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Mimo Boost

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PID controller design for a novel multi-input multi-output boost converter


Article · January 2018


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2 authors:

Mais Alzgool Hassan Nouri

University of the West of England, Bristol University of the West of England, Bristol


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PID controller design for a novel multi-input multi-output boost

converter hub
M Alzgool, H Nouri
Power Systems, Electronics and Control Research Laboratory, UWE Bristol, UK



This paper reports on the design, control, and modeling of a novel multi-input multi-output boost
converter topology. The converter hub can integrate renewable energy sources such as wind
turbines, photovoltaic arrays, and fuel cells for the provision of different output voltage levels. The
advantage of energy sources integration is that the required output voltage levels could be made
up from a range of sources. The designed converter has the advantages of a simple configuration,
fewer components, high conversion ratio, and high efficiency. The regulated output voltage levels
are achieved through classical PID controllers which utilize the concept of closed-loop voltage-
mode control. Design of the converter control system requires comprehensive knowledge of the
converter structure, its operation principle and the small-signal model for continuous-conduction
operation mode. The validity of the converter’s control performance is demonstrated through
software simulation.

KEY WORDS: DC-DC Converter, Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO), Renewable energy,

small signal modelling, state space averaging, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)

Recently, the number of applications which require more than one power source or more than one kind of energy
source is increasing. Generating multi-input converters, having the capability of diversifying different energy
sources, will provide improved reliability and the system flexibility.
Many control methods are used for controlling DC-DC converters where the simple and low-cost controller
structure is always in demand for most industrial and high-performance applications [1]. Most used technique to
control switching power supplies is pulse width modulation [2].
When boost converter is employed in open loop mode, it exhibits poor voltage regulation and unsatisfactory
dynamic response, and hence, this converter is provided with closed-loop control for output voltage regulation.
Hence, various closed-loop techniques had been proposed such as PID controller, Fuzzy logic, and other techniques,
as well as many other researchers came up with new designs to be controlled with appropriate control technique
such as using soft switching technique [3,4] presented high-frequency power switches design and robust controller.
In controlling the DC-DC converters, a voltage mode control or current mode control could be applied simply
by closing a feedback loop between the required output voltages and switching device’s duty ratio signal [2]. Due
to nonlinearity of current mode control dynamics, the difficulties of obtaining the small-signal model is achieved;
furthermore, in current mode control, an additional inner feedback loop is needed to control the inductor current,
and then the output voltage is regulated indirectly [5], thus the current mode control is more complex to implement
than voltage mode control.
Within closed-loop system, PID control is considered as a traditional linear control method commonly used in
many applications [6]. The PID controller is a popular control feedback used in industrial area due to its flexibility
and easy implementation in real applications; furthermore, if the system is complex, the PID can be designed to
track an error and assume the system as a black box. A PID controller calculates an error value as the difference
between the measured value and the desired reference value [7], and by adjusting three parameters kp, ki, and kd of
the system which would affect the transient response, rise time, settling time and steady-state error, overshoot, and
stability. Thus, it may not necessary for the system to utilize the three actions P, I, and D; it may use one or two
actions to improve the system dynamic response.

© JEA 2018; ISSN 2220-234X

2 Alzgool and Nouri: MIMO boost control design

In this paper, closed-loop voltage-mode control using a PID controller is employed to control the multi-
input multi-output (MIMO) DC-DC boost converter topology structure as shown in Figure 1, where different
input sources connected in such a way to integrate the available input sources to provide a high conversion
ratio [8].
The paper organized as follows: Section 2 presents the proposed MIMO DC-DC boost converter topology
with the mathematical representation for ideal and non-ideal converter. Furthermore, the operation principle of the
proposed converter is presented in section 2. The dynamic modeling of the DC-DC boost converter for three-input
source double output is presented in section 3 including the MATLAB simulation results. Finally, the conclusion
of this study is summarized in section 4.


A new design and efficient MIMO DC-DC boost converter is proposed with the specifications of high conversion
ratio and lower number of components in comparison to the available MIMO boost converter topologies.
In this design, the stepping up voltage occurs in two stages, where the output voltage of the first stage (Vo) acts
like the DC input voltage to the next stage, so that to provide a higher conversion ratio, which is important in high
DC voltage applications.
The mathematical equations of the proposed MIMO boost converter have been derived assuming that the
system is lossless (ideal components):
 V Vi 2 Vi3 Vim   1 
Vo1 =  i1 + + +… +   (1)
 1 − Di1 1 − Di 2 1 − Di3 1 − Dim   1 − Do1 
k=m 1  1 

Von =  Vik
 k =1
 
1 − Dik   1 − Don  (2)

Von is the output DC voltage.
Vik is the DC input voltage.

Figure 1. Proposed multi-input multi-output DC-DC boost converter topology


Dik is the duty cycle of the input IGBT switches.

Don is the duty cycle of the output IGBT switches.
From Equation (2), the conversion ratio of the proposed converter is expressed as:
Von m
= ; if (Di1 = Di2 = Dim = Di ) (3)
Vim (1 − Di)(1 − Don )

Where, m is the number of inputs of the proposed converter and n is the number of outputs.
If the conversion ratio of the proposed converter in Equation (3) is compared to the conversion ratio of the
classical boost converter shown below in Equation (4).
Vo 1
= (4)
Vi 1 − D

It is noticeable that the conversion ratio of the proposed converter is much higher than the classical boost as
shown in Figure 2. For example, the classical boost conversion ratio for 80% duty cycle will be 5 while, for the
same condition, the conversion ratio of the proposed single-input single-output (SISO) boost converter will be
25, which means 5 times more than the classical boost conversion ratio. In the same figure, you can see how the
conversion ratio increases as the number of inputs increase.
Where (Di1 = Di2 = Dim = Don)
Moreover, for non-ideal components, the mathematical equations of the proposed MIMO converter by the
inductor volt-second balance approach have been derived. Thus, the general equation of the non-ideal (including
losses) MIMO boost converter output voltage will be:

k =m 

1 1
 1  k =m 1   VSik −ON (1 − D ) (1 − D ) − (1 − D ) (1 − D ) 
Von (non − ideal) =  ∑
  Vik
 1 − Don   k =1
 −  k =1
1 − Dik  
ik on ik on  −

( )
 I Lk R Sik − R Lik − VDIODEik −ON  (5)
 j=n  Doj   Doj  

 VS
 j=1 oj− ON
  − I Loj R Loj
 1 − Doj 
 
 1− Doj 

 
VSik −ON is the input IGBT-ON state voltage drop which is between two to three volts.
VSoj−ON is the output IGBT-ON state voltage drop which is between two to three volts.

is the diode forward voltage.
R Sik and R L are the DC resistance of the voltage source and the inductor, respectively.
I Lik,oj is the input and output inductor current.

Figure 2. Comparison between the conversion ratio of the proposed converter and the classical boost converter
4 Alzgool and Nouri: MIMO boost control design

It is clear that the output voltage drops when the losses included, thus the converter’s efficiency decreases [8],
for example, if the efficiency of the proposed double inputs single output ideal converter 100%, then the
efficiency of the non-ideal converter drops to reach 95.8% which is <4.2% of the ideal converter’s efficiency
due to losses. Figure 3 depicts the efficiency of the ideal and non-ideal converter with different number of
As the number of output increases the converter’s efficiency decreases (for ideal and non-ideal converter) as
more power switches conducted, and the output current will be reduced as the number of output increases to feed
the whole loads. In spite of the losses of the proposed non-ideal converter, a high efficiency is acquired.
In this paper, three-input sources Vi1, Vi2, and Vi3 are responsible for supplying the loads. The converter is
designed to operate in continuous-conduction mode as the inductor current never reaches zero. In this mode, the
five switches are active, and for each switch, a specific duty ratio is considered. Here, Si1 is active to regulate the
first input source Vi1 current to desired value. At the same time, Si2 and Si3 are active to regulate Vi2, Vi3, respectively,
by controlling the input inductor currents ILi2 and ILi3. By regulating the duty ratios of the input switches the DC
bus voltage V0 whrer (V0 = Vc1 + Vc2 + Vc3). Furthermore, the output voltage Vo1 is controlled by the output power
switch So1; similarly, So2 regulates the second output voltage Vo2. According to the switches’ states, there are four
different switching states in one switching period as shown in Figure 4. For each state, the inductor and capacitor
equations have been investigated as follows:
a. Switching state 1: In this state, the switches on the input side Si1, Si2, and Si3 are turned ON, while the output
switches So1 and So2 are turned OFF. When the input switches are ON, the input stage diodes are reversed biased,
so So1 and So2 are OFF. Assuming that the output capacitors are fully charged, thus the power will deliver to the
load RL1 and RL2. The equivalent circuit of the proposed converter in this state is shown in Figure 4a. In this
state, Vi1, Vi2, and Vi3 charge the inductors Li1, Li2, and Li3, respectively, so the inductors’ current increases and
the output capacitors are discharged.
The equations for the inductors and capacitors in this mode are as follows:

di 
Li1 =vi1 

Li2 =vi2 
dt 
di 
Li3 =vi3 
dt 
dv 
Ci1 ci1 = −io 
dt 
dvci2 
Ci2 = −i o 
dt 
dv  (6)
Ci3 ci3 = −io 
dt 
di 
Lo1 =vo − vco1 
dt 
di 
Lo2 =vo − vco2 

dvco1 v 
Co1 =i Lo1 − o1
dt R L1 

=i Lo2 − o2 
dvco2 v
dt R L2 
b. Switching state 2: In this state, the switches on the input side Si1, Si2, and Si3 are still ON, and the output
switches So1 and So2 are turned ON. When the input switches are ON, the input stage diodes are reversed
biased. Assuming that the output capacitors are fully charged, thus the power will deliver to the load RL1 and
RL2. The equivalent circuit of the proposed converter in this state is shown in Figure 4b. In this state, Vi1, Vi2,
and Vi3 charge the inductors Li1, Li2, and Li3, respectively, also the output inductors Lo1 and Lo2 are charged
from the capacitors Ci1, Ci2, and Ci3. Consequently, the inductors’ current ILo1 and ILo2 increases. In addition,
capacitors Co1 and Co2 are discharged. The equations for the inductors and capacitors in this mode are as

Figure 3. The converter’s efficiency of the ideal and non-ideal converter with different number of outputs

a b

c d
Figure 4. Equivalent circuit of boost converter switching mode, (a) switching state 1, (b) switching state 2, (c)
switching state 3, (d) switching state 4
6 Alzgool and Nouri: MIMO boost control design

di 
Li1 =vi1 

Li2 =vi2 
dt 
di 
Li3 =vi3 
dt 
di 
Lo1 =vo 
dt 
di 
Lo2 =vo 
dt 
 (7)
= − i Lo1 +i Lo 2 ) 

Ci2 ci2 = − i Lo1 +i Lo 2
) 

= − i Lo1 +i Lo 2 ) 

dv − vo1 
Co1 co1 =
dt R L1 

dvco2 − vo2 
Co2 =
dt R L2 

c. Switching state 3: In this state, the switches on the input side Si1, Si2, and Si3 are turned OFF, and the output
switches So1 and So2 are turned OFF. When the input switches are OFF, the input stage diodes are forward
biased. In this state, the stored energy in the input inductors will deliver to charge the capacitors Ci1, Ci2, and Ci3.
In addition, the stored energy in the output inductors will deliver to charge the output capacitors Co1 and Co2, as
well as to deliver the stored energy to the loads RL1 and RL2. The equivalent circuit of the proposed converter
in this state is shown in Figure 4c. In this state, the inductors’ current ILi1, ILi2, and ILi3 decreases and the
capacitors Ci1, Ci2, and Ci3 charged. The equations for the inductors and capacitors in this mode are as follows:
di 
Li1 =vi1 − vci1 

Li2 =vi2 − vci 2 
dt 
di 
Li3 =vi3 − vci3 
dt 
di 
Lo1 =vo − vco1 
dt 
di 
Lo2 =vo − vco2 
dt 
dvci1  (8)
Ci1 =i Li1 − io 
dt 
dv 
Ci2 ci2 =i Li 2 − io 
dt 
dvci3 
C i3 =i Li3 − io 

dv v 
Co1 co1 =i Lo1 − o1
dt R L1

=i Lo2 − o2 
dvco2 v
dt R L2 
d. Switching state 4: In this state, the switches on the input side Si1, Si2, and Si3 are still OFF, and the output switches
So1 and So2 are turned ON. When the input switches are OFF, the input stage diodes are forward biased. In this
state, the stored energy in the input inductors keeps charging the capacitors Ci1, Ci2, and Ci3. In addition, the stored
energy in the input inductors will deliver to Lo1 and Lo2 through the switches So1 and So2, respectively. Hence, the

inductors’ current ILi1, ILi2, and ILi3 keep decreasing, while ILo1 and ILo2 increases. In addition, the capacitors Co1
and Co2 will discharge through the loads RL1 and RL2. The equivalent circuit of the proposed converter in this state
is shown in Figure 4d. The equations for the inductors and capacitors in this mode are as follows:
di 
Li1 =vi1 − vci1 

Li2 =vi2 − vci 2 
dt 
di 
Li3 =vi3 − vic3 
dt 
di 
Lo1 =vo 
dt 
di 
Lo2 =vo 
dt 
dv  (9)
Ci1 o =i Li1 − io 
dt 
dvo 
Ci2 =i Li 2 − io 
dt 
dv 
Ci3 o =i Li3 − io 

dvco1 − vo1 
Co1 =
dt R L1 

dvco2 − vo2 
Co2 =
dt R L2 


The MIMO converter is controlled by switches Si1, Si2, Si3 and So1, So2. Each switch has its own specific duty cycle.
By proper regulation of switches’ duty cycles, the outputs voltage, namely, Vo1 and Vo2 can be adjusted. To design
the closed-loop controller for the converter, it is necessary to obtain the dynamic model. As stated before in section
2, to control the output voltages, regulating the bus DC voltage Vo is also needed. In addition, as each input has its
own power switch and different parameters values, thus different controllers need to be designed. Figure 5 depicts
the control block diagram of the proposed converter with three inputs and two outputs.
Small-signal model is the basis for optimized controller design. Especially, for MIMO converters, an effective
model will aid to realize closed-loop control and to optimize the converter dynamics [1]. Unlike the conventional
SISO converters, the MIMO converter is a high order system, and the derivation of the plant transfer function is
extensive; therefore, it is difficult to obtain values of poles and zeros for analysis.

The dynamics of the plant can be described in a matrix form. Based on small-signal modeling method [2],
the state variables (x) and duty ratios (d), input voltages (v) contain two components, dc values (X, D, V) and
ˆ ˆ ˆ . It is assumed that the perturbations are small and do not vary significantly during one
disturbance values (x,d,v)
switching period. Hence, the proposed converter equations are as follows:

i Li ( t ) =I Li +iˆLi ( t ) 

i Lo ( t ) =I Lo +iˆLo ( t ) 

vo1 ( t ) =Vo1 +vˆ o1 ( t ) 

vo2 ( t ) =Vo2 +vˆ o2 ( t ) 
 (10)
d i1 ( t ) =Di1 +dˆ i1 ( t ) 

d i2 ( t ) =Di2 +dˆ i2 ( t ) 

d i3 ( t ) =Di3 +dˆ i3 ( t ) 

d o1 ( t ) =Do1 +dˆ o1 ( t ) 
d o2 ( t ) =Do2 +d̂ o2 ( t )
8 Alzgool and Nouri: MIMO boost control design

Figure 5. The control block diagram of the proposed converter

Where, iLi (t) and iLo (t) the input and output inductors’ current and where the output capacitors’ voltage
vo1 (t) and vo2 (t) are state variables. Substitutes (10) into (6-9), then the averaging model is applied and multiplied
by its corresponding duty cycle value. Hence, the system can be represented in a matrix form using a state-space
averaging model. The state-space model takes the following form:
dX 
=AX+BU 
dt  (11)
Y=CX+DU 

Where, X is a matrix containing the state variables, U is a matrix containing the control inputs
ˆd ( t ) , dˆ ( t ) , dˆ ( t ) , dˆ ( t ) , dˆ ( t ) , and Y is a matrix containing the system outputs vˆ ( t ) , vˆ ( t ) , v̂ ( t ) .
i1 i2 i3 o1 o2 o o1 o2
Matrixes X, Y, and U take following form:

ˆiLi1 ( t ) 
 
 vˆ ci1 ( t ) 
ˆ 
 iLi2 ( t )   vˆ ci1 ( t ) 
dˆ i1 ( t ) 
 vˆ ci2 ( t )   
 
dˆ i2 ( t ) 

ˆiLi3 ( t ) 
  vˆ ci2 ( t )  
X=  ,Y =  vˆ ci3 ( t ) , U = dˆ i3 ( t ) 
 vci3 ( t ) 
ˆ   ˆ 
ˆi ( t )   vˆ o1 ( t )  d o1 ( t ) 
 Lo1   vˆ ( t )  dˆ t 
 o2 ( )
 o2 
 vˆ co1 ( t ) 
ˆ 
 iLo2 ( t ) 
 vˆ ( t )
 co2 

The transfer function matrix of the converter is obtained from the small-signal model from matrices A, B, C,
and D as follows:
G = C(SI-A)−1B+D(12)
The rank of transfer function matrix depends on the control variables; so according to the number of control
variables, the rank of transfer function matrix G is 5×5

y = Gu (13)

 y1  g11 g12 g13 g14 g15   u1 

 y  g g 22 g 23 g 24 g 25   u 2 
 2   21
 y3  = g 31 g 32 g 33 g 34 g 35   u 3 
    
 y 4  g 41 g 42 g 43 g 44 g 45   u 4 
 y5  g 51 g 52 g 53 g 54 g 55   u 5 

Where, y and u are the system output and input vectors, respectively, and component gij represents the transfer
function between yi and uj. Hence, there are five transfer functions as follows:

v̂ci1 vi1
= = (14)
d̂ i1  Li1Ci1 2

 (1 − Di1 )(1 + )S 
 (1 − Di1 ) 2 

v̂ci2 vi2
g 22
= = (15)
d̂ i2  Li2 Ci2 2

 (1 − Di2 )(1 + )S 
 (1 − Di2 ) 2 

v̂ci3 vi3 (16)

g 33
= =
d̂ i3  Li3Ci3 2

 (1 − Di3 )(1 + )S 
 (1 − Di3 ) 2 

Vo (1 − S)
vˆ o1 (1 − Do1 )2 R L1
g 44 = = (17)
dˆ o1  Co1 
 (1 − D o1 )2
R L1
Lo1 
 (1 − D )(1 + L C
o1 ) S + o1 o1 2 S2 
 Lo1Co1 (1 − Do1 ) 
 
 

Vo (1 − S)
vˆ o2 (1 − Do2 )2 R L2
g 55 = =
dˆ o2  Co2  (18)
 (1 − D o2 )2
R L2
Lo2 
 (1 − D )(1 + L C
o2 )S + o2 o2 2 S2 
 Lo2 Co2 (1 − Do2 ) 
 
 

In this paper, the simulation results for three different input DC sources chosen within these ranges
(Vi1 = (200-500)V, Vi2 = (350-875) V, and Vi3 = (250-625) V) as an example of a different wind turbines DC voltage
levels. Two output DC voltages are obtained using the integration of PID controllers. The values of the converter
parameters the inductors L and the capacitors C have been obtained as discussed in our previous paper [8]. The
controller has been designed in such a way to provide the following requirements, for the DC bus voltage, e.g. Vo =
4 kV,Vo1=8 kV and Vo2=11 kV. Hence, by controlling the bus DC voltage Vo through the PID controllers on the first
stage of the designed converter to adapt itself as these inputs changes, thus the next stage will provide controlling
the output DC voltages as the load changes. Figure 6 depicts the simulation results using MATLAB software of
three-input and two-output DC-DC boost converter including the load and input sources variations to test the
performance of the closed-loop control.

According to the results obtained from the simulation of a three-input and two-output DC-DC converter model
associated with PID controllers, these results demonstrate the flexibility and robustness of the designed controller.
The DC voltage Vo remains fixed as the input sources reduced by 20% and when the load changes by 50% with no
10 Alzgool and Nouri: MIMO boost control design

overshoot and with small peak to peak ripple voltage Vo(ripple)(p−p ) = 20 volts.

Similarly, the performance of the designed controller with the output voltages Vo1 and Vo2 has been tested
as shown in Figure 6b and the controller demonstrates its flexibility and robustness in terms of the ability of
the controller to keep the output voltages Vo1 and Vo2 fixed when the loads or the inputs changes with a good
performance, i.e., 9.3% overshoot peak for Vo1 and 7.2% for the second output Vo2, as well as small peak current
and voltage ripple where

Vo1( ripple )( p−p ) = Vo 2( ripple )( p−p ) = 40 V


Io1 ripple = Io 2 ripple = 200 mA

( )(p− p) ( )(p− p)

Figure 6. Depicts the proposed converter output DC voltage results Vo = 4kV, Vo1 = 8kV, Vo2 = 11kV. (a) The bus
DC voltage Vo with load variation at t=0.5 s and with input sources variation at t=1 s, (b) the output DC voltage
Vo1 and Vo2 with load variation at t=0.5 s and with input sources variation at t=1 s

Table 1. Effects of the PID controller action on the time response curve specifications
The time response curve specifications Without the PID controller With the PID controller
action action
P.O P.Ovo1 = 83.9% P.Ovo1 = 9.3%
overshooting overshooting
P.Ovo2 = 154.7% P.Ovo2 = 7.2%
overshooting overshooting
Rise time (s) tr‑vo1 = 0.007 tr‑vo1 = 0.004
tr‑vo2 = 0.013 tr‑vo2 = 0.007
Settling time (s) ts‑vo1 = 0.43 ts‑vo1 = 0.43
ts‑vo2 = 0.5 ts‑vo2 = 0.46
Steady‑state error (%) S.S.evo1 = 3.75 S.S.evo1 = 0
S.S.evo2 = 6.36 S.S.evo2 = 0
Peak‑to‑peak ripple voltage (volts) Vo1 = 100 Vo1 = 40
(ripple)(p-p) (ripple)(p-p)
Vo2 = 160 Vo2 = 40
(ripple)(p-p) (ripple)(p-p)

P.O.: Percentage overshoot

The PID controller action has improved the output curve response as the percentage overshoot for each
output has been reduced; also, the rise time has been decreased by almost 50% of its original value without
using PID controller. The steady-state error has been eliminated due to the integration component of the PID
Table 1 summarizes the effects of the PID controller action on the response curve. A comparison has been made
between the time response specification curve with and without the PID controller action.
Hence, the designed controller has demonstrated that it has a good performance under input and load variations,
as well as being adaptable.

In this study, a new MIMO DC-DC boost converter with the advantages of simple configuration, fewer
components, and high conversion ratio for medium to high voltage applications is proposed. The mathematical
representations of the proposed MIMO converter for ideal and non-ideal converter have been presented. The
operation principles and the switching states with the dynamic modeling of the proposed converter have been
provided. To verify the performance of the designed converter, MATLAB/SIMULINK simulations have been
The results have proven the effectiveness of multi input sources integration; in terms of flexibility and reliability.
Also demonstrated in the robustness of the designed controller through the simulation; where the controller
automatically adapts the duty ratios of the power switches to achieve the predefined output voltages as the demand
or the supply changes.The performance of designed controller provides fixed output voltages with ripple factor in
order of 0.2% and with 100 mA peak ripple output currents. In addition, no overshoot in DC bus voltage response
curve has been obtained also9.3%, 7.2% overshoot peak for Vo1 and Vo2 respectively. In addition, no overshoot in
DC bus voltage response curve has been obtained also 9.3% and 7.2% overshoot peak for Vo1 and Vo2, respectively.
To conclude, the controlled converter achieves a constant 8 kV, 11 kV for the two outputs from three DC
input sources at an operating frequency of 1 kHz. The results prove the flexibility and reliability of the proposed
converter and the simplicity of designing robust PID controllers to achieve a constant DC output voltage in different
scenarios under inputs and load variations.

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