MatrikonOPC Analyzer User Manual
MatrikonOPC Analyzer User Manual
MatrikonOPC Analyzer User Manual
User's Manual
MatrikonOPC Analyzer
User's Manual
Phone: +1.780.448.1010
Fax: +1.780.448.9191
Date Description Author
2007-01-28 1.0 Initial Document. JL
2009-02-23 1.1 Updated for BS
2009-10-02 2.0 Updated to software version 1.1.0. Removed DEP CB, LB
settings note from Installation section. Updated
Contacting Support section. Updated Appendix A
– Distributed COM (DCOM) introduction. Replaced
necessary screenshots to coincide with template.
Updated Un-Installation section.
Version: 1.1.0
Version: 2.0
© Copyright 2009, Matrikon Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise, without prior written permission of Matrikon Inc.
The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary to Matrikon Inc. It may not be disclosed or transferred,
directly or indirectly, to any third party without the explicit written permission of Matrikon Inc.
Matrikon has made its best effort to prepare this manual. Matrikon makes no representation or warranties of
any kind with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accepts no liability of any kind
including without limitation warranties of merchantable quality, satisfactory quality, merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose on those arising by law, statute, usage of trade, course of dealing or otherwise.
Matrikon shall not be liable for any losses or damages of any kind caused or alleged to be caused directly or
indirectly from this manual.
This document and the software described in this document are supplied under a license agreement and may only be used
in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Matrikon reserves the right to make any improvements and/or changes to
product specifications at any time without notice.
The following are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations:
MatrikonOPC™ is a division of Matrikon™ Inc.
Table of Appendices
Appendix A – Distributed COM (DCOM) .......................................................................... 30
DCOM Configuration Utility ............................................................................................. 30
Default Properties ......................................................................................................... 30
Security Permissions...................................................................................................... 31
Server Identity ............................................................................................................. 34
Default Protocols........................................................................................................... 34
Remote Program ID....................................................................................................... 35
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - InstallAware Wizard Verification Window ........................................................ 9
Figure 2 - Welcome to MatrikonOPC Analyzer Screen....................................................... 9
Figure 3 - License Agreement Screen ............................................................................. 10
Figure 4 - Destination Folder Screen .............................................................................. 11
Figure 5 - Start Menu Screen.......................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 - Ready to Install Screen .................................................................................. 13
Table of Tables
Table 1 - Terms and Definitions........................................................................................ 7
Table 2 - Files Installed in "Common" Folder ................................................................. 16
Table 3 - MatrikonOPC Support Regional Contact Information ....................................... 16
Table 4 - After-Hours Support ........................................................................................ 16
Table 5 - Command Line Options .................................................................................... 17
Overview of Manual
This manual uses icons to highlight valuable information. Remember these icons and what they
mean, as they will assist you throughout the manual.
The User’s Manual has been designed as such so that you can click on references in the document
to jump to that referenced point without having to scroll through several pages (in some cases).
For example, if you were to see the sentence “Refer to Figure 1 for more information”, pressing the
CTRL key and clicking your mouse on the text “Figure 1” will automatically take you to the location
of Figure 1 within the document.
This manual consists of several chapters and is structured as follows:
• Introduction – this introductory chapter.
• Getting Started – provides instructions for installing the software, and MatrikonOPC
Support team contact information.
• Using Analyzer – describes command line options, how Analyzer works, and what
information the utility gathers.
• Troubleshooting – provides solutions for common problems that may have been
encountered, and answers to frequently asked questions.
• Limitations – provides information on specific performance and operational limitations of
the software.
• Un-installation – provides instructions on un-installing the software.
• Appendices:
o A – Distributed COM (DCOM)
Table 1 provides a list of definitions for terms used throughout this document.
The terms screen and window are used interchangeably throughout this document.
Term/Abbreviation Description
Component Object Model. A method for organizing software, specifying
how to build components that can be dynamically interchanged.
DA OPC Data Access. Provides access to real-time process data.
Distributed Component Object Model. An extension of COM that allows
communication between COM components over a network.
Dynamic Data Exchange. Allows the transfer of data between two running
HDA OPC Historical Data Access. Provides access to historical process data.
Human Machine Interface. Device that allows interaction between the user
and machine. Typically used in process control applications.
Matrikon Matrikon Inc.
MatrikonOPC Matrikon’s brand name for its OPC servers and clients.
A communication standard. Refer to for more
PLC Programmable Logic Controller.
Table 1 - Terms and Definitions
System Requirements
The software has minimum Software and Hardware system requirements. These requirements
must be met for the software to function properly.
Software Requirements
The server requires the following software:
• Microsoft Windows XP or 2003 or 2000
Hardware Requirements
The server requires the following hardware:
• Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor
• 512 MB RAM
• 40 GB 7200 RPM hard drive
Once the system requirements have been met, you are ready to install the software.
To install the software:
1. Insert the MatrikonOPC Analyzer CD into the CD drive.
2. If the MatrikonOPC Welcome screen does not automatically appear, double-click the
MatrikonOPCAnalyzer.EXE file. The InstallAware Wizard verifies its contents (Figure 1),
and the Welcome to MatrikonOPC Analyzer Setup screen (Figure 2) appears.
Note: The Version number located in the lower left corner indicates the version number of
the software that is being installed. The text “X.X.X.X” will be replaced with the specific
product version.
3. Click on the Next button. The License Agreement screen (Figure 3) appears.
• From the License Agreement screen, you have the option of selecting the I reject
the license agreement option. Selecting the I reject the license agreement
option button disables the Next button so your options are to cancel the install by
4. Read the Software License Agreement, using the scroll bar to view the entire message.
5. Select the I accept the license agreement option button.
6. Click on the Next button. The Destination Folder screen (Figure 4) appears.
7. Select the folder in which to install MatrikonOPC Analyzer, or accept the default location
displayed in the Folder path field.
8. Click on the Next button. The Start Menu screen (Figure 5) appears.
9. Select the Start Menu group and then specify whether you want shortcuts created only for
yourself, or for all users, by selecting the applicable option button.
10. Click on the Next button. The Ready to Install screen (Figure 6) appears.
11. Click on the Next button. The Installing MatrikonOPC Analyzer screen (Figure 7)
appears, installation begins, and the product files are copied to the computer.
Note: Prior to starting the installation, you have the option of clicking on the Back button
to change any of the installation information. Click on the Cancel button if you wish to stop
or cancel the installation.
12. When the installation has finished, the MatrikonOPC Analyzer Setup Complete screen
(Figure 8) appears stating that the MatrikonOPC Analyzer has been successfully installed.
13. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation and exit the Wizard.
14. The necessary files are copied to the target computer, the software components are
registered, and short-cut icons are created in the Start menu.
Installed Files
The installation program copies all necessary files to the target computer and creates short-cut
icons in the Start menu. The files listed in Table 2 are installed by default and placed in the
locations listed below.
Note: %Program Files% refers to your default installation directory.
The installation program does not install any of the standard OPC components such as the
proxy/stub DLLs or the server browser. It is assumed that these components have already been
installed on the target machine along with the OPC client or server being tested. These components
are readily available from the common downloads on the OPC Foundation web site (see
Note: No licensing is required for MatrikonOPC Analyzer, as this is
strictly a diagnostic tool.
Contacting Support
The MatrikonOPC Customer Services department ( is available 24 hours a
day, seven days a week.
Contact MatrikonOPC Support using the information below, or send an email
For Monday to Friday daytime support requests, contact MatrikonOPC Support using the regional
phone numbers provided in Table 3.
For after-hours support in all regions, please use either of the following numbers. There is no
extra charge from MatrikonOPC for calling their after-hours support numbers.
User Interface
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) offers the same options available in the list of command line
options. The GUI just makes the utility simpler to use.
To run MatrikonOPC Analyzer from the GUI:
1. Click on the Windows Start button and select the Programs -> MatrikonOPC ->
Analyzer -> MatrikonOPC Analyzer shortcut.
2. The MatrikonOPC Analyzer window appears (see Figure 10).
3. Select the applicable checkboxes.
Capturing Information
This section describes the information captured by each available option:
• System information
• DCOM listings
System Information
By selecting the System Information checkbox on the MatrikonOPC Analyzer utility window,
information about the machine on which Analyzer is being run is captured. The following is an
example of the information recorded in a file named ComputerInfo.txt:
Information for Computer <Computer Name>
Date: Mon Feb 23 14:07:54 2009
COMPUTER NAME : <Computer Name>
DOMAIN NAME : <Domain Name>
USER NAME : <User Name>
OS VERSION : Microsoft Windows XPService Pack 2
PROCESSOR TYPE : GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
TIMEZONE : (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
SYSTEM Path’s : ./bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;
C:\$work\tools;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Compuware
DEP : DEP is OFF - Windows programs and services only
COUNTRY : United States
Running Processes : 0 : [System Process]
4 : System
556 : smss.exe
604 : csrss.exe
628 : winlogon.exe
672 : services.exe
684 : lsass.exe
836 : svchost.exe
896 : svchost.exe
988 : svchost.exe
Note: For information about DCOM, refer to Appendix A in this manual.
By selecting the DCOM checkbox on the MatrikonOPC Analyzer utility window, the Launch and
Activation Permissions, and Access Permissions lists for all MatrikonOPC applications (or any
applications and system defaults containing the term “OPC”) are captured. For each application
found, the utility will also capture the user under who the application is running under, the Identity
setting, and Authentication Level.
The following is an example of the information captured in the DCOMInfo.txt file:
Default Access Permission list:
ALLOWED-> \Everyone
Default Launch and Activation Permission list:
Log Files
Selecting the Log Files option allows the utility to search the common Matrikon directories to find
files with .LOG or .BAK extensions and makes a list of their locations in a file called LogFileInfo.txt.
Following is a sample list:
C:\Program Files\Common
C:\Program Files\Common
Configuration Files
Selecting the Configuration Files option results in the utility searching the common Matrikon
directories to find files with .XML, .ORB, and .CSV extensions and creates a list in a file called
ConfigFileInfo.txt. Following is an example of the list:
C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Modbus\ModbusConfig.xml
C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Modbus\Aliases.csv
C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\ORB\Config.orb
Note: Matrikon strongly recommends that you back up all history and
configuration files prior to upgrading or re-installing the software.
To un-install Analyzer:
1. Click on the Start button and highlight the Control Panel item.
2. From the displayed menu, select Add or Remove Programs.
3. The Add or Remove Programs window is displayed.
4. Scroll through the list of currently installed programs and updates to find and select
MatrikonOPC Analyzer (Figure 13).
5. Click on the Remove button associated with the MatrikonOPC Analyzer program to initiate
the un-install process.
6. The MatrikonOPC Analyzer – InstallAware Wizard appears, and the Welcome to
MatrikonOPC Analyzer Maintenance screen (Figure 14) is displayed.
9. Click on the Next button. The Remove Files? window (Figure 16) appears.
10. Click on the Yes button if you wish to remove all log files.
11. The Remove Files? window closes and the un-install proceeds.
12. When the un-install has finished, the MatrikonOPC Analyzer Setup Complete screen
(Figure 17) appears stating that MatrikonOPC Analyzer was successfully un-installed.
13. Click on the Finish button to complete the un-install and exit the Wizard.
14. The program no longer appears listed in the Add or Remove Programs window.
• The following steps are suggestions only. Ask your Windows
Network Administrator for more information about the settings
that you should use, especially between different domains.
• The steps provided in this appendix apply to Windows NT
operating systems only. For information on how to configure
DCOM settings for newer Windows operating systems, please
refer to the MatrikonOPC Online Support page on DCOM
Note: DCOM settings are stored in the registry and loaded by COM
(and OPC) servers at start-up. Therefore, server processes must be
shut down and re-started for these changes to take effect.
Default Properties
The Default Properties tab contains settings that affect all DCOM communication on the machine:
• Ensure that Enable Distributed DCOM on this computer is selected so that the machine
is available to others via DCOM.
• Select Enable COM Internet Services on this computer to allow DCOM access to the
machine from the Internet (check with your administrator).
• In general, the other settings do not need to be changed.
The Authentication Level specifies when COM should authenticate the identity of calling clients
(e.g., each call, each packet):
• Normally, it should be set to Connect, indicating that COM should authenticate clients when
they first connect to a server. If it is set to None, then COM performs no authentication and
ignores any access permission settings.
Security Permissions
The most important DCOM settings for an OPC server are the security permissions which can be set
in two ways:
1. Change the specific settings for the server (recommended).
2. Change the default settings (not recommended) and make sure that the OPC server will use
Whichever method is used, be certain that the access and launch permissions are correct for the
Setting Security Permissions
To set the security permissions for an OPC Server:
1. From the Start button, select Run.
2. The Run window appears.
3. In the Open field, enter dcomcnfg and click on the OK button.
4. The Component Services window appears.
5. In the navigation pane (i.e., left side pane), click on Component Services.
6. Expand the Computers node.
7. Expand the My Computers node.
8. Expand the DCOM Config node.
9. Scroll through the displayed list and select the required OPC server.
10. Either right-click on the server name and select Properties from the menu that appears, or
highlight the server and then select the Properties menu item from the Action menu.
11. The Distributed COM Configuration Properties window appears (Figure 18).
14. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, select the Customize option button and click
on the Edit button.
15. The Launch Permission window appears.
16. Include the names of users or user groups from trusted domains that you wish to be able to
use OPC server on this machine. Include the Everyone group to allow access to all users on
a particular domain.
Note: To add a group or name, click on the Add button to access the Select Users,
Computers, or Groups window where you can add the missing group or name.
17. Set the permissions for each group or user as required.
18. Click on the OK button to close the Launch Permission window and return to the Security
19. Repeat steps 14 through 18 for Access Permissions and Configuration Permissions.
20. From the Security tab, click on the OK button to close the Properties window and return
to the Component Services window.
Server Identity
The Identity tab for a selected COM (or OPC) server specifies the user account that should be
used when COM starts up the process. The available settings are different for servers that run as
local executables, as opposed to those that run as NT services.
Servers that run a local executable have the option of running as the launching user (the calling
client [default]), the interactive user (the one currently logged on to the machine), or a specified
user. It is usually best to use the interactive user or a specified user. Otherwise, remote clients
might start up multiple separate server processes that are not accessible to others.
Servers that run as NT services should generally run as the local System account. Alternatively,
the server can be set to run as a specified user, although this is usually done from the Service
Control Manager applet rather than DCOMCNFG. Access and Launch permissions are particularly
important when installing a server to run as an NT service.
Default Protocols
The Default Protocols tab specifies the communication protocols available to DCOM. The order
the protocols appear in the list indicates the priority in which they will be used (the top-most
having the highest priority).
The more protocols that appear in the list, the better the chance of connecting to an OPC server on
an unknown remote machine (such as at an OPC Interoperability Workshop). However, it may also
take longer for DCOM to time out if a server machine is not present since it has to try each protocol
in turn.
For most situations, it is best to remove all unused protocols from the list, and include only those
that are necessary for your network. For example, on a TCP\IP network, one would include the
Connection-oriented TCP/IP protocol. Contact your IT personnel for more information about
your network.
Note: Evidence indicates that there are problems with the datagram-
oriented protocols (such as UDP/IP) that can cause memory leaks in
DCOM. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these protocols be
removed from the list of default protocols. Datagram-oriented
protocols are not supported under Windows 2000 at all (although the
DCOM configuration utility still allows you to configure them).