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Respectable Sin On Impatience

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!! Confronting the Sins we Tolerate !

Anger - is a strong feeling of __________________ and usually
“Regardless of how moral and spiritual we have been, the debt of antagonism.
our sin is enormous. The damage to God’s glory by our sin is !
determined not by the severity of our sin but by the value of Resentment - is anger _______________ on to. Here anger is
God’s glory…Every sin we commit, regardless of how ________________________. We dwell on the fact that we have
insignificant it seems to us, is an assault on His infinite been wronged.
glory.” [Respectable Sins, pg 137] !
! Bitterness - is resentment that ________________ into ongoing
____________________. Seen in statements like “I have
!Impatience can be defined as a strong sense of annoyance at the forgiven them, but I will have nothing to do with them.”

unintentional ______________ and _______________ of others;

Enmity & Hostility is anger expressed ___________________,
often expressed verbally with the intent to _______________ the often in __________________ speech directed toward the object
object of our impatience. Some common causes: of our anger.
• Having to explain things more than once.
• Slow service due to the thoughtlessness of another person.
Grudge implies that there is a ________________ on our part
• Those with whom we work do not progress at a rate that we that _________________ be taken on the object of our anger.
feel they should
!Irritability is defined as the _________________ of impatience !
Strife is the climax of our anger and is in no way “respectable”.
or the ________________ to which a person can become
impatient at the slightest provocation.
Strife is open _______________ or turmoil between two parties.

!How do we confront and conquer these sins? Anger is never static. If we do not deal with anger, it will grow
and worsen to the highest level. It is an infectious poison that
• L_________________ - I Corinthians 13:4-8 tells is love is will destroy. So then, how do we deal with the problem of anger?
patient, not easily provoked, will bear all and endure all things.
• See also Prov 19:11 ad 1 Peter 4:8
• C_________________ - In 1 Peter 2:23 we are told that Jesus
did not retaliate but instead committed Himself to the Father
TRUST IN A _________________ GOD. We must like Joseph
who will judge righteously. understand that all things happen to us by God’s design. Men
! may mean it for evil, but God intends it for good. (Gen 50:20)
ANGER !PRAY TO GROW IN ________________ (1 Peter 4:8)
Robert Jones states “Anger is a universal problem, prevalent in
every culture, experienced by every generation. No one is !
isolated from its presence or immune from its poison. It F______________ AS GOD FORGAVE (Eph 4:32) God
permeates each person and spoils our most intimate forgave a debt far greater than any hurt we have ever endured or
relationships. Anger is a given part of our fallen human fabric.” will endure; yet in love He choose to forgive you.

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