A Comparison Between High-Impedance and Low-Impedance Restricted Earth-Fault Transformer Protection
A Comparison Between High-Impedance and Low-Impedance Restricted Earth-Fault Transformer Protection
A Comparison Between High-Impedance and Low-Impedance Restricted Earth-Fault Transformer Protection
Abstract—Restricted earth-fault (REF) protection on a trans- current changes very little, but large current flows in the neu-
former is a subject for which there has been little attention and, tral conductor [1] [2].
compared to other types of protection, very little literature exists. REF takes advantage of the large current in the neutral
Depending on the method of transformer earthing and fault
conductor to provide sensitive and fast protection for trans-
location, some transformer earth faults result in only a small
increase in phase current, which transformer differential protec- former faults close to the earth point. REF protection applied
tion may not detect. Conversely, the amount of current in the to transformers may be referred to as “unit earth-fault protec-
neutral may be sufficient to detect most or all earth faults, again tion,” and the “restricted” part of the earth-fault protection
depending on the earthing method. By connecting an REF relay refers to an area defined between two CTs. Generally, REF
to CTs installed in correct locations on the transformer, one can protection can be applied in one form or another to all trans-
use REF protection to complement differential protection in de-
former windings, even delta-connected windings (see Delta
tecting transformer earth faults. Obtaining maximum benefit
from REF protection requires that one consider many factors, Winding—NEC/R Earthed). On solidly earthed star windings,
including whether to select high-impedance REF or low- we will show that fault coverage is possible from the first turn
impedance REF relays. In making this selection, one should un- above the star point, provided the REF element connects to a
derstand the theory behind each option. CT in the transformer neutral. This high winding coverage is
Historically, only high-impedance REF protection was avail- possible because the relay operates on the high fault current in
able, because of equipment and technology limitations. Today, the neutral conductor instead of on the small fault current in
numerical protection relays include low-impedance REF ele-
ments for transformer protection. Both types of protection have
the phase. On an unearthed star winding or a delta-connected
advantages and disadvantages; the relays do not perform equally winding without a neutral earthing compensator (NEC), wind-
well in all applications. One key advantage of low-impedance ing coverage is reduced because of the lack of a neutral CT.
REF protection included in a numerical relay is the ability to use Unearthed star windings or delta-connected winding installa-
CTs with different ratios and specifications without the need for tions provide phase CTs only (see Delta Winding—NEC/R
interposing CTs. One key advantage of high-impedance REF is Earthed), and the REF element operates on the change in
proven immunity (relay security) to CT saturation for external
faults. Key to either type of protection is the ability to provide
phase current only.
maximum winding coverage against earth faults. There is also
speculation, as yet unsubstantiated, that a high-impedance REF II. EARTH-FAULT CURRENT AND IMPACT ON SENSITIVITY
element provides superior sensitivity and coverage against earth
A. Earth-Fault Currents in a Transformer for Different Con-
This paper summarizes the theory of classical high-impedance nections
REF protection and new low-impedance REF protection. It also When operating from the neutral CT, REF protection pro-
discusses issues such as relay sensitivity requirements, trans- vides more sensitive earth-fault protection than does biased
former fault current distribution, impact of fault location on current differential protection. However, many setting engi-
relay performance (winding coverage), CT requirements, the
neers are uncertain as to the exact increase in sensitivity that
impact of CT saturation response on REF protection elements,
and application considerations for the two protection methods. REF protection provides. It is therefore necessary to quantify
what one means by “more sensitive.” In the following discus-
I. INTRODUCTION sion, we investigate the available fault current for star wind-
ings (solidly earthed, impedance earthed, and unearthed) and
Power transformers constitute the single most expensive
delta windings.
item of primary plant in a substation. To protect this invest-
ment properly, transformer protection schemes contain a com- 1) Star Winding—Solidly Earthed
bination of protection elements, with biased differential pro- For a solidly earthed star winding, an earth fault anywhere
tection widely used. Although biased differential protection on the winding is similar to an autotransformer with a fault on
provides excellent protection for phase-to-phase and most the secondary side. Fig. 1 explains the phenomenon.
phase-to-earth winding faults, this element is less sensitive for
single-phase-to-earth faults close to the earth point in solidly
earthed transformers [1], [2], and [3]. For these faults, phase
x 12
Neutral Current
In 8
4 Phase Current
III. RESTRICTED EARTH-FAULT PROTECTION THEORY Fig. 5 Internal Fault Indicating Operation on a Delta Winding With NEC
To apply REF protection on star-connected transformers, A hybrid REF protection function may also be applied to a
connect the three-phase CTs in star, and connect this combina- delta winding without an NEC. The hybrid REF excludes the
tion to a CT in the neutral leg of the transformer, NER or neutral CT from the circuit and the three phase CTs are all
NEC, as shown in Fig. 3. These CT connections provide a connected in parallel with the relay element. This is called a
path for the zero-phase sequence currents to circulate in the balanced earth-fault connection. The zone of protection is still
CTs during external faults, but they force the current through only the delta winding of the transformer. The hybrid REF
the relay for internal faults. Therefore, the REF relay provides function can also be applied to an unearthed star winding.
protection for all earth faults that fall in the area between the
phase and neutral CTs. Any fault outside this area should be A. High-Impedance REF Relay Element
covered by alternative protection functions. The high-impedance REF relay is normally a current-
operated relay with a resistor in series that provides stabiliza-
tion. Generally, it may be one of two different types. The first
type has internal resistors and has a voltage setting. In this
type, the resistors are effectively switched in and out to
change the setting and therefore the value of the stabilizing
voltage. The second type has an external variable resistor
Relay Relay where the setting is calculated in ohms and applied by chang-
ing the resistance of the variable resistor.
Fig. 3 Basic Design of an REF Function 1) Design Considerations
A number of design considerations must be taken into con-
Fig. 4 shows an external earth fault on the star (source) side
sideration when designing a high-impedance REF scheme.
of a transformer, and Fig. 5 shows an in-zone fault on the delta
The most important considerations are described here:
side of a transformer. Currents are in per unit. In Fig. 4, the
• The ratio of the phase and neutral CTs must always be
zero-sequence infeed for an upstream red phase-to-earth fault
the same.
circulates between the neutral CT and the red-phase CT, and
no operating current can flow through the relay element. In • In general, the CTs should have the same saturation
Fig. 5, in the case of the in-zone fault on the delta winding, it characteristics.
is clear that all the fault current flows through the neutral CT • The kneepoint voltage must be higher than the stabili-
(IFp = Inp) and nothing flows in the phase CT. Therefore, the zation voltage for external faults.
secondary CT current has to flow through the relay element • The voltage across the relay and CTs (all in parallel)
for this element to operate. At this stage, we simplify the sce- should be kept at safe levels while still being suffi-
nario by not taking into account the magnetization of the other ciently high to allow operation of the relay when re-
CTs. quired. The magnetizing current of the CTs depends
on the voltage across it, but too high a voltage results
Inp in higher magnetizing current that leads to a less sensi-
Ins tive scheme.
• In most cases, a metal oxide varistor (MOV) or surge
Blue arrestor is connected across the parallel connection of
the CTs and relay to clamp the voltage to a safe limit,
IF without affecting relay operation. The MOV protects
Relay Ins the relay against high voltages developed during in-
zone faults. Sufficient current still flows through the
IF – Inp Inp Inp relay to ensure operation [5].
Fig. 4 External Fault Indicating Relay Stability on a Star-Connected Wind-
This means that, while there is a large amount of differen- against zero-sequence current in the line CTs resulting from
tial or operating current, there is no restraining current. This CT saturation.
can be shown similarly for in-zone and external faults on the Therefore, the relay enables the REF element only if the
star side of the transformer. line CTs measure zero-sequence current and if the current in
Because of the nature of the protection, classical low- the neutral CT exceeds a pickup setting. The zero-sequence
impedance REF protection cannot be used as a balanced earth- current pickup setting is therefore also the relay sensitivity.
fault protection on an unearthed transformer or on a trans- The zero-sequence pickup must be set higher than any natural
former with only three phase CTs and no neutral CT. In short, zero-sequence current caused by load, CT mismatch/spill cur-
it is because the low-impedance REF protection requires a rent, or any other unbalance. The minimum operating current
restraint and an operating current, at least one of which is also of the relay is 5 percent of rated current (In).
derived from the neutral CT. When a neutral CT is not pro- The directional element then compares the operating (re-
vided, a low-impedance REF protection cannot be used to sidual phase current) and polarizing (neutral) currents and
protect an unearthed transformer. However, most numerical indicates a forward or reverse direction. A forward direction
relays provide a number of protection elements for each wind- indication is for an in-zone fault, and a reverse direction is for
ing. To realize balanced earth-fault protection on an unearthed an external fault. The fault is said to be in-zone when the re-
star-connected transformer or a delta-connected transformer, sidual and neutral currents are in phase; it is reversed if the
connect the CTs as explained under Delta Winding—NEC/R residual and neutral currents are 180° out of phase.
Earthed, and associate the CT input with an earth-fault ele- b) Product B
ment in the relay. The basic principle of operation for this relay is to compare
the residual (restraint) current Ir = Ia + Ib + Ic with the differen-
1) Design Considerations
tial current Id = Ia + Ib + Ic – In,
Because of the inherently unstable nature of the low-
impedance REF element, it may misoperate during external
faults, especially in the case of faults not involving earth as Ia, Ib, and Ic = the respective phase currents
phase-to-phase and three-phase faults, when one of the phase In = the neutral current flowing in the trans-
CTs saturates. Various manufacturers of REF protection relays former as a result of the fault
have each developed additional supervision elements to im- The relay compensates internally for the difference in CT
prove security during external faults while improving sensitiv- ratios between phase and neutral CTs. In addition, the relay
ity during in-zone faults. has a biased differential characteristic that you can set in such
All these relays scale the CT ratios automatically between a way that the relay is desensitized for big differences in CT
the phase and neutral CTs to compare the different values on specifications and subsequent quiescent spill current under
an equal basis. normal load conditions. In this case, the relay achieves stabil-
a) Product A [6] [7] ity for a through fault by increasing the restraint current when
This relay makes use of the direction change of the operat- it detects a fault.
ing current for in-zone and external faults. It derives a zero- The bias setting should still be set as sensitive as possible
sequence operating current from the phase CTs (Ir = Ia + Ib + to ensure relay operation for most faults. The biased differen-
Ic) and a polarizing current from the neutral CT (In). It then tial characteristic of this relay has a fixed slope of 1.05 p.u.
compares the direction of operating (Ir) and polarizing (In) The relay will trip if 1) Id / Ir exceeds 1.05 and 2) Id exceeds
currents. the Id pickup or threshold setting. The purpose of the restraint
CT saturation logic is necessary to determine whether any function is to compensate for CT errors and mismatches and
existing zero-sequence operating current is from saturation of to ensure stability during maximum through-fault conditions.
one or more CTs during a three-phase fault, or from an actual The latter may cause CT saturation, and the bias characteristic
earth fault. CT saturation detection comes from a positive- provides additional stability against CT saturation.
sequence restraint factor supervising the REF operation. The The relay has a minimum operating current of 5 percent of
relay compares the positive-sequence current multiplied by the nominal current, or 0.05 In.
positive-sequence restraint factor (generally set to approxi- c) Product C [8]
mately 0.1) with the zero-sequence operating current. For Similarly to Product A above, this relay uses the residual
earth faults, the positive-sequence and zero-sequence currents current calculated from the three phase CTs where Ir = Ia + Ib
are equal, so the result of this comparison will always be a + Ic and the neutral current In for the REF protection. During
logical 0, indicating no CT saturation. If zero-sequence exists an in-zone fault, neutral current will always flow irrespective
as a result of CT saturation, CT saturation detection asserts of the transformer winding connection and earthing arrange-
whenever the ratio of zero-sequence to positive-sequence cur- ment. The residual current depends on the transformer wind-
rent is less than the positive-sequence restraint factor. Using ing connection and earthing arrangement. In this case, if re-
the reasoning that current must flow in the transformer neutral sidual current exists, it will be in phase with the neutral cur-
for an earth fault, the relay enables the REF element only if rent. During an external fault, the neutral and residual currents
the neutral current exceeds a threshold. Supervising the REF will be equal in magnitude and 180° out of phase.
element with the neutral current provides additional security The relay uses In only as the operating current, and this cur-
rent is always present during an in-zone fault. The relay pro-
vides a stabilizing method for CT saturation for through faults. phase. For an external fault, the residual and neutral currents
Both the current magnitude and phase of the residual and neu- are in phase.
tral currents stabilize the REF protection. The stabilizing or For the directional element, the relay compares the second
restraint current is defined as follows: harmonic current in the neutral CT with the fundamental com-
I res = k • (| 3I n − 3I r | − | 3I n + 3I r |) (11) ponent. If the second harmonic current is greater than a pre-set
value, the REF element is disabled. This is a form of second
Where harmonic blocking that provides additional security against
k = a stabilization factor operation during inrush but increased dependability during in-
In and Ir are as defined previously zone faults.
An examination of Equation 11 for both internal and exter- The relay has a minimum operating current of 5 percent of
nal faults reveals that there is no effective restraint for internal nominal current, or 0.05 In.
faults because the value of restraint is always negative for e) Product E [10]
internal faults. Therefore, the relay has maximum sensitivity, This relay calculates the differential current as Id = Ia + Ib +
and small earth-fault currents can cause tripping of REF pro- Ic + In and the residual current as Ir = Ia + Ib + Ic. Restraining
tection. The restraint for external faults is always positive and current is the maximum of the positive-sequence, negative-
larger than the operating current, if the operating and restraint sequence, or zero-sequence current in the residual current.
quantities are either in phase or 180° out of phase. During CT During external faults, the zero-sequence component of the
saturation, these angles may be different, resulting in reduced residual current provides maximum restraint. The relay calcu-
restraint for external faults. To prevent reduction of restraint, lates the zero-sequence component as the amplitude of the
the relay calculates the angle between the operating and re- vector difference between the neutral and residual current.
straint quantities and then allows operation for a certain angle During an external fault, the neutral and residual currents are
range and blocks operation for another angle range. For this in phase, so the resulting bias will be twice the neutral current.
specific relay, the angle is fixed at 110°. No operation is pos- For an in-zone fault, the residual and neutral currents are out
sible if the angle between the operating and restraint quantities of phase so the restraint will be less than the neutral current.
is greater than 110°, irrespective of any other values of operat- As previously stated, an external phase-to-phase fault can
ing and restraint current magnitude. The stabilizing factor (k) cause misoperation because of CT saturation. The negative-
is equal to 2 and is fixed. The relay provides further supervi- sequence restraining quantity provides maximum restraint
sion by comparing the neutral current with the sum of the during such an external phase-to-phase fault. This relay uses a
magnitudes of the three phase currents and the neutral current. method where the level of restraint increases after a number of
The relay provides a settable pickup and slope and allows cycles. This method ensures the most sensitive relay operation
tripping above the characteristic. upon energization of a faulty transformer. When the restraint
The relay has a minimum operating current of 5 percent of increases, security improves for external faults.
nominal current, or 0.05 In. The positive-sequence restraining quantity is intended to
d) Product D [9] provide maximum restraint during symmetrical conditions
The supplier markets this product as an “earth differential such as three-phase faults and load. The relay uses a compli-
function” with an additional directional check. The relay, cated algorithm to determine the value of the positive restraint
therefore, uses a typical biased differential earth-fault charac- component. Discussion of this algorithm is beyond the scope
teristic supervised by a directional element. The relay calcu- of this paper.
lates the bias and differential current, where the differential The relay has a conventional bias characteristic with a
current is the vector difference between the neutral current pickup setting and slope setting. Both settings can be modi-
(measured by the neutral CT) and the residual current where fied.
Ir = Ia + Ib + Ic. The bias current is the highest of the three 2) Setting Considerations for Maximum Sensitivity
phase currents and the neutral current. The relay has a base Some product-specific setting considerations have been
sensitivity range of 5 percent (maximum sensitivity) to 50 discussed previously in this paper.
percent (minimum sensitivity) for the differential current. This Most relays have a minimum pickup level of 50 mA. Al-
sensitivity value is valid from 0 to 1.25 p.u. bias current. The though all low-impedance REF relays this paper discusses
bias characteristic has two slopes. The first slope is fixed at have additional supervision for improved security, many
70 percent, and the second is fixed at 100 percent. The first manufacturers recommend a pickup setting greater than the
slope is valid from 1.25 p.u. to a point corresponding to a steady-state neutral current resulting from load unbalance
1 p.u. differential current. The second slope is valid beyond (quiescent zero-sequence current). This ensures that the relay
1.25 p.u. picks up for actual faults, not for load unbalance. This practice
The directional element uses the neutral current as a refer- reduces scheme sensitivity, because a greater operating current
ence because direction for this current is always the same for setting increases the minimum primary operating current.
both in-zone and external faults. The relay compares the re- In cases where a biased earth differential protection is pro-
sidual current with the neutral current in the vector plane. For vided, the bias setting serves mainly to prevent the relay from
an internal fault, the residual and neutral currents are out of operating for external faults resulting from CT saturation and
other lesser important factors. These characteristics are fairly
fixed, and security against operation for external faults is al- impedance REF were of better quality and the magnetizing
most guaranteed. current were also 2 mA, the high-impedance REF relay would
be more sensitive. In this case, (assuming zero fault resis-
IV. SENSITIVITY ISSUES tance) the bottom 11.6 / 355 • 100 = 3.3 percent of the wind-
This paper stated previously that relay sensitivity is not of ing is not covered.
great concern for faults on either solidly earthed star windings The transformer protection philosophy [11] of Eskom Dis-
or impedance-earthed delta windings. There is always suffi- tribution Division requires that the REF sensitivity for resis-
cient current to drive the operating element of the relay to en- tance-earthed star-connected windings be such that it can be
sure operation. set to pick up for faults between 10 percent and 25 percent of
Factors affecting REF scheme sensitivity are CT quality or the maximum available earth-fault current for an earth fault on
specification, the magnetizing current the healthy phase CTs the transformer terminals. With this in mind, one can perform
draw during a fault, the relay operating current, and the resis- the necessary calculations to determine an adequate CT ratio
tance earthing of the star-connected transformer. and whether to apply high-impedance or low-impedance REF
CT performance impacts greatly the sensitivity of the REF protection.
element. Lesser-quality CTs can make low-impedance REF As a general rule of thumb for high-impedance REF pro-
protection more sensitive, because the operating voltage is tection, the relay operating current should be greater than the
lower and the CTs on the healthy phases draw less magnetiz- sum of the CT magnetizing currents at the set voltage, i.e.,
ing current. more fault current should be used to operate the relay than to
Equation 6 provides relay sensitivity for both high- magnetize the CTs on the healthy phases. This generally en-
impedance and low-impedance REF, with slight variations sures greater stability.
between the two. The equation is valid for the high-impedance
REF sensitivity calculation. In the case of low-impedance V. APPLICATION ASPECTS
REF sensitivity, the varistor current is excluded and the relay As we concluded previously, sensitivity becomes a concern
does not have an operating voltage. Therefore, the magnetiz- only on resistance-earthed star windings. It is only in this case
ing current is not the current the healthy phase CTs would that the application of high-impedance vs. low-impedance
draw at the operating voltage. A voltage equal to the sum of REF protection must be considered. There are two important
the lead and relay resistances multiplied by the fault current factors that may influence the decision.
would appear across the healthy CTs. The magnetizing current
A. The Quality and Specification of the Available CTs
of all CTs at this voltage should be added to the relay operat-
ing current to determine the relay sensitivity. The low- Good-quality CTs with a very steep and linear magnetizing
impedance REF measuring element will develop a much lower curve indicate CTs that require very little magnetizing current
voltage across the healthy CTs and the magnetizing current throughout most of the operating range. Poor-quality CTs re-
necessary for those CTs will be substantially less than for the quire more magnetizing current. Perform calculations accord-
high-impedance REF case. Although the low-impedance REF ing to the specific CTs in use for a specific installation to de-
relay minimum operating current is as much as 50 mA, the termine the suitability of high-impedance vs. low-impedance
reduction in magnetizing current compensates for the greater REF protection for the application. Perform this calculation as
pickup threshold. described under sensitivity issues.
For example, assume that the CTs in a high-impedance B. The Availability of Matching CT Ratios
REF scheme draw 15 mA magnetizing current at the operating If the existing equipment is of such a nature that the same
voltage, and the relay operating current is 20 mA. It follows ratios are not available for both phase and neutral CTs, you
then that the total secondary current should be 4 • 15 + 20 = should use low-impedance REF protection, because this type
80 mA. The corresponding primary current must drive suffi- of protection can handle different CT ratios for phase and neu-
cient operating current through the relay to produce the mag- tral CTs. However, if the same ratios are available for both
netizing current necessary for the CTs to operate the relay. phase and neutral CTs, further investigation should reveal
With a 200/1 CT ratio (impedance-earthed transformer), there whether high-impedance or low-impedance REF is the most
is an implied minimum primary operating current of 16 A. For suitable for the application.
a typical 355 A NER, the only part of the winding that is not
covered, assuming zero fault resistance, is the bottom VI. CONCLUSIONS
16 / 355 • 100 = 4.5 percent.
Taking the same example, assume that the CTs in a low- There is a general belief among many engineers that the
impedance scheme draw only 2 mA magnetizing current be- fault current for faults close to the neutral point of a star-
cause of the lower voltage across the CTs and the relay draws connected transformer is very small and insufficient to operate
50 mA. It follows then that the total secondary current should the REF protection. This is true only for resistance-earthed
be 4 • 2 + 50 = 58 mA. With the same CT ratio and NER as in star-connected transformers.
the previous example, the minimum primary operating current This paper makes no ruling on whether low-impedance or
is 11.6 A. Clearly, the low-impedance REF function is more high-impedance REF protection is the better method, but it
sensitive in this case. However, if the CTs used with the high-
provides the information and methods for choosing the more Protection Field Engineer. He is currently a Chief Engineer: Protection Spe-
cialist in Resources and Strategy, a Corporate Division of Eskom Holdings
appropriate relay for a particular application. Limited. He is responsible for Distribution Division National Contracts for
REF scheme sensitivity is a problem only on star windings protection schemes and equipment, general protection technology direction
with resistance earthing, because the fault current is a function setting and technology management, and the implementation of Distribution
Automation and Substation Automation in Eskom’s Distribution Division. He
of fault position, phase-to-neutral voltage, and earthing resis-
has authored a number of protection and substation automation related papers.
tance value. For faults close to neutral, the fault current is very He is a Registered Professional Engineer in South Africa.
small. The relay operating current and CT magnetizing current
are important in determining the winding coverage. Casper Labuschagne earned his Diploma (1981) and Masters Diploma
In cases where there is always sufficient fault current to (1991) in Electrical Engineering from Vaal Triangle Technicon, South Africa.
After gaining 20 years of experience with the South African utility Eskom,
operate the REF relay, the choice between high-impedance where he served as Senior Advisor in the protection design department, he
and low-impedance REF is not important. Issues such as began work at SEL in 1999 as a Product Engineer in the Substation Equip-
available CT ratios for the phase and neutral CTs may dictate ment Engineering group. Presently, he is Lead Engineer in the Research and
Development group. He is registered as a Professional Technologist with
the choice. ECSA, the Engineering Counsel of South Africa, and has authored and co-
For poor-quality CTs that require larger magnetizing cur- authored several technical papers.
rent than a better-quality CT at the same voltage, the low-
impedance REF element is more sensitive. Where you use
good-quality CTs, however, the high-impedance REF relay is
more sensitive.
The authors wish to thank the following persons for their
valuable contributions:
Paul Gerber for his sensitivity calculations.
Mike Everton for various discussions on the topic.
Veronica van Zweel for the drawings.
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