Declaration of Intent: Bodyjam 79
Declaration of Intent: Bodyjam 79
Declaration of Intent: Bodyjam 79
The Les Mills global family is made up of
16,000 fitness clubs, 100,000 instructors
and millions of participants from 112 countries
As a company that leads group fitness
experiences for millions of people every
day, we walk a fine line between delivering
around the globe. cutting-edge, innovative products and ensuring
SEPARATED BY GEOGRAPHY, that accepted norms are upheld and respected.
RELIGION, RACE, COLOR AND Choosing, licensing and matching
CREED, WE ARE UNITED IN OUR choreography to the right music is a huge
challenge! We screen the music we use and
LOVE OF MOVEMENT, MUSIC AND try to avoid language and references that may
THE PURSUIT OF HEALTHY LIVING, cause offense. If we can, sometimes there will From L-R: Jace Ago, Nikki Schultz, Apple Zhang, Gandalf "G" Archer Mills, Gaëlle Conil, Chris Richardson
BOTH FOR OURSELVES AND OUR be an alternative track (at the bottom of the A DOWNTOWN LITUATION is what occurred at filming Finally, use party track Wiggle Wop to check in with
PLANET. track list) for you to use instead. and now I get to share it with you beautiful people! your class before mashing the whole routine into an
Track 1, Wild Card, and there’s a bit going on here - so
DIGNITY OF EACH INDIVIDUAL COMMUNICATION WITH OUR GLOBAL let the music do its job with simple Layer 1 cues. When Recovery time… and Into You gives us the greatest
WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY AND FAMILY SO DIFFERENCES OF it comes to Whip It, you’ll notice that we ‘pre-hit’ the combo in the history of dance fitness… you’re
STRIVE TO RESPECT THE RIGHTS OPINION CAN BE EXPRESSED, AND last count before each repetition. Do this to create welcome.
In our choice of role models, music and ABOVE ALL, WE ARE PASSIONATE The Isolations track unleashes some throbbing bass love this routine!
movements we understand that different people poppiness to the hit Me Too… and, OK, I’ll let you sing
ABOUT DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING a little… 2 lines, maybe 3… but try to put the attitude OK… so, just like in the Masterclass, you need to
and societies have different standards for dress, FITNESS EXPERIENCES, EVERY in your body. One more thing: when it comes to the first maintain a sense of calm as you coach your way
popular culture and dance.
TIME, EVERYWHERE. verse, listen to the song maybe 10 times to learn the through the Track 11 Whip and Double Kick combo. So,
WE ALSO KNOW THAT WHAT IS words. The arm-lines will come much easier if you do. think plenty of space without too much hype.
Tell us what you think of this release.
Track 3 is an epic Latin House extravaganza so keep it
small, cool and give your class plenty of warning when
adding the turns.
In Track 13 you need to open your chest MASSIVELY to
the club track of the year: This Is What You Came For (I
love this track so much I used it 3 times). So the trick is
to sweep as long as you can, from side to side… Then,
Visit First cardio block and, HOLY SCHMOLLY, it’s an Old just like we do in the Masterclass, teach the forward
School/New School mash-up. turn facing the same direction as your class. It will help
your members immensely.
Hey instructors! When it comes to mixing up past If you have a more advanced audience who you Pump up the room Old-School style (2003 is officially
Old School now people), before sliding into the silky The final dance track, Anywhere But Home, is an awe-
releases, you can teach back as far as BODYJAM have taught these routines to over many years, then synth beats and sweet vocals of ’05 R ’n’ B hit Run It! inspiring, progressive slammer that will never cease to
32, with some exceptions: maybe you can pull out one of these blocks once (also Old School). Take your time laying the foundations blow you away.
Many of the older BODYJAM blocks have a every six months. But if, like me, you have a bunch for the 3 first combos here… then tell your class
considerably higher complexity level that will be of new people in each class you teach, then to start the Chest Tick to the BACK… always back! Please hit me with feedback or love on my socials.
I strongly suggest you avoid these blocks with Next comes Rump Shaker (proper Old School… Hope you love this new release. Dance it hard and I’ll
out of reach for many new members in your class. yuussss!)… hook into the lyrics of this ’92 classic see you for BODYJAM 80… celebrating 20 years of
If you teach the more complex routines from higher complexity.
before connecting to the chill vibe of Work From Home BODYJAM - coming soon.
past releases, you will inevitably alienate new However, there are some incredible older tracks, full (100% not Old School).
participants, and they will be unlikely to come back. of magic and simple, pure dance feel: BODYJAM G
For example, blocks to avoid: 41 La Bomba, BODYJAM 33 Hey Mama, BODYJAM
BODYJAM 37 Jazz Rock 42 Jam De Podium, and who could forget the BODYJAM Presenters
BODYJAM 38 Latin Block Battle from BODYJAM 32! Pick and choose your
tracks carefully and you will have the floor on fire Gandalf “G” Archer Mills (New Zealand) is Program Gaëlle Conil (France) is a BODYJAM and SH’BAM Trainer.
BODYJAM 39 Dance 4 Life Director for BODYJAM. He is based in Auckland and has She owns a French dance school and is France’s Hip Hop
BODYJAM 40 Jive & Swing, Krump Club every week.
dedicated his life to dance performance and teaching. Champion (Junior division), and France’s Hip Hop Solo
BODYJAM 43 Disco Cardio Champion (Pro Division).
BODYJAM 46 Tribal Explosion © All rights reserved. No part of these notes may be used, stored or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Les Mills International Limited.
BODYJAM 49 Street Jazz Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Les Mills International Limited, 22 Centre Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, New Zealand,
PO Box 91137, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Telephone +64 (9) 366-9900.
BODYJAM 79 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016
Choreography is the foundation of all LES MILLS programs. It’s what allows us to deliver safe and effective Abdominal fat: not only is it considered Results
classes, role-model great technique, coach, connect, and to create awesome fitness experiences every time! undesirable but it’s also unhealthy. The results were impressive. While both groups saw
a reduction in body fat, the HIIT group experienced
It’s your job as the instructor to breathe life into the Program Director’s choreography. It’s a big responsibility, An increased waist circumference is strongly a much greater reduction in waist circumference
and one that requires you to learn new choreography every 3 months. If you teach more than 1 program, the associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and internal abdominal fat. They lost an average
heart disease and hypertension. It’s even thought to of 0.86 inches (2.2cm) from their waistlines, and
time spent learning choreography can add up FAST. Whether you’ve been a Les Mills Instructor for a long time disrupt your hormonal balance. So, what can we do
or just starting your journey, use the 5 tips below to help you memorize the choreography in record time. 2.2% of the fat from deep inside their abdomen;
to get rid of the dreaded abdominal bulge? this is the type of fat that causes serious health
Hot Tip #1 – Say No to Social New evidence has shown that 8 weeks of issues. The HIIT group also significantly increased
To learn choreography quickly, give it your undivided direction of the turn. Marking isn’t just a way to LES MILLS GRIT is the perfect way to carve their cardiorespiratory fitness, sprint speed and arm
attention – even if it’s for just 5–10 minutes. Turn conserve energy while rehearsing: new research inches off your waistline. strength.
off anything that will distract you, such as email shows that marking makes it easier to learn it! High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) consists of Conclusion
notifications or cellphones. Create an environment Mark the moves the next time you need to learn a short, intermittent bursts of maximum-intensity This study proves that if you want to maximize
that will let you concentrate – away from your exercise interspersed with periods of rest. the results of your training, all you need to do is
new release and feel how this allows your brain and replace two of your regular gym sessions with two
partner, kids and pets – and resist the urge to check LES MILLS GRIT utilizes these training methods with
body to connect. It’s not exclusive to learning dance; short but explosive workouts. 30-minute HIIT workouts.
social media! it works for any type of program.
Previous research has shown that these workouts Combining these two types of training will
Hot Tip #2 – Become a Visual Learner Hot Tip #5 – Channel Your Inner Spock increase your aerobic fitness, grow lean muscle
deliver accelerated changes in body composition,
Our visual senses are a powerful tool when it comes A valuable way to help you to retain choreography aerobic fitness and strength. A research team from tissue and amplify fat burn – and this latest study
to learning choreography. for the long term is to understand the logic behind it. the University of Nicosia in Cyprus wanted to know demonstrates that it will also carve inches off your
what effect combining LES MILLS GRIT Cardio waistline.
Go to ‘audio settings’ on the Masterclass and turn For example, in a BODYPUMP Chest track we might with conventional training might have on our body
off the Presenter's voice so that you watch the video have 16x Bottom Half Pulses, a Hold at the top for composition and – in particular – that stubborn type
with the music only. This will allow you to focus 4 counts, then a 2/2 rhythm. of abdominal fat that interferes with our health.
solely on the movement and music, helping you to
absorb the choreography. To make sense of this choreography: 16x Bottom The Study
Half Pulses are meant to be challenging, which Two groups of adults participated in an 8-week
Think you don’t need to watch the Masterclass? OK, intervention. One group performed four regular
means you’ll need a break. The 4-count hold at the workouts combining cardio and resistance training,
here’s your challenge! When you learn your next
top provides that quick rest before moving onto the while the other group replaced two of the cardio
release, watch the filming video first to engage your
next working phase – the steady 2/2 rhythm. sessions with two LES MILLS GRIT Cardio workouts
visual senses. You may be surprised by how quickly – and kept the remainder of the training the same.
and accurately you can learn the choreography, Try to comprehend the logic behind the Program
simply by watching the video. Director’s choreography. Is it a specific training Body composition and physical fitness tests were
stimulus they’re trying to achieve, a story they performed at the beginning and end of the study.
Hot Tip #3 – Wash, Rinse, Repeat
want to tell, or a feeling they want to convey? If you
Listen to the music over and over again so you can
can understand their intention, you’ve unlocked
identify the verses, the chorus and the bridge. The
one of the most powerful tools to memorizing
more familiar you are with the music, the easier
you will find it to align the choreography with it. Pay
attention to the details! A cymbal crash, a catchy
lyric, a sound effect… these are all important
Which of these tips do you already use?
ways to link the right moves to the right parts of
the music. Which tip(s) are you willing to try for the first
Hot Tip #4 – X Marks the Spot
Dancers have one of the best techniques when How will you use 1+ of these tips the next time
it comes to memorizing choreography. It’s called you are learning choreography?
To mark a dance means to go through the motions
1. Warburton E C, Wilson M, Lynch M & Cuykendall S (2013). WAIST INTERNAL CARDIORESPIRATORY
of the dance in a minimized way. For example, The cognitive benefits of movement reduction: evidence from CIRCUMFERENCE ABDOMINAL FAT FITNESS
instead of performing a pirouette, a dancer might dance marking. Psychological Science, 24(9):1732-9 PMID:
mark the move with a twirl of their fingers in the 23863756.