Logistic Growth Rate Functions Blumberg1968
Logistic Growth Rate Functions Blumberg1968
Logistic Growth Rate Functions Blumberg1968
(1968) 21,42-44
1. Introduction
The growth in time of population and organism size is commonly described
by an ogive or S-shaped curve where the limiting initial and final growth
rates are zero and where there is an inflexion at some intermediate time
(Pearl, 1925; Bayliss, 1960). A number of equations have been proposed to
account for the shape of these growth curves (Brody, 1945; Gompertz, 1825;
Laird, Tyler & Barton, 1965; Von Bertalanffy, 1960; Fabens, 1965).
A logistic growth rate equation
dW/dt = kW(A- W)
where W is, for example, the organism mass, has an inflexion at W = A/2,
half the limiting final mass (Robertson, 1923). Unfortunately the inflexion
is not alway found at that value. To remedy this the rate “constant” has been
given a time-dependent polynomial form and from this the many-parameter
equation of Pearl & Reed (1923) follows. This has been used especially in
population work and often leads to underestimation of future values (Lotka,
The subject of this paper is a logistic growth equation of the form
dP/dt = ~QP”(P, -P)”
where k,,, is a time-independent growth constant and P, is the limiting value
of the growth variable, P. For convenience the reduced population p = P/P,
is defined and the rate equation becomes
dp/dt = k,,,P”,+*-‘~“(1 -p)“.
At the inflexion p = a/(a+b).
The differential equation can be rearranged and integrated,
d(1 -P)*
+ constant
There are several techniques available to determine the kinetic order para-
meters (a, b).
Although there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the p-value
at inflexion and the proper kinetic pair (a, b), there being several parameter
pairs corresponding to a single inflexion p-value, nevertheless, a wider
range of inflexion points is available through this more general rate equation
than is offered by the original Robertson (1923) formulation with (a, b) =
(1, 1).
Where the population or organism size is known as a function of time the
functions F(a, b; p) can be computed at each p and t for the several (a, b)
pairs. The several functions F(a, b;p) are plotted in a graph against time.
A linear plot will be seen for that (a, b) pair which describes the growth law.
From the identity relationships it is evident that only a single (a, 6) and its
conjugate, (b, a) can correspond to a function linear in time. A decision
between (a, b) and (b, a) is simple: only one can correspond to a positive
value for the constant, k,,*. A table of functions is presented in the next
section. The identity relations reduce the labor of calculating F(a, b;p)
p for time-origin so
a b Fta. b ; P) integration-constant
is zero
1 1 lnp-ln(l-p) t
2 1 lnp-ln(l-p)-l/p 0.7822. . .
1 2 lnp-lntl -p)+ll(l -p) 0.2178. , .
2 2 2mp-2In(l-p)+1/(1-p)-l/p t
3:2 1 2ln(l+p*)-(ln
tanh-I@‘)-2p- 1-p’) * = 2 tanh-I@+) 0
0.6948 ...
213 1 (~)h1(l-p)-(3/2)ln(l--p~~~)+tan-~((1+2p~~~)3-*) -
1 1 W/t1 -P)) t
2 1 W/(1 -P)) - VP 0.7822
1 2 w/t1 -p))+ l/U -P) 0.2178
f 21 hl((l+p’)/(l-p’))
2NPm-P))+m-P)--/P = 2 tanh-‘p’ 0i
312 1 2 tanh-lp*-2/p* 0.6948
213 1 + In[(l -p)/(l -p1’3)3]+tan-1((1 +2~“~)/3*) -
The group of growth laws with (a, b) = (2/3, b) where b is some integer or
half-integer has been investigated for heterogeneous kinetic processes
(Blumberg & Stavrinou, 1960; Nielsen, 1959). Nielsen (1964) lists the integral
functions where a = 213 and b = 1, 2,3 and 4, and the numerical values of
the functions where (a, b) = (l/3, l), (2/3, l), (2/3,2), (2/3,3) and (2/3,4).
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