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SH'BAM 27 Choreography Booklet

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The Les Mills global family is made up of 17,500
fitness clubs, 130,000 instructors and millions
of participants from 100 countries around the
As a company that leads group fitness
experiences for millions of people every
day, we walk a fine line between delivering
globe. cutting-edge, innovative products and ensuring
SEPARATED BY GEOGRAPHY, that accepted norms are upheld and respected.
RELIGION, RACE, COLOR AND Choosing, licensing and matching
CREED, WE ARE UNITED IN OUR choreography to the right music is a huge
challenge! We screen the music we use and
LOVE OF MOVEMENT, MUSIC AND try to avoid language and references that may
THE PURSUIT OF HEALTHY LIVING, cause offense. If we can, sometimes there will
BOTH FOR OURSELVES AND OUR be an alternative track (at the bottom of the
PLANET. track list) for you to use instead.
In our choice of role models, music and ABOVE ALL, WE ARE PASSIONATE
movements we understand that different people ABOUT DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING
and societies have different standards for dress, FITNESS EXPERIENCES, EVERY
popular culture and dance.
Tell us what you think of this release.
Visit lesmills.com/BLAH

Hey instructors! When it comes to mixing up past

releases, please ensure you have a diverse mix of music
genres, moves and dance styles.

SH’BAM – Guidelines for Track Selection
Someone Who Needs Me (Merk & Kremont vs Sunstars Remix)
1 2016 Yellow Productions/Spinnin' Deep/Spnnin' Records B.V, under exlusive license to Hussle
Recordings, a division of Ministry of Sound Australia Pty Ltd. www.ministryofsound.com.au.
Bob Sinclar 3:08
Written by: Le Friant, Miller, Murden, Devleeschouwer

Bun Up The Dance

Dillon Francis &
2 2015 Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment. Under license from Sony Music
Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Skrillex
Written by: Francis, Moore

2009 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world Flo Rida feat.
3 outside of the United States. Produced Under license from Atlantic Recording Corp. Nelly Furtado
appears courtesy of Geffen Records. T-Ravi$ Barker appears courtesy of Interscope Records. Written Nelly Furtado
by:Dean, Caren, Dillard, Furtado, Goldstein, Barker
Wildcard KSHMR feat.
4 2016 Musical Freedom Label Ltd, licensed courtesy of Hidden Tracks.
Written by: Hollowell-Dhar, Tipton, Pollack Sidnie Tipto

Side To Side Ariana Grande feat.

5 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Written by: Salmanzasdeh, Grande, Kotecha, Sandberg, Kronlund Nicki Minaj
Chasing The Sun (Hardwell Edit)
6 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Written by: Smith, Gleave
The Wanted 3:16

Changing Sigma feat. Paloma

7 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Written by Hector, McMahon, Kelleher, Kohn, Barnes Faith
Baby Don’t Dance
8 2015 Simco Limited. Under license from Sony Music Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony
Music Entertainment. Written by: Abrahart, East, Sanderson, Spurling, Ballard
Fleur East 3:13
Waiting All Night (Patrick Hagenaar Remix Radio Edit) Rudimental feat.
9 2013 Warner Music UK Limited.
Written by: Izadhah, Dryden, Aggett, Harris, Newman Ella Eyre
Oye 2014
2014 RCA Records & Sony Music Latin. Under license from Sony Music Commercial Music Group,
10 a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Written by: Ernest Tito Puente / Niles Hollowell-Dhar / Armando
Christian Perez
Santana feat. Pitbull 3:21

Wasting Moonlight (Jetfire Remix)

2014 Velcro, under exclusive license from Armada Music BV. Licensed courtesy of Xelon Sick Individuals 3:13
Entertainment Pty Ltd. Written by: Mirzazadeh, Palmen, Hofstee, Smeele
Wasting Moonlight
2014 Velcro, under exclusive license from Armada Music BV. Licensed courtesy of Xelon Sick Individuals 2:55
Entertainment Pty Ltd. Written by: Mirzazadeh, Palmen, Hofstee, Smeele

Bonus Clarity (Tiësto Remix) Zedd feat. Foxes 5:53

11 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Written by: Robinson, Zaslavski, Brook, Koma

Love Me Like You

12 2015 Simco Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Under
license from Sony Music Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Written
Little Mix 3:18
by: James, Purcell, Newman, Mac

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017

EXPRESS FORMAT Choreography – Rachael Newsham
TRACKS Chief Creative Officer – Dr Jackie Mills
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 Creative Director – Kylie Gates
Program Coach – Sarah Robinson
TOTAL TIME 29:35 mins Program Planner – Ngawhatuhuia Arahanga-
PLEASE NOTE: The 30-minute class format has been customized for this release. In the future when
you mix and match using different releases, please use the standardized express formats found in the
Instructor Education section on www.lesmills.com

Guidelines for Track Selection

I’ve been receiving queries from around the world asking for clarification when mixing and matching releases;
so I thought, “Let’s share this with everyone so we are all on the same page”!
Here in New Zealand we generally swap track for track. However, this doesn’t mean you have to do the
same. Here are some general guidelines:
• In the 45-minute class you must always teach the Warmup and Groovedown. Tracks 4, 7 and 11
are the cardio tracks so you should also include these routines and try to mix up the styles and feels.
• Track 5 is usually a hips track, so aim to keep this where the Track 5 always sits.
The remainder of the class can be up to you but please think about the following:
• Do you have a mixture of styles? For example, Latin, Jazz, Street.
• Is there a good mix of music? Current versus old-school, male and female vocals etc.
• Is there a good flow to the class? For example, you should avoid teaching three big cardio tracks
in a row.
Think about the highs and lows, and the journey the playlist will create. You know your participants best
and I appreciate that some classes will have a preference for one style or genre over others; so just use
common sense when putting your playlist together.

B up build-up Intro introduction OTS on the spot
cts counts L left Outro last few bars of music
F&B forward and backward mins minutes R right
HOH hands on hips O/H over head preview

The Fine Print

Les Mills' instructor resources are unique, valuable resources provided to you as a Les Mills' certified instructor to enable you to learn each new release and teach it in Les
Mills' licensed clubs only. Do not share these resources. Copying, uploading or sharing files on the internet or selling Les Mills' instructor resources to other people is illegal,
and rips off Les Mills, its distributors and other instructors. If you are engaging in any of these illegal activities, there may be serious consequences for you personally including
legal action, the suspension or permanent withdrawal of your Les Mills certification. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

From L-R: Rachael Newsham, Tauvaga Siolo, Lissa Bankston

This dance class is stacked to the rafters with bangers! Tunes Speaking of epic, the Bonus track of 27! The Latin track of 27!
that you will know instantly and massive sounds that will grab BOOM! The ‘get- down’ track, ha haha!! TOO MUCH FUN!
you by the coat tails and whisk you onto the floor before you
can say TUNE!! Enjoy!

It’s seriously hot – and so cleverly simple at the same time. Hugs
That’s where the magic in this class lives – each track is so
different, yet sneakily simple, you just drift into the Dance phase Rach
so seamlessly that it’s epic!

SH’BAM Presenters
Rachael Newsham (New Zealand) is Program Lissa Bankston (United States) is a SH’BAM,
Director of SH’BAM and co-Program Director of BODYCOMBAT, BODYJAM and a BODYPUMP Trainer, a
BODYCOMBAT™. She is based in Auckland. CXWORX an RPM Instructor, and a LES MILLS Series
Coach. She is based in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Tauvaga Siolo (New Zealand) is a SH’BAM
Instructor and Trainer, a LES MILLS GRIT ™ Series
Coach and Trainer, and a CXWORX ™ and an RPM™
Instructor. He is based in Auckland, where he is also
Group Fitness Manager at Les Mills New Lynn.

© All rights reserved. No part of these notes may be used, stored or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Les Mills International Limited.
Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Les Mills International Limited, 22 Centre Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, New Zealand,
PO Box 91137, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Telephone +64 (9) 366-9900.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
How much exercise did you do as a child? classes. The children also answered questions
How much exercise do you do now? relating to enjoyment, the music, the teacher and
Can you see a correlation between the two? how competent they felt during the class.

Research has shown that your activity levels as a The results clearly demonstrated that BORN TO
child will predict how active you are as an adult.1 MOVE is a fantastic solution to getting children
motivated to exercise. The children in the BORN
Youth Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that TO MOVE group accumulated more moderate
children and adolescents should accumulate a to vigorous physical activity over the day as a
minimum of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous whole than the children who just did their regular
physical activity every day2, and yet statistics show PE classes. And they spent less time being
that most children fall tragically short of this. A sedentary. Enjoyment levels during BORN TO
report from the US found that only 27% of MOVE were significantly higher when compared to
high-school students manage to achieve the the control group which meant that their intrinsic
minimum recommendations.3 motivation scores were higher also.

The question is, HOW do we get our kids to move The children of today’s world spend more time
more? The answer – we need them to WANT to staring at a screen and are less physically active
exercise. than previous generations. Obesity has more than
doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents
LES MILLS BORN TO MOVE™ classes have been over the past 30 years. The obese children of
designed to engage and motivate children. They’re today become the obese adults of tomorrow, and
fun, action packed and social. The buzz of learning it’s of growing urgency that we find a solution to
new moves, fresh routines, plus the excitement of this global epidemic.
being in a group will all ensure the classes instill
a love of fitness from an early age. They include Getting children to fall in love with movement from
easy-to-follow exercises and games, set to age- a young age will ensure they build the healthy
specific music. We know it works but we needed habits of a lifetime. As we battle to draw their
some evidence. attention away from screens and get them active,
finding a solution to keep them engaged is the
A study conducted in the UK4 set out to investigate key. As this study shows, BORN TO MOVE is the
whether BORN TO MOVE delivers on its promise to perfect remedy to get our children moving!
get kids moving and change their attitude towards
being active. In a six-week study of 10 to 11 year 1. Childhood Physical Fitness Tests: Predictor of Adult Physical
olds, two schools acted as a control and continued Activity Levels? Dennison, B.A., Straus, J.H.E., Mellits, D. &
with their regular two physical education classes a Charney, E. (1988). Pediatrics 82(3):324-330.
week. The other two received two BORN TO MOVE 2. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Centers for
classes a week. Disease Control and Prevention.
3. 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, Centers for
The researchers were particularly interested in Disease Control and Prevention.
how active the children were during the class, 4. http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/ticles/10.1186/
and how the classes affected their motivation s12889-016-3550-7.
to exercise when compared with standard PE

Introducing your new, improved choreography notes!

Hey instructors!

This round, you’ll notice a new component to your choreography notes – a right-hand side! As SH’BAM
has evolved, so have our resources, and we want to give you as many tools as possible to help you rock
your classes!

SH’BAM is all about the feel – we don’t expect you to be perfect, but if you can bring the feel of each
track alive, your participants will have a great time. The new-look choreography notes will help you to do
this, across Technique, Coaching, Connection and Performance!

The first part is MOVEMENT TIPS. These tips will help you to nail the technique for each track and
bring the feel of the moves to life. It’s important to note that they are NOT cues for you to say to your
participants – we just want them to relax, follow you through the moves and not worry about what they
look like! Rach has chosen the aspects of each movement that she thinks are the most important to
creating the feel and vibe of the track. Don’t forget to check out the LEARN THE MOVES filmed Education
for more detail!

The next part is COACHING THE VIBES. Here you’ll find ideas for how to coach each track, and some cool
quotes from the Masterclass. These are not designed for you to follow to exactly – we want you to coach
your own way! But they're there if you need some inspiration.

Thirdly, we have the CREATING THE WOW section. It’s here that you’ll find Rach’s tips on the parts of
each track that will make your class magic – performance moments and opportunities to connect with
your members!

Lastly, in some tracks we have included a TIP section – these are written by the presenters, to share their
insights and objectives from when they taught the track at filming.

These notes are a work in progress – this is our first effort at bringing you something to help you teach
your classes even better. We will continue to evolve and develop this going forward, based on trainer and
instructor feedback.

Enjoy this awesome release, and keep bringing your passion into your SH'BAM classes!

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017

The arm combo is there for lyrical feels, so express Freestyle Positive, encouraging and
it with the lyrics; but when the beats kick in, it’s welcoming
about lifting the heart rate up.


0:05 (Beat) 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
0:20 For once in 4x8 A Feel-Good Arms Setup 4x
Arms O/H (2cts), down (2cts), forearms cross chest (2cts),
palms push wide (2cts)
0:35 For once in my 4x8 A1 Feel-Good Arms 4x
Step Touch L&R with arms O/H, down (2cts), forearms
cross chest (1cts), palms push wide (5cts)
0:50 (Heavy beat) 8x8 A2 Feel-Good Combo 4x
Step touch L&R with arms O/H, down, forearms cross
chest, palms push wide (4cts), punch & snap R&L (4cts).
Walk F&B (8cts)
1:20 (Shimmer) 4x8 B Double Hamstring Stretch 1x
Arms wide to O/H (4cts), roll down (4cts), hold wide
Hamstring Stretch (24cts)
1:35 For once in 4x8 B1 Adductor Stretch L&R 3½x
L knee bends, L hand to thigh, R hand to floor, pulse
(4cts); repeat R (4cts)
(Note: Last 4cts, bend knees and roll up)
1:50 For once in my 4x8 A1 Feel-Good Arms 4x
2:05 (Heavy beat) 8x8 A2 Feel-Good Combo 4x
2:35 (Beat) 2x8 C Pump It Isolation 16x
Feet wide and bounce
2:42 (Synth wave) 2x8 C1 + Double Shoulder Pump L&R (4cts) 4x
2:50 (Beat skip) 2x8 C2 + Chest F&B (2cts) 8x
2:57 (Synth wave) 2x8 C3 + Hips L&R (2cts) 8x

3:08 mins 1
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• This Warmup is all about making people
This track is relaxed in movement but lifts feel comfortable!
the heart-rate fast! •• Cue your Feet cues clearly so people feel
successful straight away
Feel-Good Arms •• Then connect and praise, connect to the
•• 4 distinct hand positions – over head, lyrics or sing, and have a great time with
down, cross chest, push away your class!
•• The hands go with the lyrics
‘SH’BAM, the dance class where anything
•• When the music speeds up, the hands on
the chest are open, not closed goes and everything is encouraged!’
•• Arms are relaxed, not robotic
•• Snap comes in on diagonal, body turns ‘We got this! Just like that!!’
‘I know what I need - I need a snap!’

‘If you know the words, sing it with me!’


•• Keep this relaxed and informal – smile,
Pump It Isolation engage, sing, create the atmosphere for
•• A hint of a real dance Warmup with some the rest of the class.
isolations work! •• Try encouraging a strut-off on the walk in
•• Relaxed and loose style the last set.

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017

The less said the better here. Just be Ragga/Hip Hop Uber cool and stompy
clear about the feet cues then throw
yourself into the dance.


0:00 (Synth) 4x8 A Jungle Fire Tap 8x
Tap L foot F and in; repeat R (4cts)
0:17 _ I want a little 2x8 A1 + Arms Sweep L&R 4x
0:26 Bun up the 4x8 A2 + Squat & Bigger Roll 8x
0:44 (Heavy beat) 4x8 B Tarzan Swing 8x
Tap L&R with fist O/H R&L (4cts)
1:02 (Sirens) 2x8 C Rock & Dig 8x
Rock It Out L&R with R Arm Dig across and down (2cts)
1:10 (Siren wind-up) 2x8 D Siren 8x
Rock It Out L&R with hand circle L to R O/H (2cts)
(Note: Last 4cts, double circle wind-down)
1:20 _ I want a little 2x8 A Jungle Fire Tap 4x
1:29 (B up) 2x8 A2 + Squat & Sweep 4x
1:37 (Heavy beat) 2x8 B Tarzan Swing 4x
1:46 (Sirens) 1x8 C Rock & Dig 4x
1:51 (Siren wind-up) 1x8 D Siren 4x
1:55 the dance. _ 2x8 A Jungle Fire Tap 4x
2:04 Bun up the 2x8 A2 + Squat & Sweep 4x
2:13 _ I want a little 4x8 B+C+D Swing ‘n’ Dig De Siren Combo 2x
Tarzan x2 (8cts), Dig x2 (4cts), Siren x2 (4cts)
2:30 Bun up the 8x8 B+C+D1 + Travel F (Tarzan Swing) 4x
+ Travel B (Rock & Dig)
+ Double circle arms and travel B (Siren)

3:06 (Synth wave) 2x8 A Jungle Fire Tap 4x

3:15 Bun up the 2x8 A2 + Squat & Sweep 4x
3:24 (Vocal wind-down) 2x8 Shake legs out!

3:34 mins 2
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• Be really clear with your Feet cues so
Ragga is primal, not placed. Get a little wild that people can follow easily, and focus
in this one! on cueing the sequence and reps to
create success
Jungle Fire Tap •• Bring attention to the legs – this track
•• Majority of weight is on the rear foot works them like a Squats Track! Connect
•• Up & down movement, the down to the burn
happens as the feet step together •• Once they have the moves, dance BIG so
•• It’s not a Tap, it’s like a Squat! they can feel the Ragga vibe
•• Shoulders twist, and arms scoop •• Less is definitely more in this one
•• Turning the shoulders helps the move to •• The feel is the music - so let it speak!
come through
•• Dance phase – hit the top of the move
and rebound ‘We’re gonna burn up the dance floor’

‘You feeling the heat in the legs?!’

Tarzan Swing ‘I wanna little fire... and I see it!’

•• Most of weight is on the outside
(stepping) leg, with hand on thigh, flat CREATING THE WOW
foot. Other heel lifts off the floor Bring out the wow moment – the drop
•• Opposite hand swings up and draws when the music hits and the routine
back – it’s like a cable pull, using the comes together. This is where you need to
muscles of the upper back go massive with your movement! Throw
•• Push the chest through as arm comes yourself into the dance – their enjoyment
back comes from accessing the phat bounce in
•• Feel is heavy to light as you stomp and this track.

Rock & Dig

•• Rock side to side as arm digs over and
•• Elbow on top, then elbow underneath
•• Like you’re digging with a piece of
gardening equipment!

•• Total-body movement
•• Hands go around the same direction as TIP
the weight transfer TAU SAYS: Keep it simple! Let the music
•• Works its way down the body – around,
do the work. It’s a banger of a track and
around, around, hold
•• Chest expands and contracts the beauty lies in the simplicity. This will
•• Body movement is up and down and side allow your participants to feel the music
to side and dance with swag!
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Get interactive with your class – Hip Hop Party buzz in a playful way
using the lyrics!


0:01 Na, na, na 4x8 A Step Knee 8x
Step Knee L&R (4cts)

0:15 When I say 4x8 B Ripple & Jump 2x

Ripple-Up L, R, L, R (4cts), step L, jump L x3 (4cts);
repeat R (8cts)
0:29 Now, now we 4x8 A Step Knee 8x
Step Knee F, Kick B
0:44 Get this loose 4x8 A1 Step Knee F, Kick B 2x
Step Knee L&R x2 F (8cts)
Run, run, kick L&R x2 B (8cts)
0:59 When I say 4x8 B Ripple & Jump 2x
1:14 When I say 4x8 B1 + Bird & Plane Arms (Ripple) 2x
+ Palm Pump (Jump)
1:29 When I run up 8x8 A1 Step Knee F, Kick B 4x

2:04 When I say 4x8 B1 Ripple & Jump 2x

2:14 Jump, jump 2x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 4x
2:20 All my ladies 2x8 C Double Pump 4x
Feet wide with Hip Pump and Double Arm Pump R&L
2:28 All the fellas 2x8 C1 Single Pump 8x
Feet wide with Hip Pump and Arm Pump R&L (2cts)
2:35 When I say 8x8 B1 Ripple & Jump 4x
3:05 Get down, get 6x8 A1 Step Knee F, Kick B 3x
3:27 Fly-lock finish

3:29 mins 3
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• The vibe is a frat party – heaps of class
Ripple & Jump interaction! No sitting on the sidelines!
•• Body faces diagonal It’s all in
•• Hips slide forwards and backwards •• Sing the lyrics and encourage your class
•• Pushing through the ball of the foot as to – it makes them feel part of the party
you rock forward, and working through •• Because the song is so recognizable,
the whole foot as you push the hip back it really helps bring people out of their
•• Bend your knees and ripple your body heads and into their bodies
like a sound wave, body playing catch-up •• Make sure you pre-cue and preview the
with the legs Step Knee Kick Back Combo so everyone
can follow
•• The arm-lines follow the lyrics
•• As for all tracks in SH’BAM, let your class
•• Arms – draw shoulders up and unravel do what feels good to them!
the elbows, then slice out like wings of a
plane. Hand up and pumps as you jump ‘Join the party!’

‘When I say jump you say... HOW HIGH!’


The Chest Pumps totally lift the party off the
Step Knee F, Kick B floor, especially when you go from doubles
•• Groove in the Step Knee to singles!
•• Swing the butt side to side on the Kick Play with the ‘ladies and fellas’ lyrics.
Back – like you’re cleaning a window!
•• Toe, toe, flat with the feet
•• Little ‘boxing guard’ arms – loose

Double/Single Pump TIP

•• Hand below shoulder height LISSA SAYS: This is a total party track
•• pump on the beat with total party vibes. Focus on getting the
•• knees forward Feet cues out at the beginning of each
•• Double – step on every other beat move, so you have time to play with your
•• Single – step on every beat participants. Keep your Feet cues super
•• Hands drive down - like you’re changing simple as the track is short and before you
gear in a car! know it, you will need them to interact.
Script in when and how you are going
to get the participants to call back the
lyrics “How Hi!” and “So Hi!” right from the
start. Play a game of which side or gender
or pant color :) can get the loudest, and
just totally have fun. This will allow them to
really get into the song and fully let loose.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Be sure to cue up the first two slow kicks as they Jazz Seductive and sassy
can come in quite quickly. Let the music speak
in the second verse and have some fun with the
arm-lines ;-)


0:01 _ I come around 4x8 A Freeze & Drizzle 2x
Freeze L with R heel lifted and hands behind head
(4cts), drizzle hands down body (4cts); repeat R (8cts)
(Last 4cts: preview Two Steps R)
0:16 _ Wanna take 8x8 A1 Freeze & Drizzle Combo 2x
Two Steps (step, slide, step together) L, R, L (12cts),
freeze and drizzle R with Body Roll (4cts); repeat R
0:45 _ I’m sure 4x8 B Wild-kick Combo Setup 2x
you’ve Face L and kick R B, pivot to face R and kick R F
(4cts), walk R x3, hold (4cts); repeat R (8cts)
1:01 (Heavy beat) 4x8 B1 Wild-kick Combo 4x
Face L and kick R B, pivot to face R and kick R F
(2cts), run R x2 (2cts); repeat R (4cts)
1:15 wild card _ 4x8 B2 + Wildcard Throw 4x
1:31 (Synth blast) ½x8 Freeze with palms out (4cts)
1:34 _ you like my 12x8 A2 Freeze & Drizzle Combo 3x
+ Drop Roll
2:18 _ I’m sure 4x8 B Wild-kick Combo Setup 2x
2:33 (Heavy beat) 4x8 B1 Wild-kick Combo 4x
2:48 with a.... _ 4x8 B2 + Wildcard Throw 4x
3:03 A Freeze L with R heel lifted and hands behind head

3:08 mins 4
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• How wild will you go? Dial your
Freeze & Drizzle ‘wildcard’ up or down, depending on the
•• Hips to the corner, back heel up demographic of the class in front of you
•• Chest lifts, elbows back, then front arm •• Clearly cue the movement with great Feet
wraps around to meet the other arm, and cues so no-one gets lost, especially in
both hands slide down the body the transition to the slow kicks
•• As the Two Steps comes in, so does the •• Draw your class in by lowering the tone
Body Roll – from booty to chest and later, of your voice. Create contrast by being
the drop. soft in the vocals and building excitement
in the instrumentals

‘If you have a card you’d like to throw, toss

it in!’

Wild-Kick Combo ‘Can we see your wildcard?’

•• Kick out the back like a donkey kick,
then pivot on the ball of the foot and kick CREATING THE WOW
forward like a volley The wow happens in the subtlety of the
•• Throw is like you’re skipping stones Freeze & Drizzle. Go for it when the drop
comes in!
There’s a Latin/tango sub-current going on
in the vocal parts of this track. Watch the
Masterclass to see how Rach brings this
vibe alive with her movement – it comes
down to feeling the drum sounds ripple up
your body on the Two Steps.

LISSA SAYS: This song is super super hot! It’s got a real James Bond/Bond Girl feel to it, and
the lyrics are totally on point. In fact, download the lyrics and find a few you can tap into that
will match the vibes of this track. Be careful! No need to go super sexy with your voice or choice
of lyrics as the music and moves already have a hint of sexy in them. Instead, keep it light,
playful and possibly unpredictable, to allow your participants to have fun and inject their own
personality into it.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
The less said the better here. Look at your Jazz ‘Chilled out’ and ‘hard to
demographic and appeal to the people in get’ flirty
front of you.


0:01 Here all night, 4x8 A Heel Tap R&L 8x
Step L, tap R (2cts); repeat R (2cts)
(Last rep: preview Hip & Pop)
0:13 I’m talkin’ to ya _ 4x8 B Hip & Pop L 8x
Hip push L & center (2cts), Double Heel Pop (2cts)
0:25 I’m comin’ at ya _ 4x8 B1 + HOH 8x
0:37 These friends, keep 4x8 C Heel Walk L 4x
Step L heel out, in, out, knee (4cts); repeat R (4cts)
0:49 Here all night. 8x8 C1 Heel Sass Combo R 1x
Heel Walk L, facing left diagonal x2 (16cts), face
front with Hip Roll L to R slow (4cts); wide walk 6x,
traveling B (12cts); repeat R (32cts)
1:12 Trying hide it _ 4x8 B Hip & Pop R 8x
1:26 I got you _ 4x8 B1 + HOH 8x
1:37 These friends, keep 4x8 C Heel Walk R 4x
1:50 Here all night 8x8 C1 Heel Sass Combo R 1x
2:13 _ It’s the new 3x8 D Dancehall Tap 1½x
Face R diagonal and tap L foot F x3 (6cts), step in
(2cts); repeat R (8cts)
2:23 If you wanna 4x8 D1 + Arms O/H, hips & Heel Flick 2x
2:35 I give zero 5x8 D2 + Fist throw down (cts 3-4) 2½x
2:50 These friends, keep 4½x8 Step Touch L&R 9x
3:03 Here all night, 12x8 C1 Heel Sass Combo L 1½x
3:40 Smooth slide to finish

3:43 mins 5
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• This hip track is really ‘chilled’ and you
Hip & Pop need it after a big Track 2, 3 and 4
•• Hip pops to the side and then center •• Reduce the quantity of chatter and let
•• Lift your heels and throw your knees them soak up the sounds
forward like a gun pop
‘You can't give it up when it feels this good’

‘Talk to me with your hips’

Heel Walk/Heel Sass Combo CREATING THE WOW

•• Walking on the heel, foot moves out, in,
out, planting flat on the third The wow moment is when the hands come
•• Body moves up and down as you do this in in the Dancehall Tap – really dance this
•• Upper body posture hinged back off part!
the hip
•• Hip starts to move as you take it to the
corners, and you sit as you snap
•• Hip goes around the outside
•• Then wide walk back, movement side to
side and up and down
•• Use the whole foot toe-to-heel to get the
•• Arms are freestyle here

Dancehall Tap (with arms)

•• Tap the ball of the foot down and push
the heel out. The hip goes up and pushes
•• When the foot lifts, the heel turns in
•• Arms pushing and pulling like an ab
•• Hip thrust and throwdown

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017

‘Let rip’ in the arm combo – it’s so simple Jazz/House Beach Party Buzz
but has the most amazing feel of freedom.
A big cardio buzz.


0:07 (Synth) 6x8 A Push Knee Combo 3x
Slide, lift knee L&R x2 (8cts)
Rock It Out L&R x4 (8cts)
0:29 We’ve only just 2x8 A1 + Palm Push 1x

0:37 They said this 10x8 A2 + Travel F (Push Knee) 5x

+ Knee Run B (Option: Tap)
1:14 Chasing the sun. _ 1x8 B Rock It Out 4x
Rock It Out L&R (2cts)
1:18 (Synth build) 2x8 B1 Grab, Pull, Smack Combo 2x
Rock It Out L&R with diagonal grab R&L (2cts)
Rock It Out L&R with pull R&L (2cts)
Rock It Out L&R x2 (4cts)
1:25 (B up) 5x8 B2 + Smack Smack L&R (cts 5-6) 5x
1:44 (Synth wave) 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
1:59 They said this 12x8 A2 Push Knee Combo 6x
2:44 Chasing the sun. _ 1x8 B Rock It Out 4x
2:48 (B up) 7x8 B2 Grab, Pull, Smack Combo 7x

3:16 mins 6
Push Knee Combo •• Clear Feet cues will create success on
•• Slight turn to the body on the slide knee, the floor so make this your priority
hopping on the ball of the foot •• You don’t need to say too much in this
•• Hop back from one foot to another, like track - let the music do the talking! Pull
you’re on hot sand in to the lyrics if it feels good
•• Feet are off the floor slightly, butt swings
side to side
•• Relaxed arms ‘There ain’t nothing better than partying with
•• Option: Tap the floor friends... party people put your hands up!’

‘Push your hand through the blue water,

Grab, Pull, Smack Combo now run on the hot sand!’
•• This is a total-body movement!
•• Feet are wide ‘You can do it any way you want, cos it's
•• Reach and pull movement – to the SH’BAM!’
corners, to the front – and then 2 smacks
•• Body is moving side to side CREATING THE WOW
•• The first time we do it it’s just the arms
•• The second time it becomes really big – It’s all about the Grab, Pull, Smack! Get lost
watch how Rach lifts off the floor! in this and let your members go there too.
•• The weight is forward as you reach and
the feet are working ball of foot to heel
as you step

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017

You need to hush during the quiet verse sections, Contemporary/ Emo high on life
and breathe. Let your face bring the lyrics and feel House
to life.


0:00 Oooh... 4x8 A Syncopated Pop 7x
Big Chest Pop, Little Chest Pop (2cts)
(Last 2cts: roll down to squat)
0:11 Hell down, heaven 8x8 B Sweet Change Combo 4x
From Squat, L arm rise (4cts), R arm and body rise
(4cts), cross arms with flexed palm R, L, R (6cts), roll
down to Squat (2cts)
0:33 is changing 6x8 C Double Kick 12x
Jump on L and double kick R down (2cts); repeat R
0:50 If everything is 10x8 C1 Double Kick Combo 5x
Double Kick F x2 (8cts)
Step Touch L&R with arm rise L&R (4cts)
Rock It Out L&R B x2 with hands behind (4cts)
1:18 (Strings) 4x8 D Freeze & Roll 2x
Feet wide and freeze, arms wide to O/H (8cts), roll
down to Squat (8cts)
1:29 I don’t understand, 8x8 B Sweet Change Combo

1:52 is changing. 6x8 C Double Kick 12x

2:09 If everything is 18x8 C 1

Double Kick Combo 9x
2:31 Oh, oh, oh! 10x8 C2 + Fast crossed arms with flexed palm R, L, R 5x
2:59 Ahhh... 4x8 D Freeze & Roll 2x

3:11 mins 7
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• The Syncopated Pop is the recovery, so
Sweet Change Combo use this time to ‘chill’!
•• Squat position – butt back and down •• Preview the travel forward so they don’t
near the knee, chest up, hands between miss out on the first reps
legs •• Allow the music to speak and let the
•• Unravel from the elbow, turning the chest class follow you in the Sweet Change
and reaching up Combo
•• As one hand reaches the top the other •• Use the lyrics to enhance the vibe
arm starts to unravel, and body lifts and
centers ‘This is real. This is cool. This is what we
•• Cross wrists in front of the body R over L, signed up to... This is the time to feel this!’
crosses 3 times. 3, 2, 1, then drop
•• Second time through, add Hip Swing ‘It’s time to let go!’
– Hip goes the opposite way to the top
hand: R hand on top, hip pushes to L, L CREATING THE WOW
hand on top, hip pushes to R The wow is in the music, from the beautiful
verses to the build and freedom of the
verses. Let it tell the story.
Encourage your class to put their hands up
and sing the ‘I ... can’t do this anymore’.

Double Kick Combo

•• Heel kicks forward across the body like a
scoop, arms bent, elbows high
•• Option to tap heels in front
•• Step touch with long floating arms, head
looks up at the hand
•• Bounce back, hands behind back, tip
weight forward and stick the butt out
•• Last set the hands cross forward across
the body

LISSA SAYS: Wow, this song is SH’BAM emotion to the max! It has super simple
choreography set to an emotionally driven song. Know when to talk and when to just dance.
This will allow the song to grab your participants emotionally. All they will want to do is let
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Bring the individuality – encourage your class Hip Hop/ When the party vibes are on point
to Get Down in their own way! Freestyle and your tune comes on and
everyone ‘gets down’


0:07 Where they made 4x8 A Slide & Chill Setup 2x
Slide L (4cts), jump wide (3cts) chin lifts (2cts); repeat (8cts)
0:24 they good looking 4x8 A1 Slide & Chill 4x
Slide L (2cts), jump wide (1ct) chin lift (1ct); repeat (4cts)
0:41 I know one thing! 4x8 B Tap & Run 4x
2-Twist taps L (2cts), run B, side, F, OTS (2cts); repeat R
0:57 To get down. 4x8 C The Get Down
Feet wide and groove your way!
1:14 Got a maybach, 4x8 A1 Slide & Chill 4x
1:31 they good looking 4x8 A2 + Your flavor! 4x
1:48 I know one thing! 4x8 B Tap & Run 4x
2:04 To get down. 4x8 C The Get Down
2:20 They don’t make 4x8 A2 Slide & Chill 4x
2:37 I know one thing! 4x8 B Tap & Run 4x
2:54 To get down 4x8 C The Get Down
+ Option on the floor!

3:13 mins 8
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• This one is all about encouraging people
to let go and find their own style
Slide & Chill
•• Use the lyrics, connect to the people and
•• Slide and jump wide with chin lift
praise them when they try it
•• Freestyle your own moves on the second
•• Mix and mingle, especially in the last set
•• Give people some options of things to do.
People like freedom but they also like to
be led a little!

‘What is the Get Down? It’s anything you

want it to be’
Tap & Run
•• Double Tap and 3 Runs
‘If you got no worries, you’re in the right
•• Becomes a pivot on both balls of the feet,
with a Heel Stomp
•• Butt swings around the outside
‘There’s nothing hotter than someone who
•• Run in a U-shape
just gets down, no matter what the sound!’
The Get Down
•• Jump feet wide and do anything the CREATING THE WOW
music tells you to do! The wow is when people feel free to ‘go for
•• It’s your style, completely freestyle – it’ in their own way – and if you do it, they
don’t think about it, don’t plan it, just will too. So make sure you really go for it
get down! when you do the Get Down for the first time.
•• Rach pushes her hips forward as she
goes down/up – single single double

RACH SAYS: Aah this track is magic – the more you throw yourself into the ‘get down’
chorus section, the better it gets. It goes really internal here, and your face can really
express the feels of being ‘let loose’. DEF get amongst the class in the last block.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Be more visual and use clear Feet cues so that your Jazz Euphoric and
class can follow easily. beautifully painful/


0:01 Need me 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
0:14 That you need me 4x8 A Throw & Turn 2x
Step L (1ct), tap R B (2cts), walk-walk (2cts), Rock It Out R&L
x2 (4cts); repeat R (8cts)
0:29 (B up) 1x8 A1 + Throw & clear R&L ½x
0:33 (Fast b up) 4x8 A 2
+ Reach arms L&R 2x
0:48 _ Tell me that 9x8 A3 + Turn R&L 4½x
1:21 (Synth echo) 4x8 B Wrap, Reach & Melt (Slow) 1x
Wrap R arm around head (4cts), reach F (4cts), melt into legs
and pull arm in and down (8cts); repeat R (16cts)
1:36 _ I’ve been waiting 4x8 B1 + Drag (Reach F) 1x
1:51 _ I’ve been waiting 2x8 B2 Wrap, Reach & Melt 2x
Wrap R arm around head (2cts), drag and reach F (2cts), melt
into legs and pull arm in and down (4cts); repeat R (8cts)
2:06 (Beat) 8x8 B3 Wrap, Reach & Melt Combo 4x
Rock It Out L&R with wrap R arm around head (2cts), drag
with reach F and drop (2cts); repeat R (4cts);
Step Touch L&R x2 (8cts); repeat R
2:35 (Heavy beat) 8x8 A3 Throw & Turn 4x
3:06 Ohhh... 1x8 B2 Wrap, Reach & Melt ½x

3:12 mins 9
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• Clear Feet cues in the Throw & Turn, so
Throw & Turn there is immediate success – ‘Step back
•• Step and tap foot back as you throw your walk walk and rock’
arm, closed flexed hand, turning chest •• When you get to the ‘wrap, reach and
•• Sweep arm as you step across, like melt’ section, use Feet cues only – this
you’re clearing the floor. Straight arm means you can really be visual with
•• Rock hips side to side what you’re doing and bring in the
•• Then add the reach – a desperate arm, desperate vibe
turning the chest and pulling the shoulder
right back. Opposite foot steps at same ‘Dance is freedom, Explore it, let it go!’
time as reach
•• Head aligns with center of hand ‘Sometimes you don’t know how to say it.
•• When we add the turn the arm leads the Dance helps you show it’
way, then the other arm extends too
•• Avoid crossing foot behind on the Step ‘You don’t have to turn... but if you’re
Tap – you won’t get a good push-off for ready to turn it up with us here, show us!’
the turn
Throwing yourself into the dance will bring
a sensation of freedom which your class
will share.

Wrap, Reach & Melt

•• Feet wide, toes face side of room, back
heel lifted
•• Front arm sweeps around back of head
•• Drag the way the feet are pointing, and
the arm reaches to the front – like you’re
being pulled in 2 directions. Sensation
of torment
•• Hold and melt – as you drop into the legs
the hand folds into the body and you curl
up. All of the drama!

RACH SAYS: Just when you think you’ve done enough Throw & Turn reps, there’s 4 more! It’s
killer cardio so don’t worry if you can’t talk too much. You get to breathe in the slow section.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
10 OYE 2014
Don’t crowd the track with chatter. Talk mainly in Latin/ Stepping out, styling the
the Mambo sections and get your connection going Hip Hop Latin beat on the street


0:07 What legends are 4x8 A Classy Mambo 8x
Mambo (lifted posture) L F & B (4cts)
Cha-Cha-Cha to change legs
(Last rep: Cha-Cha-Cha to change legs)
0:21 A legend in the 4x8 A1 Street Mambo 8x
Mambo (with Heel Grind) R F & B, with Latin Arms (4cts)
0:34 Oye como 4x8 B Hip Whip Combo 2x
Step L, R cross behind (2cts), little jump L together x3
(6cts); repeat R (8cts)
0:47 (Heavy bass) 4x8 B1 + Hip Roll 2x
1:00 What I got 2x8 C Heel Rock 8x
Step L, pop R (inside) heel F (1ct); repeat R (1ct)
1:07 Made this all from 4x8 A Classy Mambo 8x
1:20 A legend in the 4x8 A1 Street Mambo 8x
1:33 Oye como 2x8 B1 Hip Whip Combo 1x
1:40 Now tell me what 6x8 B2 + Arm Whip O/H 3x
1:59 What I got 2x8 C Heel Rock 8x
2:06 (Guitar) 4x8 C1 Heel Rock (Slow) 8x
Step L, pop R (inside) heel F (2cts); repeat R (2cts)
2:19 (Guitar solo) 4x8 C2 + Arms O/H (down for last 2 reps) 8x
2:32 (B up) 2x8 C3 + Hands on thighs and get low 4x
2:39 Oye como 4x8 B2 Hip Whip Combo 2x
2:52 Now tell me what C Heel Rock 8x
2:59 Oye como 6x8 B2 Hip Whip Combo 3x
3:17 Freeze!

3:21 mins 10
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• This track screams hotness – with
Classy/Street Mambo a guitar lick from Santana! It’s not
•• Show real contrast from the Classy cheesy, it’s modern and sexy and it has
Mambo – more upright, subtle and soft, a super ‘chilled’ vibe
to the Street Mambo, where you ground •• Be vocally chilled and use the Heel
your heel, sink down and really use your Rock to ramp up the energy to the
hips Street Mambo. It’s like the transition
from chilling on the sofas at a party, to
Hip Whip Combo the dance floor!
•• 2 steps across, step with your heel, then •• Try giving a rhythm cue for the jumps
cross your foot behind on your toes across ‘ba-ba, ba-ba’
•• 3 jumps, bringing your feet together in a •• Let your members make the choice of
‘ba-ba’ rhythm that matches the music – how they want to dance this
lean the way you’re going •• This is a good one for a bit of imagery;
•• Then add Hip Roll, hip goes forward and for example, at a party, on the street –
around the back. Arms up,bent elbows whatever works for you!
and soft fists
•• Lastly, add the Whip, in the same ‘We keep it classy, then we take it to
direction as the hip! the street!’
•• Option to bounce the elbows instead
of Whip ‘You might have a flowing dress, or you
might be sharp with a shirt on!’


The contrast from the Classy Mambo to the
Street Mambo – make this really pop!
Enjoy the guitar solo in the slow Heel Rock –
milk the music and the slow grind!

TAU SAYS: Contrast the Classy Mambo with the Street Mambo and have fun with this one!
It’s super hot!
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Feet cues throughout this track in the building Jazz Hands up, turnt up
sections, then cut them loose to feel it and try it on for synths
size. It’s a long track, so there is plenty of time for the
dance layer.


0:14 (Synth build) 4x8 A Dynamite 2x
Slide L (2cts), jump feet wide and bounce (6cts); repeat
R (8cts)
0:29 (Synth shimmer) 4x8 A1 + Kick to side R&L 2x
0:44 (Drums) 2x8 A2 + Dynamite Arms O/H 1x
0:52 (B up) 10x8 A3 Dynamite + Step Touch 5x
Dynamite L&R (8cts)
Step Touch L&R x2 (8cts)
1:30 (Synth wind-down) 2x8 Freeze with arms crossing to O/H (8cts) and wide drop
into Squat and roll up (8cts)
1:37 Like silence is 4x8 C Slow Moonlight Arms 2x
Arms F (palms down) to O/H (4cts), down to chest height,
out (4cts), cross (4cts), and push wide (4cts)
1:52 Well come on, open 4x8 C1 Moonlight Arms with Step Touch 4x
Step Touch L&R with fast arm combo (4cts), Step Touch
L&R, holding Palm Push to side (4cts)
2:07 Just wasting 5x8 D House Tap 10x
moonlight Tap L out and in (2cts); repeat R (2cts)
2:26 (B up) 12x8 A2+D Dynamite with House Tap 6x
Dynamite (8cts)
House Tap x2 (8cts)
3:11 (Silence) 1x8 Freeze with feet wide with R Palm Push to L (4cts), Elbow
Swim B (4cts)
3:14 Like silence is 4x8 C Slow Moonlight Arms 2x
3:29 Well come on, open 4x8 C1 Moonlight Arms with Step Touch 4x
3:44 Just wasting 8x8 C2 Moonlight Arms with House Tap 8x
moonlight House Tap L&R with fast arm combo (4cts),
House Tap L&R, holding Palm Push to side (4cts)
4:14 (B up) 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
4:30 (Heavy beat) 8x8 A2+C2 Moonlight Dynamite Combo 4x
Dynamite (8cts)
Moonlight Arms with House Tap
5:00 Wasting moonlight... 1x8 Freeze with arms crossing O/H and down (8cts)
5:03 When a whisper coul 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
5:18 Well come on, open 4x8 + Clap 8x
5:33 (Heavy beat) 8x8 A2+C2 Moonlight Dynamite Combo 4x
6:03 Freeze with arms O/H
6:08 mins 11
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• Set this track up with great Feet cues so
Dynamite that when the music comes down they
•• Drag to the side, arms explode up and are ready to go with it – ‘Slide, down up
over, open hands down’
•• Drop down, then lift up into a kick – •• This track is a builder, so don’t peak
extend the arm along the length of the too soon! Go with the music vocally and
leg, and opposite arm bent with fist at physically and you will take your class
chest, and down again with you
•• When you drop, bend knees to show •• There are a few mini peaks within the
contrast and make the kick pop track – the first is when you bring the
•• As you kick, rise up onto the ball of your Dynamite in with the Step Touch. The
foot. As you set up, keep it small – it’s second is when the House Tap comes in
not Jackie Chan! That way, you have for the first time. The third is when you
somewhere to go in Dance phase put everything together in the Moonlight
•• It’s all about using the legs Dynamite Combo. And the last set is total
Dance phase
•• Some great lyrics in this track –
download the lyrics and use them!

‘We get better, when we are open’

Moonlight Arms
•• Same as the Feel Good Arms from the ‘When you come to SH’BAM it doesn’t
Warmup, but the arms float up and matter what you can do, but you bring who
there’s an added scoop in front you are to the dance floor – that’s all that
•• Step touch, and then later the House Tap matters’
•• Slight head side to side – brings the
euphoric feel ‘I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right
now, than with you’

‘Eyes wide open – hearts wide open!’


This track is beautiful and emotive, and the
layers of the choreography go beautifully
with the builds in the music. Use the down
times to be quiet and create contrast, and
then dance your heart out!

TAU SAYS: Let yourself and your class go by coaching simple setup and huge feel!
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Once the beat drops, you gotta move into your own DANCE feel Jazz Dance
and show them how good it looks – so surrender to the beat and Freedom and
live the moment. Performance


0:00 (Synth) 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
0:14 (Spacey synth) 2x8 A Throw & Turn (from Track 9) 1x
0:22 (Hi-hat) 2x8 B Wrap, Reach & Melt Combo (Track 9) 1x
0:31 (Building synth) 2x8 A Throw & Turn (from Track 9) 1x
0:37 (B up) 2x8 B Wrap, Reach & Melt Combo (Track 9) 1x
0:44 _ I dive into 8x8 C Moonlight Arms with Step Touch (Track 11a) 4x
1:14 ‘Cause you are, 4x8 Step Touch L&R with clap O/H (4cts) 8x
1:30 _ If our love 4x8 A+B+D Clarity Combo 1x
Throw & Turn (from Track 9) (16cts)
Wrap, Reach & Melt Combo (from Track 9) (Note: no
step touch x2) (8cts)
Dynamite (from Track 11a) (8cts)
1:44 Hey, hey 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
2:00 (Heavy beat) 4x8 A+B+D Clarity Combo 1x
2:14 (Beat and hi-hat) 4x8 Step Touch L&R with clap O/H (4cts) 8x
2:30 (Wobbly synth) 4x8 A+B+D Clarity Combo 1x
2:45 (Synth wave) 2x8 Freeze
2:52 _ Walk on through 8x8 C Moonlight Arms with Step Touch (Track 11a) 4x
3:22 ‘Cause you are, 4x8 Step Touch L&R (4cts) 8x
3:37 _ If our love 4x8 A+B+D Clarity Combo 1x
3:52 (Blast) 4x8 Step Touch L&R with clap O/H (4cts) 8x
4:07 (B up) 16x8 A+B+D Clarity Combo 4x
5:07 Clarity. _ 10x8 Step Touch L&R with mad claps! 20x

5:53 mins 11 BONUS
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• Be up front about what the expectation
You know the technique from the previous is in this Bonus track. There is plenty
tracks, but different music brings a different of chance to explain what is going to
feel and different texture – so listen to this happen, and then reflect and encourage
track, and watch the Masterclass to see them
how Rach moves to really master this one. •• Build the combo clearly and direct traffic
•• Use the names of the moves that you’ve
set up in the previous tracks
•• Don’t talk too much until everyone
is comfortable with the movement –
reinforce and support them with heaps
of praise
•• Play with the music and the lyrics
•• Use the Step Touch and clap to sing and
set them free to enjoy the music

‘The past is coming back to life today,

because I’m gonna put together some of
those moves you’ve learnt already!’

‘I know how this ends, I’ve done it before’

‘This is dance freedom! You know the

moves, you’ve got them – shall we do it

‘4 in a row, we’re good to go!’


In the Dance phase, let them go – it’s not
about you. Go there, but don’t leave them
alone either – praise and support. There’s
a huge feeling of success in this track
because they get to stay in the Dance
phase for longer as they already know the
moves.Encourage them to sing with you in
the chorus!

RACH SAYS: Just like last round, this is an option which can be used to keep the release fresh,
if you have time :) You MUST teach Tracks 9 and 11a if you are doing this Bonus track.
© Les Mills International Ltd 2017
Bring back the class interactive feels and play with Stretching Nostalgic, sweet
the stretches and lyrics. little finisher to
settle the crazy


0:00 Sha, la, la 2x8 A Step Tap 4x
Step L, tap R F (2cts); repeat R (2cts)
0:09 He might got 4x8 A1 Step & Stretch (Your Adductors) 2x
Step Tap x2 (8cts)
Adductor Stretch with Pulse L&R (8cts)
0:26 They try to 4x8 A2 Step & Stretch (Your Calves) 1x
Step Tap x2 (8cts)
Calf Stretch R (facing L) (4cts) with Double Shoulder Roll B
(4cts); repeat R (16cts)
0:45 _ Last night I 4x8 B Sh’Love Me Like You 2x
Step Tap x2 with Snap (8cts), walk F with arms F to
shoulder height (4cts), and B with finger shake (4cts)
1:02 (Bass guitar) 1x8 Jump wide with hands F (2cts), wide (2cts), to thighs
(2cts), lift hips (2cts)
1:07 _ Used to get 1x8 Shake your hips (8cts)
1:12 You were pouring 2x8 Hamstring Stretch L (8cts) & R (8cts)
1:21 When I really need 1x8 Bend knees, roll up (8cts)
1:26 They try to 4x8 A2 Step & Stretch (Your Calves) 1x
+ Nastier Wrap
1:43 _ Last night I 8x8 B Sh’Love Me Like You 4x
2:20 L. O. V. E. 4x8 Quad Stretch R (16cts) & L (16cts)
2:38 _ Last night I 8x8 B Sh’Love Me Like You 4x

3:18 mins 12
* NOT TO BE USED AS COACHING CUES * •• You can’t leave them on the ceiling after
This one is totally relaxed and ‘chilled’ – that massive Track 11! Bring it back to a
don’t worry about being perfect, just have more ‘chilled’, friendly place here
fun with it. •• Acknowledge their efforts
•• Use the lyrics. Sing and connect to the
•• Play with the stretches

‘Save me... no don’t save me... sorry not

STEP & STRETCH ‘That was gooood! You got the nasty too!’

‘They can’t love me like you... We do love

you guys! You always have so much fun!’


Encourage your class to sing the
“sha-la-la-la” and the “whoooaaa”.
Surprise them in the Nastier Wrap, and then
let them have a go too!

© Les Mills International Ltd 2017







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