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Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2735e2739

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Applied Thermal Engineering

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Gas turbine performance at varying ambient temperature

Ashley De Sa*, Sarim Al Zubaidy 1
Heriot Watt University, Dubai Campus, PO Box 294345, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The difference between the actual power generated by a gas turbine and the design rated power tagged
Received 4 November 2010 on the gas turbine is observed whenever a gas turbine operates at site ambient conditions that vary from
Accepted 28 April 2011 the stipulated ISO conditions. A detailed study and extensive logging of data has endorsed the well
Available online 12 June 2011
known existence of a direct relationship between the ambient temperature and the de-rating of gas
turbine power output. The paper proposes an empirical relationship between the gas turbine’s ability to
generate power when exposed to site ambient conditions, such as the ambient temperature, which differ
Gas turbine power
from ISO conditions. For every K rise in ambient temperature above ISO conditions the Gas Turbine loses
Ambient temperature
0.1% in terms of thermal efficiency and 1.47 MW of its Gross (useful) Power Output. This established
Empirical relationship relationship will assist the proper assessment of local power generation for installation planning and
forecasting with special reference to Middle-eastern countries which are rapidly developing the appli-
cation of Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (GTIAC) technologies. This study was conducted for specific
turbines SGT 94.2 and SGT 94.3 installed at the DEWA Power Station located at Al Aweer, H Phase II and
III in Dubai, UAE.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (auto-combined) cycles [3]. The gas turbine is a complex machine,

and its performance and reliability are governed by many standards.
Al Aweer Gas Turbine Power Plant H Phase II comprises of three The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) performance
SIEMENS Gas Turbines e SGT 94.2 and Phase III comprises of four test codes [4] have been written to ensure that test are conducted in
SIEMENS Gas turbines e SGT 94.3. Each of these types of gas turbine a manner that guarantees that all turbines are tested under the same
has a power generation capacity of 160 MW and 265 MW respec- set of rules and conditions to ensure that the test results can be
tively at 50 Hz frequency in dual fuel firing (natural gas and diesel compared in a judicious manner. The reliability of the turbines
fuel oil) at STP or ISO conditions of 1.01 bar pressure, 15 K and RH depends on the mechanical codes that govern the design of gas
60% [1]. The gas turbines, along with the balance of plant and the turbines [4]. The mechanical standards and codes have been written
required auxiliaries are working in an open cycle mode. The by both ASME and the American Petroleum Institute (API) amongst
ambient atmospheric condition in which the power plant operates others. The major variables that affect the gas turbines are:
is harsh desert condition. The site is located in Dubai, where the
ambient air temperatures vary from the cold of winter e approx 1. Type of application
11 K, to the extreme hot of summer e approx 55 K, with humidity in 2. Plant location and site configuration
varying proportions throughout the year going to a maximum of 90 3. Plant size and efficiency
percent with occasional scant rain. Windy conditions bring with it 4. Type of fuel
severe sand storms and dust haze which at times last for a number 5. Enclosures
of days. The plant was commissioned in the early 2008 and is 6. Plant operation mode; base or peaking
operational with natural gas as the primary fuel. Fig. 1 shows
a simple schematic of the power plant.
The Gas Turbine power plant works on a Joule-Brayton cycle [2]. 2. Brief literature review
The use of heat sinks in the basic Joule-Brayton cycle in order to
exploit its available heat sources leads to a more advanced mixed 2.1. Effect of temperature on gas compression and turbine
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ971 55 4145683; fax: þ971 4 4589768.
E-mail addresses: ad162@hw.ac.uk (A. De Sa), S.Al-Zubaidy@hw.ac.uk
(S. Al Zubaidy). The performance of the gas turbine is reliant on the efficiency
Tel.: þ971 55 8042653; fax: þ971 4 4464273. achieved at the compressor of the turbine. Hot air, being less dense,

1359-4311/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2736 A. De Sa, S. Al Zubaidy / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2735e2739

Nomenclature T2 Temperature at Gas Turbine Compressor Outlet, K

T3 Temperature at Gas Turbine Inlet, K
cp Specific Heat Capacity at constant pressure, kJ/kgK T4 Temperature at Gas Turbine Outlet, K
Pt Gas Turbine Power at ambient temperature, MW TA Temperature at Gas Turbine Compressor Inlet, K
Px Gas Turbine Power at ISO condition, MW TB Temperature at Gas Turbine Compressor Outlet, K
P1 Pressure at Gas Turbine Compressor Inlet, bar Tes TemperatureeEntropy, KekJ/kgK
P2 Pressure at Gas Turbine Compressor Outlet, bar g Ratio of Specific heats, -
P3 Pressure at Gas Turbine Inlet, bar h Cycle Efficiency, -
P4 Pressure at Gas Turbine Outlet, bar hc Compressor Efficiency, -
r Pressure ratio, - ht Gas Turbine Efficiency at ambient temperature, -
t Temperature difference from ISO condition of 15 K, K hx Gas Turbine Efficiency at ISO condition, -
T1 Temperature at Gas Turbine Compressor Inlet, K

de-rates the gas turbine’s performance [5]. In case studies carried temperature with special reference to middle-eastern desert
out previously, the effect of ambient temperature on electricity conditions has not been generally undertaken.
production and fuel consumption of a simple cycle plant has been
documented at temperatures closer to ISO conditions in Turkey [6].
2.2. Re-visiting the reversible simple (Joule-Brayton) cycle
Further, the performance improvement of the gas turbine is
dependent on the maximum temperature tolerance of the first
Here the original Joule-Brayton cycle (i.e. an internally revers-
stage blades and is also reliant on inter stage cooling at the
ible closed gas turbine cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, with a maximum temperature
compression stage [7]. Several methods and technologies are
T3 ¼ TB and a pressure ratio r) as a standard [2] is used. The
available to augment this power loss but this entails additional
minimum temperature is taken as TA (the ambient temperature) so
plant and equipment installation as well as additional operational
that, T1 ¼ TA. Refer Fig. 2.
requirements [8]. Many of these methods such as use of air cooler
The concept of compressor polytropic efficiency can be devel-
[9], regenerative steam injection [10], effusive blade cooling tech-
oped from considering small compression processes and by using
niques [11e13], use of desiccant-based evaporative cooling [14] or
the Gibbs equation for an ideal (or isentropic) process. Using the
absorption chillers [15] are commonplace. The effect of relative
definition of the isentropic (or overall) compressor efficiency with
humidity [16] on the gas turbine power plant addresses issues of
reference to the pressure ratio the following expression could be
the air cooling [17e19] and enhances compressor efficiency.
However, humidity prior to filtration system imposes a penalty on
gas turbine performance. Analytical methods have been researched 
for evaluation of gas turbine performance when subjected to inlet   g1
P2 g
air cooling in combined cycle power plant [20]. The effects, whether 1
positive or detrimental on the gas turbine compressor and engine hc ¼  g1 
performance, as well as their operability to use of water cooling   ghpc
techniques for inlet air can be effectively assessed for their merits 1
[21]. Also, analytical studies are performed to confirm that
increasing the turbine inlet temperature no longer means an
The same thermodynamic principles can be applied to the gas
increase in cycle efficiency, but increases the work. When applied
turbine expansion process to produce the following:
with intercooled gas turbines, these studies have shown that
increasing turbine inlet temperature and pressure ratio can still  
improve the performance of the intercooled gas turbine [22].   hPt g1
P3 g
However, such use of additional plant is seldom encountered in 1
desert conditions, primarily due to the high cost of such application ht ¼  
and its maintenance as water for such application needs to be   g1
P3 g
specially generated using desalination technologies, which are high 1
cost applications. The effect of ambient temperature on gas turbine
performance is known. However, the arriving at an empirical Fig. 3 shows the relationships given between the isentropic
relationship between gas turbine power, efficiency and ambient efficiencies of the compressor and the turbine (for a constant

Fig. 1. Simple schematic showing an open cycle power plant.

A. De Sa, S. Al Zubaidy / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2735e2739 2737

Fig. 4. Behavior of gas turbine SGT 94.2 thermal efficiency under various operating
loads at varying ambient temperature during the performance tests.

3. Gas turbine performance test results

Fig. 4 shows the input data associated with the performance test
on the Gas Turbine SGT 94.2. The figure portrays the actual varia-
tion of the thermal efficiency during the operation and perfor-
mance test conducted on the Gas Turbine when the ambient air
temperature undergoes changes at three specific loads (60%, 80%
and 100%). It can be observed that at higher loads the deviation is
Fig. 2. Tes Diagram for reversible closed simple cycle. less pronounced while at lower loads it is much sharper. The
probable reason is that when the Gas Turbine operates at design
base loads with inlet guide vanes in open position, the Gas Turbine
internal polytropic losses are at its minimum. On the other hand the
polytropic efficiency of 0.85) against the pressure ratio. For the
Gas Turbine internal polytropic losses increase when the Gas
compressor, it can be observed that as the pressure ratio increases
Turbine operates at part loads with inlet guide vanes partially open.
(the compressor is bigger), the overall compressor efficiency is
Therefore, it is interesting to note this difference in variance of Gas
penalized. For the turbine it can be observed that the isentropic
Turbine efficiency response in varying ambient temperatures while
efficiency is higher than the polytropic (or small-stage) efficiency.
the Gas Turbine is made to operate at part loads and base loads.
The cycle efficiency could be expressed as:
Fig. 5 highlights the actual variation of the Gas Turbine SGT 94.3
cp ðT3  T4 Þ  cp ðT2  T1 Þ thermal efficiency and the useful power output it undergoes versus
h¼ (3) the ambient air temperature at base loads during annual moni-
cp ðT3  T2 Þ
toring exercise conducted on the Gas Turbine. A set of sixteen
Making use of the isentropic relationship between the pressure readings has been selected from the data to give a continuous visual
and temperature, perspective of results as the ambient temperature varies from
approximately 42 K to approximately 20 K. With Gas Turbine at
T2 P P T base load (inlet guide vanes open) it is demonstrated that the useful
¼ 2 ¼ r ¼ 3 ¼ 3 (4)
T1 P1 P4 T4 Power Output varies from approximately 226 MW to 257 MW with
Ambient Temperature dips.
The simple cycle efficiency is readily shown as:
Fig. 6 shows the actual variation of the Gas Turbine SGT 94.3
 g1 thermal efficiency with the ambient air temperature and relative
1 g humidity at base loads and at approximately sixty percent of base
h ¼ 1 (5) loads, during annual monitoring exercise conducted on the Gas
Turbine. Once again it is interesting to observe that at base loads,
the deviation in thermal efficiency and power output is less
pronounced. The variation in thermal efficiency and useful power
Polytropic efficiency for compressor and turbine = 0.85

Isentropic efficiency


0.80 Compressor

1.00 6.00 11.00 16.00
Pressure ratio
Fig. 5. The behavior of gas turbine SGT 94.3 thermal efficiency and power variance
Fig. 3. Turbine and compressor isentropic efficiency variance with pressure ratio at when at base load at varying ambient temperature during the annual continuous
constant polytropic efficiency. monitored period.
2738 A. De Sa, S. Al Zubaidy / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2735e2739

Table 1
Gas turbine power and efficiency at ambient temperatures different from ISO

Model SGT 94.3

GT Inlet Temp (Ambient) K 15 21.59 26.26 35.44 40.84 46.72
GT Power Output MW 265a 257.39a 247.96a 235.8a 227.7a 220.35a
GT Thermal Efficiency % 37 33.96 33.72 32.58 32.38 32.26
Decrease in Power Output % 0 2.87 6.43 11.02 14.08 16.85
with respect to ISO GT
Inlet temperature (15 K)
Decrease in Thermal % 0 8.21 8.86 11.94 12.48 12.81
Efficiency with respect
to ISO GT Inlet
temperature (15 K)
Fig. 6. Behavior of gas turbine SGT 94.3 thermal efficiency and power variance at fixed Operation of Gas Turbine with Hydraulic Clearance Optimization (HCO) active.
%IGV openings (Base Loads and % of Base load) at varying ambient temperature during
the annual continuous monitored period.
4.1. Empirical relationship between gas turbine efficiency, gas
turbine power output and ambient temperature
output reacts much more sharply when Gas Turbine is operating at
part loads and is exposed to variance in ambient temperatures. The Using available data a direct relationship between the variation
probable reasons for such a variation may be assigned to polytropic of ambient temperature and the effect it has on both (a) The gas
losses. turbine efficiency and (b) Its power output is established. Ignoring
Fig. 7 illustrates the actual variation of the Gas Turbine SGT 94.3 all other effects of polytropic nature including the ambient
thermal efficiency as it undergoes variation in the ambient air humidity, for Gas Turbine SGT 94.3, it is found that for every degree
temperature and relative humidity values at base loads and at rise in ambient temperature there will occur a fall in gas turbine
approximately eighty percent of base loads. Examination of the efficiency and power output to the equivalent of 0.07% and
figures illustrates how at base loads the deviation is smaller while 1.47 MW.
at eighty percent of base loads it is much sharper. The plausible The empirical relationship is therefore established and practi-
reasons for such a variation are as explained above. cally confirmed over repeated tabulation of data and is as stated
4. Comparison of actual gas turbine efficiency and useful “For every K rise in ambient temperature above ISO condition
power at varying ambient temperature and relative humidity the Gas Turbine looses 0.1% in terms of thermal efficiency and
1.47 MW of its Gross (useful) Power Output”.
The effect of ambient temperature on gas turbine efficiency and
power is well noticed, however the effect of humidity on the gas 1. For Gas Turbine efficiency ¼ hx at ISO condition then,
turbine efficiency and power proved to be difficult to quantify
within the existing set-up and instrumentation capabilities. For predicted Gas Turbine efficiency at ambient temperature
Therefore, the trend encompassing this needs further investigation differing from ISO condition by t (or t when less than ISO) shall be:
in order for a relationship to be established. An attempt has been
made to project the established trends to gauge the upward limits
at which the useful power and actual efficiency will reach, as the
ambient temperature dips to ISO conditions of 15 K. It is clear that
when the Gas Turbine operates at an ambient temperature of
approximately 30 K higher than the ISO condition, it loses around
44 MW of useful power generation to the grid and its thermal
efficiency decreases by approximately 2.1 percent. The comparison
of the deviation of power and efficiency as observed at ambient
temperatures in Dubai is tabulated at Table 1. This considerable loss
in power generation occurs due to the intricate role the Gas
compressor plays in the balance of internal power consumption
from the gas in order to compress the hot ambient air. Also, Fig. 8
shows the Gas Turbine Efficiency and Power Output when the
ambient temperature varies between the maximum and minimum
values as prevalent at Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

Fig. 7. Behavior of gas turbine SGT 94.3 thermal efficiency under various operating Fig. 8. SGT 94.3 gas turbine thermal efficiency and power output variance at base load
loads at varying ambient temperature during the Performance tests. at varying ambient temperature and varying humidity during annual monitoring.
A. De Sa, S. Al Zubaidy / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2735e2739 2739

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