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L... Yol - : LR.R Iiogsi (Iiad. R/ SL/TR-BTTT

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lI{jtlrll-Ll \ I} iJ a) IIoI.()G'( ,lF{J

lat'errlrary nir: c tllr',i '' ?{t3!r;,r|rrtrt ,' :lntl

|115 lrrst. lrec:rti:t 11'l,,trriLle lor lr.r 8c!9 tr§
tor thr,§e Oi hir r(:r! 0trt,
IIOGSI{IIAD. r\ nteAsure of a eapneity x
.{tlttlir,':,g :lrc fu rrtL I'ilrt(if a Lt:r' {tr sl\tr-
three {itl,o:13. Corvell. Ä i., r g' r;rr:k. ol
in jeBn.ta crlnlcatts, bttt trslrlltl.r- ctttrt:t. ttiDLr
frotu uttit l;urrilrr:4 t,-l one llrr'irlt''-'rl ilI:J t )rt'§ ii
gillloü§. 1\'trh. tcr. llre l,rrlri. r rrf ii li|lrr:Ö it t',';rr Cit rrltiF, ;Itttl
\v,jlirluf :i,;ti(B ilr,t ;t- lr:i,l t,t'i'ii ul,'i.tt,;'jf
IIOLD, tl. l. Ttr ;"'lrt*s itt rlrtrte of a rli,;lrolrc r, rl. if sttr u' r I tlrr' i r.t. i i, ) f ii,tt
l;rn f:rl title; :lc in ti. cr:'':: )sij,':. (' rlrr 'r(r': t.tith
Le tt';l' tl:, r liiii (r't:c l' oi ,i.rln, irt 3r'rrrJ
in arinlr, "t,: iiltYe lltltl to lr,il'1. " Cit itr il:'rt il1,,.1frrr !ltltlc. olrJ t:.,it :.t ih Litlt" it rt.ts
81:1,1i,-{ L,) 11.'t(i:r, "tl)t'o\rnff llnrl ll'riri" '
l, liint ,re lr:rl "o n',1.i:r, r'i illY
" ;.t.Ltrri.ilri*,1
!. ltrr i.t' 111,.1 g1;111{r1t' ,)r i.'itiurt ,'{ ;111r'i 11r1" (1,,., ; irl l,lre t:il: ui tire I.,eir",n * t,,, ' :.,-
tO tak+,, Oi h;rve an t'§tliili tfrrlll il,t"riill"" .:. i,xt it." lli:l. of Jxclt:t:lq-r !cf, l§ri. i'15
I'Iot,r'.(, to h:rver A!t rSl; tr, en conil.;tt,n ul .i r{i Vrr:t, c. ü1, § '..:Lt,}
fill iI. rrnt. Of l,i'rf 'rllilll'j sfrr' ir ".
3. Tr) ;,. i:11rlge (}! rltct .r', sl')(rir.l Ir ;rf ll collrt' EOI,IJIIS, §:rx. In SitYUn law. -\ rrrtl-
it:lJ1' r'U:t,:l,.tlr(lef.
[rirtii:rii ]rl\.to,li'alare lltr to:,t'I. i ti of ]l'iv

tritelu:,] ;.r lire C(r.il! ;rS t, Llllr I<';,;lr. i'.it'c'. Oi IIOLDI)tG. Itr Errtiisli hrrv. A piece
tLie f:u'tr tlisi'lolr,l' of ltnLt irr l,^ unrlct fl lc;t.'r,-' or iillrll;rr tentney
.1.'I',r rt,tittt;ri:i or stl-t'lili; lo be riutir-'t' l.lie fr.r :rgrit,uitur:rl. [.it:'.o111, or ailrtil3r i,ur-
11e...i:§$lti or dut.-\' r-rf crts'r,ri:ti'rI or Ii]!rf ilt:; poses.
an rr:rfIl it is sa.,l tll,t: tl t,li'!'t'"l-'rirl.i 'llr::tf-
In Scoteh lalq. 'I'he tcnrrre ()r natrlrt'ol
tiftt:.rtttC" r)I: lrl'!iil i\ rr (r- iln r:s it1 l11 il Cilll:tl. tl.e riglrt given b) the Etll)(rti()r to tlte ltts,.itl.
5. Tu l,in.. 6p 1,1 lig.tc; tu IeJ r']ill r)f tr)ll- I i.:ll.
struiu; to kerp ia crr't'.:rij' or url(ler an ob
,ig;rti,:n; lls l» the l.lrt:i);:i "L,'l'l trr l'.ril." fiOLDIXG OYIIII. A hoirling lrn.;rnrl
"Ltlhi tor collrt," "licitt alrLi l':r'u:ii'i'ottnr-," I tlrr-r; a cüntlntling in I)ossi ssiorr x;1",'r l,le
etc. exlr.t;tti,rtt oi a t{'rIn. 'l'irt li':'i, ol }iea 'i n{
6. To ;lllrritriit(:ri !o corl,lttrt or I'rtsi(lc 1,t.r'.i"si ril (iI I'rt'u.lisc:J lrils,-'i, lrtler t,lre er-
trt; to t:ot.rr,,i', ()i,eili anr: tlil'' rL i.' r)i^'r;l- Iiir:rliotr of tirt ti'tirr üf tiro lell.le, §'rtlioll,
ttctrs oI; :ls 1u ir,,l i ii crjrlt't, t oi I f i'' t:. t L:.'. birt, cur):sr:t irf ttre l;nrll.,:'d; ur o[ ätt ol.;ee
?. 'l't, 1I,.ri{'ctr!e; t{)uii,:r't itu'i t't::t'; :ti-r'rllt :rlt,rr t,lil, 1.r;111111;on of [hc lliCuuLrcDi.'s i*..:1.
to I'tn ; as tcIrD.
'Jtlicil.l]; to c,rnilric! uccrrriiittg
to liu -l In (i:'('l;,,11. ftOT,DING IIP TIII] IIA§D. IN
ti. '[',t 1,it-.,,'-: ' to r'c.l:p,]"; trl i.re lri I)r' rPs- alirrrir,: l t,:":r1'liae, .Ä fr)I lr, I i!1 ()ltl):':!t-{l in
8,un aD,l a,lßlil:istilrtil,rl of ; :r§ to Lold oil;.:t'. tlr.: ;rir:rj;',rr.rilt of tr: i..i,r 1i'. llll,i '.o irg
IIOLD, ,r. Irr r,ltl law. Tr:ltut'e- Ä trtlr'l Eut &L,rtrl.,tr:i-l IrcC(,'S].rr)'. i t\'. lli..l,4.
rrrtll:lll' cccr:f . ing i:r ccll,tlL!,:.i,-)n \i iili
c. HOLIDAY. '\ r, li'rir'ts fcstical ; a day
{ts' l!''1,1, ta!'!}it lrl, t'Lt:.,
oflrrr.. ,.,: ft;,trtui,l, I Sr.t ar,ar t fot , rtl.j iri'i.! , :ri !n;j 3r,lllt) iil)r'(r'
but r,ittl-, u,tt" lii.i: ir, tl. itsli:lI ti i'l",ll:i. t;111r-;.i 1 ;11 M lr'Jt')i.Y:;r il.,; .,1 r'.\('rl,l i,'lu lf ilri
IIOLI) OVI:R. 'l',: l,'-rl,l l,ursts:ion atter l.tlr,.,r, \1'r r,.i't. A 11;t'r t.lr,ivl n!liclr tiro
tl:e ox1, t'itti,in oI lt tt'rI;i i,r :1'11','. '[r, t''t't:rl risilii. ()llr-r.,'.1 ,tlr t;f trLt:iti'Jss ilIB slisi;:':.rlr:d
poss{':r:;ul. oi f i.,1,1"ty lt'ast:ii, :iftFr tl,t trri'i irrr,l t1,,. , ,irr. L-\ r'iu)( .1,;lod, ii'l IltrJil)'r Eo ir'$,ll
of tlte l,1iru. To c,,t.tltrtte in 1'r,s:'.:"'i,,tt uf I)r(,c. ss is scrved.
an Ill',.'(-. :i11tl r 03t,,lltlt' i(,t eI'.rlljiJ" tiS i,ine' fiOLrL Äs islirutl in a rlver or the 3Fß.
tluni, aftci Lho eu(l ol t,iro o,li(:t:r's .a§'ful ':t
ttlrm. '-l,ci il n '
Iriitrn gr::s>f i{ra'l:nil ufou $otor sirlt,r or
EOLD ?L!:AS. To her.r oi tri'cartses. iB tlio \\ ii er, -Blorrnt. [. ,r',' gr.rtrlru it,ter'
B Bi. (lornrrr. ll5, 2'.tS. spr tc,l lviLlr strr:lruts. §neltt,an.
'IIOLDUII. Tho hultler of a lrill r>f ex- (uoi,oenafo. In Spiilrish law. A
obsnge, [,i()rrliss,)rt rlotr I or r:hel li is lhr ptr- lioh,;;rirpit. Au lu.trttntt'Itt (plrticulilrly a
ran wLo l-rur itgall.v 4c,1uirt:ri LliC 1;r:s:t;s:it-rtt willt tholll lo tLe Lranilwriting of tho Per'
ui tlle satut, {loill ;r IrPrBr,;l 1',;i,a''id of :tilrl§' coll Lr\ccllt:ng i&; or wlr:oh, t,., L,g Yaltd, Uuat fti
terIi:]8 it, Ly iudur:i,e[rcLt o.t tiuiilery, aud bt'so written by his own ltand-
$uaaK§ Lau ( N sÄ \1\o


3. To adjudge or decidg epoken of a courb partieular- purchase of it at a juilicial sale or by takins it uader
ly to declare the conchrgion of law reached by the court legat procesel, or by aquiring it ilr tekisg over an eatate'
as to the l€al €ffet of the facts disclmed- §ee Holding. or by prrchasiag it as part of a bulk transaction not in
regularcourae of bueines§ of the transferor- A purchas'
4. To maintain or sustain; to be rmder the neceeeity
er of a limited inter€8t caa be a holderr in due ourse
or duty of sustaining or proving; as when it i8 §aid that
a party'bolds the affirmative" or aegative of an issue b only to the exteut of t'be interest purchased- I(aw
Valley State Baük & Trust Co. v. Riddle 219 Kaa. 550'
a cau§e.
ilg Pzd 927,933.
5. To bind or obligatq to restrain or coastrain; to
ke€p in arstody or under an obligation; as ia tbe phras' A holder in due course of a conguner credit @Btrsct
(i.e. consumer paper) i8 subixt to 6l| clqims aad defensee
es "hoH to bail,' 'told fu eour!" 'beld and firmly
boundj'etc. which tbe debtor (buyer) could asselrt agairat the seller
of t.he gpods or s€ryicee obtained pursuant to the credit
6. To administer; to conduct or preaide at to con- contract or with the poceeds therof. 16 ClfR § 483.1 et
voke, open, and direct tbe operatims of; ag to hold a
court" hold pleas, etc.
?. To proeecute to direct and btingi about officially; Conpare Bonafde purcfiaser. Sealso Feal defenses.
to coadust sccording to law; ae to hold an election Eolder in good feith. Oae who takee property or an
8. To poesesq to occupy; to be in peeasiolr and i:rstrument without kaowledge of aay defect ia its title-
administration of; ag to hold dfie.
Hold hamleae agr=ement. A contractual arraDgenent
9. To keeg to retain; to maintain pceeesioa of or whereby one party asEunes the liability inherent iu a
authority over. gituation, thereby relieving tlre other party of r€sponsi-
Se als OrnershiP; Poss€ssion. bili8 Such agreements are typically fouad in leases'
Eol.d aner. To retain pcsession as tenant of property and easenents. Agreement or ontract il which one
lease{aft€rthe end of tbe tem- To oatinue in pmea' party agrees to hold the other without rcspmsibility fr
gion of an ofüe and continue to exercise its function8, ,hnqge or otber liability arising out of the transactior
after tbe end of the dfice/g lawful term. involved- See & Qnrantg lndemnit5 Surety.
Eold. plw. To hear or try causes. 3 BLComm- 35, 298. Eolding. lbe legal principle to be drawn from the
opinion (decision) of t,he courL Opposite of dietum (g.uJ-
Eolö re In old Englisb law, tenure. A word consteatly It may rcfer to a kial ruliag of t}re cort upol evidence
occunirg in conjuactiou with othery * fieehold' bw' questions during tb triat Blwad
or other
hd.d, awlald, etc, but rarely met with in the separate
t. Elrre & Co. v. Hirsch e,t at, 36 Wash.*t 489,218P2r1
88& Also, general telm fc property, securiüieq etc'
Eolder. The holder d a bill of excbange promiesory owned by persoo or corporatioL See alep Decbion;
notc, check, or otlrer commercial paper' is the person Dicta.
vl6 har legally acquired pcsession of tlre same, by In Eryli8h law, a piece of land held under a lease or
indoraement or delivery, and who ig entitled to rcceive rimilar teaancy fc agricultural, pastoral or similar
payment of the inetrument Person who is in poss€ssion
of a documeut of title or an iDstrunent or an inveghent
secudty dras:u iesued or endorsed t6 him or to his EoLltrg ormpa4r. A company that usually coufines itg
order, or to bearer or ia blank UC.C' § 1-201(20). astivities to owniag stock in, and eupervisiag m'4tge
Eoldc for valuq A holder who has given a valuable ment of, other companiea A holding conpany usually
@aside,rstioa for the docuoent of title, instruDent or owns a controlling interesü itr the companiea whee atoch
ioveatloent security which he has in hia poss€8sion- A it holda In o,rder for a corporation to gai[ the benefits
holder takeg an instrurentfor valuer (a) to the extent oftar coneolidatioq including taxfree dividends and the
that t.he agreed cmsideration hec been perfotmed or ability to shale operating lmes, the holding oompaay
that he acquirea asecurityintereet ia, or a lien on' tbe must owrl Wo or more of the voting stock of the
ingtrument otherwige thrn !y legal procesq or (b) when corgoration I.R.C. § 2A& fualsp hvestmentconPany-
he takes ttre instrum€nt in payment of, o as §ecutity Persorrot tnlding @rnryrt. A clooely held orporation
for, an antecedent cl,aim against any person whether or which receives peraonal holding conpany income. Pen-
not tbe claim is dug or (c) when he givee a negotiable sonal holdiag income includes but ie not linited ta
ingtrument for it or makea an irrevocable commitrnent övidends, int€rest' ren§ royaltiesr etc- If a company
to a third percoD" U.C.C. § 3-80e. comes within the definition of a peraonal holding compa-
lßolder in duc oourae [n commercial law, a holder of nn it oay be sublxt to the regular corporate tax, aB
' ro irstto-e.t who took it for valug in gpod faith and well as a pergonal holding company tar on the undistrib
without notioe of aay doim or def€Dre against it' U.C.C. uted pergoual holding compary iocome. fire tax is
§ 3-30r[U and who can enfore the instrument frce iIlrpced to prevert individuals from accumulating in-
fr,om all elaimg and pe,rsonal defenses. U.C.C. § 3€On come in the corl»ration and not subjecting the individu-
A paye may be a holder in due course. A holder does als to the personal income tax on the earaingB See olw
not beeome a holder in due course of an instrunent by Holüng corpany tax Personal holding company.

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