03 User Manual MASTER
03 User Manual MASTER
03 User Manual MASTER
Revision History:
Revision No. Release Date Description
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“Company”) and the Recipient (as identified below) is entered into as of the date of the last
signature below. The Company and the Recipient are interested in meeting to consider a possible
collaboration, which may require the Company to disclose proprietary information concerning its
business affairs, technology and operations. To ensure the protection of such information and in
consideration of the agreement to exchange said information, the Recipient agrees as follows:
1. Recipient agrees that all information whether oral or written, in any format (physical, digital
or otherwise) that is provided to the Recipient in the course of any discussions between
Company and Recipient shall be treated as confidential by the Recipient. The Recipient
agrees not to disclose the information to any third party or use the information for any
purpose, other than for the purpose of considering collaboration with the Company, without
first obtaining the written agreement of the Company. This Agreement applies to all
the Recipient (the “Confidential Information”), provided that it shall not apply to any
information in the public domain or which the Recipient can show was either already lawfully
in their possession prior to its disclosure by the Company. The Recipient shall not retain any
documents or items connected with the disclosure after the parties have ceased discussions.
Both parties acknowledge and agree that the exchange of information under this Agreement
shall not commit or bind either party to any present or future contractual relationship
(except as specifically stated herein), nor shall the exchange of information be construed as
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Table of Contents
1. Document Overview 5
2. Installation 5
3. Power Up 6
3.2. Power Up 6
4. Robot Mastering 7
5. Payload Calibration 7
6. Access MP Service 8
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11. Handling Axis Based Motion Profiles 17
14. Figures 19
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This document provides an overview of the setup and use of MP Studio in a typical application.
This section describes how to update an MP Studio/MP Service installation on a PC already configured for operation, as
well as setting up your robot.
1. Place Kira/orMia into shooting location using a pallet jack/forklift/or Wheeled Base. Always use
proper safety procedures when moving the robot.
2. Place KRC 4 /orCompact Controller into operating location.
3. Place Computer workstation into operating location.
4. Connect Grounding cable to on Kira/orMia robot and on KRC 4/orCompact Controller
5. Connect Data cable to “X31” on Kira/orMia robot and “X21” on KRC 4/orCompact Controller
6. Connect Power cable to “X30” on Kira/orMia robot and “X20” on KRC 4/orCompact Controller
7. Connect Teach Pendant cable to “X19” on KRC 4/orCompact Controller and set Teach Pendant on
8. Connect Ethernet cable to KRC 4/orCompact Controller and connect the other end to Network switch
at workstation.
9. For Kira Connect CamLock cables to power source (Starting with Ground) then connect to transformer
(Starting with Ground). Connect Transformer to KRC 4 Controller (Ground always 1st). Power on
controller. (NOTE: Always use toe stance when plugging in CamLocks)
10. For Mia Connect 110v power to 220v inverter located on Compact KRC 4 controller case. Connect
220v socket from inverter to controller. Power on controller.
If an old version of MP Service is installed, you will have to remove it before installing a new version.
Run the setup.exe file in the MP Service_Build folder.
To add the program to the taskbar, click the program icon in the start menu and drag it to the taskbar.
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If you are installing an older version of MP Studio than you are currently using, you will have to remove it before
installing a new version.
Run MP Studio installer .DMG (MAC) or .MSI (PC)
To add the program to the taskbar, click the program icon in the start menu and drag it to the taskbar.
This section describes the basic procedure for powering up and initializing MP Studio to run.
Ensure that all cables are securely connected. Specifics to check include:
- All cables coming from the robot are securely connected to the robot controller
- Robot controller is connected to the Ethernet Switch (X66 for KRC4 Compact)
- I/O module is connected to the PC (if using it is intended. Must be plugged in before starting MP Service)
Power on the PC and robot controller (order doesn’t matter).
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- Verify E-Stop is not engaged.
- On the robot controller, select the “Kira” program by tapping it on the screen. Then tap the “select” button at
the bottom (see figure 1) .(1*)
- Ensure that the robot controller is in Automatic mode. You can tell by an indicator at the top of the screen (see
figure 2).(2*) If the robot is not in automatic mode turn the key on the controller, tap the ‘Auto’ button then turn
the key back.
- Make sure the drives are enabled. You can identify this by an indicator at the top of the screen (see figure 3) .(3*)
If the indicator is a circle the drives are not enabled. If it is a bar the drives are enabled. To enable the drives tap
the circle then the bar in the menu that appears. You cannot enable the drives during an E-Stop and in certain
error situations.
- With the Kira program selected hold down the play button on the controller. The “R” at the top of the screen will
turn green at first (see figure 4)(4*), then red when the PC application connects (MP Service PC application
should start on boot). Tap the play button one more time and the R will turn green once more. The kira program
is now running.
Open the installed MP Service and MP Studio programs.
Occasionally after the robot is transported mastering will be required. Mastering is the process by which the servos on the
robot are calibrated.
If the robot needs to be mastered a warning will appear in the top banner of the pendant and it will be impossible to
enable the robot in automatic mode.
You may need to jog the robot to its mastering position manually from the teach pendant. The mastering position for each
axis is where the mastering pin socket lines up with the mastering notch. The robot will make a right angle in this
(For the Mia 1.0 robot (KR10), A6 has fine lines marked in the metal instead of conventional mastering marks and is
mastered without the probe device. A6 must be moved to its mastering position before mastering any other axis. Align the
marks exactly by looking at the fixed mark in a straight line from the front. Continue the following before mastering A6.)
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Navigate to the mastering screen via the menu (Start-up->Master->EMD->Standard->Set mastering, (see figure 5 and
Select any axis that is not mastered (not A6 if mastering the Mia robot (KR10)). While the robot is not in mastering position
with mastering probe in place it will look like it does in (figure 7)(7*). (See figure 8)(8*) for an example of when the
mastering probe is in the correct location.
To master an axis, move to the positive edge of the mastering notch using the teach pendant axis based jog. Click the
master button at the bottom of the screen, hold in the dead man switch, then hold the play button. The mastering
sequence will happen automatically for the specified axis from here.
To complete mastering for the Mia 1.0 robot (KR10), use Reference mastering (Start-up > Master -> Reference). The option
window Reference Mastering is opened, A6 is displayed and selected. Press Master.
The robot uses information about the current payload in planning paths and acceleration. Payload information can be
entered in either manually or generated using the automatic payload detection tool. NOTE – Shake in the robot move may
be partially caused by an improperly calibrated payload (too heavy or too light).
Switch to the T1 user mode using the key at the top of the pendant.
Cancel a robot program if it is running. If there is no running or selected program the R at the top of the screen should be
grey. If the R is any other color click it and select cancel program.
Navigate to the tool numeric entry screen from the main menu (Start Up->Calibrate->Tool->Numeric Input), see figures 9
and 1 0)(9*)(10*).
Navigate through the menu to the tool 1 payload information. From here you can manually enter payload information. Be
careful when entering information based on inertia (see figure 11) (11*).
Some robots come equipped with automatic payload determination.
Move the robot to the mastering/payload calibration position. From MP Studio you can do this from the robot drop down.
Switch to the T2 user mode using the key at the top of the pendant.
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Cancel a robot program if it is running. If there is no running or selected program the R at the top of the screen should be
grey. If the R is any other color click it and select cancel program.
Make sure the controller speed is set to 100%. Tap the speed setting at the top of the screen and scroll to 100 to
accomplish this. (see figure 12)(12*).
Navigate to the payload determiner in the robot menu (Start-up->Service->Load data determination, (see figure 13) (13*).
Click next until you are in the payload determination program. Hold in the dead man switch located on the back of the
pendant, acknowledge the error which appears at the top of the screen, and press the play button (see figure 14) (14*).
Proceed through the program prompts, holding play until you see the screen in (figure 15) (15*). From here you can assign
the tool data to tool 1 or take a picture of the data for later numeric entry.
MP Service is the background process which handles connections to the robot and other devices. In addition to containing
several helpful control items it can also provide critical debugging information.
MP Service can be configured to autorun on boot. It can also be run from the system track MP Service icon or by searching
for “MP Service” in the Windows Start Menu.
MP Service runs in the system tray. You can open the MP Service window by double clicking the MP Service icon in the
To design a move in MP Studio there are four major steps: configure the hardware and system settings (setup), design the
robot move (rehearsal), add peripheral controls for lens, lighting, and digital IO (rehearsal), and perform where the
configured move is synchronized with camera recording (perform).
On the setup tab (see figure 16) (16*) of MP Studio, the base move settings are configured.
- Project FPS (frames per second) – This configures the frame rate which will be used on the rehearsal timeline.
Camera FPS will need to be made to match timeline FPS.
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- Lens – Select from a list of preconfigured lenses which one will be used for the move. (If desired lens is not
configured, refer to Lens Configuration)
- Robot Model – Depending on what version of software you are using you can select the robot model which
matches the robot you will be using for the shot (ex. Kira 2.0 or Kira 2.0 with Track).
- Base Tool Offset – The Base tool settings allow you to configure a specific point in relation to the robot mounting
plate to be used as the point which is moved to configured Cartesian positions throughout the move. This can be
helpful in situations where cameras, lenses, or mounts are changed out and you would like to make sure the new
hardware moves along the desired camera path without need to modify positions through the move. You can
select Off, Standard, or L-Bracket depending on camera mounting solution. This is also known as the Nodal point
configuration tool. You can use the Configuration Tool to help find the nodal point of the senor in relation to the
nodal point of the robot at axis 6. Reference the images for Standard and L-Bracket below.
● STANDARD - Robot mounted to top of camera body. Input X, Y, & Z values or use base tool
configuration tool. (see figure 16.1)(16.1*)
● L-BRACKET - Robot mounted via L-Bracket. Base tool relative to rear of camera. Input X, Y, & Z values
or use base tool configuration tool. (L-Bracket changes jogging behavior relative to camera orientation)
(see figure 16.2)(16.2*)
- Trigger – This setting indicates whether the system will be triggered from MP Studio or whether the system
should wait for a digital signal to run the move when primed from Hardware trigger (5VDC-24VDC rising edge on
digital input 0 of the external Advantech IO box) or via a Network based trigger (REFER to Network).
- Shutter Sync - True (on) False(off) - robot will wait for record run signal from camera before starting move.
- Turntable - This setting indicates whether you will be using the motion control turntable in your move. Enabling
this option creates a turntable track on the timeline and reveals options for inputting the height, diameter, and
position (in relation to the base of the robot) of the turntable.
- Timeline - This pane is a linear timeline based editor for adding keyframes to the desired selected device. Also
shows curve editor and visualizer. Multiple moves can be added by creating new tabs. Moves can be generated
and toggled between moves as desired for loading moves.
- Contextual Pane - This pane to allows you to edit or input values based on which item in the timeline you have
currently selected.
- Viewer - This pane allows you to virtually view the robots “Simulated” or “Live” position in 3D space.
- Monitor - This is a preview of your camera feed. Use the drop down menu to select which camera feed you
would like to see.
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- Settings - This pane allows you to edit or input camera setting values if you are using a camera that is networked
through MP Studio. You can also change the Collision detection controls
After navigating to the Rehearsal tab:
The path which the robot will move can either be configured in MP Studio or imported from a supported Maya plugin. To
import a robot path click the ‘File’ drop down menu and select “Import Maya Move” and select the file to import (typically
For moves configured in MP Studio, a sequence of robot positions (Keyframes) is set up including information on how the
robot should move from point to point (interpolation).
Robot positions can either be configured manually using the offline (Simulated) robot model (select the robot track on the
timeline and either click and drag the camera on the virtual robot model or manually enter positional data) or online by
manually moving (Jogging) the robot via the xbox controller.
To manually move the robot you will need to unlock it. Click the lock beneath the robot visualization (see figure 17) (17*)
and follow the onscreen instructions to enable the Xbox controller for the robot.
The lock will appear yellow when the robot is enabled to jog. You can now use the Xbox controller to move the robot. This
will also start streaming the live RSI data.
To save new keyframes you can either use the “A” button on the xbox controller or click the robot track (add keyframe
button) with the timeline playhead on an empty frame. (see figure 18.1)(18.1*)
NOTE: After completing a manual jogging move via the xbox controller, lock the robot again to prevent inadvertent
jogged moves. (*Best Practice)
See the reference section on interpolation types for more information on the controls available in the top left when a
robot keyframe is selected. When the robot path is generated the robot will move along the configured path, arriving at
each keyframe at the configured frame on the timeline.
Click the generate button (see figure 19) (19*) to have MP Studio attempt to generate a robot path. If the path generation
is accessible you will be able to scrub along the timeline to visualize the robot path. The generate button will also be
replaced with a rehearse button where you can run the path on an actual robot. When a path is generated a CSV file of the
camera position at 12ms increments along the path will also be created. Imported motion profiles will behave as though
they have already been generated.
Once a motion profile is generated you can preview the move by dragging the playhead on the timeline or clicking the play
button on the rehearsal screen. You can also command the robot and other connected devices to go to position using the
go to position button (see figure 19)(19.1*)
NOTE: WHEN MOVING THE ROBOT (other than jogging via the xbox controller) ALWAYS HAVE A HAND READY TO
When the rehearse button appears, select it and choose your rehearsal settings in the prompt.
For moves generated in MP Studio or imported from Maya, the move timing can be scaled and the move run in reverse
from the rehearsal controls and the Preform tab setup. Maya moves can also be scaled by clicking and dragging the tail
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ends of the move to the desired timing. A generation error will occur if the move exceeds software acceleration
Once the robot path is set up, control of other devices can be added to the keyframe sequence. To add these keyframes
select the relevant track on the timeline. The device settings for that keyframe will appear in the contextual pane on the
top left of the screen.
Like robot keyframes the specific settings will be in effect at the frame they are configured on with analog controls like lens
and DMX having interpolation paths configured in between frames.
For more details on the specific controls of each peripheral device see the reference section on peripheral devices.
When you are satisfied with your shot, it is time to leave the Rehearsal Room and record. Enter the Performance Room by
clicking the ‘Perform’ button in the bottom menu (see figure 20) (20*). In the Performance Room, many things look like the
Rehearsal Room. There is a large version of the Monitor in the center of the screen and the Camera Settings pane is
available in the bottom left.
Use the green “Setup Move” button under the Monitor and follow the prompts to load the move. When you are ready to
record, click the red “Record” button followed by the “Run Kira or RUN MIA” button. Remember to stop recording once
the move has finished. You can review the contents of your Camera Card using the Clips Pane in the upper left of this
screen. - Happy recording!
The way the robot moves from keyframe to keyframe can be separated into two major components: path interpolation
and speed interpolation. Path interpolation is the actual path which the camera will be moved through the space. Speed
interpolation determines how fast/slow the camera will move at various times along that path.
It is helpful to think of the two as separate, the path the camera takes through space can change without the speed
interpolation changing significantly and vice versa.
There are two primary controls for robot path interpolation located in the keyframe settings (top left of rehearsal), the
interpolation type selection and continuous vs non continuous. Typically, interpolations will path all the way from the start
position to the end position. This does not always lend itself well to maintaining speed through a keyframe to the next. If
continuous is selected the robot path will be cut off roughly 50 millimeters (~2 inches) from the destination keyframe to
link up with the path to the next keyframe the same distance into the path. This corner cut will make the transition from
keyframe to keyframe smooth. Corner Cutting can be user defined on how close to the real keyframe you want to get. This
control is found in the robot context panel.
The primary path between two keyframes can be configured as PTP (Point to Point), Lin (Linear), Circ (Circular), or Bezier
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( see figure 21) (21*):
- Point to point moves take the specific motor positions of the current and target robot positions and moves each
axis so that it moves on a single arc from the start position to the end position without reversing direction. All
axes will leave their start positions and arrive at their target positions at the same time. (This operation is chosen
by the robot and not the user for the inbetween path.)
- Linear moves draw a straight line through Cartesian space between the current position and target position. The
robot will move the base tool center point along that line, making orientation changes linearly along the same
path as well. Orientation changes will take the shortest path on the orientation sphere by default. Note that the
continuous setting will be ignored if only an orientation change occurs within a move. (Selected by Default)
- Circular moves require three keyframes in a row to set up. The first keyframe is referred to as the auxiliary
position and the second as the end. The robot will move along the circle in Cartesian space defined by these
three points. The robot will move through the auxiliary position to the end position. Orientation changes will
happen linearly along with path just like in linear type moves.
- Bezier moves add two control points to the visualization. These control points can be dragged around in the
visualization to modify the path the robot will take as a third order Bezier curve. Orientation changes will happen
linearly along the path just like in linear type moves.
For cartesian based moves (not point to point), orientation tracks linearly along the orientation sphere from the start point
to the end point by default and is coupled with position (coupled). (see target tracking section for more details).
If adjacent keyframes are the same robot position, the robot will instead pause for the amount of time set between the
The first keyframe will always be moved to point to point when the move is initialized regardless of the configuration
The speed of the robot is not configured directly. It is calculated using the positions of the keyframes and the number of
frames in between keyframes. The system will attempt to move along the configured interpolation path in the time
Each keyframe to keyframe move is broken down into three sections, getting up to speed, being at speed, and
transitioning to the next keyframe (either stopping or accelerating to the end speed ratio). Via the graphical speed curves
the amount of time to get to speed and time to transition to the next keyframe can be configured. The end speed ratio can
also be configured, this is only used for continuous moves and indicates the ratio of the moves nominal speed which it will
enter the transition to the next keyframe at (see figure 22) (22*).
If a move is selected to be continuous the robot will attempt to ‘move through’ the position and continue to the next
keyframe. The robot will otherwise come to a complete stop at the keyframe position before continuing.
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For best use the next keyframe on a continuous path should attempt to maintain the same direction. Only Linear, Circular,
and Bezier moves can be continuous. Point to Point, Pause, and Orientation change only moves cannot.
Target tracking - This is an alternate form of orientation control which has the camera look at a specific point along the
interpolation path.
Setting up a Target -
- Set Target from Robot - To specify a point and begin target tracking, center the camera frame up by jogging the
robot to the object you want to track.
After creating a robot keyframe, Click the “set target button”in the contextual pane, opening the “Set Target
Position” modal.
Measure the position of the target point from the front of the camera base plate (see figure 22.1)(22.1*)
and enter the measured distance.
Figure 22.2
- Set Target from Focus - Add a Focus keyframe to your timeline. In the Focus contextual pane, adjust
the value until your target is in focus.
Click the “set target from focus” button in the Focus contextual pane. This will automatically create a
target keyframe at the playhead based on the current robot position and specified focus distance. (lens
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mapping is required to make this function possible, refer to Lens Configuration)
Figure 22.3
- Set from Position - A target can also be made by creating a Target keyframe on the timeline and
inputting measure values in the target contextual pane. This position is relative to 0.0x,0.0y,0.0z of the
robots base at ground level.
Figure 22.4
If there is no target set, changing orientation to “target tracking” will automatically open the “Set Target Distance” modal.
If all target keyframes are deleted, robot keyframes with “target tracking” orientation will all default back to coupled
Once you set your orientation to the target, you can no longer directly change pan and tilt. You can
however, edit the cameras “Roll value”.
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Figure 22.5
Use any of the three methods to create target keyframes on the timeline. This creates the
positions for the target path. You can change the speed ramping from keyframe to keyframe with the “ramp up” and
“ramp down” inputs in the target contextual pane. The “ramp up/down” values are taken from the second of the two
keyframes when creating the speed profile of the path. (see figure 22.4)
After generating the move in the rehearsal tab you will be able to view the target path accordingly.
Focus, Iris, and Zoom lens control, digital IO, and analog DMX channel control are available as tracks (see figure 23) (23*)
which can be synchronously controlled with the robot. The device status at a given keyframe is configured on the timeline
track. For digital IO the device status will be set immediately at the configured keyframe, for lens and DMX control
switching to the curve editor on the timeline will allow you to configure to path which is taken along the timeline.
The first peripheral device keyframe on each track will be used as the start position when initializing a move.
Keyframe - focus with pull from previous focus value to current focus value on a linear path.
Waypoint - Can only be set in between focus keyframes with the type of “keyframe” selected. The waypoint
keyframes guarantee the focus will pull to a given value along focus path. This changes the
interpolation between focus keyframes from a linear to a curve profile.
Automatic - If a target keyframe is present with a mapped lens, the focus keyframe can be changed to
“automatic”. This will set the focus distance based on the robot keyframe position relative to the target
path. (Robot keyframe orientation does not need to be set to target)
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To create an autofocus pull between two keyframes the Focus keyframes both need to be set to
“Automatic”. If the target is ever deleted, all automatic keyframes will default to “keyframe” interpolation.
Each time you want to control a new lens with the RT Motion system you will need to power up the RT Motion unit with
the motors plugged in and attached to the camera/lens. The RT Motion unit will automatically find the ends of rotation for
the lens. When this completes, the Focus, Iris, and Zoom sliders will be mapped linearly for travel from one hard stop to
the other from the top to bottom of the slider.
It is helpful to map the slider bars with labels which correspond to the labels printed on the lens. To use “Autofocus” and
“Set target from focus” features you will need to map the focus ring of the lens.
To apply labels to the lens sliders for a specific lens, go to the setup screen and click the gear next to the FIZ hardware
status indicator (see figure 24) (24*).
From the Lens setup screen, you can select a preconfigured lens to use, create a new lens configuration, edit the labels for
an existing configuration, or delete a lens from the list. (see figure 25) (25*)
Creating or editing a lens will allow you to change the name it is referred to as, determine if it is a prime or zoom lens
(prime lenses do not have zoom), determine Metric or Imperial measurements, and add labels to the sliders.
To add labels go to the tab for the relevant lens axis, use the slider to control the lens, and add labels to the slider. Labels
for Focus must be a distance value, Zoom and Iris labels must be numeric values . Note that while the configuration screen
is currently crowded with a mini slider and labels may appear to overlap sometimes, in the rehearse screen the slider is
much larger and the labels are more spread out/easier to read.
When mapping a lens, make sure your close focus values are mapped at the bottom of the slider. If the lens motor is
flipped and lens infinity is mapped to the bottom of the slider you can invert the mapping of the lens by toggling the
“Invert” values On and Off. (*Previous Lens mapping profile will possibly need to be updated in order to use autofocus
features. Warnings will show in lens info tab of lens editor if needed.)
After clicking the slider you can also use the arrow keys to get a more consistent increment.
This section describes how axis based motion profiles generated by MP Maya Plugin can be configured to run on the robot.
Motion profiles can be imported into MP Studio by selecting ‘Import Maya Move’ from the File drop down menu. The
robot path will be displayed as a red line in the visualization.
By scrolling on the timeline you can view where the robot is at each frame of the move. You can go to these position using
a joint move by unlocking the robot and clicking go to position on the rehearsal screen.
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You cannot combine motion profiles with other robot keyframes in the same move.
If using a Phantom Flex 4K, RED, or an ARRI verify that your camera is connected in the Devices Pane in the Setup Room
(figure 16)(CC*). As of DEC 2018, MP Studio currently only supports these three camera manufacturers - if you are using a
different camera, you will not be able to control it from within MP Studio. Once your camera is connected, enter the
rehearsal and you should see the camera output in the Monitor Pane in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you
see something else (such as your webcam output), use the Monitor’s video dropdown to select your camera.
In the Camera Settings Pane just below the monitor, you can set the color balance, resolution, and many other settings
directly from MP Studio.
To connect each camera set the IP Address to and subnet mask
If the robot program has been run and enters a fault state, the robot program will need to be reset.
You can identify if the robot program has stopped running by the color of the “R” at the top of the screen (see figure
27) (27*).
To reset MP Service you can either click ‘Reset MPService’ from the top menu tab (see figure 28) (28*) or Open MP Service
from the system tray and click the Reset Kira Connection button (see figure 29) (29*). Confirm any error messages(Hit
Confirm all) on the robot controller and press the play button on the pendant, like initial startup when MP Service
connects the robot program will stop. Press the play button again and the system will be re-initialized.
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Figure 2 Robot in Auto (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 3 Enable Drives (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 4 Run the program (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 5 Mastering Menu Path 1 (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 6 Mastering Menu Path 2 (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 7 Mastering, no probe connected (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 8 Mastering probe connected and in proper position (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 9 Tool Numeric Entry Menu Path 1 (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 10 Tool Numeric Entry Path 2 (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 11 Numeric Payload Entry (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 12 Set Robot Speed (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 13 Load data determination (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 14 Load Determination Program (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 15 Load data determination complete screen (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 16 Setup Tab (RETURN TO READING)(Return to CC)
Figure 16.1 Standard Base Tool Configuration (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 16.2 L-Bracket Base Tool Configuration (RETURN TO READING)
Figure 16.3 Rehearsal Tab (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 17 Rehearse Unlock (RETURN TO READING)
Figure 18.1 Add Keyframe (RETURN TO READING)
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Figure 19 Generate/Rehearse Button (RETURN TO READING)(GO2PO)
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Figure 21 Interpolation Type (RETURN TO READING)
Figure 22 Graphical Speed Curve (RETURN TO READING)
Motorized Precision
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22.1 Measure Distance (RETURN TO READING)
Figure 23 Device Timelines (RETURN TO READING)
Motorized Precision
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Figure 24 FIZ Settings (RETURN TO READING)
Motorized Precision
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Figure 27 Program Error (RETURN TO READING)
Motorized Precision
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Figure 28 Reset Kuka Connection MPStudio (RETURN TO READING)
Figure 29 Reset Kira Connection MPService (RETURN TO READING)
Motorized Precision
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