Block-5 Unit-16
Block-5 Unit-16
Block-5 Unit-16
Working Capital
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Significance of Working Capital
16.3 Operating Cycle
16.4 Concepts of Working Capital
16.5 Kinds of Working Capital
16.6 Components of Working Capital
16.7 Importance of Working Capital Management
16.8 Determinants of Workings Capital Needs
16.9 Approaches to Managing Working Capital
16.10 Measuring Working Capital
16.11 Working Capital Management under Inflation
16.12 Efficiency Criteria
16.13 Determining Optimal Cash Balance
16.14 Management of Cash Flows
16.15 Summary
16.16 Key Words
16.17 Self-assessment Questions/Exercises
16.18 Further Readings
Effective financial management is the outcome, among other things, of proper
management of investment of funds in business. Funds can be invested for permanent
or long-term purposes such as acquisition of fixed assets, diversification and
expansion of business, renovation or modernisation of plants & machinery, and
research & development.
Funds are also needed for short-term purposes, that is, for current operations of the
business. For example, if you are managing a manufacturing unit you will have to
arrange for procurement of raw material, payment of wages to your workmen and for
meeting routine expenses. All the goods, which are manufactured in a given time
period may not be sold in that period. Hence, some goods remain in stock, e.g., raw
material, semi-finished (manufacturing -in-process) goods and finished marketable
goods. Funds are thus blocked in different types of inventory. Again, the whole of the 5
Financial Decisions stock of finished goods may not be sold against ready cash; some of it may be sold
on credit. The credit sales also involve blocking of funds with debtors till cash is re-
ceived or the bills are cleared.
Working Capital refers to firm's investment in short-term assets, viz. cash, short-term
securities, accounts receivable (debtors) and inventories of raw materials, work-in-
process and finished goods. It can also be regarded as that portion of the firm's total
capital, which is employed in short-term operations. It refers to all aspects of current
assets and current liabilities. In simple words, we can say that working capital is the
investment needed for carrying out day-to-day operations of the business smoothly.
The management of working capital is no less important than the management of
long-term financial investment.
financial year. Obviously, the shorter the operating cycle, the larger will be
the turnover of funds invested for various purposes. The channels of the Management of
Working Capital
investment are called current assets. Sometimes the available funds may be in
excess of the needs for investment in these assets, e.g., inventory, receivables
and minimum essential cash balance. Any surplus may be invested in
government securities rather than being retained as idle cash balance.
According to this concept; working capital refers to the firms investment in current
assets. The amount of current liabilities is not deducted from the total of current
assets. This concept views Working Capital and aggregate of Current Assets as two
inter-changeable terms. This concept is also referred to as `Current Capital' or
`Circulating Capital'.
The proponents of the gross working capital concept advocate this for the following
i) Profits are earned with the help of assets, which are partly fixed and partly
current. To a certain degree, similarity can be observed in fixed and current
assets so far as both are partly financed by borrowed funds, and are expected to
yield earnings over and above the interest costs. Logic then demands that the
aggregate of current assets should be taken to mean the working capital.
ii) Management is more concerned with the total current assets as they constitute
the total funds available for operating purposes than with the sources from
which the funds come.
iii) An increase in the overall investment in the enterprise also brings about an
increase in the working capital.
The net working capital refers to the difference between current assets and current
liabilities. Current liabilities are those claims of outsiders, which are expected to
mature for payment within an accounting year and include creditors dues, bills
payable, bank overdraft and outstanding expenses. Net working capital can be
positive or negative. A negative net working capital occurs when current liabilities
are in excess of current assets.
"Whenever working capital is mentioned it brings to mind current assets and current
liabilities with a general understanding that working capital is the difference between
the two".
‘Net working capital’ is a qualitative concept, which indicates the liquidity position
of the firm and the extent to which working capital needs may be financed by
permanent sources of finds. This needs some explanation.
Several economists uphold the net working capital concept. In support of their stand,
they state that:
• In the long run what matters is the surplus of current assets over current liabilities.
• It is this concept which helps creditors and investors to judge the financial
soundness of the enterprise.
• It is the excess of current assets over current liabilities, which can be relied upon
to meet contingencies since this amount is not liable to be returned.
It may be stated that gross and net concepts of working capital are two important
facets of working capital management. Both the concepts have operational signifi-
cance for the management and therefore neither can be ignored. While the net
concept of working capital emphasizes the qualitative aspect, the gross concept
underscores the quantitative aspect.
The need for current assets is associated with the operating cycle, which, as you
know, is a continuous process. As such, the need for current assets is felt constantly.
The magnitude of investment in current assets however may not always be the same.
The need for investment in current assets may increase or decrease over a period of
time according to the level of production. Nevertheless, there is always a certain
minimum level of current assets, which is essential for the firm to carry on its
business irrespective of the level of operations. This is the irreducible minimum
amount necessary for maintaining the circulation of the current assets. This minimum
level of investment in current assets is permanently locked up in business and is
therefore referred to as permanent or fixed or regular working capital. It is permanent
in the same way as investment in the firm's fixed assets is.
Depending upon the changes in production and sales, the need for working capital,
over and above the permanent working capital, will fluctuate. The need for working
capital may also vary on account of seasonal changes or abnormal or unanticipated
conditions. For example, a rise in the price level may lead to an increase in the
amount of funds invested in stock of raw materials as well as finished goods. Addi-
tional doses of working capital may be required to face cutthroat competition in the
8 market or other contingencies like strikes and lockouts. Any special advertising
campaigns organised for increasing sales or other promotional activities may have to
be financed by additional working capital. The extra working capital needed to Management of
support the changing business activities is called the fluctuating (variable, seasonal, Working Capital
temporary or special) working capital.
Figures 16.2 and 16.3 give an idea about fixed and fluctuating working capital.
As seen in Figure 16.2, that fixed working capital is stable over time, where as
variable working capital is fluctuating-sometimes increasing and sometimes decreas-
ing. The permanent working capital line, however, may not always be horizontal. For
a growing firm, permanent working capital may also keep on increasing over time as
has been shown in Figure 16.3.
A part of the need for funds to finance the current assets may be met from supply of .
goods on credit, and deferment, on account of custom, usage or arrangement, of
payment for expenses.. The remaining part of the need for working capital may be
met from short-term borrowing from financiers like banks. These items are
collectively called current liabilities. Typical items of current liabilities are:
i) Goods purchased on credit
ii) Expenses incurred in the course of the business of the organisation (e.g.,
wages or salaries, rent, electricity bills, interest etc.) which are not yet paid
iii) Temporary or short term borrowings from banks, financial institutions or
other parties
iv) Advances received from parties against goods to be sold or delivered, or as
short term deposits.
v) Other current liabilities such as tax and dividends payable. Some of the major
components of current assets are explained here in brief:
Cash : All of us know that the basic input to start any business is cash. Cash is
initially required for acquiring fixed assets like plants and machinery which enables a
firm to produce products and generate cash by selling them. Cash is also required and
invested in working capital. Investments in working capital is required, as firms have
to store certain quantity of raw materials and finished goods and also for providing
credit terms to the customers.
A minimum level of cash helps in the conduct of everyday ordinary business such as
making of purchases and sales as well as for meeting the unexpected payments,
developments and other contingencies. As discussed earlier cash invested at the
beginning of-the operating cycle gets released at the end of the cycle to fund fresh
investments. However, additional cash is required by the firm when it needs to buy
more fixed assets, increase the level of operations or for bringing out change in
working capital cycle such as extending credit period to the customers.
The demand for cash is affected by several factors, some of them are within the
control of the managers and some are outside their control. It is not possible to
operate the business without holding cash but at the same time holding it without a
purpose also costs a firm either directly in the form of interest or loss of income that
could be earned out of the cash.
We will be subsequently discussing certain issues like the management of cash flows
and determination of optimal cash balance, etc. (in this unit).
Accounts Receivable: Firms rather prefer to sell for cash than on credit, but competi-
tive pressures force most firms to offer credit. Today the use of credit in the purchase f
goods and services is so common that it is taken for granted. Selling goods or
providing services on credit basis leads to accounts receivable. When consumers
expect credit, business units in turn expect credit from their suppliers to match their
10 investment in credit extended to consumers. The granting of credit from one business
firm to another for purchase of goods and services is popularly known as trade credit.
Though commercial banks provide a significant part of requirements for working
capital, trade credit continues to be a major source of funds for firms and accounts Management of
receivable that result from granting trade credit are major investment for the firm. Working Capital
Both direct and indirect costs are associated with carrying receivables, but it has an
important benefit for increasing sales. Excessive levels of accounts receivables result
in decline of cash flows and many result in bad debts which in turn may reduce the
profit of the firm. Therefore, it is very important to monitor and manage receivables
carefully and regularly. We would be dealing with this topic in MS-41 : Working
Capital Management.
Inventory : Three things will come to your mind when you think of a manufacturing
unit - machines, men and materials. Men using machines and tools convert the
materials into finished goods. The success of any business unit depends on the extent
to which these are efficiently managed. Inventory is an asset to the organisation like
other components of current assets.
Inventory holding is desirable because it meets several objectives and needs but an
excessive inventory is undesirable because it costs a lot to firms.
Inventory which consists of raw material components and other consumables, work
in process and finished goods, is an important component of `current assets'. There
are several factors like nature of industry, availability of material, technology,
business practices, price fluctuation, etc. that determines the amount of inventory
holding. Holding inventory ensures smooth production process, price stability and
immediate delivery to customers. Since inventory is like any other form of assets,
holding inventory has a cost. The cost includes opportunity cost of funds blocked in
inventory, storage cost, stock out cost, etc. The benefits that come from holding
inventory should exceed the cost to justify a particular level of inventory.
Marketable Securities: Cash and marketable securities are normally treated as one
item in any analysis of current assets although these are not the same as cash they can
be converted to cash at a very short notice. Holding cash in excess of immediate
requirement means the firm is missing out an opportunity income. Excess cash is
normally invested in marketable securities, which serves two purposes namely,
provide liquidity and, also earn a return.
Activity 16.1
a) List some main items of working capital in your organisation, e.g. inventory of
raw material supplies, stores etc. (under their various heads).
b) List some of the major items of operating expenses in your organisation such as
wages and salaries of staff.
……………………………………………………………………………… 11
Financial Decisions c) What is the amount of revolving fund or working capital that organisation
maintains to pay for the operating expenses?
A firm may have to face the following adverse consequences from inadequate
working capital:
Growth may be stunted. It may become difficult for the firm to undertake profitable
projects due to non-availability of funds.
1. Implementation of operating plans may become difficult and consequently the
firm's profit goals may not be achieved.
2. Operating inefficiencies may creep in due to difficulties in meeting even day to
day commitments.
3. Fixed assets may not be efficiently utilised due to lack of working funds, thus
lowering the rate of return on investments in the process.
4. Attractive credit opportunities may have to be lost due to paucity of working
5. The firm loses its reputation when it is not in a position to honour its short-term
obligations. As a result, the firm is likely to face tight credit terms.
On the other hand, excessive working capital may pose the following dangers:
1 Excess of working capital may result in unnecessary accumulation of invento-
ries, increasing the chances of inventory mishandling, waste, and theft.
2 It may provide an undue incentive for adopting too liberal a credit policy and
slackening of collection of receivables, causing a higher incidence of bad debts.
This has an adverse effect on profits.
3 Excessive working capital may make management complacent, leading eventu-
ally to managerial inefficiency.
4 It may encourage the tendency to accumulate inventories for making speculative
12 profits, causing a liberal dividend policy, which becomes difficult to maintain
when the firm is unable to make speculative profits.
An enlightened management, therefore, should maintain the right amount of working
capital on a continuous basis. Financial and statistical techniques can be helpful in Management of
predicting the quantum of working capital needed at different points of time. Working Capital
There are no set rules or formulas to determine the working capital requirements of a
firm. The corporate management has to consider a number of factors to determine the
level of working capital. The amount of working capital that a firm would need is
affected not only by the factors associated with the firm itself but is also affected by
economic, monetary and general business environment. Among the various factors
the following are important ones.
The working capital needs of a firm are basically influenced by the nature of its
business. Trading and financial firms generally have a low investment in fixed assets,
but require a large investment in working capital. Retail stores, for example, must
carry large stocks of a variety of merchandise to satisfy the varied demand of their
customers. Some manufacturing businesses' like tobacco, and construction firms also
have to invest substantially in working capital but only a nominal amount in fixed
assets. In contrast, public utilities have a limited need for working capital and have to
invest abundantly in fixed assets. Their working capital requirements are nominal
because they have cash sales only and they supply services, not products. Thus, the
amount of funds tied up with debtors or in stocks is either nil or very small. The
working capital needs of most of the manufacturing concerns fall between the two
extreme requirements of trading firms and public utilities.
The size of business also has an important impact on its working capital needs. Size
may be measured in terms of the scale of operations. A firm with larger scale of
operations will need more working capital than a small firm. The hazards and contin-
gencies inherent in a particular type of business also have an influence in deciding
the magnitude of working capital in terms of keeping liquid resources.
Manufacturing Cycle
The manufacturing cycle starts with the purchase of raw materials and is completed
with the production of finished goods. If the manufacturing cycle involves a longer
period the need for working capital will be more, because an extended manufacturing
time span means a larger tie-up of funds in inventories. Any delay at any stage of
manufacturing process will result in accumulation of work-in-process and will en-
hance the requirement of working capital. You may have observed that firms making
heavy machinery or other such products, involving long manufacturing cycle, attempt
to minimise their investment in inventories (and thereby in working capital) by
seeking advance or periodic payments from customers.
Business Fluctuations
Seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in demand for a product affect the working capital
requirement considerably, especially the temporary working capital requirements of
the firm. An upward swing in the economy leads to increased sales, resulting in an
increase in the firm's investment in inventory and receivables or book debts. On the
other hand, a decline in the economy may register a fall in sales and, consequently, a
fall in the levels of stocks and book debts.
Financial Decisions Seasonal fluctuations may also create production problems. Increase in production
level may be expensive during peak periods. A firm may follow a policy of steady
production in all seasons to utilise its resources to the fullest extent. This will mean
accumulation of inventories in off-season and their quick disposal in peak season.
Therefore, financial arrangements for seasonal working capital requirement should be
made in advance. The financial plan should be flexible enough to take care of any
seasonal fluctuations.
Production Policy
If a firm follows steady production policy, even when the demand is seasonal, inven-
tory will accumulate during off-season periods and there will be higher inventory
costs and risks. If the costs and risks of maintaining a constant production schedule
are high, the firm may adopt the policy of varying its production schedule in
accordance with the changes in demand. Firms whose physical facilities can be
utilised for manufacturing a variety of products can have the advantage of diversified
activities. Such firms manufacture their main products during the season and other
products during off-season. Thus, production policies may differ from firm to firm,
depending upon the circumstances. Accordingly, the need for working capital will
also vary.
The speed with which the operating cycle completes its round (i.e., cash → raw
materials → finished product → accounts receivables → cash) plays a decisive
role in influencing the working capital needs. (Refer to Figure 1(.1 on operating
Credit Terms
The credit policy of the firm affects the size of working capital by influencing the
level of book debts. Though the credit terms granted to customers to a great extent
depend upon the norms and practices of the industry or trade to which the firm
belongs; yet it may endeavor to shape its credit policy within such constraints. A long
collection period will generally mean tying of larger funds in book debts. Slack
collection procedures may even increase the chances of bad debts.
The working capital requirements of a firm are also affected by credit terms granted
by its creditors. A firm enjoying liberal credit terms will need less working capital.
Operating Efficiency
Operating efficiency means optimum utilisation of resources. The firm can minimise
its need for working capital by efficiently controlling its operating costs. With in-
creased operating efficiency the use of working capital is improved and pace of cash
14 cycle is accelerated. Better utilisation of resources improves profitability and helps in
relieving the pressure on working capital.
Price Level Changes
Management of
Working Capital
Generally, rising price level requires a higher investment in working capital. With
increasing prices the same levels of current assets need enhanced investment.
However, firms which can immediately revise prices of their products upwards may
not face a severe working capital problem in periods of rising levels. The effects of
increasing price level may, however, be felt differently by different firms due to
variations in individual prices. It is possible that some companies may not be affected
by the rising prices, whereas others may be badly hit by it.
Other Factors
There are some other factors, which affect the determination of the need for working
capital. A high net profit margin contributes towards the working capital pool. The
net profit is a source of working capital to the extent it has been earned in cash. The
cash inflow can be calculated by adjusting non-cash items such as depreciation, out-
standing expenses, losses written off, etc, from the net profit, (as discussed in Unit 6).
The firm's appropriation policy, that is, the policy to retain or distribute profits also
has a bearing on working capital. Payment of dividend consumes cash resources and
thus reduces the firm ',s working capital to that extent. If the profits are retained in
the business, the firm's working capital position will be strengthened.
In general, working capital needs also depend upon the means of transport and
communication. If they are not well developed, the industries will have to keep huge
stocks of raw materials, spares, finished goods, etc. at places of production, as well as
at distribution outlets.
Two approaches are generally followed for the management of working capital: (i)
the conventional approach, and (ii) the operating cycle approach.
This approach implies managing the individual components of working capital (i.e.
inventory, receivables, payables, etc) efficiently and economically so that there are
neither idle funds nor paucity of funds. Techniques have been evolved for the man-
agement of each of these components. In India, more emphasis is given to the man-
agement of debtors because they generally constitute the largest share of the invest-
ment in working capital. On the other hand, inventory control has not yet been
practised on a wide scale perhaps due to scarcity of goods (or commodities) and ever
rising prices.
This approach views working capital as a function of the volume of operating ex-
penses. Under this approach the working capital is determined by the duration of the
operating cycle and the operating expenses needed for completing the cycle. The
duration of the operating cycle is the number of day involved in the various stages,
commencing with acquisition of raw materials to the realisation of proceeds from
debtors. The credit period allowed by creditors will have to be set off in the process.
The optimum level of working capital will be the requirement of operating expenses
for an operating cycle, calculated on the basis of operating expenses required for a
year. 15
Financial Decisions In India, most of the organisations use to follow the conventional approach earlier,
but now the practice is shifting in favour of the operating cycle approach. The banks
usually apply this approach while granting credit facilities to their clients.
Illustration 16.1
Determine the magnitude of working capital (with the help of the following particu-
lars) for Gujarat Tricycles Limited, a newly set up enterprise:
a) The proforma cost sheet shows that the various elements of cost bear the
undermentioned relationship to the selling price:
Materials, parts and components 40%
Labour 30%
Overhead 10%
b) Production in 2004 is estimated to be 60,000 tricycles.
c) Raw material, parts and components are expected to remain in the stores for
an average period of one month before issue to production.
d) Finished goods are likely to stay in the warehouse for two months on an
average before being sold and delivered to customers.
f) Half of the sales are likely to be on credit. The debtors will be allowed two
months credit from the date of sale.
h) The lag of payment to labour is one month. 50% of the overhead consists of
salaries of non-production staff.
k) Allow 20% to your computed figure for buffer cash and contingencies.
Before we attempt to calculate the working capital, it will be helpful to work out the
following basic data:
b) The selling price per tricycle is Rs. 2000. The various elements of cost (i.e.
raw material, parts and components, labour and overheads) comprise 80%
(40%+30%+10%) of the selling price. Hence cost of production is Rs.1600
i.e. 2000 ×
Gujarat Tricycles Limited
Statement of working capital requirements Management of
Working Capital
Rs. (in lakhs)
Current Assets:
Stock of raw material, parts and components
(1 Month) 40
Stock of finished goods
(2 Months) 1,60
5,000 x 1600 u 2
Work- in-Process (1/2
5,0110 1,600 x % 40
Debtors (50% of sales) (2
months credit)
5.000 x ½ x 1.600 x 2 80 3,20
Less current liabilities
Creditors (one month) 40
Wages and Salaries:
Wages 30
Salaries (Overheads) 5 75
Add 20% for buffer cash and contingencies 49 49
Average working capital required 2,94
Financial Decisions Creditors
Monthly production 5000 Units
Cost of production per unit Rs. 1,600
Cost of raw material etc. being
one half Rs. 800
Period of which credit available 1 month
Hence, Working Capital unlocked
5,000 X 800 X 1 Rs. 40,00,000
Wages and Salaries
i) Wages
Monthly production 5,000 Units
Labour cost per unit Rs. 600
Lag period for payment 1 Month
Hence, Working Capital unlocked
5,000 X 600 X 1 Rs. 30,00,000
ii) Salaries
Monthly production 5,000 units
Portion of Salaries in overheads ½
Overhead cost per unit Rs. 200
Lag period for payment 1 Month
Hence, working capital unlocked
5,000 X 200 X ½ X 1 Rs. 5,00,000
a) The possibility of using substitute raw materials without affecting quality must
be explored in all seriousness. Research activities in this regard may be under-
taken, with financial assistance provided by the Government and the corporate
sector, if any.
The managed costs should be properly scrutinized in terms of their costs and benefits.
Such costs include office decorating expenses, advertising, managerial salaries and
payments, etc. Managed costs are more, or less fixed costs and once committed they are
18 difficult to retreat. In order to minimise the cost impact of such items, the maximum
possible use of facilities already created must be ensured. Further the management
should be vigilant in sanctioning any new expenditure belonging to this cost.
The increasing pressure to augment working capital will, to some extent, be
neutralised if the span of the operating cycle can be reduced. Greater turnover with Management of
shorter intervals and quicker realisation of debtors will go a long way in easing the Working Capital
Only when there is a pressure on working capital does the management become
conscious of the existence of slow-moving and obsolete stock. The management
tends to adopt ad hoc measures, which are grossly inadequate. Therefore, a clear-cut
policy regarding the disposal of slow-moving and obsolete stocks must be
formulated and adhered to. In addition to this, there should be an efficient
management information system reflecting the stock position from various
The payment to creditors in time leads to building up of good reputation and conse-
quently it increases the bargaining power of the firm regarding period of credit for
payment and other conditions. Projections of cash flows should be made to see that
cash inflows and outflows match with each other. If they do not, either some pay-
ments have to be postponed or purchase of some avoidable items has to be deferred.
Some of the parameters for judging the efficiency in managing working capital are:
a) Whether there is enough assurance for the creditors about the ability of the
company to meet its short-term commitments on time Hence, a reliable index is
whether a company can settle the bills on due dates. The finance department has
to plan in advance to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet maturing liabilities.
e) Whether there are adequate safeguards to ensure that neither overtrading nor
undertrading takes place.
The following indices can be used for measuring the efficiency in managing working
Cash should be turned over as many times as possible, in order to achieve maximum
sales with minimum cash on hand.
Average Collection Period
(Debtors/Credit Sales) x 365
This ratio explains how many days of credit a company is allowing to its customers
to settle their bills.
Average Payment Period
Average payment period = (Creditors/Credit purchases) x 365
It indicates how many days of credit is being enjoyed by the company from its
Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR)
ITR = Sales/Average Inventory
It shows how many times inventory has turned over to achieve the sales. Inventory
should be maintained at a level, which balances production facilities and sale's needs.
Working Capital to Sales
Usually expressed in terms of percentage, it signifies that for any amount of sales a
relative amount of working capital is needed. If any increase in sales is contemplated
it has to be seen that working capital is adequate. Therefore, this ratio helps manage-
ment in maintaining working capital, which is adequate for the planned growth in
Working Capital to Net Worth Working Capital/Net wroth
This ratio shows the relationship between working capital and the funds belonging to
the owners. When this ratio is not carefully watched, it may lead to:
20 a) Overtrading when the conditions are in the upswing. Its symptoms being (i) High
Inventory Turnover Ratio (ii) Low Current Ratio; or
b) Under trading when the conditions of market are not good. Its major symptoms
are: Management of
Working Capital
i) Low Inventory Turnover Ratio
ii) High Current Ratio
Efficient working capital management should, therefore, avoid both excess and
deficit working capital situations.
Cash denotes the liquidity of a business enterprise and plays an important role in
nurturing and improving the profitability of an organisation. It is, therefore, essential
to make a proper estimate of the cash need and plan for it so as to avoid technical or
legal insolvency. Hence, effective management of cash is necessary to ensure
adequate liquidity.
Activity 16.2
Meet any Accounting or Finance Executive of a business enterprise, whether in the
Public or the Private Sector, and talk to him regarding the management of working
capital in his enterprise. Please try to gather information on the following questions:
a) What methods does the enterprise employ for efficient management of working
b) Do the methods under (a) above include Ratio Analysis? What ratios are being
computed and why?
c) What steps the organisation has taken in the recent past to improve the
management of working capital?
d) What are the major problems faced by the enterprise regarding management of
working capital?
A firm's cash balance, generally, may not be constant over time. It would therefore be
worthwhile to investigate the maximum, minimum and average cash needs over a
designated time period.
You are aware that cash is needed for various transactions in the organisation.
Maintenance of a cash balance however has an opportunity cost in the following
a) Cash can be invested in acquiring assets such as Inventory, or for purchasing
securities. Opportunies for such investments may have to be lost if a certain
minimum cash balance is not held.
b) Holding of cash means that it cannot be used to offset financial risks from the
short-term debts.
c) Excessive reliance on internally generated liquidity can isolate the firm from
the short-term financial market.
Now the financial manager should understand the benefits and the opportunity costs
for holding cash. Thereafter, he must proceed to work out a model for determining
the optimal amount of cash. First of all a critical minimum cash balance should be
conceived below which the firm will incur definite and measurable costs. Apart from
risk aversion the existence of the minimum balance is justified by institutional
requirements such as credit ratings, checking accounts, lines of credit.
The violation of maintaining a minimum cash balance will create shortage costs
which will be determined by the actions of creditors on account of postponing their
payments or non-availing of cash discounts.
At any point of time a firm's (ending) cash balance can be represented as follows:
Ending balance = Beginning Balance + Receipts –Disbursements
If receipts and disbursements are equal for any unit of time, no problem is involved.
Ordinarily, however, receipts may be more than disbursements or vice versa. Hence,
the ending balance will keep on fluctuating. In actual practice receipts and disburse-
ments do vary, particularly in case of firms having seasonal activities.
Suppose, the receipts and disbursements are not synchronized but the variation is
predictable, then the main problem will be that of minimizing total costs. In case you
set the balance too low you will incur high transaction costs. If you set the balance
too high you will lose interest, which you can earn by investing cash in marketable
securities. The determination of optimal cash balance under these conditions of
known certainty is similar to the inventory problem: The costs of too little cash
(transaction costs) can be balanced against the costs of too much cash (opportunity
costs). Figure 16.4 clarifies this position.
Point C in Figure 16.4 denotes the point where the sum of two costs (opportunity.
and transaction costs) is minimum. Efficient management should try to locate this Management of
point for determining the optimal cash balance. M is the point where working cash Working Capital
balance is optimal.
You can observe from Figure 16.5 that the fluctuating cash balance is on account of
random receipts and disbursements. At time t the balance touches the upper control
point. At this point the excess of cash is invested in marketable securities. The
balance falls to zero point at time t2 and at this stage marketable securities have to be
sold to create cash balances. These two control points lay only the maximum and
minimum balance. We can conclude that where cash flows (receipts and
disbursements) are uncertain the principle will be: the greater the variability the
higher the minimum cash balance.
Activity 16.3
i) What are the main groups of expenditure for which cash is needed in your
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Financial Decisions (d) at regular intervals, other than daily or monthly basis
ii) What are the main sources of cash and what arrangements exist for collection,
accounting and banking of cash receipts?
All cash collected should be directly deposited in one account. If there are more than
one collection centres, all cash receipts should be remitted to the main account with.
top speed. Compared to a single collection centre, the aggregate requirement for cash
will be more when there are several centres. Concentration of collections at one place
will thus permit the firm to store its cash more efficiently.
The time lag between the dispatch of cheque by the customer and its credit to our
account with the bank should be reduced. Some firms with large collection transac-
tions introduce lock box system. In this system the post boxes are hired at different
centres where cash/cheques can be dropped in. The local banker can daily collect the
same from the lockers. The collecting bank is paid service charges. In order to
minimise time, banks may be asked to devise methods for speeding up the collection
of cash.
Recovering Dues
After sale of goods on credit, either on account of convention or for promoting sales,
receivables are created. It may however be useful to reduce the amount blocked in
receivables by seeing to it that they do not become overdue accounts. Incentive in the
form of discounts for early payment may be given. More important than anything
else is a constant follow-up action for the recovery of dues. This will improve
position of cash balance.
Controlling Disbursements
Needless to assert that speeding up of collections helps conversion of receivables into
cash and thus reduces the financing requirements of the firm. Similar kind of benefit
can be derived by delaying disbursements. Trade credit is a costless source of funds
for it allows us to pay the creditors only after the period of credit agreed upon. The
dues can be withheld till the last date. This will reduce the requirement for holding
large cash balance. Some firms may like to take advantage of cheque book float
which is the time gap between the date of issue of a cheque and the actual when it is
presented for payment directly or through the bank.
Investment of Idle Cash Balances
24 Two other important aspects in cash management are how to determine appropriate
cash balance and how to invest temporarily idle cash in interest earning assets or
securities. The first part relating to the theory of determining appropriate cash
balance has already been discussed earlier. Now we shall discuss the investment of Management of
idle cash balance on temporary basis. Working Capital
Cash by itself yields no income. If we know that some cash will be in excess of our
need for a short period of time, we must invest it for earning income without
depriving ourselves of the benefit of liquidity of funds. While doing this, we must
weigh the advantages of carrying extra cash (i.e. more than the normal requirement)
and the disadvantages of not carrying it. The carrying of extra cash may be
necessitated due to its requirement in future, whether predictable or unpredictable.
The experience indicates that cash flows cannot be predicted with complete accuracy.
Competition, technological changes, unexpected failure of products, strikes and
variations in economic conditions make it difficult to predict cash needs accurately.
Investment Criteria
When it is realised that the excess cash will remain idle, it should be invested in such
a way that it would generate income and at the same time ensure quick re-conversion
of investment in cash. While choosing the channels for investment of any idle cash
balance for a short period, it should be seen that (i) the investment is free from
default risk, that is, the risk involved due to the possibility of default in timely
payment of interest and repayment of principal amount; (ii) the investment shall
mature in short span of time; and (iii) the investment has adequate marketability.
Marketability refers to the ease with which an asset can be converted back into cash.
Marketability has two dimensions -price and time-which are inter-related. If an asset
can be sold quickly in large amounts at a price determinable in advance the asset will
be regarded as highly marketable and highly liquid. The assets which largely satisfy
the aforesaid criteria are: Government Securities, Bankers' Acceptances and
Commercial Paper.
Activity 16. 4
Discuss with the Chief Executive of Accounting and Finance department of your
organisation regarding the broad policies and procedures followed in the sphere of
cash management?
The amount needed to be invested in current assets is affected by many factors and
may fluctuate over a period of time. Manufacturing cycle, production policies, credit
terms, growth and expansion needs, and inventory turnover are some of the important
factors influencing the determination of working capital.
Financial Decisions Inflation magnifies the need for working capital. The constant rise in the cost of
inputs, if not accompanied with corresponding increase in output prices puts an
additional strain on the management. However, by taking several measures on
production front and by keeping a strict watch on managed costs and expediting
collection of credit sales, etc. the management can contain or at least minimise the
upward thrusts for additional working capital.
The management should ensure the adequacy and efficiency in the utilisation of
working capital. For this purpose various ratios can be periodically computed and
compared against the norms established in this regard.
Gross Current Assets means the aggregate of all current assets including cash.
Net Current Assets means the aggregate of all current assets (including cash) less
current liabilities. It is the same as working capital.
Fixed Working Capital is the amount that remains more or less permanently
invested as working capital in business.
Fluctuating Working Capital is the amount of working capital over and above the
fixed minimum amount of working capital. It may keep on fluctuating from period to
period depending upon several factors.
Inventory Turnover means number of times the average inventory has been sold
during a period. Inventory turnover ratio is obtained by dividing cost of goods sold
during a period with average inventory for the period.
Current Ratio is the relationship between current assets and current liabilities.
Quick Ratio is the relationship between quick assets and current liabilities. Inventory
is generally not reckoned among quick assets and hence excluded.
Average Collection Period is the average period, which elapses between sale of
goods on credit and the collection of cash.
Average Payment Period is the period, which elapses on the average between
purchase of goods on credit and the payment to creditors.
Credit Policy is concerned with norms and guidelines for determining whether and
to what extent credit can be granted to customers in general and various categories of
customers in particular.
Credit Terms means the terms extended by a firm to its debtors for payment.
Working Capital
1. Discuss the concept of working capital. Are the gross and net concepts of
working capital exclusive? Explain.
4. A firm desires to finance its current assets entirely with short-term loans. Do
you think this pattern of financing would be in the interest of the firm ?
Support your answer with cogent arguments.
6. What is an operating cycle and how a close study of the operating cycle is
7. How would you as a Finance Manager control the need of increased working
capital on account of inflationary pressures? Narrate some real-life examples
you might have come across.
8. How would you judge the efficiency of the management of working capital
in a business enterprise? Explain with the help of hypothetical data.
10. If a firms estimates that it will have some idle cash balances from time to
time, what advice would you render to the firm?
11. "In managing cash the finance manager faces the problem of compromising
the conflicting goals of liquidity and profitability comment. What strategy
should the finance manager develops to solve this problem.
12. Assam Timber Ltd., a newly founded company, has applied fora short-term
loan to a commercial bank for financing its working capital requirement. You
are requested by the bank to prepare a statement on the requirement for
working capital for that company. You may add 10% to your estimated
figure to cover for unforeseen contingencies. The projected profit and loss
account of the company is as under:
Sales 25,00,000
Cost of goods sold 18,00,000
Gross Profit 7,00,000
Additional expenses 1,80,000
Selling expenses 1,50,000 3,30,000
Profit before tax 3,70,000
Provision for tax 1,20,000
Profit after tax 2,50,000
Cost of goods sold has been derived as follows:
Material sold 9,60,000
Wages & manufacturing expenses 7,40,000
Depreciation 3,00,000
Less Stock of finished goods
estimated at 10% of production 2,00,000
18,00,000 27
Financial Decisions The figures above relate to the goods that would be finished (or completed) and not
to work in process. Goods equal of 20% of the year's production in terms of physical
units are expected to be in progress on an average, requiring full materials but only
50 per cent of other expenses. The company intends to keep two months consumption
of material in stock.
All the expenses will be paid one month in arrears. Suppliers of material would
extend one-month credit. Sixty per cent of the sales are estimated on cash basis while
the rest are on two months credit. Seventy per cent of the income tax has to be paid in
advance in quarterly installments. The company will require Rs. 50,000 cash to meet
day-to-day needs of business. For the purpose of the question you may ignore profit
as a source of working capital.
iii) For the purpose of this question profit is to be ignored as a source of working
capital. As such income tax has also been disregarded since income tax paid
out of profit.
• Working Capital Management 28
• Unique Enterprises: A Case Study