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Competitive Exam Preparation Application: in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement For The Award of Degree

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Major Project Report



Submitted to



in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree


Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Rupali Bisen

S Lalit Mohan Rao

Ashutosh Singh

D Vikash Raj

Under the Guidance of

Miss Shweta

Assistant Prof (CSE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering



Session: 2015-19

We the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled
work carried out during our study under the supervision of Miss SHWETA.

We assert that the statements made, and conclusions drawn are an outcome of
the project work. We further declare that to the best of our knowledge and belief that
the report does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award
of any other degree certificate in this University of any other University.

_______________ ________________ _______________ ________________

Rupali Bisen S Lalit Mohan Rao Ashutosh Singh D Vikash Raj
Roll No: Roll No: Roll No: Roll No:
3062215044 3062215006 30622150010
Enrollment No.:
Enrollment No.: Enrollment No.: Enrollment No.:
AR2149 AR2218 AR1893

Rungta Engineering College, Bhilai (India)


Certified that the contents of the project report entitled, “COMPETITIVE

EXAM PREPARATION APPLICATION” is a bonafide work carried out under my

guidance by (1) Rupali Bisen, (2) S Lalit Mohan Rao, (3) Ashutosh Singh, (4) D

Vikash Raj partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering.


(Mr. K J Satao) ( ) (Miss Shweta )

HOD External Project Guide


It is a matter of profound privilege and pleasure to extend my sense of respect

and deepest gratitude to our project guide Assistant Prof Shweta, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering under whose precise guidance and gracious
encouragement we had the privilege to work.

We would like to avail this opportunity to thank Prof K J Satao, Head of

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, for facilitating such a congenial
environment in our department and his unending encouragement throughout.

We owe the greatest debt and special respectful thanks to Shri Santosh Rungta,
Chairman, Dr. Sourabh Rungta, Director (Tech.), Shri Sonal Rungta, Director (F&A),
and Dr. S. M. Prasanna Kumar, Director, Rungta Engineering College, Bhilai, for their
inspirational and constant encouragement that enabled us to present our work in this

We would also like to thank the many people in my college, faculty members
and supporting staff, for always being helpful over the years.

Last but not the least; we would like to express deepest gratefulness to our
parents for their continuous moral support and encouragement. Their love accompanies
us wherever we go.

Rupali Bisen
S Lalit Mohan Rao
Ashutosh Singh
D Vikash Raj

Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 2-5

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 2-7

1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................... 2-7

1.2 Objective of the projects ............................................................................. 2-7

1.3 Detailed Problem Definition ....................................................................... 2-8

1.4 Use of Computational Tools ....................................................................... 2-9

1.5 Introduction of software used .................................................................... 2-10

1.6 Future prospects of the project .................................................................. 2-16

2 Literature Survey ............................................................................................... 2.18

2.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 2.18

2.2 Detailed Literature Review ........................................................................ 2.18

2.3 Effectiveness of this app Among Different Countries ............................... 2.19

2.4 The Security Issues of Competitive Exam Preparation App ...................... 2.20

3 Methodology...................................................................................................... 3.22

3.1 Detailed Methodology ................................................................................ 3.22

3.2 Summary .................................................................................................... 3.28

4 Results and Discussion ...................................................................................... 4.30

4.1 Data Flow Diagram .................................................................................... 4.30

4.2 Data Base Tables: - .................................................................................... 4.33

4.3 Result.......................................................................................................... 4.35

5 Conclusion and Future Scope ............................................................................ 5.37

5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 5.37

5.2 Impact on Society ....................................................................................... 5.37

5.3 Reason to choose competitive exam preparation app ................................ 5.38

5.4 Future Scope ............................................................................................... 5.39


The students appearing for placements and various other exams like GRE,GOVT JOB,
GMAT, and GATE prepare by coaching classes or by self-study and they are appearing
for mock tests and search for the study material from different website. And for this
they require internet connection, which is not possible to access by everyone at any
Today, the smart phones are able to replace desktop PC’s and laptops up to great
extents. There are offline android applications available for aptitude tests but there
exists none that provides the test for all sections with random set of questions, timer for
each test, tutorials, score calculation and certificate on passing mock test, in one single
application.This provides a different feature from the existing applications
available in Android play stores along with the idea of developing an application that
overcomes the problems of the existing applications which are available from which
some have very easy pattern of the question or some have different category of the
questions but even these levels cannot exactly determine the level of the users. We are
providing an application which automatically judges the level of the user when the user
uses this application. This application also has tutorials to refer to if the user faces
problems directly entering the practice session. Admin website will be used to upload
questions and maintain user’s database (uploading new questions etc.). Technology
used will be android tools(JVM, android eclipse), for coding the application, PHP
language will be used at the sever end for uploading the questions via excel sheets. The
main aim of our Application is that “we don’t give all, but we give what user need".
This way the user will not waste time doing questions of the same level over and over.



1.1 Overview

ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” is an online voting technique. In this system people who
have citizenship of India and whose age is above 18 years of age and any sex can give
his\her vote online without going to any physical polling station. There is a database
which is maintained in which all the names of voters with complete information is

In “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” a voter can use his\her voting right

online without any difficulty. He\She must be registered first for him/her to vote.
Registration is mainly done by the system administrator for security reasons. The
system Administrator registers the voters on a special site of the system visited by him
only by simply filling a registration form to register voter. Citizens seeking registration
are expected to contact the system administrator to submit their details. After the
validity of them being citizens of India has been confirmed by the system administrator
by comparing their details submitted with those in existing databases such as those as
the Registrar of Persons, the citizen is then registered as a voter.

After registration, the voter is assigned a secret Voter ID with which he/she
can use to log into the system and enjoy services provided by the system such as voting.
If invalid/wrong details are submitted, then the citizen is not registered to vote.

1.2 Objective of the projects

Planned approach towards working: - The working in the organization will

be well planned and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which
will help in retrieval of information as well as its storage.
Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All
operation would be done correctly, and it ensures that whatever information is coming
from the center is accurate.

Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above
stated reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there
would be proper storage of information.

No Redundancy: - In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information

is repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of
storage space and consistency in the data stored.

Immediate storage of information: - In manual system there are many

problems to store the largest amount of information.
Easy to Operate: - The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it
can be developed within a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.

1.3 Detailed Problem Definition

We are developing an on-line voting system by taking advantage of the centralized
database with a web interface. The main concept of this project is to build a website,
which should be able to allow people to cast their vote by online.

Time saving, working load reduced, information available at time and it

provide security for the data. During the election, the election commission of India has
introduced a new method of polling by online voting system (OVS). The election
commission will maintain this website.

This is a simple, safe and secure method that takes minimum of time. We
proceed our project with the assumption that each voter has a voter ID storing his/her
unique identity including data.,

We are to maintain a centralized database of enrolled voters, the primary key

of which is a unique national ID stored on the database. The database administrator is
the control the website. Control of the process is entirely in the hands of the computer
and cannot be manipulated by any others.

Many users like army person or NRI cannot come to the voting place.
Therefore, we must implement an online voting system by which the users can vote
over the online. It is one of the greatest advantage for NRI and person who go outside
the country they can vote on online by our software.

1.4 Use of Computational Tools

Server-Side Hardware and Software Requirement

Server-Side Hardware Requirement

Processor 2.0GHz

Hard disk 80GB free


Server-Side Software Requirement

Operating System Windows 7 or another compatible OS

Front end PHP,HTML

Back end My SQL

Software used Xampp (5.5.38), Notepad++,Any


Client-Side Hardware and Software Requirement

Client-Side Hardware Requirement

Processor 1.0GHz

Hard disk 4GB free


Client-Side Software Requirement

Operating System Windows 7 or another compatible OS

Web Browser Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

1.5 Introduction of software used

1. PHP:-

PHP is now officially known as “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is a server-side
scripting language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML
page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a client by the server; instead, it is parsed by
the PHP binary or module, which is server-side installed. HTML elements in the script
are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script can query
databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers – the possibilities
is endless. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the
result sent to the user’s web-browser, therefore it can never tell the user whether the
web-server uses PHP or not, because the entire browser sees is HTML.

PHP’s support for Apache and MySQL further increases its popularity. Apache
is now the most-used web-server in the world, and PHP can be compiled as an Apache
module. MySQL is a powerful free SQL database, and PHP provides a comprehensive
set of functions for working with it. The combination of Apache, MySQL and PHP is
all but unbeatable.

That doesn’t mean that PHP cannot work in other environments or with other
tools. In fact, PHP supports an extensive list of databases and web-servers. While in the
mid-1990s it was ok to build sites, even relatively large sites, with hundreds of
individual hard-coded HTML pages, today’s webmasters are making the most of the
power of databases to manage their content more effectively and to personalize their
sites according to individual user preferences.

Reasons for using PHP

There are some indisputable great reasons to work with PHP. As an open source
product, PHP is well supported by a talented production team and a committed user
community. Furthermore, PHP can be run on all the major operating systems with most

a) Learning PHP is easy

Basic is easy any interpreted language should be easy to learn. Since you are isolated
from the system (no pointers to use, no memory to allocate). The other advantage that
all modern interpreted languages share is good associative array constructs.

b) Its Performance

While we can build an application that serves millions of pages a day on a server, when
we really look at the performance of the language it sucks. We are still ordering of
magnitude from real performance. Not only that, but since PHP is designed around a
single process model our ability to share data structures or connection pool resources is
left to native code libraries.
c) The low cost

There are many languages which are available at very less cost. There are some
languages which are available at very less cost like below:


• C

• C++ etc.

d) It’s Open Source, we can modify it

We can modify it if you need a hole in your head! Technically the point is that it’s an
open source project and they release patches often. You’re point is that the community
is actively working out the bugs. So, what any active language is doing this...

Unfortunately, C, C++ and Perl have all “died” at this point and will pretty much remain
static at their current functionality.

e)PHP Syntax

You cannot view the PHP source code by selecting “View source” in the
browser – you will only see the output from the PHP file, which is plain HTML.
This is because the scripts are executed on the server before the result is sent
back to the browser.

Basic PHP Syntax

A PHP scripting block always starts with <?php and ends with ?>. A PHP scripting
block can be placed anywhere in the document.

A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, just like an HTML file, and some PHP
scripting code.


HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the standard markup language used to
create web pages.

HTML was created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland. It was

designed to allow scientists to display and share their research.

HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle
brackets(like <html>). HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>,
although some tags represent empty elements and so are unpaired, for example
<image>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, and the second tag is the end tag (they
are also called opening tags and closing tags).

The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into
visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags but uses the
tags to interpret the content of the page. HTML describes the structure of a website

semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language rather than
a programming language.

HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and
objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means
to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as
headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts written
in languages such as Java Script which affect the behavior of HTML web pages.

HTML is descriptive markup language. Library of various markup languages is defined

in various browsers.

3. MySQL:


The database has become an integral part of almost every human's life. Without it, many
things we do would become very tedious, perhaps impossible tasks. Banks, universities,
and libraries are three examples of organizations that depend heavily on some sort of
database system. On the Internet, search engines, online shopping, and even the website
naming convention would be impossible without the use of a database. A database that
is implemented and interfaced on a computer is often termed a database server.
One of the fastest SQL (Structured Query Language) database servers currently
on the market is the MySQL server, developed by T.c.X. DataKonsultAB. MySQL is
free of charge for those wishing to use it for private and commercial use. Those wishing
to develop applications specifically using MySQL should consult MySQL's licensing
section, as there is charge for licensing the product.

These capabilities range across a number of topics, including the following:

a) Ability to handle an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

b) Capacity to handle 50,000,000+ records.

c) Very fast command execution, perhaps the fastest to be found on the market.

d)Easy and efficient user privilege system.

Reasons to Use MySQL

a) Scalability and Flexibility

The MySQL database server provides the ultimate in scalability, sporting the capacity
to handle deeply embedded applications with a footprint of only 1MB to running
massive data warehouses holding terabytes of information. Platform flexibility is a
stalwart feature of MySQL with all flavors of Linux, UNIX, and Windows being

b) High Performance
A unique storage-engine architecture allows database professionals to configure the
MySQL database server specifically for particular applications, with the end result
being amazing performance results.

C) High Availability

Rock-solid reliability and constant availability are hallmarks of MySQL, with

customers relying on MySQL to guarantee around-the-clock uptime. MySQL offers a
variety of high-availability options from high-speed master/slave replication
configurations, to specialized Cluster servers offering instant failover, to third party
vendors offering unique high-availability solutions for the MySQL database server.

d) Robust Transactional Support

MySQL offers one of the most powerful transactional database engines on the market.
Features include complete ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transaction
support, unlimited row-level locking, distributed transaction capability, and multi-
version transaction support where readers never block writers and vice-versa.

e) Web and Data Warehouse Strengths

MySQL is the de-facto standard for high-traffic web sites because of its high-
performance query engine, tremendously fast data inserts capability, and strong support
for specialized web functions like fast full text searches.

f) Strong Data Protection

Because guarding the data assets of corporations is the number one job of database
professionals, MySQL offers exceptional security features that ensure absolute data
protection. In terms of database authentication, MySQL provides powerful mechanisms
for ensuring only authorized users have entry to the database server, with the ability to
block users down to the client machine level being possible.

g) Management Ease
MySQL offers exceptional quick-start capability with the average time from software
download to installation completion being less than fifteen minutes. This rule holds true
whether the platform is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or UNIX.

PHP Main Features of MySQL

• Tested with a broad range of different compilers.

• Works on many different platforms.

• The MySQL Server design is multi-layered with independent modules.

• Fully multi-threaded using kernel threads. It can easily use multiple CPUs if they are

• Provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines.

• Uses very fast B-tree disk tables with index compression.

• Relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is useful if you want to provide an
SQL interface for an in-house database.

• A very fast thread-based memory allocation system.

• Very fast joins using an optimized one-sweep multi-join.

• In-memory hash tables, which are used as temporary tables.

• SQL functions are implemented using a highly optimized class library and should be as
fast as possible. Usually there is no memory allocation at all after query initialization.

• The server is available as a separate program for use in a client/server networked


1.6 Future prospects of the project
Provision of improved voting services to the voters through fast, timely and convenient

Reduction of the costs incurred by the Indian Electoral Commission during

voting time in paying the very many clerks employed for the sake of the success of the
manual system.

Check to ensure that the members who are registered are the only ones to
vote. Cases of “Dead People” voting are also minimized.

Online voting system (OVS) will require being very precise or cost cutting to
produce an effective election management system.

Therefore, crucial points that this (OVS) emphasizes on are listed below.

i. Require less number of staff during the election.

ii. This system is a lot easier to independently moderate the elections and subsequently
reinforce its transparency and fairness.

iii. Less capital, less effort, and less labor intensive, as the primary cost and effort will
focus primarily on creating, managing, and running a secure online portal.

iv. Increased number of voters as individual will find it easier and more convenient to
vote, especially those abroad.

Literature survey


2.1 Overview

In a true democracy, elections are the basis for the nation functions healthy. As the
elections are hold frequently, the costs of voting are increasing geometrically. To save
human resource and time, the current trend is using information technology on
elections. Recent years the issues of combining voting with information technology
have developed into two directions. The former one is electronic voting (E-voting),
which is voting on the machine in the fixed position; the latter is internet voting (I-
voting), which is voting on the internet without limiting people in the polling station
but needs higher level of security. Over the years, the scholars are addressed their
concept of e-voting, they integrated information technology to satisfy the characteristic
of election such as uniqueness, accuracy, completeness, verifiability, auditability,
privacy, and coercibility. But most of these researches focused on designing encryption
algorithm, a usable and applicable implementation is rarely. In our research, we design
and implement a feasible system with contactless IC card for identification. Because of
contactless IC card can be recycled, we can use this feature for the effective long-term
cost reduction. With information technology, we can simplify the traditional electoral
procedures and saving the cost of human resource and time. In addition, we use the
touchscreen panel to be the input interface with accessibility, and it can decrease the
learning difficulty when the voters are instructed in how to use the new system.

2.2 Detailed Literature Review

Evaluation of Voting Equipment In the recent years, voting equipment’s which were
widely adopted may be divided into five types:

(1) Paper-based voting: The voter gets a blank ballot and use a pen or a marker to
indicate he want to vote for which candidate. Hand-counted ballots is a time and labor
consuming process, but it is easy to manufacture paper ballots and the ballots can be
retained for verifying, this type is still the most common way to vote.

(2) Lever voting machine: Lever machine is peculiar equipment, and each lever is
assigned for a corresponding candidate. The voter pulls the lever to poll for his favorite
candidate. This kind of voting machine can count the ballots automatically. Because its
interface is not user-friendly enough, giving some training to voters is necessary.

(3) Direct recording electronic voting machine: This type, which is abbreviated to
DRE, integrates with keyboard, touchscreen, or buttons for the voter press to poll. Some
of them lay in voting records and counting the votes is very quickly. But the other DRE
without keep voting records are doubted about its accuracy.

(4) Punch card: The voter uses metallic hole-punch to punch a hole on the blank ballot.
It can count votes automatically, but if the voter’s perforation is incomplete, the result
is probably determined wrongfully.

(5) Optical voting machine: After each voter fills a circle correspond to their favorite
candidate on the blank ballot, this machine selects the darkest mark on each ballot for
the vote then computes the total result. This kind of machine counts ballots rapidly.
However, if the voter fills over the circle, it will lead to the error result of optical-scan.

2.3 Effectiveness of this app Among Different Countries

Recent years, a considerable number of countries has adopted E-voting for their official
elections. In this section, four empirical examples are enumerated as following.

(1) America: Government of the United States hold election collaterally in several
ways, in other words, each state can choose the suitable way to hold elections
independently. Because there are some debates about E-voting, such as some vote
casts were not counted, or election system crashed during the Election Day.
Secretary of State Kevin Shelley established an “Ad Hoc Touch Screen Task Force”
to research the debates on DRE in February 2003 [1]. Shelly advanced that DRE
should include voter verifiable paper audit trails (VVPAT) to solve electoral

(2) Japan: Japan adopted E-voting for local election in 2002, such as mayor and
councilor election of Naima city in Okayama prefecture in June 23, 2002; mayor

election of Hiroshima city in February 02, 2003; and mayor election of Kyoto city
in February 08, 2004. Take mayor and councilor election of Naima city for example,
electoral center surveyed the voters’ reliability when the election finished. There
are 83% of voters considered that E-voting system is trusted. 56% of them
considered that the results of E-voting and paper-based voting are the same
therefore E-voting is sufficient for reliable. The reasons why voters can’t trust the
E-voting system are voters worried about the abuses in E-voting system, and they
cannot make sure their ballot is recorded correctly.

(3) Belgium: Election for the Federal Parliament is held in May 18, 2003. To assist
voters in being familiar with E-voting system, electoral center held short-term
training. Counting efficiency in the election with E-voting system was faster then
convention. Belgium’s compulsory voting system and E-voting complement each
other, voters’ satisfaction and attending willingness of join voting are improved

2.4 The Security Issues of Competitive Exam Preparation App

Foreign experience revealed that they are often confronted by security issues while
the online voting system is running. The origin of the security issues was due to not
only outsider (such as voters and attackers) but also insider (such as system
developers and administrators), even just because the inheritance of some objects in
the source code are unsuitable. These errors caused the voting system to crash.

The proposed solutions were correspondingly outlined to hold back

these attacks. For example, to avoid hacker making incursion into the voting system
via network, we can design our system to transmit data without network. Another
example is to limit voter to input data, so that we can prevent the command injection
from running



3.1 Detailed Methodology

Online voting system is an important method to solve many problems faced by a

candidate, during an election period. Online voting system provide a proper process to
show an accurate result. it reduces time, cost, distance with definite usage of data.

Admin Page

Fig: - 3.1 Admin Login

This fig: - 3.2 Admin Login page tells us about how-to login to a website as an admin.
Admins control and manage a website. this consists of two section, email of user and
password for login into website.

Admin Homepage

Fig: - 3.2 Admin Homepage

This Fig: 3.2 shows that home page of our admin.

Manage Administrator

Fig: - 3.3 Manage Administrator

This fig: -3.3 Manage Administrator page tells that how an individual account can be
properly maintained it consist of two task update account and create new admin in
which all the details are entered or filled.

Manage Party

Fig: 3.4 Manage Party

This fig: -3.4 manage party consist of party which are available and the new party
which can be added.

Manage Positions

Fig: - 3.5 Manage Positions

This fig: -3.5 describes the available position and add new position.

Manage Candidates

Fig: - 3.6 Manage Candidates

This fig: -3.6 manages candidate who are chosen for election for various post which
consist of available candidate and add new candidate.

Poll Result

Fig: - 3.7 poll result

This fig: -3.7 page find out the result of all the votes given to each candidate .

Voter Registration

Fig: - 3.8 voter registration

This fig: -3.8 register an account by filling the details in the needed information .

Voter Login

Fig: - 3.9 voter login

This fig: -3.9 page voter can login by using his/her e-mail id, password as it maintains
an individual secure identity.

Voter Homepage

Fig: - 3.10 Voter Homepage

This fig: -3.10 shows the Homepage of the voter.

Manage Voter profile

Fig: - 3.11 Manage voter profile

This fig: -3.11 page profile of individual voter can be seen and profile can be updated.

Current Polls

Fig: - 3.12 Current polls

This fig: -3.12 when the election is going on the voter are given vote to respected
candidate of different positions.

3.2 Summary

This project is made to remove the drawback and problem captured in both polling
areas and in many organizations for a voting. It includes different login pages like
admin page, candidate page, voter page and help.

Where data of every individual store with proper security, if any person
faces problem to login to the pages they may go to the help pages which provide and
instructions to proceed into the further pages.

Every page required a security code to open the page, it include email
address and password. In this project flow chart is designed to analysis the procedure
and functions of every module. any person can easily access to the online voting system
easily if they know the procedure and benefit of it.

Chapter – 4
Result and discussion


4.1 Data Flow Diagram


Fig: -4.1 admin login process

The above figure: -4.1 describe methodology that how a user can proceed. In this if
user have already registered then he/she can direct login and check whether login id
valid or not and further manage admin process. If it is not valid then user may also
first registered and then login into the page and then logout.

Fig: -4.2 voter login process
In this figure: -4.2 shoes that the user can direct access by login into if login id is
correct then it valid and eligible to vote, view result but if login id is not valid then
may have to once again login up to valid result and then logout.

Fig: -4.3 candidate login process
This fig :- 4.3 describes that a registered user can login into the page if it is not valid
then again it is login by user till correct validation and after that they must select the
various position to cast vote and then logout.

4.2 Data Base Tables: -

This project uses many tables :

Admin- The main purpose of admin is to control the whole management of “Online
Voting System” i.e. Candidate, Voter, Candidate position, Party, and Result of

Admin Table 1(For login ): -

Name Datatype Description

Username Varchar Login id for admin

Password Varchar Password for login

Admin Table 2(For Register): -

Name Datatype Description

Name Varchar Name of the admin

Email Varchar Email of admin

Contact no Integer Contact no of admin

Course Varchar Course of admin

Branch Varchar Branch of admin

Semester Integer Semester of admin

Voter- An individual who are eligible to cast vote after their identification as citizens
of country with their identity proof with respect to age, gender and Aadhaar card.

Voter Table 1(For login ): -

Name Datatype Description

Username Varchar Login id for voter

Password Varchar Password for login

Voter Table 2(For Register): -

Name Datatype Description

Name Varchar Name of the voter

Email Varchar Email of voter

Contact no Integer Contact no of voter

Course Varchar Course of voter

Branch Varchar Branch of voter

Semester Integer Semester of voter

Candidate Table : -
Fieldname Datatype Description

Candidate Name Varchar Name of the candidate

Candidate Position Varchar Position of the candidate

Candidate party Varchar Party of the candidate

4.3 Result
This project helps an individual to recognize and evaluate the accurate result of
elected candidate in short period of time. It plays a crucial role in any organization
and helps in the development of nation.

Chapter – 5
Conclusion and Future


5.1 Conclusion

The functionalities to the current online voting system such as different regional
languages, Televoting Support, Absentee voting is achieved which will increase the
voting rates in different regions of country. This system is highly reliable and secured
in order of their operation. It is user friendly and easy to handle if person don’t have
technical knowledge and skill. This system has an excellent mechanism that doesn’t
require geographical proximity of the voters.

5.2 Impact on Society

Empowerment - Voting is the most powerful way for members to have a voice in the
leadership and direction of their association. When allowed to vote in fair and open
elections, members feel a greater sense of value, ownership, and responsibility.
Online elections help empower members of associations, societies, and other
democratic organizations by making voting easy and convenient.

Accessibility - Online voting allows association members to access their ballots

from anywhere at any time, provided they have an Internet connection. This makes
casting a vote convenient and fast. Members can cast their votes from home, from
work or “on the go” via their mobile devices.

Cost effectiveness - Online voting reduces election budgets by limiting production

costs. Paper, printing, and postage costs are all significantly lower for online elections
than for traditional voting methods. In addition, staff will save time because online
elections eliminate the need to assemble ballot packages and manually tabulate votes.

Eco-friendly - Web-based balloting conserves resources by reducing the amount of

paper associated with an election. Paper ballots, envelopes, flyers, and other paper
collateral are either moved to electronic format or eliminated. This is particularly
important if your association members are sensitive to the use of natural resources.

Membership engagement - Online voting and other modern participation methods
demonstrate an association’s commitment to connecting with its members. It shows
the organization is staying relevant and is dedicated to keeping in touch.

Appeal to younger members - According to the Pew Internet and India Life Project,
95 percent of Indians between the ages of 18 and 29 use the Internet. This means that
online options such as web voting might be a great way to get younger members
involved in the decision-making process.

Fast, accurate results - With online voting there are no rejected, mismarked or
invalid ballots. Results are automatically calculated, eliminating the need for manual
tabulation and dreaded recounts. Computerized tabulation allows election managers to
quickly announce decisions and results.

5.3 Reason to choose competitive exam preparation app

 Vote at anytime from anywhere: Today’s way of living doesn’t leave much free time.
We have little to no time to do anything or go anywhere. So, don’t you think that maybe
giving the chance to the members of your organization to cast their vote in just a few
minutes, without the need to go to a certain place, would be a good option? If your
answer is “yes”, then you should probably consider online voting. Unlike traditional
voting, that makes voters go to a specific place at a specific time in order to vote, online
voting allows them to cast their vote at any time of the day and from any place, just
with the need of an Internet connection.

 Boost participation: As a result of the previous point, choosing online voting for your
election will more likely boost the participation. You will give the chance to members
that otherwise may not be able to vote. At this point, you might be thinking “what
about the people that for any reason can’t vote online, wouldn’t we lose their
participation then?”. I have good news for you: running an electoral process online does
not mean that you have to discard traditional voting. This is not one thing or the other.
Depending on the provider of the online voting system you choose, a hybrid election
might be possible. With a hybrid voting, you will be able to let voters participate in the
election by either of the two ways, traditional or online. In this type of voting a complex

method avoids voters to vote more than once, just like in the all traditional or all online

 Less physical infrastructure: When running a voting online, you avoid the need for
all the physical infrastructure usually required on a traditional voting. No need of paper,
printing, physical urns or staff may, therefore, lead to a lower monetary investment.

 More rich ballots: With the power of linking, image rendering and so on, online voting
gives you the chance to add additional information to the ballots that would not be
possible on the traditional ones. You can, for example, link to videos of the different
candidates on a presidential election, show images of the different visual candidates on
a graphic design contest, or link to articles concerning detailed information about where
a budget will be spent on a general budget voting. These are just a few examples but
imagine all you could do with online voting to make your ballots richer.

 Fast and easy votes tally: Since the tally in online voting is run by machines, you can
assure that it will not have human counting errors and that it will in most cases run
faster than a count carried out by persons, so the results of your election will be
available sooner.

5.4 Future Scope

The practicable future scope of the project includes the improvement in the security
level of the system. In annexation to that it would be interesting to meet some other
confidential primitives to improve the security level of online voting system. The future
improvement can also be done for voice verification in IVR, system crash and power
failure so that the voters can vote with more assurance.

The same system can be extended to perform the function of counting the
number of votes casted and announcing the results immediately. We can include an
administrator module which the user details can be updated dynamically through the
application only. In near future we can even implement the system in mobile phones.
The user can access the website through mobile phone and cast the vote.


Generally voting must be perform by user by going to the voting center. Many users
like army person or NRI cannot come to the voting place.

Therefore we must implement an online voting system by which the users can vote
over the online. It is one of the greatest advantage for NRI and person who go outside
the country they can vote on online by our software.





Book referred

1.Visual basic 6 programming black book (Steven Holzer).

2.Roger Pressman


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