A001064 07e PDF
A001064 07e PDF
A001064 07e PDF
Diesel engine-generator sets
with Series 2000 and 4000 MTU engines
© 2017 Copyright MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
This publication is protected by copyright and may not be used in any way, whether in whole or in part, without the prior writ-
ten consent of MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH. This particularly applies to its reproduction, distribution, editing, translation, micro-
filming and storage or processing in electronic systems including databases and online services.
All information in this publication was the latest information available at the time of going to print. MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
reserves the right to change, delete or supplement the information provided as and when required.
Table of Contents
1 Preface 5 Approved Engine Oils and Lubricating
1.1 General information 5
5.1 Single-grade oils – Category 1, SAE grades
2 Lubricants 30 and 40 for diesel engines 57
5.2 Multigrade oils – Category 1, SAE grades
2.1 Engine oils – General 7 10W-40 and 15W-40 for diesel engines 59
2.2 Series-based usability for engine oils 13 5.3 Single-grade oils – Category 2, SAE-grades
2.3 Fluorescent dyestuffs for detecting leaks in 30 and 40 for diesel engines 60
the lube oil circuit 14 5.4 Multigrade oils – Category 2 of SAE grades
2.4 Lubricating greases 15 10W-40, 15W-40 and 20W-40 for diesel
2.5 MTU Advanced Fluid Management System engines 63
for engine oils – Test package for North 5.5 Multigrade oils – Category 2.1 (low SAPS
America 16 oils) 71
5.6 Multigrade oils – Category 3, SAE grades
3 Coolants 5W-30, 5W-40, and 10W-40 for diesel
engines 74
3.1 Coolant – General information 17
5.7 Multigrade oils – Category 3.1 (low SAPS
3.2 Operational monitoring 19
oils) 78
3.3 Series-based usability of coolant additives 23
5.8 Lubricating Greases 82
3.4 Unsuitable materials in the coolant circuit 24
5.8.1 Lubricating greases for general applications 82
3.5 Fresh water requirements 25 5.8.2 Lubricating greases for diesel engine-generator
3.6 Antifreeze 26 set components 83
3.7 Coolant without antifreeze 27
3.8 Emulsifiable corrosion-inhibiting oils 28
3.9 Limit values for coolants 29 6 Approved Coolants
3.10 Storage capability of coolant concentrates 30
6.1 Coolants without antifreeze for cooling
3.11 Color additives for detection of leaks in the
systems containing light metal 84
coolant circuit 31 6.1.1 Coolant without antifreeze – Concentrates for
3.12 MTU Advanced Fluid Management System cooling systems containing light metal 84
for coolant – Test package for North 6.1.2 Coolant without antifreeze – Ready mixtures
America 32 for cooling systems containing light metal 86
This symbol indicates instructions, tasks and operations that must be followed to avoid hazards
to persons as well as damage to or destruction of material.
A note provides special instructions that must be observed when performing a task.
Use of the approved fluids and lubricants, either under the brand name or in accordance with the specifica-
tions given in this publication, constitutes part of the warranty conditions.
The supplier of the fluids and lubricants is responsible for the worldwide standard quality of the named prod-
Fluids and lubricants for diesel engine-generator sets can be hazardous materials. Certain regu-
lations must be obeyed when handling, storing and disposing of these substances.
Safe disposal
To prevent environmental pollution and infringements of statutory requirements, used fluids
and lubricants must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Never dispose of or burn the used oil in the fuel tank.
The regulations for the disposal of fluids and lubricants differs from place to place. Environmental protection
is one of the fundamental corporate objectives of MTU Onsite Energy. We therefore recommend the recy-
cling of fluids and lubricants wherever possible. If recycling is not possible, MTU Onsite Energy recommends
consulting the local waste-disposal authorities before disposing of fluids and lubricants to determine the best
option. Users of the products named in these specifications are therefore obliged to inform themselves of
the locally valid regulations. MTU accepts no responsibility whatsoever for improper or illegal use of the flu-
ids and lubricants which it has approved.
Registered trademarks
All brand names are registered trademarks of the manufacturer concerned.
The document "Preservation and Represervation Specifications" (publication number A001070/..) contains
all information on:
• Preservation
• Represervation and de-preservation
• Permissible preservatives
The latest version is available at: www.mtuonsiteenergy.com in the area "Spare parts and technical service"
under "MTU ValueCare for Diesel Gensets, Technical Documentation".
The use of engine oils not approved by MTU can mean that statutory emission limits can no
longer be observed. This can be a punishable offense.
When changing to an engine oil in Category 3, note that the improved cleaning effect of these
engine oils can result in the loosening of engine contaminants (e.g. carbon deposits).
It may be necessary therefore to reduce the oil change interval and oil filter service life (one
time during change).
TIM-ID: 0000060885 - 003
Special features
MTU engine oils for diesel engines
At MTU, the following single and multigrade oils are available in the individual regions:
Table 1:
= To be used in conjunction with fuels with max. 50 mg/kg sulfur content.
The oil drain intervals in the table (→ Table 1) are recommended guide values when using diesel fuels with
< 0.5 % sulfur content. The defined limit values for the used oil (→ Table 2) must be observed. The numbers
of operating hours quoted for oils must be confirmed by means of oil analysis.
TIM-ID: 0000060885 - 003
The oil drain intervals must be determined by oil analysis if one or more of the following difficult operating
conditions are encountered:
• Extreme climatic conditions
• High engine startup frequency
• Frequent and prolonged idling or low-load operation
• High fuel sulfur content of 0.5 to 1.5% by weight (see "Use of High-Sulfur Fuel")
For applications involving low runtimes, the engine oil must be changed every two years at the latest irre-
spective of its category.
Special additives
Engine oils approved have been specially developed for diesel engines and have all necessary properties.
Further additives are therefore superfluous and may even be harmful.
Laboratory analysis
Spectrometric oil analysis
Analysis of the engine oil's additive-metal content is carried out by the MTU laboratory to determine the
brand of oil.
MTU does not generally analyze the oil's wear-metal contents in order to determine the degree of engine
wear. These content levels are very much dependent on the following factors, among others:
• Individual engine equipment status
• Tolerance scatter
• Operating conditions
• Duty profile
• Fluids and lubricants
• Miscellaneous assembly materials
Unambiguous conclusions as to the wear status of the engine components involved are therefore not possi-
ble. This means that no limit values can be given for wear-metal contents.
Used-oil analysis
In order to check the used oil, it is recommended that regular oil analyses be carried out. Oil samples should
be taken and analyzed at least once per year and during each oil change and under certain conditions, de-
pending on application and the engine's operating conditions, sampling / analysis should take place more
The specified test methods and limit values (Analytical Limit Values for Used Diesel Engine Oils) (→ Table 2)
indicate when the results of an individual oil sample analysis are to be regarded as abnormal.
An abnormal result requires immediate investigation and remedy of the abnormality.
The limit values relate to individual oil samples. When these limit values are reached or exceeded, an immedi-
TIM-ID: 0000060885 - 003
ate oil change is necessary. The results of the oil analysis do not necessarily give an indication of the wear
status of particular components.
In addition to the analytical limit values, the engine condition, its operating condition and any operational
faults are decisive factors with regard to oil changes.
Some of the signs of oil deterioration are:
• Abnormally heavy deposits or precipitates in the engine or engine-mounted parts such as oil filters, centri-
fugal oil filters or separators, especially in comparison with the previous analysis
• Abnormal discoloration of components
Table 2:
= only possible if there are no ester compounds
Manufacturer Product name Concentration Part No. Container size Storage stabili-
for use ty)
Chromatech Eu- D51000A Chro- 0.04 % - 0.07 % X00067084 16 kg 2 years
rope B.V. matint
Fluorescent Yel-
low 175
Cimcool, Cincin- Producto 0.5 % - 1.0 % 5 gallons (canis- 6 months
nati YFD-100 ter)
55 gallons (bar-
Table 3:
= ex works delivery, based on original and hermetically sealed containers in frost-free storage (> 5 °C).
The fluorescence (light-yellow color tone) of both dyestuffs is made visible with a UV lamp (365 nm).
Special-purpose lubricants
Mixtures of various coolant additives and supplementary additives (also in coolant filters and
filters downstream of plant components) are not permitted!
The conditions for the approval of coolant additives are specified in the following MTU works standards
• MTL 5048: Corrosion inhibiting antifreeze
• MTL 5049: Water-soluble corrosion inhibitor
Coolant manufacturers are informed in writing if their product is approved by MTU.
All coolants approved in these Fluids and Lubricants Specifications generally relate only to the
coolant circuit of MTU engines. In the case of complete propulsion plants, the operating fluids
approvals of the component manufacturer must be observed!
For corrosion-related reasons, it is not permissible to operate an engine with pure water with-
out the addition of an approve corrosion inhibitor!
MTU coolants
The following coolant additives are available from MTU:
Manufacturer & sales Product name Type
MTU Friedrichshafen Antifreeze
and MTU Asia Coolant AH 100 Antifreeze Concentrate X00057231 (20 l)
Europe X00057230 (210 l)
Middle East X00068202 (1000 l)
Asia Coolant AH 50/50 Antifreeze Premix X00070528 (20 l)
X00070530 (210 l)
X00700527 (1000 l)
(sales region: England)
Coolant AH 40/60 Antifreeze Premix X00070533 (20 l)
X00070531 (210 l)
X00700532 (1000 l)
(sales region: England, Spain)
Coolant AH 35/65 Antifreeze Premix X00069382 (20 l)
X00069383 (210 l)
X0006938 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
Coolant without antifreeze
Coolant CS 100 Corrosion Inhibitor X00057233 (20 l)
Concentrate X00057232 (210 l)
X00070455 (1000 l)
Coolant CS 10/90 Corrosion Inhibitor X00069385 (20 l)
Premix X00069386 (210 l)
X00069387 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
MTU America Antifreeze
America 23533531 (5 gallons)
Power Cool ® Off-Highway Coolant
50/50 Premix 23533532 (55 gallons)
Power Cool ® Universal 50/50 mix 800069 (1 gallon)
800071 (5 gallons)
800084 (55 gallons)
Power Cool ® Universal 35/65 mix 800085 (5 gallons)
800086 (55 gallons)
Power Cool ® 3149 Concentrate 23528572 (55 gallons)
23528571 (1000 l)
TIM-ID: 0000060890 - 002
For ready mixtures, the proportion of coolant additive (concentrate) is always named first.
• Coolant AH 40/60 Antifreeze Premix = 40 % coolant additive by volume / 60 % fresh water by volume
In the 4000-04 Series, an additional exhaust gas cooler is installed and the cooling system re-
acts more sensitively. A regular check of the coolant is therefore very important to ensure trou-
ble-free engine operation. This check must be carried out annually or after 3000 operating
hours and every time the coolant is filled.
The concentration, pH value and silicon content (only with coolant that contain Si) must be
within the values specified in the MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.
Permissible concentrations
Minimum Maximum
Emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oils without 1% by vol- – – – 2% by vol-
antifreeze ume ume
Antifreeze on ethylene glycol basis 35% by 40% by 45% by 50% by 55% by vol-
volume volume volume volume ume
with antifreeze protection up to* -20 °C -25 °C -31 °C -37 °C -45 °C
Antifreeze on propylene glycol-basis 35% by – – – 50% by vol-
volume ume
with antifreeze protection up to* -18 °C – – – -32 °C
BASF G206 65% by volume for application at outside temperatures of up
to -65 °C in arctic regions
5 to 6% Fleetguard DCA-4L
by vol- Detroit Diesel Power Cool 3000
ume Please use test kit of manufacturer
Penray Pencool 3000
Table 4:
= concentration determination by means of suitable hand refractometer
Calibrate the hand refractometer with clean water at coolant temperature. The coolant temperature should
be 20 °C. Observe the specifications of the manufacturer.
Table 5:
In the case of an engine coolant circuit with no light metal elements but with external add-on
components containing light metal (e.g. cooling system or preheater), the coolant approvals for
cooling systems containing light metal shall apply. If you have any doubts about a coolant ap-
plication, consult your contact person at MTU.
For details and special information, see chapter on “Coolants” (→ Page 17)
Any deviating special agreements between the customer and MTU-Friedrichshafen shall remain valid.
Series Cooling sys- Coolant without antifreeze
tem contain-
ing light met-
2000Gx5 yes • Concentrates for cooling systems containing light metal, see (→ Page 84)
2000Gx6 • Ready mixtures for cooling systems containing light metals, see
(→ Page 86)
4000Gx3, no * • Concentrates for cooling systems containing light metal, see (→ Page 87)
all applica- • Ready mixtures for cooling systems containing light metal, see
tion (→ Page 89)
* In the case of an engine coolant circuit with no light metal elements but with external add-on components
containing light metal (e.g. cooling system or preheater), the coolant approvals for cooling systems contain-
ing light metal shall apply.
Based on current knowledge, the following materials and coatings must not be used in an engine coolant
circuit because negative mutual reactions can occur even with approved coolant additives.
Metallic materials
• No galvanized surfaces
The entire cooling system must be free of zinc components. This also applies to coolant supply and drain
lines as well as to storage containers.
• No copper-based alloys as material with the use of coolant containing nitrite, with the exception of the
following two alloys:
– CuNi10Fe1Mn corresponds to CW-352-H
– CuNi30Mn1Fe corresponds to CW-354-H
• Do not use components containing brass in the coolant circuit (e.g. coolers made of CuZn30) if exposed
to ammoniacal solutions (e.g. amines, ammonium, ...) and solutions containing nitrite or sulfide. Stress-
corrosion cracking is possible in the presence of tensile stress and a critical potential area. "Solutions"
refer to cleaning agents, coolants and similar substances.
Non-metallic materials
• Do not use EPDM or silicone elastomers if emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oils are used or other oils are
introduced to the coolant circuit.
In case of doubt about the use of materials on the engine and add-on components / components in coolant
circuits, consultation with the respective MTU specialist department must be held.
TIM-ID: 0000052845 - 003
For the coolant additives approved for the individual series, see (→ Page 23).
Coolant additives containing nitrite must not be used in conjunction with coolers that contain
• Propylene glycol-based antifreezes are stipulated for use in some types of applications. These products
have a lower thermal conductivity than the usual ethylene glycol products. This brings about a higher tem-
perature level in the engine.
• The product BASF G206 is available for use at extremely low temperatures (< -40 °C).
• Flushing with water is required at every change to a different coolant product. For flushing and cleaning
specifications for engine coolant circuits, see (→ Page 105).
For approved coolant additives for the individual engine series, refer to chapter "Approved cool-
ants" (→ Page 23).
Coolant additives containing nitrite must not be used in conjunction with coolers that contain
Flushing with water is required at every change to a different coolant product. For preserved engines (new
engines, field engines, reserve stock engines, etc.), a flushing run must be carried out prior to filling with
engine coolant if the engines were preserved with an emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor. The necessary work is
described in the chapter "Flushing and cleaning specifications for engine coolant circuits" (→ Page 105).
TIM-ID: 0000060893 - 002
Table 6:
The coolant must be changed in case of non-compliance with the above specifications.
For a holistic appraisal of a coolant function, apart from the above-mentioned limit values the respective
coolant-specific characteristic data and the fresh water quality used must be taken into consideration.
TIM-ID: 0000018576 - 004
Table 7:
For reasons of corrosion protection, do not store in galvanized bins. Take this requirement into account when
coolant must be transferred.
Containers must be hermetically sealed and stored in a cool, dry place. Frost protection must be provided in
Further information can be obtained from the product and safety data sheets for the individual coolants.
Approx. 40 g dye must be added to 180 l coolant.
This dye quantity is already very generous and must not be exceeded.
The fluorescence (yellow color tone) is easily recognizable in daylight. In dark rooms, UV light can be used
with a wave length of 365 nm.
TIM-ID: 0000053354 - 004
HPCL – – ✔
The MTU Advanced Fluid Management System with trend analysis provides information for maximizing sys-
tem reliability. The following guidelines must be followed to obtain the best results.
Samples must be taken:
• While the engine is operating under normal conditions or immediately after stopping the engine while the
engine is still at operating temperature
• Every 250 hours at the same point
Note: The software offered by MTU for online reporting with trend analyses shows the procedure for optimiz-
ing evaluation of the gathered information after completion of the analysis.
Diesel fuels are not available worldwide in the quality required according to (→ Table 9).
The fuel properties depend on many factors, in particular, region, time of year and storage.
Unsuitable fuel usually leads to a reduced service life of engine components and can also cause engine dam-
Further details on fuel qualities, tank care and filtration are available in the publication "Useful information on
fuels, tank systems and filtration" (publication number A060631/..).
Characteristics of the fuel Test Method Limit values
Composition The diesel fuel must be free
of inorganic acids, visible
water, solid foreign matter
and chlorine compounds.
Total contamination (= elements max. D6217 EN 12662 24 mg/kg
insoluble in fuel)
Density at 15 °C min. D1298 EN ISO 3675 0.820 g/ml
max. D4052 EN ISO 12185 0.860 g/ml
API gravity at 60 °F min. D287 41
max. 33
Viscosity at 40 °C min. D445 EN ISO 3104 1.5 mm²/s
max. 4.5 mm²/s
Flashpoint (closed crucible) min. D93 EN ISO 2719 55 °C
Boiling curve: D86 EN ISO 3405
– Initial boiling point 160 to 220 °C
– Volume share at 250 °C max. 65% by volume
TIM-ID: 0000060900 - 003
The limit values named in the table (→ Table 9) must be observed at the interface [(→ Figure 3), item 6] at the
latest to guarantee safe and efficient engine operation. This applies in particular to water and total contami-
In addition to the limit values name in the table (→ Table 9), a particle distribution in the fuel in
acc. with ISO 4406 must be observed, see (→ Table 10).
ASTM Series 2000 Gx6, Series 2000 Gx5
Series 4000 Gx3
Particle distribution D7619 Coding of number max. ISO Code max. ISO Code
for fuel between of particles as per 18/17/14 for 21/20/17 for
last tank before en- ISO 4406 4/6/14 µm particle 4/6/14 µm particle
gine and prefilter size size
[(→ Figure 3), item
Table 10:
For plants without a prefilter, this refers to the feed between the last tank and the MTU equipment. For the
analysis of the fuel quality, an interface (sample extraction cock) must be provided for sample extraction dur-
ing operation.
For existing plants without an accessible feed, a sample extraction point in the last tank before the MTU
equipment is permissible.
With poorer particle distribution, it is necessary to integrate further / more-optimized filter stages in the fuel
system to achieve the operational life of fuel filters and components of the injection system.
For the limit values named for the interface, it has been validated that MTU-approved prefilters provide suffi-
cient filtration.
MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH shall not provide warranty cover for damage and impairment to engine caused
by the following usage:
• Fuel grades not approved by MTU (see (→ Table 9), (→ Table 10), (→ Page 38))
• Prefilters not approved by MTU
Laboratory analysis
An order for fuel analysis can be placed with MTU.
The following data is required:
• Fuel specifications
• Sampling point
• Serial number of engine from which fuel sample was taken
Submit the following:
• 0.5 liters of fuel
• 1.5 liters of fuel (with additional determination of cetane number)
Distillate fuels
DIN EN 590 and ASTM D975
Approved fuels Series
Fuel specifications 2000Gx5 2000Gx6 4000Gx3, all appli-
cation groups
DIN EN 590: 2014-4 Approved / Not ap- Approved / Not ap- Approved / Not ap-
proved proved proved
• Summer and winter quality
• Particle distribution in accordance with
table "Particle distribution for fuel",
see chapter (→ Page 34)
ASTM D975-16 Approval issued if: Approval issued if: Approval issued if:
• Viscosity • Viscosity • Viscosity
• Grade 1-D
min. 1.5 mm2/s min. 1.5 mm2/s min. 1.5 mm2/s
• S 15, S 500, S 5000
• Cetane number • Cetane number • Cetane number
• Density: 0.820 to 0.860 g/ml
min. 45 or cen- min. 45 or cen- min. 45 or cen-
• Proportion of water: Max. 200 mg/kg
tane index tane index tane index
• Total contamination: Max. 24 mg/kg
min. 42 min. 42 min. 42
• Particle distribution in accordance with
• Sulfur content • Sulfur content
table "Particle distribution for fuel",
max. 500 mg/kg max. 15 mg/kg
see chapter (→ Page 34)
ASTM D975-16 Approval issued if: Approval issued if: Approval issued if:
• Cetane number • Cetane number • Cetane number
• Grade 2-D
min. 45 or cen- min. 45 or cen- min. 45 or cen-
• S 15, S 500, S 5000
tane index min. tane index min. tane index min.
• Density: 0.820 to 0.860 g/ml
42 42 42
• Proportion of water: Max. 200 mg/kg
• Sulfur content • Sulfur content
• Total contamination: Max. 24 mg/kg
max. 500 mg/kg max. 15 mg/kg
• Particle distribution in accordance with
table "Particle distribution for fuel",
see chapter (→ Page 34)
TIM-ID: 0000063330 - 002
Heating oil
Approved fuels Series
Fuel specifications 2000 Gx5 2000 Gx6 4000 Gx3
DIN 51603-1:2011-09, heating oil EL Approval issued if: No approval Approved / Not ap-
Standard • Density at 15 °C proved
min. 0.820 g/ml
• Cetane number min. 45 or centane in-
• Sulfur content
dex min. 42
max. 500 mg/kg
• Lubricity max. 520 µm
• Particle distribution in accordance with
table "Particle distribution for fuel",
see chapter (→ Page 34)
DIN 51603-1:2011-09, heating oil EL Approved / Not ap- Approval issued if: Approved / Not ap-
low-sulfur proved • Sulfur content proved
max. 500 mg/kg
• Cetane number min. 45 or centane in-
dex min. 42
• Lubricity max. 520 µm
• Particle distribution in accordance with
table "Particle distribution for fuel",
see chapter (→ Page 34)
DIN 51603-6:2011-09, heating oil EL No approval No approval No approval
TIM-ID: 0000063330 - 002
General information
• We can make no comment with regard to the level of FAME resistance of the fuel system, which is not
part of our scope of supply.
• FAME is an extremely effective solvent. Any contact with paint, for example, must therefore be avoided.
• The characteristic smell of FAME exhaust, especially during long periods of idling, may be perceived as
unpleasant. The nuisance caused by smell can be reduced by an oxidation catalyst which may be installed
by the vehicle / equipment manufacturers at their own risk.
Our company accepts no responsibility for and provides no warranty in respect of any fault or
damage connected in any way with the use of FAME of a lower quality or resulting from non-
compliance with our specifications on operation using FAME. All resultant irregularities and
consequential damage lie outside our responsibility.
The following engines are approved/not approved for operation with 100% FAME in compliance with DIN EN
396 No approval
4000 No approval
538 No approval
595 No approval
956 No approval
1163 No approval
8000 No approval
Table 11:
• The fuel must comply with DIN EN 14214:2014-06. Operation with fuels of lower quality can lead to dam-
age and malfunctions.
• Either FAME or diesel fuel may be used. The various mixtures of FAME and normal diesel fuel which may
occur in the fuel tank as a result, present no problems.
Effects on the engine oil change interval with operation with 100% FAME
Engine version Engine oil change interval
Engines not fitted with special equipment for Reduction of engine oil change interval to 30% of the
operation with FAME standard interval required for operation with fossil diesel
Engines fitted with special equipment Code Reduction of engine oil change interval to 50% of the
MK21 and Code MK04 standard interval required for operation with fossil diesel
Table 12:
The relevant engine oil change intervals must be complied with without fail!
Exceeding the engine oil change intervals can cause engine damage!
• Operation with 100% FAME requires shortened fuel filter change intervals. A new fuel filter must be fitted
each time the engine oil is changed.
• FAME has a high cleaning effect, which results in a risk of clogging by loosened deposits.
If a switch has been made to FAME, a fuel filter and engine oil change should therefore be carried out
after approx. 25 operating hours.
TIM-ID: 0000057609 - 003
• Over longer periods, fuel filter service life may be reduced as a result of old residues being carried into the
filter from the fuel system. A special, approved fuel prefilter can be installed as an improvement. This fuel
prefilter with heated water separator is already installed on engines fitted with special equipment Code
Important information
The provisions with regard to requirements placed on fuel may differ depending on legislation and application
of the engine. The operator is responsible for ensuring that only fuels which comply with the applicable provi-
sions are used in the engines.
b All engines used in fire pumps, fire-extinguishing equipment or police equipment must be thoroughly
rinsed with pure, high-quality distilled diesel fuel which complies with the MTU Fluids and Lubricants
Specifications each time they are operated with a biodiesel mixture. Furthermore, an additive must be
used in these engines to improve the oxidation stability of the biodiesel.
c All engines which are only used seasonally or which are not operated for extended periods between
uses must be thoroughly rinsed with pure, high-quality distilled diesel fuel which complies with the
MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications before they are decommissioned.
d Biodiesel mixtures cannot be used in engines equipped with an exhaust gas after-treatment system
(e.g. catalytic converters, particle filters (DPF) and/or systems for reducing NOx emissions, e.g. SCR
Important information
All properties guaranteed by MTU in terms of engine power and/or availability in operation only apply to the
cases in which fuels approved by MTU are used and the engine demonstrates no defects or damage arising
from operation with fuels not approved in the MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.
6. Affected engines
This customer information applies to the following engine series:
Series Remarks
S1600G00 All years of manufacture
TIM-ID: 0000072504 - 002
Table 13:
Attention is drawn to the fact that the use of diesel fuels or additives other than those stipulat-
ed in the MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications is always the responsibility of the operator.
Microorganisms in fuel
Bacterial attack and sludge formation may occur in the fuel under unfavorable conditions. In such cases, the
fuel must be treated with biocides in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Overconcentration
must always be avoided.
The biocides approved at MTU are listed in table (→ Table 15).
Table 14:
The use of anti-wear additives is not permitted on engines/plants with exhaust aftertreatment!
TIM-ID: 0000018624 - 004
Approved biocides
Biocides should have a pure hydrocarbon structure, i.e. should only consist of the following components:
• Carbon
• Hydrogen
• Oxygen
• Nitrogen
They must not contain inorganic substances because they can cause damage to the engine. The use of halo-
genated biocides is prohibited due to their effects on the engine system and the environment.
Table 15:
Flow improvers
Flow improvers can not prevent paraffin precipitation but they do influence the size of the crystals and thus
allow the diesel fuel to pass through the filter.
The effectiveness of the flow improvers is not guaranteed for every fuel.
Certainty is only assured after laboratory testing of the filtering capability.
TIM-ID: 0000018624 - 004
Required quantities and mixing procedures must be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Based on current knowledge, the following materials and coatings must not be used in a diesel fuel circuit
because negative mutual reactions can occur even with approved coolant additives.
Metallic materials
• Zinc, also as surface protection
• Zinc-based alloys
• Copper
• Copper-based alloys with the exception of CuNi10 and CuNi30 (seawater cooler)
• Tin, also as surface protection
• Magnesium-aluminum alloy
Non-metallic materials
• Elastomers: Nitrile rubber, natural rubber, chloroprene rubber, butyl rubber, EPDM
• Silicone elastomer
• Fluorosilicone elastomer
• Polyurethane
• Polyvinyl
In case of doubt about the use of materials on the engine and add-on components / components in coolant
circuit, consultation with the respective MTU specialist department must be held.
The MTU Advanced Fluid Management System with trend analysis provides information for maximizing sys-
tem reliability. The following guidelines must be followed to obtain the best results.
Samples must be taken:
• While the engine is operating under normal conditions or immediately after stopping the engine while the
engine is still at operating temperature
• Every 250 hours at the same point
Note: The software offered by MTU for online reporting with trend analyses shows the procedure for optimiz-
ing evaluation of the gathered information after completion of the analysis.
Single-grade oils
Manufacturer Brand name SAE vis- TBN Remarks
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Addinol Lube Oil Addinol Marine MS4011 40 X
Addinol Turbo Diesel MD305 30 X
Addinol Turbo Diesel MD405 40 X
Aegean Oil SA Vigor Super D 40 X
Avia Avia Special HDC 30, 40 X
Castrol Ltd. Castrol MLC 30, 40 X
Cepsa Lubricantes Cepsa Rodaje Y Proteccion 30 X Increased corrosion pro-
Cyclon Hellas Cyclon D Prime 30, 40 X
Gulf Oil International Gulf Superfleet 40 X
Motor Oil (Hellas) EMO Turbo Champion Plus 30, 40 X
Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. Marbrax CCD-310 30 X
Marbrax CCD-410 40 X
PTT Public Comp. PTT Navita MTU Type 1 40 X
Repsol Lubricantes y Especiali- Repsol Serie 3 30, 40 X
dades, S.A. Repsol Marino 3 30 X
Repsol Marino 3 SAE 40 40 X
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Rekord 30, 40 X
Shell International Petroleum Shell Gadinia 30, 40 X
Company Shell Rimula R3 30, 40 X
TIM-ID: 0000018628 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Total Fina Delta Super 30, 40 X
Total Caprano TD 30 30 X
Total Caprano TD 40 40 X
Total Rubia S 30, 40 X
United Oil XD 7000 Extra Duty-3U X
XD 7000 Extra Duty-4U X
Table 16:
= These multigrade oils can only be used if crankcase ventilation is routed to atmosphere.
= Engine oils marked 2) are also permitted for the "Series 60"
Multigrade oils
Manufacturer Brand name SAE vis- TBN Remarks
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Addinol Lube Oil Addinol Super Star MX 1547 15W-40 X
Advanced Lubrication Specialties Translub 15W40 CI-4 15W-40 X
BP p.l.c. BP Vanellus Multi 15W-40 X
ENI S.p.A eni i-Sigma universal DL 15W-40 X
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobil Delvac Super 1400E 15W-40 X
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobil Delvac XHP 15W-40 X
Gulf Oil International Gulf Superfleet 15W-40 X
Lubrication Specialties Company TOP 1 Oil Products Co. / Transport SAE 15W-40 X
Manufacture Zavod imeni Shau- M5z/14D2CE 15W-40 X
OPET Petrolcülük Omega Turbo Power SHPD 15W-40 X 1)
and oil change interval
500 operating hours
Petróleos de Portugal, Petrogal Galp Galaxia Super 15W-40 15W-40 X
Singapore Petroleum Company SPC SDM 801 15W-40 X
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Primalub 15W-40 X
Total Fina Kappa Turbo DI 15W-40 X
Total Caprano TD 15W-40 X
Unil Opal Intercooler 400 15W-40 X
TIM-ID: 0000018950 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH Power Guard® DEO SAE 40 40 X 20 l container:
210 l container
IBC: X00064829
MTU America Power Guard® SAE 40 Off-Highway 40 X 5 gallons: 23532941
Heavy Duty 55 gallons: 23532942
Approved for Series 8000
[(→ Table 17), note]
available through MTU
Not approved for Series
2000 M72
MTU India Pvt Ltd. Diesel Engine Oil DEO SAE 40 40 X 20 l container: 73333/P
205 l container: 75151/D
Sale of Indian oil only in-
tended in Indian market
Table 17:
For Series 8000 engines, the approved SAE class 40 engine oils may only be used in combina-
tion with preheating and oil priming (Toil> 30 °C).
>12 mgKOH/g
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
BayWa AG Tectrol HD 30 30 X
Tectrol HD 40 40 X
Belgin Madeni Yaglar Lubex Marine M 30 X
Lubex Marine M 40 X
Lubex Marine LTM-30 30 X
Lubex Marine LTM-40 40 X
Castrol Ltd. Castrol HLX 30, 40 X Approved for fast com-
mercial vessels up to
1500 h, Series 595, 1163
Cepsa Lubricants Cepsa Petrel HDL 40 40 X
Chevron Lubricants (Texaco) Ursa Super TD 30, 40 X
Ursa Premium TDX 40 X
Delo 400 30, 40 X
Delo Gold 40 X
Chevron – Lyteca – (Texaco) Ursa Premium TDX 40 X
Cyclon Hellas Cyclon D Super 40 X
Delek Delkol Super Diesel 40 X
Delkol Super Diesel MT Mono 40 X
ENI S.p.A. Agip Sigma GDF 40 X
ENOC Marketing L.L.C. ENOC Strata Super Duty 40 X
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobil Delvac 1630 30 X Not approved for Series
2000 M72
Mobil Delvac 1640 40 X Not approved for Series
2000 M72
Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe Titan Universal HD 30, 40 X
GmbH Titan Universal HD 30 MTU 30 X Increased corrosion pro-
Gulf Oil International Gulf Superfleet Plus 40 X
Gulf Western Oil, Australia Turboil 40 X
TIM-ID: 0000018996 - 005
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Manufacture Zavod imeni Shau- M-14D2CE 40 X
myana Ltd.
Motor Oil, Hellas EMO SHPD Plus 30, 40 X
OOO Lukoil International Lukoil Avantgarde M 40 40 X
Oryx Energies Supreme RR 40 X
Panolin AG Panolin Extra Diesel 40 X
Paz Lubricants & Chemicals Pazl Marine S 40 40 X
Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. Marbrax CCD-310-AP 30 X
Marbrax CCD-410-AP 40 X
Petroleos de Portugal, Petrogal Galp Galaxia 40 40 X
Prista Oil Holding EAD Prista SHPD 40 40 X
PTT Public Comp. PTT Navita MTU Type 2 40 X
Navita Plus, SAE 40 40 X
Repsol Lubricantes y Especiali- Repsol Diesel Serie 3 MT 40 X
dades, S.A.
Shell International Petroleum Shell Sirius X 30 X
Company Shell Sirius X 40 X
Singapore Petroleum Company SPC SDM 900, SAE30 30 X
Limited SPC SDM 900, SAE40 40 X
Sonol Seamaster 40 40 X
SRS Schmierstoff Vertriebs SRS Rekord plus 30 30 X
GmbH SRS Rekord plus 40 40 X
SRS Antikorrol M plus 30 X Increased corrosion pro-
Statoil Lubricants PowerWay 30 30 X
PowerWay 40 40 X
Total Total Caprano MT 30 30 X
Total Caprano MT 40 40 X
TIM-ID: 0000018996 - 005
Total Disola MT 30 30 X
Total Disola MT 40 40 X
Total Rubia MT 30 30 X
Total Rubia MT 40 40 X
Viva Energy Australia Penske Power Systems Premium 40 X
Table 18:
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH Diesel Engine Oil DEO SAE 15W-40 15W-40 X 20 l container:
210 l container:
IBC: X00070833
Loose items: X00070835
(only on request)
MTU Asia Diesel Engine Oil - DEO 15W-40 15W-40 X 20 l container: 64247/P
200 l container: 65151/D
MTU Asia Diesel Engine Oil - DEO SAE 15W-40 15W-40 X 20 l canister:
China X00064242/P
205 l barrel: 65151/D
Diesel Engine Oil - DEO SAE 10W-40 10W-40 X 20 l canister: 60606/P
MTU India Pvt. Ltd. Diesel Engine Oil - DEO 15W-40 15W-40 X 20 l canister: 63333/P2)
205 l barrel: 65151/D
Sale only intended in Indi-
an market
Table 19:
> 12 gKOH/g
TIM-ID: 0000019001 - 005
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
Anomina Petroli Italiana IP Tarus 15W-40 X
IP Tarus Turbo 15W-40 X
IP Tarus Turbo Plus 15W-40 X 2)
Deutschland GmbH
MOTOR GOLD Turbotec 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
Chevron Lubricants (Caltex) Delo SHP Multigrade 15W-40 X
Delo Gold Multigrade 15W-40 X
Delo Gold Ultra 15W-40 X
Delo 400 Multigrade 15W-40 X
Delo 400 Multigrade 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
Exol Lubricants Ltd. Taurus Extreme M 15W-40 X 2)
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobilgard 1 SHC 20W-40 X Approved for fast com-
mercial vessels up to
1500 h
Mobil Delvac Super 1400 15W-40 X
Mobil Delvac MX 15W-40
Mobil Delvac MX Extra 15W-40 X
Mobil Delvac Advanced City Logistics 15W-40 X
Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH AVIATICON Turbo Super Plus 15W-40 X 2)
Titan Unimax Ultra MC 10W-40 X
Titan Formel Plus 15W-40 X
Fuchs Titan Truck 15W-40 X 2)
SAE 15W-40
Ginouves Georges SAS York 849 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
Gulf Oil International Gulf Super Duty VLE 15W-40 X
Gulf Superfleet LE 10W-40 X
Gulf Superfleet LE 15W-40 X 2)
High Industrial Lubricants & Liq- Fastroil Force F300 Diesel 15W-40 X 2)
Kuwait National Lube Oil MfgCo Burgan Ultra Diesel CH-4 15W-40 X 2)
Kuwait Petroleum Q8 T 750 15W-40 X 2)
Q8 T 800 10W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
MOL-LUB Kft.. MOLDynamic MK9 15W-40 X
MOL Mk-9 15W-40 X
Mol Dynamic Super Diesel 15W-40 X
Mol Dynamic Transit 10W-40 X 2)
Duron XL 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
Qatar Lubricants Company Ltd. QALCO Topaz HMF 15W-40 X
Raloy Lubricantes, S.S. de C.V. Raloy Diesel Power 15W-40 X 2)
dades, S.A.
Repsol Neptuno S-Turbomar 15W-40 X
RN-Lubricants Rosneft Revolux D5 15W-40 X
ROWE Mineralölwerk GmbH ROWE Hightec Formula GT SAE 10W-40 10W-40 X 2)
S.A.E.L. Gulf Gulfleet Long Road 15W-40 X
Shell International Petroleum Shell Rimula MV 15W-40 X
Company Shell Rimula R3 MV 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Motorenöl O-236 15W-40 X 2)
enhanced corrosion pro-
SRS Multi-Rekord top 15W-40 X 2)
Viva Energy Australia Penske Power Systems Premium 15W-40 X 2)
Table 20:
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
MTU America Power Guard® SAE 15W-40 Off-Highway 15W-40 X 5 gallons: 800133
Heavy Duty 55 gallons: 800134
IBC: 800135
available through MTU
Table 21:
>12 mgKOH/g
4000-04 T
Delo 400 MGX 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
eni S.P.A. eni i-Sigma top MS 15W-40 X 2)
Repsol Lubricantes Y Especiali- Repsol Diesel Turbo THPD Mid Saps 15W-40 X 2)
dades, S.A.
Shell International Petroleum Shell Rimula Super 15W-40 X 2)
Shell Rimula RT4L 15W-40 X 2)
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Turbo Rekord plus 15W-40 X 2)
Table 22:
TIM-ID: 0000019003 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
> 12 gKOH/g
MTU Asia Diesel Engine Oil - DEO 5W-30 5W-30 X 20 l canister: 60808/P
China available through MTU
Table 23:
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Cepsa Cepsa Eurotrans SHPD 5W-30 X
Cepsa Eurotrans SHPD 10W-40 X
Chevron Lubricants (Caltex) Delo XLD Multigrade 10W-40 X
Delo XLD Multigrade 10W-40 X
Chevron Lubricants (Texaco) Ursa HD 10W-40 X
Ursa Premium FE 5W-30 X
Ursa Super 10W-40 X
Ursa Super TDX 10W-40 X
Ursa TDX 10W-40 X
Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH AVENO HC PT Diesel 10W-40 X
eni S.P.A. Agip Sigma Trucksint TFE 5W-40 X
Agip Sigma Super TFE 10W-40 X
eni i-Sigma top 10W-40 X
Enoc Enoc Vulcan 770 SLD 10W-40 X
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobil Delvac XHP Extra 10W-40 X
Mobil Delvac XHP Ultra 5W-30 5W-30 X
Mobil Delvac 1 SHC 5W-40 5W-40 X
Exol Lubricants Ltd. Taurus Extreme M3 10W-40 X
Fabrika Maziva, FAM AD Fenix Ultra Sint 10W-40 X
Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH AVIATICON Finko Truck LD 10W-40 X
Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe Titan Cargo SL 5W-30 X
GmbH Titan Cargo MC 10W-40 X
Gulf Oil International Gulf Fleet Force synth. 5W-30 X
Gulf Superfleet ELD 10W-40 X
Gulf Superfleet XLD 10W-40 X
Gulf Superfleet Synth ELD 10W-40 X
High Industrial Lubricants & Liq- Fastroil Force Ultra High Performance 10W-40 X
uids Corporation Diesel (UHPD)
TIM-ID: 0000019006 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Lukoil Lubricants Europe Oy Teboil Super XLD-2 5W-30 X
Meguin Megol Motorenöl Super LL Dimo Premi- 10W-40 X
MOL-LUB Kft MOL Synt Diesel 10W-40 X
MOL Dynamic Synt Diesel E4 10W-40 X
Orlen Oil Sp.o.o. Platinum Ultor Max 5W-30 X
OOO LLK International Lukoil Avantgarde Professional 5W-30 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional M5 10W-40 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional M6 10W-40 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Ultra M3 15W-40 X
Panolin Panolin Diesel HTE 10W-40 X
Petroleos de Portugal, Petrogal Galp Galaxia Extreme 5W-30 X
S.A. Galp Galaxia Ultra XHP 10W-40 X
Petromin Corporation Petromin Turbo Master LD 10W-40 X
Petronas Lubricants International Petronas Akros Synt Gold 10W-40 X
Arexons HD-Truck E7 10W-40 X
Urania Maximo 10W-40 X
Petronas Urania Optimo 10W-40 X
Urania 100 K 10W-40 X
Urania FE 5W-30 X
Petronas Urania Maximo 5W-30 X
PHI OIL GmbH Motordor Silver 10W40 10W-40 X
Raj Petro Specialities P Ltd. Zoomol Rforce 8200 RF1 10W-40 X
Ravensberger Schmierstoff Ver- RAVENOL Super Performance Truck 5W-30 X
trieb GmbH RAVENOL Performance Truck 10W-40 X
Repsol Lubricantes y Especiali- Repsol Turbo UHPD 10W-40 X
dades S.A. Repsol Diesel Turbo VHPD 5W-30 X
Repsol Diesel Turbo UHPD Urban 10W-40 X
TIM-ID: 0000019006 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Shell International Petroleum Shell Rimula R5 M 10W-40 X
Company Shell Rimula R6 M 10W-40 X
Shell Rimula R6 ME 5W-30 X
Shell Rimula R6 MS 10W-40 X
SK Lubricants Co. ZIC X7000 5W-30 X
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Cargolub TFF 10W-40 X
SRS Cargolub TFL 5W-30 X
SRS Cargolub TFG 10W-40 X
SRS Cargolub TFG plus 10W-40 X
Statoil Lubricants MaxWay Ultra 5W-30 5W-30 X
MaxWay Ultra E4 10W-40 10W-40 X
Tedex SA Tedex Diesel Truck UHPD (S) Motor Oil 10W-40 X
Total Antar Maxolia 10W-40 X
Fina Kappa Syn FE 5W-30 X
Gulf Gulfleet Highway 10W-40 10W-40 X
Total Rubia TIR 8600 10W-40 X
Total Rubia TIR 9200 FE 5W-30 X
Transnational Blenders B. V. Engine Oil Super EHPD 10W-40 X
Unil Opal Unil Opal LCM 800 10W-40 X
Valvoline EMEA All Fleet Superior 10W-40 X
Profleet 10W-40 X
Valvoline All-Fleet Extreme NTI 10W-40 X
Wolf Oil Corporation N.V. Wolf Vitaltech 10W40 Ultra 10W-40 X
Champion New Energy 10W40 Ultra 10W-40 X
Yacco SAS Yacco Transpro 45 10W-40 X
Table 24:
TIM-ID: 0000019006 - 004
Engine oils marked 2) are also approved for "Series 60"
Multigrade oils
Manufacturer Brand name SAE vis- TBN Comments / material
cosity number
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Addinol Lube Oil Addinol Extra Truck MD 1049 LE 10W-40 X
Aral AG Aral Mega Turboral LA 10W-40 X
Aral Super Turboral LA 5W-30 X
BayWa AG Tectrol Super Truck Plus XL 1040 10W-40 X
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex Focus QTM 10W-40 X
Motorex Nexus FE SAE 5W-30 5W-30 X
BP p.l.c. BP Vanellus Max Drain Eco 10W-40 X
BP Vanellus Max Eco 10W-40 10W-40 X
BVG Vertriebsgesellschaft AG Alpha Advanced Eco-Efficiency low 10W-40 X
Castrol Ltd. Castrol Vecton Long Drain10W-30 10W-30 X
Castrol Vecton Long Drain10W-40 10W-40 X
Castrol Vecton Fuel Saver 5W-30 E6/E9 5W-30 X
Cepsa Comercial Petroleo, SA Cepsa Eurotech LS 10W40 Plus 10W-40 X
Chevron Lubricants (Caltex) Delo XLE Multigrade 10W-40 X
Delo 400 XLE Synthetic 5W-30 X
Chevron Lubricants (Chevron) Delo 400 LE Synthetic 5W-30 X
Chevron Lubricants (Texaco) Ursa Premium TDX (E4) 10W-40 X
Ursa Ultra 10W-40 X
TIM-ID: 0000019019 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mobil Delvac 1 LE 5W-30 X
Mobil Delvac HD 10W-40 X
Mobil Delvac XHP LE 10W-40 X 55 gallons: 800141
Mobil Delvac XHP Ultra LE 5W-30 X
Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH AVIATICON Finko Super Truck LA Plus 10W-40 X
Fuchs Petrolub SE Titan Cargo Maxx 5W-30 X
Titan Cargo Maxx 10W-40 X
Fuchs Titan Cargo EU6 5W-30 X
Fuchs Schmierstoffe GmbH Fuchs Titan Cargo LA 5W-30 X
Gulf Oil International Gulf Superfleet Synth ULE 5W-30 X
Gulf Superfleet XLE 10W-40 X
Gulf Superfleet Synth XLE 10W-30 X
Gulf Superfleet Synth XLE 10W-40 X
Helios Lubeoil Helios Premium KMXX 10W-40 10W-40 X
Huiles Berliet S.A. RTO Extensia FP 10W-40 X
Igol PRO 200 X 10W-40 X
INA Maziva d.o.o. INA Super 2009 5W-30 5W-30 X
INA Rfinerija nafte Rjeka INA Super 9000 10W-40 X
Kuwait Petroleum R&T Q8 905 10W-40 X
Q8 T 904 10W-40 X
Q8 T 904 FE 10W-30 X
Q8 T 905 10W-40 X
Q8 T 910 5W-30 X
Q8 Formula Truck 8500 FE 10W-30 X
Q8 Formula Truck 8700 FE 5W-30 X
LLK finland Oy Teboil Super XLD-2 5W-30 X
Morris Lubricants Ring Free Ultra 10W-40 X
Fendt Power Grade 10W-40 10W-40 X
TIM-ID: 0000019019 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
OOO LLK International Lukoil Avantgarde CNG 10W-40 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional LE 5W-30 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional LS 5W-30 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional LS 10W-40 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional LS5 5W-30 X
Lukoil Avantgarde Professional LS5 10W-40 X
Orlen Oil Platinum Ultor Progress 10W-40 X
Mogul Diesel L-SAPS 10W-40 X
Panolin Panolin Diesel Synth EU-4 10W-40 X
Panolin Ecomot 5W-30 X
Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. Duron UHP 5W30 5W-30 X
Duron UHP E6 10W40 10W-40 X
Petróleos de Portugal Galp Galaxia Ultra LS 10W-40 X
Petronas Lubricants International Petronas Urania FE LS 5W-30 X
Petronas Urania Ecotech 10W-40 X
PHI OIL GmbH Motodor LSP Gold 5W30 5W-30 X
Prista Oil Ad Prista UHPD 10W-40 X
Ravensberger Schmierölvertrieb Ravenol Euro VI Truck 10W-40 X
Repsol Lubricantes y Especiali- Repsol Diesel Turbo UHPD MID SAPS 10W-40 X
dades, S.A. Repsol DieselTurbo VHPD Mid Saps 5W-30 X
Rowe Mineralölwerk GmbH Rowe Hightec Truckstar SAE 10W-40 10W-40 X
Shell International Petroleum Shell Rimula R6 LM 10W-40 X Increased corrosion pro-
Company tection
Shell Rimula R6 LME 5W-30 X
Shell Rimula Ultra 5W-30 X
SK energy ZIC XQ 5000 10W-40 X
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH SRS Cargolub TLA 10W-40 X
TIM-ID: 0000019019 - 004
10 to 12 mgKOH/g
8 to 10 mgKOH/g
>12 mgKOH/g
Total Total Rubia TIR 8900 10W-40 X
Total Rubia Works 2500 10W-40 X
Transnational Blenders B. V. Engine Oil Synthetic UHPD E6 10W-30 X
Engine Oil Synthetic UHPD E6 10W-40 X
Motor oil SCR 10W-40 X
Valvoline EMEA Valvoline ProFleet LS 5W-30 X
Valvoline ProFleet LS 10W-40 X
ProFleet LS NTI 10W-40 X
Wibo Schmierstoffe GmbH Wibokraft Ultra AF 10W40 10W-40 X
Wolf Oil Corporation N.V. Wolf Officialtech 10W40 Ultra MS 10W-40 X
Champion OEM Specifica 10W40 Ultra 10W-40 X
Yacco SAS Yacco Transpo 65 10W-40 X
Table 25:
TIM-ID: 0000019019 - 004
Table 26:
For information about lubricating greases for generators made by other manufacturers, please contact MTU
Onsite Energy service partners.
TIM-ID: 0000038781 - 007
For the marine engine Series 1163-03 and 1163-04, only coolants marked with an asterisk *
can be used!
Old World Industries Inc. Final Charge Extended Life X X 6000 / 2
Corrosion Inhibitor (A 216)
Valvoline ZEREX G-93* X 6000 / 2
Table 27:
TIM-ID: 0000019105 - 005
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems containing light metal | 85
6.1.2 Coolant without antifreeze – Ready mixtures for cooling systems containing
light metal
For details and special features, see chapter on “Coolants” (→ Page 17)
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant CS10/90 Corrosion X 6000 / 2 X00069385 (20 l)
GmbH Inhibitor Premix* X00069386 (210 l)
X00069387 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
Table 28:
86 | Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems containing light metal | A001064/07E 2017-04
6.2 Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems free of light
6.2.1 Coolants without antifreeze – Concentrates for cooling systems free of light
For details and special features, see chapter on “Coolants” (→ Page 17)
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant CS100 Corrosion X 6000 / 2 X00057233 (20 l)
GmbH Inhibitor Concentrate X00057232 (210 l)
X00070455 (1000 l)
also available through MTU
MTU America Inc. Power Cool®Plus 6000 Con- X 6000 / 2 colored green
centrate 23533526 (1 gallon)
23533527 (5 gallons)
available through MTU
Arteco NV Freecor NBI X 6000 / 2
Havoline Extended Life Cor- X 6000 / 2
rosion Inhibitor [EU Code
32765] (XLI)
BASF SE Glysacorr G93-94 X 6000 / 2 X00054105 (barrel)
X00058062 (canister)
BP Lubricants Castrol Extended Life Corro- X X 6000 / 2
sion Inhibitor
CCI Corporation A 216 X X 6000 / 2
CCI Manufacturing IL A 216 X X 6000 / 2 X00051509 (208 l)
Chevron Corp. Texcool A – 200 X 6000 / 2
Detroit Diesel Corp. Power Cool Plus 2000 X X 6000 / 2
Power Cool Plus 6000 X X 6000 / 2 colored red
TIM-ID: 0000019146 - 004
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems free of light metal | 87
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
Nalco Alfloc (Maxitreat) 3477 X 6000 / 2
Alfloc 2000 X X 6000 / 2
Nalco 2000 X X 6000 / 2
Nalcool 2000 X X 6000 / 2
Trac 102 X X 6000 / 2
Old World Industries Inc. Final Charge Extended Life X X 6000 / 2
Corrosion Inhibitor (A 216)
Penray Pencool 2000 X X 6000 / 2
Total Total WT Supra X 6000 / 2
Valvoline Zerex G-93 X 6000 / 2
YORK SAS York 719 X 6000 / 2
Table 29:
88 | Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems free of light metal | A001064/07E 2017-04
6.2.2 Coolant without antifreeze – Ready mixtures for cooling systems free of light
For details and special features, see chapter on “Coolants” (→ Page 17)
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant CS 10/90 Corro- X 6000 / 2 X00069385 (20 l)
GmbH sion Inhibitor Premix X00069386 (210 l)
X00069387 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
Nalco Alfloc (Maxitreat) 3443 X 6000 / 2
(7 %)
Table 30:
TIM-ID: 0000019147 - 004
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Coolants without antifreeze for cooling systems free of light metal | 89
6.3 Antifreezes for cooling systems containing light metal
6.3.1 Antifreeze – Concentrates for cooling systems containing light metal
For details and special features, see chapter on “Coolants” (→ Page 17)
Antifreeze, concentrates
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant AH100 Antifreeze X X 9000 / 5 X00057231 (20 l)
GmbH Concentrate X00057230 (210 l)
X00068202 (1000 l)
also available through MTU
Avia Mineralöl AG Antifreeze APN X X 9000 / 5
BASF SE Glysantin G05 X X 9000 / 5
Glysantin G48 X X 9000 / 5 X00058054 (25 l)
X00058053 (210 l)
Glysantin G30 X 9000 / 3 X00058072 (canister)
X00058071 (barrel)
BayWa AG Tectrol Coolprotect X X 9000 / 5
BP Lubricants Aral Antifreeze Extra X X 9000 / 5
Castrol Heavy Duty Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Coolant
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex Coolant G48 X X 9000 / 5
Castrol Castrol Radicool NF X X 9000 / 5
Clariant Genantin Super X X 9000 / 5
Classic Schmierstoff Classic Kolda UE G48 X X 9000 / 5
GmbH + Co KG
CCI Corporation L 415 X X 9000 / 3
CCI Manufacturing IL C 521 X X 9000 / 3
Comma Oil & Chemicals Comma Xstream® G30® An- X 9000 / 3
Ltd. tifreeze Coolant Concen-
TIM-ID: 0000019149 - 006
ExxonMobil Mobil Delvac Extended Life X X 9000 / 3
Mobil Antifreeze Advanced X 9000 / 3
Mobil Antifreeze Extra X X 9000 / 5
Mobil Antifreeze Special X X 9000 / 5
Esso Antifreeze Advanced X 9000 / 3
Esso Antifreeze Extra X X 9000 / 5
Fuchs Petrolub SE Maintain Fricofin X X 9000 / 5
Maintain Fricofin G12 Plus X 9000 / 3 X00058074 (canister)
X00058073 (barrel)
Krafft S.L.U. Refrigerante ACU 2300 X X 9000 / 3 X00058075 (barrel)
Kuttenkeuler GmbH Kuttenkeuler Antifreeze X X 9000 / 5
INA Maziva Ltd. INA Antifriz Al Super X X 9000 / 5
Müller Mineralöle GmbH Glycostar ST48
® X X 9000 / 5
&Co KG
Nalco Nalcool 5990 X X 9000 / 3
Nalco Australia Nalcool NF 48 C X X 9000 / 5
Old World Industries Inc. Blue Mountain Heavy Duty X X 9000 / 3
Extended Life Coolant
Fleetcharge SCA Pre- X X 9000 / 3
charged Heavy Duty Cool-
ant/ Antifreeze
Final Charge Global Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Coolant Antifreeze
OMV OMV Coolant Plus X X 9000 / 5
OMV Coolant SF X 9000 / 3
Panolin AG Panolin Anti-Frost MT-325 X X 9000 / 5
Penske Power Systems Power Cool - HB500 Cool- X X 9000 / 3
ant Concentrate
Recochem Inc. R542 X X 9000 / 3
SMB - Sotagal / Mont Antigel Power Cooling Con- X X 9000 / 5
TIM-ID: 0000019149 - 006
Blanc centrate
Total Glacelf MDX X X 9000 / 5
Valvoline Zerex G-05 X X 9000 / 5
Zerex G-48 X X 9000 / 5
Zerex G-30 X 9000 / 3
YORK SAS York 716 X X 9000 / 5
ZAO Obninskorgsintez Lukoil Antifreeze X 9000 / 3
HD G12 K
Table 31:
BASF SE G206 X X 9000 / 3 For use in arctic regions
(< -40 °C)
Table 32:
TIM-ID: 0000019151 - 005
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant AH 35/65 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00069382 (20 l)
GmbH freeze Premix X00069383 (210 l)
X00069384 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
Coolant AH 40/60 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00070533 (20 l)
freeze Premix X00070531 (210 l)
X00070532 (1000 l)
(sales region: England,
Coolant AH 50/50 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00070528 (20 l)
freeze Premix X00070530 (210 l)
X00070527 (1000 l)
(sales region: England)
MTU America Inc. Power Cool®Universal X X 9000 / 5 800085 (5 gallons)
35/65 mix 800086 (55 gallons)
Power Cool®Universal X X 9000 / 5 800071 (5 gallons)
50/50 mix 800084 (55 gallons)
Power Cool® Off-Highway X X 9000 / 5 23533531 (5 gallons)
Coolant 50/50 Premix 23533532 (55 gallons)
Bantleon Avilub Antifreeze Mix (50 %) X X 9000 / 5 X00049213 (210 l)
BayWa AG Tectrol Coolprotect Mix X 9000 / 3 Antifreeze protection up to
3000 -24 °C
BP Lubricants Castrol Heavy Duty Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Prediluted Coolant
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex Coolant G48 ready X X 9000 / 5
to use (50/50)
Castrol Castrol Radicool NF Pre- X X 9000 / 5
mix (45%)
CCI Corporation L 415 (50%) X X 9000 / 3
TIM-ID: 0000019156 - 004
Old World Industries Inc. Blue Mountain Heavy Duty X X 9000 / 3
Extended Life Prediluted
Coolant (50/50)
Final Charge Global Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Prediluted Coolant/
Antifreeze (50/50)
Penske Power Systems Power Cool - HB500 Premix X X 9000 / 3
SMB - Sotragal / Mont L.R.-30 Power Cooling (44%) X X 9000 / 5
Blanc L.R.-38 Power Cooling (52%) X X 9000 / 5
Total Coolelf MDX (40%) X X 9000 / 5
Tosol-Sintez Glysantin Alu Protect G30 X 9000 / 3
Ready Mix
Glysantin Alu Protect Plus X X 9000 / 5
G48 Ready Mix
Valentin Energie GmbH Valentin Coolant Plus X 9000 / 3
-25 °C Ready
Valvoline Zerex G-05 50/50 Mix X X 9000 / 5
ZAO Obninskorgsintez Lukoil Antifreeze HD X 9000 / 3
G12 (50%)
Table 33:
TIM-ID: 0000019156 - 004
For the Series 4000-04, only coolants marked with an asterisk * can be used!
Antifreeze, concentrates
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant AH100* Antifreeze X X 9000 / 5 X00057231 (20 l)
GmbH Concentrate X00057230 (210 l)
X00068202 (1000 l)
also available through MTU
Arteco NV Havoline Extended Life X 9000 / 3
Coolant XLC [EU Code
Avia Mineralöl AG Antifreeze APN* X X 9000 / 5
BASF SE Glysantin G05 X X 9000 / 5
Glysantin G48* X X 9000 / 5 X00058054 (25 l)
X00058053 (210 l)
Glysantin G30* X 9000 / 3 X00058072 (canister)
X00058071 (barrel)
BayWa AG Tectrol Coolprotect* X X 9000 / 5
BP Lubricants ARAL Antifreeze Extra* X X 9000 / 5
Castrol Heavy Duty Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Coolant*
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex Coolant G48* X X 9000 / 5
Caltex Caltex Extended Life Cool- X 9000 / 3
ant [AP Code 510614]
Castrol Castrol Radicool NF* X X 9000 / 5
CCI Corporation L415* X X 9000 / 3
TIM-ID: 0000019158 - 004
Comma Oil & Chemicals Comma Xstream® G30®* X 9000 / 3
Ltd. Antifreeze Coolant Concen-
Comma Xstream® G48®* X X 9000 / 5
Antifreeze Coolant Concen-
Detroit Diesel Corp. Power Cool Antifreeze X X 9000 / 3
Power Cool Plus Coolant* X X 9000 / 3
ExxonMobil Mobil Delvac Extended Life X X 9000 / 3
Mobil Antifreeze Advanced* X 9000 / 3
Mobil Antifreeze Extra* X X 9000 / 5
Mobil Antifreeze Special X X 9000 / 5
Esso Antifreeze Advanced* X 9000 / 3
Esso Antifreeze Extra* X X 9000 / 5
Fuchs Petrolub SE Maintain Fricofin* X X 9000 / 5
Maintain Fricofin G12 Plus* X 9000 / 3 X00058074 (canister)
X00058073 (barrel)
Maintain Fricofin HDD [Oil- X X X 9000 / 3
code T-AF3-1]
Gazpromneft - Lubri- G - Energy Antifreeze SNF X 9000 / 3
cants Ltd.
Krafft S.L.U Refrigerante ACU 2300 X X 9000 / 3 X00058075 (barrel)
Kuttenkeuler Kuttenkeuler Antifreeze X X 9000 / 5
INA Maziva Ltd. INA Antifriz Al Super* X X 9000 / 5
MOL-Lub Kft. EVOX Premium concentrate X 9000 / 3
Müller Mineralöle GmbH Glycostar® ST48* X X 9000 / 5
&Co KG
Nalco Nalcool 4070 X X X 9000 / 3
Nalcool 5990 X X 9000 / 3
Nalco Australia Nalcool NF 48 C* X X 9000 / 5
TIM-ID: 0000019158 - 004
OMV OMV Coolant Plus* X X 9000 / 5
OMV Coolant SF* X 9000 / 3
Panolin AG Panolin Anti-Frost MT-325* X X 9000 / 5
Penske Power Systems Power Cool - HB500 X X 9000 / 3
Power Cool - HB800 X X X 9000 / 3
Recochem Inc. R542 X X 9000 / 3
R824M X X X 9000 / 3
Shell Shell HD Premium N X X 9000 / 3
SMB - Sotragal / Mont Antigel Power Cooling Con- X X 9000 / 5
Blanc centrate*
Total Glacelf Auto Supra X 9000 / 3
Glacelf MDX* X X 9000 / 5
Glacelf Supra X 9000 / 3
Valvoline Zerex G-05 X X 9000 / 5
Zerex G-48* X X 9000 / 3
Zerex G-30* X 9000 / 5
YORK SAS York 716* X 9000 / 5
ZAO Obninskorgsintez Lukoil Antifreeze X 9000 / 3
HD G12 K*
Table 34:
BASF SE G206 X X 9000 / 3 For use in arctic regions
(< -40 °C)
No approval for Ser-
ies 4000-04
Table 35:
TIM-ID: 0000019157 - 005
For the Series 4000-04, only coolants marked with an asterisk * can be used!
MTU Friedrichshafen Coolant AH 35/65 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00069382 (20 l)
GmbH freeze Premix* X00069383 (210 l)
X00069384 (1000 l)
(sales region: Italy)
Coolant AH 40/60 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00070533 (20 l)
freeze Premix* X00070531 (210 l)
X00070532 (1000 l)
(sales region: England,
Coolant AH 50/50 Anti- X X 9000 / 5 X00070528 (20 l)
freeze Premix* X00070530 (210 l)
X00070527 (1000 l)
(sales region: England)
MTU America Inc. Power Cool® Universal X X 9000 / 5 800085 (5 gallons)
35/65 mix* 800086 (55 gallons)
Power Cool® Universal X X 9000 / 5 800071 (5 gallons)
50/50 mix* 800084 (55 gallons)
Power Cool® Off-Highway X X 9000 / 5 23533531 (5 gallons)
Coolant 50/50 Premix 23533532 (55 gallons)
Arteco NV Havoline Extended Life X 9000 / 3
Coolant + B2 50/50 OF01
[EU Code 33073] (50 %)
Havoline Extended Life X 9000 / 3
Coolant + B2 40/60 OF01
[EU Code 33069] (40 %)
Havoline Extended Life X 9000 / 3
Coolant + B2 35/65 OF01
TIM-ID: 0000019159 - 005
100 | Antifreezes for cooling systems free of light metal | A001064/07E 2017-04
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex Coolant G48 ready X X 9000 / 5
to use (50/50)*
Caltex Caltex Extended Life Cool- X 9000 / 3
ant Pre-Mixed 50/50 [AP
Code 510609] (50 %)
Castrol Castrol Radicool NF Premix X X 9000 / 5
(45 %)*
CCI Corporation L 415 (50 %)* X X 9000 / 3
CCI Manufacturing IL C 521 (50 %)* X X 9000 / 3
Chevron Corp. Havoline Dexcool Extended X 9000 / 3
Life Predilluted 50/50 Anti-
freeze Coolant [US Code
Detroit Diesel Corp. Power Cool Plus Prediluted X X 9000 / 3
Coolant (50/50)*
ExxonMobil Mobil Delvac Extended Life X X 9000 / 3
Prediluted Coolant
Fuchs Petrolub SE Maintain Fricofin HDD Pre- X X X 9000 / 3
mix 50/50 [Oilcode T-
Nalco Nalcool 4100 (50 %) X X X 9000 / 3
Old World Industries Inc. Blue Mountain Heavy Duty X X 9000 / 3
Extended Life Prediluted
Coolant (50/50)*
Final Charge Global Extend- X X 9000 / 3
ed Life Predilluted Cool-
ant / Antifreeze (50/50)*
Penske Power Systems Power Cool - HB500 Premix X X 9000 / 3
Power Cool - HB800 Premix X X X 9000 / 3
SMB - Sotragal / Mont L.R.-30 Power Cooling X X 9000 / 5
Blanc (44 %)*
TIM-ID: 0000019159 - 005
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Antifreezes for cooling systems free of light metal | 101
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
Tosol-Sinzez Glysantin Alu Protect/G30 X 9000 / 3
Ready Mix*
Glysantin Protect Plus/G48 X X 9000 / 5
Ready Mix*
Valentin Energie GmbH Valentin Coolant Plus X 9000 / 3
-25 °C Ready*
Valvoline Zerex G-05 50/50 Mix X X 9000 / 5
ZAO Obninskorgsintez Lukoil Antifreeze X 9000 / 3
HD G12 (50%)*
Table 36:
102 | Antifreezes for cooling systems free of light metal | A001064/07E 2017-04
6.5 Coolant Additives with Limited Series Approval
6.5.1 Antifreeze – Concentrates on ethylene-glycol basis for series with and without
light metal
Antifreeze, concentrates
Manufacturer Brand name Inhibitors Operating time Comments /
Hour / Year Part No.
BASF SE Glysantin®G40 (concen- X X 9000 / 3 X00066724 (20 l)
trate) X00066725 (210 l)
Concentration for use: 40
to 50% by volume
Valvoline ZEREX G40 (concentrate) X X 9000 / 3 Concentration for use: 40
to 50% by volume
Table 37:
TIM-ID: 0000053736 - 003
Fleetguard PG XL (40%) ready mixture X X X 9000 / 3
Table 38:
Fluids and lubricants (e.g. treated engine coolant), used flushing water, cleaning agents and
cleaning solutions can be hazardous materials. Certain regulations must be observed when
handling, storing and disposing of these substances.
These regulations are contained in the manufacturer's instructions, legal requirements and
technical guidelines valid in the individual countries. Considerable differences can apply from
country to country so that no generally valid statement on the applicable regulations for fluids
and lubricants etc. can be made in this publication.
Users of the products named in these specifications are therefore obliged to inform themselves
of the locally valid regulations. MTU accepts no responsibility whatsoever for improper or illegal
use of the fluids and lubricants / cleaning agents which it has approved.
Scrap oil heat exchangers from engines with bearing or piston seizures or friction damage!
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | 105
7.2 Approved cleaning agents
Manufacturer Product name Concentration for use Order No.
For coolant systems:
Kluthe Hakutex 111 1, 5) 2% by volume Liquid X00065751
Hakupur 50-706-3 10) 2% by volume Liquid X00055629
Wilhelmsen Ships Serv- Commissioning Clean- 10% by volume Liquid X000728207)
ice er 8)
For subassemblies:
Henkel Bonderite C-AK FD 2) 1 to 10% by weight Powder 7)
11120 3)
Kluthe Hakutex 60 MTU 100% by volume Liquid X00070585
(25 kg)
For coolant systems contaminated with bacteria, fungi or yeast (so-called system cleaners):
Schülke & Mayr GmbH Grotan WS Plus 5) 0.15% by volume Liquid X00065326
(10 kg)
Grotanol SR2 6) 0.5% by volume Liquid X00069827
(10 kg)
For external cooler on air side:
Kluthe Hakupur 50 K 9) 0.5 to 5% by volume Liquid X000709407)
For painted, contaminated surfaces:
Kluthe Hakupur 449 9) 1% by volume Liquid X000711797)
The technical data sheets and safety data sheets of the product must be observed!
1) 6)
For light lime deposits, light corrosion Bacteria contamination up to > 10 4, contamination
with fungi and yeast
2) 7)
For greasy lime deposits Not stocked by MTU
3) 8)
Preferred for heavy lime deposits With serious corrosion; not permitted for alumi-
num materials
4) 9)
For heavy lime deposits Cleaning agent for cleaning with high-pressure
cleaning device (parameter: Pressure: 15 bar, gentle
spray jet, cleaning agent temperature: 80 °C)
Bacteria contamination up to 10 4 10)
Not suitable for galvanized surfaces
TIM-ID: 0000019197 - 010
106 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | A001064/07E 2017-04
7.3 Engine coolant circuits – Flushing
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | 107
7.4 Cleaning engine coolant circuits
1. Cleaning agents for coolant circuits are prepared in warm, fresh water as a concentrated solution, see
(→ Page 106).
2. In the case of powdered products, stir until the cleaning agent is completely dissolved and without sediment.
3. Pour solution together with fresh water into coolant circuit.
4. Start engine and run until warm.
5. Select temperature and duration of residence time according to the specifications of the technical data
sheets of the manufacturer.
6. Shut down engine.
7. Drain off cleaning agents and flush the engine coolant circuit with fresh water.
8. Take flush-water sample at engine-coolant-sample extraction cock.
9. Measure pH value of flush-water sample using the MTU test kit or electric pH value measuring device and
compare with the pH value of the fresh water.
a) pH value difference < 1: Fill system with treated coolant and start engine.
b) pH value difference > 1: Clean assemblies, see (→ Page 109).
108 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | A001064/07E 2017-04
7.5 Assemblies – Cleaning
1. Remove, disassemble and clean assemblies that are exposed to heavy sludge deposits e.g. expansion tanks,
preheating units, heat exchangers (coolant cooler, oil heat-exchanger, charge-air cooler, charge-air preheat-
er, fuel preheater etc.) and lower sections of pipework.
2. Before cleaning, examine degree of contamination on water sides.
3. If greasy lime deposits are found, first degrease the water side.
4. Deposits in charge-air coolers caused by oil mist can be removed using Kluthe Hakutex 60.
5. Remove hard lime deposits with a decalcifying product. In the event of stubborn lime deposits, if necessary a
10% inhibited hydrochloric acid solution may have to be used.
6. Dissolve deposits on and in heat-exchanger elements in a heated cleaning bath. Observe the manufacturer's
specifications and use only approved detergents in the permissible concentration, see (→ Page 106)
7. Clean individual components such as housings, covers, pipes, sight glasses, heat-exchanger elements with
superheated steam, a nylon brush (soft) and a powerful water jet.
8. After cleaning, blow through the heat exchanger elements with low-pressure steam in the direction opposite
to operational flow, rinse with clear water (until pH-value difference is < 1) and blow dry with compressed or
hot air.
9. Check that all components are in perfect condition, repair or replace as necessary.
10. Flush oil and engine coolant sides of heat-exchanger elements with corrosion-inhibiting oil. This step may be
omitted if the heat exchanger is installed and taken into service immediately after cleaning.
11. After installing all assemblies, flush engine coolant circuit once, see (→ Page 107).
12. Check coolant system for leaks during initial operation of engine.
For further information, see the Maintenance Manual for the engine in question.
TIM-ID: 0000037714 - 005
A001064/07E 2017-04 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | 109
7.6 Coolant circuits contaminated with bacteria, fungi or yeast
System cleaning
The system cleaner must flow a sufficiently long time through the complete cooling system to ensure effec-
tive cleaning and disinfection.
Therefore, the predefined amount of the approved system cleaner must be added to the contaminated cool-
ant in the system, see (→ Page 106). Use a circulating pump to provide continuous mixture flow through the
coolant system for at least 24 hours or max. 48 hours.
When the coolant and system cleaner have been drained, the cooling circuit must be flushed with fresh wa-
ter. Flushing must be carried out until no more contaminants are visible and the flushing liquid has the same
pH-value as the fresh water used (max. pH-value difference < 1).
Before refilling the circuit, make sure the system is free of contaminants.
Refill must be performed directly after flushing to avoid the risk of corrosion!
110 | Flushing and Cleaning Specifications for Engine Coolant Circuits | A001064/07E 2017-04
8 Revision Overview
8.1 Revision overview from version A001064/06 to version
Seq. Chapter Subject Page Measure
1 1.1 Preface (→ Page 5) Revised
2 2.1 Engine oils – General (→ Page 7) Revised
3 3.1 Coolant - general (→ Page 17) Revised
4 3.2 Operational checks (→ Page 19) Revised
5 3.3 Series-based usability of (→ Page 23) Revised
coolant additives Information on external add-on compo-
nents containing light metal added.
6 3.5 Fresh water requirements (→ Page 25) Revised
7 3.6 Antifreeze (→ Page 26) Revised
8 3.7 Coolant without antifreeze (→ Page 27) Revised
9 3.9 Limit values for coolants (→ Page 29) Revised
10 3.10 Storage capability of coolant (→ Page 30) Revised
11 3.11 Color additives for detection (→ Page 31) Revised
of leaks in the coolant circuit
12 4.2 Series-based diesel fuel ap- (→ Page 38) Revised
provals for MTU engines
13 4.4 B20 diesel fuel (→ Page 46) Chapter added
14 6 Approved coolants (→ Page 84) Complete chapter revised
TIM-ID: 0000038818 - 007
– Test kit 7
– Test package for North America 16 R
– Usability 13
– Viscosity 7
– Coolant circuit 24
F – Fuel system 54
Revision overview 111
– Coolant 30
User instructions 5