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Analysis of Heat Transfer Phenomena From Different Fin Geometries Using CFD Simulation in ANSYS® PDF

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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2019 IJESC

Research Article Volume 9 Issue No.9

Analysis of Heat Transfer Phenomena from Different Fin

Geometries using CFD Simulation in ANSYS®
Ambuj Gupta1, Ayushi Gaur2
School of Chemical Engineering (SCHEME), Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India

Heat transfer has always been one of the dominating fields in design of electrical components, chemical reaction vessels,
apparatus, heat exchangers, insulation materials etc. In various applications, it is necessary to prevent loss of heat, whereas in
some, it is crucial to dissipate excess heat quickly into the surrounding atmosphere to prevent overheating. Finned surfaces
provide additional support to facilitate faster heat transfer and thus act as efficient heat sinks. In this study, we aim to simulate the
heat transfer phenomena through various finned surfaces of different geometries and material using ANSYS Workbench ®, to
better understand the factors affecting heat transfer along the length of the fin. The fins were designed in the ANSYS Workbench
environment, keeping the total exposed surface area constant. The models were rendered and subjected to simulation, with
varying operating conditions and parameters. The results are compiled and tabulated in this study. For this experiment, Pin Fin,
Plate Fin and Elliptical Pin fin geometries have been used, and simulated in ANSYS 2016 ® CFD interface.

Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Heat Sink, Pin Fin, Plate Fin, Elliptical Pin Fin.

1. INTRODUCTION: conduction of coolants within. While the car is moving, the air
is directed through the radiator, which in turn cools the liquid
In the study of heat transfer, fins are surfaces that extend from within.
an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the • Computer CPU heatsinks: The heat sink has a thermal
environment by increasing convection. The amount of conductor that carries heat away from the CPU into fins that
conduction, convection, or radiation of an object determines provide a large surface area for the heat to dissipate throughout
the amount of heat it transfers. Increasing the temperature the rest of the computer, thus cooling both the heat sink and
gradient between the object and the environment, increasing processor.
the convection heat transfer coefficient, or increasing the • Heat exchangers in power plants: Radial fins are generally
surface area of the object increases the heat transfer. in TENV(Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated) roller table duty
Sometimes it is not feasible or economical to change the first motors and the purpose of radial fins is to reduce accumulation
two options. Thus, adding a fin to an object, increases the of melted iron on the surface of motor.
surface area and can sometimes be an economical solution to • Electric motor and transformers: Longitudinal fins in
heat transfer problems.With the increase in heat dissipation motor are for natural cooling of motor. In Totally enclosed fan
from microelectronics devices and the reduction in overall cooled motors, air of fan passes through the fins to cool the
form factors, thermal management becomes a more important motor. Radial fins are generally in Totally enclosed non
element of electronic product design. Both the performance ventilated roller table duty motors and the purpose of radial
reliability and life expectancy of electronic equipment are fins is to reduce accumulation of melted iron on the surface of
inversely related to the component temperature of the motor. Fins are surfaces that extend from an object to increase
equipment. The effective use of an electrical component is the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by
limited by its maximum operational junction temperature. To increasing convection and hence are used in hydrogen fuel
achieve a desired component temperature, excess heat cells.
dissipated by the device must be transferred to the • Fins are used in Evaporators and condensers of
environment. The most common method for transferring heat refrigeration and air conditioning systems: The coolant
from the component to the environment is to use a heat sink. flows through the pipe, the many thin wires that run between
To estimate a component’s junction temperature, a required the pipes acts as simple radiator fins that help to carry heat
value is the heat sink’s thermal resistance. The thermal away from the pipes and dissipate to atmosphere.
resistance of heat sink can be determined analytically or
experimentally. In electronic systems, a heat sink is a passive 2. CFD MODELLING:
component that cools a device by dissipating heat into the
surrounding air. Fins are most commonly used in heat Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the science of
exchanging devices such as radiators in cars, computer CPU determining numerical solution of governing equation for the
heatsinks, and heat exchangers in power plants. They are also fluid flow whilst advancing the solution through space or time
used in newer technology such as hydrogen fuel cells. Nature to obtain a numerical description of the complete flow field of
has also taken advantage of the phenomena of fins. The ears of interest. The equation can represent steady or unsteady,
jackrabbits and fennec foxes act as fins to release heat from the Compressible or Incompressible, and in viscid or viscous
blood that flows through them. flows, including non-ideal and reacting fluid behaviour. The
particular form chosen depends on intended application. The
• Radiators in cars: The thin fins of a radiator improve the state of the art is characterized by the complexity of the
surface area of the device, thereby improving the heat geometry, the flow physics, and the computing time required

IJESC, September 2019 23722 http://ijesc.org/

obtaining a solution. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a 5. FIN MATERIAL:
computer-based simulation method for analysing fluid flow,
Materials used in fins depend on heat transfer characteristics of
heat transfer, and related phenomena such as chemical
the material. The materials generally used are Aluminum Alloy
reactions. This dissertation uses CFD for analysis of flow and
A204 which has thermal conductivity of 110-150W/mk, and
heat transfer. It will be advantageous to use CFD over
Aluminum alloy 6061 which has higher thermal conductivity.
traditional experimental-based analyses, since experiments
Cast iron and copper alloy are also used. As heat exchangers
have a cost directly proportional to the number of
are used in a wide variety of environments, they require a
configurations desired for testing, unlike with CFD, where
range of construction materials. Several different fin material
large amounts of results can be produced at practically no
options exist, allowing the heat exchanger to operate in
added expense. In this way, parametric studies to optimize
environments ranging from mild office applications through to
equipment are very inexpensive with CFD when compared to
more aggressive coastal and manufacturing environments.
Three key fin materials are offered: the standard being natural
Applications of CFD: aluminium, a pre-coated aluminium called “Blue Fin”, and
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a tool with amazing copper. “Blue fin” offers a further level of resistance to
flexibility, accuracy and breadth of application. CFD is applied environmental conditions, with copper offering the best
to a wide range of research and engineering problems in many possible protection.
fields of study and industries, including aerodynamics and
aerospace analysis, weather simulation, natural science and Natural Aluminium: Natural Aluminium is the standard fin
environmental engineering, industrial system design and material used in all Coils Australia heat exchangers due to the
analysis, biological engineering and fluid flows, and engine excellent cost/performance combination it provides. When
and combustion analysis. Where there is fluid, there is CFD. coated with Standard Finish corrosion protection this provides
Having mentioned before, the initial stage to conduct a CFD a highly cost-effective solution for general operating
simulation is specifying an appropriate mathematical model of conditions. Aluminium alloys have long been used in the
reality. Rapprochements and assumptions give direction production of heat exchanger fins. The comparative properties
through solution processes to examine the case in the of the different alloys used for this purpose has not been an
computational domain. For instance, fluid flow over a sphere / issue in the past, because of the significant thickness of the fin
cylinder is a repetitive issue that has been taught by the stock material. However, in order to make fins lighter in
lecturer as an example in fluid courses. weight, there is a growing demand for thinner fin stock
materials, which has emphasized the need for improved
3. METHODOLOGY: mechanical properties, thermal conductivity and corrosion
In CFD calculations, there are three main steps: Blue Fin: Blue Fin is a high performance pre-coated
Pre-Processing, Solver Execution, Post-Processing. Pre- aluminium fin material. Blue Fin appears as an anodised finish
Processing is the step where the modelling goals are with a gloss blue tone that remains flexible. The Blue Fin
determined and computational grid is created. In the second coating is applied to the raw aluminium fin stock. For harsh
step numerical models and boundary conditions are set to start environments that are particularly corrosive to aluminium,
up the solver. Solver runs until the convergence is reached. Blue Fin is the solution.
When solver is terminated, the results are examined which is Copper: In applications where the heat exchanger can’t be
the post processing part. easily replaced, it demands that the materials used in the coil
Procedure provide the best possible corrosion resistance to maximise
Step 1: Draw the cylindrical pin fins, elliptical fins, plate fins service life. With its superior thermal conductivity, corrosion
in ANSYS Workbench or SpaceClaim 3D Modellers resistance and strength compared with aluminium, copper is
Step 2: Using the created fins in ANSYS software for further the ideal choice for demanding environments. Copper finned
simulations. heat exchangers are more suited to environments where
Step 3: Use the data for analysis and calculating efficiency and improved thermal performance is required. They are also
other parameters suited to more abrasive environments because unlike a pre-
coated fin, a copper finned coil will not wear out and fail. For
4. GOVERNING EQUATIONS: the manufacture of welded fin tubes are used non-alloy steels
Time-independent flow equations with turbulence are solved. (e.g. P235) and low alloy steels C-Mo, C-Cr-Mo in grades
The viscous dissipation term is omitted. Therefore, the 15Mo3, 13CrMo4.4, 10CrMo9-10 acc. PN-EN 10216- 2+A2:
governing equations for the fluid flow and heat transfer are the 2007 and P91. As the material on the fin, is most often used
following form of the incompressible continuity equations; ferritic steels such as DC01, DC03, DC04 (EN 10130) and
Navier – stokes equations x-y and z direction momentum, and 16Mo3 (EN 10028), X2CrTi12 (EN 10088-2). These steels are
energy equations together with the equation of state. weldable steel group.

Figure.1. Governing equations for Heat transfer through

finned Surfaces Table.1. Properties of Fin materials used in Simulation

IJESC, September 2019 23723 http://ijesc.org/

6. EFFECT OF SHAPE ON HEAT TRANSFER: elliptical shape. Considering the pressure drop the drop shape
due to its aerodynamic advantage shows least pressure drop.
Modern heat exchangers are required to be designed in such a
The elliptical pin causes slightly more pressure drop than the
way that their size is reduced and more compactness is
drop shaped fins. Hence, we can conclude that the elliptical pin
achieved. For achieving this the heat transfer coefficient must
fin gives highest overall performance.
be increased. When gases are used to transfer heat, high
attention must be given to the surface which transfers heat as 7. STATIC FIN TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS:
gases have very low Cp. Liquids have heat transfer coefficients
100 times higher than that of the gases. The use of highly For the different finned surfaces, we ensured the total exposed
effective fins increases the heat transfer surface area, which area remained constant throughout the various designs to allow
leads to substantial increase in the heat transfer rate. comparative analysis. The fin dimensions were modelled in
Conditions for heat transfer: When the pin height to pin such a way to keep this constant. The fins designed yet are
diameter, ratio is less than four these are called short pin fin plate fin and elliptical pin fin for analysis. Thereafter, the
arrays. The short pin fin arrays placed inside the flow channel velocity distribution, pressure drop and temperatures at the
develop turbulence which enhances the convective heat mid-plane were simulated using ANSYS software using
transfer rate. Due to this the pin fin material of low thermal FLUENT CFD analysis.
conductivity can also be selected. Circular pin fins face the  Number of pin fins: 4
limitation of early separation of flow over the fin, increasing  Number of Elliptical fins: 2
the total pressure drop across the channel. Hence to improve  Number of Plate fins: 3
the integrated heat transfer rate using pin fins the pressure-drop  Material: Steel
associated with the fins must be reduced. To reduce the o Density: 8030 kg/m3
pressure-drop one can use different shaped of fins and check o Thermal Conductivity (k): 16.27W/m K
on overall heat transfer rate. The main resistance to heat o Specific Heat Cp: 502.48 J/kg K
transfer from a solid surface to a contact fluid is formation of The exposed finned area was kept constant with area = 88488
the velocity boundary layer. Therefore, measures for creating mm2 For static analysis, the fins were kept at a constant
artificial turbulent boundary layers or reducing the thickness temperature of 340K, while the fluid i.e. air was flown at a rate
by breaking the boundary layer are more effective in of 4m/s, at a temperature of 300K from the inlet.Thereafter,
increasing the heat transfer coefficient. The assessment of fin simulation was carried out for 150 iterations at a time step of
performance depends on the parameter mL. Obviously, this 0.01s. Following are the results obtained from Static Tin
parameter which accounts for the fluid dynamic and thermal Temperature Analysis. Calculations were not performed for
flow patterns around the fins, fin cross-section, fin length and these systems. These were used only to visualise the fluid
fin material, determines the final fin performance. The large dynamics and interactions in Forced Convection. The results
number of variables influencing the parameter ml and hence obtained are shown in FIGURES (1-15);
the fin performance make the fin design an open-ended 8. STEADY STATE HEATED FIN ANALYSIS:
optimization problem.
For the different finned surfaces, we ensured the total exposed
1) The square pin fin shows least heat transfer rate while it
area remained constant throughout the various designs to allow
increases from the circular pin fin to the rectangular pin fin.
comparative analysis. The fin dimensions were modelled in
2) The square pin fin shows the highest drag coefficient and
such a way to keep this constant. The fins designed yet are
the rectangular pin fin shows the least.
plate fin and elliptical pin fin for analysis. Thereafter, the
3) The drag coefficient reduces with the decreasing axis ratio
velocity distribution, pressure drop and temperatures at the
N. Sahiti (2005) observed that the elliptical pin had the highest mid-plane were simulated.
heat transfer rate with the same geometrical and energy  Number of pin fins: 9
conditions. The results of the simulation of six different pin  Number of Elliptical fins: 2
cross-sections show that elliptical profile transfers maximum  Number of Plate fins: 2
heat and also the pressure drop is minimum for the elliptical  Material of fin: Steel
profile. o Density: 8030 kg/m3
Friction factor for all the fins decreased with the increase o Thermal Conductivity (k): 16.27W/m K
of Re: In the laminar flow regime the triangular shape with The exposed finned area was kept constant with area =
minimum fin density showed the minimum pressure drop 54816mm2 Foranalysis, the base temperature Tb was kept at a
while the elliptical shape with highest fin density had the constant temperature of 1000K, while the fluid i.e. air was
maximum pressure drop. Whereas in the turbulent flow the flown at a rate of 4m/s, at a temperature of 298K from the
elliptical shape fins had the minimum pressure drop and the inlet.Thereafter, simulation was carried out for 200 iterations at
triangular shaped fins had the maximum pressure drop. a time step of 0.01s. The results obtained from analysis are
depicted in FIGURES (16-27).
Fengming Wang, Jingzhou Zhang &SuofangWang (2014)
numerically and experimentally simulated the flow and heat 9. RESULTS:
transfer characteristics of differently shaped pin fins. The fins
were of circular, elliptical, and drop-shaped shape with the The following results were obtained from analysis and
same cross-sectional areas were compared by placing them in a simulation of Fins at constant base temperature of 1000K as
staggered arrangement. The pin fins were embedded in a performed by FLUENT solver in ANSYS. The results are
rectangular box in a staggered arrangement. The heat transfer shown in TABLE 2
rate is highest for the circular pin fin. The elliptical fin is 10. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS:
second in considering the heat transfer rate. While the square
fins transfer least heat. • Reynolds number plays an important All values are in SI units, with respective units in metric
role in selection of the fin shape. Because at high Reynolds system. Temperature distribution is calculated, assuming short
number the heat transfer rate is similar for circular and fins. The results obtained are shown in TABLES (3-5).

IJESC, September 2019 23724 http://ijesc.org/


 The geometry of finned surface plays an important role in

determining the rate of heat transfer and efficiency of the
heat sink
 The efficiency of the pin fin was calculated using the
correlation for short fin, as obtained from HMT Data Book
(pg. 58, 9th Ed); The correlation states that:
η = cosh [m(L-x)] / cosh (mL)
 The efficiency of heat sink was found to be in the
following order:
Pin fin > Elliptical Pin Fin > Plate Fin
 The temperature distribution along the fin length is
dependent on cross-sectional area and the thermal
Figure.2. Streamlines of air with pin fin at static
conductivity of the finned surface.
 With constant value of k, it was found that, that heat
transfer was more efficient with lower cross-sectional
areas, as demonstrated by pin fins with a radius of 4mm.
 The variations in results of theoretical and simulated
temperature distribution, can be accounted due to errors in
meshing and other computational discrepancies.
 Although the average error percentage in the simulated
and theoretical results was found to be 4.36%


[1]. A review on the effect of shape on performance of pin

fins, Ankit Girolla, Sunil.V.Dingare and Pramod.S.Purandare,
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
[Accepted 12 March 2017, Available online16 March 2017,
Special Issue-7 (March 2017)]; Retrieved from: http:// inpres Figure.3. Eddy viscosity Distribution of air with pin fin at
sco. com/category/ijcet static temperature

[2]. Numerical Simulations of Heat Transfer Enhancement in

Flowing Fluids using CFD, Arjun Sunil K., Rakesh Kumar.
Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/project/ Numeri
cal -Simulations-of-Heat-Transfer-Enhancement-in-Flowing-

[3]. Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer through Fins

with Different Types of Notches, Sathishkumar Kuppuraj K,
Vignesh K., Ugesh N., S. Balamurugan. Retrieved from:

Figure.4. Pressure Distribution of air with pin fin at static
1. Results Obtained from Static Fin Temperature Analysis:
(a) Cylindrical Pin Fins:

Figure.1. Velocity Distribution of air with pin fin at static Figure.5. Temperature Distribution of air with pin fin at
temperature static temperature

IJESC, September 2019 23725 http://ijesc.org/

(b) Plate Fins:

Figure.10. Temperature Distribution of air with plate fin at

static temperature

Figure.6. Velocity Distribution of air with plate fin at static (c) EllipticalPin Fins:

Figure.11. Velocity Distribution of air with Elliptical pin

fin at static temperature
Figure.7. Streamlines of air with plate fin at static

Figure.8. Pressure Distribution of air with plate fin at static Figure.12. Streamlines of air with Elliptical pin fin at static
temperature temperature

Figure.9. Eddy Viscosity Distribution of air with plate fin Figure.13. Eddy Viscosity Distribution of air with plate fin
at static temperature at static temperature

IJESC, September 2019 23726 http://ijesc.org/

Figure.14. Pressure Distribution of air with plate fin at
static temperature
Figure.18. Velocity Distribution of air with Elliptical pin

Figure.15. Temperature Distribution of air with plate fin at

static temperature

2. Results Obtained from Steady State Heated Fin Figure.19. Streamlines of air with Elliptical pin fin
(b) PlateFins:
(a) EllipticalPin Fins:

Figure.16. Temperature Distribution of air with Elliptical Figure.20. Temperature Distribution of air with Elliptical
pin fin pin fin

Figure.17. Pressure Distribution of air with Elliptical pin

Figure.21. Pressure Distribution of air with Plate fin

IJESC, September 2019 23727 http://ijesc.org/

Figure.22. Velocity Distribution of air with Plate fin Figure.25. Pressure Distribution of air with Cylindrical pin

Figure.23. Streamlines of air with Plate fin Figure.26. Velocity Distribution of air with Cylindrical pin
(c) CylindricalPin Fins:

Figure.24. Temperature Distribution of air with Figure.27. Streamlines of air with Cylindrical pin fin
Cylindrical pin fin
15. Data Tables:
Table.2. Results obtained from Steady State conduction with constant base temperature.
Fin Heat
Velocity Pressure Efficiency Thermal Ambient Base Fin Tip Convective Transfer
Geometry of air Drop of fin Conductivity air temp Temp Temp Area Coefficient
(m/s) (Pa) η of fin, k (K) Tb Tend (K) mm2 of air @298
(K) K
Plate Fin 4 34.8569 64.5013 16.27 298 1000 491.04 508.9592 54816 25
Pin Fin 4 15.2843 91.475 16.27 298 1000 272.6 727.4 54816 25
4 21.64 89.563 16.27 298 1000 285.15 714.852 54816 25
Pin Fin

Table.3. Temperature Distribution in Pin fin

hair ρsteel ksteel Tb Tinf x e-ax Ttheoretical Tsimulated
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0 1 847 850.45
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0.04 0.73128 628.3586 626.9386
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0.08 0.534771 490.4089 494.0089
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0.12 0.391067 389.5291 392.6491
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0.16 0.28598 315.7576 319.2576
25 0.02512 204.2 5.02E-05 1000 298 0.2 0.209131 261.81 272.6

IJESC, September 2019 23728 http://ijesc.org/

Table.4. Temperature Distribution In Plate Fin
hair ρsteel ksteel Tb Tinf x e-ax Ttheoretical Tsimulated
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0 1 912.6633 910.145
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0.04 0.881625 733.9007 732.4807
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0.08 0.777263 660.6383 664.2383
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0.12 0.685254 596.0483 599.1683
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0.16 0.604137 539.1042 542.6042
25 0.02512 204.2 0.00031 1000 298 0.2 0.532622 488.9008 491.0408

Table.4. Temperature Distribution in Elliptical Pin Fin

hair ρsteel ksteel Across-section Tb Tinf x e-ax Ttheo Tsimulated
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0 1 923 922.452
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0.04 0.615502 653.0821 651.6621
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0.08 0.378842 486.9472 490.5472
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0.12 0.233178 384.6909 387.8109
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0.16 0.143521 321.752 325.252
25 0.02512 204.2 2.09E-05 1000 298 0.2 0.088338 283.013 285.153

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