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Tic Tac Toe

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Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board: Trigonometry

Directions: Start with number 5 and then make two other choices to make your tic-tac-toe. Each activity is
worth 10 points for a total of 30 points possible.

Read through the notes Go to Go to section 8-4 titled

and then do some practice https://join.quizizz.com and “Trigonometry” on page
problems near the bottom enter game code 229511. 456 in this textbook.
where it says “Practice Here.” Read until page 459 and take
When you feel comfortable, work After finishing the quiz, your results notes if needed. Then solve
out Question 1-10 (draw and label will show you how many you got problems 1, 7, 14, 18, 29, 33, 37,
the triangle for each problem and correct and incorrect. When you 42, 45, 49 on pages 460-461.
show all work) where it says, “Your scroll down the page, there will be a Show all work.
turn.” red line running down on the left side
of each problem you got incorrect.
For each problem you got incorrect,
draw that appropriate picture and
explain the answer (show work if

Click on the link and read Watch the following video Create a presentation on
through the notes until you to learn about finding the finding the area of a
reach the Review area of a triangle using sines. triangle using the sine
problems. Work out the first ten Take notes and make sure your notes formula with
review problems. Draw all also address the following 3 questions: https://www.knovio.com/ (you
triangles and show complete work. can create an account and is free
1. What is the general area of a to use). In your presentation, use
triangle? at least 3 slides as you explain the
2. What is the sine formula to find the formula and create two problems
area of a triangle? with appropriate triangles drawn
3. What do you notice about the and complete
position of the sides and angle used in
the formula?

Create a poster clearly Create a graphic organizer of Solve this problem: A

explaining the formula for your choice (you may use a landscape designer is
the area of a triangle using graphic organizer not listed designing a flower
sines. Create four triangles whose on the site) on finding the area of a garden for a triangular area that is
area can be found using the formula triangle using sines. Make sure you bounded on two sides by the
and solve each provide at least 2 examples of client’s house and driveway. The
triangle showing triangles where you can apply the length of the edges of the garden
complete work. formula with all work shown. along the house and driveway are
Make sure poster is and respectively, and the edges
creative, colorful, come together at an angle of 80°.
and organized. Draw a diagram, and then find the
area of the garden to the nearest
square foot.

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