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11 Medieval Period

INTRODUCTION 2. They throw light on the social, religious and cultural life
The early medieval period of Indian history devotes the period of the people of the age when they were built, rebuilt,
from 6th century AD to 12th century AD. This phase represents repaired or altered.
a period of major social-political change during which the poles, 3. Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh is an important Buddhist
Pratiharas, Rashtrakutas, Cholas and Rajputas were dominant monument.
forces. The stupa provides information of historical significance.
Kannauj situated on the bank of Ganga in U.P. became the centre 4. It was originally built of brick during Ashokas time. It
of political activities in North India and remained so till the was expanded and remade of stones during the Sunga Period.
Turrkish conquest at the close of the 12th century. The political 5. An inscription on the southern gate was donated by King
unity shattered after Harshas death and numerous centres of Satakarni. The northern gate and the panels depict stories
powers started in north India and south India. from the Jatakas.
Many historians, Indian and British have tended to look at south
Asian history from the point of view of the north and defined the
medieval period mainly in terms of the muslim conquests and 1. Artifacts such as tools and implements, ornaments, and
Islamic institution. pottery have been found in various archaeological findings.
2. They tell us about the kind of life people lived, their
occupation and their social condition.
Historians depend on a variety of sources such as inscriptions,
building, coins, and non-religious literature. The medieval Inscriptions
period also has the first good examples of written records of 1. Inscriptions are the written records engraved on stones,
history which give us a letter insight into the period. pillars, clay or copper tablets, caves, and walls of the
Broadly we can divide the sources of history into two groups:- temples and monuments.
(i) Archaeological (ii) Literary 2. They are reliable sources of information about the history
(ii) Archaeological Sources of any period.
(1) The archaeological sources are of immense value in the 3. They provide us names of the kings, the adminstration
reconstruction of the socio - cultural and political history of the kingdom, some important events, the extent of the
of medieval India. kingdom, etc.
(2) The archaeological sources include fossil remains, 4. The Ashoka inscriptions and the Allahabad pillar
artifacts, tools and implements, edicts and insurrections, insertions tell us a great deal about the reign of Ashoka
monuments, coins. and Samudragupta.
(3) Archaeologists use them to reconstruct the past. A Million Dollar Quote
Let us briefly understand about each of the archaeological The inscriptions of the Mauryan king Ashoka are the earliest
sources. inscriptions in India.
Fossil Remains Coins
1. Fossils are basically imprints of plants, animals or humans 1. Coins belonging to this period are a valuable source for
preserved in rocks. reconstructing dates of historical events.
2. These have been buried for millions of years. 2. They also give us an idea of the economic conditions of
3. These imprints are usually made from hard body parts that period.
such as bones or skulls, which leave a permanent mark on 3. They help us to ascertain the territorial extent and reign of
the rock. the rulers.
4. Fossils are the main source of information on the species 4. They also provide valuable personal information about
that have become extinct, for example, dinosaurs. rulers, such as their religion, For example, Samudraguptas
Monuments coins tell us that he was a good veena player.
1. Monuments are ancient buildings and structures such as 5. Monuments and paintings are also important archaeological
temples, mosques, tombs, palaces and forts. sources of the period.
Literary Sources Emergence of New Kingdom [700 - 1200 BC]
1. One of distinct features of the sources of the medieval During the period 700 - 1200 BC, denoted as the early medieval
period is that the number and variety of literary or textural peirod, a number of powerful regional kingdoms arose in north
records increased noticeably during this period. India, the Deccan and South India. All these kingdoms had the
2. Literates and chroniclers wrote chronicles of rulers, desire to build an empire and, therefore, continually fought with
petitions, judicial records, accounts and taxes. each other to gain control over their neighbouring territories.
3. The teachings of saints and traders transaction were also The Polar were dominant in eastern India, whereas the Gurj-Ara
recorded on these papers. - Pratiharas dominated western India and the upper Gangetic
Valley. The third major kingdom was that of the Rashtrakutas
4. The medieval chronicles were written by contemporary
who controlled the Deccan and also the territories in Northern
authors who were either court historians or free-lancers. and Southern India at different times. A number of Rajput
There are three types of literary sources. kingdoms also emerged during this period and among them
(i) Manuscript the Chahamanas or Chauhans were the most prominent. In
(ii) Language the south, the Cholas surfaced as the most powerful kingdom
(iii) Religious and non-religious literature. and became known for a distinct administrative structure and
Manuscripts agrarian expansion.
1. The early literary records were handwritten. They are Small Kingdom of the Deccan
called manuscripts. The Vakatakas
2. Manuscripts were written on palm leaves, the bark of The Vakatakas Came to control parts of the Deccan and central
birch trees, and later on paper. India till the rise of Chalukyas. They belonged to Bundelkhand.
3. Over the year, many of these manuscripts got destroyed, The founder of this dynasty was Vindyasakti.
some of them are still preserved in temples, monasteries The kingdom extended from Bundel Khand to Andhra Pradesh
and archives. during the reign of Pravarasena I.
4. They throw light on the social and economic life, religious Prithvisena was the contemporary ruler of the great Gupta
beliefs, practices and cultures of the past. emperor Samudragupta. The Vetakatas were pioneer in the field
of art and literature.
1. The language of ancient Indian literature depend on the
Iksvakus built important monuments like Nagarjunakonda and
region where it was written.
Dharanikonda. Their rule ended after the annexation of Pallavas.
2. Some of the language included Prakrit, Pali, Sanskrit or
Tamil. The Pallavas
During the same period, the Pallavas and the Chalukyas had
3. For example, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana were
established powerful empires in South India. The Pallavas
written in Sanskrit because they were authored in the
are mentioned in Samudraguptas pillar, where he is said
northern part of India where Sanskrit happened to be the
to have defeated a Pallava king, Vishnugopa. The Pallavas
main language. were powerful between 330 and 550 BC. Their main area of
4. On the other hand, Silappadikaram and Manimekalaiwere dominance was kanchipuram,, their capital, up to the Kaveri
written in Tamil since they were written in Tamil speaking Delta. After Vishnugopas defeat by Samudragupta, the Pallavas
areas of south India. became weaker and the Cholas and the Kalabhras repeatedly
Religious Literature attacked the Pallava kingdom and robbed it of its wealth and
1. The Vedas and the Puranas contain details of rituals, territories. It was Simhavishnu son of Simhavarma II, who
prayers and religious practices of the Ancient past. eventually crushed the dominance of the Kolabhras in 575 BC
2. They are classified as sacred or religious literary sources. and re-established his kingdom. Although both the Pallava and
Pandya kingdoms were enemies, the real struggle for political
Non-Religious Literature domination was between the Pallavas and Chalukyas. The
1. The historical accounts and biographies written by poets Pallavas history between 600 and 900 BC is full of accounts of
and foreign travellers from part of Non-religious or regular wars between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas.
literature. The Chalukyas
2. They were written to record events, rules of the The incidence of grants to state officials varies from one region
contemporary society and administrative regulations. to another. The dynasty had two branches - Vatapi and Kalyani.
3. Kautilyas Arthashastra, accounts of the foreign The earlier rulers of this dynasty were Jayasingha and Rameraja.
travellers such as India written by the Greek ambassador The Chalukyan kings were great patrons of art and letters. Much
Megasthernes in the court of Chandragupta Maurya, and of the Ajanta and Ellora paintings were completed during this
the writings of Chinese travellers Fa-Hien and Hiuen - period. The famous scholars of their times include Bilhara a
Tsang are considered as secular literature. Sanskrit writer of works such a Vikramaskadeva Charita and
4. They describe the political, social and economic life of a the poem Chaurapanchesika and Vijnanesvara who wrote the
certain period. Mitaksara.
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The Chalukyas were largely influential in the ara around By his ability, prowess and military skill, Rajaraja I defected
Raichur Doab between Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers. Their the Cheras and seized Madurai. He invaded Sri Lanka and
capital was Aihole which was also an important trading centre. annexed its northern part which became a chota Province under
The famous rulers of this dynasty were Pulakesin I, who was the the name Mummadi Cholaman Dalam. Rajaraja I then overran
first independent ruler of Badami with Vatapi in Bijapur as his the eastern chalukyas who eventually accepted his authority
capital. He was succeeded by Kirthivaramal I and Pulakesin II. Rajaraja I constructed the beautiful Siva temple at Thanjavur,
Pulakesin II, the grandson of Pulakesin I, was a contemporary called Rajarajesvara temple. An account of Rajaraja Is exploits
of Harshvardhana and the most famous of the Chalukyan kings. is engraved on the walls of the temple.
He expanded his kingdom by annexing the entire Andhra His son Rajendra I, by his military valout and administrative
Kingdom. His reign is remembered as the greatest period in the talents, raised the Chola empire to a pinnacle of glory. He
history of Karnataka. He defeated Harshavardhana on the banks annexed the whole of Sri-Lankia and reasserted the Chola
of the river Narmada. Ravikriti was the court poet of Pulakesin supremacy over Kerala and the Pandhyan country. His army
II, who composed the Aihole Inscription. marked trinimphantly upto river Ganga and the dominions of
This inscription gives a vivid account of the Chalukyan rule. the Pala king, Mahipala.
The Rashtrakutas He adopted the title of Gangaikonda and founded a new capital
The term Rashtrakutas means designated of ficers - incharge called Gangaikonda Cholapuram in Tiruchirapalli district. The
of territorial divisions called Rashtra. They were feudatories chola monarchs achievements were not limited to land only. He
under the chalukyas of Badami. The founder of the Rashtrakuta possessed a powerful naval fleet which gained successes across
kingdom was Dantivarman or Dantidurga, who after defeating the Bay of Bengal. It is said that he also sent expeditions to
the Chalukyas king Kirti - Varman in the early eight century Java and Sumatra, presumably to further commercial relations
wrested from him the greater portion of the Deccan. between the Malaya Peninsula and south India.
Dantivarman was succeeded in C.A.D. 750 by his uncle Krishna The Chola Administration
I, Who gave the final blow to the power of the Chalukyas King and The Ministers
of Badami, attacked the Gangas of Mysore and forced the The king was the head of the state. He discharged his duties
Chalukyas of Vengi to acknowledge his supremacy. His son and responsibilities with the help of ministers and other high
Govinda II was dethroned by his younger brother Dhruva C. officers.
A.D. 779. The inscriptions of the Cholas prove that their system of
Their Cultural Contribution administration was highly organised and efficient. Apart from
The ascendancy of the Rashtrakutas in the Deccan constitutes the ruler (Tiruvakya - Kelvi) there was a ministerial council and
one of the most brilliant chapters in the history of the Deccan. an organised administrative staff. The ruler maintained close
They were tolerant in religious matters and Patronised not contact with the council of ministers and royal tours contributed
only Shaivism and Vaishnavism, but Jainism as well. The to the efficiency of the administration. The officers were paid
Rajhtrakutas were even tolerant of Islam. They permitted the by land assignments. They were honoured and encouraged
muslim merchants to settle, build their mosques and preach by conferring titles. The higher officials enjoyed the tittle
their religion in the Rashtrakutas. Their tolerant policies gave of Penundaram, and the lower ones Sirutaram. The Cholas
great impetus to trade and commerce. also constructed roads which helped in trade, commerce and
In the field of literature also their tolerant spirit is visible. They communication.
equally patronised Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabhransa, forerunner Revenue
of many modern Indian languages, and Kannada. They
Revenue was derived mainly from land and Collected in
patronised the arts liberally. The rock-cut cave temples at Ellora
kind, or in cash, or in both, by village assemblies. Land was
- Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jain - are the symbols of their
possessed by individuals and communities. The states share of
religious toleration and are one of the splendours of Indian art.
land revenue was fixed at 1/3rd of the produce after an elaborate
The kailash temple, built by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I, is
land survey in the time of Rajaraja I. There were periodical
an unrivalled and stupendous piece of art. The ancient Indian
rock - cut architecture reached its Zenith under the Rashtrakutas. revisions of the classifications of land and of the assessment
of land revenue. Other sources of public income were customs
The Cholas and tolls, taxes on various kinds of professions, mines, forests,
The Cholas or chodas, as rulers, are known to have existed saltpans, etc. Failure to pay the land revenue involved sale of
from remote antiquity. According to II and XIII Rock Edicts of the land in question, including temple lands.
Ashoka, the earliest historical documents to refer to the Cholas,
they were a friendly power in the south beyond the pale of Irrigation
Mauryan Suzerainty. The chola dynasty ruled over Tamil Nadu Agricultural property was ensured by the special attention given
and parts of Karnataka. Tanjore was its capital city. to irrigation by the government as well as local authorities.
The Cholas disappeared only to resurface in 850 BC when Village assemblies were responsible for maintaining tanks in
Vijayalaya captured Tanjore and made it his capital. However, good condition and for reelaiming forest and wastelands. The
during the rule of Rajaraja I and his son Rajendra I the Cholas Cholas spend huge amounts on building canals, tanks, dams
entered their most glorious phase. They expanded the kingdom and wells. Rajendra I dug an artificial lake near his new capital,
beyond south India to Sri Lanka, Java and Sumatra. Gangaikonda Cholapuram.
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Army Kingdoms of Early Medievl Period
The army consisted of elephants, cavalry and infantry. Attention North Western Harappa
was given to training and discipline of the cantonments. It was Aryanas (1500 - 600 BC)
composed chiefly of Kaikkolas or Sengundar.
Magadh Shisunga Nandas
The commanders enjoyed the rank of nayaka senapati, or Mauryans Chandragupta Ashoka
mahadandanayaka. The Cholas under Rajaraja controlled the
coromandel and malabar coast and the Bay of Bengal. Shunga (185 - 74 BC)
Village Administrations Kharvedla (Ist century BC)
The village was the primary unit of society and Polity. The Guptas
village assemblies held the society together through its unique Chandragupta I
feature of autonomy and self-sufficiency. From the Uttaramerur
inscriptions we find reference to at least three types of assemblies
which played a regular part in local administration, namely the chandragupta II
Ur, Sabha or Mahasabha and Nagaram. The Ur was an assembly Huna invasions (454 and 495) Western
of common villages where the land was held by all classes of
Harsha of Kanhauj
people who were, therefore, entitled to membership in the local
assembly. Central
The Sabha was an exclusively brhamin assembly of the Satvahanas
Brhamadeya villages where all the land belonged to the Gautamiputra
Brahmin. Vashisthiputra
The Nagaram was an assembly of merchants and belonged Shakas
to localities where traders and merchants were in a dominant
position. The Sabha, generally comprising the elite or learned
in the community commanded the respect of all the other Chalukyas 550 - 753
assemblies in settling crucial matters of common concern. South - Eastern
Million Dollar Quote Pallavas
The Uttaramerur inscription be belonged to the reign of the Adiyla
Chola monarch Parantaka I (10th century)
Porantaka I
Chola Temples Cholas
Under the Chola temples became the centre of life. They were
not only places of worship but also emerged as the hub of
economic, political and cultural activities. The village assembly Rajendra I
unfavorably held its meetings in the temple mandapa or hall. The Kadamlas
Temples also grew as centres of craft especially the creation of
Kadambas were brahmans. Its founder was Mayurajarmas.
bronze images which was the most distinctive. Many cultural It was during the reign of Kakustha-varman that Kadamba
activities like music and dance also prepared in the temples. dominion and influence grew.
The Chola records frequently refer to Devadana gifts of land.
Temple architecture, particularly the Dravida or south Indian
The Hoysalas
style of architecture, reached its peak under the Cholas. The The founder of this dynasty was Sala. They were temple builders
chief feature of a Chola temple is the Vimana or the tower, and constructed Kesava temple at Belur which is dedicated
to Vishnu and the Hoysaleswara temple dedicated to Siva at
which was later eclipsed by the richly ornamented gopuram or
gateway. In the Brihadeswara or Rajarajesvara temple dedicated
to Siva, the Vimana or tower is about 57 metres high upon a The Gangas
They were associated with the Kanva dynasty, Most of the
square, comprising thirteen successive stories. It is crowned by
a single block of granite, 7.5 metres high and about 80 tonnes Ganga rulers were devotes of Jainism.
in weight. Similarly, Rajendra I erected a splendid temple at his
The Yadavs
new capital, Gangaiskonda Cholapuram. They were the descendants of Lord Krishna. The first ruler of
Some Chola temples at Thanjavur and Kalohasti Contain this dynasty was Bhillama V and made Devagiri his capital.
But he was defeated by Vira Ballalo I Hoysala at the battle of
beautiful royal portraits. The metal and stone images cast during
the period are exquistite. The masterpiece of Chola sculpture Lakhundi.
is the famous Nataraja or the Dancing Siva image at the great The Kakatiyas
temple of Chidambaram. This Nataraja has been described as Kakatiyas were popular under the rule of Ganapati. He
the cultural epitome of the Chola period. The Cholas also successfully overcome the Cholas, Kalingas, Yadavs, Karnatalata
patronised painting. The most important Chola paintings are and Valondu. He was succeeded by his daughter Rudramba in
those in the Pradakshinapath of the Rajarajesvara temple. 1261.
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Lets Revise Recap
1. During the a period 700 - 1200 CE the Gurjara - Pratiharas, 1. Delhi became important under the Delhi Sultanate.
Pales, Rashtrakutas and Chahamanas came up in north 2. The important dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate were the
India and the Chola kingdom in south India. slave Dynasty, Khalsi Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty, Sayyid
2. The three kingdoms - Gurjaras, Palas and Rashtrakutas Dynasty and Lodi Dynasty.
were in constant struggle to acquire control over Kannauj.
3. The foundation of the slave Dynasty was laid down by
This struggle was termed as tripartite struggle. Qutubuddin Aibak.
3. Majmud Ghazni was the earliest Turkish invader in India.
4. Alauddin Khalji, the most important ruler of the Khalji
4. In south India, the Cholas emerged as the most powerful Dynasty introduced the market control and administrative
kingdom where the king was the head of the state.
measures in order to maintain a large standing army.
5. The Chola village assemblies - Ur, Sabha and Nagaram
5. Among the Tughlaqs, Muhammad - Bin - Tughlaq
played an important role in village administration deciding
introduced three projects - Shift of capital form Delhi to
upon its crucial matters.
Daulatabad, introduction of token currency, raising of
The Delhi Sultanate
land tax in the Doab region to fifty percent - all of which
Delhi was the capital of the Delhi Sultanate in the beginning failed and weakened his position.
of the thirteen century. The Sultans of Delhi built many cities
in the area that is now known as Delhi. The rule of the Delhi 6. After the Tughlaq dynasty, the disintegration of the Delhi
Sultanate can be divided into five distinct periods on the basis Sultanate set in though the Sayyids and Lodis continued to
of dynastic rule. rule till 1526.
7. In the medieval period two new religious movements
Dynasties of Delhi Sultanate
gained popularity.
Delhi Sultanate was ruled by five dynasties.
Dynasty Period (i) Sufism (ii) Bhakti
The Slaves 1206 - 1290 CE 8. Sufism was Islamic mystic tradition while Bhakti was the
The Khaljis 1290 - 1320 CE devotion towards a God or his various forms.
The Tughlaqs 1320 - 1414 CE 9. Sufism introduced many popular orders or Silsilahs,
The Sayyids 1414 - 1451 CE of which the most widespread were the suhrawardi and
The Lodis 1415 - 1526 CE Chisthti silsilahs.
Turkan - I - Chihilgani The Background of Delhi Sultanate
The most important institution that developed under the slave 1. First Muslim Invasion - Mohamamd Bin Qasims
Dynasty was the institution of Turkan -I- Chihilgani. It was also - invasion (712 AD)
called Chalgan or the forty. Chalgans were a group highly 2. First Turk Invasion - Mahmud Ghaznavis invasion
placed and powerful officers, whom Iltutmish had organised (998 - 1030 AD).
as his personal suppoters. However, during the days of civil 3. Second Turk invasion - Mohammad Ghoris invasion
war between the successors of Iltutmish, the chalgan started (1175 - 1206) AD).
looking for personal gains and played one prince against the 4. The success of Turks in India.
other : When Balban Assumed charge as Sultan, he crushed
North India
their power and strengthened his route.
Gurjar Pratihar Dynasty
Experiments of Muhammad Tughlaq
The Pratihara are believed to be the elan of Rajputs. They set
1. Raising the taxes in Doab.
foot in India during the Huns invasion and settle around Punjab
2. Transfer the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.
Rajputana region. Soon they advanced to Aravali and Ujjain.
3. Introduction of the taken currency.
The branch of the Pratiharas who ruled in the Gujarat were the
4. Expeditions into Khurson and Qurachil.
Gurjaras. The inscription of the Pratiharas trace their origin
The Sultanate after the Tughlaqs
to Lakshmana, the Anuja of Rama, who acted as Ramas door
After the Tughlaqs, the Sayyid and the Lodi Dynasties
keeper or the Pratiharas. But in fact, when Danti-Durga, the
continued to rule from Delhi and Agra until 1526 but the control
Rashtrakuta king defeated the Gurjara king Nagabhata - I, the
of the Delhi Sultans was only over a small region neighbrouring
latter was made a Pratihara while Dantidurga performed the
Delhi. Regions like Jaunpur, Bengal, Malwas, Gujrat, Rajasthan
and the entire South India had independent rulers. Hiranyagarbha dana ceremony at Ujjain.

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