Curriculum Evaluation Reading
Curriculum Evaluation Reading
Curriculum Evaluation Reading
Subject: Reading Book: The Phoenix World of Reading (Phoenix Publishing House)
Grade Level: Kindergarten 2 Author: Sentones; Corsino
Quarter: 1st School Year: 2017-2018
Learning Area Objectives/Competencies Remarks
Lesson Objectives Code Competencies (CG)
Find the Next Clue Identifying the LLKVPD-00-3 Tell the missing parts ACCOMPLISHED
missing parts of LLKVPD-00-5 in objects/pictures
objects LLKPA-Ic-4 Draw the missing part
Identifying rhyming LLKPA-00-6 Tell whether a pair or
words set of spoken words
Finding ways to care rhyme
for plants Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Animals All Around Us Identifying the letters LLKAK-Ih-3 Identify the letters of ACCOMPLISHED
of the alphabet LLKAK-Ih-7 the alphabet (mother
Recognizing the LLKAK-Ih-5 tongue, orthography)
alphabet sequence Give the sound of
Following written each letter (mother
directions tongue, orthography)
Showing respect for Match the letter sound
animals to its letter form
Looking from My Classifying objects LLKVPD-ID-1 Tell which ACCOMPLISHED
Window Alphabetizing to the objects/pictures are
first letter the same based on
Observing things and color, shape, size
appreciating God’s direction, and other
gifts details
Something Is Missing Relating parts to a LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
whole LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Identifying words with LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or not
the initial and final t, LLKPA-Ic-4 2 spoken words begin
p, n, s, l, m sounds LLKPA-00-6
with the same sound
Knowing how to take LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
care of the different
words those that begin
parts of the body
with the same sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Fe’s Favorite Color Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
initial f, r, c (k) sounds LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Identifying words with LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or not
the final f and r LLKPA-Ic-4 2 spoken words begin
sounds LLKPA-00-6
with the same sound
Showing how to take LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
care of one’s eyes
words those that begin
with the same sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Gabrielle’s Surprise Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
the initial and final b, LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
h and g sounds LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or not
Showing appreciation LLKPA-Ic-4 2 spoken words begin
for others LLKPA-00-6
with the same sound
Select from 3 spoken
words those that begin
with the same sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Another Day Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
the initial and final d, LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
v and j LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or not
Showing appreciation LLKPA-Ic-4 2 spoken words begin
of family members by LLKPA-00-6
with the same sound
making a family tree LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
words those that begin
with the same sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Missing Parts Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
the initial and final k, z LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
and w sounds LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or not
Using body parts to LLKPA-Ic-4 2 spoken words begin
help others LLKPA-00-6
with the same sound
Select from 3 spoken
words those that begin
with the same sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Subject: Reading Book: The Phoenix World of Reading (Phoenix Publishing House)
Grade Level: Kindergarten 2 Author: Sentones; Corsino
Quarter: 2nd School Year: 2017-2018
Learning Area Objectives/Competencies Remarks
Lesson Objectives Code Competencies (CG)
Quack, Quack Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
initial and final y, LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
initial q and final x LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
sounds LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Showing concern for LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
others LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Sam Identifying the /a/ LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
with the /a/ sound LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Keeping things in LLKPA-00-6 begin with the same
order LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Kit Learns His Lesson Identifying the /i/ LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
with the /i/ sound LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Knowing how to LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
choose healthy food LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Keno Identifying the /e/ LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
with words that have LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
the /e/ sound LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Taking good care of LLKPA-Ig-7
one’s pet
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Alec’s Socks Sequencing events LLKLC-Ih-6 Tell the event that ACCOMPLISHED
Identifying the /o/ LLKLC-00-7 happened first,
sound LLKPA-Ig-1 middle, and last in
Reading sentences LLKPA-Ic-2 stories listened to
with words that have LLKPA-00-3 Give the correct
the /o/ sound LLKPA-Ic-4 sequence of three
Taking good care of LLKPA-00-6 events in a story
one’s things listened to orally
and/or through
Identify the sounds of
letters orally given
Identify whether or
not 2 spoken words
begin with the same
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Under the Umbrella Identifying the /u/ LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
with words that have LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
the /u/ sound LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Being a friend to LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Who Caused It? Differentiating short LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of ACCOMPLISHED
vowel sounds LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Following directions LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Reading sentences LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
with words that have LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
the different short LLKPA-Ig-7
vowel sounds
Select from 3 spoken
Being fair in
words those that
everything one does
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Know More about Me Identifying the long a LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of IN PROGRESS
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Differentiating LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
between the short a LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
and the long a sounds LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Reading phrases and LLKPA-Ig-7
sentences with words
Select from 3 spoken
that have the long a
words those that
Showing concern for begin with the same
other people sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Ike’s Kite Identifying the long I LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Differentiating LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
between the long i LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
and the short i sounds LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Reading sentences LLKPA-Ig-7
with words that have
Select from 3 spoken
the long i sound
words those that
Knowing when to ask
for help begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Good Deeds Identifying the long e LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
with words that have LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
the long e sound LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Showing proper LLKPA-Ig-7
behavior at all times
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Hope for the Best Identifying the long o LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
sound LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Differentiating LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
between the long o LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
and the short o LLKPA-00-6 begin with the same
sounds LLKPA-Ig-7 sound
Reading sentences Select from 3 spoken
with words that have
words those that
the long o sound
begin with the same
Showing appreciation
for our mothers sound
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
June Can Sing Differentiating LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
between the long u LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
sound and the short u LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
sounds LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Reading sentences LLKPA-00-6 begin with the same
with words that have LLKPA-Ig-7
the long u sound
Select from 3 spoken
Taking good care of
words those that
one’s pet
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
What Do I Like to Do? Differentiating the LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
long vowel sounds LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
from each other LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Reading sentences LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
with words that have LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
the long vowel LLKPA-Ig-7
Select from 3 spoken
Doing one’s best
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Subject: Reading Book: The Phoenix World of Reading (Phoenix Publishing House)
Grade Level: Kindergarten 2 Author: Sentones; Corsino
Quarter: 3rd School Year: 2017-2018
Learning Area Objectives/Competencies Remarks
Lesson Objectives Code Competencies (CG)
People at Work Knowing our LLKOL-00-5 Talk about family
community helpers LLKPA-Ig-1 members, pets, toys,
Identifying words that LLKPA-Ic-2 foods, or members of
begin with bl LLKPA-00-3 the community using
Appreciating LLKPA-Ic-4 various appropriate
community workers LLKPA-00-6
descriptive words
Identify the sounds of
letters orally given
Identify whether or
not 2 spoken words
begin with the same
Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Clara’s Clay Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with cl LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Noting details LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Practicing cleanliness LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
at all times LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
LLKVPD-ID-1 Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Talk about the details
of an object/picture
like toys, pets, foods,
Tell which
objects/pictures are
the same based on
color, shape, size
direction, and other
Fly High Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with fl LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Identifying things that LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
go together LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Identifying the main LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
idea LLKPA-Ig-7
Appreciating the Select from 3 spoken
things around us
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Glad not Glum Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with the gl LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
blend LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Identifying feelings LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Noting details LLKPA-00-6 begin with the same
Showing concern for LLKPA-Ig-7
others Llkol-Id-4
LLKVPD-ID-1 Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Talk about the details
of an object/picture
like toys, pets, foods,
Tell which
objects/pictures are
the same based on
color, shape, size
direction, and other
Say “Please” Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with pl and sl LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Using configuration LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
clues (shape clues) LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Classifying animals LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Noting details LLKPA-Ig-7
Using courteous Llkol-Id-4
LLKVPD-ID-1 Select from 3 spoken
expressions words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Talk about the details
of an object/picture
like toys, pets, foods,
Tell which
objects/pictures are
the same based on
color, shape, size
direction, and other
Happy Heart Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with L blends LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Making judgments LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Appreciating LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
environmental print LLKPA-00-6 begin with the same
Showing concern for LLKPA-Ig-7
people LLKLC-00-10
LLKLC-00-12 Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Predict what might
happen next in the
story listened to
Predict possible
ending of a story
listened to
Carlo and His Kitten Identifying words that LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
begin with the br LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
blend LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
Identifying moods and LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
feelings LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Sequencing events LLKPA-Ig-7
Showing bravery in LLKLC-Ih-6
Select from 3 spoken
situations that call for LLKLC-00-7
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Tell the event that
happened first,
middle, and last in
stories listened to
Give the correct
sequence of three
events in a story
listened to orally
and/or through
Creatures Crawl and Identifying words with LLKPA-Ig-1 Identify the sounds of
Creep the cr blend LLKPA-Ic-2 letters orally given
Reading words with LLKPA-00-3 Identify whether or
the cr blend LLKPA-Ic-4 not 2 spoken words
Noting details LLKPA-00-6
begin with the same
Following directions LLKPA-Ig-7
Appreciating living Llkol-Id-4
LLKVPD-ID-1 Select from 3 spoken
words those that
begin with the same
Tell whether a pair or
set of spoken words
Give a words that
rhymes with a spoken
Identify several words
that begin with the
same sound as the
spoken word
Talk about the details
of an object/picture
like toys, pets, foods,
Tell which
objects/pictures are
the same based on
color, shape, size
direction, and other
The Rabbit and the Classifying objects LLKVPD-ID-1 Tell which
Turtle Appreciating objects/pictures are
individual differences the same based on
color, shape, size
direction, and other
Books Are Great! Identifying the parts of LLKBPA-OO-2 Identify parts of a
a book book (front, and back
Knowing the cover, and its pages)
importance of books
Showing how to care
for books