Real Gases: Sections 1.4-1.6 (Atkins 6th Ed.), 1.3-1.5 (Atkins 7th, 8th Eds.)
Real Gases: Sections 1.4-1.6 (Atkins 6th Ed.), 1.3-1.5 (Atkins 7th, 8th Eds.)
Real Gases: Sections 1.4-1.6 (Atkins 6th Ed.), 1.3-1.5 (Atkins 7th, 8th Eds.)
Sections 1.4-1.6 (Atkins 6th Ed.), 1.3-1.5 (Atkins 7th, 8th Eds.)
Molecular Interactions
Compression factor
Virial coefficients
Critical Constants
Corresponding States
Repulsive forces:
assist expansion of gas
- significant when molecules are
close to one another
- operative at high pressures, when
intermolecular distances are near a
single molecular diameter
Attractive forces:
assist compression of gas
- can have influence over a long
distance (close but not touching)
-operative at moderate pressures
Compression Factor
The compression factor of a gas can be
defined as
Z '
where Vm is the molar volume, V/n
Ideal gas: Z = 1
Departure from Z = 1 means that a gas is
not behaving as an ideal gas
Virial: comes from that Latin word vis, viris, meaning force - the
coefficients in the virial equation depend on the forces of interaction
between molecules of the gas
Boyle Temperature
Perfect gas: dZ/dp = 0 (since Z = 1), but
in a real gas
' B ) % 2pC ) % ... 6 B ) as p 6 0
6 B as Vm 6 4 , or p 6 0
d(1 /Vm)
At low T: initial dZ/dp < 0, B is negative
At high T: initial dZ/dp > 0, B is positive
(Correspond to the first order B coefficients
at these temperatures)
T (oC) B& (x 10-3 bar-1) C& (x 10-6 bar-2) D& (x 10-9 bar-3)
0 -2.349 -0.877 29
25 -1.727 +0.438 17
50 -1.274 +1.353 7.9
100 -0.677 +1.447 4.1
150 -0.324 +1.219 2.0
200 -0.106 +0.967 0.99
250 +0.0345 +0.749 0.56
300 +0.125 +0.583 0.31
350 +0.186 +0.461 0.16
Virial Coefficients for Methane, 2
Here are the coefficients B, C and D plotted as functions of
B (x10-3)
C (x10-6)
D (x10-10)
25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
T (oC)
CO2 gas compressed by a piston at 20oC:
A: p rises, in accordance with Boyle’s law
B: deviations from ideal gas behaviour
CDE: piston moves without any pressure
increase at all - non-ideal behaviour
This line: vapour pressure (liq-gas eqb)
where a and b are van der Waals coefficients, specific to each gas
Note the different critical constants that can be calculated “exactly” from the
coefficients a and b
Summary of the vdW Equation
(1) Perfect gas isotherms are obtained at high temperatures and large molar
# at high T, the first term may be much greater than the second
# if Vm is high, then Vm - b . Vm, p = RT/Vm
(2) Liquids and gases exist when cohesive and dispersive forces are balanced:
# first term from KE and repulsion, second term from attraction
(3) Critical constants are related to the van der Waals coefficients:
# for T < Tc calculated isotherms oscillate, passing through a
minimum followed by a maximum, converging as T 6 Tc
# at the flat inflection, the 1st and 2nd derivatives are zero:
dp RT 2a Solve the two equations in two unknowns:
'& % ' 0
dVm 2
(Vm & b) Vm 3 Vm and T, then find p with the equation of
state! This gives:
d 2p 2RT 6a
' & ' 0 a 8a
dVm (Vm & b) 3 4
Vc ' 3b , pc ' , Tc '
27b 2 27Rb