07 - Chapter 3 PDF
07 - Chapter 3 PDF
07 - Chapter 3 PDF
when one learns that the history of India actually starts with
But those who wrote India's history, for the most part,
is difficult to bridge.
other region it is interesting as well. The Deccan is one of the
The term 'South India' refers to all those areas which lie
suggests that the Par_1dya kingdom was not a part of South India
are not called so. This leads us to conclude that the term
It may be said that the foundations of Indian culture were
laid by the Aryans and the people who lived before the Aryan
separate North and South India. So, the political agitations that
rocked North India did not affect the South. Rivers have always
ancient times, people had lived in and around these river deltas.
the Ramayara, and religious books like those of the Buddhists
other islands. Like the epics, the Pural)as also give us many
people in the far south, under the Co!as, the Ceras and the
Pai:19yas. They also deal with the cultural contacts of South India
Tsang from China are very important for a good understanding ·of
the history of South India. Like the Chinese travellers, there were
thoroughly faithful and can be relied upon to bear the torch
excavated by archaeologists.
the rulers under their seal. The collection and scientific study of
A large number of inscriptions have come to light in South
The inscriptions of Uttaramellur give us a good deal of
Co!as. In the same manner, the Hoysalas and Vijayanagara
Karnataka and Telugu land, have been written under the seal of
data relating to donors, donation made to individuals, temples,
chronology. They also reveal the social, cultural and political life
of that age.
political and cultural life of the people of that age. The discovery
periods will reveal the social, political and cultural life of the
study of numismatic sources has a very important place in
giant inscriptions. It gives us only a few nuts and screws for the
coins of their own. These coins contain legends and titles of their
Varahas of the Vijayanagara rulers are the important coins of
gold coins which bore the image of a boar as the emblem. The
Hoysala King Narasimha I had issued gold coins. The gold coins
and Pal)9yas issued their own coins. Various metals like copper,
lead, silver and gold were used for the manufacture of coins. On
the basis of the metals used, the prosperity of these countries can
hills and valleys, supplied ancient man with edible fruits and
rubbing together wood and stone. They could also make boats
and knew the technique of using the potter's wheel. Cloth was
It is said that the lirigam and bull carved into a hill side in
but before iron began to be made use of, there prevailed a time
and similar other relics have been discovered from this place.
back to the Stone-age are to be found in Hyderabad and Mysore.
Southern India much have existed between 100 and 400 BC.
those people who lived in South India from the Paleolithic Age.
Chenchus of Hyderabad are the descendants of the people of
the Paleolithic Age. They still follow their ancestral methods for
advanced culture had been there in India even before the advent
of the Aryans. It is also safe to assume that this culture had
Kannada and Malayalam. This has led to the conjecture that the
land that united India and Africa. He attributes to this fact the
the tribes there, to produce the Dravidians. They also hold that
this migration had intensified in the 8 century BC. According to
them 10, boats seen only in ancient Egypt could not have reached
had reached here and that in due course they intermingled with
also possible that Dravidians, who came later, lived for a time in
The history of Aryan advent in South India
languages prove that the Aryans from Europe moved to the east
and the west and that one of these groups must have come to
mentioned that the Aryans came from the lands of long winters.
Morgan holds that western Siberria was the native land of the
people must have migrated first to the banks of the Danube and
Saraswathi flowed there. Historians think that this river has since
dried up. The Aryans lived here for long and composed songs.
When they arrived in India, the Aryans had to fight for the
land with the people who had already settles there. The Aryans
class'. The Aryans were fair-skinned, while the Dasyus had dark
skins and flat noses. The latter were also called Dravidians. The
subjugated them. A convention that no A ryan might marry from
been in the north. The progress that resulted from the Aryan
light on the Southern part of the count ry. This is in spite of the
Himalayas and the Vindhyas, and between the seas on the east
Mahabharata, the story of sage Agastya that he had requested
Vindhya to allow him to pass to the south and also to keep his
established the first Aryan asrama in the South and that this was
further South and had established relations with the people there.
areas occupied by the Aryans. Some of those people are
this time even though the Aryan occupation of North India had
been completed, it had not been the case with the South. No one
there well before the Aryans arrived. But Kathyayana (400 BC),
towards the southern tip of India, and it is quite possible that this
around BC. 1000 and that it must have been completed just
Exaggerated they might be, but in the Vedas and the
one of the earliest of Gurus. Since such stories are based upon
that lie outside India. The most famous of these is the place of
places associated with Agastya suggests that, unless he is a
the east and the south are concerned. The A ryans actually
Yet, it seems that the A ryans did not make any concerted efforts
culture was not only retained but it was also enriched as a result
could refine and enrich their own Sanskrit, as also learn the
gods and goddesses of the A ryans in the existing hierarchy of
evidence for our study, confirm that the A ryan occupation was
But it would appear that the natives of the South did not
It is. certain that the A ryans, who went to occupy South
believe that the A ryans came to the South through the eastern
the obstacles offered by the Vindhya and Satpura ranges, and the
believe that the Aryans came South through Kalinga point it out
around 4 century BC, before the time of the grammarian,
the hero stones; Tamil Brahmi cave writings; the early Tamil
sought to relate himself to nature in his struggle for livelihood.
the war, but some hold different views and state that these
point out that the customs prevalent among the Paf)9avas were
and matn·1·my. 16
kingdoms were nighbours of the Mauryan empire. 17
his reign started from B.C. 320. His grandson Asoka ruled from
263 to 229 B.C. The rock edicts of this period refer to the South
Mysore state were part of this territory which was tied to the seas
on the east and the west. The eastern coast from Pulicut to
and the rulers of Cera and Co!a kingdoms were its patrons. For
Scholars have different opinions about the period of the
second century B.C. merged with the terms from Sanskrit, and
more words and ideas from Sanskrit. On the basis of this, Sastri
opines that the Sarigham Age was after the third century B.C. 18
Pa,:i9yas and their interest in the war between the Kauravas and
Perumchotta Utiyan Ceralatan. But Sastri considers it an
years. But Sastri states that it was not a continuous rule. The last
of the Cera ruler was 11am Ceral, the monarch in the year
A.O. 190.
Ugraperumal, etc.
with all its limitations, most of these poems describe the rule of
the kings and their ideas. Most of the rulers were war-loving
very much concerned about their duties. A ruler wounded in the
political situation. Thus, they were the poets of the people and
they tried to reflect the real life of the people. Besides, they tried
People had the habit of using liquor and meat. But due to
We can see that during this period people led a prosperous and
self-reliant life.
deals with the happenings in the Deccan, the Tamil country and
also Ceylon. This epic narrates how the lord of Lanka instigated
From the Buddhist scripture we get a small reference to the
trade links of the people on the banks of River Ganga, with the
blankets with wool, etc., the South Indians were good at trade in
and rites were largely practised with the help of Brahmins. Vedic
gods like Indra, VaruQa, Siva and Kf?Qa, and the puranic deities
the language and its grammar, but also with the different ways of
were established by the Aiyars, i.e, Aiyars, i.e, A ryas among the
while the husband is alive. Its mention in the Sangam poem is, a
proof that well indicates that the tali was part of some kinds of
to see that their rule did not cause any harm to the feelings of
the Brahmins. This A ryan culture had its own impact on the
instances of clashes or disagreements between the A ryans and
privileges, which roused the anger and envy of the other classes.
held that he was also the creator of the Tamil language and
This being the case, while studying the history and culture
of India, we find that South India was no exception from the rest
of this vast country, and that its living culture of today is no less a
their patron saint. There are certain legends about him. One
admixture of truth and legend intermingled in the social and
influences like the great Bhakti Movement had their origin in the
who loves me will not perish ......... think of me, love me, give
. "22
sacn.f.ices to me, h onour me, and you w1·11 be one wit h me.
fmr � tl'ikJ-11 �.Rcli:Ulf.¥1 f1JIWRI I
identical with the individual soul and brings under it both the
impersonal law (popularised by athiests) and the divine
new era in the field of philosophy was started in South India with
spirit of the society. Hindu religion itself was relegated to· the
was at this juncture that Sankaracarya came forward and
and philosophers. When he was only 32 years old, he died at
Another important philosophy is Vai?Qavism, known as
Later on, Ramanuja sent his wife to her father and began a career
Him. The relation between God on the one hand and the world
soul and body. God is the soul of souls and of nature. These
latter are distinct from God, but not separable from Him. It is not
all the Vedas and Upani�ads. He was initiated into monastic life
Brahman and Jada,
. between Jiva and Jiva, and between Jada and.
very much. The lower classes led the life of slaves, and the upper
known as VT ra - Saivism.
orders supported it. People were taken into the Buddhist order
Central Asia, West Asia and Sri Lanka, and thus transformed it
The active work of the Hindu saints and reformers in the Tamil
country caused the decline of Buddhism. In the Cola country,
called Buddhamitra. 30
excavated for the residence of Jain ascetics. Even today, all the
districts of the Andhra country preserve evidences of Jain
their dominions.
between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea, a border strip
of plain between the eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal, and
this tract existed three very ancient and powerful kingdoms, the
Pa()dya, the Co!a and the Cera or Kerala. The Puranas and the
kings joined the armies that fought in the Bharata War. This
that the Pa()dyans possessed a huge and very efficient army. This
Maurya to invade the Tamil countries, but we are certain that the
three Tamil countries did not come under the direct rule of the
As mentioned earlier, at the dawn of the Christian era, the
country south of the Kr�rJa was divided among the three crowned
kings of the Cholas, the Cheras and the Par)dyas. The Chola
South of the Cola country lay the territory of the Par)dyas, which
After Karikala, the Cheras under their able leader and
to the Sangam literature, the son and successor of the Chera ruler
earlier by the Cheras and held the hegemony in their hands for
powers. This was the rise of the Pallavas. The social and political
not known about the kings of this dynasty. Some of the early
They ceased to exist as an independent power by about
They were in power in the Deccan from the fifth to the eighth
century A.D, and then again from the tenth to the twelfth
Vengi country, that is, the tract of land between the lower
country of the Cho!as, the Pal)dyas and the Ceras, and obliged
The Hoysalas
Western Ghats, there is a small village called Angadi, in the
· of North India cannot be established. The founder of this
cities and towns. The most famous among the early Hoysalas
the Cho!as from the Ganga kingdom. This doughty warrior next
out in his brilliant work on the Rashtrakutas and their time, that
they were of Karnataka origin and that their mother tongue was
gave their name to the country of Maharashtra. But, according
of the Rathos of the North. But Burnell says that they were
century B.C and were referred to in the edicts of Asoka . The
Thus the Rashtrakuta rule is of remarkable importance m the
history of Karnataka.
The Satavahanas
upto the sea in the west and the east. This great dynasty ruled for
more than four centuries from 230 BC. Their rule witnessed
capital was Srikakulom. Pliny says that they were from Andhra.
"Shatahariratta", mentioned in the inscriptions, and including
the name of a Jati or tribe. It has been said that originally the
next chapter.
The Pallavas
the North Vellar rivers. We are not able to see any reference to
inscriptions of Asoka. So, scholars hold that they were of foreign
origin and were not an indigenous Tamil people. B.L. Rice and
the Vastrapas37 but it does not say who the Vastrapas were
that the origin of the Pallavas has remained till now a mystery.
Notes and References
7. Ibid., p.25
9. lbid,.p. 35.
Indian History Congress, Fifty- Eighth Session, Bangalore
University, November 1997, pp. 4-7.
19. Ibid.
28. R.�. Bhandarker, The Early History of the Deccan, 1960,