Due to this, workers will get
injured and cause damages. To avoid this,
electrical workers must follow the rules
and regulations while working.
1. Define Atom.
2. What is electricity?
3. What are the methods used for production of electricity?
4. Define L.T Line.
5. Define H.T Line.
6. What are the precautions taken to avoid electric shock?
7. What are the different methods of artificial respiration?
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume I and Volume III by B.L. Theraja and
A.K. Theraja, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Source
undamental terms are mostly important for doing Electrical circuits. This chapter deals
about the properties, types of conductors and insulators. Basically each one should know
about current, voltage, resistance, laws, emf and potential difference. The objective of this
lesson is also to know about the types of electrical circuits.
Calculation of power consumption is easily explained in this chapter. It is used to
calculate the power consumed (unit) in home, factory, etc. and the cost of expenses is
also calculated. This is very much useful to the younger generation to learn how to min-
imize the usage of electricity. It is helpful to reduce the unwanted usage of electricity and
the expense is reduced. Thereby it induces individual saving habit.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conductors – Properties – Types
2.3 Insulators – Properties – Types
2.4 Electrical Terms (Factors)
i) Current iii) Resistance – Laws
ii) Voltage iv) Electro Motive Force (EMF)
v) Potential Difference (PD)
2.5 OHM’s Law – Explanation
2.6 Types of Electrical Circuits
i) Series Circuit iii) Series-Parallel Circuit
ii) Parallel Circuit iv) Kirchhoff ’s Law
v) Work, Power and Energy
2.7 Capacitor – Types – Uses
i) Solid Conductors
These conductors are converted into
2.1 thin wire, thin rod or strap for the pur-
pose of conduction.
In this modern world, electricity
plays a major role in human life. This is Some of the examples of solid good
because, electrical appliances play an im- conductors are Silver, Copper, Brass,
portant role in our day to day life. Accord- Aluminium, Tungsten, etc.
ing to theory, the current flow is nothing
but flow of electrons. The force required ii) Liquid Conductors
to move electrons from higher level to The conductors in the form of liq-
lower level is called voltage. uids are called liquid conductors.
Liquid conductors are mostly used in
Hence conductors are required to batteries.
conduct the current from one place to an-
other place. They are classified in to three xample: Mercury, Sulphuric Acid,
types, namely solid conductors, liquid Nitrate etc.
conductors and gaseous conductors. The Mercury is used in high power
material which does not conduct current vapour lamp and automatic circuit
is called an insulator. Another one is a breakers.
semi-conductor, which has the property
in between the conductor and insulator. iii) Gas Conductors
Semi-conductors are used in making elec- The conductors in the form of gas are
tronic devices. called gas conductors. These are used
in gas discharge lamps at high tem-
First, let us study the types and perature which are used in big shops,
properties of conductors. malls, etc.
eorg Simon Ohm (1789 – 1854) Voltage(V) = 240V
was a German physicist and Current(I) = ?
mathematician. As a school Power, P = V × I
teacher, Ohm began his research with
1000 = 240 × I
the new electrochemical cell, invented I= = 4.16 A
by Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.
Ohm found that there is a direct 3) Voltage of the circuit is 230V and
proportionality between the potential current 10A is flowing through it. Find
difference applied across a conductor the value of Resistance.
and the resultant electric current. This Voltage (V) = 230V
relationship is known as Ohm’s law. Current (I) = 10 A
Resistance (R) =?
According to ohm’s law, I = V
i.e 10 = R
i) Closed circuit,
ii) Open circuit and Globe
iii) Short circuit.
Fig 2.3 Open Circuit
These are explained below
Ex: In lighting circuit, if the switch is
i) Closed Circuit in OFF condition or the wire is broken in
When loads are connected in series any place the lamp will not glow and it is
between two terminals of electric supply, called an open circuit.
in such a way that the current passing
through the load is to activate the circuit. iii) Short Circuit
It is called as closed circuit. In this circuit, the two terminals
of the supply is connected directly with-
out a load and the current flow is infinite
I = I1 = I2 = I3
Globe V = V1 + V2 + V3
= IR1 + IR2 + IR3
Fig 2.4 Short Circuit V = I(R1 + R2 + R3)
V =R +R +R
I 1 2 3
i.e R = R1 + R2 + R3 +……..
When three resistors are connect- 4. The sum of the potential drop
ed in series with each other as shown in across each resistor is equal to the
Figure 2.5, so that the same current passes supply voltage i.e V = V1 + V2 + V3
through all of them is called series circuit. 5. If there is a fault in any place of
the circuit, the total circuit will be
Here the resistors R1, R2 and R3 are inactive.
connected in series. The current flowing
in all three resistors is same as that of sup- Example:- In many of the plac-
ply current. But across each resistor, it has es like temple functions, malls, theatres
a potential drop depending on their resis- and marriage halls, serial sets are used
tance value. to make different decorative items using
I 1
1 1 1 1
= + +
R R1 R 2 R 3
R 2 R 3 + R1R 3 + R1R 2
R1R 2R 3
R1R 2R 3
R 2 R 3 +R1R 3 +R1R 2
V 240
I= , I= =150A
R 1.6
V1 = IR1
V2 = IR 2
V3 = IR 3
V = V1 + V2 + V3
IR = IR1 + IR 2 + IR 3
I1 + I2 + I3 = I4 + I5
ustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-
I 1 + I 2 + I 3− I 4 − I 5 = 0 1887) was a German physicist
who contributed to the
ii) Kirchhoff ’s Voltage Law (KVL) fundamental understanding of electrical
In any closed electric circuit, the al- circuits. Kirchhoff formulated his circuit
gebraic sum of the potential drop is equal
laws, which are now ubiquitous in
to the supply voltage.
electrical engineering.
Fig 2.8(ii) represents, loads R1, R2,
and R3 connected in series. Potential drop
across R1 is IR1, potential drop across R2 is Problems:
IR2 and potential drop across R3 is IR3.
Example: 1
Calculate the current in a 2Ω resis-
tor using Kirchoff ’s law in the following
and calculation of power and energy in The energy spent for the appliances
electric circuit. in 1 kwh is called as one unit i.e
i) Work
1 unit = 1kWh
Work is said to be done by Force
‘F’ when the point of its application moves The power of iron box is 1000 watt.
through a distance ‘S’. when used for 1 hour, the energy
consumed is, 1000 watts × 1 hour =
Mathematically, Work = Force ×
1000Wh = 1kWh = 1unit.
distance = F × S =FS.
100 × 40 × 8 32000
Energy = = Wh
1000 1000
= 32kWh = 32 units per day
= (11.190 + 32 + 9 ) × 30
= 52.19 × 30
= 1565.7 units
= 1565.7 × 6
= 9394.2
Cost = Rs. 9394
2.7.2 Capacitance(C)
Capacitance of capacitor is defined
as the ratio between the charge given to
the condenser and supply voltage. It is de-
noted by the letter C.
0 −4 5 Example.2
∆1 = 0 −3 −10
2 1 −2 In a house, the following equip-
ment are used.
= 0 ( 6 + 10 ) + 4 ( 0 + 20 ) + 5 ( 0 + 6 )
= 80 + 30 = 110 1) 1HP motor works 3 hours per day.
2) 40w, 10 lamps glow 5 hours per day.
1 0 5 3 900w capacity of heater works
2 hours per day.
∆ 2 = 2 0 −10
Calculate the cost of energy con-
4 2 −2
sumed in 60 days.
= 1( 0 + 20 ) + 0 ( −4 + 40 ) + 5 ( 4 + 0 ) [For domestic purpose unit rate
= 20 + 20 = 40 is (1−100)-NIL,(101−200) Rs.3.50
(201−500) = Rs. 4.60, > 500 units =
Rs. 6.60
Basic Electrical Engineering — Theory 30
3) 900w heater works 2 hours per day. Series circuit I is common to all load,
V= V1+V2+V3+…., R=R1+R2+R3+……
900 × 2 1800
Energy = = Wh Parallel circuit V is common to all
1000 1000
= 1.8 kwh load.
= 1.8 units per day
I = I1 + I2 + I3….
Some Animals use electricity to survive in nature. Many of these animals are
found in the ocean where some use electricity to detect objects around them and
others use electricity to fend off predators or even hunt for food. One of the most
famous of the electric animals is the electric eel. The electric eel can produce
large amounts of electricity, even enough to kill a human or stun a large horse.
The eels typically swim into a school of fish, discharge a large amount of electric-
ity, and then dinner is served!
Reference Book
1. A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume I by B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja, S.
Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
Electro Magnetism
o know the classification of properties of magnetic materials, terming it makes
it easy to read the concepts of magnet and also the types of electromagnetic
induction, Hysteresis and its laws are the scope and objective for learning.
• If a magnet is broken into number of Cylindrical magnet are some types based
pieces, each piece becomes an inde- on shapes.
pendent magnet which has North
and South.
• A magnet can impart its proper-
ties by induction to any magnetic
ALNICO (Aluminium-Nickel-
Cobalt) is an alloy metal specifically
used as permanent magnet because it
can be lifted up to 50 times weight load
Fig 3.2 UnLike Poles
compared to its own weight. Permanent
• A magnet loses its properties when magnets can be formed by touch method,
it is heated, hammered or dropped electric current method and induction
from height. method.
a) Permanent Magnet
In a permanent magnet, the mag-
netic materials can retain magnetic prop-
erty permanently for a long time. Bar mag- Fig 3.4 Electro magnet
net, Horse Shoe magnet, Ring Magnet,
passes through the centre of the magnet is withstand an external magnetic field with-
called magnetic neutral axis. There is no out becoming demagnetized.
magnetic influence along this line.
v) Leakage Flux
Leakage flux is defined as the
magnetic flux which does not follow the
particularly intended path in a magnetic
of the magnetic field depends on the di- i) Current in The Same Direction
rection of the current flow.
Right Handed Cork Screw Rule ii) Current in The Opposite Direction
• Assume a right handed cork screw to
be along the wire to advance in the A B
direction of current.
• The motion of handle gives the
direction of magnetic lines around
the conductor.
End Rule
Look at the end of the solenoid of
the electromagnet. If the current in the coil
is clock wise the end is Southpole . If the
current in the coil is counter-clockwise the
end is North pole.
Fig 3.12 Toroid
45 Electro Magnetism
6 Proportionality 1 1
RELUCTIVITY= (M / H ) RESISTIVITY= (ohm – meter )
Permeability Conductivity
The north pole of a magnet points roughly toward Earth's north pole and vice-versa.
That's because Earth itself contains magnetic materials and behaves like a gigantic
If you cut a bar magnet in half, it's a bit like cutting an earthworm in half ! You get
two brand new, smaller magnets, each with its own north and south pole. (This is,
of course, a joke. You don't get two worms if you cut a worm in half. But you do get
two magnets.)
If you run a magnet a few times over an unmagnetized piece of a magnetic material
(such as an iron nail), you can convert it into a magnet as well.
magnetic field. Then the flux is cut by the • The induced EMF is always opposite
conductor and an EMF is induced. in direction to the applied EMF.
• This is the EMF induced in a coil due to • When two coils are placed nearer and
the change of its own flux linked with it. current is passed through one of the
• If current through the coil is changed, coil, magnetic flux will be produced
then the flux linked with its own which is common to both coils.
turns will also change, which will • When current through first coil is var-
produce self induced EMF. ied, the magnetic flux will vary, which
will induce an emf in second coil.
47 Electro Magnetism
Take a piece of iron bar AB and
magnetise the same by placing it within the
field of solenoid. The field H produced by the
Fig3.14 Mutual Induction solenoid is called the magnetising field. The
field (H) can be increased (or) decreased by
LENZ’S LAW increasing (or) decreasing the current through
it. Let ‘H’ be increased slowly from zero to a
A change in current produces an maximum value and the corresponding value
emf, whose direction is in such a way of flux density (B) be noted. If we plot the
that it opposes the change in current. relation between H and B, OA is obtained.
The material becomes magnetically saturated
Fleming’s Right Hand Rule at point A and has the maximum flux density
The direction of induced EMF in induced in it (H = OM).
generators and alternators (Dynamically
induced emf) is known by Fleming’s Right
hand rule.
49 Electro Magnetism
51 Electro Magnetism
11. Indicate which of the following 14. Which of the following circuit
material does not retain magne- element stores energy in an
tism permanently. electromagnetic field?
a) Soft iron a) Capacitor
b) Stainless steel b) Inductance
c) Hardened steel c) Resistance
d) None of the above. d) Variable Resistance.
12. The material having low reten- 15. EMF induced by motion of conduc-
tivity are suitable for making a tor across magnetic field is called
a) weak magnet a) emf
b) temporary magnet. b) dynamic emf
c) permanent magnet c) static emf
d) none of the above. d) rotational emf
16. The magnitude of the induced emf
13. The absolute permeability (μo) of in a conductor depends on the
air or vacuum is a) flux density of the magnetic field.
a) 4π × 10-7 H/M b) amount of flux cut
b) 4π × 10-3 Henry/Metre c) amount of flux linkages
c) 4π × 10 3 H/M d) rate of change of flux linklages.
d) 4π × 107 H/M
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja, S. Chand
& Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
1. www.sciencebuddies.org
53 Electro Magnetism
— Swami Vivekananda
he main objective of a battery is to know the classifications of the various
types of cells, also to know about the chemical r eactions during charging
and discharging, maintenance, and tips for care of battery.
The most common and the least (AA-pen type cell, C-minimum size,
expensive type of a dry cell battery in the D-large/Economy size.)
Zinc-carbon type as shown in figure 4.2.
Basic Electrical Engineering — Theory 56
59 Batteries
The separators are thin sheets of
non-conducting material made up of chem-
ically treated leadwood, porous rubbers or
mats of glass fibre and are placed between the
positive and negative to insulate from each
other. Separators are grooved vertically on
one side and are smooth on the other side.
5. Battery Terminals
Fig 4.7 Plate Arrangements of A battery has two terminals:–
Lead-Acid Battery
Positive and Negative
Basic Electrical Engineering — Theory 60
A) Working Principle
In a lead acid cell, sulphuric acid is used
as an electrolyte. In this H2So4, electrolyte is
poured after pouring water in it. Then, sulphuric
acid dissolves and the molecules of hydro-
gen and sulphate are formed. In this, hydrogen
ions are positive and sulphate ions are negative.
Two electrodes of battery are dipped
in an electrolyte and DC supply is given as
an input. Hydrogen positive ions go towards
negative plate of electrode. Sulphate negative
ions go towards positive plate of the elec-
trode. In this way lead acid battery functions. Fig 4.8 Discharging Process
The sign(+) indicates positive termi- Physical Changes While Discharging
nal and sign(−) indicates negative terminal
1. Both the positive and negative plates
Positive terminal-17.5mm dia are slowly converted into lead sul-
Negative terminal-16mm dia phate PbSO4 (white in colour)
2. Water is formed during discharge.
b) Chemical Reactions During So the acid becomes more and more
Discharging dilute. Specific gravity of sulphuric
When the cell is discharging, current acid solution decreases.
flow in the external circuit is from positive 3. Decrease in emf
to negative. (See fig. 4.8) The flow of current
through the electrolyte (H2SO4) splits into c) C hemical Reaction During
positive hydrogen ion (H2–+ ) and two nega- Charging
tive sulphate ions (SO4–2). For recharging, the anode and
cathode are connected to the positive and the
Each sulphate ions move towards the
negative terminal of the DC main supply.The
cathode and on reaching there, give up two elec-
hydrogen ions are positively charged move
trons to become radical SO4, attack the metallic
towards the cathode. (as in fig 4.9)
lead cathode and form lead sulphate, whitish
in colour according to the chemical equation. Sulphate ions move to the anode, and
At Anode, H2 combines with oxygen of the following chemical reaction occurs.
PbO2 and H2SO4attacks lead to form PbSO4.
AtAnode:PbSO 4 + H2 → Pb + H2SO4
At Anode: At Cathode:
PbO2 + H2 + H2SO4 → PbSO4 + 2H2O PbSO 4 + SO4 + 2H2O → PbO2 + 2H2SO4
61 Batteries
63 Batteries
acid cell battery voltage drops consistently low self-discharge. Also used in electric
throughout the discharge cycle. vehicle and aerospace application.
6. Cost
Despite the higher upfront cost of
lithium ion batteries, the true cost of owner- 4.7
ship is less than lead acid battery when con-
sidering the life span and performance.
7. Environmental Impact
Lithium ion batteries are a much
cleaner technology and are safer for the
Lithium-ion batteries are one of the
most popular types of rechargeable bat-
teries for portable electronics with a high
energy density, tiny memory effect and
Main 230V
UPS Output
230V Input
UPS Battery
collector Boiler
Solar panel
Battery Tank
DC Loads Pump Cold water
Battery - மின்கலம்
Dry cell - உலர் மின்கலம்
Wet cel - பசை மின்கலம்
Separators - பிரிப்பான்
Charging - மின்னேற்றம்
Discharging - மின்னிறக்கம்
UPS-Battery-Un- - தடையில்லா
Interrupted Power Supply மின்சாரம் தரும்
67 Batteries
69 Batteries
Reference Book
1. A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume I and Volume III by B.L. Theraja and
A.K. Theraja, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
AC Circuits
he learning objective of AC circuit is preferably to know RLC-circuits, its advantages
and disadvantages, and digital energy meter. According to the trend of applications, it is
necessary to know the various types of connections in AC circuits.
71 AC Circuits
In either case the generated voltage will Fig 5.1 Voltage vs Time
be of sinusoidal waveform. The magnitude of
generated voltage depends upon:
Fig 5.2
73 AC Circuits
c) Frequency
A.C ammeters and voltmeters are
calibrated to record r.m.s. values. π/2 π 3π/2 2π
i) Form Factor ωt = t/4
j) Power Factor
Cosine value of angle between
voltage and current is called as power Fig 5.6 Phase Difference
factor. Power factor is also defined as the
ratio of true power to apparent power When two alternating quantities of
the same frequency have different zero points,
Power factor = cos Ѳ (Ѳ is angle they are said to have a phase difference.
between voltage and current)
The angle between zero point is the 5.4.1. AC circuits with pure resistance
angle of phase difference Ѳ. It is generally A circuit having only resistance
measured in degrees or radians. The and without inductance and capacitance
quantity which passes through its zero is called pure resistance circuit
point earlier is said to be leading while the
other is said to be lagging.
1) It is easy to transmit alternating current
from one place to another place.
2) High voltage can be generated easily.
3) The cost of AC equipment is low.
4) It is possible to convert into DC.
5) Step down, step up voltage can be easily
done by transformer.
6) A.C Motors are cheap.
Fig 5.7 AC through Resistance
1) A.C cannot be stored in Batteries. Let
2) Compared to DC, A.C circuit should have The value of resistance is R
good insulation because of high output
The value of current is I
voltage which causes electric shock.
3) The voltage drop is occurred due to high The value of Electro motive force is E
starting current in AC.
4) The speed of the AC motor depends
upon the frequency. Electromotive Force ( E )
Current (I) =
5) In Inductive load, power factor will be low. Re sis tan ce ( R )
5.4 Power = Current × EMF
In this circuit power factor is unity,
In this circuit, the three (R,L,C) because the angle between current and
components are all in series with the voltage is zero (cosØ = 1).
Voltage source.
Basic Electrical Engineering Theory 76
XL = 2πfL
77 AC Circuits
R = Re sis tan ce (in ohms) in series. In this the current is same. The
X C = Inductive capi tan ce. voltage is differed by circuit elements,
VR = I × R Total supply voltage is ‘V’
VC = I × X C I = IR = IL = Ic
V 2 = VR2 + VC2 And
V= VR2 + VC2 V = VR + VL + VC
V= (IR )2 + (I X C )2 VR = Voltage across the resistance
V= I2R 2 + I2 X C2 VL = Voltage across the inductance
VC = Voltage across the capacitance
V= I R 2 + X C2
V And also
= Z = R 2 + X C2
I VR is in phase with current
5.4.8 IMPEDANCE VL leads current by 90o
Impedance is the total opposition VC lags current by 90o
offered by the circuits elements [ie, (i) If inductive reactance is greater
Resistance, Inductance and capacitance] than capacitive reactance (XL > XC)
simply, Impedance is defined as the ratio
V2=V2R+(VL- VC)2
of the voltage to current
V= V2R+(VL- VC)2
Voltage ( V )
Im pedance(Z ) = V (IR )2 (IX L IX C )2
Current ( I )
V I2 R 2 I2 (X L X C )2
5.4.9 RLC Series Circuit V I R 2 (X L X C )2
R 2 (X L X C )2
Electricity travels at the speed of light - more than 186,000 miles per second!
Electricity always tries to find the easiest and shortest path to the ground.
Electricity can be made from wind, water, the sun and even animal poop.
The first power plant - owned by Thomas Edison - opened in New York City in 1882.
Total power p = 3 × power in each phase taken from the three junctions of the Mesh
Power in each phase P = Vph Iph cosθ or Delta and they designated as R, Y and B.
VL This is called three phase three wire delta
P = 3× × IL cos θ connected system. Since no neutral exists in
a Delta connection, only three phase, three
VL wire system can be formed.
(where as Iph = IL , Vph = )
3 In this connection, the line voltage
∴ P = 3VL IL cos θ is equal to the phase voltage.
Phase Volltage = Line voltage
5.5.6. Delta or Mesh Connection(∆) Vph = VL
Phase Current = Line current
Iph = L
Total power P = 3 × power per phase
P = 3 Vph Iph cosθ
P = 3 × VL × × cos θ
Vph = IL , I ph =
i.e., Power = 3 VL IL cos θ
line and the neutral. Such a flexibility is processing and communication circuit
not available in Delta connections. (microprocessor/microcontroller) and
other add on modules such as RTC
In star connection, the neutral (Real Time Clock), LCD (Liquid Crystal
point can be earthed. Moreover, earthing Display), communication ports, modules
of neutral permits to use protective and so on.
devices to protect the system in case of
ground faults. In the metering circuit, the voltage
and current inputs through current
transformer and potential transformer has
a voltage reference followed by an ADC
5.6 (Analog to Digital Convertor) section,
DIGITAL ENERGY to convert the analog inputs into digital
METER forms. These inputs are then processed
using a digital signal processor, to calculate
Digital energy meters display the
various metering parameters.
energy used on an LCD or LED display, and
some can also transmit readings to remote The processing and communication
places. In addition to measuring energy section has the responsibility of calculating
used, these meters can also record other various desired quantites, from the
parameters of the load and supply, such digital values generated by the metering
as instantaneous and maximum demands, section. This has the responsibility of
voltage, power factor and reactive power communicating and interfacings with
etc. They can also support to record the other ‘add on modules’ connected as slaves
amount of energy used during on-peak to it.
and off-peak hours.
RTC (Real Time Clock) and other
The digital energy meter has add-on modules are attached as slaves to the
a power supply, metering circuit, a processing and communication sections
Digital meter
COM - port
83 AC Circuits
Im Vm
R.M.S. value = or
2 2
RMS Value
Form factor = = 1.11
Average Value
Max. Value
Peak factor = =1.414
RMS Value
VI cosθ
Power factor=
In pure resistance circuit, power
factor is one (unity)
In pure inductive or capacitive
circuit, power factor is zero
Inductive reactance XL = 2πfl
Fig 5.17 Digital Energy Meter
Capacitive reactance XC = 1/2πfC
Advantages of Digital Energy Meters
Impedance Z = V
i) High accuracy I
In RLC series circuit powerfactor
ii) Robustness R
cos θ =
iii) No moving parts Z
Both in RLC series and RLC parallel
iv) Easy to gauge readings through
digital display
v) Over current protection Power P = VI cosθ watts
vi) Readings can be stored and print In Star Connection
out may be taken Phase current = Line current
vii) Smaller in size
Iph = IL
viii) Consumes less power (Line Voltage)
Phase voltage =
ix) Long life 3
x) Easy to carry anywhere Vph =
xi) Remote control is possible
Basic Electrical Engineering Theory 84
Iph =
ridged knob
bicycle tyre
dynamo connection
to bicycle
N S iron core
light coil
to light
connection to
bicycle frame
85 AC Circuits
Four wire system can be
obtained from
a) Series connection
b) Parallel connection
c) Star connection
d) Delta connection
87 AC Circuits
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume I, by B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja,
S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
89 AC Circuits
6 Transformer
he main objective of learning this lesson is to know in detail about Transformer, its
construction, operation, losses, testing method, protective devices of transformer, which
are existing under new technique.
i. Core type
ii. Shell type and
iii. Berry type
6.2.1 Core Type
A Transformer is a static device
which transfers electrical energy from one The winding surrounds the core is
circuit to another circuit at the same fre- called core type transformer. The Figure
quency. It works on the principle of mutual 6.2 represents the core type.
induction. The transformer works only on
The magnetic circuit is made up
A.C supply.
of laminated iron core. Silicon steels are
Generating stations generate electric- used to reduce the hysteresis loss in the
ity at a voltage of 11KV. The electric power iron core, also laminated sheets are insu-
from the generating station is to be brought lated from one another by a layer of var-
to the consumers end from 33KV, 66KV etc nish insulation.
through various transmission stages.The
transformer is used to step down (or) step
up the voltage required according to the re-
quirement as shown in fig. 6.1.
i) Easily handled and maintained.
CONSTRUCTION OF ii) The coils are in the outside, so it will
TRANSFORMER CORE get cooled easily.
93 Transformer
6.4.1 Voltage Transformation
Fig 6.7 Single Phase Transformer Ratio (k)
and Wave Form The ratio of secondary volt-
age to primary voltage is called voltage
No. of turns in primary winding = N1
transformation ratio. It is represented
No. of turns in secondary winding =N2 by ‘k’.
Maximum value of flux = Øm webers E2 V2 N 2
= =
E1 V1 N1
Frequency of A.C input = f in Hz =k
95 Transformer
is connected to an A.C Voltage V1, a flux 2. Auto transformers are used to start
will set up in the core and e.m.f E1 will be the induction motor.
induced in the winding. Such induced e.m.f
3. It can be used to vary the voltage to
is taken by tapping at point C. There are
the load, smoothly from zero to the
N2 turns between B and C, an e.m.f E2 is
rated voltage.
induced B and C.
97 Transformer
(Io) is quite small compared to rated current Let the, voltmeter reading is Vsc.. The
of the transformer, the voltage drop due to input power during test is indicated by watt-
this current that can be taken as negligible. meter reading. As the transformer is short
As the transformer is open circuited, there circuited, there is no output, hence the input
is no output. Hence the input power consist power consist of copper loss in transformer.
of core losses and copper loss in transformer
during no load condition.
a) Conservator
Transformer oil losses its insulating
PROTECTIVE DEVICES OF properties and is oxidised when it is in contact
TRANSFORMER with the atmosphere. For this reason, the oil
The following are the protective devices must not come in direct contact with the air
outside. Conservators or oil expansion cham-
in transformer and are explained below:
bers are provided to prevent this absorption.
a) Conservator
b) Breather The conservator is cylindrical vessel.
c) Explosion vent It is fitted on the top of the tank. The tank is
d) Buchholz relay entirely filled up with oil. The conservator is
e) Transformer oil filled with oil partly (about 50%). The trans-
former oil gets heated due to the losses in a
transformer. The volume increases due to heat
and the level of oil in conservator increases.
Air is expelled from the conservator through
the breather. When the coil cools down, the
volume decreases and the level of the oil in
the conservator comes down.
Transformer - மின்மாற்றி
Step-up transformer - உயர்வத்த மின்மாற்றி
Step-down transformer - ைறவத்த மின்மாற்றி
101 Transformer
103 Transformer
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume IIand Volume III by B.L. Theraja and
A.K. Theraja, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
Letter, number, art and science
Of living kind both are the eyes.
earning objective of this chapter will enables the student to:
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Basic principle of operation of DC generators
7.3 Construction of DC machines
7.4 Types of DC generators
7.5 EMF Equation of DC generator
7.6 Applications of DC generator
7.7 DC Motor
7.8 Back EMF of DC motor
7.9 Types of DC motor
7.10 Applications of DC motor
1. Yoke
2. Pole core
3. Pole winding
4. Pole shoe
5. Pole face
6. Air gap
7. Armature core
8. Slot
9. Tooth
11.Armature winding
16.Lifting leg
7.3.1 Yoke
The Functions of Yoke are:
1) It provides mechanical support to the
poles and acts as a protecting cover
Invariably speaking, the construc- for the whole machine.
tion of the DC generator and DC motor are 2) It carries the magnetic flux produced
same. So any DC generator can be treated by the poles.
as DC motor. The construction of a 4-pole
DC machine is given in the fig 7.3. 7.3.2 Field System
Field system consist of two main
All DC machines have mainly two parts, poles and field winding.
Rotor has the following parts: The functions of pole core and pole
Armature – Armature core, Armature shoe are:
1) Pole core carries field winding which
Commutator – Brushes, Bearing.
is necessary to produce the flux.
109 DC Generator and DC Motor
2) Pole shoes spread out the flux in the ii) Armature Slots and Windings
air gap uniformly. The armature windings are placed
3) They support the exciting coils (or into the slots on the armature surface.
field coils). When the armature rotates, an emf is in-
4) It is made up of magnetic material duced in the armature conductors in case
like cast-iron or cast-steel. of generators. The ends of the coils are sol-
dered with commutator segments. These
ii) Field Winding segments are made up of copper materials.
The field winding is placed on the
pole core. It is made up of aluminium or 7.3.4 Commutator
copper. Their functions are to carry the The emf induced in the armature
current to produce the required magnetic conductor is alternating in nature. This al-
flux. The pole structure of a DC machines ternating emf is made into unidirectional
is illustrated in fig 7.4. by means of a device called as commuta-
tor. It is made up of copper segments.
1) Armature core
2)) Armature winding
i) Armature Core
It is cylindrical in shape with slots
on its outer periphery. It is mounted on
the shaft. They are used to house the ar-
mature conductors in the slot. It is made
of cast-steel laminations to reduce the Fig 7.5 Poles and Armature of DC
eddy current loss. Machines.
DC generators are classified ac-
cording to the manner in which field
windings are connected. The process of
giving DC voltage to the field winding for
producing magnetic field is called field
excitation. The generators are classified
based on the exciation, as: Fig 7.7 DC Series Generator
2. Self-Excited DC Generator
In this type of DC generators, the gen-
eration of emf is due to its property of residual
flux or residual magnetism present in the field
winding. They are mainly of three types:
a) DC Series Generator
In DC series generators the field c) DC Compound Generator
winding (Rse) is connected in series with These types of generators are again
the armature winding (R a). Therefore, the classified into long shunt generator and
series current (Ise ) is equal to the arma- short shunt generator based on the field
ture current (Ia) and the load current (lL), winding connections. In long shunt com-
as shown in the Fig 7.7. pound generator, the shunt field winding
111 DC Generator and DC Motor
Fig 9.(a) DC Long Shunt and Fig 9.(b) Short Shunt Compound Generator
Un ive rs a l
motors are known
to sometimes over- 1. DC Series Generators
speed, perhaps
i) They are used for series arc lighting
dangerously and
ii) They are used as boosters, for the
destructively, when run with no load.
purpose of compensating the drop in
This article deals with different meth-
voltage in the lines on loading.
ods of universal electric motor speed
iii) Used for regenerative braking of DC
A motor which can be oper-
ated either on DC (direct current) 2. DC Shunt Generators are Used
or on single phase AC (alternat- i) In shunt generator, terminal voltage
ing current) is called a universal is more or less constant. So these are
motor. On both AC and DC, it gives used for supplying loads needing
approximately the same speed and constant voltage.
output. Universal motors often run ii) In Electroplating
at dangerously high speed when iii) In Battery charging purpose.
operated at no load. This means iv) As Exciters for AC generators.
that motor speed will be low at full
load, but the speed of the motor will 3. DC Compound Generators
start increasing as the load on the i) By means of compound generator it
motor decreases. Finally at no load, is possible to give constant voltage at
the motor will run at very high the line end by proper compounding.
speed (perhaps about 20,000 rpm ii) Differentially, compound generator
in some cases) and cannot made to may be used for welding purpose.
run at less than about 2,000 rpm. iii) They are used to supply power to
The speed of universal motor varies railway circuits, elevator motors etc.
just like that of a DC series motor.
Being a series wound motor, it has 4. Separately Excited Generators
a high starting torque and varia- These generators are used for:
ble speed characteristics, and if the
i) Supplying DC motors whose speed is
motor is started at no load, due to
to be varied widely.
its high starting torque it will attain
ii) Where a wide range of DC voltage is
high speed quickly. Thus it is not
required for testing purpose.
advisable to start a universal motor
at no load.
F = BIl (N)
7.7.3 Principle of Operation of DC
B = f lux density due to the flux produced Motor
by the field winding
A motor is a mechanism by
I = Magnitude of current passing through
which electrical energy is converted into
the conductor
mechanical energy. Both in principle and
l = Active length of the conductor
design, a DC motor is the reverse process
of DC generator.
By construction, there is no basic
difference between DC generator and DC
Consider a single conductor
motor. In fact, the same DC machine can
placed in a magnetic field as shown in
be used interchangeably as a generator or as
fig 7.10. The two diagrams indicate the
a motor. In generator the input is mechani-
direction of magnetic fluxes considering
cal energy by a prime mover and develops a
voltage, while in a DC motor the input is elec-
trical energy and it develops rotating torque. How the resultant rotation takes
place in a DC motor is clearly understood
7.7.2 Fleming’s Left Hand Rule from the following descriptions in the
Keep the forefinger, middle finger Fig 7.11.
and thumb of the left hand mutually per-
A steady current is passed through
pendicular to one another. If the forefin-
the armature coil from the commutator
ger indicates the direction of the magnetic
and the brushes are so arranged as to re-
field (B), the middle finger indicates the
verse the current every half revolution.
direction of current (I) in the conductor,
When a coil, carrying a current is placed
and the thumb points to the direction of
in magnetic field, it experiences forces,
motion (F) of the conductor.
given by Fleming’s left-hand rule, which
Flux by
Main Flux
Current carrying
turn it about in a direction perpendicular As for the reasons above, one of the
to both the field and the current. coil side ‘A’ will be forced to move down-
wards while ‘B’ moves upward. These two
The fig 7.12a shows the upper side forces are equal in magnitude and oppo-
of the conductor, the magnetizing force site to each other. (7.12c). These twist-
of the field due to the current are addi- ing forces make the armature to rotate
tive while on the lower side these are sub- through the two ends, that are supported
tractive. The result is to increase the flux by bearings.
density into the region directly above the
conductor and to reduce flux density be- But practically, a DC machine will
low the conductor. have multiple conductors and each con-
ductor will be experiencing a force F=BI l
If the current is reversed in the newton. These forces collectively produce
conductor, the strengthening of flux lines a driving torque which sets the armature
occur below the conductor and the con- rotating. The machine is then said to be
ductor will be pushed upwards as shown motoring.
in fig 7.12b.
(a) (b)
Fig 7.12 Torque Development in DC Motors
115 DC Generator and DC Motor
winding carries the input current, IL=Ia=Ise. series with the parallel combination of ar-
The series field winding is relatively small mature and shunt field winding. The con-
in number to give minimum value of re- nection diagram for this compound motor
sistance drop. is as shown in Fig 7.16.
Type of Motor Characteristics Applications
1. DC Series Motor i) Variable speed i) Electric traction
ii) Speed can be controlled ii) Cranes hoists
iii) No load condition is dangerous iii) Conveyors Elevators
iv) High starting torque Trolleys
2. DC Shunt Motor i) Speed is fairly constant i) Lathe machines
ii) Adjustable speed ii) Blowers and fans
iii) Medium starting torque iii) Centrifugal pumps
iv) R eciprocating pumps
v) Machine tools
vi) Drilling machines
3. DC Compound i) Variable speed i) Punches
Motor ii) Speed can be controlled ii) Elevators
iii) High starting torque iii) Shears
iv) Rolling mills
v) Printing presses
vi) Air compressors
Generator - மின்னாக்கி
Motor - மின்ேனா
Magnetic poles - காந்த வங்கள்
Carbon brush - கரிரிைக
Bearings - தாங்கிகள்
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ VolumeII B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja, S. Chand
& Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
T his chapter enable the students to know about basic principle, construction, operation of single
phase, three phase AC motor and stepper motor.
(ii) Smooth Cylindrical Type Rotor
Salient Pole type rotor is used in low
and medium speed alternators. It has a large
number of projecting poles, having their
cores bolted on to a heavy magnetic wheel of
cast iron or steel. The diameter of this kind
of alternator is large and the length is small.
The poles and pole shoes are laminated to
Comparison of Salient Pole Type Rotor and Smooth Cylindrical Type Rotor
Sl.No Salient Pole Rotor Cylindrical Rotor
1 The diameter of rotor is large The diameter of rotor is small
2 Poles are projecting outside Poles are not projecting outside
3 Length of rotor is short Length of rotor is long
4 Damper winding is required No damper winding is required
5 Runs at slow speed. (100 rpm to Runs at very high speed. (1500 rpm to
1500 rpm) 3000 rpm)
6 Suitable for hydro generators Suitable for turbo alternators run by steam
The starting current Is will lag the
main supply voltage VL by 15° and the
main winding current Im lags main sup-
ply voltage by about 80°. Therefore, these
currents will differ in time phase and their
magnetic fields will combine to produce a
rotating magnetic field. Fig 8.7 Capacitor Start - Run Motor
When the motor has come up to
about 75% of synchronous speed the start- WORKING PRINCIPLE
ing winding is opened by a centrifugal This motor starts with a high capaci-
switch and the motor will continue to op- tor in series with the starting winding, so that
erate as a single phase motor. At the point the starting torque is high. When a motor
the starting winding is disconnected, the is running, run capacitor is in supply. Both
motor develops nearly as much torque with the running and starting windings remain
in circuit. At the start, when the centrifugal
In A.C operation, both field and ar- According to the rotor construc-
mature currents change their polarities, at tion, three phase induction motors are
the same time resulting in unidirectional classified as
i) 3-phase squirrel cage induction
Universal motor is used in: ii) 3-phase slip-ring induction motor
Electric motors are used to “actuate” something in your robot: its wheels, legs,
tracks, arms, fingers, sensor turrets, or weapon systems. There are literally doz-
ens of types of electric motors (and many more if you count gasoline and other
fuelled engines), but for amateur robotics, the choice comes down to these three:
In a stepping motor, applying power causes the shaft to rotate a few degrees, then
stop. Continuous rotation of the shaft requires that the power be pulsed to the
motor. As with continuous DC motors, there are sub-types of stepping motors.
Permanent magnet steppers are the ones you’ll likely encounter, and they are also
the easiest to use.
Both these stator and rotor fields Stampings are insulated from each other.
develop a torque. Then the rotor is rotat- More number of stampings are stamped
ing in the same direction as the rotating together to build the stator core. The sta-
magnetic field. In an induction motor, the tor core is fitted in a casted or fabricated
rotor speed is always less than the syn- steel frame. The slots in the stator, houses
chronous speed. the three phase winding and produces the
required rotating magnetic field.
8.5.2 Construction of 3 Phase Rotor
Induction Motor Two types of rotor are used in
Induction motors. They are:
Fan Cover Frame
a. Squirrel cage rotor
Nameplate b. Slip ring (or) Wound rotor
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Cheaper 1. Slip-ring type motor is heavier.
2. Light weight 2. High cost
3. Rugged construction 3. High rotor inertia
4. Higher efficiency 4. High speed limitation
5. Requires less maintenance 5. Maintenance problems due to brushes
Disadvantages and slip – rings
1. Moderate starting torque
2. Starting torque cannot be controlled
These motors are used when
Applications speed control and high starting torque is
1. Lathes required. Mainly used in:
2. Drilling machines
3. Fans 1. Lifts
4. Blowers
5. Water pumps
6. Grinders and
7. Printing machines
NS – N
Slip S = The position of a motor is decided
by the step angle and is expressed in d
NS – N
% Slip = × 100
Step angle, (θS) = 360/mn
8.5.4 Synchronous Motor
A motor which is running in its m - number of phases.
synchronous speed is called as synchro- n – number of rotor teeth.
nous motors.
Stepper motor can be divided into
1. For a given frequency, the synchro- the following three categories.
nous motor runs at a constant aver-
age speed, whatever the load. 1. Variable Reluctance (VR) stepper
2. Synchronous motor can be operated motor
over a wide range of power factors,
2. Permanent Magnet (PM) stepper
both lagging and leading.
3. The synchronous motor is not a
3. Hybrid stepper motor
self-starting motor.
4. The changes in applied voltage do not
8.6.2 Variable Reluctance Stepper
affect synchronous motor torque.
5. For synchronous motor, D.C excitation Motor
is required. It is the most basic type of stepper
6. Synchronous motors are usually motor. The VR stepper motor has stator and
more costly and complicated rotor. The stator windings are wound on the
stator poles. The rotor carries no windings.
Applications of Synchronous Motor Rotor poles are of a ferromagnetic material.
1. Power factor correction The rotor is a salient pole type. This mo-
2. Constant speed, constant load drives tor may be single stack or multi stack type.
3. Constant voltage This is called variable reluctance motor be-
cause the reluctance of the magnetic circuit
formed by the rotor and stator teeth varies
with the angular position of the rotor. The
8.6 direction of motor rotation is independent
of the polarity of the stator current.
A stepper motor is an electrome-
chanical device which converts electrical 8.6.3 Permanent Magnet Stepper
pulses into discrete mechanical move- Motor
ment. In this motor also stator winding
are wound on the stator poles. The stator
8.6.1 Step Angle is multipolar. The rotor is generally cy-
Step angle is defined as the angle lindrical and rotor poles are permanently
which the rotor of a stepper motor moves magnetized. The direction of motor rota-
when one pulse is applied to the input of tion depends on the polarity of the stator
the stator. current.
9. Stationary armature and rotating 14. Squirrel cage induction motors are
field type is used in used in
i) small size generators a) Lathes
ii) For low voltages b) Drilling machines
iii) Large size generators c) Fans
iv) For high voltages d) All of the above
(a) (i) and (ii) 15. Slip ring induction motors are used in
(b) (ii) and (iii) a) Lifts
(c) (iii) and (iv) b) Hoists
(d) (iv) and (i) c) Compressors
10. A motor which is running in its syn- d) All of the above
chronous speed is called as 16. One horse power is equal to
a) Synchronous motor a) 736 watts b) 756 watts
b) Induction motor c) 746 watts d) 766 watts
c) Three phase motors
d) Single phase motors 17. In India, frequency is
a) 25 Hz b) 50 Hz
11. The rotor used in three phase induc- c) 60 Hz d) 40 Hz
tion motor is
a) Squirrel cage rotor 18. Which one is in correct?
b) Salient – pole type rotor a) Single phase motors are not self
c) Non- salient pole type rotor starting
d) None of the above b) Single phase motors are self
12. Advantage of three phase Induction c) Three phase motors are not self
motors are starting
a) Very simple in construction d) None of the above
b) It’s cost is low
c) Very reliable 19. Normally, which motor is used in
d) All of the above Electric Mixie?
a) Split phase motors
13. Slip is designed as b) Shaded pole motors
(a) Ns –N c) Capacitor start motors
Ns–N d) Universal motors
Ns–N 20. Which motor is used in both A.C.
(c) and D.C supply?
N–Ns a) Split phase motor
(d) b) Shaded pole motor
c) Universal motor
d) Capacitor start motor
Reference Book
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume II by B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja, S.
Chand & Company Ltd.
Internet Resource
Engineering Materials
he learning objective of this chapter is to know about engineering materials,
classifications, electrical, mechanical properties and types of materials.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Engineering Material
9.3 Classification of Materials and Properties
9.4 Mechanical Properties
9.5 Conducting Materials
9.6 Insulating Materials
9.7 Optical Materials
Materials Properties
Pencil – Hard, Light, Opaque.
9.1 Window – Transparent, Brittle.
Paper – Light, Malleable.
PROPERTIES OF Fork – Shiny, Hard, Conductor,
A material is a substance used to
make physical things. The term property
means quality, which defines the specific
characteristic of a material. Materials have
different properties and characteristics
depending on what they are used for. Exam-
ples of certain materials and their proper-
ties are given below.
i) Strength
It is defined as the ability of a material
to resist loads without failure and fracture.
Fig 9.4 Optical Properties
ii) Stiffness
9.3.6 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES It is defined as the ability of a mate-
rial to resist deformation or deflection
Chemical properties determine the
under load. Stiffness within the elastic limit
corrosion rate, chemical reaction rate of
is known as modulus of Elasticity.
material. Ex: corrosion resistance, reactivity,
chemical composition, PH, hydroscopy etc.
Basic Electrical Engineering — Theory 144
Technology Application
1. O
i) Wave guides To guide the light
inside the fibre by total
internal reflection (eg.
optic fibre cable) Fig 9.7 Examples of Optical Fibres
ii) O
ptical To modulate the intensity
modulator or phase of light by an
electric field / magnetic
field /ultrasonic waves
iii) Optical switches
iv) Optical Source To do fast switching
To produce light
2. Energy To convert light energy
convertors into electrical energy
(solar panel, silicon,
selenium sulphate)
3 T
hermal energy To detect thermal
detectors radiation
4 Display device To display electrical
signal in the visual
5 O
ptical Fiber To measure
Sensor mechanical quantities
like displacement,
acceleration, pressure &
electrical quantities likes
field strength, current
A 1
Reference Books
1. ‘An introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials’ by Dr. C.S. Indulkar and Dr. S. Thiruven-
gadam, 4th edition, S. Chand & company.
Internet Resource
153 Electronics
his chapter enables the students to study in detail about atomic structure, types of
conductors, classification of rectifiers, filtering circuits. LED, LCD, display, camera and
mobile phone workings.
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Rectifiers-Types
negative half cycle as shown in fig 10.15. voltage. This can be achieved with two
In this way, current flows through load RL diodes working alternately. Therefore,
always in the same direction. Hence d.c. a full-wave rectifier utilize both half-
output is obtained across RL and this out- cycle of input a.c voltage to produce
put is pulsating d.c. the d.c.output. The following two
circuits are commonly used for full wave
Circuit Details
157 Electronics
159 Electronics
The section on one side is the emitter and 10.5(i) Working of npn – Transistor
the section on the opposite side is the col- Fig 10.9 shows the npn-transistor
lector. The middle section is called the with forward bias to emitter base junction
base and forms two junctions between the and reverse bias to collector base junction.
emitter and collector. The above fig 10.8 The forward bias causes the electrons in
(i) & (ii) shows the symbols of n-p-n & the n-type emitter to flow towards the
p-n-p transistors. base. This constitutes the emitter current
IE. As these electrons flow through the
Note that emitter is shown by an p-type base, they tend to combine with
arrow which indicates the direction of holes. The base is lightly doped and very
conventional current flow with forward thin. Therefore, only a few electrons less
bias. For n-p-n connection, it is clear that than 5% combine with holes to constitute
conventional current flow out of the emit- base current IB. The remainder more than
ter as indicated by the outgoing arrow in 95% cross over into the collector region to
fig 10.8(i). Similarly, for p-n-p connec- constitute collector current IC. In this way,
tion, the conventional current flows into almost the entire emitter current flows in
the emitter as indicated by inward arrow the collector circuit. It is clear that emitter
in fig 10.8(ii). current is the sum of collector and base
currents. ie, IE=IB+IC.
Transistor Action
The emitter base junction of a
transistor is forward biased where as col-
lector base junction is reverse biased. If
for a moment, we ignore the presence of
emitter base junction, then practically no
current would flow in the collector circuit
because of the reverse bias. However, if
the emitter base junction is also present,
then forward bias on it causes the emitter
current to flow. It is seen that this emitter
current almost entirely flows in the collec- Fig 10.9 n-p-n Transistor
tor circuit. Therefore, the current in the
collector circuit depends upon the emitter
current. If the emitter current is zero, then 10.5(ii) Working of pnp - Transistor
collector current is nearly zero. However Fig 10.10 shows the basic connec-
if the emitter current is 1ma, then collec- tion of a pnp transistor. The forward bias
tor current is also about 1ma. This is pre- causes the holes in the p-type emitter to
cisely what happens in a transistor. flow towards the base. This constitutes
the emitter current IE. As these holes cross
We shall now discuss the transistor into n-type base, they tend to combine
action for npn and pnp transistors. with the electrons. As the base is lightly
doped and very thin. Therefore, only a few
161 Electronics
• Used in solid state video displays and monolithic device as shown in fig 10.12
optical communication system. which can display all numerals. Each seg-
• Used in programmable advertise- ment contains LED which can be turned
ment boards. ‘on’ or ‘off ’ to form the desired digit. Each
• Used in image sensing circuit. segment of the array has to be switched in
response to a logic signal.
Liquid crystal display (LCDs) are
used for display of numberic and alpha-
numeric character in dot matrix and
segmental displays. The two liquid crys- Fig 10.12 7-Segment LED Display
tal materials which are commonly used Common Anode
in display technology are nematic and
cholesteric. For example Fig 10.12 (i) shows the
response to a logic signal corresponding to
Advantages of LCD 2, in which segments a ,b, g, e and d have
1) The voltage required are small. been switched ‘on’ and c and f remains
2) They have a low power consumption. ‘off ’. Similarly when all segments are ‘on’,
A seven segment display requires the digit formed is ‘off ’ 8. If only the center
about 140W (20W per segment), segment g is the digit will be zero. Com-
whereas LCDs require about 40mw mon anode and common cathode seven
per numeral. segment LED displays are shown in Fig
3) They are economical. 10.12 (ii) common anode type LED dis-
plays an active ‘low’ configuration, where
Disadvantages of LCD
as an active ‘high’ circuitry is necessary for
1) LCDs are very slow device. The Turn the common cathode type LED display.
‘on’ and ‘off ’ times are quite large.
2) When used in dc, their life span is
quite small. Therefore, they are used
with ac supplies having a frequency 10.9
less than 50 HZ.
3) They occupy a large area. CCTV systems have become
extremely popular over a decade as the
technology has improved and become more
SEVEN SEGMENT affordable. Themajority of CCTV camera
in use nowdays are usually for surveillance
and security purposes. CCTV systems can
One way of producing an alphanu- be found in almost every bank, casino,
meric display is to make a seven segment mall and large departmental store. In fact,
163 Electronics
a) Adaptability can use indoors and out
b) Compact size aids installation.
c) High quality image resolution
lenses can only cover distances of 35-40ft, can benefit from not requiring inbuilt infrared
also cover distances beyond 40ft, to the possi- illuminators as they can capture clean video
bility to use special lenses with these cameras. images in the dark thanks to their extra sen-
sitive imaging chips. For this reason, these
cameras are ideal for outdoor surveillance
applications in which IR cameras are unable
to function optionally.
Fig 10.16 Day/Night Camera
a) It can support changes in technology.
b) Effective for indoor use. Advantages
c) Bulky size makes them noticeable. a) Record in both color and black &
iv) Day/Night Camera b) Wide variety of sizes available
Capable of operating in both normal c) Infrared capability
and poorly lit environment. These cameras
165 Electronics
Atomic Structure - அ ணு அ ம ை ப் பு
Valance Electron - இ ண ை த ி ற ன் எ ல க ்ட ் ரா ன்
Free Electron - க ட் டு ற ா எ ல க ்ட ் ரா ன்
Energy Band - ஆ ற ்ற ல் ந ி லை க ள்
Impurity - மா சு
Forward Bias - மு ன ் ன ோக் கு ச ா ர் பு
Reverse Bias - ப ி ன ் ன ோக் கு ச ா ர் பு
Emitter - உ ம ி ழ ் வா ன்
Collector - ஏ ற ்பா ன்
Base - அ டி வா ய்
Depletion Layer - ச ி தை வு அ டு க் கு
Filter Circuit - வ டி ப்பா ன் சு ற் று
LED – Light Emitting Diode - ஒ ள ி உ ம ி ழு ம் ட ை ய � ோ டு
LCD – Liquid Crystal Diode - த ி ரவ ப டி க க ாட்சி த ி ரை
167 Electronics
Reference Books
1. ‘A text book of Electrical Technology’ Volume I and Volume IV by B.L. Theraja and
A.K. Theraja, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
2. Principles of Electronics by V.K. MEHTA and SHALU MEHTA, S. Chand & Company
Internet Resource
169 Electronics
11. Which type of rotor is used for 14. The number of electrons in any orbit
very high speed in alternators? is calculated by the formula
a) Salient pole type a) 2n
b) Smooth cylindrical type b) 2n2
c) Squirrel cage type c) 2n3
d) None of the above d) n2
12. One horse power is equal to 15. The Camera which covers a distance
a) 736 watts of more than 40 feet is
b) 756 watts a) Dome Camera
c) 746 watts b) Bullet Camera
d) 766 watts c) C Mount Camera
13. Which one of the following is an d) Day/Night Camera
organic material
a) Zinc
b) Iron
c) Silicon carbide
d) Wood
171 Electronics
Basic Electrical
Usually, in the field of electricity, so many electric tools (both hand and machine
tools) are now-a-days being utilised. A person becomes more efficient, when he knows
the proper way of handling the tools. In domestic side, repairs, maintenance and electrical
wiring work, various types of hand tools are used. In this topic, Line diagram is given to
know about the study of hand tools for wiring purpose.
Cutting Plier
It is made up of forged steel and is used for cutting, twisting, pulling, holding and
gripping small jobs in wiring assembly and repairing work. Non-insulated plier is also
available. Insulated pliers are used for work on live lines.
They are specified with their overall dimensions of length in mm. Mostly, the pli-
ers used for electrical work will be of insulated grip.
Long nose pliers are used for holding small objects in places where fingers cannot
Wire hooks and loops could be made using the round nose pliers.
It is used for cutting copper or aluminium wires having smaller diameter.
Screw Driver
Screw drivers are used for tightening or loosing screws. The screw driver tip should
snugly fit the grooves of the screw to have maximum efficiency and to avoid damage of the
screw heads. The screw driver is used for electrical works, generally have plastic handles
and the stem is covered with insulating sleeves. As the length of the screw driver is pro-
portional to the turning force, for small work choose a suitable small sized screw driver.
Electrician Knife
It is used for removing the insulation of cables and cleaning the wire surface. One
of the blade having sharp edge is used for skinning the cable and rough edged blade is
used for cleaning the surface of wires.
Line Tester
It consists of a glass tube filled with neon gas and electrodes at the ends. To limit
the current within 300 micro- amps at the maximum voltages, a high value resistance
is connected in series with one of the electrode. It may have tip like probe or like screw
driver at one end. The presence of supply is indicated by the glow of the lamp. When the
tip is touched on the live supply and the brass contact in the other end of neon tester is
touched by hand, then completes the circuit and the neon bulb will glow.
The hammer is made up of special steel and the striking face is tempered and is
used for nailing, straightening and bending work. The handle is made up of hard wood.
Rawl Jumper
A rawl plug tool has two parts, namely the tool bit and holder. The tool bit is made
of tool steel the holder is made of mild steel. It is used for making holes in bricks, concrete
wall and ceiling. Rawl plugs are inserted in them to fix accessories.
Pipe Jumper
A pipe jumper is used along with a hammer to make holes in wall which is required
for wiring. The diameter of the pipe jumper depends upon the diameter of the pipe to be
accommodated in wall, and the length depends upon the wall thickness.
It is made up of hard wood or nylon. It is used for driving the firmer chisel for
straightening and bending of thin metallic sheets. Also it is used in motor assembly work.
Try Square
It is used to check whether the object is plane, perpendicular or at right angle. Two
straight blades set at right angle to each other constitute the try square. The steel blade is
riveted to the stock. The stock is made up of cast iron. The stock should be set against the
edge of the job.
The measuring tape is made up of thin steel blade, bearing dimensions on it. It is
used for measuring the dimension of the wiring installation and general measurements.
It is made up of a sturdy nickel plated steel frame. The frame can be adjusted
between 250mm to 300mm blades. It should be fixed on the frame with its teeth pointing
away from the handle in order to the cutting in forward stroke. It is mainly wood saw (or)
tenon saw.
Generally the length of a tenon saw is 250 to 300mm and has 8 to 12 teeth per
25.4mm and the blade with 10cm. It is used for cutting thin, wooden accessories like
wooden batten, casing capping, boards and round blocks.
It is used for extracting nails from the wood. The size is given by its length, e.g.
100mm, 150 mm and 200 mm.
Firmer Chisel
It has a wooden handle and a cast steel blade of 150mm length. It's size is measured
according to the width of the blade, e.g: 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm or 25 mm. It is used for
chipping, scrapping and grooving in wood.
It is a long sharp tool used for making pilot holes on wooden articles to fix screws.
The size of a spanner is indicated so as to fit on the nuts. They are available in many
sizes and sharps.
10 – 11 mm
12 – 13 mm
14 – 15 mm
16 – 17 mm
18 – 19 mm
20 – 21 mm
Spanner sets are used for loosening and tightening of nuts and bolts. It is made of
cast steel. They are available in many sizes and may have single or double ends.
Ring Spanner
The ring spanner is used in place where the space is restricted.
Centre Punch
The size of the centre punch is given by its length and diameter of body, e.g: 100×8
mm. The angle of tip of the centre punch is 90°.It is used for making and punching pilot
holes on metals. It is made of steel and the ends are hardened and tempered.
Hand Drill
A hand drill machine is used for making holes in thin metal sheets or wooden
Electric Drill
When power is available, power drilling machine is more convenient and an
accurate tool for drilling holes on wooden and metal articles.
To study the basic components of house wiring, safety devices, house wiring rules
as per ISI-specification and safety measures of electrical wiring.
¾¾ Service Entry
This refers to service wire (which brings power supply) from the main grid or pole to
house and the Energy meter. The service entry is critical and there are a few things to keep in
mind. First of all, make sure all service line are at least 10 feet above the ground, inaccessible
from windows, and free of obstructions such as tree limbs. Besides that, make sure your ser-
vice entry is properly installed so that no water can penetrate the access point or meter. Any
changes or fault rectification in this area must be done by the service provider i.e, T.N.E.B.
¾¾ Panel Board
Panel board is the control centre for electrical wiring. It consists of Main switch
and Distribution fuse board. Now-a-days new safety devices Double Pole MCB instead of
Main Switch and Single Pole MCB instead of distribution fuse were used. While installing
an Air conditioner, Heater, Washing machine or running wiring to a new addition, ensure
electricity is switched off before starting the work, and where you install new breakers.
¾¾ Branch Circuits
Calculate total load of various electric points used in house, and the wiring should be
carried out on distribution systems with branch circuits. Each branch circuit must have light
circuits not exceeding 10 points or 800 watts, if power wiring circuit not more than 2 points
and AC 1 point. This refers to isolate the areas of house from panel board. For instance, you
cut power to your kitchen while the rest of the house is in operation.
Safety Devices
Fuse and circuit breaker prevent overheating of wires and protect all electrical
equipments. If the current through fuse is greater than its specified rating, it gets fused.
This breaks the circuit and stops the current, making the equipment safe.
¾¾ Always use the correct rating of fuse. For example, if the circuit is of 10 Amp capacity,
the fuse rating must be 150% i.e. 15 amp.
¾¾ Always use the correct size of fuse, keep the old one to check.
¾¾ Never replace the fuse with bare wire.It will not be safe.
¾¾ Do not increase the fuse capacity for preventing or eliminating frequent fuse blow-ups.
Instead it is essential to locate the causes and eliminate the same.
¾¾ Circuit Breakers are fuses that have buttons or switches for reset.Thus they do not nor-
mally need replacing.
Wiring of the Distribution Board with RCD (Single Phase Consumer Unit)
(From Energy Meter to the Main Distribution Board)
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers are used for commercial purposes. Its characteris-
tics are:
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker works as a circuit breaker in case of only earth
¾¾ Phase (Line), Neutral and Earth wire are connected through ELCB
¾¾ ELCB is working based on earth leakage current.
Residual Current Device (RCD)/Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB) which
works as a circuit breaker in case of an earth leakage, over load or short circuit. It is used
for protection against electric shocks.
It’s Characteristics:
¾¾ Phase (Line) and Neutral both wires are connected through RCD.
¾¾ It trips the circuit when an earth fault occurs.
¾¾ The amount of current flowing through the phase should return through neutral.Any
mismatch between two currents flowing through phase and neutral is detected by RCD
and trips the circuit within 30 milliseconds.
¾¾ RCDs are an extremely effective form of shock protection.
Basic Electrical Engineering — Practical 200
Care should be taken while fitting pipes, junction boxes, fan hook boxes in RCC
slab and walls. If any fault happens, it may cause any incident and may require dismantling
of the defective portion. So take proper care to avoid dismantling which is very costly in
comparison to get them fixed properly earlier. To avoid an electric shock, the following
precautions must be kept in mind.Therefore the following rules laid down by the Indian
Standard Institution should be followed. Few of them are listed below for your guidance.
¾¾ The wiring should be carried out on distribution systems with main and branch
distribution boards.
¾¾ All conductors should run along walls and ceiling, so that they are easily accessible and
capable of being thoroughly inspected. In any case, wiring should not be run above
¾¾ Horizontal run of wiring should be at a height of 3 metre.Switch Boards should be fitted
at a height of 1.5 metre.
¾¾ Fuse wire should be connected with phase only. Connect all switches with phase wire.
Connect the neutral link in neutral wire.
¾¾ One circuit means, one connection from electrical meter or main fuse board.The
number of points in light circuit should not exceed 10 (or) total load on circuit should
not exceed 800 Watts.
¾¾ All conductors should be made of copper and should be stranded. They should have a
cross section less than 0.002 square inches, nominal area (3/0.029 inches).
¾¾ For Power wiring circuit, the size of wire should be 1.5 mm square for copper and
2 mm square for aluminium.[One power circuit = (three 5 amp socket) or (two 15 amp
socket) or (one 15 amp socket + two 5 amp socket) or (one Alternating current circuit)]
¾¾ Never use damaged insulation, for wiring. It avoid short circuit and overloading, with
the use of MCB and save the electrical appliances.
¾¾ Burnt element, cut/broken wiring, loose/open connection should be avoided.
¾¾ Earthing means to connect electrical system to general mass of earth to ensure
immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger. Provide earth connection
to enhance voltage and protect human beings from sudden electric shock.Earth wire
should be 14 SWG in case of copper and 4 mm square in case of Aluminium.
¾¾ All materials used in electrical fitting should be of approved quality of make and from
a reputed manufacturer as per ISI specification.
¾¾ For low power operations 5 Ampere small size sockets, and for heavy power
operations 15 ampere large size sockets should be used. Multi-plug adaptors are
used for temporary usage only i.e., for a short period of time. No socket or extension
box should be overloaded.
¾¾ Most of the imported equipments function in two different settings 110-120V and 220-
240V. These equipments have switch for setting the input supply voltage. Hence, make
sure that the switch in equipment is in 220-240V position.
¾¾ The wiring of a plug is colour coded to help guard against electrical accidents. The
colour codes in India as per Indian Electricity Rules are: Phase (Line) is Red, Blue or
Yellow, Neutral is Black and Earth (Ground) Green or Green with Yellow lines.
¾¾ If there are only two wires in the power cable, no earth connection is required. If there
are three conductors then the equipment needs to be earthed properly.
¾¾ Always make sure that the earth wire is longer than the other two so that if the cable is
accidently pulled out of the plug, the earth wire is the last wire to become disconnected.
6. When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry
and when possible wear non conductive gloves & shoes with rubber soles.
7. If it is safe to do so, work with only one hand, keeping the other hand at your side or
in your pocket, away from all conductive material.
8. Equipment producing a “tingle” should be disconnected and reported promptly for
9. Drain capacitors before working near them and keep the short circuit on the
terminals during the work to avoid electrical shock.
10. When it is necessary to touch electrical equipment (for example, when checking for
overheated motors), use the back of the hand. Thus, if accidental shock were to cause
muscular contraction, you would not “freeze” to the conductor.
11. Do not rely on grounding to mask a defective circuit nor attempt to correct a fault
by inserting another fuse or circuit breaker, particularly one of a larger capacity.
Before replacing a fuse or circuit breaker, check the problem that caused earlier was
12. Insulate all electric contacts and conductors. Never splice wires together and conceal
them within a wall without a junction box. An accessible junction box should always
be used to join wires.
13. Never use an aluminium or steel ladder while working on any receptacle at height in
your home. An electrical surge will ground and the whole electric current will pass
through the body. Use only bamboo, wooden or a fibre glass ladder for electrification
14. Do not store highly flammable liquids near electric supply.
15. Minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold rooms or other areas where
condensation is likely.
16. Keep the length of extension cords to restricted length.
17. Unplug cords by gripping the plug and, do not by pulling the cord.
18. Do not wear loosed clothing or ties near electrical equipment.
19. If a person was affected by an electric shock, immediately disconnect the power
source of the circuit breaker or pull out the plug using a leather belt.
20. Never work on live equipment.
21. De-energize open experimental circuits and equipment to be left unattended.
22. Never use equipment with frayed cords, damaged insulation or broken plugs.
23. Be aware that interlocks on equipment disconnect the high voltage source when a
cabinet door is open, but the power for control circuits may remain ON.
24. Try to cover the live wire with cap while working on circuit panels. The cap acts as an
insulation and helps to prevent electric shock.
Basic Electrical Engineering — Practical 204 House Wiring and Electrical Safety Rules
To determine the resistance value of two given coils of wire by using Ohm’s Law.
Apparatus Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Battery -12V 1
2 Plug Key 1
3 Rheostat 1
4 Resistances 2
5 Voltmeter - 0-10V 1
6 Ammeter - 0-1A 1
7 Connecting Wires or Cord As Required
Connection Diagram
Ohm’s Law
At constant temperature, the current flowing through the conductor is directly
proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to the resistance of the
I= Where
V=I×R V= Voltage in volts
V I = Current in amps
I R = Resistance in ohms
¾¾ The first coil R1is connected as shown in the circuit diagram.
¾¾ After checking the connection, close the plug key.
¾¾ Adjust the rheostat.
¾¾ The corresponding voltmeter and ammeter readings are noted and are tabulated.
¾¾ By using the formula R1 = , the value of resistance is determined.
¾¾ Similarly, the second coil R2 is connected as shown in the circuit diagram.
¾¾ After checking the connection, close the plug key.
¾¾ Adjust the rheostat.
¾¾ The corresponding voltmeter and ammeter readings are noted and are tabulated.
¾¾ By using the formula R2 = , the value of resistance is determined.
To Find R1
To Find R2
The resistance of two coils of wire R1 = __________________Ohm
R2 = __________________Ohm
To learn and to prepare an appliances test board and also know, how to test domes-
tic appliances using it.
Tools Required
S.No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Cutting Plier 1
3 Tester 1
4 Electrician Knife 1
5 Poker 1
6 Drilling Machine 1
7 Ball Peen Hammer 1
8 Hacksaw Frame 1
Materials Required
S.No Name Quantity
1 Wooden Board -12" × 18" 1
2 Fuse Unit - 16A, 240V 1
3 Ammeter - 0-5A 1
4 Voltmeter - 0-300V 1
5 Lamp - 200W 1
6 Three Core Power Cord 5 metre
7 1/18 Copper Wire 3 metre
8 Indicating Lamp 1
9 Lamp Holder 1
10 One Way Switch 2
11 Five Pin Socket 2
12 Three Pin Plug 16A, 240V 1
Connection Diagram
Test Board
Basic Electrical Engineering — Practical 210
Connection Procedure
1. Provide holes in the wooden board at the required places wherever necessary.
2. Fix the switches, socket, fuse indicator, ammeter and voltmeter properly.
3. Give connection to all accessories as per the connection diagram.
4. Connect the power cord properly.
Testing Procedure
1. Connect the given appliances to the test lamp by series.
2. Lamp lighting and faults
3. After rectifying all the faults, connect the appliance parallel to the supply and find out
the value of current and voltage
1 Current = __________
2 Voltage = __________
I have known the method of preparing an appliances test board and also known the
method of testing all the appliances by using test appliance board.
And also I have measured the value of current and voltage by ammeter and volt-
meter respectively. The value of
1. Current = __________
2. Voltage = __________
To learn about one lamp controlled by one regulator in various position.
Tools Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Cutting Plier 1
3 Tester 1
4 Electrician Knife 1
5 Poker 1
6 Drilling Machine 1
7 Ball Peen Hammer 1
8 Hacksaw Frame 1
9 Measurement Tape 1
10 Try Square 1
Materials Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Wooden Board - 3" × 4" 1
2 3/4" P.V.C Pipe 1 length
3 1/18 Copper Wire 8 meter
4 One Way Switch 1
5 Regulator 1
6 Lamp Holder 1
7 Three Way Junction Box 1
8 3/4" Clamp 12
9 3/4" Screws 24
10 1 ½" Screws 2
11 Insulation Tape 1
12 60W Lamp 1
Layout Diagram
Connection Diagram
¾¾ Study layout diagram and the cable route, distance location of fitting and other
¾¾ Draw the wiring diagram as per the line diagram.
¾¾ List out the materials required for this wiring.
¾¾ Confirm how to frame PVC pipe.
¾¾ Fix the PVC pipe by using clamps, junction box and switch boxes using wooden screws.
¾¾ Run the cable in the PVC pipe as per the wiring diagram.
¾¾ Connect the terminals of switches and lamp holder as per the circuit diagram.
¾¾ Connect the leads of pendent holder by using wire.
¾¾ Fix the lamp in pendent holder.
¾¾ Give supply and check the circuit.
I have known the method of one lamp controlled by one regulator. After giving
supply to the circuit through one way switch, turn the regulator in clock wise direction
and find out the brightness of the lamp.
To know and do the wiring connection method of Fluorescent Lamp.
Tools Required
S.No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Electrician Knife 1
3 Cutting Plier 1
4 Poker 1
5 Tester 1
Materials Required
S.No Name Quantity
1 Fluorescent Lamp 2
2 LED Tube Light 1
3 Choke 1
4 Starter 1
5 Electronic Choke 1
6 Single Strand Conductor 15 meter
7 Insulation Tape 1
8 Sleeves 10 cm
9 Tube Light Holder 4
10 Starter Holder 1
Connection of tube light with choke and starter
Phase supply is given to the pin 1 of the first terminal through switch and choke
(all are connected in series)
Phase supply is given to the input side (L) of the choke through switch.
Neutral is given to the input side (N) of the choke directly.
From choke four wire connections are taken and they are connected to both the
terminals as shown in the diagram.
Connection Diagram of LED Tube Light
As shown in the diagram, phase and neutral supply is given to the LED tube light
Verified and known the method of doing wiring connection of tube light with
various chokes.
To learn and know about the method of doing of Stair-case wiring.
Tools Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Cutting Plier 1
3 Tester 1
4 Electrician Knife 1
5 Poker 1
6 Drilling Machine 1
7 Ball Peen Hammer 1
8 Hacksaw Frame 1
9 Measurement Tape 1
10 Try Square 1
Materials Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Wooden Board - 3" × 4" 1
2 3/4" P.V.C Pipe 1 length
3 1/18 Copper Wire 10 meter
4 L Bend 1
5 Two Way Switch 2
6 Lamp Holder 1
7 Three Way Junction Box 1
8 3/4" Clamp 18
9 3/4" Screws 36
10 1 ½" Screws 3
11 Insulation Tape 1
12 60W Lamp 1
Layout Diagram
Connection Diagram
¾¾ Study the layout diagram and the cable route, distance location of fitting of all accessories.
¾¾ Draw the wiring connection as per the line diagram.
¾¾ List out the materials required for this wiring.
¾¾ Confirm how to fix PVC pipe.
¾¾ Fix the PVC pipe by using clamps, junction box and switch boxes using wooden screws.
¾¾ Run the cable in the PVC pipe as per the wiring diagram.
¾¾ Connect the terminals of switches and lamp holder as per the circuit diagram.
¾¾ Connect the leads of pendent holder by using wire.
¾¾ Fix the lamp in pendent holder.
¾¾ Give supply and check the circuit.
I have known the method of doing stair-case wiring. If both switches are in ‘UP’ or
‘DOWN’ position, the lamp glows. Otherwise the lamp does not glow.
To learn and know about the method of doing Godown wiring.
Tools Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Cutting Plier 1
3 Tester 1
4 Electrician Knife 1
5 Poker 1
6 Drilling Machine 1
7 Ball Peen Hammer 1
8 Hacksaw Frame 1
9 Measurement Tape 1
10 Try Square 1
Materials Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Wooden Board - 3" × 4" 1
2 3/4" P.V.C Pipe 2 length
3 1/18 Copper Wire 12 meter
4 One Way Switch 1
5 Two Way Switch 2
6 Lamp Holder 3
7 Three Way Junction Box 3
8 ¾" Clamp 24
9 ¾" Screws 48
10 1 ½" Screws 6
11 Insulation Tape 1
12 60W Lamp 3
Layout Diagram
Connection Diagram
¾¾ Study layout diagram and the cable route, distance location of fitting of all accessories.
¾¾ Draw the wiring diagram as per the line diagram.
¾¾ List out the materials required for this wiring.
¾¾ Confirm how to fix PVC pipe.
¾¾ Fix the PVC pipe by using clamps, junction box and switch boxes by using wooden screws.
¾¾ Run the cable in to the PVC pipe as per the wiring diagram.
¾¾ Connect the terminals of switches and lamp holder as per the circuit diagram.
¾¾ Connect the leads of pendent holder by using wire.
¾¾ Fix the lamp in pendent holder.
¾¾ Give supply and check the circuit.
I have known the method of doing the godown wiring. If we switch ON the first
switch, first lamp only glows. And if we switch ON the second switch, second lamp only
glows. And if we switch ON the third switch, third lamp only glows.
To know and learn about an electric bell controlled by one way bell switch and its
Tools Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Screw Driver 1
2 Cutting Plier 1
3 Tester 1
4 Electrician Knife 1
5 Poker 1
6 Drilling Machine 1
7 Ball Peen Hammer 1
8 Hacksaw Frame 1
9 Measurement Tape 1
Materials Required
S No Name Quantity
1 Wooden Board - 3" × 4" 1
2 3/4" P.V.C Pipe 1 length
3 1/18 Copper Wire 8 meter
4 One Way Bell Switch 1
5 Electric Bell 1
6 One Way Junction Box 1
7 Three Way Junction Box 1
8 3/4" Clamp 12
9 3/4" Screws 24
10 1 ½" Screws 2
11 Insulation Tape 1
12 Ceiling Rose 1
Layout Diagram
Connection Diagram
¾¾ Study the layout diagram, the cable route, distance location of fitting of all other
¾¾ Draw the wiring diagram as per the line diagram.
¾¾ List out the materials required for this wiring.
¾¾ Confirm how to fix PVC pipe.
¾¾ Fix the PVC pipe by using clamps, junction box and switch boxes using wooden screws.
¾¾ Run the cable in the PVC pipe as per the wiring diagram.
¾¾ Connect the terminals of switches and ceiling rose by using wire as per the circuit
¾¾ Fix the electric bell in ceiling rose.
¾¾ Give supply and check the circuit.
The step by step process of the working of the electric bell is described below:
¾¾ If the switch is pressed ON and the current will flows through the circuit.
¾¾ The electromagnet is powered and generates a magnetic field, that attracts the iron strip
towards it.
¾¾ The striker of the bell strikes the gong (bell)
¾¾ When the striking arm strikes the gong, the contact is broken and current stops flowing
through the circuit.
¾¾ This causes the electromagnet to lose its magnetic field.
¾¾ The connected spring arm returns the striker to its original rest position.
¾¾ The contact is restored and current flows through the circuit (provided the main switch
is still pressed).
¾¾ The process is repeated.
I have known the method of preparing an electric bell controlled by one way bell switch
and its working. After giving supply to the circuit, the electric bell will ring.
To study and test the conductivity of the components of Resistor, Diode, Transistor
and Capacitor.
Apparatus Required
Sl.No Description Quantity Typical Value
1 Resistors 5 1kΩ, 2kΩ, 3kΩ, 4kΩ, 5kΩ
2 Diodes 2 1N4007, 1N4002
3 Capacitor 2 1mFD, 2mFD
4 Transistors-NPN 2 BC107, BC108
5 Transistors-PNP 2
Testing of Resistor
To learn the resistor code and identify the value of given resistors.
Consider the following diagram for the better understanding of finding the
resistor values. The first band indicates the first digit, second band is for the second
digit and the third band indicates the multiplier. The numerical value corresponding to
the colour bands are shown below. If the first colour band is brown and the second band
is black then the first two digits are 10. If the multiplier colour is red (value in 2) then
two numbers of zeros added with first two digit.
Likewise, the other types of resistors as four band, five band and sixbands. The tol-
erance is fixed from these bands.(fig)
Testing of Diode
To test the diode for its forward (conduction) and reverse mode(non-conduction)
of operation.
It is well known that the diodes are unidirectional devices which allow current
in one direction. These are expected to offer very low resistance for the flow of current
under forward biased condition and a very high resistance under reverse biased condition.
In other words, one can undertake diode testing by measuring the resistance across its
terminals by using an equipment like multimeter.
A diode is forward-biased when the positive (red) test lead is on the anode and the
negative (black) test lead is on the cathode.
A diode is reverse-biased when the positive (red) test lead is on the cathode and the
negative (black) test lead is on the anode.
Step2. Connect the positive terminal of the diode to Anode and the negative terminal to
the cathode.
Under this condition the resistance of the diode is very less that means good conduction
is expected.
Step 4. Connect the positive terminal of the diode to cathode and the negative terminal
to the Anode.
Under this condition the resistance of the diode is very high which means open circuit
is expected.
1N4001 diode
Testing of Transistor
The bi-polar junction transistor (BJT)transistor has three terminals. They are
1. Emitter(E)
2. Base(B)
3. Collector(C)
To identify the above three terminals, keep the flat surface of transistor facing
towards the face of you and mark 1.2 and 3 from left side onwards.
Testing of Capacitor
Objective: To test the condition of a capacitor.
Test & Check a Capacitor By a Digital Multimeter
Thus the passive elements of electrical engineering is tested for its values.
In this practical, I have known the method of testing the value of Resistor, Diode,
Transistor and Capacitor.
31 M
AC Motor Operater in AC only
34 Push Button (N.O) Momentary switch - normally open
35 Single Phase Alternator Produces single phase AC current
36 Fault Identify fault in circuit
Case Study - 1
Name - K.Gunasekar
Fathers Name - K. Kandasamy
Course Year of Institution/ Board/ Percentage
Completion School University
ME (PED) 2016 Sona College of Anna University, 81%
Technology, Salem. Chennai
BC (ECE) 2010 Govt. College of Engineering, Anna University, 63%
Salem. Chennai
DECE 2002 Annai J.K.K DOTE 75%
Samporani Ammal
Polytechnic College
T.N Palayam.
HRS 2000 Govt. Hr. Sec. School, State Board 67%
Mettur dam.
Salem (DT)
SSLC 1998 Govt. Hr. Sec. School, State Board 57%
CSI Polytechnic College, Salem, as Lecturer in ECE Department from 4th August
2008 to till date.
Digital Electronics.
Mobile Communication.
Micro Processor and Micro Controller.
Basics of C.
Embedded System.
Case Study - 2
Name - N. Thangavelu
Father Name - A. Naina
Course Year of Institution/ Board Percentage
Completion School
HRS 1990 Govt. Hr. Sec. School, State Board 73%
Mettur dam
SSLC 1988 Govt. Hr. Sec. School, State Board 70%
Mettur dam
Simple Wiring Training Program (3 months) in Vellss Industrial Training Institute under
the Scheme for Training of Nehru Rozgar Yojana from 14/02/1994 to 14/05/1994.
Building Wiring
Single phase and Three phase Motor Servicing.
From 1992 to till date.
R. Srinivasan,
Vocational Instructor,
Government Boys Higher Secondary School,
Walaja, Vellore.
C. Kasinathan,
Vocational Instructor,
General Cariyappa Higher Secondary School, Saligramam,
Chennai 600 093
Academic Coordinators
A.Ilangovan, Lecturer,
DIET, Thirur,
Thiruvallur District.
P.Malarvizhi, BT Assistant,
PUMS, Padiyanallur,
Thiruvallur District.
K.Ravichandran, PG Assistant,
Thanthai Periyar Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Puzhuthivakkam,
Kancheepuram District.