GettingStarted PDF
GettingStarted PDF
GettingStarted PDF
WSCAD electronic GmbH makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
particular purpose. WSCAD electronic GmbH shall not be liable for errors contained
herein nor for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this material.
Shortcuts ...................................................................................................... 76
Inserting corners ........................................................................................... 77
Inserting direction symbols (T-pieces) ............................................................. 77
Open line ends .............................................................................................. 78
Completing the drawing sheets ....................................................................... 79
Naming lines ................................................................................................. 80
General......................................................................................................... 80
Inserting potential arrows............................................................................... 80
Completing the schematic............................................................................... 83
General......................................................................................................... 83
Page 3 .......................................................................................................... 84
Page 2 .......................................................................................................... 85
Cable Manager .............................................................................................. 86
General......................................................................................................... 86
Drawing cables with the Cable Manager........................................................... 87
Splitting cables .............................................................................................. 89
Cable shield................................................................................................... 90
Modify Object properties ................................................................................ 90
Automatic functions .......................................................................................... 93
General......................................................................................................... 93
Auto-numbering ............................................................................................ 93
Auto cross reference ...................................................................................... 95
Material browser............................................................................................ 96
Control Cabinet Layout ................................................................................... 99
General......................................................................................................... 99
Inserting components .................................................................................. 100
Excluding unwanted components .................................................................. 101
Construction lines ........................................................................................ 103
Inserting the control cabinet ......................................................................... 103
Inserting the mounting plate ........................................................................ 104
Drawing Cable trays, top hat rails and collection bars ..................................... 105
Inserting assembly symbols .......................................................................... 106
Inserting terminals....................................................................................... 108
Getting Started
With WSCAD 5 you have chosen one of the most advanced programs to create
electrical schematic drawings, with an excellent price/performance ratio.
WSCAD 5 is already being used successfully by more than 25.000 users worldwide.
Careful consideration has been given to user-friendliness, simplicity and universality.
The easy-to-use On-line Help of WSCAD 5 gives instant on-screen answers to your
WSCAD 5 is undoubtedly one of the most effective CAD programs you can buy. You
have instant access to all the functions and you can browse through your drawings
easily, but most important, the program’s simplicity of operation and rapid processing
enable you to produce extensive projects in a very short time. Whatever you are
doing, WSCAD 5 shows you the simplest way to accomplish your task. Clear menus,
and the additional online information of the two mouse buttons functions makes
WSCAD 5 a very easy program to use.
The challenge of combining versatility of functions with great simplicity of use has
been fully met in WSCAD 5. It provides you with all common functions of a CAD
software program for generating electrical schematics (and some unusual ones as
well), for example: loading symbols from libraries, combining them, creating new
symbols, … .
In addition, WSCAD 5 offers you much more! With functions such as subsequent
rotation, mirroring, copying, moving, automatic assignment of reference numbers,
automatic cross-references, free-form design of drawing frames, universal list
generation, fully automatic contactor management, PLC manager and versatile
Getting Started
configuration options you have all the features of a powerful circuit diagram
generation program. And this list is by no far complete.
On top of this we are constantly working to develop the program. Apart from the
creativity of our programmers, feedback from users is an essential part of
development. Please do not hesitate to give us your comments and suggestions at
any time!
For security reasons, it is possible to make as many copies of the original files as you
like and install them on several other PCs. However, you can only use the program if
the dongle is connected to one of the PC’s parallel or USB ports.
By offering a software-service contract we ensure essential further development of
WSCAD to remain compliant with new legal regulation. The software service ensures
timely automatic updates are immediately at your disposal. As well as being
updated automatically with each new major release of our software products, you
will receive continuous minor documentation changes and function improvements
that we make from time to time.
If you need a special information on a subject, press the <F1> key and the related
help files will be loaded from the internet.
Getting Started
The 'WebHelp' is always up to date. These files are complemented with tips and
advice. You can have a look at these files on your system anytime.
General Information about WSCAD 5
WSCAD is modular, meaning that you are able to start with the Basic - version and,
at a later time, expand it to a higher-version (Compact or Professional) with
more features. Drawings that have been made with a lower version are fully
compatible with higher versions.
The three software versions are build up on each other and contain comprehensive
and practical features.
Basic - version
The Basic - version is suitable for factory schematics of existing installations, You
can also use it as a tool for small and less extensive schematics.
Compact - version
The Compact - version is good for maintaining existing schematics. The strength
of the Compact - version is the adaptable schematic construction, for example, if a
plant or machine already exists and has be expanded. In addition the Compact -
version is used to create small and middle projects. The user can use some different
automatic functions like: auto numbering; cross reference; terminal charts; contact
reflection and much more.
Professional - version
The Professional - version is the version to use for planning, developing and
documentation of new schematics. The user can use powerful on-line and control
functions, which he needs to create new project. Operation errors decrease and so
productivity will increase.
Getting Started
Sub pages 9 9 9
New design 9 9 9
Project import/export 9 9 9
Path text 9 9 9
Black Box - 9 9
Destination wiring 9 9 9
Material browser - - 9
Text find/replace - 9 9
Dimensions 9 9 9
Print preview 9 9 9
Snap functions 9 9 9
Symbol numbering - 9 9
Getting Started
Project data - 9 9
Summary - 9 9
Revision history - - 9
Terminal Chart - 9 9
Connector chart - - 9
Cable list - - 9
Cable chart - - 9
Wiring chart - - 9
Reference list - - 9
Material list - 9 9
DXF/HPGL Export 9 9 9
DXF/HPGL Import - 9 9
VNS Export - - 9
UGL/UGS Export - - 9
Reference list - - 9
Getting Started
Layer management 9 9 9
Print preview 9 9 9
Snap functions 9 9 9
Dimensioning 9 9 9
Hardware requirements
Make sure that the newest Microsoft service packages are installed!
Working with WSCAD 5
Restrictions of the Demo version
The Demo version of WSCAD 5 has all features of the Professional version, including
all automatic functions such as contactor manager, database links, cross references,
numbering and so on.
Only the output functions (Printer, DXF/VNS-export) are restricted. Only a small part
of the drawing can be printed (max. 8 components and some elements).
With the Demo version only a few libraries are installed, containing the components
required for the practice example plus some general components. The full license
version contains very comprehensive libraries with over 1000 symbols, and the
Professional version includes more than 250 varied contact combs, as well as
several hundred mechanical components for the control cabinet layout.
Similarly the database contains only those entries which are needed for the practice
example. The Professional version contains a very comprehensive database with
thousands of parts from various manufacturers.
This demonstration manual is only a brief description of the program and contains a
short example, some information about the installation and some general hints for
using the program. You have full access to the on-line help files of WSCAD 5.
Getting Started
Starting WSCAD 5
After installation has been successful completed you will find the program group
'WSCAD 5.0' on your screen:
You will see icons for the program, on-line help, the Read me file and the Uninstall
program. You will also find icons for the WSCAD file viewer WSVIEW and the
associated help file.
To start WSCAD double click on the icon created on the desktop during
Working with WSCAD 5
Screen layout
the cursor keys or by type in the specific co-ordinates. It is also possible to change
the format of the cursor (e.g. to a crosshair) by using 'Settings - Options'.
As a drawing aid, a grid can be displayed if required by turning it on or off with the
function key <F7>. The grid spacing can be set ('Settings - Options'), the
default spacing is 2.5 mm. Components are created to match the grid and
automatic connection requires components to be in line with each other, it is helpful
to keep the grid displayed and switch the Snap Mode 'on' with the function key
Free memory
The capacity of free memory is shown as a percentage, on the right bottom edge of
the WSCAD window. If available memory is getting low, the 'Compress' command
in File menu should help to increase the memory capacity.
Working with WSCAD 5
In the centre at the bottom of the screen, next to the current sheet size, is a number
and letter that indicates the grid reference of the drawing that the cursor is currently
located in.
File names
The top bar of the Windows screen displays the name of the current project and of
the active drawing. If you are working in the symbol editor or selecting a component
from the library, you will see the name of the active library in this field, instead of
the drawing file name.
Getting Started
Mouse operation
When working with a graphical user interface such as Windows it is normal to work
with the mouse to move the cursor. However the cursor can also be used for other
tasks as e.g. inserting components.
One click with the left mouse button indicates a positive confirmation. The internal
functions of WSCAD 5 allow the right button to be used for canceling, as in the
earlier version, but not in case of the main menu, because this is not compatible with
standard Windows functions.
Moving and sizing of individual windows are normal parts of the Windows operation
and the form of the cursor gives visual hints on how to do.
The right mouse button gives you also access to a very important function of the
program. When you position the cursor on any object, and click the right mouse
Working with WSCAD 5
button, you will see a specific menu displaying the characteristics of the selected
object. This applies not only to elements within the drawings but also to the buttons
on the toolbars.
You can use the mouse to mark an area (rectangle) of the drawing to (for example)
move or copy the selected components.
If you want to select a particular area of a drawing window to edit or to copy it,
you can do by using the mouse. Click with the left mouse button on a corner of the
desired area, hold the mouse button down and move the cursor with the mouse.
This will cause a rectangle to be drawn and when the mouse button is released all
components within the rectangle will be shown highlighted. Then you can apply the
copy command to this area. To cancel the selection you simply click anywhere in the
drawing window.
Another useful feature is 'Panning', which moves the whole picture in the drawing
window when the cursor bumps against the side of the window. However this
function is only activated by holding the <CTRL> key down, or when you are
loading a symbol or drawing a line. This prevents the screen from ‘panning’ every
time you move the mouse towards the menus or toolbars.
The Object properties concept provides a new and very fundamental feature. A
click with the right mouse button opens a menu, which relates exactly to the object
on which the cursor is located. For example, if the object is a component, you will
get the component parameters menu and its applicable commands, if you click near
a command toolbar you can switch them on and off. By using this feature frequently
you will soon come to appreciate it’s usefulness!
Function keys
Even with a graphical interface the function keys should not be forgotten, as they
can also be used to give fast access to frequently used commands. For instance you
will often find the <F4> key very useful for fitting your drawing to the current
Getting Started
window, <F2> and <F3> for rapid Zooming, <F5> for Snap mode switching or
<F7> for Grid display switching.
Every experienced Windows user, will of course, already be familiar with function
key: <F1> for On-line help or WebHelp which will give access to the whole of the
reference manual and there are also “topical” hints and tips.
The full list of the available function keys is shown below:
Key Function
Don’t forget when you install the demo version you also get
the complete Online Help of the license version. This means
that you can access virtually the whole of the reference
Working with WSCAD 5
In addition to normal text input and the function keys, you can also access all the
menu commands from the keyboard: simply press the <ALT> key and the
underlined letters from the menu. You also use the <ESC> key to quit operations
even in Windows.
There are also some further keyboard functions that are very important:
• The four cursor keys are equivalent to the mouse functions during drawing
operations. Sometimes it is more easy to use these keys instead of the mouse
for positioning. Holding down the <CTRL> key speeds up the cursor
• In most cases, the <Enter> key has the same function as the left mouse
• With <Page up> or <Page down> you can move through the individual
sheets in a set of drawings.
• With <CTRL-C> you can copy the components of a selected area (see
“Mouse operation”), i.e. these components are transferred to a temporary file
and onto the Windows clipboard.
• With <CTRL-V> or <INS> you can re-insert this temporary file. This is the
same as the command ‘insert block’.
• With <CTRL-X> or <DEL> you can delete the elements in the selected area.
• With <CTRL-Z> you can activate the UNDO function.
Getting Started
text and just modify it, you either position the cursor at the
appropriate point and press the left mouse button, or press the
<Home (Pos1)> key or the <End> key. If you enter new text
directly, the selected text is immediately erased. Previous
entered text you can select by clicking the arrow down button
located right of the text edit line.
When drawing with destination wiring symbols (DW) the following Shortcuts are
Shortcut DW Elements
The command toolbars and the library toolbars can be docked against the other side
of the screen or placed as a free-standing window. You can try this easily: move the
cursor onto a toolbar (but not onto a button), press the left mouse button and then
move the cursor, keeping the mouse button pressed. The new position of the toolbar
appears in outline and as soon as you release the mouse button the toolbar appears
in this position.
If you click once with the right mouse button on the area beside a docked toolbar or
in the window header, you will get a small menu that gives you (e.g.) a list of all
Working with WSCAD 5
available library toolbars. With one mouse click you can activate or hide a library
Of course you can configure the toolbars: If you click with the right mouse button
on a button, you can immediately insert a new button (or a separator) in this
position. Click on the new button, select ‚Record’ and then use the relevant command
from the menu bar. The command is accepted and its icon appears on the button.
The buttons of the command toolbar have preset icons, but for icons on the symbol
toolbars you have a completely free hand. The button is assigned via the Component
Editor, because each button must be assigned to both a component name and a
library. You can ‚snapshot’ the relevant icon out of the component editor and apply
different background colors if you wish.
The above description has been kept deliberately simple. If you would like to know
more, please use the Online Help. Look in the section 'Working with WSCAD 5' to
find further information on the individual elements of the screen layout. In the
section 'Settings – Configure Screen' you will find a detailed description of
creating and managing the toolbars.
Design capture
In this chapter, you will learn about the most important features of the
Professional version of WSCAD 5 by completing a small sample project. You will
use the Symbol library 'Favorites' 'EXAMPLE' and the database 'EXAMPLE.MDB'
and you may find it helpful to study the sample drawings on the preceding pages.
The complete practice example can be found as 'WSCAD example project 1' in
the Project Manager. At the end of this book you can see a printout of the
most important schematics of this example project.
All examples are created referring the norm IEC 61346 which is valid since
The latest date for using this norm on international level is the 01. June 2003.
This international norm changes the reference names of symbols to represent the
symbols function oriented and administered.
In WSCAD 5 it is possible to draw with the “old norm” or with the “new norm”.
The following example is using the “new norm”.
Getting Started
Setting up a project
The Project Manager is the central organizer for all your projects. It enables you
for example to copy, to import and to export projects, and allows you to make auto-
saves for creating regular backups. You can also set up a customer database
referring back to this data later.
The first step is to set up a new project. A folder is created which contains the entire
files specific to the project. On the pull-down menu, select 'File – Project
Manager'. This will open the Project Manager.
Design capture
Some example projects have already been created. To get the details of an existing
project, select the project name with the mouse. In the right-hand window, all the
information about that project is displayed. Now select from the menu 'Project-
New', to create a new project. The following dialog appears:
Getting Started
Enter the project name as 'WSCAD example'. The project name is automatically
added to the preset project path.
For the template, select 'Frame 1-8 A4'. This template will be used for the entire
project. It automatically inserts a specific frame into the drawing sheet when you are
creating schematics or terminal charts.
Design capture
The project 'WSCAD example' is opened automatically. You see the open project
on the open book symbol! Now, in the right-hand window of the Project Manager,
enter the information which has to appear on the drawing frame. Enter the following
values (or something else):
Getting Started
The project data is now complete. The next step is to create the drawing sheets.
In order to draw a schematic diagram, start the Project Manager ('File – Project
Manager') and open the directory tree for the project. Activate the project you will
work with by clicking the right mouse button on 'Project name' and select 'Open'
(not necessary, if the project is already open).
Design capture
Now click with the right mouse button on 'Schematics' and select 'Create'.
You will also find the command 'Create' in the Project Manager
menu under 'Modify’. Nevertheless you must select
'Schematics' first.
In this example you will be using '4' drawing sheets. Enter this number in the
following dialog.
Getting Started
The next dialog already has 'File name' displayed. To open it, click the 'OK' button.
If you need more sheets later on, you can add them to the existing sheets in the
same way.
Design capture
Four Drawing sheets have been created and the data you entered in the Project
Manager have been transferred automatically into the drawing sheets.
Check the amount of pages by pressing the 'Page down' or 'Page up' keys to
browse through the sheets.
You see also the name of the drawing file and the sheet number at the top of the
main window:
The total number of sheets and the current page number are displayed
Getting Started
If you are working with a license version, you must now activate the example
database. First, select 'Settings' on the menu, then the command 'Common
Settings' and then the 'Database' tab.
The display now lists the directories including information on the database.
Click with the left mouse button in the database field and then on the button.
Design capture
You will see this standard Windows dialog for selecting a file. Click on the file
'example.mdb' and then 'OK'. You will automatically be returned to the 'Database'
tab in the 'Common Settings' dialog. You will see the name and the path of the
selected file now correctly displayed. Store the setting by clicking the 'OK' button. If
you click 'Cancel' in the 'Common Settings' dialog, you will exit without storing
any changes.
Page configuration
Before you begin to draw the example project, you should check some of the
settings for your new project:
Exit the Project Manager with 'OK' and click on 'Settings’ in the pull-down menu.
Then select the command 'Options'. Check the following settings:
Getting Started
To change the form of the cursor (e.g. to Cross-hair form), click on the relevant
cursor symbol.
Exit the 'Options' dialog with a mouse click on the 'OK' button.
Design capture
Placing Components
The first task is to place the main isolator switch, which is identified in the example
drawing as '-Q1'. This is the so-called reference name which is incremented by
automatic numbering. The component is placed without having access to the
database, which is one of the functions of the Professional - version.
Check whether the database access is deactivated or not. Select the menu
command 'Settings– Common Settings', the tab 'Connect+Load' and disable
the Option 'Take values from database'. Accept the message ('The cable
manager must be ...') with 'OK' and leave the Common settings with 'OK'.
To load a component, select the 'Schematic' menu and then select 'Load symbol
...'. The 'Symbol Explorer' will appear:
Getting Started
The 'Symbol Explorer' offers several options to access the libraries or to load a
symbol directly:
• Loading a symbol directly from a library (Library)
• Loading a symbol via the reference name (Designation)
• Loading a symbol after a search (Search)
• Loading a symbol as a favourites (Favourites)
Design capture
Go to the tab 'Favourites' and click on the '+' next to 'Example' if it is not yet
open. All Component names are listed, choose 'Mainswitch_3pol' and you have a
preview at the top of the symbol explorer.
Select the component 'Mainswitch-3pol' using the left mouse button and 'OK' (or
a double click).
Make sure that the Snap mode, (indicated by 'S', the first letter in the box on the
information bar; <F5> switches it on/off) and Automatic connection ('A' is the
third letter; function key <F10> switches it on/off) are turned on and displayed.
The component jumps from grid point to grid point with the snap mode on.
This is necessary to ensure perfect alignment and valid connection of the
Position the switch at co-ordinates 47.5 / 162.5 mm (these are displayed on the
status bar at the bottom right of your screen).
Getting Started
Fix the component with the left mouse button or <Return> key. Now the symbol,
explorer will be shown again and you can choose a further component. If you have
finished placing components, you can press <ESC>. If you have loaded the wrong
component, you can delete it with 'Undo' in the menu 'Delete/Move' and load the
correct one as described before.
The next task is to place additional components, but this time using the database,
which is only possible with the Professional version.
Design capture
'Contactor and PLC Modules' the options 'Activate Contactor Manager' and
'Semi-automatic' are both activated. Choose 'OK' to save the setting and exit.
Also check the tab 'Cable' the option 'Activates On-line cable management'
and on tab 'Connectors' the option 'Enable On-line connector management',
please make sure that they are activated.
Now place the motor -M1. The 'Favourites' library 'EXAMPLE' contains the motor -
M1. You can access the graphical component selection window again via menu
'Schematic- Load Symbol ...'. You will find M1 under 'Motor~3phas' .
Position the motor at 90.0 / 50.0 mm. Co-ordinates can also be entered using the
numeric keys. There has to be either a blank or a slash '/' between the co-ordinates,
but not a comma. Quit using the <Return> key.
Now a selection dialog is displayed, showing the available motors in the database:
Getting Started
Design capture
The original component name is overwritten with the component name from the
database and the part number is copied across.
Text can be typed in via the common input field at the bottom of the screen in the
information toolbar. The text input field is automatically activated when the program
expects an input.
Click on 'Function text' and enter 'Feed'. After you have pressed <Return>, the
text is positioned at the cursor. Now place (click with the left mouse button) the text
wherever you like below the motor. This brings you back to the component
parameters. Select the 'Function text' again. A menu appears where you can
choose various text properties. Select 'Alignment' and set the text alignment to
'centered', place the text at 95.0 / 37.5 mm and leave the settings menu with a
right mouse click in the drawing area or with <ESC>.
Getting Started
Please note that the power rating of the motor was extracted from the database and
placed in Text 2 of symbol parameters The text is also marked as invisible (using
'!' as the first character). By deleting the '!' character, you can position the text to
display wherever you want. (Although you can enter information into the text fields,
the component editor in Text 2 already provides appropriate text, it is often better to
use this value directly from the database and to make it visible in the drawing.)
This applies similarly to Texts 3-16, i.e. they can be assigned to any database field.
Now place another motor, positioning it at 160.0 / 50.0 mm. This M2 should actually
be the same component as M1, nevertheless this time choose type '1LA7106-
6AA10' from the database selection, and modify the function text to 'Worm' (it
means Worm drive), positioning it at 165.0 / 37.5 mm. Then go back to the
beginning with <ESC> or a click the right mouse button.
Now, to protect the unit we need a 'Fuse-3pol', placed at 47.5 / 130.0 mm,
preferably via the button. Use the type 'S27/C/FORMP+P-E27', and the value for
'Text2' is nominal current '16A'.
Design capture
Editing Terminals
The terminal designations from the terminal strip -X0 cannot all be set automatically
because the automatic process can only generate consecutive numbers. This also
applies to the 'PE' terminals of -X1.
WSCAD 5 offers a clear and simple tool to deal with this problem: the Terminal
Placing Terminals
Terminals are components with special features. They can be found in the
Favourites library 'EXAMPLE'.
First, the terminal -X0 is to be added to the drawing (this is the numbered reference
name). To view the entire drawing sheet in the drawing frame, change the viewing
scale by pressing either the <F4> function key (Fit View) or the <F2> and <F3>
function keys to zoom in or out.
Select the favourites library 'EXAMPLE' and select the component 'Terminal' and
position it at 47.5 / 82.5 mm. Make sure that the terminal pin exactly matches the
end of the line, overlapping should be avoided (turn Snap on!!). Press the left mouse
button to position the terminal pin. Now the database selection appears, select
'terminal Insta 2,5mm'.
Getting Started
Enter a complete reference name (e.g. –X0), so that the automatic functions can
locate the appropriate terminal pins (which could be located on many pages
throughout your diagram) and assign them to one complete terminal strip.
The pin numbers entered here are only used in the example
drawing. Normally the terminal pins are placed without
numbering because the automatic function does the
numbering for you.
You can also modify easily the reference name of a terminal connection later. One
possibility is via the command 'Modify – Reference name', but the quickest way
is of course via menu 'Component Parameters': move the cursor across the
component and a click with the right mouse button will show you the Component
Parameters including the reference name.
The designation 'L1' of the terminal connection (=pin number of the component) will
be done later. At the upper end of the terminal, there is a little dot on the left. This
is a visible designation for the internal destination assignment in the terminal
list. You can change the destination to external by using the 'Modify - Terminal
dest.' command. If you click on a terminal after selecting this command then the
internal destination assignment will turn over. Note that the position of the dot
changes from top to bottom.
Alternative: a right button click on any terminal brings up a sub-menu including the
'Terminal dest.' command, or, when placing the terminal, by pressing the right
mouse button to activate the rotate/mirror sub-menu. (Modifying the assignment is
Design capture
not necessary on page 1 of this example, but you will see it on page 2 with the
Place a second terminal at 52.5 / 82.5 mm (preferably with the cursor keys, with
Snap ON!). On this one, you do not have to enter a reference name, because the
automatic function will assign terminals at the same level to the same terminal strip
(like the one on the left). After placing the terminal, the menu 'Component
Parameters' appears and now you select the 'Reference name' line. Clear the
input line for e.g. pressing <space bar> and press <Enter> to confirm.
Placing the terminal for terminal strip '-X1' (belonging to the motor 'M1') at 90.0 /
82.5mm by using the component: 'Terminal'. This terminal is to be assigned to a
different terminal strip, alter the 'Reference name' in the 'Component
Parameters' to '-X1' (remember the component parameter appears after placing
the terminal).
Getting Started
The automatic function will do the pin assignments later. Place the second the third
and the 'PE' terminal of the terminal strip '-X1' the same way, but clear the
'Reference name'.
Position the first terminal for M2 at 160.0 / 82.5 mm. Place the other terminals as
for M1 in the same way. Make sure that they are at the same level as the one to
the left, so you will not have to enter the reference name '-X1'.
Design capture
Terminal browser
To open the Terminal browser, click with the right mouse button on a terminal
of the terminal strip '-X0' and choose 'Browser'. The dialog 'Terminal browser'
Select '-X0' and you will see a list with all terminals from terminal strip '-X0'. Select
on the right side of the dialog the sort modus 'Co-ordinate', now you see the
terminals in this sequence you have been drawing in the sheet, sorted by
page/path. In the column 'Number' you didn't see a terminal number for the pin.
To adjust a terminal number, double click in row '1' column 'Number' and type in
Getting Started
Confirm the input with <Enter>. The terminal number was adjusted and the cursor
moved to the next field. Fill in for the next number 'L2' and complete the next fields
with 'L3', 'N' and 'PE'.
Close the Terminal browser with 'OK' and confirm 'Save modifications?' with yes.
Now all numbers are written to the terminals.
Design capture
With this method, you can assign the terminal number separately for each individual
terminal. In the menu, select 'Modify – Terminal / Cable numbers' and from the
'-X1' terminal strip select the first terminal.
At the prompt (Input Pin Number) type in '1' and confirm with <Enter>. The
terminal is now labeled and you are immediately prompted for the next terminal in
the terminal strip. Continue until you have reached the 'PE' connection of motor M1
(M2 as well). Here enter 'PE' as the designation. (But you should increase your
logical terminal numbering by one for the next terminal number).
Confirm the existing inputs with <Enter> (if you don't want to change it), when
you reach the final connection in the terminal strip of the current drawing sheet, the
input routine will be terminated.
Drawing macros
Now you will add an additional symbol to your drawing using a previously created
device that has been stored as a so-called 'Drawing Macro'. Drawing Macros
contain components, lines and text, etc. that have been created from existing
sections of drawings, and saved as Drawing Macros (they also contain all the
parameters of a sub assembly of parts).
From the menu bar, select 'File – Insert drawing macro'. The available drawing
macros are displayed in the preview (including an example of drawing frames).
Getting Started
Design capture
Contactor Manager
The Contactor Manager coordinates the relationship between coils and contacts. The
difference between the semi-automatic and fully automatic processes is as follows:
The following coils are managed with the Contactor Manager in semi-automatic
Please check whether the semi-automatic Contactor Manager is active or not.
Select the menu command 'Settings – Common Settings', (tab) 'Contactors
and PLC modules' and activate the Options 'Activate contactor manager'
and 'Semi-automatic'. Exit with 'OK'.
Getting Started
• Method 1: The coil is first positioned in the drawing and then the
contacts are assigned to the coil
From the menu select 'Schematic – Load symbol ...'. If no library is opened yet,
select the Favourites library 'EXAMPLE'. You will find the motor circuit breaker
under 'MPCB_3pol+Aux-contact'. Position it at 90.0 / 162.5 mm.
In the 'Function text' field enter '!MPCB Feed' and place it below the Motor
Protection Circuit Breaker. Remember: the first character '!' in the function text
makes it invisible in the drawing but this information will be very useful later.
Design capture
Exit the 'Component Parameter' menu and the component will appear in your
drawing. Due to 'Auto-Connect (<F10>)' is activated, the connections to the
motor are generated automatically.
You can now place the second MPCB 'MPCB_3pol+Aux-contact', this time using
the 'Copy' command. To do this, go back in the menu to 'Delete/Move' and select
'Copy immediately'. At the prompt 'Select one element…' select (click with left
mouse button) the same circuit breaker as before and position it at 160.0 / 162.5
The preset component parameters are now displayed. Replace the 'Function text'
input line with '!MPCB Worm' (it means a worm drive) and position it again below
the circuit breaker.
Getting Started
• Method 2: The contacts are placed first and the coil is assigned to the
contacts later (virtual contactor)
Now draw the main circuit for motors M1 and M2. For this you need three 3-pole
main contacts, which you will find via 'Schematic - Load symbol ...' under
Position the first contact at 90.0 / 130.0 mm. In the following menu 'Component
Parameters' enter the function text '!Feed forward’; now the (invisible) text can
be positioned anywhere.
Repeat the whole procedure for the second and third 3-pole contacts, using the
same procedure as above. The positions are 125.0 / 130.0 mm (the function text
is '!Feed backward') and 160.0 / 130.0 mm (the function text is '!Worm on').
Design capture
You have now learned how to handle contacts whose coils have not yet been placed.
The automatic process is handling them as a 'virtual contactor'. The assignment of
contacts to contactors (also 'virtual') and the placing of contactor coils will be done
Now look at the Contactor Manager. Click with the right mouse button on a contact
or a coil and in 'Symbol Parameters' choose 'Show assignments'. In the dialog,
you can see all the coils and contacts used in the drawing. Contacts marked with a
'*' have not yet a coil assigned. In the Contacts column, a small letter indicates
'Contact assigned' (i.e. it is already entered in the drawing), a capital letter
means 'Contact free', 'O' symbolizes NO (Normally Opened),'C' symbolizes a
NC (Normally Closed), and 'P' symbolizes a 3-pole main contact.
Getting Started
On page two you are going to draw the complete low voltage (control) circuit. Go
back to the main menu and switch to page 2 using either the <Page Down> key,
or 'Page up/down' command on the 'File' menu. In the appearing window you can
select the page directly. Note the preview beside the selection window.
On the 'File' menu, select the command 'Insert drawing macro'. Select the pre-
prepared drawing macro 'Val.0000' from directory '2_5mm' and position it on the
coordinates 95.0 / 72.5 mm.
Design capture
Now select the coil 'Contactor_power' from the Favourites 'EXAMPLE' library
and place it with the 'Spacebar' on the coordinates 165.0 / 82.5 mm. When you
position a coil or a contact with the 'Spacebar' (or double click) you skip the
database going directly to the 'Available Values' Dialog controlled by the Contactor
Assign the coil to the virtual contactor (marked with a preceding '*' in the contact
list, with the function text '!Feed forward'. You will see the Component Parameters
with the function text already entered. It is still marked as invisible (with a prefixed
'!'), click on function text and select from following menu 'Modify' now you'll be able
to delete the '!'. Now position the text below the coil. Place the text in the same
horizontal position as the function text '!Table up' and '!Table down' for the
Getting Started
valves. If you are selecting the coil by clicking the right mouse button and you select
'Function text' then a related sub menu opens. Select alignment and after the
Dialog 'Text alignment' appears, set the alignment to 'Centered'. The menu
'Symbol Parameters' opens again. Exit by clicking the left mouse button in the
drawing field.
Place the virtual contactor '!Feed backward' at 200.0 / 82.5 mm, and place the
function text below the coil. Now do the same for the contactor 'Worm on' at
235.0 / 82.5 mm.
Now place a 'NC_power' from the 'Favourites' library for the blocking circuit of
the reversing starter and position it with a double click (or <spacebar>) above
the coil 'Feed backward' at 165.0 / 97.5 mm. Assign it to the coil '!Feed
forward' and confirm with 'OK'. Place another 'NC_power' and position it with a
double click above the coil 'Feed forward' at 165.0 / 97.5 mm.
Assign it to the coil 'Feed backward' and confirm with 'OK' again.
Place two 'NO_power' at 37.5 / 180.0 mm and 37.5 / 162.5 mm and assign
these to the motor circuit breakers ('Feed' and 'Worm').
Design capture
Contactor Browser
At this stage, the contactors used in the circuit diagram have no manufacturer’s
To open the Contactor Browser select in the menu, 'Automatic funct. – Contactor
manager - Browser'.
You can of course enlarge the window if needed.
Getting Started
If you can not activate the command then first select the
'Automatic funct. – Contactor manager – Semi-automatic' and
then try again.
The 'Contacts' column shows the assembly of the individual contactors. A 'p'
means: 3-pole main contact, 'c' means normal closing contact and 'o' means normal
opening contact.
Choose 'Moeller GMBH' as the manufacturer from the pull down menu
'Manufacturer', select the contactor 'Worm on', 'Feed forward' and 'Feed
backward'. You can select more contactors at the same time by pressing the left
mouse button and simultaneously selecting the line numbers.
Now click the button 'Assign contactors'. The database selection window opens
and all the contactors with the requisite number of contacts are displayed.
Design capture
Select the power contactor type 'DIL EM10/11-GL'. The part number,
manufacturer and auxiliary contacts (contact comb) are copied across into the
Contactor Browser. Now select the motor circuit breakers (both) and assign them to
the part number 'PKZM0-1,6'.
Exit the Contactor Browser with 'OK'. The Contactor Manager now generates the
cross-references between the contacts and coils. Note that all the connection names
have been corrected automatically.
The assignment of coils to contacts is carried out in the fully automatic Contactor
Manager. After the coil or contact is positioned, a database part number is allocated.
First place a coil 'Coil' (this is an auxiliary contactor) at 37.5 / 82.5 mm with a click
on the left mouse button. The database selection window opens. Select 'K40R DIL
R40-G'. Enter as 'Function text' 'Emergency Off' and place it at the same level
Getting Started
as the texts for the valves, centrally under the coil. Quit the settings and accept the
suggested position of the contact comb with a click on the left mouse button. You
don't have to move the cursor !!
The capital and small letters indicate whether the individual contacts are assigned
or not. You can also see the sequence of the contacts in the contact comb. Assign
the 'NO_Contactor' to the 'Emergency Off' coil. After the contact has been
assigned, the cross-reference is applied online to the contact and the contact comb
after clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the drawing field. Exit the Symbol
Explorer with 'Cancel'.
Design capture
Cross-reference Navigator
Now you can learn how to access the position a cross-reference is pointed to, quickly
and easily.
Let's use the contact comb of the contactor 'Feed forward' as an example. Note the
cross-reference text at the left of the comb; this represents the position of the
associated contact.
Position the cursor over the cross-reference text and click with the right mouse
button: The cross-reference navigator immediately loads the correct page of your
drawing and positions the cursor near to the corresponding contact.
Click with the right mouse button on the cross-reference text at the left side of the
contact, and the navigator brings you back to the page with the coil.
Getting Started
PLC Manager
In the Professional version the individual Bits of the inputs and outputs of PLC
modules can be loaded on different pages of the circuit diagram (page 2 of this
practice example). The individual PLC inputs and outputs are collated into a central
overview table, with cross-references and PLC comment texts (page 3 of this practice
This allows very flexible design and display, not only during the design stage but also
in subsequent modifications to the equipment.
One of the main advantages of the PLC manager is the clear representation of all
PLC channels. To demonstrate this, go to page 3 of your practice example (via 'File
– page up/dn' or simply by pressing the <PageDown> button).
Next, activate the Favourites library 'EXAMPLE' then load the symbol 'Digital
Input SM 321-1BH00 16x24V DC' command 'Schematic – Load symbol ...' on
the coordinates 132.5 / 147.5 mm. The database selection appears. Select the
module 'Digital Input SM 321-1BH00 16x24V DC’. In the following menu
'Component Parameters' enter the function text '!Motor control'. Note the
Design capture
preceding '!', which makes the text invisible, and place the text anywhere you wish.
Exit the Symbol Explorer with 'Exit'.
Load the symbol 'Digital Input'. Position it with a double click (or <Spacebar>)
exactly over the coil 'Feed forward' on the coordinates 165.0 / 170.0 mm and
you will get the 'PLC selection' dialog with all available PLC main modules of the
PLC manager. Select the card '!Motor Control' and you see all channels of this unit.
Now assign the input symbol (an input channel) to the PLC module. Select the
connection 'E0.0' (You could of course assign another input if you wish). For the
comment write in 'Switch forward' and confirm it with 'OK'.
The reference was generated automatically from the main element ('Digital Input
SM 321-1BH00 16x24V DC') to the side element ('Digital Input'). The position
Getting Started
of the comment and the reference are defined in the symbol editor and are shown in
the correct position.
Again load a 'Digital Input' and place it with a 'double' click' or <spacebar> on
200.0 / 170.0 mm. Again choose the '!Motor Control' and assign it to the
connection 'E0.1'. The comment is 'Switch backward'.
Close the dialog with 'OK' and quit the appearing menu 'Symbol Parameters' by
clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the drawing.
As with the contactors, the PLC Manager also enables you to load the inputs and
outputs (side elements) before the PLC main module is loaded. The PLC Manager
manages a virtual PLC main module (a 'map' of the PLC inputs and outputs).
First load a digital PLC output with the 'Symbol Explorer' and place it on the
coordinates 235.0 / 110.0 mm with a single mouse click. This opens the database
selection window. Select the extension module 'Digital Output SM 322-1BH00
16x24V DC' and confirm with 'OK'.
Design capture
Now enter the function text '!Table control' and position it where ever you like.
Abort the 'Symbol Parameters' menu and assign the current connection to channel
'A0.0'. Enter as PLC-Text 'Motor Worm on' and exit the 'Symbol Explorer'.
You may have realized that there is no cross-reference at this time. However, as we
have not yet loaded the PLC main module, cross-referencing is not yet possible.
Now we have to load two digital outputs for the control of the valves -Q1 and –Q2.
Place them on the coordinates 95.0 / 110.0 mm and 130.0 / 110.0 mm but at
this time with a double click with the left mouse button.
This allows you to skip the database selection dialog (which is not needed here) and
to make the channel allocation directly. (If you do accidentally activate the
database, simply exit it and this will take you to the assignment menu). Assign the
outputs for –Q1 or –Q2 to the digital output 'Digital Output SM 322-1BH00
16x24V DC' (Function text: '!Table control'). Enter the PLC text for both valves
-Q1 and -Q2 as: 'Table up' and 'Table down’.
A double click when loading the PLC main module takes you
directly to the assignment of this symbol to a PLC module the
PLC manager is already controlling. The rule is: every selection
in the database menu creates a new PLC module in the 'PLC
selection', so whenever you double click or quit out of the
database selection window, the assignment menu will always
appear. You can still delete any symbol with the 'Delete'
Getting Started
The database dialog is not necessary because we have already set the parameters by
inserting the individual PLC connection. Now you only need to assign the symbol to
a PLC module controlled by the 'PLC selection'. Main modules which have not yet
been assigned are marked with a '*'. These are 'virtual' PLC modules.
Select the entry 'Digital Output SM 322-1BH00 16x24V DC' and confirm the
selection with 'OK'. Leave the menu 'Symbol Parameters' and cancel the 'Symbol
Please note that all used PLC channels are referenced with PLC and cross-reference
text. The schedule gives you a complete overview of all PLC channels and their
Design capture
position them at 165.0 / 110.0 mm and 200.0 / 110.0 mm. The comments are
'Motor forward' and 'Motor backward'.
Click with the right mouse button on the symbol of the output unit 'Digital Output
SM 322-1BH00 16x24V DC' on page 3. It opens the 'symbol parameter' choose
'show assignments' and the 'PLC Manager' opens:
Getting Started
Note that the output numbers are beginning with 'A0.0'. Change the address by
entering '2' into the field 'Address'.
Design capture
Getting Started
At this point, you have not yet drawn any connection lines. The symbols have 'only'
been linked automatically to each other.
The symbols of destination wiring indicate the direction of the wiring between the
Design capture
If the wrong symbol is used, the connection chart – which records and describes
every connection between components point-by-point– will be unusable.
Getting Started
There are several ways of loading angle pieces. As well as the library, you can also
use a symbol bar.
However, the most effective way is to load destination-wiring symbols is by using
Shortcuts instead of selecting the DW elements with the mouse. In this way, you
can increase your work rate rapidly.
Shortcut DW-Elements
Design capture
Inserting corners
Getting Started
and the red line is the 2nd. Destination. This means that a common
connection always has two wires.
Now load the destination wiring symbol 'T bottom: Target 1 left -> Target 2
right' and position it at 90.0 / 195.0 mm. A further DW symbol is loaded.
Place it at 95.0 / 192.5 mm and two more at 100.0 / 190.0 mm and at 160.0 /
195.0 mm.
Using destination-wiring symbols with open lines are not allowed. Connection lines
always need a connection.
To complete the drawing, add an 'Corner: left -> bottom' for the Motor protection
circuit breaker '-F' and the fuse '-F', such that there is no open line end.
Design capture
Now complete the connections for the reverse switching circuit. You need the
connectors: 'T right: Target 1 top -> Target 2 right'
'T right: Target 1 bottom -> Target 2 right' and the corresponding
Now complete Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 with the connectors (destination wiring
symbols), as shown in the example drawing in the appendix.
The potential arrows will be added later. Please note also that the lamp '-P1' will be
added to page 2 later.
Getting Started
Naming lines
Line names (wire numbers) are needed when a fixed connection is broken. This is
mainly the case when for example a connecting line is carried over from page 1 to
page 2. That the two line ends can be recognized as belonging together, a unique
line name and a connection name must be assigned.
Design capture
The line name is automatically written to the connection line in the right
direction. Place a further 'Arrow to the right' at 270.0 / 50.0 mm,
enter the name 'N11' and for the connection name '1'. Terminate the
arrow settings and go to page 2.
Now insert the symbol for the incoming arrow. Load an 'Arrow from the right' and
position it to the coordinates 25.0 / 195.0 mm. The dialog 'Enter line names'
opens up again. Enter the name 'P11' again. In the list field 'Used connections',
you can see all the connections of the potential 'P11'.
Getting Started
We still need the connections for the potentials for the PLC main modules on page
3. Load an 'Arrow to the right' and position it as a potential 'P11' in current path
8 on page 2. This again opens up the dialog for entering the line name.
Design capture
Enter 'P11' as the line name and '2' as the text for the unique connection. Repeat
this process for the line name 'N11' that points to page three.
Go to page 3 and again connect the incoming lines with the open lines
from page 2.
To complete the practice example you are now going to insert some more switching
components on all three pages.
Before you complete the circuit diagram, have a look at the sample schematics or
compare the diagrams with printed out 'WSCAD EXAMPLE' in the appendix.
Getting Started
Page 3
Design capture
Page 2
We also need a lamp ('Signal-lamp' => at 60.0 / 80.0 mm, Database: 'RLF-GE',
Function text: 'Unit on'), a NO switch ('Push-button_1NO', 37.5 / 105.0 mm,
Database: 'RD-11/K 10'), a NC switch ('Push-button_1NC', 37.5 / 117.5 mm,
Database: 'RD-10/K01') and an emergency off NC switch ('Emergency_
switch_lock_1NC', 37.5 / 145.0 mm, Database: 'FAK-R/V/KC01/IY').
Getting Started
Cable Manager
The cable manager controls the conductors of cables. You can assign a color code to
each conductor. This avoids duplicating conductors or overloading cables.
Design capture
Click 'New' to load a new cable. Give the cable the designation (=Reference name)
and select from the database selection dialog the cable 'NYY-J 4x1.5 mm²'.
Getting Started
Exit the Settings menu. The dialog 'Cables in the database' will appear. As you
have not yet drawn any cables, the dialog is still empty.
Now assign the color codes to the individual cable conductors with a double click on
the displayed colors under 'Color Codes'. Go ahead from left to right. Enter the
sequence as 'bk'+'bl'+'bn'+ 'gn/yw', this corresponds to the DIN color sequence
black, blue, brown, yellow/green. End the allocation with 'OK' and position the
reference name on 75.0 / 65.0 mm. The color codes are immediately transferred to
the individual conductors.
Note that you are still within the function 'Draw Cables'. Draw another cable line
above the Motor -'-M2' (Worm), from 140.0 / 65.0 mm to 177.5 / 65.0 mm. The
Design capture
cable will be given the name '-W102' and is of the same type as '-W101'. The color-
coding is the same.
Splitting cables
Go to page 2 and draw a cable line for 'Table up' from 77.5 / 97.5mm to 97,5 /
97.5mm. In the input line for the Reference Name, insert '-W103'. Choose the
cable type 'NYM-J 4x1.5 mm²'. The color of the conductor is 'bk', confirm with 'OK'.
Draw another cable line from 77.5 / 75.0 mm to 97.5 / 75.0 mm, dismiss the prompt
for the reference name and you will see the dialog for the 'Cables in the
As you see, the cable '-W103' has three free conductors. Select the cable '-W103'
and assign the color code 'bl'. Leave the dialog with 'OK'. Create another cable '-
W104' for the valve '-Q3' (Table down) in the same way.
Getting Started
Cable shield
Similarly, you can also add a shield for a cable, which will be included in the cable
chart. Further information on this can be found in the manual or in the Online Help
You can modify several objects in one step with the menu item 'Modify-Object
properties'. Go to page 1 to change the type of the continuous line form the
'PE' into a chain dotted line.
Now select the object which will be modified. Choose from the menu 'Modify-
Object properties-Connection line'. Select 'Objects' and select all lines from the
continues 'PE' line. Finish line selection with <ESC> and a click with the left mouse
button. You will see this dialog:
Design capture
Choose as 'Line type' as chain dotted line and accept it with 'OK'. Now all 'PE'
lines are changed.
Automatic functions
This command gives you the ability to re-number new component references (e.g.
terminals, contactors).
Select 'Automatic funct. - Automatic numbering' and the 'Auto numbering'
dialog appears:
Getting Started
The 'Selection' group shows the equipment to be renumbered and the 'Style'
group shows the method of numbering (you see a preview in the left window).
First select the method of numbering from the 'Style' group. In this case 'Name #'
for continuous numbering without a page number.
You can choose which component types to renumber. Define the component types to
be numbered in the 'Selection' group, in this case: 'Standard', 'Coil / Contact',
'Main/side elements', 'Terminals', 'Cables', 'Plug / Socket' and 'PLC' .
After completing your selections, click on the 'Start' button to begin the numbering
You should answer the question 'Automatically create copies' with 'Yes'. This
command creates a set of security copies which are stored in the sub directory
Should there be unexpected changes after the numbering, you can exit WSCAD 5
and use the Explorer to copy the files from the sub directory back into your project
directory, to restore them to the pre-numbered state.
Automatic functions
If you review your drawings, you will see that the Automatic function has altered the
reference names for each component, by adding a sequential number to the existing
reference letter, and has also numbered the terminals.
It is possible to add a cross-reference to the ends of lines that have the same name
and continue in another location, e.g. on another page.
Getting Started
You will be prompted with the question 'Automatically create copies'. When you
answer yes (or no) the program will then carry out the cross-referencing.
Line cross-references are related to the line names. On page 1 the ends of P11 and
N11 are marked with the path (note the drawing frame border is divided into
numbered paths) of the continuation lines (which are on page 2). The page 2
potentials refer back to page 1 and forward to page 3.
Material browser
To make a Control Cabinet Layout (shown in the next chapter) you need data from
the database. When placing the first component (Main switch -Q1) we worked
without the database, so no automatic entry was made in the Component
Parameters. In order to fill in this missing data, select the menu item 'Automatic –
Material list' and you will see the following dialog:
Automatic functions
In the group 'Output to', select 'Browser' and under 'Sort by' click on 'Part
Number'. For the 'Output style' choose 'Single' Click the 'Start' button and you
will see a list of all the components used in the drawing.
Getting Started
All the components in the schematic diagram are listed, sorted by part number.
On any line you see the main switch Symbol Name '!Mainswitch_3pol' and
Reference Name '-Q1' .
Mark in this line the field which is in the 'Part number' column and then click on the
button 'Assign part number'. In the database selection click on 'T0-2-1/EA/SVB-
SW' and the line will be marked with a ('*'), so that you can see which parts have
been modified. You can change the function text as well. Close the dialog window
with 'OK' and all the changes will be automatically copied to the component.
Automatic functions
Set the File type as 'Control cabinet layout' the Format 'A4', the Grid '2,5
mm' and the Scale '1:5'. This ensures that the scale set with the control cabinet
manager applies only to this sheet.
Getting Started
Inserting components
Now activate the Control cabinet manager via 'Automatic funct. – Control
Cabinet Manager'. This opens the following dialog:
Initially the Control cabinet manager box is empty. Make sure the check-box 'Show
all' is NOT ticked. Select from the menu Control cabinet manager 'Settings –
Options' and make the following settings:
Automatic functions
Now, using the command 'Automatic – Scan drawings', import all the
components used in the drawing. All the components are displayed within the
Control cabinet manager.
Components which are excluded from the material list are not
Components which are not needed in the Control cabinet layout (e.g. motors, valves,
external emergency-stop switches) can be filtered out: keep the <CTRL>-key
pressed, select the unwanted components ('-S1' emergency-stop switch, '-M1' and
'–M2' 3-phase current motors 50Hz/0.6KW, '-Q2' and '–Q3' and Magnetic valve
Getting Started
5mm 24V) and set the display lock via 'Automatic- Display lock – Set'. The
selected components will disappear from the list.
You can check by switching the 'Show all' toggle. The marked components will
disappear from the list. You can of course reverse the procedure to display the
components again.
When you use the Unit and Field Designations, you can select
in the 'View’ menu whether the components are displayed by
Unit or by Field.
Automatic functions
Construction lines
Using the Control cabinet menu 'Settings – Construction lines', you can display
construction help-lines within the Control cabinet layout to make the layout clearer.
Here are some suggested settings:
The next step in the assembly is to place the cabinet itself by selecting the
adjacent button.
Getting Started
The database selection opens and you can choose the Control cabinet 'AE cabinet
compact one door', part number, 'AE 1060600'.
Of course you could use the original view of the cabinet. If you
wanted to you have to load the cabinet with the 'Supplements'
button in the Control Cabinet manager.
The next step is to load the mounting plate. Note that the Compact control cabinet
already contains a mounting plate.
Therefore you will only need to load a 'Dummy’ entry from the database, in order to
set the dimensions of the mounting plate. This part has a preceding '.' (full stop) to
exclude it from the material list.
Automatic functions
Click on 'Supplements' in the open 'Control Cabinet Manager' and select the
database entry 'AE cabinet compact one door' (part number '.AE1060600').
Position the mounting plate to the co-ordinates 750,0/575,0 mm. Exit with 'Abort +
remove' and quit the 'Control Cabinet Manager'.
Now place the cable trays on the mounting plate. Select a cable tray via the
adjacent symbol.
The database selection opens again. Select 'Cable tray' with part number
'KL25/60'. Ignore the activated text input field by pressing <ESC>.
If you already know the length of the cable channel you can
enter this into the input field.
• Set the 1. vertical tray on the co-ordinates 762,5/837,5 mm and the end
point at 762,5/300,0 mm. Close the opening symbol parameters.
• Start the 2. vertical tray at 1312,5/837,5 mm, with the end point at
1312,5/300,0 mm.
• Place the 1. horizontal tray on the co-ordinates: 787,5/837,5 mm to
1312,5/837,5 mm.
• The 2. from 787,5/687,5 mm to 1312,5/687,5 mm.
• The 3. from 787,5/512,5 mm to 1312,5/512,5 mm.
Getting Started
The top hat rails are drawn in the same way as the cable channels.
Load a top hat rail and select the database entry 'Top hat rail perforated'.
Set the first co-ordinate at 787,5/762,5 mm and the end point at 1312,5/762,5
mm. Then place three more top hat rails, from 787,5/600,0 mm to
1312,5/600,0 mm, from 787,5/450,0 mm to 1312,5/450,0 mm and from
787,5/337,5 mm to 1312,5/337,5 mm.
Now we need a 'profile rail' for the PLC units. Load in the 'Control cabinet
manager - Supplements' a 'Profile rail 2000 mm' from the database (part
number: '6ES7390-1BC00-0AA0'). Place it from 787,5/600,0 mm to
1312,5/600,0 mm.
Collection bars are drawn in the same way as top hat rails or
cable trays. However our example does not require any.
You are now going to position the first component in the assembly diagram. First
check the settings in the Control Cabinet manager, which should be as follows:
Automatic functions
Also check the settings under 'Settings – Options' in the Control cabinet manager
menu. These should be as follows:
The first component position is entered manually. Double click on '-F1' 'safety
socket E27' and position the component to the co-ordinates 787,5/762,5 mm.
After the component has been positioned you can place the reference name where
you want, recommended is centrally above the symbol.
Getting Started
Next, place a symbol on the second top hat rail. Turn the automatic
positioning off again. Double click on the entry 'CPU 315-2
DP_MC' and place it at 787,5/600,0 mm. Set the input ('SM 321
1BH00 16x24V DC') and output ('SM 322 1BH00 16x24V DC')
unit as you did earlier with the MCBs, using 'Automatically' placing
and a 'double click'.
Turn 'Automatically' off again and repeat the process for the contactors. Begin
with the contactor '-K1' 'DILER-40-G', the co-ordinates are 787,5/450,0 mm.
Turn 'Automatically' on an position the coils '-Q4'; '-Q5' and '-Q6' ('DIL00M-
G/22') again with a 'double click'.
Next , place the transformer. Turn 'Automatically' off again. This time there is no
corresponding symbol for the transformer in the database, so a rectangle is drawn,
based on the dimensions given in the database. Position this at 1200,0/762,5
Inserting terminals
There are various ways of inserting terminals into the layout diagram, either one by
one or as a complete strip. In this example we will place a complete terminal strip.
Place the first terminal '-X0, Terminal Insta. 2,5mm' without 'Automatically'
placing and position it to the co-ordinates 787,5/337,5 mm. To place further
terminals, select the same terminal again in the Control cabinet manager.
Automatic functions
Note the format of the terminal number: '5/1' means that 1 of 5 terminals in the
terminal strip '–X0' has been placed in the layout diagram.
Turn the 'Automatically' on again and click on the '+' sign. You will get the dialog
'Place several parts'. In this dialog you can enter the number of terminals to be
Select the number '4' and the terminals will be positioned automatically one by one
after confirming the position with the left mouse button. In order to move straight on
to the terminal strip '-X1' or '–X2' after '-X0', the first terminal must always be
Getting Started
placed individually. Double click on the entry '-X1' in the Control cabinet manager.
The first terminal of '-X1' will be added to '-X0'. As you can see, the reference
name is also displayed. The remaining terminals can now be placed with the '+'
sign. Remember to select '7' in the dialog 'Place several parts'. Repeat the
procedure for terminal strip '–X2'. The mounting plate assembly is now complete.
Components on the doors are not attached to a top hat rail. Turn 'Automatically'
off. Select '-P1' and position it at 425,0/675,0 mm. Now place the remaining
components on the following co-ordinates:
The Control cabinet layout is now complete. In order to determine the length of the
cable trays and top hat rails, select 'Automatic – Calculate Dimensions' from the
Control cabinet manager menu. With the 'Calculate' button, all the lengths used in
the assembly diagram are calculated.
Automatic functions
These lengths are also included in the Material list. End the dialog with 'OK'.
If you have a look at the drawing frame you loaded at the beginning of the exercise,
you can see some variables that are already set on your pages: date, page number
and last page.
Now we will use the drawing sheet variables to insert the same text on every page at
the same position. Use the command 'Automatic func. - Drawing sheet
variables'. The following dialog shows all the drawing sheet variables that are on
your current sheet:
Getting Started
Click in the field 'Variable 1' and enter 'Created with WSCAD 5.0'. Then activate
the option for 'Variable 1' in the 'Automatic' -group. Click on the 'Start Autom.'
button to start the procedure.
As you enter a new variable (Variable 1) you must specify its position
in your drawing frame. From the menu 'Variable 1' select the
command 'Move' and place the text at the lower left of the drawing,
outside the text field. You could also rotate the text or modify the
size. Cancel the menu with <ESC> or the right mouse button.
The variable 1 is now distributed throughout the set of drawing pages, placed in
exactly the same position as on your current page.
Automatic functions
Foreign Languages
The texts within the schematics can be translated automatically into another
language. From the menu select 'Modify – Foreign Languages – Manage /
Start translation'. The foreign language translation dialog appears:
The dialog lists all the languages defined in the dictionary with the number of
existing entries. Enter the 'Foreign language 1' in the 'Representation' group.
Getting Started
In the 'State' column, double click the line marked 'DE' to translate into the German
language. and select 'Foreign language 1'.
The 'Text import' button enables you to copy English texts from the schematic into
the dictionary.
Repeat this process for the 'Foreign language 2'. Then, in the 'Representation’
group set the languages that you want to display in the schematic. Click on 'Main
language' and 'Foreign language 1' and select the button 'Set all'.
Start the translation with the 'Translate' button. All the texts will be translated into
the chosen language.
Automatic functions
Automated listings
In WSCAD 5 you can generate various lists. In addition to project data, revision
history, terminal chart, connector chart, cable list, cable chart, wiring chart, material
list and reference list you can also produce a summary of the entire project.
There are several ways to generate lists.
With this method the list generation needs to be started manually. According to the
list to be generated, you will be asked to set various options. You also have to
choose a form which will contain the resulting data.
With the open project, click with the right mouse button on the desired list and
select 'Automated List'.
Getting Started
If this list has already been created within the project, you will NOT be prompted to
make any output settings. The program starts the list generator, producing the
preset list under the preset file name.
If you want to modify the output settings again, you should start up the list
generation manually via the 'Automatic' menu or by setting the option 'Set all
output parameters new' and start the analysis again.
Having dealt with the automatic functions which modify drawings, we now move on
to see functions which extract information from the drawing into a report list.
The way individual components are linked together is of course very important.
WSCAD 5 offers a variety of lists for this purpose. The graphical form design
gives you maximum flexibility to create a list, because this form is a "perfectly
normal" WSCAD drawing containing the appropriate text allocators.
Automated Listings
The automatic process inserts the information from the drawing into these allocators.
You can design your forms very freely, either viewing the completed diagram online
or even making further modifications. For the practice example we have already
prepared forms for all the lists. You have already defined these forms by selecting a
'Template' when you create the project. You can of course modify all individual
forms at any time.
A prerequisite for the correct generation of a project summary is that for every page
there should be an entry in the field 'File description' in the Project manager.
To do this, open the Project manager and select the first page of the diagram in the
section 'Schematics'.
Getting Started
Via the 'File description' 'field above the preview window, enter 'Feeding' for
page 1 ('WSCAD example.0001'):
With the 'Tab - key', you can switch automatically to the input type of the next
page. For page 2 ('WSCAD example.0001') enter 'PLC inputs/outputs', for
page 3 'PLC overview' and for the page with the Control cabinet assembly
'Control cabinet – Layout'.
The creation of the automated listings of an entire project is started via the Project
manager. The project to be analyzed must be opened and a drawing page must
be loaded.
The Full project automated listings is started via the menu 'Extras –
Automated Listings…' in the Project manager.
A selection dialog appears showing the lists to be generated:
Automated Listings
Select the same settings as in the dialog shown above and start the full project
The full project analysis runs in the background and processes each of the selected
lists in turn.
The following description relates to the generation of automated listings from a first
run of a full project analysis.
Getting Started
Project data
The project data completes the wiring documentation. It usually contains data about
the project and / or the customer. The generation process updates the project data
sheet using data from the Project manager.
Revision history
This list can be used to keep a record of any modifications which may have been
made to a project. The management of modifications lists and their associated
documentation is a very complex and wide-ranging topic and is thus outside the
scope of this "First steps ..." manual. Information on modifications can be found in
the Online help or in the electronic reference manual on your WSCAD CD.
Drawing pages
When analyzing the drawing sheets, the text allocators are updated using values of
the project manager.
Automated Listings
When analyzing the drawing sheets, the text allocators are updated using values of
the project manager.
Begin the creation of the lists by clicking 'Start' in the dialog 'Automated listing'.
Terminal chart
The terminal chart lists all the terminals in the diagram in summary form. On the
initial run the following dialog appears to determine the way of sorting:
If 'By Co-ordinates' is set, the terminals are listed in the order as they were drawn
(1,2,3,PE,4...). If 'Alphabetical' is not set, the terminals are sorted by pin number
Click on 'All terminal strips', to create the terminal chart of all terminal strips and
to store the list as a drawing in your project directory.
Getting Started
Do not forget that the Demo version has a very limited output
Cable list
A further automatic function is to create a cable list which includes all the cables in
the drawing set with cable names and types, destination names etc. Again, the
graphical form design allows a maximum flexibility.
The following menu appears when you start the full project analysis for the first
Cable chart
The cable chart is a list containing a variety of information on the individual cable
conductors and the components to which these are connected.
Automated Listings
Wiring chart
The wiring chart lists all the individual wires (point to point connections) in the
schematic. Each individual connection is listed, with information on the first
destination (connection to component 1) and the second destination (connection to
component 2) including connection name, cross section, conductor color and length.
Set the sort option to 'Line name' and click 'Start'. All the connections in the
schematic will be listed.
Material list
The material list shows the components with values taken from a database. The
allocators in the form determine which values are used.
Getting Started
You can of course also work with ready-prepared graphical forms. On the initial run
you will see the following dialog:
Accept the settings as displayed and start the output of the Material list via 'Start'.
A material list will be created which summaries all the identical parts. The list also
shows the reference names of the individual components.
In the reference name chart you will see all connections of each symbol, including all
symbols connected.
Automated Listings
Accept the default settings and start the output with 'OK'.
This creates an overview containing specific information from every page of the
project. The summary is the last list to be created in the analysis.
With this command you can build a project related database with all the parts of your
The database entries for all the parts (including additional parts of combined-
elements-parts comprised of several actual sub-components) are copied.
Components which are excluded from the material list are ignored!
Getting Started
Output to printer
Now you are ready to output your drawing to a printer or a plotter. To print the
project select the open Project and start printing using the menu command 'Project
– Print…' in the project manager.
Select the required file types and then choose 'Start'. As a check you will get a
further dialog in which you can preview the selected pages again and reduce them if
you need to.
Automated Listings
Make sure that the option 'Scale to fit' is activated so that the drawing will be
optimally sized to suit the paper size in accordance with the margin settings.
Creating a symbol
To complete the exercise we will create a symbol, for this example, a two pole circuit
breaker switch.
The following explains the fundamental methods of generating symbols with the
symbol editor. Please follow the steps required.
A symbol that can be used with the automatic functions is defined by:
determines visual shape or form of the symbol
To create a symbol:
From the 'Main' menu select 'Extras - Symbol editor'. After starting the Symbol
Editor you will see that it has its own menu:
Getting Started
The menu gives you quick access to the symbol editor specific commands. Within
the symbol editor only one drawing window can be used. If you have several
windows open in the current drawing, these will be hidden and re-activated when
you finally quit the symbol editor.
Under 'Parameter-Options', set the Snap range to 2.5mm (refers to the minimum
pin spacing). Select 'Graphics - Qty/enclosure', acknowledge the security prompt
with YES.
Under 'Graphics - Symbol type', select 'Standard'. This means that the switch
has no special capabilities, for example cross-reference (e.g. like a coil, contact or
Now you are going to create the Symbol Graphics by selecting 'Draw' and the
menu lists the available commands. Make sure that the 'Line type' is set to
continuous and that the 'Line width' is set to '1'. Note the information bar at the
bottom of your screen. There you can see and also modify the settings for line type
and line width.
To make it more convenient, the display scale should be larger, therefore press
<F2> (this changes only the zoom factor).
Using lines you can now draw the two NC contacts. Turn Snap mode on (<F5>, 'S'
in the last line of the screen) and also Orthogonal mode (<F6>, 'O' as second
Creating a symbol
Select 'Draw-Line' from the menu and draw a line from 100.0/140.0 mm to
100.0/137.5 mm, and then the horizontal part to 101.5/137.5 mm. You must
turn Snap off to do this! Quit the line command with the right mouse key (twice).
Now you are going to copy the lines. Select 'Draw-Repeat' and position the cursor
at 105.0/50.0 mm (Snap turned on) and press the left mouse key.
Now create the lower part of the NC contact by drawing a line from
100.0/132.5 mm to 100.0/135mm. Turn Orthogonal (<F6>)
and Snap (<F5>) off and draw the second line diagonally to
101/138mm. Copy this line with 'Repeat' to 105.0/132.5 mm.
In this example, the pins are the only parts of the symbol with great importance,
when using the automatic functions.
To place the pins on the symbol, select 'Pins - Place' on the main menu and the
dialog 'Place Pins' appears.
Accept the default settings with 'OK' and position the cursor on the four ends to set
the pins. (Note that Snap is on, as it cannot be turned off.). Exit by clicking the right
mouse button after setting the fourth pin.
Getting Started
Select 'Pin number' from the menu 'Pins'. Select the first end,
enter the first pin number e.g. 1 and press the left mouse button
(or <Enter>). Place the number on the right hand side of the
pin, the direction is always horizontal.
The cursor will jump automatically to the next pin ready to enter the next number.
You can, however, place the cursor on another pin e.g. when correcting a mistake.
Enter the remaining pin numbers and exit by pressing the right mouse button or
The symbol requires a component name to be stored in the library. Select 'Graphics
- Symbol Name' and then 'Input' and enter the name e.g. !S2x NC Switch. The
'!'-symbol makes the name invisible on the drawing. Position the name,
remembering that the position is not important, because you cannot see it on the
drawing (in the symbol editor everything is visible).
For automatic numbering the symbol needs a reference name (or symbol). In the
database the reference name of a switch is 'S'. In the 'Graphics' menu select
'Reference Name' and then 'Input' and at the prompt enter '-S'.
Position the reference name left to the symbol. Open the 'Graphics' menu select
'Reference Name' again and set the alignment to 'Right'. During automatic
numbering it will be located automatically. As an exercise change the size of the
name, and reposition it with 'Move' using the commands on the 'Reference' menu.
Individual symbols are stored in libraries. Components can be stored in any library
you want to. (WSCAD 5 is supplied with several libraries containing many symbols
of different types).
Creating a symbol
Press the left mouse button and the symbol will be stored in the library. It can then
be placed in a drawing using the 'Load Symbol... ' command from the 'Schematic'
Make sure that when creating a symbol, the Snap grid setting
matches the Snap grid of the library used.
WSCAD Services
In conclusion...
In this short exercise, it was possible to show you just a small selection of all the
functions of WSCAD 5.
A few important features were either not mentioned, or touched on very briefly, for
• Copying projects
• Importing and exporting projects
• Saving and archiving projects
• Protecting projects with a password
• Managing revision history
• Drawing cable shields
• Import of ECAD component standards
• Graphical form design including screen editing
• Automatic management of unit and field designations
• Combined part projects (CPP project) with unlimited page quantity
• Processing data in the database
• Import and update of parts files
• Search + Replace over the whole drawing set
• Import and export of PLC lists
• Desktop modification
• Creating of your own symbol buttons
• Import and export of DXF drawings
• Equipment label creation
• Cable label creation
• Terminal label creation
• Dimensioning
• Network operation
Getting Started
We are sure that you now have a good idea of the speed and versatility of our
We sincerely hope that you will enjoy exploring and working with WSCAD 5.
We are constantly improving on our products. We aim to keep our software in step,
or ahead of the best technology available.
We understand that our customers need to keep up with technological developments
and expect software tools to maintain their competitive edge.
This is why it is so important to ensure that you have access to the advantages of
constant product development. The availability of a Subscription contract from
WSCAD will ensure that you can maintain that edge.
By entering into a subscription contract you are assured of the following advantages:
• Hotline service: telephone support and priority customer care via email
WSCAD Services
This service include the transfer of paper documentation into CAD-based circuit and
installation diagrams, in accordance with your requirements, and the conversion of
US and other symbol standards into other standards.
Prices will be quoted individually and are based on paper size, range of services
provided (e.g. whether automated listings using WSCAD for Windows are needed)
and quantities.
This digitizing service is suitable both for individual drawings and for the conversion
of entire archives. We can also digitize non-electrical schematics, like architectural
plans. Our staff are always happy to give you help and advice.
Getting Started
WSCAD electronic GmbH was founded in 1990 by Dipl.-Ing. Karl Weiskircher, who
continues to lead the company today. The company now has a workforce of 18 at its
Head Office in Bergkirchen and a large number of sales and service partners
throughout the world. WSCAD electronic GmbH develops and sells software for
automation technologies and electrical installations.
At WSCAD, services such as technical advice and support are just as important as a
comprehensive Seminar program. The seminars cater both for new users, giving
them the best possible introduction to the CAD software, and for experienced users,
allowing them to familiarize themselves with the latest improvements in the
programs. The range of products and services is similarly extensive.
Getting Started
Additional modules:
Printout of important
Example Drawings
Getting Started
Printout of important Example Drawings
Getting Started
Printout of important Example Drawings
Control cabinet
Getting Started
Terminal chart
Printout of important Example Drawings
Getting Started
Printout of important Example Drawings
Material list
Getting Started