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Project Report ON " Warning Bell "

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SHAH TAPAN M. (EC-083), Sem.V

1 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.


This is to certify that the project on “WARNING BELL” and term work carried out in

the subject of Term Project is bonafide work of SHAH JAY B. (Roll no.: EC-080) and

SHAH TAPAN M. (Roll no.: EC-083) of B. Tech. semester V in the branch of

Electronics & Communication, during the academic year 2018-19.

Name of Faculty Dr. Nikhil Kothari

Project Guide, EC Dept. HOD, EC Dept.

2 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.


We are greatly indebted to the authorities of Dharmsinh Desai University

(Faculty of Technology) for providing us the necessary facilities to successfully carry
put this mini project work “Warning Bell”.

Firstly, we thank and express us solicit gratitude to “ HOD & Professor, Dr.Nikhil
Kothari, EC department , Faculty of technology ” for his invaluable help and support
which helped us a lot in successfully completing our mini project.

Secondly , we express our gratitude to “ prof. Hetal B. Shah , Lecturer , EC dept.” for
her suggestions and encouragement which helps us in the successful completion of our
mini project.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our “ Dean , Dr. D.G.Panchal ” for
providing the necessary infrastructure to complete our project.

Finally, we would like to expresss our heartfelt thanks to our parents who were very
supportive both financially & mentally and for their encouragement to achieve our set

Jay B. Shah (EC-080)

Tapan M. Shah (EC-83)

3 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.


This project is warning bell which is based on a timer. It generates an indication after
every minute and has a buzzer used as an alarm after the eighth as well as tenth minute.

The basic idea of this project was that usually in day to day life we people forget a lot of
works so there is a need for a reminder. So our project generates a reminder after specific
time so that if a person who is unaware can get to know about the time by the indications
of this project.

For examples it can be used as school bell, alarm clock, stopwatch for sports purposes.

4 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.


Title page……………………………………..................................... 1

Certificate page……………………………………………………… 2

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………... 3

Abstract …………………………………………………………….. 4

Table of content…………………………………………………….. 5

Index………………………………………………………………... 6

List of figure………………………………………………………... 7

List of table……………………………………................................ 7

5 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.


Sr. No. Title Page No.

1. Introduction………………………………... 8

1.1 Basic of Warning Bell………………... 8

1.2 How does Warning Bell Works........... 8

2. Block Diagram…………………….………. 9

3. Circuit Diagram…………………….…….... 10

4. Component Description…………………… 11

5. Working of Circuit…………….…...……… 18

6. Software and Final Product………………. 19

7. Limitations of Circuit…………….………... 21

8. Conclusion………………….……………... 21

9. Application and Future work…….………... 22

10. References…………………………….…... 23

6 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

List of Figure

No. Title Page No

Figure 1 Block Diagram of Warning Bell….…… 9

Figure 2 Circuit Diagram…………………............ 10

Figure 3 Pin diagram of NE555………...………. 12

Figure 4 Pin diagram of CMOS IC 4017…........... 15

Figure 5 Layout of Circuit……………………… 19

Figure 6 Final Product…………………………... 20

List of Table

No. Title Page No

1. Specification of NE555……………… 13

2. Specification of CMOS 4017IC……... 17

7 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

1. Introduction

1.1 Basic of Warning Bell :

This project, Warning bell is based on a timer. The time period is of ten minutes

which can be varied by potentiometer. LEDs and buzzer is used as an indicator of

particular time.

1.2 How does WARNING BELL Works ?

When we turn on the power supply it generates an output which is

indicated by an LED after every minute till six minutes. After the seventh minute along

with the LED a buzzer rings for a minute to indicate that only two minutes are left and it

stops after the eighth minute. And after the tenth minute another buzzer will ring to

indicate that the time period is over.

8 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

2. Block Diagram :

Counter and
Timer Circuit
9V DC Supply Indicator Circuit
(IC NE555)
(CMOS IC4017)

Fig 1: Block Diagram of Warning Bell

• This is the block diagram of Warning Bell. It is divided into three blocks. A 9 volt

supply is given to the timer circuit for generating a delay. The timer circuits provides the

pulse to the counter circuit. The counter circuit receives the pulse and provides an output

to the LED and buzzer.

9 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

3. Circuit Diagram :

Fig 2: Circuit Diagram of Warnig Bell.

10 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

4. Componets Discription :

List of Components :

1. Timer IC NE555 with 8 pin socket

2. CMOC 4017 IC with 16 pin socket

3. Buzzers (2)

4. Switches (2)

5. Resistors (150kohm , 220ohm (2), 10kohm ) & 500k variable Resistor.

6. Capacitors ( 220uF , 0.01uF )

7. LEDs ( Red (10) , White (1) )

8. 9V DC Battery

9. Connecting Wires and Single Layer PCB

11 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Description :

1. Timer IC NE555 :

The 555 timer is an integrated circuit used in a variety of timer, pulse

generation, and oscillator. The 555 can be used to provide time delay, as an oscillator.

Here we used 555 as a delay generator in astable mode.

Pin Diagram :

Fig 3: Pin diagram of NE555 [1]

12 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Pins of NE555 :

• Pin 1 (GND) : Ground Reference Voltage.

• Pin 2 (Trigger) : used for trigger the circuit.

• Pin 3 (Output) : Output waveform.

• Pin 4 (Reset) : A negative pulse on reset will disable or reset the timer.

• Pin 5 (Control Voltage) : Control the Width of output pulse.

• Pin 6 (Threshold) : Compares the voltage applied at the terminal with a reference

voltage of 2/3.

• Pin 7 (Discharge) : used for discharge a capacitor between intervals.

• Pin 8 (VCC) : Supply voltage , +5V to +15V DC.

Table 1: Specification of NE555 Timer IC [2]

Input Volatge +5V to +15V DC

Timing capacity Microsecond to hours
Turn off time Less than 2us
Modes Operates in both astable and
monostable modes
Max. operating frequency Greather than 500khz
Duty cycle Adjustable

High output current

13 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Applications :

• Pulse generation.

• Sequencial timing.

• Time delay generation.

• Pulse width modulation.

• Precision timing.

14 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

2. CMOS 4017 IC :

The 4017 is a CMOS decade counter IC. 4017 is used for low range

counting applications. It can count from 0 to 10 (the decade count).

Pin Diagram :

Fig 4: Pindiagram of CMOS IC4017 [3]

15 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Pins of CMOS IC4017:

• Pins 1 to 7 & 9 to 11 (output) : Output pins.

• Pin 8 (GND) : Reference ground.

• Pin 12 (Carry out) : The pin 12 is supplied with the CARRY OUT signal. It

completes one full cycle for every 10 clock cycles.

• Pin 13 (Enable) : Enable pin enables the 4017 IC. IC is enabled when the pin is

active low.

• Pin 14 (Clock) : Clock signal provided to 14th is responsible for sequential output.

• Pin 15 (Reset) : Reset pin resets the output of the sequence. That is the current

state of the output sequence is set to initial state. It should be connected to ground

in order to reset the circuit.

• Pin 16 (VCC) : Positive supply voltage.

16 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Table 2: Specification of CMOS 4017 IC [4]

Supply voltage +3V to +15V DC

Clock speed 5Mhz

DC input current +10mA

Operating temp. range -55 C to +120 C

Power Dissipation/package 500mW

Compatible with TTL logic.


• Decade counter display.

• Binary counter.

• Frequency divition.

• For LED chaser.

17 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

5. Working of Circuit :

When the power 9 volt supply is switched on the capacitor C2 is charged through

R1 and R2. After the capacitor is fully charged it starts to discharge through R2 to the pin

7 of 555 IC. It used to generate trigger pulse necessary for the working of 555. After the

trigger is received an output pulse is generated at the pin 3 of 555 IC. The time period of

the output pulse as well as the duty cycle of the output is depending on the value of

R1,R2 and C2. The time period in our circuit is of 1 minute.An LED D1 is used to

indicate the ON and OFF period of the output pulse.

This output pulse from pin 3 of 555 IC is applied to the pin 14 of the 4017 IC

which is the clock pin. This pulse provides the necessary clock pulse required by the

4017 for it’s operation. After this clock pulse is received the 4017 IC generates an output

from it’s output pins. When the first clock is received it generates an output from the first

output pin. The 4017 IC generates an output from the next output pin when the next clock

pulse is received and this process goes on till it generates an output at the tenth pin. An

LED is connected at each output pin to visually indicate the output. A buzzer is

connected at pin 6 and pin 11 which are the eighth and tenth output pins of 4017 IC used

to generate an alarm to indicate particular time.

The switch S1 and resistor R4 work as a reset circuit which is connected to pin

15 of the 4017 IC for resetting the IC. When we press the switch S1 the timer gets


18 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

6. Software and Final Product :

After the testing on the breadboard , we used PROTEUS 8.0 Professional

software for generating PCB layout which is shown in the figure below.

Fig 5: Layout of Circuit

19 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

Final Product :

Fig 6: Final Product

• The above shown figure is of the final product after implementing the circuit on


20 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

7. Limitations of circuit :

• When we switch on the circuit we have to wait till the capacitor C2 gets charged.

• 4017 IC has a complex pin configuration of the output pins therefore it is difficult

to print in single layer of PCB thus we had to use jumper wires.

• Power consumption is more due to the 2 ICs.

8. Conclusion

The Warning Bell project function properly by setting the required value of

resistors as well as capacitors and providing proper power supply. The resulting device

has good reliability and is relatively less expensive. The assembly on PCB is a bit tough

due to the pin configuration of 4017 IC but we have assembled it using additional jumper

wires. This circuit is very useful in field of electronic circuits as well as in general use.

By using some modifications the area of application can be extended in various fields.

21 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

9. Application & Future work :

Applications :

• It can work as an alarm.

• Time indicator in outdoor games.

• As a LED chaser for advertising Display.

• As a School/college bell.

• As Warning Bell in Events.

Future Work :

• If we expand our project ,we can use this project as school bell/college bell.

• It can also be used as an advertising display.

• By expanding this project we can control load.

• By expanding this project we can use it as a stopwatch.

22 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

10. References :






Book & Magazine:

• Op-Amp & linear Integrated circuits

by Ramakant A. Gayakwad

• Electronics for you.

23 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

24 Electronics and Communication Department , Faculty of Technology , DDU , Nadiad.

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