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 Present Simple: S + V (s/es) + ... // S + don´t/doesn´t + V (inf) + ... // Do/Does + S + V (inf) ... ?

Use: Frecuencia (rutina), verbos estáticos, verdades universales y horarios.

Ejm. I go to the dentist twice a year.

 Present Continuous: S + am, is ¡, are + V (ing) + ... // S + am not, isn´t, aren´t + V (ing) + ... // Am, Is,
Are + S + V (ing) ... ?

Use: acciones que ocurren en este momento, situaciones temporales.

Ejm. This week Paul is staying at his aunt´s.

 Present continuous with future meaning: Planes o citas

Ejm. I am meeting Tony tonight.

 Past simple: S + V (d/ed/2columna) +... // S + didn´t + V (inf)... // Did + S + V (inf) ?

Use: Acciones totalmente acabadas. Empezó y terminó.

Ejm. The bus stopped in the corner.

 Past Continuous: S + was/were + V (ing) ... // S + wasn´t/weren´t + V (ing) +... // Was/Were + S + V

(ing) +...?

Use: Lo que estaba ocurriendo en un momento concreto del pasado.

Ejm. At half past 3 yesterday, he was lying on the sofa.

 Future with Going To: S + am/is/are + GOING TO + V (inf) +...


Planes: I am going to meet Tony this evening.

Intenciones: He is going to start a diet.

Predicciones por lo que vemos o sabemos en presente: Look out! You are going to get burnt.

 Future simple: S + WILL + V (inf) // S + WON´T + V (inf) // WILL + S + V (inf)..?


Predicciones: In a near future, some plants will desappear.

Ofrecimientos y promesas: Don´t worry! I will explain it to you.

Decisiones instantáneas: I will phone later.

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Ciertas expresiones: I´m sure, I suppose, I think, probably (They will probably get married in Autum).

 Future continuous: S + WILL + BE + V(ing) // S + WON´T + BE + V (ing) // WILL + S + BE + V (ing)


Use: Lo que estará ocurriendo en un momento concreto del futuro.

Ejm. At this time next Thursday I will be taking the first term exam.

 Future Perfect: S + WILL + HAVE + V (d/ed/Participio).

Use: Lo que estará ocurtriendo antes de un tiempo futuro.

Ejm. By the end of the sshool year we will have learnt a lot of new words.

 Present Perfect Simple: S + has/have + V (d/ed/participio) + ...


No sabemos cuando (sin tiempo específico): He has had an accident.

Con tiempo no acabado: Shehasn´t come to school this week.

Número de veces: I have written this sentence twenty times.

Con ciertos adverbios:

 We have ALREADY understood the lesson (YA)

 Have you made lunch YET? (YA)
 He hasn´t woken up YET (TODAVÍA; AÚN)
 I have JUST seen a ghost (ACABO DE)
 Have you EVER been to London? (ALGUNA VEZ)
 He has NEVER travelled by plane (NUNCA)

Use: Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y siguen en presente.

Ejm. How long have you studied English? I have studied it for a long time, since the 3rd of Primary.

 Present perfect continuous: S + Have/has BEEN + V (ing)


Para explicar lo que ha estado ocurriendo.

Ejm. We have been studying the present tense for a long time.

Para indicar que una acción es muy larga (llevar + gerundio)

Ejm. The teacher has chalk on his hands because she has been writing on the blackboard.

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 Past Perfect Simple: S + Had + V (d/ed/participio)

Use: acciones anteriores al pasado.

Ejm. When I arrived at the bus stop yesterday, it had left.

 Past Perfect Continuous: S + had BEEN + V (ing)

Use: Para explicar lo que había estado ocurriendo.

Ejm. She went to bed aerly last night because she had been working since early morning.

 Conditional Simple: S + WOULD + V (ing)

Ejm. I would like to finish at once.

 Orders: V! / Don´t + V!

Ejm. Study English! / Don´t waste time!


 Deseos: PAST SIMPLE > cosas que nos gustaría que fuesen diferentes en el presente o futuro pero son
imposibles o improbables.
Ejm. It´s a difficult problem, I wish I knew the answer.

 Lamentos: PAST PERFECT > cosas que ocurrieron o no ocurrieron en el pasado y ahora lo
Ejm. I wish i hadn´t spoken to her like that.

 Quejas: WOULD + INF > cosas que deseamos que ocurran o que dejen de ocurrir porque nos molestan.
Ejm. I wish the bus would come (deseo que ocurra)
I wish she wouldn´t bite her nails (nos molesta)


 WOULD RATHER + oración en pasado > para expresar una preferencia

Ejm. I´d rather you left your dog outside.

 WOULD RATHER + INF sin To cuando el sujeto no cambia.

Ejm. I´d rather not talk about the matter.

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HABER (impersonal): THERE (BE)

 Presente: There is another problem, but there are several solutions.

 Pasado: There was an accident at the crossroads. There were some injured people.
 Futuro simple: It is said that there will be a strike soon. In my opinion there will be many incidents.
 Futuro “going to”: there is going to be a demonstration. There are going to be hundreds of
 Present perfect: There has been a conference lately and there have been several lectures.
 Past perfect: the deadteacher said that there had been very low marks.
 Conditional simple: If people drove slowly, there would be fewer accidents.


 Debe haber: there must be another solutions, I suppose.

 Debería haber: there should be
 Puede haber: There can be
 Podría haber: There could be
 Puede que haya: There may be


Form: CD / CI + “BE”+ V (D, ED, Participio) + (BY) .... time.

 Presente simple: people grow wheat in America

Wheat is grown is America
 Presente continuo: Acid rain is destroying the forest in Europe.
The forest are being destroyed by acid rain in Europe.
 Past simple: The manager himself showed the budgets.
The budgets were shown by the manager himself.
 Past continuous: someone was locking all the doors at 10.
All the doors were being locked at 10.
 Present perfect simple: they have cancelled the flight because of fog.
The flight has been cancelled because of fog.
 Present perfect Continuous: HAVE/HAS BEEN BEING
Both authors have been signing books all the morning.
Books have been being signed by both authors all the morning.
 Past perfect: The pupils had invited many teacher to the party.
Many teachers had been invited (by the pupils) to the party.
 Future simple: They will wmploy a construction crew for the job.
A construction crew will be employed for the job.
 Future with”going to”: someone is going to complete the projects.
The projects are going to be completed.

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 Future continuous: They will be signing the contract at 10 tomorrow.
The contract will be being signed at 10 tomorrow.
 Future perfect: Footballers and referees will have discuted the matter by tomorrow.
The matter will have been discuted by footballer and referees by tomorrow.

MODAL VERS (present)

 Somebody must post all these letter at once > All these letter myst be posted at once.
 Jame can design the new website in a few days > The new website can be designed by James in a few
 Citizens should pay taxes as soon as possible > Taxes should be paid by citizens as soon as possible.
 MODAL VERBS (past)
 The criminal must have stolen the documents during the night > The documents must have been stolen
(by the criminal) during the night.


1. CD: Mrs Brown has given us the marks > The marks have been given to us by Mrs Brown.

2. CI: Paul showed me the photos > I was shown the photos by Paul.


Afirmativa: TO / IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO : PARA + INF
Ejm. I study TO / IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO learn.


Ejm. He writes down things IN ORDER NOT TO / SO AS NOT TO forget them.

B) X-Z > X hace algo para que Z haga otra cosa

PARA QUE ... + afirmativa de presente/pasado


Presente: my parents (x) work hard SO THAT I (z) can study.

Pasado: I turned the TV down SO THAT the children could sleep.


Presente: the teacher watches closely so that the students can´t cheap.
Pasado: she crossed the road so that he couldn´t see her.

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C) (X-X): se puede usar solo SO THAT si repetimos el sujeto.
Ejm. I wirte the new words down SO THAT I remember them easily.


 Llevan detrás infinitivo son TO (excepto OUGHT TO)

 Sin verbo auxiliar
 Sin “s” en las terceras personas.
 Solo se conjugan en ciertos tiempos.
 No tiene infinitivo.

CAN (poder o saber)

Use: fuerza física, habilidad, peticiones (con confianza)

Ejm. I can run rapidily. I can speak five languages. Can I borrow your pen?

COULD (pasado de CAN)

 Peticiones corteses: Doctor, could you..?

 Probabilidades: he could finish his work in half an hour.

ABLE TO (ser capaz de)

 Infinitivo: BE ABLE TO
 Present perfect: HAVE/HAS BEEN ABLE TO
 Past perfect: HAD BEEN ABLE TO
 En pasado “con dificultad”: WAS/WERE ABLE TO ... // MANAGED TO

MAY (poder con probabilidad cercana, lo que está claro)

Ejm. I haven´t studied enough, I may not pass. I may fail the exam.

Para pedir permiso (sin mucha confianza): excuse me, may I sit here?

MIGHT (probabilidad remota, no está tan claro). Sinónimo de could.

Ejm. I haven´t studied much, but I might pass if the exam is easy.

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SHOULD (deberías, para dar consejo).

Ejm. You should study hard.

OUGHT TO (para darnos consejos a nosotros mismos)

Ejm. It´s getting late. I´m afraid I ought to go home.

HAD BETTER (NOT) (será mejor que..)

Ejm. You had better catch up (será mejor que te pongas al día).

MUST (deber, solo en presente)

 Negativa de obligación: NEEDN´T. You needn´t do that exercises.

 Negativa de prohibición: MUSN´T. You mustn´t overtake.
 Negativa de deducción: CAN´T. In this school you have to wear uniform.

HAVE / HAS TO // DON´T/ DOESN´T HAVE TO (sinónimo de must en frases de obligación: normalmente en
posiciones externas).

Ejm. In this school you have to wear uniform, but yo don´t have to attent all the meetings.

HAD TO (pasado de must)

WILL HAVE TO (futuro)

HAVE / HAS HAD TO (present perfect)

HAD HAD TO (past perfect)


 Deducción afirmativa: MUST HAVE + PARTICIPIO

Ejm. He must have argued with this girlfriend.

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Ejm. He couldn´t have lost his mobile phone. He was using it a moment ago.

 Probabilidad afirmativa: MAY /MIGHT/ COULD HAVE + PARTICIPIO

Ejm. She isn´t at home. She may gone to the supermarket.

 Probabilidad negativa: MAY NOT / MIGHT NOT HAVE + PARTICIPIO

Ejm. He hasn´t come to school. He night not have heard the alarm-clock.


Ejm. You should have gone to bed earlier last night.

 Ausencia de obligación: NEEDN´T HAVE + PARTICIPIO

Ejm. There was plenty of beer in the pantry. You needn´t have brought any more beer.

NEED (TO): funciona como cualquier verbo regular.

Ejm. You need to buy a new jacket.

SHALL: ofrecimientos y sugerencias.

Ejm. Shall I bring yo usome coffee? Shall we sit in a café?




- STOP + ING: le interrumpe la acción de detras (I stopped smoking)
- STOP + TO: detenerse para hacer otra cosa (I stopped to buy an ice-cream)

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- REGRET + ING: arrepentise de (I regret driking coffee)
- REGRET + TO: lamento o sentir tener que hacer (I regret to talk to him)


- REMEMBER / FORGET + ING: la imagen (primero hacer y luego recuerdas u olvidas haberlo
- REMEBER / FORGET + TO: Acordarse/ no olvidar (primere recuerdas y luego lo hacer)

- TRY + ING: probar o hacer algo para ver si surte efecto
- TRY + TO: intentar, hacer un esfuerzo.

DEFINING (especificativas)

 WHO: that man is the teacher. That man taought us chemistry.

That man is the teacher who taught us chemistry.

 WHICH: the tube stops at Victoria Station. It goes to my offices.

The tube wich stops at Victoria Station goes to my office.

 WHOSE: Mr Smith is a teacher. His pupils are on strikes.

Mr Smith is the teacher whose pupils are on strike.

 WHERE: isn´t that the hotel? You spent you honeymoon in that hotel.
Isnt´t that the hotel where you spent you honeymoon?

 WHEN: I´ll never forget the moment. A pickpocket robbed me on the tube then.
I´ll never forget the moment when a pickpocket robbed me on the tube.

NON-DEFINING (explicativas)

 WHO: Penélope Cruz has won an Academy Award. She´s oneof the best Spanish actresses.
PC, who is one of the nest Spanish actresses, has one an Academy Award.

 WHO/M: Jimmy is coming to my bithday party on Saturday. Yo umet him at the pub last week.
Jimmy, who/m you met at the pub last week, is coming to my party on Saturday.

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- Se dice: it is said
- Se sabe: it is known
- Se supone: is it supposed
- Se considera: it is considered
- Se sabía: it was said

Ejm. It is said that the new teacher explains very quickly.

>> Sujeto de la segunda frase + IT IS SAID + CAMBIOS

INFINITIVO CON TO: presente, futuro, present perfect.


INFINITIVO CONTINUO (TO BE + ING): presente conitnuo.

Ejm. The new teacher is said to explain very quickly.


Ejm. They are luikely to come to the next meeting.


1 Conditional: S + WILL + V(INF) // IF + present simple

Ejm. If we reduce pollution, crities will be cleaber and we will live better.

2 Conditional: S + WOULD + V (INF) // IF + past simple

Ejm. If citizens didn´t travel by car so much, there would be less pollution in big cities.

3 conditional: S + WOULD HAVE + PARTICIPIO // IF + past perfect

Ejm. If goverment had agreed to improve things, the situation would have been easier.

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