OPC - Explorer - Manual
OPC - Explorer - Manual
OPC - Explorer - Manual
User Manual
Version 1.1
July 2005
MatrikonOPC Explorer - User Manual–Version 1.1
Revision History:
Date Version Description Author
2004-03-17 1.0 Migrated to new template TNN
2005-01-07 1.1 Update Copyright info EJM
Every OPC server has a unique program ID. This is a human-readable text string that is converted to
a globally unique identification number which COM then uses to identify the server. Each server may
have a version-specific program ID (with a number appended to the end of the string), a version-
independent program ID (no number), or both. All Matrikon OPC Servers have both types, but only
the version-dependent program ID shows up in the list.
If an error occurs during the communication session between OPC Explorer and an OPC server, a
message box appears explaining this. Click the Details button to get a more descriptive explanation
of the error. Deselect the “Disconnect Server” checkbox to ignore the error and continue without
disconnecting from the server. Choose Error Log from the View menu to display a log of past errors.
Right-click on the window and choose “Clear Log” to clear the log.
COM will attempt to launch the OPC server if it is not currently running when the first client
attempts to connect to it. If the server runs as a local executable then COM will run it. If the server
runs as an NT service then COM will start it up.
Similarly, when the last client application disconnects from an OPC server, the server will shut down.
Matrikon OPC Servers wait for one minute before shutting down to avoid unnecessary processing
when client applications connect and disconnect frequently.
To create an OPC item, enter an item ID in the edit box and click the right-pointing arrow. The item
appears in the list box on the right-hand side of the window. Double-click on an item to edit its
settings (the appearance of the arrow changes). Choose “Update and Return to Explorer” to add the
created items to the OPC group and return to MatrikonOPC Explorer.
In addition to an item ID, users can also specify an access path, a requested data type, and an active
state. The following sections describe these settings in further detail.
3.4.1 ITEM ID
All OPC items must be identified by an item ID. This identifier is a server-specific string of
characters that uniquely identifies a source of data to an OPC server. More than one OPC item may
refer to the same item ID at the same time. Enter the item ID in the Item ID edit box. Click the
button next to this edit box to bring up the Tag Generator – a utility for creating large numbers of
tags that follow a known pattern.
Some examples of item ID’s might be “PLC1.4:0001”, “North:FIC101/CV”,
“\\ARCSVR:DBTAG001”, etc. Check Appendix A for information about the specific syntax of the
item ID’s.
In the item display, the Value field shows the real-time value for the item. The Quality field indicates
whether or not this value is valid, and why (see the annex for a list of quality values). The Timestamp
field indicates how “fresh” the value is (the time that it was received from the data source).
The information panel at the bottom of the window displays status information about the selected
server and group. Choose “Info Panel” from the view panel to hide and show this panel.
Some OPC servers support dead-band for updates from analog data sources. The dead-band value is
a percentage of full-scale deflection and so the high and low limits for the item must be known ahead
of time. Dead-band only affects updates between an OPC client and a server. It has no effect on
communication between an OPC server and its respective device(s).
Control values may be written to items regardless of whether they or the group that they are in are active or
inactive. If the items and the group containing the items are both active then the written control value
should appear when the next update occurs. Also, some OPC servers may contain read-only item. Values
written to these items will be discarded.
MatrikonOPC Explorer also contains a Signal Generator to write ramping control values to OPC
items. Choose the “Signal Generator” tab in the “Write Values” dialog box. Enter the high and low
limits and the increment factor for the ramp wave. Finally, enter the time period in milliseconds and
press Start. Press Stop or close the dialog box to finish writing the ramp wave.
Use the Errors checkboxes to specify whether the error dialog box should be displayed when COM
or OPC errors occur, or when errors occur for individual items. The sanity check option ensures that
the OPC server keeps track of lists of groups and items properly. At present, session files may only
be stored as text files, so the binary format is unavailable.
3.6.4 COM
Use these checkboxes to specify the class context flags to be used when OPC Explorer attempts to
connect to an OPC server. Do not deselect any of these flags unless absolutely necessary.
The following steps are suggestions only. Ask your Windows NT/2000 System Administrator for more
information about the settings that you should use, especially between different domains.
Readers should be familiar with DCOM and with Windows 2000 security features and security
administration. Information regarding Distributed COM and various links to related sites, white
papers, specs, etc, can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/com/tech/DCOM.asp.
Specifications on DCOM/COM and release notes on COM+ can be found in the MSDN Online
Library at http://www.microsoft.com/com/resources/specs.asp.
DCOM settings are stored in the registry and loaded by COM (and OPC) servers at start-up. Therefore,
server processes must be shut down and restarted in order for these changes to take effect.
The Access Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to interact
with objects supplied by a server.
The Launch Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to start up
a server process or service.
4. Include the names of users or user groups from trusted domains that you wish to be able to use
the OPC server on this machine. Include the Everyone group to allow access to all users on a
particular domain.
5. To set the Access permissions, click Use custom access permissions and then click Edit.
7. To add a user to the list, select the user, and then click Add. If the user you wish to add does not
appear then click Show Users.
8. When you are done adding users, click OK to close the Add Users and Groups dialog box.
You can then choose to Allow Access or Deny Access for each user.
The procedure to set the launch permissions is similar to the above, but instead of choosing
Allow Access for a user you would choose Allow Launch.
The Configuration Permissions contain an Access Control List of principals that are allowed to
modify the configuration information for a server. In other words, it indicates who is allowed to
alter the registry entries for installed servers as well as who is able to access the registry for the
purposes of installing new servers. It is usually simpler to install and configure servers as a user
with local administrative rights.
9. To connect to an OPC server from outside of the domain, create a local user account on both
the server and the client machine with identical username and password. Then, add the local user on
It is strongly recommended that OPC server should be installed to run as NT services if they are going to be
accessed by remote clients via DCOM. This ensures that the server can always be accessed even if no one is
presently logged on to the machine, and only one server process ever starts up. It also adds a greater degree of
security in terms of who is able to shut down the server process.
Servers that run as local executables have the option of running as the launching user (the calling
client–this is the default), the interactive user (the one currently logged onto the machine), or a
specified user. It is usually best to use the interactive user or a specified user. Otherwise, remote
clients might start up multiple separate server processes that are not accessible to others.
Servers that run as NT services should generally run as the local System account. Alternatively, the
server can be set to run as a specified user, although this is usually done from the Service Control
Manager applet rather than DCOMCNFG. Access and Launch permissions are particularly important
when installing a server to run as an NT service.
Evidence indicates that there are problems with the datagram-oriented protocols (such as UDP/IP) that
can cause memory leaks in DCOM. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these protocols be removed
from the list of default protocols. Datagram-oriented protocols are not supported under Windows 2000 at
all (although the DCOM configuration utility still allows you to configure them).
This method may not work for every OPC client. Please check the client documentation for more
1. On the server machine, run REGEDIT as a user that has access rights to the local registry.
2. Expand the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key.
3. Find the program ID(s) for the desired OPC server(s).
In the case of Matrikon OPC Servers, the ID has the form Matrikon.OPC.Device. If you quickly
type the first few letters then REGEDIT should jump to the location of that key. Some servers
may have both a version-specific as well as a version-independent program ID. In this case both
ID's should be copied to the client machine.
4. For each program ID, select the key and choose Export Registry File from the Registry menu.
Enter a file name, and then click Save. Be careful not to overwrite other export files that you are
5. Copy the exported REG files to the client machine.
6. Merge the REG files into the registry of the client machine.
This should simply be a matter of double clicking on the file from the desktop of the client
machine. Alternatively, run REGEDIT on the client machine and choose Import Registry File
from the Registry menu, selecting each file in turn. This must be done as a user who has write
access to the local registry.
7. Use REGEDIT to check that the program IDs have in fact been copied.
8. Delete the REG files since they are no longer needed.