Sayaw sa Banko
Pandango sa Ilaw
In dances where the author does not specify or describe the entrance and/ or exit steps, the trainer may
create such. However, entrance steps must not be longer than the dance itself. Entrance and exit should
not exceed one (1) minute each.
The dance must be accompanied by the music prescribed in the folk dance book enumerated above or
any tape recorded music. Live or taped music allowed.
Dances should composed of 4 to 8 pairs only composed of all males/females or a combination of both.
Five (5) copies of the literature of the dance lifted from any of the dance books shall be submitted to the
committee for the distribution to the members of the board of judges.
Staging may be implemented but the authenticity of the dance step costume and music shall be
Performance 50%
Interpretation 30%
Costume 8%
Music 7%
Equipment 5%
TOTAL 100%
(Staging, Spacing Formations, Execution Showmanship, Projection Stabilization and Variety of Hip Hop
Routines, Entertainment Value and Crowd Appeal)
(Dance Arrangements & Concept, Incorporating Unique and Original / Creative Moves)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ___________________________ Judge #
1. All crews should have a minimum of (4) and maximum of (8) members.
2. All members of the crew should be 13-21 years old.
3. Only the first (10) crews to register and complete the requirements shall be eligible to compete on
June 9 at 5pm at the Event Center.
4. All members of the crew should submit the following at the SM City Baguio Administration Office:
a. Fully Accomplished Application Form downloaded from SM City Baguio official Facebook account
b. Photocopy of Current School ID and or Photocopy of Birth Certificate
c. Waiver & Release of Liability Form downloaded via SM City Baguio Facebook account
These requirements must be enclosed in a brown envelope. Please indicate team name.
*Registration dates: June 1-8, 2011.
5. Walk-in applicants will be welcomed provided they have the complete requirements.
1. The duration of the dance should be a minimum of 3 minutes, and a maximum of 5 minutes.
2. The crews should incorporate a minimum of three (3) any old school or new school style of hip
hop. (ex. locking, popping, krump, house, stepping, breakdance, wacking, tutting, vogueing, party
dances, hiphop choreography), a minimum of three (3) Filipino folk dance steps mashed up with a
minimum of three (3) retro dance of the 70s and 80s.
3. No vulgarity, obscenity, and explicit contents are allowed.
4. Props that are not considered as an integral part of a crew’s “attire” are prohibited (ex. canes,
chairs, tambourines, musical instruments).
5. Attire may include accessories such as hats, scarves, caps, gloves, jewelry, etc. Removing pieces
of clothing during the performance is permitted provided it is not offensive or out of character.
6. Body/face oils or paints/other substances applied to the body or clothing that may affect the clean
dry surface of the stage and the safety of fellow competitors are prohibited.
7. All costume malfunction resulting team members being exposed are grounds for deductions.
Please make sure to have dress rehearsals prior to competition to work out any costume problems.
8. Teams will be given opportunity to block their routine on stage before the performance ONLY on
the Dance-Off and Ultimate Battle at a schedule to be determined by the event organizer. Teams
who are absent/late for their designated blocking time will not be allowed to block on stage at a later
9. Performance order will be determined by the event organizer via drawing of lots.
10. Teams must provide for their own meals, snacks, and drinks at all events.
1. The music used in the routine must be a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.
2. Crews’ competition music must be the only piece of music and recorded 3 times on a CD. The
crew name and school name must be printed on the CD.
3. There is no maximum or minimum number of songs/recordings that may be used in the routine,
and may be edited to enhance choreography and personal performance.
4. The competition music must not contain inappropriate, lewd, or offensive language.
An extraordinary circumstance is an occurrence beyond the control of a team that affects their ability
to perform at the beginning or any time in a routine. An extraordinary circumstance is not limited to
the examples listed below and may be declared at the discretion of the event organizers and/or
For instance:
a) incorrect music is played or cued.
b) Music problems due to equipment malfunction.
c) Disturbances caused by general equipment failure, i.e., lighting, stage, venue, or sound system.
d) The introduction of a foreign object or disturbance into the performance area, before or during a
performance, by an individual or means other than the team.
1. In case the routine is stopped by an extraordinary circumstance, the event organizers and/or
judges will review the situation, and upon confirming a decision and correcting the problem, the team
will be re-introduced, and will be allowed to re-start their routine.
2. Claim of an extraordinary circumstance presented by the groups AFTER the routine has been
performed will not be accepted or reviewed.
1. It is the responsibility of the group members, manager, or choreographer to report a group
member’s injury or illness to the event organizers.
2. If at any time, prior to or during competition, a group member becomes ill or injured, or his/her
physical or emotional condition is at risk by participating, he/she may be declared ineligible to
compete, and may be disqualified from the competition. The event organizers reserve the right to
withdraw any competitor who appears to have such serious disability or injury or needs medical
3. The event organizers reserve the right to request the submission of a physician’s written
authorization for a group member that is deemed medically or emotionally at risk by the event
organizers, to compete.
The judges will score the teams according to the judging criteria on a 100 point system.
1. OVERALL EFFECT (20 pts)
Creativity (15%)
- Choreographing and presenting the routine in a fresh, unique way with signature moves that are
original and creative. Story, transitions, music editing, clothing, and a unique look and style that
stands out from other routines.
Difficulty (10%)
- Use of intricate and challenging skills/movement including various jumps, stunts, floor work, and
signature moves.
Musicality (5%)
- Performance and choreography corresponding to timing and music usage and the crew’s ability to
perform simultaneously to the music.
Group Execution (10 pts) - Proper execution and understanding of hiphop styles. Movements must
be true to the authentic hip hop dance style, with understanding of the foundation and origin of hip
Synchronization/Timing (10%)
- The movements of the crew members are performed in sync; the range of movement, speed,
timing and execution of moves are performed by all members in unison. Peel off or canon
movements are allowable.
Spacing (5%) The ability of the team to gauge and position themselves correctly, with correct
distances between each other in and throughout all formations.
TOTAL POINTS: 1OO % *Protests are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or
result of a decision