Propulsion System Design of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Mehrdad Ehsani, Khwaja M. Rahman, and Hamid A. Toliyat
Propulsion System Design of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Mehrdad Ehsani, Khwaja M. Rahman, and Hamid A. Toliyat
Propulsion System Design of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Mehrdad Ehsani, Khwaja M. Rahman, and Hamid A. Toliyat
1, FEBRUARY 1997 19
Abstract— There is a growing interest in electric and hybrid- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conventional ICE
electric vehicles due to environmental concerns. Recent efforts vehicles currently contribute 40%–50% of ozone, 80%–90%
are directed toward developing an improved propulsion system
of carbon monoxide, and 50%–60% of air toxins found in
for electric and hybrid-electric vehicles applications. This paper
is aimed at developing the system design philosophies of electric urban areas [1]. Besides air pollution, the other main objection
and hybrid vehicle propulsion systems. The vehicles’ dynamics regarding ICE automobiles is their extremely low efficiency
are studied in an attempt to find an optimal torque-speed profile use of fossil fuel. Hence, the problem associated with ICE
for the electric propulsion system. This study reveals that the automobiles is threefold: environmental, economical, as well
vehicles’ operational constraints, such as initial acceleration and
grade, can be met with minimum power rating if the power train as political. These concerns have forced governments all
can be operated mostly in the constant power region. Several over the world to consider alternative vehicle concepts. The
examples are presented to demonstrate the importance of the California Air Resource Board (CARB) is among the few that
constant power operation. Operation of several candidate motors acted first through the declaration of the Clear Air Act of
in the constant power region are also examined. Their behaviors
are compared and conclusions are made. September 1990. This act requires that 52% of all vehicles sold
in that state be either low-emission vehicles (LEV’s)—48%,
Index Terms— Electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, motor
ultralow-emission vehicles (ULEV’s)—2%, or zero-emission
drives, road vehicle electric propulsion, road vehicle propulsion.
vehicles (ZEV’s)—2%, by 1998 [2]. Similar measures are
being considered in other states and nations as well.
I. INTRODUCTION EV’s and hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV’s) offer the most
promising solutions to reduce vehicular emissions. EV’s con-
T HE CONCEPT of the electric vehicle (EV) was con-
ceived in the middle of the previous century. After the
introduction of the internal combustion engine (ICE), EV’s
stitute the only commonly known group of automobiles that
qualify as ZEV’s. These vehicles use an electric motor for
remained in existence side by side with the ICE for several propulsion and batteries as electrical-energy storage devices.
years. The energy density of gasoline is far more than what Although there have been significant advancements in motors,
the electrochemical battery could offer. Despite this fact, the power electronics, microelectronics, and microprocessor con-
EV continued to exist, especially in urban areas due to its trol of motor drives, the advancement in battery technology has
self-starting capability. However, soon after the introduction been relatively sluggish. Hence, the handicap of short range
of the electric starter for ICE’s early this century, despite associated with EV’s still remains. Given these technology
being energy-efficient and nonpolluting, the EV lost the battle limitations, the HEV seems to be the viable alternative to the
completely to the ICE due to its limited range and inferior ICE automobile at the present. HEV’s qualify as ULEV’s and
performance. Since then, the ICE has evolved, improved do not suffer from the range limitations imposed by EV’s.
in design, and received widespread acceptance and respect. These vehicles combine more than one energy source to propel
Although this essentially is the case, EV interest never perished the automobile. In heat engine/battery hybrid systems, the
completely and whenever there has been any crisis regarding mechanical power available from the heat engine is combined
the operation of ICE automobiles, we have seen a renewed with the electrical energy stored in a battery to propel the
interest in the EV. The early air quality concerns in the 1960’s vehicle. These systems also require an electric drivetrain to
and the energy crisis in the 1970’s have brought EV’s back convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, just like the
to the street again. However, the most recent environmental EV. Hybrid-electric systems can be broadly classified as series
awareness and energy concerns have imposed, for the first or parallel hybrid systems [3].
time since its introduction, a serious threat to the use of ICE In series hybrid systems, all the torque required to propel
automobiles. the vehicle is provided by an electric motor. On the other
The ICE automobile at the present is a major source of hand, in parallel hybrid systems the torque obtained from the
urban pollution. According to figures released by the U.S. heat engine is mechanically coupled to the torque produced
by an electric motor [3]. In the EV, the electric motor behaves
Manuscript received February 26, 1996; revised April 17, 1996. exactly in the same manner as in a series hybrid. Therefore,
The authors are with the Texas Applied Power Electronics Center, Depart- the torque and power requirements of the electric motor are
ment of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
77843-3128 USA. roughly equal for an EV and series hybrid, while they are
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(97)00069-5. lower for a parallel hybrid.
0278–0046/97$10.00 1997 IEEE
This paper presents the EV and HEV propulsion system 1) electric motor power rating;
design philosophies. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2) motor rated speed;
II describes the design constraints and the variables for EV and 3) motor maximum speed;
HEV systems. Design philosophies of EV and HEV propulsion 4) the extent of constant power speed range beyond the
systems are presented in Sections III and IV, respectively. Sec- rated speed;
tion V examines several of the most commonly used motors 5) gear ratio between motor shaft and the wheel shaft
for EV and HEV system design. Section VI presents some test (transmission).
data from the Texas A&M University, College Station, hybrid Designing an optimal torque-speed profile for the ICE is
vehicle. Summary and conclusions are presented in Section beyond the scope of this paper. However, assuming a typical
VII. ICE torque-speed profile, we will specify the required ICE
power by our design procedure. Therefore, the design variables
II. SPECIFICATIONS OF EV AND for the mechanical propulsion system are:
2) gear ratio between ICE and the wheel shaft.
A. System Design Constraints As mentioned earlier, the main design objective is to find
the minimum drive weight, volume, and cost that will meet the
Vehicle operation consists of three main segments. These
design constraints with minimum power. EV system design is
are: 1) the initial acceleration; 2) cruising at vehicle rated
addressed first. The HEV system design is then presented as
speed; and 3) cruising at the maximum speed. These three
a modification of the EV system design.
operations provide the basic design constraints for the EV
and HEV drivetrain. A drivetrain capable of meeting these
constraints will function adequately in the other operational C. Road Load Characteristics
regimes. Refinements to these basic design constraints are The road load consists of rolling resistance ,
necessary for an actual commercial product, but those are aerodynamic drag , and climbing resistance [4]:
beyond the scope of this paper. The objective here is to meet
these constraints with minimum power. The variables defining (1)
the above design constraints are:
1) vehicle rated velocity, ; The rolling resistance is caused by the tire deformation
2) specified time to attain this velocity, ; on the road:
3) vehicle maximum velocity, ;
4) vehicle mass and other physical dimensions. (2)
1) Initial Acceleration: The initial acceleration force takes
where is the tire rolling resistance coefficient. It increases
the vehicle from standstill to its rated velocity, , in some
with vehicle velocity and also during vehicle turning ma-
specified time, seconds. This force is supplied entirely by
neuvers. Vehicle mass is represented by , and is the
the electric power train in an EV or series HEV. In a parallel
gravitational acceleration constant.
HEV, the acceleration force is supplied by the electric power
Aerodynamic drag, , is the viscous resistance of air acting
train in combination with the ICE power train.
upon the vehicle:
2) Cruising at Rated Vehicle Speed : The electric mo-
tor provides the necessary propulsion force at rated vehicle
speed in the EV and series HEV. On the other hand, the ICE of
the parallel HEV should be capable of delivering enough force,
where is the air density, is the aerodynamic drag
without any help from the electric power train, to overcome
coefficient, is the vehicle frontal area, is the vehicle speed,
road load and cruise at the rated vehicle speed on a grade of at
and is the head-wind velocity.
least 3%. In addition, there should be a margin of about 10%
The climbing resistance ( with positive operational sign)
power to charge the batterypack.
and the downgrade force ( with negative operational sign)
3) Cruising at Maximum Vehicle Speed: The maximum
is given by
cruising force is provided by the electric motor in the EV
and series HEV. In the parallel HEV, the electric motor and (4)
ICE should work in combination to provide the required force
to sustain the vehicle at its maximum velocity. where is the grade angle.
A typical road load characteristic as a function of vehicle
B. System Design Variables speed is shown in Fig. 1. The following assumptions are made
The main component of the EV is its electrical power train. in the plot:
However, in the HEV the propulsion system is a combination 1) velocity independent rolling resistance;
of the electric motor and ICE. The electric propulsion design 2) zero head-wind velocity;
variables are: 3) level ground.
Fig. 1. Typical road load characteristics as a function of vehicle speed. Fig. 2. Torque-speed diagram of an electrical motor in terms of tractive force
and vehicular speed with gear size as the parameter.
Fig. 3. Typical torque-speed profile of electric motor in terms of tractive Fig. 4. Acceleration power requirement as a function of motor rated speed.
force and vehicular speed. Continuous curve—resistanceless case, dashed curve—in the presence of road
Fig. 7. Family of ICE force-velocity profile with ICE size as the parameter.
(the throttle wide open) with the piston displacement as the An electric propulsion system is comprised of three main
variable. The correct ICE size can be determined from the elements: power electronic converter, motor, and its controller.
intersection of the road load curve with the ICE force-velocity This section is devoted to examining several of the most
profile at rated velocity, plus allowing a 10% margin for the commonly used motors and their control for EV and HEV
batterypack recharging. The exact amount of margin needed is propulsion. The importance of extended speed range under
the subject of a more complicated analysis involving vehicle motor constant power operation in an EV and HEV was
driving cycles, battery size, charge/discharge characteristics, established in the previous sections. This mode of operation
etc. is referred to as field weakening, from its origins in dc motor
drives. A detailed study of several commonly used motors for
B. Initial Acceleration EV and HEV propulsion application is presented in [7]. In this
section, we present a design example of several motors for the
The rated power to be delivered by the electric motor is constant power operation. This example will help clarify the
reduced in the case of the parallel HEV due to the mechanical capabilities of these motors for vehicle applications.
power available from the ICE. An example of the effect of ICE EV Data:
torque blending on the rated power requirement of the electric
• vehicle rated speed of 26.82 m/s (60 mi/h);
motor during initial acceleration is shown in Fig. 8. The figure
• required acceleration of 26.82 m/s in 10 s;
shows four different extended speed range operations of the
• vehicle maximum speed of 44.7 m/s (100 mi/h);
electric motor. The abscissa is the vehicle speed at which the
• vehicle mass of 1450 kg;
ICE torque is added. In all of the four cases, the ICE with
• rolling resistance coefficient of 0.013;
its low starting torque contributes little up to about the vehicle
• aerodynamic drag coefficient of 0.29;
speed of 20 mi/h. Therefore, this low-speed and low-efficiency
• frontal area of 2.13 m ;
operation of the ICE may be avoided without significantly
• wheel radius of 0.2794 m (11 in);
increasing the electric motor power requirement. It is important
• level ground;
to note that an extended constant power operation of the
• zero head wind.
electric motor is still a necessity to keep the power requirement
low (Fig. 8). The motor data are shown in Table II. The motor data
chosen are for the commercially available samples of these
motors. Clearly, more specific motors can be designed for
C. Cruising at Maximum Velocity vehicle applications, but such data were not available for this
At maximum vehicle velocity the power requirement is paper. Based on the vehicle data, the power requirement to
. This power is supplied by a combination of the cruise at the maximum speed is 41 kW. The motor power for
ICE and the electric motor. Once the ICE size is determined, acceleration and converter volt–ampere (VA) requirement for
the required electric motor power can be uniquely identified. each motor are shown in Table III.
As mentioned before, this power, in general, would be less The extended constant power range available from the
than the power requirement for the initial acceleration. induction motor clearly makes it highly favorable for vehicle