Chapter11 PDF
Chapter11 PDF
Chapter11 PDF
Chapter 11
A fluid moving over a stationary body (such as the wind blowing over a
building), and a body moving through a quiescent fluid (such as a car
moving through air) are referred to as flow over bodies or external flow.
Flow over bodies is commonly encountered in practice.
The flow fields and geometries for most external flow problems are too complicated
and we have to rely on correlations based on experimental data.
Free-stream velocity: The velocity of the fluid approaching a body (V or u¥ or U¥)
Two-dimensional flow: When the body is very long and of constant cross section
and the flow is normal to the body.
Axisymmetric flow: When the body possesses rotational symmetry about an axis
in the flow direction. The flow in this case is also two-dimensional.
Three-dimensional flow: Flow over a body that cannot be modeled as two-
dimensional or axisymmetric such as flow over a car.
Incompressible flows: (e.g., flows over automobiles, submarines, and buildings)
Compressible flows: (e.g., flows over high-speed aircraft, rockets, and missiles).
Compressibility effects are negligible at low velocities (flows with Ma < 0.3).
Streamlined body: If a conscious effort is made to align its shape with the
anticipated streamlines in the flow.
Streamlined bodies such as race cars and airplanes appear to be contoured and
Bluff or blunt body: If a body (such as a building) tends to block the flow.
Usually it is much easier to force a streamlined body through a fluid.
axisymmetric, and three-
dimensional flows.
It is much easier to
force a streamlined
body than a blunt
body through a fluid. 9
• A body meets some resistance when it is
forced to move through a fluid, especially
a liquid.
• A fluid may exert forces and moments on
a body in and about various directions.
• Drag: The force a flowing fluid exerts on a
body in the flow direction.
• The drag force can be measured directly
by simply attaching the body subjected to
fluid flow to a calibrated spring and
measuring the displacement in the flow
direction. High winds knock down trees,
• Drag is usually an undesirable effect, like power lines, and even people as
friction, and we do our best to minimize it. a result of the drag force.
• But in some cases drag produces a very
beneficial effect and we try to maximize it
(e.g., automobile brakes).
Lift: The components of the pressure and wall shear
forces in the direction normal to the flow tend to
move the body in that direction, and their sum is
called lift.
The fluid forces may generate moments and cause
the body to rotate.
Rolling moment: The moment about the flow
Yawing moment: The moment about the lift direction.
Pitching moment: The moment about the side force
(a) Drag force acting on a flat plate parallel to the flow depends on
wall shear only.
(b) Drag force acting on a flat plate normal to the flow depends on
the pressure only and is independent of the wall shear, which acts
normal to the free-stream flow. 12
The drag and lift forces depend on the density of the fluid, the upstream velocity,
and the size, shape, and orientation of the body.
It is more convenient to work with appropriate dimensionless numbers that
represent the drag and lift characteristics of the body.
These numbers are the drag coefficient CD, and the lift coefficient CL.
A frontal
• The friction drag is the component of the wall shear force in the
direction of flow, and thus it depends on the orientation of the
body as well as the magnitude of the wall shear stress.
• For parallel flow over a flat surface, the drag coefficient is equal
to the friction drag coefficient.
• Friction drag is a strong function of viscosity, and increases with
increasing viscosity. 15
Drag is due entirely to friction drag for
a flat plate parallel to the flow; it is
due entirely to pressure drag for a flat
plate normal to the flow; and it is due
to both (but mostly pressure drag) for
a cylinder normal to the flow. The total
drag coefficient CD is lowest for a
parallel flat plate, highest for a vertical
flat plate, and in between (but close to
that of a vertical flat plate) for a
Reducing Drag by Streamlining
Streamlining decreases pressure drag by delaying boundary layer separation
and thus reducing the pressure difference between the front and back of the
body but increases the friction drag by increasing the surface area. The end
result depends on which effect dominates.
The actual value of the engineering critical Reynolds number for a flat plate may
vary somewhat from about 105 to 3´106 depending on the surface roughness,
the turbulence level, and the variation of pressure along the surface. 37
Friction Coefficient
• The friction coefficient for laminar
flow over a flat plate can be
determined theoretically by solving
the conservation of mass and
momentum equations numerically.
• For turbulent flow, it must be
determined experimentally and
expressed by empirical correlations.
Average friction coefficient over the entire plate
Laminar boundary
layer separation with
a turbulent wake;
flow over a circular
cylinder at Re=2000.
For flow over cylinder or sphere, both the friction drag and the pressure drag can
be significant.
The high pressure in the vicinity of the stagnation point and the low pressure on
the opposite side in the wake produce a net force on the body in the direction of
The drag force is primarily due to friction drag at low Reynolds numbers (Re<10)
and to pressure drag at high Reynolds numbers (Re>5000).
Both effects are significant at intermediate Reynolds numbers.
Average drag
coefficient for
over a smooth
circular cylinder
and a smooth
sphere. 45
Observations from CD curves
• For Re<1, we have creeping flow, and the drag coefficient decreases with
increasing Reynolds number. For a sphere, it is CD=24/Re. There is no flow
separation in this regime.
• At about Re=10, separation starts occurring on the rear of the body with vortex
shedding starting at about Re=90. The region of separation increases with
increasing Reynolds number up to about Re=103. At this point, the drag is
mostly (about 95 percent) due to pressure drag. The drag coefficient continues
to decrease with increasing Reynolds number in this range of 10<Re<103.
• In the moderate range of 103<Re<105, the drag coefficient remains relatively
constant. This behavior is characteristic of bluff bodies. The flow in the
boundary layer is laminar in this range, but the flow in the separated region
past the cylinder or sphere is highly turbulent with a wide turbulent wake.
• There is a sudden drop in the drag coefficient somewhere in the range of
105<Re<106 (usually, at about 2´105). This large reduction in CD is due to the
flow in the boundary layer becoming turbulent, which moves the separation
point further on the rear of the body, reducing the size of the wake and thus the
magnitude of the pressure drag. This is in contrast to streamlined bodies,
which experience an increase in the drag coefficient (mostly due to friction drag)
when the boundary layer becomes turbulent.
• There is a “transitional” regime for 2´105<Re<2´106, in which CD dips to a
minimum value and then slowly rises to its final turbulent value. 46
Flow separation occurs at about q =
80° (measured from the front
stagnation point of a cylinder) when
the boundary layer is laminar and at
about q = 140° when it is turbulent.
The delay of separation in turbulent
flow is caused by the rapid
fluctuations of the fluid in the
transverse direction, which enables
the turbulent boundary layer to
travel farther along the surface
before separation occurs, resulting
in a narrower wake and a smaller
pressure drag.
The effect
of surface
on the drag
of a sphere.
Surface roughness
Drag force
may increase or
decrease the drag
coefficient of a
spherical object,
depending on the
value of the Frontal area for
Reynolds number. a cylinder and
Roughening the surface can be used to great advantage in
reducing drag.
Golf balls are intentionally roughened to induce turbulence at a
lower Reynolds number to take advantage of the sharp drop in
the drag coefficient at the onset of turbulence in the boundary
layer (the typical velocity range of golf balls is 15 to 150 m/s,
and the Reynolds number is less than 4´105). The occurrence
of turbulent flow at this Reynolds number reduces the drag
coefficient of a golf ball by about half. For a given hit, this
means a longer distance for the ball.
For a table tennis ball, however, the speeds are slower and the
ball is smaller—it never reaches speeds in the turbulent range.
Therefore, the surfaces of table tennis balls are made smooth. 49
11–7 LIFT
Lift: The component of the net force (due to viscous and pressure forces) that
is perpendicular to the flow direction.
A planform area: the area that would be
seen by a person looking at the body from
above in a direction normal to the body
The maximum lift coefficient increases from about 1.5 for the airfoil with no
flaps to 3.5 for the double-slotted flap case.
The maximum drag coefficient increases from about 0.06 for the airfoil with no
flaps to about 0.3 for the double-slotted flap case.
The angle of attack of the flaps can be increased to maximize the lift coefficient.
The minimum flight velocity can be determined from the requirement that
the total weight W of the aircraft be equal to lift and CL = CL, max:
For a given weight, the landing or takeoff speed can be minimized by maximizing
the product of the lift coefficient and the wing area, CL, maxA.
One way of doing that is to use flaps. Another way is to control the boundary
layer, which can be accomplished simply by leaving flow sections (slots) between
the flaps.
Slots are used to prevent the separation of the boundary layer from the upper
surface of the wings and the flaps.
This is done by allowing air to move
from the high-pressure region under
the wing into the low-pressure
region at the top surface.
Finite-Span Wings and Induced Drag
For airplane wings and other airfoils of finite span, the end effects at
the tips become important because of the fluid leakage between the
lower and upper surfaces.
The pressure difference between the lower surface (highpressure
region) and the upper surface (low-pressure region) drives the fluid at
the tips upward while the fluid is swept toward the back because of the
relative motion between the fluid and the wing.
This results in a swirling motion that spirals along the flow, called the
tip vortex, at the tips of both wings.
Vortices are also formed along the airfoil between the tips of the wings.
These distributed vortices collect toward the edges after being shed
from the trailing edges of the wings and combine with the tip vortices to
form two streaks of powerful trailing vortices along the tips of the
Trailing vortices visualized in various ways: (a)
Smoke streaklines in a wind tunnel show vortex
cores leaving the trailing edge of a rectangular
wing; (b) Four contrails initially formed by
condensation of water vapor in the low
pressure region behind the jet engines
eventually merge into the two counter-rotating
trailing vortices that persist very far downstream;
(c) A crop duster flies through smoky air which
swirls around in one of the tip vortices from the
aircraft's wing.
It has been determined that the birds
in a typical flock can fly to their
destination in V-formation with one-
third less energy (by utilizing the
updraft generated by the bird in front).
Military jets also occasionally fly in V-
formation for the same reason
Tip vortices that interact with the free stream impose forces on
the wing tips in all directions, including the flow direction.
The component of the force in the flow direction adds to drag
and is called induced drag.
The total drag of a wing is then the sum of the induced drag
(3-D effects) and the drag of the airfoil section (2-D effects).
Aspect ratio: The ratio of the square of the average
span of an airfoil to the planform area. For an airfoil with
a rectangular planform of chord c and span b,
The aspect ratio is a measure of how narrow an airfoil is in the flow direction.
The lift coefficient of wings, in general, increases while the drag coefficient
decreases with increasing aspect ratio.
Bodies with large aspect ratios fly more efficiently, but they are less
maneuverable because of their larger moment of inertia (owing to the greater
distance from the center).
The Wright Brothers are truly the most impressive engineering team of all
Self-taught, they were well informed of the contemporary theory and practice
in aeronautics.
They both corresponded with other leaders in the field and published in
technical journals.