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2, MARCH/APRIL 2003 457

Thermal Analysis of a Run-Capacitor Single-Phase

Induction Motor
Nicola Bianchi, Member, IEEE, Silverio Bolognani, Member, IEEE, and Francesco Tonel, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—A procedure for thermal analysis of a run-capacitor if the procedure can be applied to a motor of any number of
single-phase induction motor characterized by two different wind- different windings, the common case of two (main and auxil-
ings is presented. The procedure allows for the computation of the iary) windings is considered. The proposed analysis procedure
average winding temperature rise, and the temperature rises of
the two different windings separately. The proposed thermal anal- is based on a lumped parameter network that is solved two times,
ysis is based on a lumped-parameter network commonly used for each of them using equivalent copper losses as heat sources.
the three-phase induction motor. The paper illustrates how this The procedure presents three main advantages. Firstly, it al-
network is adaptable for analysing the run-capacitor single-phase lows the two different winding temperature rises to be computed
motor temperatures. In order to test the procedure, the predicted separately, in transient and steady-state analysis, too.
results are compared with those obtained from finite-element anal-
ysis and experimental data. Both comparisons show an appreciable As a second advantage, the lumped parameter network is the
agreement, confirming the validity of the analysis. same of a symmetrical three-phase motor, simply solved more
times. Therefore, it is not a difficult task to adapt the thermal
Index Terms—Computer-aided design (CAD), electric machine
CAD, finite-element (FE) analysis, induction motors, temperature analysis procedures commonly used for the three-phase motor
measurement, thermal analysis. to the single-phase one.
Finally, this analysis technique is very rapid, because it allows
the different temperature rises to be computed without using FE
I. INTRODUCTION method or more complicated networks, such as those consid-
ering circumferential heat flows.
I N AN EFFECTIVE design of an induction motor, a critical
analysis concerns the computation of the temperature rises in
the different parts of the machine. This computation is generally
To verify the thermal network results, two two–dimensional
(2-D) FE models have been developed and used for the thermal
done by means of lumped-parameter networks or finite-element analysis of a single-phase motor [9]. In the first model, the total
(FE) methods [1], [2]. winding losses have been equally distributed among the slots in
In the past, three-phase induction motors were deeply order to compute the average motor temperatures. In the second
analyzed by different authors [3]–[5]. Conversely, the thermal one, the different winding distributions have been considered
behavior of single-phase induction motors was not completely such as to show the different winding temperatures. In both
investigated [6]. The single-phase motor is often considered cases, the lumped-parameter analysis and the FE method pre-
as a particular case of the three-phase motor, and the average sented similar results.
winding temperature rises are only predicted. However, unlike At last, a commercial single-phase induction motor was
the three-phase motor, the single-phase motor does not exhibit tested. The transient and the steady-state temperatures were
winding symmetry and, consequently, different temperatures measured and compared with those obtained from the thermal
in the different parts of the machine. Thus, the prediction of an analysis. The experimental and the predicted results are very
average winding temperature rise only is not enough. close, confirming the validity of the proposed thermal analysis
For an accurate analysis, two strategies could be applied procedure.
merely: the analysis by means of the FE method or by means
of an involved thermal network, including circumferential heat II. LUMPED-PARAMETERS THERMAL NETWORK: A BRIEF
flow components. However, both strategies require complex DESCRIPTION
models and considerable preprocessing and solving time [7], In the past, several thermal networks using lumped param-
[8]. eters were developed to analyze the temperature rises of the
This paper describes a new thermal analysis procedure for the induction motor. Exploiting the analogy between electric and
single-phase induction motor with different windings [9]. Even thermal phenomena, the networks include resistances, capaci-
ties for the transient analysis, and current sources that represent
Paper IPCSD 02–070, presented at the 2002 Industry Applications Society the internal losses of the motor.
Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 13–18, and approved for publication
in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Electric Ma- A. Model of the Thermal Components
chines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript sub-
mitted for review July 26, 2002 and released for publication December 11, 2002. An induction motor is generally subdivided into different
This work was supported by RIELLO BURNERS S.p.a. components [10], [11]. For the sake of generality, the cylinder
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University shown in Fig. 1(a) represents each component of the motor [2].
of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy (e-mail: bianchi@die.unipd.it; bolog-
nani@die.unipd.it; tonel@die.unipd.it). Then, to obtain practical equations for thermal parameters, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2003.808923 following assumptions are made.
0093-9994/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE



Fig. 1. (a) Cylinder representing each motor component and (b) corresponding
thermal network.

• Radial and axial thermal flows are independent.

• Only one average temperature defines radial and axial heat
flow, for each component.
• Circumferential heat flow is not considered.
• Thermal capacity and heat generation are uniformly dis-

Each component of the motor is thus modeled by means

of a network formed by six resistances [2], as shown in
Fig. 1(b). The node on the centre of the component connects
the two independent networks, the radial and the axial one.
It is characterized by the average temperature within the
considered component. The other terminals of the network
represent the respective surface temperature: and on the
outer and inner surfaces, and on the lateral surfaces of
the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The thermal resistances
connect these thermal nodes. Any heat generation due to the
losses in the component is introduced by means of a current
source at the node with the average temperature . The
thermal capacity is connected to this node to consider the
thermal storage.
Assuming that the temperatures of the cylinder are symmet-
Fig. 2. Motor thermal network.
rical with respect to the central radial plane, the temperatures
and in the two lateral surfaces of the cylinder are equal.
Thus, only half the cylinder using half capacity and half heat a network such as that of Fig. 1(b) is carried out. Then, the total
generation source are modeled with a substantial reduction of network is obtained connecting together all the single compo-
the network complexity. nent networks. The number of each component in Table I refers
Each parameter is derived from the motor geometry, the to the corresponding node of the total network in Fig. 2.
thermal property of the materials, and the heat transfer coeffi- Once the total network is obtained, the temperature rises are
cients. The thermal capacity of air gap and of end-cap air and computed as a solution of the linear system A P , where
any heat transfer due to radiation from the internal surfaces are [A] is the matrix of heat internodal conductances, is the
neglected. vector of temperature rises and [P] is the vector of motor losses.
In analysing the steady-state operation, the heat capacities are
B. Total Network for a Three-Phase Induction Motor omitted, while they are considered in the analysis of the tran-
The induction motor structure could be divided into 12 ele- sient operations. For the transient analysis an iterative cycle is
mentary components as reported in Table I. For each component used. Let and be the temperature rise in the node


Fig. 3. Simple network representing a general node.

Fig. 5. Actual motor with main and auxiliary winding: average total losses
Fig. 4. Single-phase motor, one pole.
equally distributed in the slots.

“ ” at the instant and , respectively, where conduction factor results in for the main winding and
is the time step selected in the transient analysis. Referring for the auxiliary winding. The weighted average value is
to the simple network sketched in Fig. 3 the behavior of each almost 4.2.
temperature rise can be expressed by the equation (1), where P The frame of the motor is composed only by two caps
is the heat source due to the losses, is the thermal resistance with length mm, and thickness mm,
between node “ ” and “ ” and is the “capacity-equivalent” the external part of the stator core is directly in contact
resistance given by with the external air. In the lumped parameter network
convection coefficient of the end-cap air is assumed to be
(1) W/m K, and coefficient of the air gap is assumed
to be W/m K.


Unlike the three-phase induction motor, the single-phase The average winding temperature rises and the temperature
motor does not present stator winding symmetry. For this rise of the frame are obtained assuming the total copper
reason, the temperatures are often computed as average values losses uniformly distributed within the stator slots (see
in the different parts of the motor. The aim of the following Fig. 5). Moreover, average values are taken for the heat trans-
procedure is to predict the temperature rises of the main and mission coefficients and geometrical parameters. The thermal
the auxiliary windings independently. network of Fig. 2 is then built and the corresponding system is
The motor used for the thermal analysis is a commercial solved.
90-W two-pole single-phase motor for 230-V voltage and
50-Hz frequency. The stator slots are 24, the external diameter B. Different Winding Temperatures
is 90 mm, and the stator length is 35 mm. The thickness of lam- In order to calculate separately the temperature of the main
ination is 0.5 mm. Rotor slots are 32 and the air-gap thickness and auxiliary winding separately, the thermal network has to be
is 0.33 mm. A pole pitch of the motor is sketched in Fig. 4. solved two times. In each computation, the contact resistance
A different number of conductors for the main winding and (representing the contact between the stator laminations and
for the auxiliary one has been used. In Table II the winding dis- the frame) and (representing the thermal resistance between
tribution is reported. The main conductor diameter is 0.4 mm, the frame and the external air) are equated to zero. These re-
which becomes 0.45 mm with varnish. The auxiliary conductor sistances are used to predict the temperature rise of the stator
diameter is 0.28 mm, which becomes 0.322 mm with varnish. frame, then they have to be considered only during the predic-
Each stator winding coil is considered as a homogeneous ma- tion of the average winding temperature (described above). In
terial, with equivalent conductivity obtained from the varnish the two computations different equivalent copper losses are used
conductivity multiplied to the factor of radial conductivity , and the motor slots are supposed completely filled only by main
expressed as a function of the ratio between the not-varnished winding coils and only by auxiliary winding coils, respectively,
winding diameter and the varnished one [10]. The radial heat as described in the following.


Fig. 6. All the slots filled only by main winding.

The results obtained with the test motor using the lumped-
parameter network are reported in the following sections,
comparing them against those obtained from the FE model and
against experimental results.


A 2-D FE analysis has been performed to verify the thermal
results of the lumped-parameter network. Two models have
Fig. 7. All the slots filled by only auxiliary winding.
been adopted. The first one is used to compute the average
temperatures, the winding losses are equally distributed within
the slots. The second one is used to compute the different
The first computation regards the main winding (see Fig. 6). The temperatures, separating the main and auxiliary winding losses.
main winding equivalent losses are computed supposing all the
stator slots filled by main winding coils with the original current A. FE Thermal Model
density. In detail, the main winding losses of the actual motor The FE analysis is based on the solution of the Poisson equa-
are divided by the number of the slots filled by the main winding tion , where is the internal specific heat gen-
and multiplied by the total number of stator slots . Then, eration, that has to be imposed in each material source of losses,
the equivalent total copper losses used in the thermal network and is the material thermal conductivity.
are given by To consider the air-gap convection, the air-gap conductivity
is calculated [12] as
Then, the thermal network is solved and the temperature rise
where is the ratio between the outer rotor radius and the inner
is carried out.
stator radius, and is the Reynolds number. For the analyzed
The second computation regards the auxiliary winding (see
motor at the rated speed 2830 r/min, the air-gap conductivity is
Fig. 7). Similarly to the main winding, the equivalent losses
computed by (5), resulting in W/mK.
are calculated supposing all the stator slots filled by the aux-
Each stator winding coil is considered as a homogeneous ma-
iliary winding coils, each with the original current density. The
terial, with equivalent conductivity obtained from the
auxiliary winding losses in the actual motor are divided by the
varnish conductivity multiplied by the factor of radial conduc-
number of the slot filled by the auxiliary winding and mul-
tivity (see [10]). A thickness between winding coil within
tiply by the total stator slots Then, in the thermal network the
the slot and the slot internal surface is introduced with the
equivalent total copper losses are given by
purpose of considering the effects of the slot liner thickness. A
thickness between rotor bar and internal rotor slot surface
(3) is introduced in order to consider the convection on the slot sur-
face. In Table III, the typical conductivity of the materials is
Then, the thermal network is solved and the temperature rise reported.
is carried out. As concerns the boundary conditions, along the external
At last, the average stator frame temperature computed stator surface the temperature is fixed to zero. Using this
before (during the prediction of the average winding tem- condition, external convection is neglected, thus, in the
perature) is added to the temperature rises obtained in these lumped-parameter network of Fig. 2, the thermal resistance of
two distinct computations. The main and auxiliary winding the frame is null.
temperature rises are obtained as
B. FE Analysis
Since the external stator core is directly in contact with the
(4) external air, no air thickness between the frame and the stator




core is considered. Only one pole of the motor is considered in

FE analysis. The total motor losses are divided by the number
of poles. They are reported in Table IV.
Since the motor is short, the end effects are not negligible.
End-winding and end-ring losses are included in the slots and
they contribute to heat the stator and rotor slots, respectively.
As a consequence, to better compare the network results with
those of the 2-D FE analysis, the thermal network is modified (c)
to consider only the radial heat flow. Then, referring to Fig. 2, Fig. 8. Temperature rises along curves A, B, C, and D.
the thermal resistances in the direction of the end parts of the
motor are put equal to infinite.
In addition, with the aim to simplify the comparison, the distributions of the two winding losses. The same material con-
external air convection is neglected considering the external ductivities are kept as before, except for the radial coefficient of
thermal resistance equal to zero. Then, the temperature rises conduction ( and for the main and the auxiliary
of the different parts of the motor are referred to the external winding, respectively).
stator diameter temperature. The main winding total losses W are distributed
in the stator slots, resulting in a loss per slot
C. Comparison Between FE and Network Results W. They are used as heat sources in each
1) Winding Losses Equally Distributed: For evaluating the slot of the main winding in the FE analysis. Similarly for
average temperatures, the copper losses are equally distributed the auxiliary winding the total losses W are
in the stator slots. End-winding and end-ring losses of Table IV distributed in slots, resulting in a loss per slot
are considered, respectively, within the stator and rotor slots. W. They are used as heat sources in each slot
The resulting average temperature rises are reported in the of the auxiliary winding.
second column of Table V. To emphasize the thermal distribution obtained by the field
In the third column of Table V, the temperature rises obtained solution, the temperature rise is drawn along the four curves,
from the lumped parameter thermal network are reported. The shown in Fig. 4. Curves A and B are arcs which lie over the
results obtained from FE and the thermal network analysis are stator and the rotor slots respectively. Lines C and D are two
very close. The highest difference is observed in the rotor, equal radial lines, the first one intersecting a main slot and the second
to 4%. one intersecting an auxiliary slot. In addition they lie over a rotor
2) Main and Auxiliary Winding With Separated Losses: As slot, too.
said in Section III, the previous analysis does not consider the The corresponding temperature rises are reported in Fig. 8. In
difference of the losses and temperatures rises between the main Fig. 8(a) and (c) one can note the different temperatures in the
and the auxiliary winding. With the aim of considering this dif- two stator windings. Conversely, Fig. 8(b) shows the tempera-
ference, a different FE model is adopted, considering the actual ture in the rotor slots, that is the same in each slot. The values of


Fig. 9. Motor during the test preparation.

the temperature rises are summarized in Table VI, where they

are compared with those computed by thermal network.
The thermal network of Fig. 2 was modified for a correct
comparison with FE model, i.e., the end motor cooling was ne-
glected and only the radial heat flow was considered. Two com-
putations were done, one for the main winding and the other
for the auxiliary winding. As described in Section III-B, the
winding temperature rises have been computed separately. For
each computation, the equivalent copper losses have been used, Fig. 10. Motor on the brake test bed.
the coefficient has been adapted, and then the temperature
rises have been obtained. TABLE VII
As regards the main winding losses, W and THERMOCOUPLES LOCATIONS
W are the slot-winding and end-winding losses,
respectively. The equivalent losses are obtained dividing
and by the number of the main winding slots and mul-
tiplied by the total number of stator slots . Then, the
equivalent losses are
W for slot winding
W for end winding
Similarly, for the second computation with the auxiliary
winding, the equivalent losses are
W for slot winding
W for end winding the test measures and Fig. 10 shows the motor on the brake test
The winding temperature rises obtained by the modified net- The locations of thermocouples within the motor are de-
work are C for the main winding and C scribed in Table VII and they are drawn in Fig. 11.
for the auxiliary one. Comparing these temperature rises with At the beginning of the measure, the external temperature was
those of the FE model reported in Table VI, columns 2 and 3, C and at this time electric winding resistances
the good agreement between the two analyses is evident. The were for the main one and for
slight differences in the two cases are mainly due to the circum- the auxiliary one. The motor was fed at rated voltage 230 V and
ferential heat flow between the auxiliary and the main windings. a constant brake torque 0.254 N m was applied during the test.
The circumferential heat flow is obviously considered in the FE The thermal measure was 3 h and 48 min long, and the steady
analysis but neglected in the thermal network. state was reached at 3 h and 15 min. At the thermal steady state,
the currents and the absorbed power were
The commercial motor considered has been tested by using A line current
11 thermocouples. Because of the small dimensions of the A main current
motor, it has not been possible to insert the thermocouples A auxiliary current
within its inner parts. The stator slot winding thermocouples W absorbed power.
T1, T5, and T6 have been inserted into convenient spaces
between the winding coil and the slot liner. The temperature rises of the other motor parts are taken from
In order to register the transient temperatures, these were the transient temperatures shown in Fig. 12. Table VIII reports
sampled and held every 30 s. The motor was cooled by natural the temperature rises of all the motor parts. The external tem-
air convection. Fig. 9 shows the motor during the preparation of perature at the motor thermal steady state was C.



Fig. 11. Thermocouples locations.

The same motor used during the thermal measures is analyzed

by the thermal network. The 0.254-N m load torque is fixed; it
corresponds to a speed r/min.
Table IX reports the measured currents and those predicted
by means of the analytical analysis of the motor. In fact, the
thermal network is a part of a more involved software com-
puter-aided design (CAD) tool, named Eta Tau, described in the
following section. An accurate estimation is important to have
a precise prediction of the temperature rises. Table X shows the
measured and the predicted temperatures. The relative errors be-
tween these temperatures are reasonable with a maximum error
of 8.3%. The differences are due to the location of the thermo-
couples, the latter were posed on the external part of the coils.
Conversely, the thermal network considers the temperature in
the middle of the coil itself. In any case, the measured tempera-
tures seem to be a little higher than the predicted one.


A software CAD program was written to execute the thermal
analysis of a single-phase induction motor rapidly. The thermal
analysis is connected to the main program Eta Tau [13], a soft-
Fig. 12. Experimental transient temperatures. ware tool for the analysis and the design of electric motors. The
thermal analysis completes the electrical and magnetic analysis
of a single-phase induction motor, available nowadays.
TEMPERATURE RISES ( C): EXPERIMENTAL VALUES Different user-friendly windows were created, some of them
shown in Fig. 13. The thermal analysis is composed of subrou-
tines, with an assigned function in the program. The main sub-
routine is called by a specific command in the main analysis
window, while the other subroutines are automatically called
during the thermal analysis. The computation of geometrical pa-
rameters and motor losses is carried out by the magnetic and
electrical analysis. The motor speed is fixed by the operator.
In order to calculate the transient temperatures there is an
internal loop, which updates the matrix in relation to the heat
storage in the thermal capacities as described in Section II-A.
The results are held and could be shown graphically. As an ex-
ample, Fig. 13(b) shows the transient average temperature rise
of the stator slots during full-load operation.

predicted and measured results confirm the goodness of the

proposed computation procedure.

In this Appendix, the equations of the capacity and of the
thermal resistances of Fig. 1 are reported


Fig. 13. Interactive windows for thermal analysis.

where and are the axial and radial thermal conductivity,

is the specific heat, and is the material density.
In Table XI, a list of the thermal resistances of the network in
Fig. 2 is reported. The resistances with letters as subscript are
obtained by a combination of more resistances not reported in
the table.

The authors also thank Dr. R. Gobbo for his help during the
thermal test.

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[8] A. Bousbaine, M. McCormick, and W. F. Low, “Thermal modeling of Silverio Bolognani (M’97) received the Laurea de-
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[9] F. Tonel, “Thermal analysis of asynchronous single and three-phase mo- Engineering, University of Padova, where he is
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[10] W. Schuisky, Berechnung Elektrischer Maschinen. Vienna, Austria: for motor drives and on design of ac electrical motors
Springer-Verlag, 1960. for variable-speed applications. He has authored
[11] E. Levi, Polyphase Motors. New York: Wiley, 1984. more than 130 papers on electrical machines and
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[13] N. Bianchi, S. Bolognani, O. Bottauscio, A. Canova, M. Chiampi, M.
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Nicola Bianchi (M’98) received the Laurea and

Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Francesco Tonel (S’99) received the Laurea degree
University of Padova, Padova, Italy, in 1991 and in electrical engineering in 1999 from the Univer-
1995, respectively. sity of Padova, Padova, Italy, where he is currently
Since 1998, he has been a Researcher in the working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Electrical Engineering.
of Padova. His interest is in the electromechanical His research activities are concentrated on the
design of brushless, synchronous, and induction mo- electromechanical analysis and design of electrical
tors, with particular interest in drives applications. motors, in particular, linear motors. He is also a
He has authored more than 70 papers on electrical Consultant to various electromechanical industries.
machines and drives.

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