C Talwar 28082017
C Talwar 28082017
C Talwar 28082017
Master Thesis
Master of Science
First of all, I wish to thank my responsible supervisor, prof. Peter Palensky for guiding me in pursuing
my thesis under his kind patronage, and allowing me to be a part of the Intelligent Electrical Power Grid
(IEPG) research group in the Netherlands. Second and foremost, I am highly thankful to my daily su-
pervisor Martijn De Jong for his monetary and moral support during the course of thesis studies. Words
cannot express my sincere appreciation, but all I can say is that I shall always remain highly obliged
and grateful to you for supervising my work, and finding time for me from your busy schedule to clarify
all my queries and doubts in the best possible way. I want to thank my supervisor in Germany, George
Papaefthimiou for guiding me in pursuing my thesis to this level, and extending valuable suggestions
and clarification as and when required.
During the process of study at TU Delft since 2015, I have been receiving constant feedback on my
work from Jose Luis Rueda Torres. I wish to thank you for your kind co-operation in helping and
guiding me at every stage of the programme with patience and motivation. I would like to extend my
gratitude to Domenico Lahaye for being a part of my thesis committee, and for providing me valuable
comments on my work .
I wish to thank my dearest parents, Mandeep Singh and Kawaljit Kaur for encouraging me to pur-
sue my quest for further advanced studies out of my mother country. It is because of their support that
I could see my dream come true. I would like to thank my best friend, Avik Basu for being with me
always. I want to extend my heartiest thanks to my most special friend Bheeshma Chatrath for being
my constant pillar of support all through this phase. With his constant encouragement and positivity I
have been able to do my best in the thesis. Lastly, I thank my Babaji (my Almighty) for all his beautiful
blessings that all my sufferings and disappointments got converted into abundance of happiness and
Abstract vii
List of acronyms ix
List of Figures xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem analysis and definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Study goals and structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Outline of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2.3 Copula Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 An overview of state-of-the-art-research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.4 General overview: Proposed RBSA methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4.1 Monte-Carlo framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.5 Two risk identifying tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A System parameters 52
A.1 Bus parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
A.2 Generator parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
A.3 Transmission line parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
A.4 Generation cost parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
A.5 HVDC line specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
B Visualization tool 57
B.1 Detailed analysis when HVDC set-point is set to 325 MW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
B.2 Detailed analysis HVDC set-point is set to 500 MW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Bibliography 59
Over the last decades, the European transmission system has made many profound changes in the net-
work and has focused on three main concepts: i) flexibility, ii) integration, and iii) sustainability to
increase the technological innovations, and to improve the market design. The currently used method
by transmission system operators (TSOs) is trying to accomplish these requirements, but it is important
to realize that each TSO has its own grid protocols and standards. Consequently, all major TSOs in
the interconnected meshed European transmission system are facing a huge difficulty in maintaining
a strong operational coordination to work together as a one single European technical market model.
In order to guarantee the highest security of electricity supply, it is necessary to structure a stable, reli-
able and secure analytical AC framework that takes into consideration the stochastic nature of system
in-feeds in the daily operational planning. In this thesis it is analyzed how incorporation of smart tech-
nologies such as HVDC transmission can be used as a smart grid solution to improve the power system
security and lower the risk in different adjacent areas/zones. The proposed risk-based security assess-
ment (RBSA) methodology based on Monte-Carlo sampling is employed to investigate the security of
the system and to quantify the expected system risk. It is shown that the market optimal HVDC power
set-points may result in unnecessarily high risk when subjected to the unavoidable uncertainty of inputs
(fluctuations in load and RES) inherent to day-ahead forecasting. A detailed comparison of market
optimal versus security optimal HVDC power set-point is presented. It is proposed to properly adapt
the HVDC set-points with respect to the actual operating situation, which can be quite different from
the day-ahead point forecast. Moreover, it is shown that by being able to adapt HVDC set-points in real-
time operation, further more serious and more costly remedial actions such as active re-dispatch and
load shedding, can be avoided. Furthermore, a study with two HVDC transmission lines is performed
to show the necessity of coordinated control of the HVDC lines, and how this can reduce the stress in
the network by acting as a tool to shift generation.
List of acronyms
AC Alternating Current
AGC Automatic Generation Control
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
CWE Central Western Europe
DC Direct Current
DLF Deterministic Load Flow
DLR Dynamic Line Rating
DSM Demand Side management
DSA Deterministic Security Assessment
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
EOPF Enhanced Optimal Power Flow
EU European Union
FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System
FMBC Flow-based Market Coupling
GISO Geographically Separated Independent System Operator
GUI Graphical User Interface
HV High Voltage
HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor
LCC Line Commutated Converter
LV Low Voltage
MC Monte-Carlo
MTDC Multi-terminal Direct Current
MV Medium Voltage
OHL Overhead Line
OL-RBSA Online Risk-based Security assessment
OPF Optimal Power Flow
PDF Probability Density Function
PLF Probabilistic Load Flow
PSA Probabilistic Security Assessment
PST Phase Shifting Transformer
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RB-DCSA Risk-based DC Security Assessment
RBSA Risk-based Security Assessment
RES Renewable Energy Sources
RSC Regional Security Coordinator
SOA System Operation Agreement
SCOPF Security Constraint Optimal Power Flow
SISO Super Independent System Operator
SSSC Static Synchronous Series Compensator
STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator
TCSC Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor
TCSR Thyristor-Controlled Series Reactor
TDP Time-Dependent Phenomena
TISO Technology Separated Independent System Operator
TSO Transmission System Operator
VaS Value of Security
VRES Variable Renewable Energy Source
VSC Voltage Source Converter
List of Figures
5.1 The two-zone IEEE 24-bus reliability test system with HVDC line between buses 23 and
12 (blue). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2 Flowchart of proposed HVDC-RBSA methodology.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.3 Comparison of dispatch costs and risk (active re-dispatch and lost active load). . . . . . . 39
5.4 Re-dispatched active power for every generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.5 Lost active load for every bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.6 Number of overloaded circuits at every bus. Total number of MC-samples is 5000. . . . . . 40
5.7 Number of voltage violations at every bus. Total number of MC-samples is 5000. . . . . . 40
5.8 Improved voltage profiles at bus 3 with RBSA check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.9 Probabilities for causes of problems in the system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.10 Probabilities of risk levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.11 The best compromise between cost and risk is indicated by the blue dot. . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.12 Impact of forecast uncertainty: Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load and lost active load. 43
5.13 Impact of correlation: Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load and lost active load. . . . . 43
5.14 Average operating state when HVDC set-point is set to 325 MW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.15 Average operating state when HVDC set-point is set to 500 MW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.16 Comparison of “dumb” (blue) and “smart” approach (green). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.17 Adaptability of HVDC set-point 325 MW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.18 Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load and lost active load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.19 Ratio of cost and risk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
List of Tables
5.1 Comparison of “security optimal” and “market optimal” HVDC power set-points. . . . . . . 37
5.2 Zone-wise re-dispatched active generation and lost active load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
To my parents,
Mandeep Singh and Kawaljit Kaur
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
The radical transformation of the electrical power industry, along with the growing interest towards
smart grid technologies such as power flow controllable components are having a strong impact on the
operational security of the European interconnected transmission system. Transition to non-conventional
energy sources, decommissioning of conventional power plants, difficulties in constructing new over-
head transmission lines (OHLs), incorporation of high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission sys-
tems, implementation of new European network code, and regional market coupling are the several
governing factors involved in changing the dynamics of the existing transmission grid infrastructure as
illustrated in Figure 1.1 [1, 2, 5, 6]. These radical changes in the existing transmission grid infrastruc-
tures moderate the ability of the transmission system operators (TSOs) to assure the highest security of
the power system, while maintaining equitably low operating costs. Safeguarding and maintaining the
power system security in the existing European transmission system is necessary for successful integra-
tion of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) such as wind and solar generation.
The tremendous growth in the share of VRES in the interconnected European transmission system
over the last decade has been driven by significant policies set by the European Union (EU). These poli-
cies are focused on attaining the EU Energy policy objectives: i) sustainability, ii) security of electricity
supply, and iii) competitiveness [1, 2, 7, 8]. However, it must be noted that the successful implementa-
tion of the security measures is crucial to support the EU Energy Policy such as, the 20-20-20 targets.
The goal is to increase the share of VRES in the transmission system by 20%, mitigate the greenhouse
gas emission by 20%, and enhance the energy efficiency by 20% by the year 2020 [1]. Moreover, the
attention is deviating towards EU Energy Roadmap 2050, which focuses on reducing the emission of
greenhouse gases by 80% by the year 2050 [8]. In May 2015 the establishment of flow-based market
coupling (FMBC) has marked a major milestone in the European target electricity model [9] in Central
Western Europe (CWE), i.e., the Netherlands, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Belgium [10]. These
emerging policies have a very real impact on the interconnected transmission system whole across Eu-
rope. As a result, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E),
are exploring solutions on how to overcome the challenges in the changing European interconnected
transmission system while maintaining security of power supply.
Large RES penetrating into the meshed network require a power grid upgradability, or an extension to
maintain large energy inflows. In order to overcome the transformation in the existing infrastructure,
the VSC-HVDC technology is supposed to be the most suitable solution for the power grid reinforcement
and upgradability. It uses pulse width modulation (PWM) control scheme, and provides fast controlla-
bility of active and reactive power flows [11]. Hence, the incorporation of VSC-HVDC connections in
the European transmission system can facilitate the bulk transmission of electrical power across cross-
border electricity market.
As a consequence of these new trends in the European capacity market, the individual TSOs need
to assure the security of electricity supply in their domain to facilitate a smooth functioning across
cross-border markets. Hence, it is essential to conduct a more comprehensive research on the estima-
tion of the system parameters by incorporating a probabilistic risk-based security assessment (RBSA)
framework in the operational day-ahead planning and system operation.
Contribution to
EU energy policies
of new European
Concept of network codes
Governing Factors
Difficulties in intermittent RES
building new system in-feeds
transmission lines
Development of
European integrated
level of ±320 kilovolts (kV). This onshore VSC-HVDC interconnection is placed in the existing meshed
AC synchronous system, and is parallel with the 400 kV Spain(Vic)-France(Baixas) transmission line.
In order to manage the flow of DC active power, various control strategies such as i) predefined active
power set-points which enables TSOs to fix the active power transfer in the VSC-HVDC connections,
and ii) procedures that would emulate the characteristics of the AC transmission line are incorporated
[14]. As a result, this transformation in the existing transmission grid infrastructure necessitates the
need to analyze how incorporation of HVDC transmission can be used as a smart grid solution to im-
prove power system security and lower the risk in different adjacent areas. Related ideas are discussed
under EC FP7 UMBRELLA and iTesla projects, where a risk-based toolbox based on stochastic methods
is developed to adequately capture the complex grid operation and help TSOs to access the system risk
in the interconnected European transmission system [15, 16].
• Investigate how the proposed RBSA methodology can be used in determining the best HVDC
set-point when it is subjected to the unavoidable uncertainty of inputs (fluctuations in system
in-feeds) inherent to day-ahead forecasting?
• Investigate how the proper adaptability of the HVDC set-points can be ensured in improving
the operational security of the interconnected transmission system?
• Investigate how two HVDC transmission lines can work together to find the operating point
that provides the best compromise between risk and operating costs?
1.5 Outline of the thesis
The outline of the thesis is enlisted as follows:
Chapter 2 presents the literature review on power system security, deterministic and probabilistic ap-
proaches and smart technologies including HVDC technology, FACTS, DLR and DSM. It gives an account
on the power flow modeling, power flow equations, and optimal power flow and its extension.
Chapter 3 discusses the literature on stochastic load and generation. It presents the key aspects on
the proposed RBSA methodology used to quantify system risk. It gives an account on how it can be
used to assess the system risk in the day-ahead operational planning.
Chapter 4 presents the theory and modeling principles behind HVDC technology. It discusses the cur-
rent practice concerning day-ahead HVDC operation that are used by TSOs in determining the HVDC
Chapter 5 present the experimental setup and the several case studies used in analyzing how HVDC
transmission line can be used as a smart grid solution to improve power system security. It discusses
the results obtained from the study in determining the best HVDC set-point that can achieve the highest
security level under all possible uncertainties. It is shown how multiple (two) HVDC lines should be
coordinated to provide the best operating point in terms of both security and costs.
Chapter 6 summarizes the main findings of this research and provides the recommendation for the
future work.
Literature review
Overview of state-of-the-
HVDC grid operation and
power flow controllability
Modeling of stochastic
Case studies
Sensitivity Analysis on HVDC set- Adaptability of HVDC set-point by TSO 2D study with two HVDC
points as curative remedial action transmission lines
Chapter 2
2.1 Overview
In this chapter, an overview on the smart grid operation and power flow modeling is presented. A description
of power system security assessment is provided in order to understand the need to investigate the expected
system risk inherent to day-ahead forecasting. The standard AC (and DC) power flow equations are given,
and the need to use optimal power flow to solve the power flow computations is discussed.
Security of a power system refers to the degree of risk in its ability to survive imminent disturbances (con-
tingencies) without interruption of customer service. It relates to robustness of the system to imminent
disturbances and, hence, depends on the system operating condition as well as the contingent probability of
Several operational challenges faced by TSOs are reported in [18], and it states that the high installation
of wind in Germany escalates the unscheduled loop flows through German-Czech and German-Polish
borders. These unscheduled power flows could exceed the thermal capacities, and can cause severe
problems to the entire system. However, in December 2015, a multilateral agreement has been signed
between TSOs and ENTSO-e which stated that each TSOs would obtain services by regional security co-
ordinators (RSCs) [4] to improve the power system security. These services are illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Power system security
Figure 2.1: Classification of decision drivers of power system security analysis [3].
Hence, the transformation in the existing grid infrastructure necessitates the need to investigate the ex-
pected system risk in day-ahead operational planning.
Figure 2.2: Five services to TSOs by RSCs in operational planning for security
purposes [4].
To guarantee the overall system security, a balance of economy and quality of power supply should be
maintained within certain permissible margins. The security related-decisions are based on different
time-periods, which are drawn by system analysts and TSOs to operate and control the power system.
Table 2.1 [3] summarizes the time frames on which the security related-decisions are examined. More-
over, the ENTSO-E provides a detailed information on the power system operating states in the Policy 5
of the Emergency Operations handbook [19] in order to assess the bottlenecks in the European trans-
mission system. The classification of the operational security in a power system is described as follows
• Normal state: System state is N-Situation secure and it is within the permissible margin of the
allowed operational security. The system has low vulnerability to the critical events such as power
balance mismatch, catastrophic failures and power outages;
• Alert state: System state is within the permissible margin of the allowed operational security.
The system has high vulnerability to the critical events. Remedial curative actions such as re-
Table 2.1: Security related-decisions for TSOs based on different time-periods [3].
dispatching of active power, or re-scheduling of the transmission lines are needed to take the
system back to a secure state;
• Emergency state: System state has violated the technical operational security limits due to the
occurrence of severe disturbances. Emergency control actions are needed to bring the system to
the alert state;
• Blackout state: System state has violated all the technical operational security limits, and can
cause the whole network to collapse;
• Restorative state: System state reconnects all the damaged power equipment and re-establishes
the connection either to the normal or alert state, and as a result the permissible margin of the
allowed operational security is maintained.
The security assessment is associated with the investigation of all possible set of credible as well as non-
credible contingencies occurring in the system. The assessment of power system security in day-ahead
operation is categorized as follows: i) deterministic security assessment, and ii) probabilistic security
assessment [20].
Deterministic security assessment (DSA) analysis is based on a pre-defined list of the most probable
contingencies that may occur in a given system. On occurrence of any probable contingency, the system
should operate in such a way that the new operating state is within the post-contingency limits. Thus,
the deterministic approach depends on the following two assumptions [20]:
• Credibility: the topology of a network, outage of a circuit and operating condition are probable,
i.e., they are most likely to happen during the power system security assessment;
• Severity: the extent to which the threshold limits of a system are violated. There should not be
any probable contingency, wherein the combination of network topology, loss of any component
and operation conditions have a more severe effect on the system performance.
The methodology to evaluate for the DSA comprises of the following six steps [20]:
(i) The base cases to represent varied time horizons (years, seasons) and loading levels are selected.
The unit commitment is performed for each case based on the selected system topology and time
(ii) The set of credible contingencies based on the (N-1) criterion are considered;
(iii) The study parameters to be investigated are selected, and their ranges of the operating conditions
are chosen. This range of operating conditions is called as study range;
(iv) The limiting contingencies, i.e., the events which are first to violate the performance assessment
criteria are examined. If there are no violations within the range of the operating conditions, the
evaluation is said to be done;
(v) The security boundary is defined by identifying the set of operating condition within the range
of operating conditions, i.e., the study range, where a limiting contingency is first to violate the
performance assessment criteria;
(vi) The security boundary is then visualized in a form of a sorted table, or plots such that it can be
well understood by the operators during the system operation.
The DSA methodology is extensively used by TSOs to evaluate the security of the interconnected trans-
mission system. However, there are several weaknesses associated with this methodology, when used
to assess the expected system risk: i) only probable contingencies are considered, ii) operating cost
is relatively high, and iii) trivial information is obtained about the unacceptable region [21]. Thus, a
probabilistic framework is needed in order take into account the contingencies which are rare to occur
yet significant in terms of determining the operational security of the system. The probabilistic secu-
rity assessment (PSA) analysis is based on the set of probable as well as non-probable contingencies
to assess the operational risk in a given power system. It takes into account the following aspects: i)
uncertainty in load, ii) uncertainty in generation, and iii) uncertainty in contingency. This assessment
evaluates the security level by considering, the probability of the event and its severity in one index,
named the risk index [20, 22].
Ri sk(S) = P (E m ) ∗ Sev(E m , S), (2.1)
The methodology to evaluate for the PSA comprises of the similar six steps which are discussed in the
DSA, however steps 2, 4 and 5 are changed [20]:
(i) The base cases to represent varied time horizons (years, seasons) and loading levels are selected.
The unit commitment is performed for each case based on the selected system topology and time
(ii) The set of probable as well as non-probable contingencies are considered, which are based on the
procedure of event enumeration. This process is limited by taking into account only those events
whose predefined value has been exceeded;
(iii) The study parameters to be investigated are selected, and their ranges of the operating conditions
are chosen. This range of operating conditions is termed as study range;
(iv) The risk index is calculated all through the study range, and a threshold level is defined beyond
the unacceptable operating condition;
(v) The security boundary is defined by identifying the set of operating condition within the range of
operating conditions, i.e., the study range, where the index value is equivalent to the threshold
(vi) The security boundary is then visualized in a form of a sorted table, or iso-risk plots such that it
can be well understood by the operators during the system operation.
• HVDC connections enable the transmission of bulk power over long distances. For example, the
NorNed link is the long distance high-voltage undersea cable of length 580 km connected between
Norway and the Netherlands;
• HVDC connections are economical because the line cost is reduced beyond the break-even point.
More power per conductor can be transmitted over long distances in a HVDC transmission system.
Since only two conductors are required for a bipolar HVDC line, the costs per conductor are lower
than for an equivalent AC line;
• HVDC can interconnect two AC asynchronous grids that operate with different nominal frequen-
cies. The HVDC connections can easily adjust to the rated voltage and rated frequency of the
system connected at the other end of the network;
• There is no skin effect, and comparatively less line and corona losses in an HVDC transmission
• HVDC converters enable bidirectional power flow as they have the ability to operate either in
rectification mode or in inversion mode.
ences between the voltages at the buses, whereas the flow of reactive power is computed by calculating
the magnitude differences of the voltages at the buses. Moreover, the total active and reactive power
injected remains equal to the total active and reactive power extracted, plus the losses along the trans-
mission system. In power flow modeling, the buses are characterized into three types [27]:
The DC power flow problems are formulated by taking into account the following two quantities: i)
active power injections and, ii) bus-bar voltage phase angles. In DC power flow modeling, the standard
power flow equations are simplified to make the system linear. This linearization of the system reduces
the computational time for obtaining the solution. The voltage profiles are approximated to 1 p.u.
and all the losses in the transmission system are ignored. The amount of reactive output and bus-bar
voltage magnitudes are eliminated, and active power injections result in a linear function of voltage
phase angles, and is given by :
B i j θi j ,
Pi = (2.2)
j =1
The DC power flow computations are fast, and estimate approximate real power flows in the transmis-
sion system. Moreover, the assumptions made in the DC power flow equations provide a less accurate
power flow solution.
The AC power flow problems are formulated by taking into account the following four quantities: i)
active power injections, ii) reactive power injections , iii) bus-bar voltage magnitudes, and iv) bus-bar
voltage phase angles. These variables constitute a set of non-linear equations which are linearized and
solved iteratively in steps. Following are the standard AC power flow equations for real and reactive
power injections:
|Vi ||V j |(G i j cos θi j + B i j sin θi j ),
Pi = (2.3)
j =1
|Vi ||V j |(G i j sin θi j − B i j cos θi j ),
Qi = (2.4)
j =1
where P i and Q i is the amount of active power and reactive power entering bus-bar i, respectively, and
G i j is the conductance between the bus-bar i and bus-bar j.
2.6 Optimal power flow
Mathematically, the AC (and DC) OPF problem formulation is formulated as follows:
f (u), (2.5)
subject to
m(u) = 0, (2.6)
n(u) ≤ 0, (2.7)
u mi n ≤ u ≤ u max . (2.8)
where f(u) is the objective function, and m(u), n(u) represent the equality constraints and the inequality
constraints respectively. In case of an AC OPF, the optimization vector u represents the active (P) and
reactive power injections (Q), and bus-bar voltage magnitudes (V) and angles (θ ) [28]. Usually, there
are two main objectives in AC OPF which are investigated:
• Total operating cost minimization of active and reactive power output. The summation of cost
function can either be a piecewise linear, or a polynomial function:
min f cost j (P j ) + f cost j (Q j ), (2.9)
j =1
• Active power losses minimization of all the branches in the transmission system. The summation
of active power losses is given by:
min f l oss j (P j ), (2.10)
j =1
In OPF problem formulation, the constraints are categorized into: i) equality constraints, and ii) in-
equality constraints. The equality constraints represent the set of power balance equations for active
and reactive power output respectively, given by:
m P (θ,V, P ) = 0, (2.11)
mQ (θ,V,Q) = 0. (2.12)
The inequality constraints represent the set of operational limits on the branch flows which are ex-
pressed in terms of non-linear function of the voltage magnitudes and angles, given by:
n f (θ,V ) 6= 0, (2.13)
n t (θ,V ) 6= 0. (2.14)
The variable constraints represent the permissible operating ranges for active and reactive injections,
and bus voltage magnitudes and angles:
Q mi n, j ≤ Q j ≤ Q max, j , where j = 1 t o n g , (2.16)
θr e f ≤ θ j ≤ θr e f where j = j r e f . (2.18)
An appropriate control strategy is required to guarantee a secure operation of HVDC grids against
any unplanned disturbances in the transmission network. The primary control action is carried out by
a communication-free scheme such as DC voltage droop control. Secondary control actions are needed
for the adaptation of the voltage and active power set-points in response to the uncertainties in loads
and RES in-feeds [31, 32]. Usually, an OPF-based tool is used to formulate the secondary control ac-
tions for the HVDC grids with various objective functions such as [33]: i) reduction of generation costs,
ii) increase of grid security, iii) reduction of system losses, and iv) higher integration of RES. In [34],
Iggland and co-workers study the operation of HVAC-HVDC interconnected meshed power systems.
They introduce a distributed OPF formulation and propose three operational configurations for inter-
linked grids: i) the super independent system operator (SISO) where the entire system (both HVAC
and HVDC) is controlled centrally by a single entity, ii) the technology separated independent system
operator (TISO) where only the HVDC grid is controlled by a separate entity and iii) the geographically
separated independent system operator (GISO) where the HVDC and HVAC grids are controlled based
on their geographical separation. Thus, it was emphasized that the controllability of HVDC transmission
should be incorporated in the OPF formulation in order to compute the cost efficient dispatch in each
Chapter 3
3.1 Overview
In this chapter, an overview on modeling of stochastic dependence is presented. A detailed description of
the proposed RBSA methodology which is used in [35, 36] is given. It is acknowledged that a risk-based
approach should be used by TSOs to quantify the expected system risk in day-ahead security assessment.
Moreover, the foundation for the case studies proposed in Chapter 5 on the impact of HVDC power set-points
is laid.
where ρ stands for Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. By applying Cholesky decomposi-
tion, the matrix C X can be written as [37]:
C X = A × AT , (3.1)
where A is a lower triangular matrix. The correlated random variables Y are then constructed from the
multivariate normal distributions Zm (m = 1, ......., n) using the matrix C X [37]:
Y = A × Zm . (3.2)
Lastly, the correlated standard normals are transformed to uniforms by cumulative distribution function
(cdf), and by applying the inverse cdf transformation, the correlated uniforms are transformed into the
marginals [37].
U = φ (Y ), (3.3)
F = F −1 (U ). (3.4)
F X m Ym (x m , y m ) = C T (F X m (x m ), F Ym (x m )), (3.6)
· Contingencies (generator/circuits)
· Topology
Construct Case
· Load data
· Initial dispatch
Selection of contingency
· Low voltage
· Voltage instability
Evaluation of risk indices · Cascading
· Circuit overload
Contingences left?
conditions in the near future state. Severity functions are employed to quantify the severity associated
with the following: i) low voltage, ii) voltage instability, iii) cascading, and iv) circuit overload. The
flowchart for the McCalley’s OL-RBSA methodology is illustrated in Figure 3.1, which summarizes the
procedure to evaluate for the risk indices using the severity functions.
· Topology
· Load data Construct Case
· Initial dispatch
· Transmission lines
· Generators
· Transformers
Simulate arbitrary outages
· Protection equipments
Restoration of load
generation equilibrium
Converged? Load shed
Figure 3.2: Flowchart for Kirschen’s probabilistic framework for one MC sample.
CREAM, and CORAL are based on DC PF computations, and may indeed perform poorly if voltage prob-
lems are a prime contributor to system risk [46].
In contrast with the other existing methods, the proposed RBSA methodology uses AC and AC OPF
combinations to perform a detailed risk assessment in day-ahead operation. The methodology employs
a more comprehensive analysis based on AC OPF for alert and emergency situations, which can al-
low TSOs to steer the system to secure states by providing valuable information on expected curative
measures. These key features of the proposed methodology allow for a accurate and complete risk
assessment by TSOs. More details on the proposed RBSA methodology are discussed in Section 3.4.
The risk for overloaded circuits, bus voltage deviations, lost loads and cascading events can be eval-
uated. For this, the methodology employs two tools: i) a fast-screening tool using the concept of
severity functions, and ii) a comprehensive analysis tool using extended AC OPF which provides the
valuable information on remedial actions. The proposed remedial actions can help TSOs to steer the
system to secure states under all possible uncertainties. There are several graphical display functions
included which can be used to visualize the results in a transparent manner, i.e., a GUI to generate
color risk-snapshots of the system displaying the regions of highest system stress on a nodal level, iso-
risk plots for 2D study parameter studies, and empirical pdfs/cdfs. The layout of the proposed RBSA
methodology is illustrated in Figure 3.3.
- Expected lost load
- MATPOWER test case
Risk-based security - Expected number of circuit overloads and
- Technical violation limits such as upper and
voltage violations
lower voltage limits and thermal ratings assessment methodology - AGC control for shift in generator
- Generation dispatch
- Fixed set of contingencies - Probabilities of risk related events such as
cascading events
· Contingencies (generators/
Network data · Network topology
· Initial dispatch
Monte-Carlo Framework
(Simulate for load uncertainty) Generate case M m:=m+1
The proposed methodology uses copula-function based MC sampling to create a probabilistic load flow
(PLF) which captures the forecast uncertainty of the system inputs. For the numerical experiments, the
snapshot data i.e., point forecasts are in this work assumed to be normally distributed, but it must be
noted that the RBSA methodology can work with modeling of correlated non-normal distributions as
well, and empirical distributions by sampling from actual measurements. Here, the point forecast at
every bus m = 1, .........., n b is replaced by a normal marginal, given by:
P m ∼ N (µm , σm ), (3.7)
where P m is the active load at bus m , µm is mean of the active load and σm is the magnitude of the
standard deviation chosen to capture the load and RES forecast uncertainty. The reactive load Q m is
computed consequently, by assuming a constant power factor. It must be noted that if the ratio Q m /P m
is chosen to be constant, then the power factor remains constant. The stochastic dependence between
the system buses is described by computing the correlation matrix C . Zone-wise uniform correlation of
the active loads is considered to understand the complete representation of the dependence structure
of the random variables. Thus, the correlation matrix C of the power system having total number of m
buses is given by:
C1 0 0 ... 0
0 C2 0 ... 0
C = . ,
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . .
0 0 0 ... Cz
where the sub-matrix R z is the uniform correlation matrix for all the buses that are clustered in one
zone and is given by:
1 ρr ρr ... ρr
ρ r ρr ρr
1 ...
Cz = . ,
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . .
ρr ρr ρr ... 1
The MC sampling of the random variables are performed based on the copula-based model, where
the obtained sample values correspond to the marginal distributions and the correlation matrix C . The
ranks of the correlated random variables Um (i = 1, ....., n), are then constructed from the multivariate
normal distributions using the matrix C and the Gaussion copula model. Further, by applying the
inverse cdf transformation, the correlated ranks Um are transformed in order to obtain the marginal
distributions of the random variables.
The flowchart of DSA algorithm for each MC simulation is presented in Figure 3.5. The methodology
involves performing a detailed deterministic load flow (DLF) for each MC sample. Many DLF computa-
tions are performed to have a high level of accuracy, and is thus computationally expensive. The DSA
algorithm consists of: i) full AC PF computations, ii) automatic generation control (AGC) for restoration
of power balance, iii) a cascading mechanism, and iv) two risk identifying tools. These risk identifying
tools are explained in the next section.
(One MC sample)
· Contingencies (generators/
Check islanding Remove overloaded circuits
· Network topology
· Initial dispatch
Automatic generation control
Converged? Any overloads?
Re-dispatch generator No
power with load shedding
Feasible solution? System collapse
3.5 Two risk identifying tools
The proposed RBSA methodology employs two risk identifying tools: i) Tool I: a fast-screening tool
using the concept of severity functions, and ii) Tool II: a detailed analysis tool using extended AC OPF
to provide valuable information to TSOs on expected curative measures. The details are as follows:
• Tool I uses McCalley’s concept of severity functions [40]. These functions are employed to quantify
the severity associated with the following: i) circuit overloads, and ii) voltage violations. These
functions are defined such that they start measuring severity if:
• the power flows exceeds the thermal rating by a factor 0.9, i.e., the power flows approach
their thermal limits. It is calculated by:
x= , (3.8)
P l ,max
where x is load factor, P l represents the actual power flowing through the transmission line
l , and P l ,max represents the thermal rating of the transmission line l .
• the bus voltage is close to either maximum voltage (Vmax ), or close to minimum voltage
(Vmi n ), i.e., the bus voltage magnitudes approach their maximum, or minimum limits. It is
calculated by:
Vb − Vb,nom
y= , (3.9)
where Vb represents the true voltage at the bus b , Vb,nom represents the nominal voltage at
the bus b , and s b is the permissible range of the voltages.
The tool can be used to compute the probability of cascading events as well as the probability of
• Tool II is based on Kirschen’s concept of risk indicators. To access the risk levels, the tool distin-
guishes the curative remedial actions into four categories:
These risk indicators are implemented within the AC OPF framework, and provide valuable infor-
mation on how to access the expected system risk in day-ahead operation. The expected amount
of remedial re-dispatch of generator’s active power is calculated by:
1 XN
E [ac t i ve r e − d i spat ch] = AR i ,
N i =1
N g en
1 X post pr e
AR i = (P j − Pj ), (3.10)
N g en j =1
pr e post
is the expected amount of active re-dispatch for a MC sample i . In Equation (3.10) P j and P j
represent the amount of generator’s active power before and after re-dispatching, respectively, N
represents the total number of MC samples, and N g en the total number of generators. Moreover,
this corresponds to the MC samples with risk levels 2, and 3, and is implemented within the
detailed analysis of Tool II. The expected amount of curative load shedding is calculated by:
1 XN
E [Load shed ] = LS i ,
N i =1
1 bus
post pr e
LS i = (P k − Pk ), (3.11)
Nbus k=1
pr e post
represents the expected load shed for a MC sample i . In Equation (3.11) P k and P k represent
the amount of load’s active power before and after load shedding, respectively, and Nbus the
total number of buses. Moreover, this corresponds to the MC samples with risk levels 3, and is
implemented within the detailed analysis of Tool II. For samples with risk levels 4, the lost active
load for MC sample i is calculated by:
1 bus
pr e
LS i = Pk .
Nbus k=1
Moreover, in this work it has been proposed to adapt the HVDC set-point as a part of curative
(cost free) remedial action to avoid active re-dispatch and shedding of load.
Chapter 4
4.1 Overview
In this chapter, an overview of the HVDC technology, i.e., theory and modeling principles in order to under-
stand the operation of the HVDC transmission using RBSA methodology is presented. The current practice
concerning day-ahead HVDC grid operation used by TSOs in determining the HVDC set-points is discussed.
Valuable research has been conducted to study the complex interaction of HVAC-HVDC interlinked
meshed power systems. In [48, 49], Beerten and fellow workers address the steady-state modeling of
hybrid AC and DC grids, discuss the open source software package MatACDC that they developed, and
it is emphasized that such tools are needed to be able to correctly analyze the steady-state interaction of
complex interconnected hybrid systems. The proposed tool computes iteratively the interrelated AC/DC
power flow solutions for multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) systems embedded in existing AC networks. In
[50], Roald and co-workers proposed a methodology for the corrective control of HVDC transmission
lines and PSTs when subjected to both forecast uncertainty and contingencies. These corrective control
measures are based on affine control policies, where the set-points are adapted in response to the fore-
cast error. In this work, we are focused on the determining the best HVDC set-point using AC OPF when
the system is subjected to unavoidable uncertainty of inputs inherent to day-ahead forecasting.
AC total costs
Break-even distance
AC losses
DC total costs
DC losses
AC investments costs
DC investments costs
DC terminal
AC terminal
Cable length
Nowadays, the cooperation between the neighboring as well as non-neighboring TSOs is playing a vital
role in the transmission planning of the HVDC interconnections in meshed hybrid power systems [51].
Usually, the HVDC interconnections are operated between two energy markets based on the contractual
agreement or market regulations, and, depending on the operating region, the active power set-points
are regulated either by one or more TSOs. Market regulations limit the inherent controllability of the
HVDC technology to relieve the network from risky operating states during the occurrence of severe
contingencies. In [52] a coordination methodology is proposed, and it is shown more international
interaction among TSOs is needed for determining the optimal operating set-points for cross-border
HVDC interconnections.
ENTSO-E published a document to serve as a guide for software developers to build an IT platform
to exchange information relative to HVDC schedules between multiple TSOs. It identifies four main
steps that TSOs should take into account when determining the HVDC schedules based on day-ahead
operation: i) HVDC constraint determination, ii) Cross-border capacity computation, iii) HVDC config-
uration and iv) HVDC schedule calculation. Furthermore, it states that depending on TSOs the same
steps could be carried out again for purposes of re-matching and re-generation in intraday operation
Additionally, in Appendix 8 of the Nordic System Operation Agreement (SOA) [54], the trading ca-
pacity on the HVDC connections is limited to a maximum value of 600 MW per hour. This restriction in
the trading capacity has been imposed to deal with the flexible controllability in HVDC line flow with re-
spect to the AC networks, as this might introduce significant power deviations in HVDC power transfer.
This could make it for TSOs more difficult to handle the balance regulation of the meshed interlinked
systems. Therefore, ramping constraints of 600 MW per hour are imposed on the trading plans for
the cross-border Nordic HVDC interconnections. For example, there is a system operation agreement
for the SwePol HVDC connection installed between Sweden and Poland. This agreement contains the
information on the system operation regulations such as technical operational limits, emergency con-
trol functions and capacity allocation. This HVDC connection is regulated biyearly by the respective
TSO, and is isolated from the intraday capacity allocation. More details on the transmitted HVDC active
power and the ramping rate are given in Article 9 of the network code on HVDC, published by ENTSO-E
As can be understood, the current practice concerning HVDC operation does not allow TSOs to de-
termine which HVDC set-point gives the highest security of the power system when it is subjected to
the unavoidable uncertainty of inputs (fluctuations in load) inherent to day-ahead forecasting. For all
operating conditions, the power flow schedules between the HVAC and HVDC power systems are based
on the pre-defined converter set-points [56]. Moreover, the HVDC interconnections such as, EstLink
1, EstLink 2, SwePol and NordBalt are generally operated to its maximum NTC value to export power
across cross-border, further restricting TSOs to adapt the HVDC set-points in response to the forecast
uncertainty [57]. Therefore, the proposed RBSA methodology can be used in determining the overall
“best” HVDC set-point and help the power system to achieve the highest security level under all possible
LCC-HVDC is a mature technology with thyristor-based commutation [11]. It needs a strong AC grid
with adequate short circuit capacity, and reactive power compensating components to avoid the risk of
commutation failures. LCC-HVDC systems can allow the transmission of bulk power over long distances,
and exhibits relatively low losses. The DC current is kept constant, while the polarity of DC voltage is
altered to control the power flow. Moreover, it is inconvenient to operate a multi terminal LCC-HVDC
system with continuous change in power flows. Figure 4.2 illustrates the LCC-HVDC converter topology.
VSC-HVDC technology is based on fully controlled insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) [11]. It
uses high-frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) control and henceforth exhibits the flexibility in
the power flow. This flexibility in the power flow of the converter stations makes this technology more
suitable for a highly meshed interconnected electricity system. Moreover, it is also attractive from the
market perspective considering that VSC-HVDC technology allows to control the active power flow
faster than the LCC-HVDC technology. As active and reactive power can be controlled independently,
this technology can exhibit the operations on weaker networks. Figure 4.3 illustrates the VSC-HVDC
converter topology.
For these reasons, VSC-HVDC technology is preferred over LCC-HVDC and is most often used in new
HVDC transmission systems [11]. In this work we also consider VSC-HVDC technology only.
IGBT bridge Constant voltage
In VSC-HVDC converters, two independent control loops are employed for the regulation at the con-
verter stations, namely the active and the reactive control power loop [58]. In the active power control
loop, one converter controls the injected active power at the AC side of the grid whereas the other
converter controls the magnitude of DC voltage. In the reactive power control loop, both the converters
operate independently controlling either the injected reactive power or the voltage magnitude at the
AC side of the grid. Combining the aforementioned, each converter has an ability to operate either as
a PQ or PV node. As a PQ node, the converter is set to control the active and reactive power while as
a PV node, the converter is set to control the active power and the magnitude of AC voltage. In either
case, if one converter is set to control the active power flows, then the other will be set to regulate the
DC voltage of the point-to-point HVDC system.
The PQ capability chart determines the operating area of VSC-HVDC transmission line by controlling
the flow of the active and reactive power [59]. The maximum reactive power that either can be ab-
sorbed or injected is about 0.5 p.u. of the rated power of the VSC-HVDC light configuration [60]. The
upper and lower bound for the voltages should be set within the specific boundary limits.
In this work, we also set the maximum and minimum of reactive power to 0.5 p.u. of the HVDC
line rating. Furthermore, we set the converter voltage limits equal to 1 p.u. These limits were chosen
in [61] as well.
In MATPOWER, the steady-state VSC-HVDC transmission line is modeled as a pair of coupled gen-
erators (PV buses) with opposite sign of active power injection. One converter extracts active power
from one end of the line, whereas the other converter injects active power to the other end of the line.
Concerning the losses of the HVDC line: MATPOWER defines a linear relationship for the active power
loss in the VSC-HVDC transmission line, as given in Eq. (4.1) and Eq. (4.2).
P n = P m − P l oss , (4.1)
= (1 − l 1 )P m − l 0 , (4.2)
where P m is the active power extracted from bus m and P n is active power injected to bus n , and l 0 is
constant loss coefficient and l 1 is linear loss coefficient.
Bus m Bus n
Pm Pn
P loss = (1 – l1) Pm - l0
Bus m Bus n
As the HVDC line is modeled as a pair of generators, the active power output can be controlled, as well
as the voltage set-points. If, in the load flow equations, the constraints for reactive power output of any
of the generators are reached, then the respective end of the VSC-HVDC transmission line operates as
a PQ bus. Hence, both active and reactive power output of each of the two generators are controlled.
Combining the aforementioned, the VSC HVDC transmission line can thus operate either in the PQ
control mode or in the PV control mode. In the AC OPF problem formulation the inclusion of a VSC-
HVDC transmission line is equivalent to the inclusion of a set of two ordinary generators in the network.
Hence, the constraints taken into consideration for the HVDC line during AC OPF are the exact same as
for ordinary generators:
(iii) Voltage set-point of each of the two generators must lie within the same range as the bus they are
connected to;
(iv) Voltage angle of each of the two generators must be within the same range as the bus they are
connected to.
There are no additional costs for the VSC-HVDC dummy generators which are added to the objective
function during AC OPF. These generators can attain any value (within bounds), which results in mini-
mization of the objective function. This means that, for example, if the objective function is cost efficient
dispatch (minimization of active power generation costs), then the other generators, the loads and the
constraints on the elements determine how much power must be subtracted from the grid and injected
into the grid by the two dummy generators so that the cost function attains lowest overall costs. Thus,
the steady-state VSC-HVDC transmission line that has been modelled in MATPOWER [63] is employed
in the proposed RBSA methodology to quantify system risk inherent to day ahead forecasting.
Chapter 5
5.1 Overview
In this chapter, the proposed RBSA methodology based on Monte-Carlo sampling is employed to investigate
the security of the system and to quantify the expected system risk in the operational day-ahead planning,
taking into account load and RES forecast uncertainty and dependence of system in-feeds. Several case
studies are performed to analyze how incorporation of HVDC transmission can be used as a smart grid
solution to improve power system security and lower the risk in different adjacent areas. Moreover, the
results obtained from the study reflect the need to properly adapt the HVDC set-points in response to the
actual operating situation, as it can be quite different from the day-ahead point forecast as a result of
uncertainty in load and RES in-feeds.
decent capacity (500 MW), ii) it has one of the longest line lengths (100 km) in the entire system, iii)
there is a big generation plant connected to it at what is in the base case the “sending end”, and iv) it is
an important line to transport energy from Zone 1 to Zone 2 and vice versa; it is directly connected to
the tie-station.
• The load in Zone I is increased by 20%, and the load in Zone II is decreased by 20%;
• The generation in Zone I is decreased by 20%, and the generation in Zone II is increased by 20%
of the original capacity;
Because of the high demand in Zone I, higher generation costs, and less generation capacity within
this zone, a scenario is created in which significant power flows are observed cross-border, i.e., the
HVDC transmission line will inject “cheap” power from Zone 2 into Zone 1, where generation is more
Zone II
Zone I
Figure 5.1: The two-zone IEEE 24-bus reliability test system with HVDC line
between buses 23 and 12 (blue).
5.2.3 Result visualization
There are several graphical display functions included in the proposed RBSA methodology to provide
valuable information to TSOs on how to steer the system into a risk-averse state. The graphical inter-
pretation of the results are visualized using:
• GUI color risk-snapshots of the system displaying the regions of highest system stress on a nodal
• Empirical distribution functions of quantities of interest, e.g., line loading, bus voltage magnitude,
curative re-dispatch of active generation for each simulated grid point.
Moreover, for each simulated grid point, the results can be visualized in a transparent manner by giving
a detailed analysis using the following criteria:
• Load curtailment.
It is shown how the proposed RBSA methodology can be used in determining the best HVDC set-
point when it is subjected to the unavoidable uncertainty of inputs (fluctuations in infeeds) inherent
to day-ahead forecasting. For all the case studies, we first compute a cost efficient dispatch assuming
a central dispatch market which is planning the system based on the expected average load at the
buses, i.e., point forecasts. Moreover, the default AC PF solver is replaced by a custom load flow solver
based on MATLAB’s fsolve() routine, and MATPOWER’s default AC OPF is replaced by the interior point
solver IPOPT from the COIN library [64]. The flowchart of the proposed HVDC-RBSA methodology is
presented in Figure 5.2.
(i) Comparison of “security versus markets dilemma”: which set-point is the best compromise
between cost and risk;
(ii) Impact of forecast uncertainty and correlation: which set-point performs the best in different
scenarios (combination of HVDC set-points and, forecast uncertainty and correlation).
It must be noted that HVDC set-point must remain fixed during execution of the RBSA algorithm; in
this first study the set-point is not considered to be adaptable by TSOs.
Base case
Initial dispatch
1 2 3 …………….. n-1 n
RBSA methodology
Risk Indicators
Thermal overload
Active re-dispatch Lost active load Voltage severity
In this part of the case study we investigate how incorporation of HVDC transmission can affect the
overall system risk, or risk in different areas/zones. We perform a Monte-Carlo simulation with the
proposed RBSA tool to assess the HVDC set-points in day-ahead operation. Here, we use the IEEE 24
bus reliability test system with the same adjustments as described in Section 5.2.2.
The key features of the DSA algorithm at the core of the RBSA tool are:
• Active re-dispatch is implemented within an extended AC OPF formulation with a cost penalty
term of 1 per MW;
• Lost active load is implemented within an extended AC OPF formulation with a cost penalty term
(the highest penalty) of 1000 per MW.
It must be noted that the cost penalty terms should be set to sufficiently large values. Arbitrary numbers
can be set by the operators, depending on the costs of the curative remedial actions. Here, the lost active
load has the highest penalty as we assumed that TSOs would use this alternative as a last resort to avoid
the risky system states.
Operational uncertainty is introduced to the system by considering uncertainty of in-feeds. For the
numerical experiments, the snapshot data, i.e., point forecasts are assumed to be normally distributed.
1 It
must be noted that in this thesis, the analysis is focused on two risk indicators: i) active re-dispatch, and ii) lost active load.
However, the proposed HVDC- RBSA methodology can be used to determine thermal overload severity, and voltage severity as
The point forecast at every bus m = 1, ....., n b is replaced by a normal marginals to indicate the uncertainty
in the base case, given by:
P m ∼ N (µm , σm ), σ = f . µm (5.1)
where P m is the active load at bus m , µm is mean of the active load, and σm is the magnitude of the
standard deviation, i.e., f = 0.15 (15% of mean). Furthermore, we consider a zone-wise correlation
matrix with rank correlation ρ = 0.70, i.e., all buses within the same zone are equally dependent on
each other, as discussed in Section
Given the point forecast (the “best guess”) of the operational situation tomorrow, two scenarios are
(i) “Market optimal”: The HVDC set-point is computed at the same time with the dispatch of active
generation using AC OPF with an economic objective function;
(ii) “Security optimal”: A fixed HVDC set-point is considered, and selected prior to computation of
the power dispatch. By doing so, a sensitivity analysis is obtained which can be used to determine
those HVDC power set-points that come with the lowest risk. It must be noted that as the OPF is
forced into a certain direction, probably the OPF cannot attain its economic best solution; it will
attain a sub-optimal dispatch, however, this may result in higher security of the system.
A 1D grid consisting of 25 grid points is obtained by varying the HVDC set-point in appropriate (small)
steps, i.e., 25 MW. For every grid point we generate a PLF consisting of 5.000 MC samples (P,Q).
For the following evaluation, we perform 25 MC simulations (25 grid points) in order to determine the
system risk associated with every HVDC set-point. For every grid point we ran a MC simulation with
5.000 samples. Essentially, by doing so, for every HVDC set-point we obtain two values: i) risk (in terms
of expected active re-dispatch, and lost active load) and ii) generation dispatch costs. This allows for
a detailed comparison “risk vs. costs” using a 1D plot, as presented in Figure 5.3. It is seen that the
expected amount of active remedial re-dispatch gradually increases from point A to point B, and the
generation dispatch costs gradually decreases from point C to point D, see Figure 5.3 (left). A similar
trend can be identified for the expected amount of curative lost active load, see Figure 5.3 (right). Thus,
much higher risk is observed for the most optimal “cost set-point”, while lower risk is observed for the
most optimal “security set-point”. In Table 5.1 a comparison for the “security optimal” and “market
optimal” is presented2 .
Table 5.1: Comparison of “security optimal” and “market optimal” HVDC power
2 As it can be seen from Table 5.1, for our simulations, there is a slight difference in the generation dispatch costs. However, in
this thesis, it is emphasized, that there is a need for a security check to evaluate the market results.
The results obtained from the comprehensive analysis tool for: i) grid point 18, i.e., the optimal “se-
curity set-point”, and ii) grid point 25, i.e., the optimal “market set-point” are shown in the following
• The zone-wise active re-dispatch and lost active load are presented in Table 5.2. It can be observed
that the generators in Zone 2 contribute more in re-dispatching the active power in order to
alleviate the problems associated with voltage violations in Zone 1. In addition, significant load
is shed in Zone 1 to attain lower system risk;
• The average re-dispatch of active power per generator for the grid point 18 is estimated around
26.88 MW, see Figure 5.4 (left), where the red marker G1 and G2 represents the generators
connected to bus 13, and bus 22, respectively. The average re-dispatch of power per generator for
the grid point 25 is around 39.76 MW, see Figure 5.4 (right), where the red marker G3 and G4
represent the generators connected to bus 13, and bus 22, respectively. It must be noted that: at
bus 13 and bus 22, the maximum generation is re-dispatched, and therefore these generators are
particularly important to restore the systems security;
• The average lost active load at every bus for market-optimal set-point is estimated around 1.77
MW, see Figure 5.5 (left), whereas for security optimal set-point is around 2.45 MW, see Figure
5.5 (right). It must be noted that: the red marker L1 and L2 represent the bus number (bus 6)
where the maximum load is shed to help the system to go to secure states;
• Figure 5.6 presents the number of overloaded circuits and Figure 5.7 presents the number of
voltage violations for every bus of the test system. As it can be seen from the figures, thermal
violations occur more often for the security optimal set-point than voltage violations. This means,
voltage violations have a significant contribution to the overall system risk, which could be ne-
glected if the risk assessment tools would have relied on DC approximations. The proposed RBSA
methodology successfully traced the problems related to voltage violations at the buses. As bus 3
turned out to be the weakest bus, the comprehensive analysis of voltage magnitudes after and
prior to RBSA check is illustrated in Fig 5.8. It must be noted that circuit 10, i.e., the line con-
necting bus 6 and bus 10 is one of the most critical branch in the entire network, which was also
highlighted by the RBSA check;
• Figure 5.9 presents the probabilities for the causes of problem, i.e., overloaded circuits, voltage
violations and non-convergence of power flows. In Figure 5.10 the probabilities of risk levels are
illustrated. These figures provide a great insight of where the risk comes from. The red marker
highlights the market optimal and security optimal set-points.
Table 5.2: Zone-wise re-dispatched active generation and lost active load.
×10 4 ×10 4
8 100 8 10
Cost of dispatch [$/hr]
G (325, 59596)
6.5 60 6 5
H (500, 59332)
D (500, 59332)
C (325, 59596) F (500, 2.4509)
B (500, 39.7678)
E (325, 1.7734)
A (325, 26.8873)
5 20 4 0
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
HVDC set-points [MW] HVDC set-points [MW]
Figure 5.3: Comparison of dispatch costs and risk (active re-dispatch and lost active
For grid point 18: HVDC set-point [325 MW] For grid point 25: HVDC set-point [500 MW]
4 4
Sum of active re-dispatch for every Sum of active re-dispatch for every
generator equals to 26.88 MW generator equals to 39.76 MW
3 3
Re-dispatched active generation for every generator
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Generator Generator
For grid point 18: HVDC set-point [325 MW] For grid point 25: HVDC set-point [500 MW]
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Lost active load for every bus
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Bus Bus
For grid point 18: HVDC set-point [325 MW] For grid point 25: HVDC set-point [500 MW]
1500 1500
Number of overloaded circuits
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
For grid point 18: HVDC set-point [325 MW] For grid point 25: HVDC set-point [500 MW]
800 800
700 700
Number of voltage violations
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Bus Bus
Figure 5.7: Number of voltage violations at every bus. Total number of MC-samples
is 5000.
No violation check RBSA check
900 900
800 800
700 700
Number MC samples
Number MC samples
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1 1.01 1.02
Voltage (Bus 3) Voltage (Bus 3)
No problems
0.2 Overloaded circuits
Voltage violations
0.1 Overloaded circuits plus voltage violations
Non-convergence of PF
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
HVDC set-points [MW]
No remedial action
0.2 Remedial re-dispatch
Remedial re-dispatch
plus lost active load
0.1 System collapse, or blackout
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
HVDC set-points [MW]
In order to provide more insight, we take the ratio of generation dispatch costs and risk to find the
most “optimal HVDC set-point” on overall, i.e., the best compromise between cost and risk. As shown
in Figure 5.11, the most “optimum set-point” that balances both cost and security is when the HVDC
set-point is set to 325 MW. Ratio of cost and risk may help TSOs to identify / determine the "optimal
set-point". By applying these set-points the operating point of the system moves to the one which comes
with lowest risk, and lowest cost on overall.
R (325, 4.51 e-04)
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500
HVDC set-points [MW]
Figure 5.11: The best compromise between cost and risk is indicated by the blue dot.
In this part of the case study we assess the impact of forecast uncertainty and correlation on the expected
system risk in day-ahead operational planning. Here, we use the same test system with the same
adjustments, and the same DSA setup as described in part 1 of Case Study 1.
For the following evaluation, we perform 25 × 11 = 275 MC simulations in order to determine the
sensitivity of the expected system risk with respect to HVDC set-points and forecast uncertainty. For
each grid a MC simulation is performed with 5.000 samples. Figure 5.12 presents the expected amount
of remedial re-dispatch (see left) and the expected amount of curative lost active load (see right). It can
be seen that when forecast uncertainty is high, the risk perhaps becomes higher. Moreover, the HVDC
set-points between 325 MW and 400 MW performs the best when the correlation is fixed to a value of
Figure 5.12: Impact of forecast uncertainty: Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load
and lost active load.
Figure 5.13: Impact of correlation: Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load and lost
active load.
43 Results and reflection
In Figure 5.13, a similar trend for remedial expected active re-dispatch and curative lost load as de-
scribed in Section is observed with respect to the combination of HVDC set-points and correla-
tion. It can be seen that the HVDC set-points ranging between 325 MW and 400 MW performs the best
when forecast uncertainty is set to a value of 0.15. Thus, the market optimal set-point where HVDC
link is operating to its full capacity does not necessarily provide the most secure set-point to steer the
system away from risky situations.
The visualization tool has been developed to display the regions of highest system stress on a nodal
level. Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15 present the GUI color average operating state for HVDC set-point
325 MW (= security optimal set-point) and HVDC set-point 500 MW (= market optimal set-point),
respectively. For security optimal set-point, the re-dispatching of the generators, and the load shedding
at the buses are highlighted using the color code, where the color brown corresponds to the generators
and loads where the re-dispatching, and load shedding is maximum, respectively. It can easily be
observed that bus 13 and 22 contribute maximum to re-dispatch, and maximum load is shed at bus 6,
see Figure 5.14 (left). The load factor is shown in Figure 5.14 (right), where the lines 6-10, 16-17, and
16-19 have the highest load factor (green corresponds to the lowest, and red corresponds to the highest
values for load factor). A similar trend can be observed for the market optimal set-point, where bus 13,
15, and 22 contribute maximum to re-dispatch, and again maximum load is shed at bus 6, see Figure
5.15 (left). Moreover, the critical lines remain almost the same as the security optimal set-point. A
detailed analysis on the outcome of the generation dispatches, loads, voltage magnitudes at the buses,
and power flowing through the lines are provided in Appendix B. Thus, by doing a sensitivity analysis
for HVDC set-points; it can be concluded that TSOs would set the HVDC set-point to 325 MW as being
the best compromise for both cost and security, and also with respect to the forecast uncertainty and
It must be noted that the HVDC adaptation is inserted as the new level 2, so adapting the HVDC set-point
is first tried, prior to curative remedial actions such as active re-dispatch and load shedding.
IEEE RTS 24-bus IEEE RTS 24-bus
< <
<< <<
< < < <
<< <<
> << > <<
> > <
< <
<< < << < HVDC
0.98 0.98
< < < <
< <
< <
< <
> > > >
< <
< <
< <
> <
< > <
< <
> > > >
Figure 5.14: Average operating state when HVDC set-point is set to 325 MW.
< <
<< <<
< < < <
< <
< <
> >> > >>
> > <
< <
< <
< <
> > > >
< <
< <
< <
> <
< > <
< <
Figure 5.15: Average operating state when HVDC set-point is set to 500 MW.
45 DSA setup
• HVDC set-point adaptation is enforced within an extended AC OPF formulation with a cost penalty
term of 0 per MW. This corresponds to the MC samples with risk levels 2, implemented within the
detailed analysis of Tool II;
• Active re-dispatch is implemented within an extended AC OPF formulation with a cost penalty
term of 1 per MW. This corresponds to the MC samples with risk levels 3, and 4, implemented
within the detailed analysis of Tool II;
• Load active load is implemented within an extended AC OPF formulation with a cost penalty term
of 1000 per MW. This corresponds to the MC samples with risk levels 4 and 5, implemented within
the detailed analysis of Tool II.
For the following evaluation, we perform 25 MC simulations (25 grid points) to quantify system risk in
the day-ahead security assessment when:
(i) The HVDC set-point is not able to adapt in curative remedial action, i.e., the “dumb” approach;
(ii) The HVDC set-point is able to adapt in curative remedial action, i.e., the “smart” approach.
In both the scenarios, for each grid point a MC simulation is performed with 5.000 samples. Essentially
by doing so, we obtain a set of HVDC set-points in case HVDC adaptation (= “smart” approach) to
resolve the problems. This allows for a detailed comparison between “dumb” and “smart” approach,
see Figure 5.16 (green represents the “dumb” approach, and blue represents the “smart” approach). It is
seen that the expected amount of remedial active re-dispatch is less for “smart” approach as compared to
the “dumb” approach. Figure 5.17 presents the empirical PDF using 5.000 samples for HVDC set-point
325 MW (= security optimal set-point) where the big spike indicates that most of the time, there is no
need for HVDC set-point to adapt; however, in few cases the HVDC power set-point must be lowered
and occasionally, the full capacity of the HVDC link must be used to steer away from risky situations. By
being able to adapt the HVDC set-point, we show that more serious and more costly remedial actions
can be avoided (such as active re-dispatch, shedding of load). Therefore, the HVDC set-point should
not be fixed to only a single value, rather it should be able to adapt to help the system go to secure
states in response to all possible uncertainties in real-time situation.
Re-dispatched active generation [MW] Lost active load [MW]
100 100 10 10
60 60 6 6
40 40 4 4
20 20 2 2
0 0 0
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
HVDC set-points [MW] HVDC set-points [MW]
Number of MC samples
-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
HVDC set-points [MW]
• Line 1 (Bus 23 to bus 12): HVDC set-point [-100, 500] is incremented in steps of 25 MW;
• Line 2 (Bus 15 to bus 24): HVDC set-point [200, 375] is incremented in steps of 25 MW.
HVDC line 1 can be controlled to its full capacity between -100 MW and 500 MW, whereas HVDC line 2
can be controlled partially maybe due to market restrictions, so therefore, HVDC line 1 can offer more
options to the TSOs to withstand the uncertainties in load.
47 Results and reflection
For the following evaluation, we perform 25 × 8 = 200 MC simulations to quantify the system risk
associated with the coordination of two HVDC set-points. If the HVAC transfer from buses 15 to 24 was
275 MW in the single HVDC case, i.e., between buses 23 and 12; replacing the HVAC by HVDC line on
left part of the system did the system good as TSOs can now steer to more green areas, and have more
options to stress the system away from risky situations, see Figure 5.18. Much lower risk is observed
when the set-point for HVDC line 1 are set in the range [375, 475 MW], and the set-point for HVDC line
2 are set in the range [300, 375 MW]. That means, HVDC lines can serve as a tool to shift generation.
Figure 5.18: Risk in terms of re-dispatch active load and lost active load.
Figure 5.19 illustrates that the ratio of cost and risk can perhaps help TSOs to to identify / determine the
“optimal” set-point. As it can be seen that the best “optimal” set-points that balances both generation
dispatch costs and risk are indicated by green areas. By applying these set-points the operating point
of the system moves to the most “optimal” set-point which comes with the best compromise between
cost and risk. The coordination of two HVDC set-points offers more options to TSOs to steer the system
away from serious problems, and if not coordinated, we may end up in risky system states. Thus, smart
transmission can also have a negative impact affect on the system operational security.
Chapter 6
In this chapter, the main findings and conclusions are presented, followed by recommendations for follow
up research work.
6.1 Summary
This thesis proposed the operational strategies for HVDC transmission in smart grid by addressing the
security versus markets dilemma. Chapter 2 laid the foundation to understand the smart grid operation,
and power flow modeling, necessary to investigate the power system security in the daily operational
planning. Chapter 3 described the proposed RBSA methodology used to access the stochastic nature of
system in-feeds. Chapter 4 discussed the current practices used by TSOs concerning day-ahead HVDC
grid operation. The steady-state VSC- HVDC transmission that has been modelled in MATPOWER is
described in detail. Chapter 5 proposed the need to forecast the risk associated with HVDC set-point
that comes with a provided market dispatch inherent to day-ahead operation. It is observed that there
is a perceived trade-off between costs and security. It was found that the coordination of the smart
transmission plays an important role to lower risky system states.
6.2 Conclusions
The main conclusions can be summarized as follows:
• Proposed RBSA methodology can be used to determine “best” HVDC set-point: For assessing
the power system security, it is proposed that TSOs should employ the proposed RBSA method-
ology to determine the best HVDC set-point when it is subjected to the unavoidable uncertainty
of inputs (fluctuations in load and RES) inherent to day-ahead forecasting. It was shown that: i)
without proper adaptability of the HVDC set-point, i.e., HVDC operated at a single, precomputed
set-point, not taking into account forecast uncertainty, we could run into severe problems that
can result in unnecessary high risk, and ii) with proper adaptability of the HVDC set-point, i.e.,
HVDC operated using a varying set of set-points, we could help to improve system security under
possible uncertainties. Given a specific scenario, it was shown that HVDC set-point may improve
capacity, security and efficiency of the grid (in terms of money). Moreover, TSOs cannot always
use the cost optimal HVDC set-point computed by the market as there may be cases where the
system can run into serious problems, e.g., cascading events or even blackouts;
• HVDC as a part of remedial curative measure: In order to alleviate the expected risk in day-
ahead security assessment, the adaptability of HVDC set-points as a part of remedial curative
measure was proposed. As HVDC have the lowest overall cost, the HVDC set-point should be able
to adapt, and further more serious and more costly remedial actions such as active re-dispatch
and load shedding can be avoided.
• Coordination of HVDC set-points: A study with two HVDC transmission lines shows how the
set-points of the two HVDC transmission lines must be set by TSOs in order to find the most
optimum risk vs. cost operating set-points. Two HVDC lines allow to reduce stress on one side
of the system as the HVDC lines serve as a tool to shift generation. It more or less has the same
effect as using a different generation shift key (GSK). Varying two HVDC set-points at the same
time gives more options (degrees of freedom) to TSOs to steer the system away from risk.
• The proposed RBSA methodology based on the combination of MC sampling and full AC PF de-
mand significantly complex computational resources. In order to save the computational time, we
ran a MC simulation with 5.000 samples for all the case studies. However, in certain cases higher
accuracy may be demanded, which could require in the order of 100.000 or even 1 million MC
samples. In order to be still able to perform the risk analysis on time, one has several options: i)
more hardware resources: as MC is easy to parallelize, one can simply divide the entire set of MC
samples as well as the different grid points used for 1D and 2D studies over multiple computers.
TSOs typically own a big cluster of computing nodes, so the proposed RBSA method can read-
ily be used by them, ii) speed up the computations by more efficient algorithms (faster solvers),
more efficient implementation and different programming language (e.g., C instead of Matlab),
and iii) variance reduction techniques can be used to reduce the required number of MC samples
to obtain a predefined level of accuracy;
• HVDC set-point in RBSA algorithm is set to a single value, and does not adapt during the real-time
framework. However, it would be worthwhile to implement HVDC set-point adaptability during
load balancing in order to steer the system away from cascading events. In this way, the HVDC
set-point can automatically be adjusted by the RBSA algorithm, and TSO can adapt the set-point
on a real-time framework;
• Market designs such as central dispatch, and self-dispatch markets can be evaluated based on the
curative remedial actions. As the HVDC set-point in this study can be adjusted by TSOs as being
part of curative remedial actions avoiding more costly remedial actions including re-dispatch, and
lost active load, therefore the effect on market designs can shed more light on the overall costs of
the entire system;
• It would be interesting to analyze how the optimal placement of an HVDC transmission line can
affect the overall system risk, or risk in adjacent areas. This can be simulated by generating critical
snapshots, by looking at different combinations of load and RES: i) high load - min RES, ii) high
RES - min load, iii) high RES on one side, and iv) combination of the above. For each of these
snapshots appropriate dispatch for conventional generation (CG) by solving a default AC OPF cost
problem can be computed. Finally, the risk for different HVDC systems, i.e., different placement /
different capacity of the HVDC transmission line can be then evaluated.
Appendix A
System parameters
A.2 Generator parameters
A.3 Transmission line parameters
Resistance Reactance Susceptance Rating
Circuits From bus To bus distance
(p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (MVA)
1 1 2 3 0.0026 0.0139 0.4611 175
2 1 3 55 0.0546 0.0211 0.0572 175
3 1 5 22 0.0218 0.0845 0.0229 175
4 2 4 33 0.0328 0.1267 0.0343 175
5 2 6 50 0.0497 0.1920 0.0520 175
6 3 9 31 0.0308 0.119 0.0322 175
7 3 24 0 0.0023 0.0839 - 400
8 4 9 27 0.0268 0.1037 0.0281 175
9 5 10 23 0.0228 0.0883 0.0239 175
10 6 10 16 0.0139 0.0605 2.4590 175
11 7 8 16 0.0159 0.0614 0.0166 175
12 8 9 43 0.0427 0.1651 0.0447 175
13 8 10 43 0.0427 0.1651 0.0447 175
14 9 11 0 0.0023 0.0839 - 400
15 9 12 0 0.0023 0.0839 - 400
16 10 11 0 0.0023 0.0839 - 400
17 10 12 0 0.0023 0.0839 - 400
18 11 13 33 0.0061 0.0476 0.0999 500
19 11 14 29 0.0054 0.0418 0.0879 500
20 12 13 33 0.0061 0.0476 0.0999 500
21 12 23 67 0.0124 0.0966 0.2030 500
22 13 23 60 0.0111 0.0865 0.1818 500
23 14 16 27 0.0050 0.0389 0.0818 500
24 15 16 12 0.0022 0.0173 0.0364 500
25 15 21 34 0.0063 0.0490 0.1030 500
26 15 21 34 0.0063 0.0490 0.1030 500
27 15 24 36 0.0067 0.0519 0.1091 500
28 16 17 18 0.0033 0.0259 0.0545 500
29 16 19 16 0.0030 0.0231 0.0485 500
30 17 18 10 0.0018 0.0144 0.0303 500
31 17 22 73 0.0135 0.1053 0.2212 500
32 18 21 18 0.0033 0.0259 0.0545 500
33 18 21 18 0.0033 0.0259 0.0545 500
34 19 20 27.5 0.0051 0.0396 0.0833 500
35 19 20 27.5 0.0051 0.0396 0.0833 500
36 20 23 15 0.0028 0.0216 0.0455 500
37 20 23 15 0.0028 0.0216 0.0455 500
38 21 22 47 0.0087 0.0678 0.1424 500
A.4 Generation cost parameters
Startup cost Shutdown cost Cost function Cost function Cost function
($ ) ($ ) (c2) (c1) (c0)
1 1500 0 0 130 400.6849
1 1500 0 0 130 400.6849
1 1500 0 0.01414 16.0811 212.3076
1 1500 0 0.01414 16.0811 212.3076
2 1500 0 0 130 400.6849
2 1500 0 0 130 400.6849
2 1500 0 0.01414 16.0811 212.3076
2 1500 0 0.01414 16.0811 212.3076
7 1500 0 0.052672 43.6615 781.521
7 1500 0 0.052672 43.6615 781.521
7 1500 0 0.052672 43.6615 781.521
13 1500 0 0.00717 48.5804 832.7575
13 1500 0 0.00717 48.5804 832.7575
13 1500 0 0.00717 48.5804 832.7575
15 1500 0 0.32841 56.564 86.3852
15 1500 0 0.32841 56.564 86.3852
15 1500 0 0.32841 56.564 86.3852
15 1500 0 0.32841 56.564 86.3852
15 1500 0 0.32841 56.564 86.3852
15 1500 0 0.008342 12.3883 382.2391
16 1500 0 0.008342 12.3883 382.2391
18 1500 0 0.000213 4.4231 395.3749
21 1500 0 0.000213 4.4231 395.3749
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
22 1500 0 0 0.001 0.001
23 1500 0 0.008342 12.3883 382.2391
23 1500 0 0.008342 12.3883 382.2391
23 1500 0 0.004895 11.8495 665.1094
A.5 HVDC line specifications
Appendix B
Visualization tool
138.2 306.5
286.6 286.6 102.7
1.009 325.0
131.6 179.9 < < 1.049
216.8 210.4 <
29.3 0.958
Figure B.1: Network parameters when HVDC set-point is set to 325 MW.
B.2 Detailed analysis HVDC set-point is set to 500 MW
< < 43.3
1.042 43.3 184.3
1.032 0.01.033 1.043
176.3 201.7
282.3 282.3 102.7
1.026 500.0
169.5 150.1 < < 1.010
< 212.3
216.8 210.4 <
309.8 190.9 243.1 256.3 310.5
0.951 0.995
< 184.6
> 32.7 > 0.971
26.1 0.958
Figure B.2: Network parameters when HVDC set-point is set to 500 MW.
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