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Features: - Your Voice - The History of Martial Arts

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• Your Voice
• The History Of Martial Arts


The Les Mills global family is made up of
15,000 fitness clubs, 100,000 instructors
and millions of participants from 112 countries
As a company that leads group fitness
experiences for millions of people every day,
we walk a fine line between delivering cutting-
around the globe. edge, innovative products and ensuring that
SEPARATED BY GEOGRAPHY, RELIGION, accepted norms are upheld and respected.
RACE, COLOR AND CREED, WE ARE UNITED Choosing, licensing and matching choreography
IN OUR LOVE OF MOVEMENT, MUSIC AND to the right music is a huge challenge! We
THE PURSUIT OF HEALTHY LIVING, BOTH screen the music we use and try to avoid
FOR OURSELVES AND OUR PLANET. language and references that may cause
AT LES MILLS WE BELIEVE IN THE offense. If we can, sometimes there will be an
DIGNITY OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WITHIN alternative track (at the bottom of the track list)
OUR COMMUNITY AND STRIVE TO for you to use instead.
In our choice of role models, music and OF OPINION CAN BE EXPRESSED, AND
movements we understand that different people COMPROMISES REACHED.
and societies have different standards for ABOVE ALL, WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT
dress, popular culture and dance. DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING FITNESS
Tell us what you think of this release.
Visit lesmills.com/BLAH


Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Basslouder
BODY Remix Edit)
2013 LNG Music.
Neon Ninja 4:05
Written by: Schwartz

1b LOWER BODY Roar (Bass Rayders Remix Edit)

2013 LNG MUSIC. Hot Cherry 5:41
WARMUP Written by: Perry, Gottwald, Martin, McKee, Walter

Black Or White (Combat Remix)

2 COMBAT 1 2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd.
Written by: Jackson
The Treat Ring 3:16

Fly Away
2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd. Deer Between 5:25
TRAINING 1 Written by: Allan, Pritchard

Emergency (Clockwork Remix) Steve Aoki feat.

4 COMBAT 2 2013 Ultra Music/Dim Mak. Licensed courtesy of Liberator Music Pty Ltd.
Lil Jon, 4:46
Written by: Aoki, Bates, Anamege, Smith Chiddy Bang

Rise Again (Sy and Unknown Remix) Breeze v Lost
2008 Futureworld Records. 5:01
TRAINING 2 Written by: Brady, Si Paul, Kirsch, Heath Witness

What’s Love (Kandy Man Remix Edit) Ste Ingham and

Written by: Britten, Lyle Nick Skitz

7 MUAY THAI 2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd.
Written by: Harrell, Roberts, Arnold
Proof Luke 6:49

Sunshine On A Cloudy Day (Eufeion Remix)
2013 Juicy Lemon Music (UK). Bang! 6:29
TRAINING 3 Written by: Arnold, Orton

Black Or White (Combat Remix)
2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd. The Treat Ring 0:24
TRAINING 3 Written by: Jackson

You’re The Best

9 CONDITIONING 2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd.
Written by: Conti, Willis
Blazed Calm 4:05

Now We Are Free

Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Lisa Kelly 3:26
Written by: Zimmer, Badelt, Gerrard
Now We Are Free
Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Lisa Kelly 1:19
Written by: Zimmer, Badelt, Gerrard

1a UPPER BODY Every Rose Has Its Thorn
2013 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd. Nick Skitz 4:10
WARMUP Written by: Sychak, Johannesson, Kuykendall, Ream

1b LOWER BODY Roar (Bass Rayders Remix Edit)
2013 LNG MUSIC. Hot Cherry 5:41
WARMUP Written by: Perry, Gottwald, Martin, McKee, Walter

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

Track 1a
Upper Body Warmup Track 1a Upper Body Warmup
Track 1b
Lower Body Warmup Track 1b Lower Body Warmup
Track 8
Power Training 3 Track 2 Combat 1
Track 4
Combat 2 Track 3 Power Training 1
Track 6
Combat 3 Track 4 Combat 2
Track 10
Cooldown/Recovery Track 7 Muay Thai
(approx 2 mins) Track 8 Power Training 3
Track 10 Cooldown

CREDITS Please note: The 30 and 45-minute class formats have been
customized for this release. In the future when you mix and match
using different releases, please use the standardized express formats
Dan Cohen – Choreography & Music found in the Instructor Education section on www.lesmills.com

Rachael Newsham – Choreography & Music

Dr Jackie Mills – Group Fitness Director
Diana Mills – Creative Director
Bryce Hastings – Technical Consultant
Sarah Irwin – Program Planner

AIK Aikido HOH hands on hips
BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instr instrumental
BOX Boxing Intro introduction
CAP Capoeira L left
KAR Karate mins minutes
KB Kick-boxing O/H over head
KF Kung Fu OTS on the spot
MMA Mixed Martial Arts Outro last few bars of music
MT Muay Thai PC pre-chorus
TKD Tae Kwon Do QC quiet chorus
B up build up R right
Br bridge (non-chorus) Seq sequence
C chorus V verse
cts counts Vox voice
C br chorus bridge
F&B forward and backward preview

The Fine Print

Les Mills' instructor resources (CDs, DVDs and choreography notes) are unique, valuable resources provided to you as a Les Mills' certified instructor to enable you to
learn each new release and teach it in Les Mills' licensed clubs only. Do not share these resources. Copying, burning, uploading files onto the internet or selling Les Mills'
instructor resources to other people is illegal, and rips off Les Mills, its distributors and other instructors. If you are engaging in any of these illegal activities, there may be
serious consequences for you personally including legal action, the suspension or permanent withdrawal of your Les Mills certification. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

From L-R: Carrie Kepple (shadow), Dan Cohen, Tauvaga Siolo, Rachael Newsham, Brian Peralta (shadow)

Celebrating 15 years in the international market, Release 60 We believe the coaching, technique, music and moves are
has a phenomenal workout focus. playing a dramatic part in its continued growth, together
Each track has a clear objective, both authentically and with an increasing number of amazing and very talented
beneficially. With an extended Warmup, fast-hitting instructors delving into this workout.
combos, held sequencing, and 30 to 60-second blocks of Rach and I personally want to thank you and shout to ALL
unforgivable heart rate lifters, your fitness, power, speed of you – from the ones who have been flying the flag for 15
and intensity have not just been truly stepped up but have years, to the brand-new first-timers teaching this awesome
been injected with the adrenaline of a thousand shots of program.
'staying with the fight'! We are both overwhelmed at the Facebook, Twitter and
The latest NEW MOVE to hit your empowering workout is Instagram support and feedback through the Les Mills blah.
the SUPERMAN PUNCH and what better song to use than So here's to another 15 years EVERYBODY!
Kryptonite. Keep it real and stay with the fight!
The new moves segment on the DVD has a full breakdown
of this technique along with its fight imagery.
Watch the DVD and take notes for the coaching and the
options. BODYCOMBATTM is now in more than 9,000 gyms
around the globe and growing fast!

BODYCOMBAT™ Presenters
Dan Cohen (New Zealand) is co-Program Director for Tauvaga Siolo (New Zealand) is a BODYCOMBAT™,
both BODYCOMBAT™ and CXWORX™, an International BODYJAM™, BODYPUMP™ and SH’BAM™ Instructor
Master Trainer for BODYPUMP™, and a passionate mixed and Trainer, and a CXWORX™ and RPM™ Instructor
martial artist based in Auckland. based in Auckland.
Rachael Newsham (New Zealand) is co-Program Director
of BODYCOMBAT™ and Program Director of SH’BAM™.
She is based in Auckland.

© All rights reserved. No part of these notes may be used, stored or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Les Mills International Limited.
Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Les Mills International Limited, 22 Centre Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, New Zealand,
PO Box 91137, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Telephone +64 (9) 366-9900.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

It’s an occupational hazard that we instructors will experience vocal issues at some
point in our careers. This is because we are professional voice users. We talk over loud
music. Our posture when teaching is not always conducive to easily projecting our voice,
like in Hovers or Squats, and our upper bodies are often loaded with tension, which
affects the voice box (larynx). Then shouting, back-to-back classes, physical tiredness,
dehydration and teaching when sick are all recipes for vocal damage. And how many
of us reach for caffeine before class to give us that extra ‘zing’?

ALL OF THE ISSUES ABOVE Ongoing vocal misuse can lead to cysts
CAN CAUSE VOCAL and nodules in your throat which may
SYMPTOMS SUCH AS: require surgery to repair. The good news
• Vocal Fatigue is there’s heaps of things you can do to
Where your voice is hard to find take care of your voice to ensure you
or breaks or fades out. deliver awesome vocal quality every time
• Changes in Vocal Quality you teach.
It becomes rough, gravelly, breathy
or hissy.
• Reduced Vocal Range
You can only speak at a lower pitch.
• Reduced Vocal Power
It requires more effort to speak
or produce your loud voice.
Do vocal warmups
1 0:30 Roll your shoulders up, back and down to release upper body 1
each tension. Neck stretches – flex, extend, rotate and side-flex
your neck.
2 1:00 Blow your lips together like a horse does. 10
Add gentle voicing “brrrrr”.
3 1:00 Tongue trill with gentle voicing “rrrrrr”. Follow with “la la la la 10
la”, feeling your voice bounce off the roof of your mouth.
4 1:00 Hum gently as if agreeing, “mmm”, feeling the voice vibrations 10
in the front of your face and the tingle in your lips. Say 5 “m”
words with an exaggerated “mmm” at the beginning,
eg. “mmmain, mmmore, mmmoon, mmmine, mmmoan”.
5 1:00 Say “ng”, like at the end of “sing”, then glide smoothly and 10
effortlessly into the vowel sounds:
ng – ah
ng – ay
ng – ee
ng – oh
ng – oo
ng – aw
Don’t shout!
Project your voice. Visualize your voice as
a physical force which is hitting the back
wall. You don’t need to force anything, you
just need to send it forward.

Don’t teach when you are sick.

Stay hydrated.
By drinking plenty of water and steaming
your throat in the shower.

Don’t have too much caffeine, and THANKS TO:

don’t smoke! Michelle Dean
Training Manager, LMAP
Rest your voice.
Our voices need time to recover. Look for Patricia Baldock
activities geared towards relaxation and Speech Pathologist, BSpThy, MSPA
rest, and allow for vocal downtime. Make Anna Rumbach
sure you get enough sleep to give your Speech Pathologist, BSc, MSpPathSt,
larynx time to heal. GCHEd, PhD, MSPA CPSP
© Les Mills International Ltd 2014
Boxing is a combat sport where two participants, Muay Thai is referred to as ‘The Art of Eight
generally of similar weight, fight each other with Limbs’, as the hands, shins, elbows and knees
only their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee are all used extensively in this art. A practitioner
and is typically performed inside a ring with of Muay Thai (nak muay) thus has the ability to
rounds lasting 1 to 3 minutes. There are three execute strikes using eight ‘points of contact’, as
ways to win: opposed to ‘two points’ (fists) in Western Boxing
1. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked and ‘four points’ (fists, feet).
down and unable to get up before the referee Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand.
counts to 10 seconds; this is called a knockout
or KO.
2. If the opponent is deemed too injured to
continue, this is called a technical knockout
or TKO.
3. If there is no stoppage of the fight before
an agreed number of rounds, a winner is
determined either by the referee’s decision or
by judges’ scorecards.

There are four basic punches in Boxing: Jab,

Straight Right/Cross, Hook and Uppercut.


Karate is a Martial Art that is centuries old and
essentially Japanese. The translation of kara is
open and the translation of te is hand. So Karate
means ‘empty hand’.
Karate training is commonly divided into three
1. Kihon (the basics or fundamentals)
2. KATA (forms)
3. Kumite (sparring)
Kung Fu consists of a number of fighting styles THE HISTORY OF TAI CHI
that were developed over many centuries. Tai Chi is an internal Chinese Martial Art, often
Essentially this is a Chinese Martial Art, practised practised for health reasons.
by Shaolin monks. Those fighting styles are Tai Chi can be practised for a variety of other
identified as ‘families’ or schools. Examples of personal reasons − its hard and soft Martial Art
these styles are physical exercises that mimic techniques can help self-defense, focus and
movements from animals. breathing.
There are five animal forms: Consequently, a multitude of training forms exist,
1. The Dragon both traditional and modern.
2. The Snake Some Tai Chi training forms are well known to
Westerners as the slow-motion routines that
3. The Tiger
groups of people practise together every morning
4. The Crane in parks around the world, particularly in China.
5. The Leopard or Panther
THE HISTORY OF TAE KWON DO Jiu-Jitsu originated 2,500 years ago in India. It
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art. The word was developed by monks as a method of self-
tae means ‘to strike or break with foot’; kwon defense against thieves on long journeys.
means ‘to strike or break with fist’; and do
In 1919, Jiu-Jitsu was introduced to Brazilian
means ‘way’, ‘method’, or ‘art’. So, ‘Tae Kwon
Hélio Gracie, who developed the Japanese art
Do’ may be loosely translated as ‘the way of
into what is known today as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
the foot and fist’ or ‘the way of kicking and
punching’. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) focuses on grappling
and ground fighting. It promotes the principle
Tae Kwon Do is a flamboyant Martial Art that is
that a smaller, weaker person can successfully
agile, fast and precise; it is 90% feet and only
defend themselves against a bigger, stronger
10% hands.
opponent using leverage and proper technique
during locks and choke-holds.
THE HISTORY OF CAPOEIRA What will Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu do for you
Capoeira is essentially a Brazilian art. This form and your members?
combines three elements: 1. Burn calories
1. Martial Arts 2. Increase strength
2. Game playing 3. Gain discipline
3. Dance 4. Provide self-defense
It was created in Brazil by slaves brought from 5. Build confidence
Africa, some time after the 16th century.
Participants form a roda or circle, and take
turns playing musical instruments (such as the
Berimbau), singing, or ritually sparring in pairs in
the center of the circle. The sparring is marked
by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use
of Sweeps, Kicks and even head butts.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To introduce the upper body moves to lift the heart Energetic, familiar, TAE KWON DO
rate quickly and connect well with the participants. confident CAPOEIRA
0:00 Intro 2x8 L Combat Stance
0:10 2x8 Pulse F, B 2 8x
L Combat Stance BOX
0:17 V1 Well you’re 4x8 A L Uppercut x2 4
Pulse F, B x2 4 4x
Jab, Cross, Jab
0:31 C Hit me 4x8 A L Uppercut x2
L Jab, R Cross, L Jab 4 4x
0:43 Instr (High synth) 8x8 B Shuffle F 4 TKD
Decoy Switch R, L 4
Shuffle B 4
L, R, L Uppercut 4 4x
1:10 (Synth beat) 4x8 Jack In, Out 2 16x
Transition to R Combat Stance
R Combat Stance BOX
1:24 V2 Come on 4x8 A R Uppercut x2 4
Pulse F, B x2 4 4x
Jab, Cross, Jab
1:38 C Hit me 4x8 A1 R Uppercut x2 4
R Jab, L Cross, R Jab 4 4x
1:50 Instr (High synth) 8x8 B Shuffle F 4 TKD
Decoy Switch L, R 4
Shuffle B 4
R, L, R Uppercut 4 4x
2:17 (Synth beat) 4x8 Scissor L, R – Level 1 2 16x
2:30 4x8 Scissor L, R – Level 2 2 14x
Jump to Front Stance on last 4 cts
Front Stance BOX
2:44 V3 Come on 4x8 C L Hook x2 4
R Hook x2 4 4x
Hook, Weave
2:57 C Hit me 4x8 C1 L Hook 2
Weave L to R 2
R Hook 2
Weave R to L 2 4x
3:10 Instr (Low synth) 8x8 D Squat Pulse x4 8 CAP
R Pulsing Lunge x4 – L leg to B 8
Squat Pulse x4 8
L Pulsing Lunge x4 – R leg to B 8 2x
3:37 Vox (Bass louder) 8x8 E Shuffle R 4 BOX
R, L, R Jab 4
Shuffle L 4
L, R, L Jab 4 4x
A-Frame Arms, Front Stance, on last ct
Immediate transition to 1b
Hit Me With Your Best Shot > 4:05 mins 1a
BODYCOMBAT™ 60 kicks off with a classic Upper Body Warmup track that is created to lift
your participants into the workout zone quickly. Like in the previous release, we include Lower
Body movements – this time from Tae Kwon Do and Capoeira – to accelerate the transition
from Warmup to workout.


Boxing Coach the basic strikes with Layer 1 Cues
Uppercut – Strike and Direction, Strike Surface and
• Drop shoulder down and forward Target Zone. Keeping it simple will give you
• Arm bent and drive vertically space to connect with your participants –
• Reload fist to guard welcoming the new ones and acknowledging
• Target – chin your regulars. Your participants will know the
Jab, Cross song, so hook into the lyrics and have fun
• Throw front and rear arm, rotate through with them! There is a new level of intensity in
shoulders this Upper Body Warmup and it will prepare
• Release rear heel from floor them for the challenging workout ahead.
• Strike Surface – front two knuckles
• Target – face/head
• Lift elbow to shoulder height This is an extended Upper and Lower Body
• Release heel and rotate your shoulder Warmup in preparation for a short intense
and hip foward Track 2.
• Circular punch
• Target – jaw/temple
Tae Kwon Do
Decoy Switch
• Feet outside hip-width
• Switch feet – back, front
• Upright posture
• Upper body stays forward, lower body
• Light footwork – agile
Squat Pulse, Pulsing Lunge
• Feet outside shoulder-width, weight in
• Step back to Lunge position, sweep arms
to outside to Ginga Guard
• Chest lifted, hips square

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To introduce the upper body moves to lift the heart Energetic, familiar, KARATE
rate quickly and connect well with the participants. confident


0:00 Intro Front Stance BOX
0:07 (Snare drum) 2x8 Pulse R, L 2 8x
0:14 Instr (Heavy beat) 8x8 A Shuffle R 4
Scissor L, R, L, R 4
Shuffle L 4
L, R, L Jab 4 4x
0:40 (Music drop) ½x8 Transition to L Combat Stance
L Combat Stance
0:42 V1 We both lie 4x8 B L Hook 2
R Cross 2 8x
L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook
0:54 PC Was it something 4x8 B1 L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook 4
Pulse F, B 4 4x
Jack x2 on last rep
1:07 C Every rose has 8x8 B L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook
Jack x2 4 8x
1:33 Instr (Synth lift) ½x8 Pulse L, R to Front Stance 2 2x
1:35 Vox Somebody scream 12x8 A Shuffle L 4
Scissor R, L, R, L 4
Shuffle R 4
R, L, R Jab 4 6x
2:14 (Music drop) ½x8 Transition to R Combat Stance
R Combat Stance
2:16 V2 I know 4x8 B R Hook 2
L Cross 2 8x
R Hook, L Uppercut, R Hook
2:29 PC Was it something 4x8 B R Hook, L Uppercut, R Hook
Pulse F, B 4 4x
Jack x2
2:41 C Every 8x8 B2 R Hook, L Uppercut, R Hook 4
Jack x2 4 8x
3:08 Instr (Synth lift) ½x8 A-Frame Arms – Front Stance 4
3:09 Vox Somebody scream 4x8 C Low Block L, R x2 8 KAR
Mid Block L, R x2 8 2x
3:22 Instr (Drum beat) 4x8 C1 Low Block L, R x2 – level 2 8
Mid Block L, R x2 – level 2 8 2x
3:35 (Quiet synth) ½x8 Pulse L, R 2 2x
3:37 Vox Drop the beat! _ 8x8 A Shuffle L 4 BOX
L, R, L Jab 4
Shuffle R 4
R, L, R Jab 4 4x
A-Frame Arms – Front Stance
Immediate transition to 1b
Every Rose Has Its Thorn > 4:10 mins 1a

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To coach the basic kick strikes, increase Dance-Pop, MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
the workout intensity through repetition powerful, uplifting TAE KWON DO
and connect with my participants using
the music.


Front Stance 8
4:05 Instr 4x8 R Adductor Stretch – lean L 8
L Adductor Stretch – lean R 8
Roll Up 8
4:18 (Synth bounce) 4x8 A L Knee x3, Step L, R, L 8 KB
R Knee x3, Step R, L, R 8 2x
4:32 (Synth chords) 4x8 A 1
L Knee x3, Step L, R, L – add
Propulsion 8
R Knee x3, Step R, L, R – add
Propulsion 8 2x
Knee, Front Kick & Knee Combo
4:47 C Tiger, fighter 8x8 A2 L Knee, Front Kick, Knee, Step L, R, L 8
R Knee, Front Kick, Knee, Step R, L, R 8 4x
5:15 Instr (B up) 2x8 B L Shoot 4 MMA
R Shoot 4 2x
5:22 (Synth bounce) 8x8 B 1
L Shoot – level 2 4
R Shoot – level 2 4 8x
5:51 (Electro piano) 4x8 C L Hip Circle, Step L, R, L 4 KB
R Hip Circle, Step R, L, R 4 4x
L Combat Stance TKD
6:05 V1 Now broken 6x8 D L Roundhouse Kick setup 4
Pulse OTS x2 4 6x
6:27 C Tiger, fighter 10x8 D1 L Roundhouse Kick 4
Pulse OTS x2 4 10x
7:02 Instr (Synth bounce) 4x8 E R Back Kick, Step F, L – level 1 4 8x
7:17 4x8 R Back Kick, Squat F, L – level 2 4 8x
Front Stance KB
7:31 (Electro piano) 4x8 C Repeat Hip Circle R to L 8 4x
R Combat Stance TKD
7:45 V2 Now I'm floating 6x8 D R Roundhouse Kick setup, Pulse OTS 8 6x
8:06 C Tiger, fighter 10x8 D1 R Roundhouse Kick, Pulse OTS 8 10x
8:42 Instr (Synth bounce) 4x8 E L Back Kick, Step F, R – level 1 4 8x
8:51 4x8 L Back Kick, Step F, R – level 2 4 8x
Front Stance TKD
9:11 C Tiger, fighter 8x8 F Shuffle L 4
L Side Kick 4
Repeat R side 8 4x
9:40 Tiger Claw, A-Frame Arms to finish!
Roar > 5:41 mins 1b
Simple, powerful and achievable. Kick-boxing is used to drive the workout from the start. The
Knee, Front Kick and Knee combination creates a new level of cardio intensity. MMA brings
muscular loading with the Shoot, and Tae Kwon Do will bring a rain of kicks to the workout.
Welcome to the fight!


Kick-boxing At first your class may not know the
Front Knee song but when the chorus kicks in, they
• Lift knee to chest height, toes down will instantly get it. Connect with your
• Arms pull to hip as knee lifts participants using the music and the lyrics
• Drive through hip of the chorus and you’ll have them working
confidently through each Martial Art.
Front Kick
• Lift knee Remember, kicking is a personal thing.
• Extend kick, toes back Everyone has varying levels of hip/glute
• Retract kick – heel to hamstring strength and flexibility so it is important
that you give achievable targets for kicking
Back Kick heights. We want our participants to feel
• Step leading leg back successful in their movements so give clear
• Lift rear leg and extend back, toes down, concise cues about the foot position, body
heel up
• Retract leg
position, kick height and range of motion
• Step forward (ROM) for the kicks.
• Level 2 – add Squat forward

Mixed Martial Arts COACHING

Shoot Coach each strike using Layer 1 Cues and
• Lunge forward, weight in front heel include target heights for the kicks. Keep
• Front knee over middle of foot the workout simple; there is a large number
• Core braced, rear heel off floor of strikes and styles of Martial Arts. Once
• As you lunge, rap arms around in a you have your class moving well – let the
tackle movement music come through by including space
• Level 2 – jump back, guard up between your cues.
Tae Kwon Do Watch how Dan slowly increases the height
Roundhouse Kick of the Roundhouse Kick. This is a great
• Set heel toward target example of coaching that engages your new
• Lift knee, point to target, heel to butt and regular participants.
• Extend leg, striking with shin/shoelaces
• Retract heel to butt
Side Kick
• Lift kicking leg – knee across body
• Extend kick, heel up, toes down and
push out of supporting leg
• Retract knee, land softly
© Les Mills International Ltd 2014
I want my participants to work hard Nostalgic, high-energy, MUAY THAI
through the Martial Arts by using clear positive TAE KWON DO
coaching and connecting with the music.

L Combat Stance
0:00 Intro (Guitar riff) 4x8 Pulse F, B 2 16x
0:10 Uppercut, Hook & Knee combo
0:13 V1 I took my 5x8 A L, R Uppercut, L Hook 4 KB
R Knee x2 4 5x
Front Kick on last rep
0:29 Instr 8x8 A1 L, R Uppercut, L Hook 4
R Knee 2
R Front Kick 2 8x
R Combat Stance
0:56 V2 They print 5x8 A Repeat Uppercut, Hook & Knee combo,
R side 8 5x
Front Kick on last rep
1:13 Instr (Guitar riff) 8x8 A1 Repeat Uppercut, Hook, Knee & Front
Kick combo, R side 8 8x
1:39 Br I am tired 4x8 B R Plyo Push 2 MT
R Push Kick 2
Pulse OTS 4 4x
(Use last 2 cts to transition)
L Combat Stance
1:52 Rap Protection 4x8 B Repeat Plyo Push & Push Kick combo,
L side 8 4x
(Use last 2 cts to transition)
Front Stance TKD
2:05 V3 Don’t tell me 8x8 C Shuffle L 4
L Roundhouse, L Back Fist 4
Repeat R side 8 3½x
2:27 (Bell ring) Last 8 cts, walk to L Combat Stance
L Combat Stance KB
2:31 Instr (Guitar riff) 6x8 A1 Repeat Uppercut, Hook, Knee & Kick
combo, L side 8 6x
R Combat Stance
2:52 Ref It’s black 6x8 A1 Repeat Uppercut, Hook, Knee & Kick
combo, R side 8 6x
3:11 Guard to finish!
Black Or White > 3:16 mins 2
Black Or White will lift the intensity further with powerful Kick-boxing combinations, Muay
Thai and Tae Kwon Do. Feel the first fight track’s powerful energy lift as the track kicks in with
a classic 90s’ tune ‘souped up’ to BODYCOMBAT™ intensity. Get your participants hitting
harder, faster and longer! This track is shorter – so move people into their cardiovascular
training zone quickly.


Muay Thai Use Layer 1 Cues early to set up correct
Plyo Push execution of the Upper Body and Knee
• Muay Thai Guard, pull elbows past Strike. Then, as the combo builds add
Layer 2 – Enhancement Cues to coach
• Open chest the participants through using their core and
• Explode arms forward, contracting chest glute muscles to add power and stability to
the combo.
as you push
• Rotate through the torso
Push Kick
• Lift leading knee to chest • Shift your weight to your front leg
• Extend leg powerfully, cycling leg forward • Lean in on knee, lean back on the kick
and down Be explosive in the Muay Thai Plyo Push
• Lean back as you kick, brace the core and Push Kick. Dan and Rach focus on
• Retract leg getting real power through the upper body
by winding the arms and exhaling through
the Plyo Push.
• Wind up – elbows back
• Explode through your chest
• Lift your leg and drive through the hip
• Cycle the leg back

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To coach my participants to use great Powerful, happy
technique in the challenging Boxing hardcore, euphoric

0:00 V1 Fly away 2x8 L Combat Stance 16
0:05 V1 Smile in 2x8 A L Uppercut 2 BOX
R Uppercut 2 4x
0:11 Look into my 4x8 A1 L, R, L Uppercut 4
Pulse F, B 4 4x
0:22 C Away 8x8 A2 L, R Uppercut 2 32x
0:44 Away 8x8 B L Jab, R Cross – level 1 2 16x
0:55 L Jab, R Cross – level 2 2 16x
1:06 Vox Waaay 4x8 A-Frame Arms 8
Pulse F, B 2 12x
1:17 C Away 8x8 C L Hook – level 1 2 16x
1:28 Away L Hook – level 2 2 16x
1:39 Instr (High synth) 8x8 D L, R Uppercut x4 8
L Hook x4 8 4x
2:01 C Away 8x8 E L Jab R Cross x4 8
L Hook x4 8 4x
2:23 Br Fly 4x8 Shake off, recover
2:34 Feel the heat 8x8 Run L, R 2 32x
Lift knees on last 4x8
2:56 52x8 REPEAT SEQUENCE A to E – R
(A = 4x8, 8 reps)
5:19 R Hook to finish!
Fly Away > 5:25 mins 3
Boxing training – it’s time to go! Using the body to increase the power in your Boxing strikes is
how participants will get the most from this power track. Add the intensity shift within the Boxing
intervals that will drive each participant’s heart rate and cardio response higher than before.

The key focus is Layer 2 – Enhancement. ‘Interval within interval’ concept
Use Layer 2 Cues to help coach the This concept is to shift the intensity level
participants to feel their core working as and cardio response in your participants
they throw the punches. during a long interval of punches.
For example, Jab, Cross: We start by establishing great execution,
• Lengthen the punch – rotate through the rhythm and posture in the first half of the
shoulders interval. The participants hit with speed, use
• Add power – sink into the legs and drive correct technique and feel the cardio output
from a stronger position rise a little.
• Fire the core – Reactive Core Training as Then halfway through we show a dramatic
the core transfers power from the legs shift in intensity by driving out of the legs,
into the upper body through the core and into the punch. This is
• Level 1 – 15 seconds maintain how we bring simple High Intensity Interval
• Level 2 – 15 seconds explosion Training to BODYCOMBAT™. It will increase
the cardio response of your participants,
elevate their heart rate and help them to
burn calories faster!
Watch how Dan, Rach and the team shift
the intensity during the Jab, Cross and
Hook intervals for a great example of
how to demonstrate in class.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To get my participants to perform the Chunky, Dubstep, KICK-BOXING
relentless Knee Strikes, Side Kicks and Split Hip Hop TAE KWON DO
Lunges with great technique through fatigue.

0:00 2x8 L Lunge position, R leg B
0:06 C Emergency! 4x8 A L Pulsing Lunge 2 16x
0:21 Instr (Heavy beat) 8x8 B Split Lunge R, L x2 8 CAP
Squat Pulse x4 8 4x
Note: Jump wide into the Squat
Option – Step R leg F, B x2
0:48 (Beat pops) 2x8 C L Roundhouse Knee Repeater 2 8x KB
0:56 V1 So take a 16x8 C1 L Roundhouse Knee x2 4 KB/TKD
L Side Kick – in, out, in, down 4 4x
1:10 So take a Add Propulsion 4x
1:24 _ Emergency Add Arm Reach 4x
1:38 _ Emergency Add Extension to Side Kick 4x
1:52 (Heavy beat) 8x8 D Split Lunge R, L x2 8 CAP/
L Roundhouse Knee x2, Side Kick KB/
combo 8 4x TKD
2:20 2x8 Shake out the legs
2:27 38x8 REPEAT SEQUENCE A to D – R
4:40 Jump feet together to finish!
Emergency > 4:46 mins 4
This track is a BEAST. The Split Lunges and Squat Pulses will instantly lift the intensity, creating
huge pressure in the legs. Then the Kick-boxing/Tae Kwon Do Roundhouse Knee and Side Kick
combo will fatigue your core and glutes with an unforgiving amount of repetitions. Then you put
them together to create a whole new level of workout intensity.


Layer 1 In this track real success will come from
Coach correct posture in the Split Lunge participants using the levels of increasing
and Squat Pulse combo. This keeps your intensity throughout the track. Use Layer
participants safe and using their muscles 2 – Enhancement to explain how we
effectively. increase the levels gradually.
Split Lunge • Level 1 – add Propulsion
• Switch legs into Lunge position, right • Level 2 – extend the arms
to left • Level 3 – extend the Side Kick with
• Knee tracks over middle of foot power
• Chest lifted, core braced Notice the way Dan coaches the levels
• Hips square one step at a time and, at the same time,
• Arms sweep to outside as you switch builds his voice to reflect the increasing
legs intensity. This is a powerful tool for creating
Squat Pulse Fitness Magic in your class.
• Feet wide, outside shoulder-width
• Hips down and back
• Chest lifted, core braced
• Arms cross in front of chest
Roundhouse Knee
• Release your back heel and drive the
knee up and across
• Target the ribs
• Pull your arms across the body from your
shoulder to opposite hip

Roundhouse Knee with Side Kick

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

I want my participants to feel the Uplifting, high-energy
challenge of the Boxing intervals and the
off-the-beat, on-the-beat Boxing strikes.


L Combat Stance BOX
0:01 C Rise again 4x8 Run L, R 2 16x
0:11 Again 16x8 A L Jump Jab x4 8
Run B L, R x4 8 8x
Add Knee Lift on last 4 reps
0:54 As I rise 8x8 B L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook 4
Jack x2 4 8x
1:17 V1 If I lose 8x8 C L Jab, R Cross – level 1 2 16x
1:28 Till the end L Jab, R Cross – level 2 2 16x
1:38 C Rise again 8x8 D L Jab, R Cross x4 8
L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook 4
Jack x2 4 4x
2:01 Again 8x8 D1 L Jab, R Cross x4 8
L Hook, R Uppercut, L Hook – Off
The Beat 4
Jack x2 4 4x
2:23 Rise again 8x8 Run L, R 2 32x
2:46 48x8 REPEAT SEQUENCE A to D1 – R
4:56 Hook to finish 2 16x
Rise Again > 5:01 mins 5
Simple choreography mixed with a huge musical lift equals a massive Track 5 that will
challenge your cardio and power in your punches. We bring back ‘Interval within Interval’
intensity shift in the Jabs to create an increased core and cardio response throughout the
track. There is also the on-the-beat, off-the-beat rhythm to add an authentic Boxing training
element to the last round of each side.

Boxing Intensity Shift
Jump Jab Push forward in the Jump Jab, starting with
• Push forward off rear leg, lift knee a moderate intensity. You will need time to
• Throw Jab forward as you land leading leg pull your class back into the workout after
• Level 2 – lift knee above waist as you the last track. Then show the Knee Lift in
drive forward the last 4 reps, focusing on keeping the Jab
up and pushing forward.
In the Jab, Cross interval, show great
technique first then bring in power on the
last 16x Jab Cross.
Level 1 – target the face, hit with speed
Level 2 – rotate through the shoulders,
drive out of the legs, power through the core
On The Beat, Off The Beat
This type of training reflects authentic
Boxing training. We use the traditional
BODYCOMBAT™ on-the-beat rhythm to
establish great technique and power first.
Then we introduce off-the-beat to add
speed and authenticity. In Boxing, you have
to hit fast and hard when your opponent
is open – or be hit yourself. This is a really
great way of bringing the fight alive in your
BODYCOMBAT™ workout.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To coach my participants effective Tae Kwon Classic, happy,
Do-inspired cues for a tough total-body Pop-Dance


L Combat Stance TKD
0:01 C What’s love 4x8 A Arm Sweep O/H – back to front 8
R Knife Strike 8 2x
0:14 B up (Synth) 4x8 B Decoy Switch R, L 2
Pulse F, B x3 6 4x
Decoy Switch, Knife Strike &
Back Kick combo on last rep
0:27 Instr (Synth melody) 12x8 B1 Decoy Switch R, L 2
R Knife Strike 2
R Back Kick 4 12x
Add Kiai to Back Kick on last 4 reps
1:07 (Low synth) 4x8 C L Jab x3 – head, body, head 4
Pulse F, B x2 4 4x
L Front Kick
1:20 4x8 C1 L Jab x3 – head, body, head 4
L Front Kick 4 4x
1:33 (Melody drop) 2x8 C2 L Jab x3 – head, body, head 4
L Front Kick x3 12 1x
1:40 (Synth melody) 12x8 C2 L Jab x3 – head, body, head 4
L Front Kick x3 12 6x
2:20 (Cymbal crash) Feet together
2:28 C What’s love 42x8 REPEAT SEQUENCE FROM A to C2 – R
4:42 Feet together to finish
What’s Love > 4:47 mins 6
Tae Kwon Do-inspired training here we come! This track is tough and great technique is vital
for intensity so be very clear with your Layer 1 Cues. Take your time to set up each strike
then, when the chorus kicks in, add some depth and range to your strikes. There are plenty of
repetitions so avoid rushing every cue at once.


Tae Kwon Do Hook into the lyrics “What’s love got
KATA to do with it?” to help connect your
• Inhale, arms circle over head back participants to the music and shift their
minds away from the fatigue of the
to front
• Open palms, return to Guard Tae Kwon Do combos. Connecting like this
is vital to creating a shared training
Using great layering is the key to this
track. The key attributes of Tae Kwon Do in
Knife Strike
• Strike with rear arm, blade of palm • Agility
to neck Establish light and free footwork with the
• Palm up Decoy Switch
• Front arm pulls in to ribs
• Drop through rear leg into Lunge position • Precision
Every strike has a specific Target Zone. In
each combo take your time to establish
the strike – then hit with speed!

• The Game of Chess

Confuse and attack. For example in
Combo 2 – throw the Jabs, aware they’ll
be blocked/deflected and knowing you’re
exposing your opponent to the Front Kick

There are some powerful musical lifts in this
track. Use the contrast of the music to help
your participants to feel the intensity of the
movement and the contrast between taking
it easy and striking with power!
Watch how Tauvaga uses these moments
with confidence to get the class working
hard as the beat kicks in.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To coach the Superman Punch so that my participants Rock, insane, epic,
can perform it well and to reach new levels of epic punishing
core and cardiovascular intensity.

0:00 Intro 2x8 Front Stance 2x8, prepare to move MT
0:04 (Synth) 6x8 A R Knee x2 4
L Knee x2 4 6x
0:19 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B R, L Running Man Knee 4 16x
(Use last 4 cts to transition)
L Combat Stance
0:39 V1 I watch the 8x8 C L Jab, R Cross x3 6
L Ascending Elbow 2 8x
1:00 C _ If I go crazy 8x8 D R Knee, L Knee x2 8
L Jab, R Cross x3 6
L Ascending Elbow 2 4x
Front Stance
1:20 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B R, L Running Man Knee 4 8x
R, L Running Man Knee – level 2 4 8x
1:40 Instr 4x8 Breathe – reset L Combat Stance 32
Superman Punch Combo Setup
1:50 PC _ If I go crazy 8x8 E L Elbow x3 4
Weight F – lift R leg 4 8x
Superman Punch
2:11 C _ If I go crazy 8x8 E1 L Elbow x3 4
R Superman Punch 4 8x
Front Stance
2:31 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B R, L Running Man Knee 4 8x
R, L Running Man Knee – level 2 4 8x
2:51 (Low synth) 4x8 Breathe – reset Front Stance 32
Front Stance
3:01 (Rock guitar) 8x8 B L, R Running Man Knee 4 16x
R Combat Stance
3:21 V2 I watch the 8x8 C Repeat Jab, Cross & Elbow combo – R side 8 8x
3:42 C _ If I go crazy 8x8 D1 Repeat L, R Knee, Jab, Cross & Elbow
combo – R side 16 4x
Front Stance
4:02 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B L, R Running Man Knee 4 8x
L, R Running Man Knee – level 2 4 8x
4:21 Instr (Low synth) 4x8 Breathe – reset R Combat Stance 32
Kryptonite > 6:49 mins 7
Superman Punch Combo Setup
4:32 Br _ If I go crazy 8x8 E R Elbow x3 4
Weight F – lift L leg 4 8x
Superman Punch
4:52 C _ If I go crazy 8x8 E1 R Elbow x3 4
L Superman Punch 4 8x
Front Stance
5:12 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B L, R Running Man Knee 4 8x
L, R Running Man Knee – level 2 4 8x
5:32 Instr 4x8 Breathe – reset Front Stance 32
Front Stance
5:43 PC _ If I go crazy 8x8 A1 L Knee x4 8
R Knee x4 8 4x
6:02 C _ If I go crazy 8x8 A L Knee x2 4
R Knee x2 4 8x
6:23 Instr (Rock guitar) 8x8 B L, R Running Man Knee 4 8x
L, R Running Man Knee – level 2 4 8x
6:45 Collapse and breathe!

This Muay Thai is PUNISHING. Endless rounds of 7-strike upper body combos, Running Man Knees
that shift quickly through levels of building intensity PLUS a brand-new strike, the Superman Punch.
This track will leave you ragged, fatigued and breathing out of every orifice – you will need attitude,
fighter’s spirit and a whole lotta heart to get you and your participants through this one.


Muay Thai
Superman Punch Setup
• Step leading leg forward, Muay Thai Guard
• Lift rear leg, knee to 45 degrees
• Step back
Superman Punch
• Lift right knee 45 degrees, jump forward into leading leg
• Throw a heavy Punch with rear arm and extend rear leg as you land
• Step back quickly to reset Muay Thai Guard position
• Option: No Jump, just perform Cross
Focus on first establishing the leg lift. Then demonstrate the Superman Punch as a preview,
showing the extension of the body and the forward movement.
The key to a successful Punch is the forward movement not upward. This is authenticity taken
from Muay Thai to close the space quickly between you and your opponent.

Trainer’s Tip!
Watch the introduction as Dan explains where the Superman Punch is from and how to throw it
effectively. This will help you to understand the mechanics of the move and be able to teach the
strike with confidence.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2014
To finish the fight through 3 rounds Happy hardcore,
of powerful Boxing training. euphoric, intense


0:00 Intro 4x8 Recover BOX
L Combat Stance
0:12 Vox D, D, DJ 4x8 A L Double Jab, Step F 2
Guard 2 8x
0:23 Vox Hear dis one 8½x8 A1 L Double Jab, Step F 2
R Hook 2 17x
0:46 C _ You are my 8x8 A2 L Double Jab, R Hook x2 8
Scissor R, L x4 8 4x
1:08 Instr (Beat drop) 4x8 B L Uppercut 2 16x
1:18 (Heavy beat) 4x8 R Uppercut 2 16x
1:30 V1 You’re there 8x8 B1 L Uppercut x8 16
R Uppercut x8 16 2x
1:52 C _ You are my 8x8 A2 Repeat Double Jab, Hook &
Scissor combo 16 4x
2:14 Instr (Synth chords) 9x8 Run L, R 2 32x
Set up R Combat Stance in last
8 cts
2:38 Vox …Ma selectah 4x8 A R Double Jab, Step F 2
Guard 2 8x
2:49 Vox D, D, DJ 4x8 A R Double Jab, Step F 2
Guard 2 8x
Level 2 – increase speed
3:02 Vox Hear dis one 40½x8 REPEAT SEQUENCE A1 to 2nd A2 – R
4:52 Instr (Synth chords) 9x8 Run L, R 2 32x
Set up Front Stance in last 8 cts
Front Stance
5:16 Vox …Ma selectah 4x8 C Jab L, R 2 16x
5:27 Vox D, D, DJ 4½x8 D Jack In, Out 2 18x
5:40 Vox Go, Go! 8x8 D1 Jab L, R x4 8
Jack In, Out x4 8 4x
6:01 C _ You are my 8x8 C Jab L, R 2 32x
6:23 Punch the sky to finish!
6:29 Outro _ It don’t matter 4x8 Run around the room
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day / Black Or White > 6:53 mins 8
The challenge is on! The Muay Thai track will leave your participants seriously fatigued. Get them
back ready to train through great connection, acknowledge that it’s tough and stay positive – let
them know they have one track to go and that you’re going to fight to the finish together!
Rounds 1 and 2
Use the Double Jab combo to build through the workout and to bring back the intensity.
Once the Uppercuts come in, first coach target and arm position then wind up the intensity
by coaching great body movement. A good tip is to show contrast in your technique – show
a regular Uppercut with little body movement and then show full rotation of the body into the
Punch. The contrast will show your participants a great example of how to increase intensity
through visual cueing.
Round 3
The EPIC finish. Build quickly through the levels and hold your participants in the workout till the
end. You’ll be pushing hard and you’ll know you are there when your participants cheer without
any prompting.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To create abdominal conditioning for my Nostalgic, classic, CONDITIONING
participants through relentless repetition relentless
and functional core exercises.


0:00 Intro (Drums) 1x8 Set up side-on to front 8
0:03 V1 Try to be best 4x8 A C-Crunch 4 8x
0:21 C You’re the best 4x8 B Oblique Side Crunch – knees to F 2 13x
Hold last rep, set up C-Crunch in last 8 cts
0:40 V2 Fight to the end 4x8 A C-Crunch 4 8x
0:58 C You’re the best 4x8 B Oblique Side Crunch – knees to B 2 13x
Set up Leg Criss Cross in last 8 cts
1:17 Instr (Guitar solo) 4x8 C Leg Criss Cross 2 16x
1:34 C You’re the best 4x8 D Triple Cross Crawl (quick, quick, slow) 4 8x
Hold last rep, set up Leg Criss Cross
1:53 V3 Fight till you 3½x8 C Leg Criss Cross 2 14x
2:08 C You’re the best 6½x8 D Triple Cross Crawl 4 13x
Hold the last rep
2:39 Instr 4x8 Recovery – push B to kneeling 32
Set up Triple Pushup
2:56 C You’re the best 3x8 E Triple Pushup 8 3x
3:10 1x8 E Super Slow Pushup 8 1x
Transition to Tricep Pushup
3:15 V4 Fight till you 3½x8 E Tricep Pushup 4 7x
Last rep, transition to Triple Pushup
3:31 C You’re the best 6x8 E Triple Pushup 8 6x
3:58 C You’re the best ½x8 E Down and hold Pushup
You’re The Best > 4:05 mins 9
C-Crunch The sheer number of core exercises will
• Fingertips to temples, elbows wide really challenge our core strength and
• Crunch – lift chest, ribs to hips, bring great toning to our upper and lower
shoulders to knees abdominal muscles. Coach the options early
• Brace abs on the way down and keep your participants in the workout
• Eye gaze through knees by motivating them when the fatigue sets
in. It’s OK if they need to rest – this is one
of the most challenging BODYCOMBAT™
Oblique Side Crunch Conditioning tracks we have ever created!
• Knees to front, drawn up to hips 90°
• Keep knees together
• Lift chest toward hip
• Rear arm – fingertips to temple, elbow
• Front arm – on floor for support in lift

Leg Criss Cross

• Legs straight and up 45°, relaxed feet
• Cross legs over in the middle, left and
• Level 1 – arms down wide, palms up
• Level 2 – arms forward, chest lifted, legs
drop toward floor

Triple Pushup
• Hands outside shoulder width, weight
in palms
• Hips and shoulders square to floor
• Bring chest down, shoulders in line with
elbows and push back to start position x3
• Pause on last rep
• Option – on knees
Tricep Pushup
• Hands under shoulders, weight in palms
• Hips and shoulders square to floor
• Bring chest down, shoulders in line with
elbows and push back to start position
• Option – on knees

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014

To recover from an incredible workout and rejuvenate the body.

0:00 (Strings) Set up L Seated Glute Stretch
0:08 V1 Anol shalom L Seated Glute Stretch
0:21 Flavum Look over L shoulder
0:26 Flavum Transition to R Hip Flexor Stretch to R side
0:29 M-ai shondol-lee R Hip Flexor Stretch, open L arm
0:46 Nof ne Sweep L arm to front, Kung Fu Guard, L Hamstring Stretch
0:55 Um das Hands to floor
1:06 Instr (High strings) Transition to R side
1:09 Instr (Flute melody) R Seated Glute Stretch
1:16 Look over R shoulder
1:23 Transition to L Hip Flexor Stretch to L side
1:34 We de ze zu bu L Hip Flexor Stretch, open R arm
1:40 C We de so Sweep R arm to front, Kung Fu Guard, R Hamstring Stretch
1:50 Un va-a pesh Hands to floor, stand
2:03 (Cymbal crash) Double Hamstring Stretch, feet together, flat back
2:14 V3 Anol shalom L Illiotibial Band Stretch
2:26 Flavum R Illiotibial Band Stretch
2:40 Transition to Quadricep Stretch – step to R
2:44 C We de ze zu bu L Quadricep Stretch
2:49 We de so R arm sweep O/H to Guard and extend to F
2:56 R Quadricep Stretch
3:02 Un va L arm sweep O/H to Guard and extend to F
3:09 Anol sheh ley L Shoulder Stretch, feet wide
3:17 Flavum R Shoulder Stretch, feet wide
3:23 Chest Stretch
3:27 (Quiet string) KATA
3:30 Anol shalom Lean L, sweep both arms O/H
Arms cross
L fist to waist, extend R arm O/H
R arm to single Guard
3:43 Flavum Repeat to R side
(Cymbal crash) SWORD KATA
3:59 C We de ze zu bu Feet together, L arm to draw sword
Both hands holding sword, draw sword to waist
4:12 Step F on L foot and extend sword thrust out
holding Calf Stretch
4:13 Un va-a pesh Rotate and sweep O/H L to R, set
4:21 Un vi-I bee Feet together
4:25 Anol sheh ley Repeat to L side from extend sword thrust
4:37 Flavum Sheathe Sword, fist to palm and bow
Now We Are Free > 4:45 mins 10
Congratulate your participants for surviving the brutal, amazing and inspiring workout that is
BODYCOMBAT™ 60. For 15 years we have been changing the world one class at a time and
from humble beginnings we are now the most popular Martial Arts-inspired workout on the
planet. Now We Are Free is the perfect track to take us through our Cooldown and to rejuvenate
our bodies. We also pay respect and honor to those who have gone before us and who are still
with us now, keeping it real and staying with the fight.
• Lean left, sweep both arms over head
into Cross Block
• Left fist to waist, extend single right arm
over head into single Guard
• Repeat other side
Sword KATA
• Feet together, left arm to draw sword
• Both hands holding sword
• Draw sword to waist
• Step forward on left foot and extend sword
thrust out holding Calf Stretch
• Rotate and sweep sword over head, left to right
• Feet together
• Repeat on other side
Coach each stretch with great posture. Stretching plays an important part in aiding muscle
recovery and reducing fatigue. Engage with the participants and take your time with each stretch
to ensure they complete the workout. Connect with your class, congratulate them for making it to
the finish and encourage them to come back again.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2014


© Les Mills International Ltd 2014


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