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Lesson Plan

Teacher: G Johnson Date: September 20, 2012.

Subject: Mathematics Class: 11L
Unit: Trigonometry Duration: 1hr: 40mins
Topic: Using Pythagoras’ Theorem to solve trigonometrical problems

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a good grasp of transposing formulas and also be
able to manipulate the function of the calculator to find the square and square root of a number.

Methodologies: Guided discovery, questioning, and discussion.

Resources: Calculators, whiteboard markers Grid paper, work sheets, lap top and multimedia

AIM To reinforce students ability to effectively use Pythagoras’ theorem to

perform problem solving.
OBJECTIVES By the end of lesson students should be able to:
Explain the following terms:
(a) Square root
(b) Square of a number
1. Find missing lengths of sides of the right-angled triangle using
Pythagoras’ theorem.
2. Apply Pythagoras theorem to real life conditions to solve
a) Appreciate the value of computational techniques in using
Pythagoras theorem to solve trigonometrical problems.

MOTIVATION (10 Mins.) Teacher will conduct a brief power point presentation on some very
interesting real life applications of Pythagoras theorem.

MINI LESSON (20 Mins) To reinforce the students’ understanding of Pythagoras Theorem and
its application to real life condition the teacher will continue to use
the computer technology to illustrate the following objectives through
the aid of power point presentation:
 Basic questions + application to problems
 Demonstration of seven additional method of deriving
Pythagoras theorem.
 Illustrating Pythagoras in 3D
PARTNER/SMALL The students will then work in group of three to complete a real world
GROUP(40 Mins) in class task that will be graded. Below is a description of the task and
the rubric guiding the students:
3. Class Work Task (will be graded) – The Entertainment Centre

In designing a new corner cabinet for our family room, my family and

I had to figure out how deep to make it so that the TV we currently

have would fit. We want the new cabinet to be the same length on

each side (along the two walls).

Here is an overhead view:

How long should each side of the cabinet be? Show all of your
calculations and explain how you approached and solved this problem.

Rubric for Classroom Task – The Entertainment Centre

 Novice Use of correct formulas is minimal or non-

existent. Written explanations express confusion and
incorrect information. Diagram work is sparse and
incorrect. Sometimes no final answer is given.

 Apprentice Has some accurate formulas to find partial

correct solutions to the problem. Written explanations
usually include a point at which the student becomes stuck.
Diagram work includes some incorrect information at

 Practitioner Uses accurate formulas to find correct

solutions to the problem. His/her written explanations are
clear and straightforward. Diagram work is accurate.
INDEPENDENT Student will continue to use Pythagoras theorem to explore the
WORK(15Mins) solutions to real life problems and they will be given the following
question to solve individually:
1. A ladder 10 long leans against a vertical wall. The foot of the
ladder A is 6m from the base of the wall B and it reaches up the wall
to point C.
a) Draw a diagram to represent the information given above.
b) Using the diagram determine the height of C above B.

WHOLE CLASS SHARE(15) Teacher and student will discuss both group and individual activities.
A member of each group will be given the opportunity to share the
group’s results with the rest of the class. The teacher will take note of
any error in reasoning and computation and make necessary
AFTER CLASS ACTIVITIES Student will continue to explore the use of Pythagoras to solve real
life problems and they will be asked to use Pythagoras theorem to
solve the following real life scenario :
You're locked out of your house and the only open window is on the
second floor, 25 feet above the ground. You need to borrow a ladder
from one of your neighbors. There's a bush along the edge of the
house, so you'll have to place the ladder 10 feet from the house. What
length of ladder do you need to reach the window?
 Reflection.
 Quiz

Lesson Plan
Teacher: G Johnson Date: September 20, 2012.
Subject: Mathematics Class: 11L
Unit: Trigonometry Duration: 1hr: 40mins
Topic: Trigonometric Ratios
Previous Knowledge: Students should have a good grasp of transposing formulas and also be
able to manipulate the function of a scientific calculator. Student should also be able to identify
the hypotenuse side of a right-angled triangle.

Methodologies: Guided discovery, questioning, and discussion.

Resources: Calculators, whiteboard markers Grid paper, work sheets, lap top and multimedia

AIM How do we use trigonometric ratios to find angles in a right-angled

OBJECTIVES By the end of lesson students should be able to:
Explain the following terms:
(a) Trigonometric ratios
(b) Adjacent
(c) Opposite
(d) Natural sine/cosine/tangent
1.Name the sides of a right-angled triangle in relation to an identified
2. Derive general trigonometric statements showing the relationship
between the angles and sides of the right-angled triangle.
3. Determine the trigonometric ratios of given angles using
4. Apply trigonometric ratios to find the size of missing angles in
right-angled triangles.
a) Appreciate the value of computational techniques in using
trigonometric ratios to solve trigonometrical problems.

MOTIVATION (5 Mins.) Math Game: The teacher will place students in groups and use
multimedia projector and lap top to play a game of math jeopardy.
MINI LESSON (30 Mins)  Objectives will be presented to students using the multi-media
 The teacher will use an introductory activity to introduce the
trigonometric ratios to the students (see introductory activity
sheet). By completing this activity the students will explore the
meaning of adjacent and opposite.
 The teacher will use guided discovery to get students
understand which trigonometric ratio is appropriate for given
 Students will be guided through discussion to note that the
sides of the right angled triangle can be named using the
strategy employed in the introductory activity.
 Students will also be guided how to use their calculators to
find the trigonometric ratios of given angles.

PARTNER/SMALL The students will then be placed in groups and teacher will give each
GROUP(40 Mins) group different sets of triangles to work with. The students will be
asked to measure the sides and the angles of the triangle that they are
given. Teacher will then guide students to complete the table below:


ANGLE. (sine, cosine,

O/A =

O/H =

A/H =

O/A =

O/H =

A/H =
 Students will be asked to compare their results in columns 3
and 4. Students will be guided through discussion to state the
relationship between specific angles and the ratios of pairs of
sides thus generating the trigonometric ratios.

INDEPENDENT Student will continue to explore using trigonometric ratios to find the
WORK(15Mins) size of angles in right-angled triangles and they will be given selected
questions from their text books to solve.

WHOLE CLASS Teacher and student will discuss both group and individual activities.
SHARE(15mins) A member of each group will be given the opportunity to share the
group’s results with the rest of the class. The teacher will take note of
any error in reasoning and computation and make necessary
AFTER CLASS ACTIVITIES Student will be given the following real world project to explore the
use of trigonometric ratios in real life applications in addition to
showing the students the connection between trigonometry and
coordinate geometry:
The Motor Vehicle Law stipulates that vehicle ramps must not have a
slope greater than 12 . Their assignment will be to evaluate the
existing “ramps” at an examination depot that are used to inspect
vehicles and see if the steepness is appropriate.
1) Measure the rise and run of each ramp.
2) Use your knowledge of trigonometric ratios to calculate the
degree of each slope.
Rise Run Slope
Ramp 01
Ramp 02
Ramp 03
Ramp 04
Ramp 05
Ramp 06
Ramp 07
Ramp 08
Ramp 09
Ramp 10

3) Determine which of the above ramps if any, are two steep

according to the motor vehicle Law?
 Reflection.
 Quiz


INSTRUCTIONS: State the ratio of the sides as given in the clue then use your answers to
complete the given statement. NB. Other sides of the triangle are stated in relation to the
position of the bear.

1. Clue: opposite 2. Clue: adjacent

hypotenuse hypotenuse





3. Clue: opposite



______1_______ THAT YOU _______2__________ _______3_______.

Lesson Plan
Teacher: G Johnson Date:
Subject: Mathematics Class: 11L
Unit: Trigonometry Duration: 1hr: 40mins
Topic: Using trigonometric ratios to find the length of sides of a right-angled triangle.

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a good grasp of transposing formulas and also be
able to manipulate the function of a scientific calculator to find sine, cosine and tangent ratios of
angles. Student should also be able to identify the opposite and the adjacent side in relation a
given angled.

Methodologies: Guided discovery, questioning, and discussion.

Resources: Calculators, whiteboard markers Grid paper, graph sheets, lap top and multimedia

AIM How do we use trigonometric ratios to find the length of sides a right-
angled triangle?
OBJECTIVES By the end of lesson students should be able to:
Explain when to use trigonometric ratios to find the length of missing
sides. Students should also be able to describe cases when they cannot
use trigonometric ratios to find the missing sides of right-angled

1. Identify the different cases when it is appropriate to use
trigonometrical ratios to find the missing sides.
2. Apply trigonometric ratios to find the missing sides of right-
angled triangles.
3. Model and solve real world problems using trigonometrical
a) Appreciate the fact that many complex real life problems can be
solved using trigonometric ratios.
MOTIVATION (5 Mins.) Brain Teaser: You are on the bank of a river. You have to get a fox, a
hen, and corn to the other site of the river. If left alone, the fox will eat
the hen, the hen will also eat the corn if left alone. The boat is only big
enough to take you and one other three to the other side.
How do you get all 3 across intact?

MINI LESSON (30 Mins)  Objectives will be presented to students using the multi-media
 The teacher will then present students with the following




 Teacher will then asked the students to tell whether or not it is
possible to use any of the methods they have learn so far
including Pythagoras to find the missing side.
 The teacher will continue with the use of questioning to clarify
students’ conceptual understanding by asking them to explain
why the other methods cannot solve for the missing side.
 The students will then be guided through questioning to solve
given problems on the chalkboard that require them to calculate
missing side/s of a right-angled triangle using trigonometric

PARTNER/SMALL  The students will then be placed in groups and complete an

GROUP(40 Mins) activity on graph sheet (graphing calculator is the ideal resource
material) that will make them discover how small changes in the
measurements of a right-angled triangle can influence the whole
triangle. Students will track data and analyze changes in order to
look for patterns. Students will then use these patterns to develop
a function that describes how the changes relate to one another.

Question 1
(a) Given that TAN is a right triangle with TAN 90and NTA
85find the length of AN (see Figure 1) for each of the
following cases. Before you begin, describe how you think the
length of AN will change over the course of these cases.
TA(Meters) AN(Meters)


(b) Study your results from part (a) and write a few sentences to
describe how the length of AN changed as the value of TA steadily
increased from 100 to 101 meters.
(c) Search for a pattern in the results for part (a) and use your
observations to predict the value of the length of A for the case where
TA 104 .Then find the length of AN using trigonometry and compare
the result with your prediction.
(d) Let TA x and let y equal the length of AN. Develop an
equation for y in terms of x and use this equation to sketch the graph of y
versus x. Is this graph consistent with your results from parts (a) to (c) of
this question?

INDEPENDENT Student will continue to explore the relationship between length of sides
WORK(15Mins) and the size of angles and the length of sides. The following question
will be given to students to be solved individually:
Question 2
(a) Given that TAN is a right triangle, with TAN 90and TA
100, find the length of AN (see Figure 1 above) for each of the
following cases. Before you begin, describe how you think the
length of AN will change over the course of these cases.
 NTA AN (meters)

(b) Study your results from part (a) and write a few sentences to
describe how the length of AN changed as the value of NTA steadily
increased from 85° to 86°.
(c) Search for a pattern in the results for part (a) and use your
observations to predict the value of the length of AN for the case where
 NTA 89. Then find the length of AN using trigonometry and
compare the result with your prediction.
(d) Let NTA x and let y equal the length of AN. Develop an
equation for y in terms of x and use this equation to sketch the graph of y
versus x. Is this graph consistent with your results from parts (a) to (c) of
this question?
WHOLE CLASS Teacher and student will discuss both group and individual activities. A
SHARE(15mins) member of each group will be given the opportunity to share the group’s
results with the rest of the class. The teacher will take note of any error
in reasoning and computation and make necessary corrections.
AFTER CLASS Student will be given the following real world project to explore the use
ACTIVITIES of trigonometric ratios in real life applications and they will be given the
following real world problems to model and solve:
(a) Some luggage pieces have wheels and a handle so that the
luggage can be pulled along the ground. Suppose a person’s hand
is about 30 inches from the floor. About how long should the
handle be on the suitcase shown so that it can roll at a
comfortable angle of 45° with the floor?
(b) The escalator at the Wilshire/Vermont
Metro Rail Station in Los Angeles rises 76 feet at
a 30° angle. To find the distance d a person travels on the
escalator stairs, you can write a trigonometric ratio that
involves the hypotenuse and the known leg length of
76 feet.


1. Portfolio - Sample items for the portfolio are:

 Collect pictures of at least three different ways in which concepts

relating to right-angled triangles can be applied to real world


 Identify the concept/s that can be used in each situation.

 Explain why this concept is suitable for the given situation.

 Write a real world problem that involves the situation depicted in

each picture.

 Reflection.
 Quiz

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