W - M - W H I T e G e o C H e M I S T R y Chapter 12: The Crust Chapter 12: Geochemistry of The Solid Earth II: The Crust
W - M - W H I T e G e o C H e M I S T R y Chapter 12: The Crust Chapter 12: Geochemistry of The Solid Earth II: The Crust
W - M - W H I T e G e o C H e M I S T R y Chapter 12: The Crust Chapter 12: Geochemistry of The Solid Earth II: The Crust
Wh i t e G eoc h emi s t ry
Chapter 12: The Crust
This ratio, multiplied by 100, is called the ÔMg numberÕ, generally written Mg#.
muir (1987). The difficulty Z
with understanding the melt- J BJJ ZJ A A
8 J A AJ A J
ing process is that all MORB J J
have suffered some fractional FF F
crystallization, and this tends B
to obscure the melting effects. 6
Klein and Langmuir found that
MORB major oxide data from 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
each locality on the mid-ocean Depth, m
ridge system formed a coherent
Figure 12.4. Relationship between Na8.0 and Fe8.0 in MORB and ax i al
and distinct array when oxide
depth of mid-ocean ridges. Data from regions near hot spots are
abundances or ratios of oxides
circled. Data from ridge segments near the Gal‡pagos, Azores, and
were plotted against MgO
Jan Mayen hot spots, which are enclosed in the dashed field, appear
(Figure 12.3). Calculated frac-
to have anomalously low Fe. From Klein and Langmuir (1987).
they concluded that the trends observed in
25 Melting
these plots reflected fractional crystalliza-
15 kb
tion. They then argued that differences be-
tween the trends reflected differences in t h e
melting process. 10 kb
MgO (mole %)
Rather than attempt to solve the difficult Paths of
problem of determining the composition of
parental magmas, Klein and Langmuir sim-
ply corrected regionally averaged data to a
5 kb Melting
common MgO concentration of 8%. They did
so simply by projecting each regional array 15 fractional
on an oxide versus MgO plot to 8% MgO. For crystallization
example, a line drawn through Na 2O data of olivine
from the Tamayo Fracture Zone region of t h e
East Pacific Rise intersects 8% MgO at 2.31% Kolbeinsey
AAD Tamayo
Na 2O (Figure 12.3). They called this t h e 10
Na 8.0 value; thus Tamayo has an Na 8.0 of
2.31. So instead of comparing primary 4 6 8 10 12
magma compositions, they compared compo- FeO (mole %)
sitions that had experienced similar extents Figure 12.5. Variation of MgO and FeO in partial
for fractional crystallization. melts of mantle peridotite. Grayed fields show t h e
Klein and Langmuir found that the re- compositions of experimental produced partial
gional corrected averages correlated strongly melts of peridotite at 3 different pressures. Hashed
with the depth of the ridge axis (Figure fields show compositions of high MgO basalts from
12.4). Comparing the variations in concen- the AAD, Tamayo, and Kolbeinsey regions. Curves
trations they observed with those in experi- for the calculated compositions at maximum and
mentally produced partial melts, they found minimum melting are also shown. Dashed arrows
that both variations in the mean pressure of show the path of melt composition produced by
melting and in the mean extent of melting melting of adiabatically rising mantle. Curved ar-
were required to explain the data. For ex- row shows how the compositional a 15 kbar melt
ample, sodium concentrations in partial will evolve due to fractional crystallization of oli-
melts appears to be controlled only by the ex- vine. After Klein and Langmuir (1987).
tent of partial melting. Iron concentrations,
on the other hand, are only weakly affected
by degree of partial melting, but are strong functions of the pressure at which melting occurs (Figure
Klein and Langmuir concluded mantle temperature was probably the key factor in accounting for
both depth of the ridge axis and the composition of melts erupted, because mantle temperature affects
both degree of melting and the mean depth of melting. Shallow segments of the mid-ocean ridge sys-
tem overlie relatively hot mantle. The hot mantle intersects the solidus at greater depth and ulti-
mately melts to a greater degree (Figure 12.6). Hotter mantle is less dense and therefore more buoy-
ant, so that ridges overlying hotter mantle will be more elevated. Cooler mantle will not begin to
melt until it reaches shallower depth, and total extent of melting will be more limited. Klein and
Langmuir concluded that a range in degree of melting of 8-20% and in mean pressure of melting of 0.5 to
1.6 GPa were required to produced the range in compositions observed. The hottest regions of the man-
tle occur near mantle plumes such Iceland. The coolest region occurs at the Australian-Antarctic Dis-
cordance, a region where the ridge is particularly deep and isotope studies have suggested is a bound-
ary between mantle convection cells. Overall, the data suggested a range in mantle temperature of
some 250¡ C.
40% 30
Me 10% M Solid Though the evolution of the continental crust has undoubt-
Me % M
ltin el us edly been complex and involved a number of processes, there is
ltin elt
g t in
virtual unanimous agreement among scientists that magma-
tism is primary way in which the continental crust has
formed. Today, and throughout the Phanerozoic, additions to
the continental crust occur primarily by magmatism associated
with subduction. As we shall see, there are also good chemi-
cal arguments that subduction zone volcanism has been t h e
most important, though not necessarily exclusive, mechanism
by which the continents have formed. Volcanos of the Andes
Y X Mountains of South America, which overlie the subducting
Nazca Plate, are perhaps the best example of this process.
Not all subduction zones are located along continental mar-
gins; indeed, most are not. The Marianas are a good example
Y Ridge Axes X b of an intra-oceanic subduction zone. Some old island arcs,
however, such as Japan, parts of Indonesia, and the Aleutians
Crust have crustal seismic structures that are intermediate between
those of continental and oceanic crust. This suggests that is-
Melting 40% land arcs may eventually transform to continental crust. Plate
10% Columns motion may eventually result in these arcs accreting to conti-
% Melting
3.0 0
Benioff zone, and magmas may be generated
close to this depth. A safer bet is that the pri- S 2.0 5
mary magma is actually basaltic, of which an- P R 1.
desites are fractional crystallization products. I
In any case, basalt is not uncommon in intra- S
oceanic arcs. HR
In major element composition, island-arc
volcanics (IAV) are not much different from g O=
other volcanic rocks. Compared to MORB, t h e */M
principal difference is perhaps simply that si- FeO
liceous compositions are much more common
among the island-arc volcanics. Most IAV sil-
ica saturated or oversaturated; silica under- A M
saturated magmas (alkali basalts) are rare. In Figure 12.7 AFM (A=K 2O+Na 2O, F=FeO+MnO,
that sense, we might call them tholeiitic. M=MgO) diagram illustrating the difference be-
However, in the context of island arc magmas, tween tholeiitic and calc-alkaline lava series of
the term tholeiite has a more restrictive island arcs. Calc-alkaline rocks plot below t h e
meaning. Two principal magma series are rec- heavy line, tholeiites above. PRS is Kuno's pi-
ognized, one called tholeiitic, the other called geonite rock series; HRS is Kuno's hypersthene
calc-alkaline. The principle difference is that rock series. I is the Thingmuli series of Iceland.
the tholeiites differentiate initially toward After Carmichael, et al. (1973).
higher Fe and higher Fe/Mg than the calc-al-
kaline lavas. This is illustrated in Figure 4 J J
12.7. In addition, the tholeiites tend to be poorer in K and J
some other incompatible elements than the calc-alkaline
3 J JJ J J
rocks. Kay et al. (1983) argued that the difference, at least for 2 JJ J
the Aleutians, relates to tectonic environment and depth of J
A third series is sometimes defined, the high-alumina se- 8 J
ries. IAV in general tend to have slightly higher Al contents J
on average than MORB or OIB, but there is very considerable 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
overlap with the OIB and MORB fields. Crustal Thickness (km)
IAV also tend to be somewhat poorer in Ti than MORB and Figure 12.8 Correlation of Ca and
OIB, though this is not necessarily a primary feature. Perfit Na with crustal thickness in is-
et al. (1980) argued that the difference in Ti content is due to land arc basalts. Ca and Na
6.0 6.0
early crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides (e.g., magnetite and i l - are the CaO and Na O concentra-
menite) in IAV, which buffers the Ti concentration. Thus t h e tions after correction for fractional
higher Ti concentrations in MORB may reflect the way t h e crystallization to 6.0 MgO. From
magmas differentiate rather than higher Ti concentrations of Plank and Langmuir (1988).
MORB primary melts or MORB sources. The same is true for
iron enrichment. Fe-Ti oxide precipitation may in turn depend
Mariana-Izu 40
20 Aleutians
40 10
New Britain 80
20 40
10 20
40 10
20 L. Antilles South 20 L. Antilles North
10 10
5 5
La Pr Nd Eu Dy Er Yb Lu La Pr Nd Eu Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 12.9. Rare earth patterns of some typical island arc volcanics. From
White and Patchett (1984).
15.8 les
. Antil
Sunda L
15.7 Marianas a
S. Sandwich Band
15.6 Taiwan
Pb/ Pb
15.5 Philipp
Indian MORB
17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
206 204
Pb/ Pb
Figure 12.13. Pb isotope ratios in island arc volcanics. Fields for the South Sandwich, Lesser An-
tilles, Aleutians, Marianas, Philippines, Taiwan, Banda and Sunda arcs are shown and compared
with fields for Atlantic and Pacific MORB (field labeled MORB) and Indian Ocean MORB
(IMORB), and modern marine sediments.
L es s
and hence plot to the right of the oceanic basalt ar- 18.91
ray on a NdÐSr isotope ratio plot. This shift to 19.2 19.0
er Ant il l e s
higher Sr isotope ratios appears to result from a con- 15° 19.3
tribution of subducted oceanic crust to IAV magma 19.5
sources. This conclusion is based on the observation
19.2 19.1
that during weathering and hydrothermal altera- 19.3
tion of the oceanic crust, isotopic exchange with
seawater shifts Sr isotope ratios of the oceanic crust
to higher values. Nd isotope ratios, are virtually 10° South
unaffected by these processes because of the ex- America
Or i noc o R .
tremely low concentration of Nd in seawater.
Pb/204Pb isotope ratios overlap values of oceanic 65° 60° 55°
basalts, but generally having a more restricted range.
207 Figure 12.14. Pb isotope ratios in volcanics of
Pb/204Pb ratios are typically higher IAV than most
the Lesser Antilles island arc and on the At-
oceanic basalts. They tend to form steeper arrays on
207 204 206 204 lantic Plate subducting beneath it. Contours
Pb/ PbÐ Pb/ Pb plots, and overlap the field of
show the 206Pb/204Pb ratios in the sediment,
marine sediments (Figure 12.13). For most island
which increases from north to south due to
arcs, Pb isotope ratios in the arc volcanics lie be-
the increasing contribution of Orinoco River
tween sediment local to the arc and the MORB field 206 204
(Karig and Kay, 1980). We pointed out in the last sediment. The average Pb/ Pb for each
chapter that Indian Ocean MORB have lower island, which is shown beside the island,
Pb/204Pb and higher 207Pb/204Pb than do MORB from also increases from south to north. From
the Atlantic and Pacific. This presumably reflects a White and DuprŽ (1986).
difference in the isotopic composition between t h e
upper mantle beneath the Atlantic and Pacific on the one hand and the Indian on the other. Interest-
ingly, the Pb isotope arrays for Indian and southwestern Pacific arcs (Sunda, Banda, Philippines, and
Taiwan) are elongate toward the Indian Ocean MORB field rather than Atlantic and Pacific MORB.
On the whole then, Pb in island arc magmas appears to be a mixture Pb from local sediment and local
upper mantle.
The Lesser Antilles arc illustrates this particularly well. The Lesser Antilles arc lies on the Car-
ibbean Plate just to the north of South America. The Orinoco River, which drains the Archean
Guiana Highland, delivers sediment that contains particularly radiogenic Pb to the front of the arc.
As a result, the Pb isotope ratios in sediments of the Demerara Abyssal Plain decrease systematically
from south to north (Figure 12.14). A similar pattern of decreasing Pb isotope ratios can be seen in t h e
volcanics of the arc, apparently reflecting the changing isotopic composition of the sediment being
Pb isotope ratios are particularly sensitive to the presence of subducted sediment because the con-
centration of Pb in sediment is so much higher, well over two orders of magnitude, than in the mantle.
In a mixture of sediment and mantle, the Pb isotope ratios of the mixture are virtually identical to
those of the sediment when as little as 2 to 3% sediment is present in the mixture. This is not true of
Sr and Nd isotope ratios.
Be is an even more sensitive indicator of the presence of sediment in IAV magma sources than Pb,
because it is present in young sediment, but entirely absent from the mantle. As we found in Chapter 8,
Be is a cosmogenic isotope; it is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray spallation of 14N. It has a
half-life of only 1.5 million years, so we would not expect to find significant amounts of 10Be in t h e
Earth's interior; any created before the solar system formed has long since decayed away. 10Be cre-
ated in the atmosphere is purged by rainfall and is strongly absorbed by clays of sediment and soil.
àThe mantle wedge is the part of the mantle overlying the subducting slab; because the slab descends at
an angle, this region in triangular, or wedge-shaped.
magma chamber
desecending lithospheric slab
magma generation
Slab dehydration
Figure 12.16. Cross-section of a subduction zone illustrating island arc magma genesis.
likely they are partial melts of peridotite rather than subducted basalt or sediment. (b) Radiogenic
isotopic and trace element systematics generally allow only small fraction of sediment (generally a
few percent or less) to be present in arc magma sources. Relatively high 3He/4He ratios in arc lavas
confirm this. (c) Rare earth patterns of island arc magmas are consistent with these magmas being
generated by partial melting of peridotite, but not by partial melting of eclogite, which would be t h e
stable form of subducted basalt at 100 km depth (the subducting lithosphere is typically located a t
about 100 to 120 km depth beneath island arc volcanos). Because the heavy rare earths partition
strongly into garnet (e.g., Figure 6.15), melts of eclogite should show steep rare earth patterns, with
low concentrations of the heavy rare earths. This is not generally the case. Rare high magnesium an-
desites, sometimes called ÒadakitesÓ (after a well documented occurrence on Adak Island in the Aleu-
tians) with steep rare earths patterns may represent exceptions to this rule and may indeed by gener-
ated by small extents of melting of subducted oceanic crust (Kay, 1978; Defant and Drummond, 1990).
It is possible that such Òslab meltsÓ were more common several billion years ago. We discuss this pos-
sibility later in the chapter. Finally, we should point out that some scientists believe arc magmas
are indeed generated in the subducting slab (e.g., Brophy and Marsh, 1986).
We have seen that isotope systematics, particularly Pb and 10Be, provide evidence of subducted
sediment in the sources of most arcs. Subducted sediment appears to influence the trace element com-
positions of arc lavas as well. Plank and Langmuir (1993) carried out careful study of the composition
of volcanics from 8 arcs and the sediments being subducted beneath them. By analyzing representa-
tive samples from the sediments and considering the proportions of sediment types being carried be-
neath the arc, they estimated the flux of elements being carried by sediment beneath the arc. They
found they could relate the degree of enrichment of most incompatible elements to the sediment flux
of that element. For example, the Ba/Na and Th/Na ratio (after correction for fractional crystalli-
zation to 6% MgO) correlate strongly with the Ba and Th sediment fluxes (Figure 12.17). Different
arcs are enriched to different degrees in these elements: for example, the Lesser Antilles arc has mod-
erate Th/Na ratios but low Ba/Na ratios. The difference appears to be due to the difference in t h e
sediment flux.
The trace element geochemistry of island arc magmas cannot, however, be explained solely by par-
tial melting of simple bulk mixtures of mantle, sediment and subducted oceanic crust. In particular,
the characteristic enrichment of the alkalis and alkaline earths cannot be accounted for in this way.
This is illustrated in Figure 12.18, which compares the observed enrichment of Lesser Antilles low-K
basalts in incompatible elements with the enrichment predicted assuming the source was a mixture of
depleted mantle and sediment. White and DuprŽ (1986) calculated the fraction of sediment in t h e
mixture from Nd isotope ratios of the basalts, and assumed simple batch melting. This simple model
18 1 2
from a source having a component of subducted x = .5 1:
sediment will thus have slightly δ O higher
18 8.0
x = .2
plots of δ18O vs. radiogenic isotope ratios that can
) 30 be quite different from the simple mixing curves in
16 60 Figure 12.23. Figure 12.24 shows some examples of
D le Mix
14 = 1 1.5 such curves for δ18O vs. 87Sr/86Sr.
12 5:1 Crust
D = 2:1
D= 1
patible elements). Some workers divide t h e X
deep crust into a ÒmiddleÓ and Òlower crustÓ,
while others consider only a single entity 1000 Ba X X P2O5
that they refer to as the Òlower crustÓ.
Zr X X Sr
The Upper Crust
Historically, three approaches to estim- X Cr
X Y La
ating the composition of the upper continen-
tal crust have been used. The first is to esti-
10 Th X X
mate the volume of various rock types and
U Sc
then use typical or average compositions of
each to derive a compositional estimate. Ta- 10 100 1000 1.0 10.0
ble 12.3 gives such an estimate of the rela- ppm %
tive volumes of various igneous and sedimen- Upper Continental Crust 'Eade & Fahrig'
tary rocks in the upper crust. Continental Figure 12.25. Comparison of estimates of the average
sediments constitute about 8% of the mass of composition of the upper crust by Eade and Fahrig
the crust; if pelagic sediments are added t h e (1971) and Shaw (1967). Both were based on studies
total sediment mass is about 11%. of the Canadian shield, but different areas. From
A second approach is to average analyses Taylor and McLennan (1985).
of samples taken over a large area. An alter-
native is to mix sample powders to form com-
posites of various rock types and thus reduce
Al 2O3
10 SiO2
the number of analyses to be made (e.g., Na2O FeO
Shaw, 1967; Eade and Fahrig, 1971; Shaw et CaO
Upper Continental Crust
ages ranging up to 2.3 Ga),
sediments of all ages are B
available so that secular
variations in crustal com- B ▲ B
▲ J ▲ B B
▲ B
J J ▲ ▲ B
position can be deter-
10 J J J J J
Table 12.5. U, Th, and K Concentrations and Heat Production in Various Rock
Igneous Rock Type U Th K Th/U K/U Density Heat Production
(ppm) (ppm) (%) g/cm3 10-6 W/m-3
Paleozoic Paleozoic
Shields & Orogens: Orogens: Mes./Cen. Rifted Mes./Cen. Active
Platforms European other Extensional Arcs ForeArcs Margins Contractional Rifts
10 6.3±0.2 10
6.5±0.2 6.5±0.1 6.5±0.4 6.5±0.3 6.7±0.2
20 6.6±0.1 6.4±0.1 6.6±0.4 20
7.1±0.1 7.2±0.3 6.5±0.1 7.0±0.4
6.9±0.2 6.9±0.1
30 7.0±0.2 7.1±0.1 n =14 n = 30 n=8 30
7.1±0.1 n = 10 n=8
40 n = 19 6.9±0.3 40
km n = 30 n=5 km
n = 10
Key to Velocities
≤ 6.2 km/sec 6.2–6.5 km/sec 6.5–6.9 km/sec ≥ 6.9 km/sec
Figure 12.29. Seismic velocity structure of the continental crust, illustrating its 3-layered
nature. Velocity structure falls into 9 types. The number of profiles used to construct each
type is shown below each type. From Rudnick and Fountain (1995).
Vp (km/sec)
compressibility with depth. Some, but not all, of X
the increase in density results merely from com- 7.0 X
pression. The remainder represents changing X X
composition. The real problem is to understand XX X
precisely how seismic velocity depends on compo- 6.5 X XXXXX X
sition. X
Seismic velocity profiles vary widely from 6.0
place to place, as does crustal thickness. Rudnick 40 50 60 70 80
and Fountain (1995) examined a global database SiO2 (wt. %)
of seismic cross sections and found that they can be
divided into 9 classes, which are illustrated in Figure 12.30. Correlation between measured
Figure 12.29. One must next relate seismic veloc- seismic velocity (v P ) and SiO 2 concentration.
ity to composition. This can be done by making From Rudnick and Fountain (1995).
measurements of seismic velocity in the laboratory on samples of known composition. For example,
Figure 12.30 shows the relationship between SiO2 and seismic velocity in a variety of rock types.
To produce an estimate of crustal composition, Rudnick and Fountain assigned an average lithology
to the seismic sections shown in Figure 12.29. They then assigned a composition to each lithology us-
ing a database of the composition of lower crustal xenoliths. Then by estimating the aerial extent of
each type of crustal section, they produced the compositional estimate in Table 12.6. This table
shows that the composition of the lower crust corresponds to that of tholeiitic basalt; in metamorphic
terminology it would be a mafic granulite. The composition of the middle crust corresponds to that of
an andesite. At the prevailing pressures and temperatures this rock would be an amphibolite, con-
sisting mainly of amphibole and plagioclase.
Wedepohl (1995) used the European Geotraverse as a model of the seismic structure of the crust.
This seismic cross-section runs from northern Scandinavia to Tunisia and crosses a great variety of tec-
tonic provinces, ranging from the Archean Fennoscandian Shield to the young fold belts to the young
Alpine orogen. He assigned 3 lithologies to 3 ranges of seismic velocities: sediments, granites, and
gneisses (VP < 6.5 km/s) corresponding to the upper crust, felsic granulites (6.5 < V P < 6.9 km/s), and
mafic granulites (6.9 < VP < 7.5 km/s). He used a database of compositions of felsic and mafic granu-
lites from both xenoliths and exposed terranes to calculate an average composition for each of the lat-
ter two. He then computed a lower crustal composition by weighting felsic and mafic granulites in the
proportions their characteristic seismic velocities were observed in the European Geotraverse. His
estimate of the composition of the lower crustal is also listed in Table 12.6.
Rare earth patterns of upper, middle and lower crust as estimated by Rudnick and Fountain (1995)
are compared in Figure 12.31a. The negative Eu anomaly in the upper crust and slight positive
anomalies in the middle and lower crust (such positive anomalies are typical of many granulites) are
an interesting features of these patterns. Eu is strongly held in plagioclase (Chapter 7). The presence
of plagioclase in the melting residue would produce a negative Eu anomaly in the melt and a positive
one in the residue. Thus these anomalies suggest that crustal has differentiated to form distinct l a y -
ers at least partially through partial melting, with granitic melts forming the upper crust and granu-
litic residues forming the deeper crust. Figure 12.31b displays the estimated composition of the mid-
dle and lower crust relative to the upper crust. The lower and middle crust are depleted in incompati-
ble elements and enriched in compatible elements relative to the upper crust. This is also consistent
with the idea that magmatic processes have been important in creating the compositional layering
observed in the crust.
B J J J Lower Crust continental crust is simply to calculate an
J J H HB average of two or three crustal sections,
10 J J H J J
H H weighting each by its mass. This was
done, for example, by Rudnick and Foun-
tain (1995) and Weaver and Tarney
(1984), both of whom divided the crust
into an upper, lower, and middle section.
1 Both Weaver and Tarney (1984) and
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd TbDy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Rudnick and Fountain (1995) relied on
b Mg E Cr
E Taylor and McLennanÕs upper crustal es-
Ratio to Upper Crust
E E timate. Weaver and Tarney (1984) used
Y Si Al
Ba JNa J J J J E EJ E J Sc V
J J J average Lewisian* amphibolite as their
1 J J J J J
E E E E J Eu
Ca middle crust composition and average Le-
Nb J Ce E E Sm Yb Ga Sr wisian granulite as their lower crust
E E La Zr
Th composition. Shaw et al. (1986) and
0.1 Cs uERbE E J Lower/Upper Wedepohl (1995) used a similar ap-
E E Middle/Upper proach, but divided the crust only into
upper and lower parts. An important
step in this approach is estimating t h e
Figure 12.31. (a). Comparison of chondrite-normalized thickness of the various sections. All use
in upper, middle and lower crust. (b). Elemental geophysical constraints for this.
enrichment or depletion of the middle and lower crust Taylor and McLennan (1985, 1995)
relative to the upper crust. From Rudnick and Fountain used an entirely different approach to es-
(1995). timating total crustal composition, one
based on the Òandesite modelÓ of Taylor (1967). Taylor (1967) noted the role played by subduction-re-
lated volcanism in creation of the continental crust and assumed that on average the crust consisted of
island arc andesite. Thus average island arc andesite was used as the estimated composition of t h e
continental crust. This approach was modified in subsequent work, as Taylor concluded that while
post-Archean crust was created at subduction zones, Archean crust was not and is compositionally dif-
ferent. Taylor and McLennan (1985) essentially modify the Taylor (1967) andesite model for their es-
timate of Archean crustal composition.
Estimates of the major element composition of the continental crust by Weaver and Tarney (1984),
Shaw et al. (1986), Taylor and McLennan (1995), Wedepohl (1995), and Rudnick and Fountain (1995)
are given in Table 12.7. Also listed are estimates of trace element concentrations by Taylor and
McLennan (1995), Rudnick and Fountain (1995), and Wedepohl (1995). Since Rudnick and Fountain
(1995) rely on the Taylor and McLennan upper crustal estimates in calculating the total crust composi-
tion, the revisions to the Taylor and McLennan upper crustal values for TiO 2, Cs, Nb, and Ta of Plank
and Langmuir (in press) affect the Rudnick and Fountain total crustal values of these elements. These
revisions have been made in the Table.
The ranges of estimates for SiO 2 and Al2O3 in Table 12.7 are about 10% and 8% respectively; t h e
range in Mg# (52 to 57) is similarly only about 10%. Interestingly, earlier estimates of crustal SiO 2
and Al2O3, going back to Goldschmidt (1933) also fall within this range. Thus we can conclude with
some confidence that the continental crust on the whole is similar to that of siliceous andesite.
The details of the composition of the crust are less certain, however. Ranges for the other oxides
are substantially larger: 75% for FeO, 68% for MgO, and 100% for MnO. Of these estimates, the com-
* The Lewisian, which outcrops in Northwest Scotland, is perhaps the classic exposure of lower crust.
Growth of the Continental 100 F AM
The composition of the crust gives us
important clues as to how it was created.
For example, one possible model for t h e 50 O'N V&J H&R
formation of the continental crust is t h a t D&W
it was produced by late accretion of a M&T
volatile-rich veneer when the Earth
formed. But the composition given in Ta-
ble 12.7 is clearly inconsistent with this 0
view: the crust is not systematically en-
riched in volatile elements. The crust i s
4 3 2 1 0
systematically enriched in incompatible Time, Ga
elements; this leads to the hypothesis Figure 12.33. Models of the rates of crustal growth. AM:
that the crust was created by partial Armstrong (1981a), R&S: Rymer and Schubert (1984), F:
melting of the mantle. However, even Fyfe (1978), D & W: DePaolo and Wasserburg (1979), M
here there are some inconsistencies, since & T: McLennan and Taylor (1982), OÕN: OÕNions and
a partial melt of the mantle is unlikely to Hamilton (1981), V & J: Veizer and Jansen (1979), H & R:
have as much SiO 2 as the crust (~60%). Hurley and Rand (1969). Adapted from Taylor and
McLennan (1985).
tion, we examine what is known about
crustal growth.
The Pace of Crustal Growth 40°
The first question we might ask is how
has the crust grown with time? A variety
of answers to this question have been sug-
gested. These are illustrated in Figure
12.33. They can be broken into three 12 0
types: (1) growth rate increasing through °W
time, e.g., curve V & J (=Vezier and Jan-
sen) and H & R (Hurley and Rand), (2)
approximately linear growth through
time, such as the curve marked O'N (= 100°W 80°W 60° W
O'Nions), and (3) early rapid growth fol-
lowed by later slow growth or no growth,
e.g., curves Am (=Armstrong) and F
<440 Ma 800-1700 Ma
(Fyfe). 800-1300 Ma 1700-2350 Ma
Early studies favored accelerating 2350-2700 Ma
crustal growth through time. Age prov-
1300-1700 Ma
inces for North America based on radio- Figure 12.34. Age provinces of the North American con-
metric dates compiled by Hurley and tinent (after Hurley and Rand, 1969).
Rand (1969) are shown in Figure 12.34. Based on this, Hurley suggested most of the crust was produced
in the last 1 or 2 Ga. However, subsequent work utilizing U-Pb dating of zircons and Sm-Nd model
ages has substantially changed this view. U-Pb zircon ages are not so easily reset by metamorphism
as are the Rb-Sr ages relied on by Hurley. Zircon dating has revealed large areas of the continental
crust that were created more than 2.7 Ga ago. Zircon dating as also identified limited areas of crust
that are old than 3.5 Ga. The oldest dates are from two localities in Australia. Zircons from Mt. Nar-
ryer, Western Australia give ages of around 4.15 Ga (Frounde et al., 1983). Slightly older ages (4.2-
4.3 Ga) were determined on zircons from a second, nearby locality, the Jack Hills. These zircon ana-
lyzes were done by ion probe rather than conventional mass spectrometry and were initially contro-
versial for that reason, but they ages are now generally accepted. In both cases, the zircons are found
in metasedimentary rocks of much younger age (3Ð3.5 Ga), and only a handful of the zircons in these
rocks are this old. While these ancient zircons have been preserved, the rocks in which they crystal-
lized apparently have not. Nevertheless, the zircons are relatively U-rich, suggesting they come
from silica-rich rocks typical of true continental crust rather than more mafic rocks.
More recently, zircons in the Acasta gneisses from the Slave Province in Canada have been dated
at 3.96 Ga by this method (Bowring et al., 1989). These ages are interpreted as the age of crystalliza-
tion of protoliths of these gneisses. Interestingly, their initial εNd are negative, indicating deriva-
tion from a light rare earth-enriched source, which could be even older crust. Thus there is evidence
that at least some continental crust formed very early in EarthÕs history.
In Chapter 11, we found that the many very ancient rocks have positive initial εNd ratios. For ex-
ample, the Isua rocks of East Greenland, which have crystallization ages around 3.8 Ga, have initial
εNd around +1 to +3; rocks of similar age from India have similar initial εNd values. This implies
their sources had high Sm/Nd ratios, and therefore were LRE-depleted for a substantial amount of
San A
crust, formed before 4.0 Ga.
How large this crust reser- 1 2
0 Ga
voir was, however, depends 2 .
= 1.8
as F
on how large the volume of
depleted mantle was, which B JJJ D a
1.8 G
is not constrained (McCulloch B B
1 . 7 –
and Bennett, 1994). Never- B B =
theless these data provide Pac BB BB BB HH
DM 3
ific B HHHH
indirect evidence that a t Oc BB
least crust formation began ean
well before 4.0 Ga. H HH H
Sm-Nd model ages also H
have the power to Òsee 0 100 200 km
throughÓ metamorphism and
establish Òcrust formation Figure 12.35. Isotopic provinces, based on crustal residence times
agesÓ, as we found in Chap- (τDM) of the Western U.S. From Bennett and DePaolo (1987).
ter 8. The example of t h e
western U. S. illustrates this point. Figure 12.35 is a map of the Western U. S. showing contours of Nd
crustal residence times (τDM). The data define 3 distinct provinces and suggest the existence of several
others. There is a general similarity to Hurley's map (Figure 12.34), but there is greater detail, and
the ages are generally older.
Figure 12.36 shows the initial εNd values of the granites from the three numbered provinces of Fig-
ure 12.35 plotted as a function of their crystallization age. Despite the variations in crustal residence
times, the crystallization ages indicate Provinces 1-3 all formed between 1.65 and 1.8 Ga. Only t h e
εNd from Province 3 plot close to the depleted mantle evolution curve. From this we can conclude t h a t
only Province 3 was a completely new addition to the crustal mass at that time. Initial εNd for t h e
remaining provinces plot below the depleted mantle evolution curve, suggesting they are mixtures of
new mantle-derived material and older crust. The crustal residence ages of these provinces are older
than the crystallization ages because they are mixtures of mantle and older crust.
In each province there have been subsequent episodes of magmatism. However, the initial εNd l i e
along the same growth trajectory as the older rocks. This suggests that magmatism in these subse-
quent episodes simply recycled pre-existing crustal material and there were no new additions to crus-
tal mass from the mantle. Thus HurleyÕs map (Figure 12.34) must reflect orogeny in which the radio-
genic clocks are reset rather than new crustal additions.
At the other extreme of the continental growth question, Armstrong (1968, 1981a) argued that t h e
mass of the crust has remained nearly constant of the past 4 Ga or so. Armstrong recognized that new
crust has been continually created through time, but he argued that the rate of crustal creation was
balanced by an equal rate of crustal destruction throughÊerosion and subduction of sediment. Three
lines of evidence support this view. First, Armstrong cited the absence of ancient pelagic sediment
anywhere on the EarthÕs surface and argued that most sediment must therefore be subducted. In sup-
port of this, he cited estimates of sediment subduction rates by several workers that are sufficient to
balance crustal growth. Second, he pointed out that neither sea level nor the average thickness of
stable continental cratons have changed with time, and therefore that continental volume also must
not have changed. Finally, he pointed out that positive εNd in the earliest rocks requires a very early
depletion of the mantle (Figure 10.19), most likely through generation of continental crust. Further-
residence age (τCR) be equal. ▲
The top diagram illustrates the relationships be- ●
tween τST and τCR that we would expect to see for various
2.0 ●● ●●
crustal growth scenarios, assuming there is a relation- Metasediments ●● ●
● ●●
▲ Canadian Shield ▲ ●
ship between the amount of new material added to t h e Composites ●
1.0 ●
continents and the amount of new material added to t h e ● Sediments
*The stratigraphic age is the age of deposition of the sediment determined by conventional
geochronological or geological means.
One way to rationalized this equation is to think of newly deposited sediment at τST as a 50-50 mixture
of material derived from the mantle at 4.0 Ga and τST. The equation for the τCR of this mixture would be:
τCR = .
4.0Ê+ÊτST 4.0ÊÐÊτST
At time of deposition, its crustal residence age would have been: τCR = Ð τST = .
2 2
You could satisfy yourself that a mixture of material having τCR of all ages between 4.0 Ga and τST
would have the same τCR as given by this equation.
Archean crust is important.
There are two principle
types of Archean terranes.
The first is greenstone belts,
of which the Abitibi Belt in 10
the Superior Province of
Canada is a classic example. Amitsoq
They consist of thick se- Ancient Gneiss Complex
quences of volcanic and sedi- Shaw Batholith, Pilbara
mentary rocks in elongate ba-
sins punctuated by circular or
Mt. Edgar Batholitn, Pilbara
elongate granitic batholiths.
They have experienced only La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
low grade metamorphism Figure 12.39. REE patterns of typical Archean tonalites and trond-
(hence the term greenstone: hjemites. From Taylor and McLennan (1985).
chlorite-serpentinite is t h e
typical metamorphic grade).
Tholeiitic basalt and komatiite are the predominant volcanics, but more siliceous ones are also com-
mon. The combination of mafic volcanics and granitic intrusives makes greenstone belts distinctly bi-
modal in composition.
The presence of komatiites is significant. They are ultramafic lavas erupted at temperatures of
1400 to 1600¡ C, much hotter than basalts, whose eruption temperatures are typically 1100 to 1200¡ C.
Their chemistry indicates they are products of large extents of melting, perhaps up to perhaps 40%.
Komatiites are largely restricted to the Archean; there are a few early Proterozoic occurrences and
only one documented Phaner-ozoic occurrence. The absence of komatiites in the latter part of EarthÕs
history undoubtedly reflects secular cooling of the mantle.
The other type of Archean crust, the high-grade gneiss terranes, such as West Greenland, is much
different. They typically consist of felsic gneisses and sedimentary and volcanic rocks metamor-
phosed at amphibolite to granulite grade. These terranes do not seem to be simply a highly meta-
morphosed version of the greenstone belt terranes as they differ in structure and in sedimentary f a -
cies. The felsic gneisses consist of metamorphosed plutonic rocks of the so-called ÒTTGÓ (Tonalite*Ð
Trondhjemite ÐGranodiorite) suite, characterized by higher Na/K ratios than are found in most post-
Archean granitoids. Many have steep REE patterns (Figure 12.39) and no Eu anomalies. These rare
earth characteristics indicate they formed by partial melting at great depth (>60 km), where garnet,
rather than plagioclase, was present in the residua. The presence of garnet would account for their
steep heavy rare-earth patterns and the absence of plagioclase would explain the lack of Eu-anoma-
lies. Positive initial εNd values of many of these gneisses, particularly the oldest of them, indicates
they formed directly from the mantle, or more likely, by partial melting of basalts that had them-
* Tonalite, or quartz diorite, is a plutonic rock of more or less andesitic composition, having a pre-
dominance of plagioclase over orthoclase (i.e., K-poor diorite).
Trondhjemite is a plutonic rock of more or less granitic composition, but is poorer in orthoclase and
richer in plagioclase than granite senso stricto (i.e., K-poor granite).
7. (a.) Assuming the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) has the Òprimitive mantleÓ Rb concentration given in
Table 10.3, what fraction of the Rb in the BSE is in the crust according to the Taylor and McLennan,
Rudnick and Fountain, and Wedepohl crustal compositions (Table 12.7)? (HINT: use the volumes o f
crust and mantle given in the Appendix).
(b.) Assume that the silicate Earth consists of only three reservoirs: continental crust, depleted man-
tle and primitive mantle, that the depleted mantle has a Rb concentration that is 10 times lower
than the average MORB concentration (Table 12.2), and that the primitive mantle has the Rb concen-
tration given in Table 10.3. What fraction of the mantle would consist of depleted mantle when you
use the Taylor and McLennan, Rudnick and Fountain, and Wedepohl crustal Rb concentrations (Table
8. Weathering and erosion remove Mg from the continents and transport it in dissolved form to t h e
oceans. Dissolved Mg is removed from the oceans by hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges. As-
suming that the flux of Mg into the oceanic crust given in Chapter 15 has been constant through time
over the past 2.5 Ga and that all this Mg is derived from the continental crust, how much has t h e
crustal Mg concentration decreased as a result of this process? How might this result change if we
make other ÒreasonableÓ assumptions about the flux of Mg into the oceanic crust through time?