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Wireless Data Transmission Between Pc's Using Zigbee Technology

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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)

ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 4, April - 2015

Wireless Data Transmission Between Pc’s

Using Zigbee Technology
Shiva Samrat Akkula Tarik El Taeib
University of Bridgeport University of Bridgeport
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
sakkula@my.bridgeport.edu teltaeib@my.bridgeport.edu

Abstract—The role of communication in day to This paper consists of an onboard computer, which
day life is very important .Communication can be consists of number of input and output ports. These
of two types which are wireless or wired. Basically onboard computers are commonly termed as
wireless communication is mostly preferred over microcontrollers. The input and output port of the
wired .But sometimes we need a secured wireless controller are interfaced with different input and output
communication in case of industries, companies modules depending on the requirements. In other
etc. This paper helps in enabling the user for words microcontroller acts as a communication
transmitting data wirelessly through ZigBee with medium for all the modules involved in the paper.
encrypting data to provide security.
In this paper we make use of a Micro Controller
In the paper it consists of two sections they are which acts as Control Unit, PC, and MAX 232 IC
transmitter and receiver .The data can be sent to which is used to connect PC to the Microcontroller
microcontroller through pc by using software using wireless ZigBee modules. User can send the
called hyper terminal, this software is used for messages from PC and transmits using ZigBee
serial communication. wireless technology and another module at the
microcontroller receives the data and displays on
The microcontroller after receiving the data it
screen. This process continues for every new
forwards the data to the zigBee transmitter which
message we send to it. The previous message will be
is connected to the microcontroller. The data is
automatically overridden by new message. The
encrypted and then transmitted to receiver.
intelligent control software which has been developed
ZigBee transceiver does data transmission.
using Embedded C programming language is used to
Encryption does conversion of plain text to cipher
display on screen from PC using ZigBee modules.
text. Original data is Plain text whereas the
modified data by using operations so that only TRANSMITTER:
authorized person can decode is called as Cipher
text. Decryption does conversion of Cipher text to
Plain text. The received data is decrypted and is
displayed on pc which requires some password to
open the data. So by this the data cannot be
hacked and is secured.
Pc to pc data transfer is used for sharing files using
zigBee technology this is very useful in offices and
organizations, copying files into pen drive and copying
them again into our pc is a time waste process, so by RECEIVER:
using zigBee technology we can transfer the data
from one system to another pc easily and securely Pc to pc data transfer using zigbee technology

This paper aims in designing a Pc to Pc data

Regulated power supply
transfer system which is very important for sharing
files using zigBee technology this is very useful for
transfer of data from one pc to another pc using PIC pc zigbee

microcontroller .The microcontroller is placed at both

transmitter section and receiver to which ZigBee’s are Reset controller rs232

connected and pc consists of hyper terminal software

Crystal Oscillator
and the data to be transmitted is typed and sent
through this software. ZigBee is a PAN technology
based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Mesh network II.APPROACH
is formed between nodes in ZigBee devices. Mesh
The paper consists of two sections transmitter
network is a type of chain which connects one device
section and receiver section. The main heart of the
to another.
block diagram is the microcontroller to which all the

JMESTN42350611 699
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 4, April - 2015

other blocks are connected. In the transmitter section need of any physical connection between the
the data is sent from pc to the microcontroller and transmitter and receiver.).
then passed to the microcontroller and in the receiver
section the data is received from the ZigBee and sent
to the microcontroller and then the data is sent to the The paper was a designed for wireless data
pc. transfer from one pc to another pc using ZigBee, pc
have hyper terminal software to transmit the data. Our
The main blocks of this paper are:
paper is intended to design a wireless data transfer
1. Microcontroller from pc to pc. This paper consists of an onboard
computer, which consists of number of input and
2. Regulated power supply (RPS)
output ports. User can send the messages from PC
3. RS 232 cable and MAX232 and transmits using ZigBee wireless technology and
another module at the microcontroller receives the
4. ZigBee modules data and displays on LCD. This process continues for
Regulated power supply (RPS): every new message we send to it. The previous
message will be automatically overridden by new
Embedded system needs dc voltage and that message. The intelligent control software which has
should be of 5v supply. In the house hold applications been developed using Embedded C programming
we use 230v, 50 Hz. This can be used to operate in language is used to display on LCD from PC using
home appliances like T.V, lights. Regulated power ZigBee modules.
supply block supplies digital supply for Digital
electronic devices. The information was directly displayed on LCD
from PC monitor using wireless ZigBee technology.
We can implement this technology in schools,
colleges, banks etc… After accessing every message
it automatically resets and it displays the latest
message on LCD.
The main drawback of this system is it can display
the message From PC to only one notice board.
These drawbacks can be eliminated by using multi
point receivers based on wireless technologies like
ZigBee, WI-Fi, etc.
Microcontroller: IV.REFERENCES
The microcontroller we used here is PIC16F877A, [1] Building Wireless sensor network by Robert
Flash Memory: 14.3 Kbytes .Data SRAM: 368 bytes Faludi.
and Data EEPROM: 256 bytes. Programmable code [2] ZigBee Research Guide.
protection, operating speed: 20 MHz, 5 I/O ports.
[3] Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer:
RS 232 cable: Programming and Interfacing by Steven Frank Barrett,
For binary serial communicationsRS-232 acts as Daniel J. Pack.
telecommunications standard between two DTE. RS- [4] Dr. S.S.Raiz Ahamed, "The role of Zigbee
232 are now used almost exclusively for dial-up technology in future data communication system",
modems that used to use serial ports Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
MAX 232: Technology, 2005- 2009.
This IC converts signals which are from RS-232 [5] Dr. S.S.Raiz Ahamed, "The role of Zigbee
serial port to signals which are suitable to use in the technology in future data communication system",
TTL compatible digital LC. The MAX232 converts RX, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
TX, CTS and RTS signals. Technology, 2005- 2009.
ZigBee: [6] What's so good about ZigBee networks? by
Daintree Networks.
ZigBee has been developed to address the unique
global needs of low power, low cost, wireless sensor [7] ZigBee Wireless Networking by Drew Gislason
networks. ZigBee is used for wireless communication [8] Programming and Customizing the AVR
that is we can send the data through air. (Without Microcontroller by Dhananjay Gadre.

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