Electrical Classification
Electrical Classification
Electrical Classification
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Practical guidelines for determining electrical area classification
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Hazardous area classification is a rigorous method of determining where an explosive Post a Resume
environment may be present. The codes and standards used in this process provide guidance (http://jobs.powermag.com/r/jobs/post/post.cfm?
for selecting, building, and installing electrical equipment in that area. In general, hazardous
areas (HAs) are defined by:
An explosive atmosphere can be created by a gas or vapor, dust, or even fibers. Methane-
based hazards dominate the gas-fired generation sector, whereas spontaneous combustion
of coal dust plagues plants fired by that fuel. The different zones defined by codes for
classifying particular hazardous areas are listed and discussed in the online supplement
(/powerweb/archive_article.asp?a=67-F_PS_web&y=2007&m=march) to this article.
The probability that any hazard exists in combustible concentration is determined by the
specifics of the plant or system under consideration. For example, a natural gas vent line is
Most Read () Most Commented ()
much more likely to contain such a hazard than a lube oil line—unless, of course, the oil line’s
flanged joint is leaky.
Most Shared ()
Finally, plant design also must protect against auto-ignition of combustible substances. A
good example of this type of hazard is a flammable gas coming into contact with a hot Most Read
surface. Codes define various temperature classes to guide designers as they specify • Financial and Gas Turbine Blade Troubles
equipment. Plague GE Power
In the field
• Southern Company CEO: Vogtle Ahead of
By design, natural gas-fired power plants are fueled by an extremely combustible substance. Schedule
But fuel lines and the turbine deck are hardly the only HAs in the plant. The prerequisites for (https://www.powermag.com/southern-
developing an area classification for a gas-fired plant are understanding the characteristics of
• Iraqi Official Casts Doubt on Deals With
all of hazardous materials present in it and defining where those materials exist (or may
GE, Siemens
spread due to a leak). This allows mapping out the plant’s HAs. (https://www.powermag.com/iraqi-
Each HA should be classified according to applicable industry codes and standards. For siemens/)
example, electrical area classifications explain how to select and install electrical equipment • Groups Reach Deal to Keep New Mexico
Coal Plant Open
and wiring—right down to the wiring method—to minimize the likelihood of ignition of a
flammable or explosive mixture.
Disclaimer: The guidelines mentioned in this article describe approaches used by Burns and Roe • Japanese Conglomerates Rejigger Power
Sector Strategies
Enterprises Inc. The information is provided solely to educate power plant designers and staff.
Burns & Roe is not responsible for classifications prepared by others using these guidelines.
—Ram K. Saini, PE, is senior principal engineer for Burns and Roe Enterprises Inc. He can be
reached at 201-986-4339 or rsaini@roe.com (mailto:rsaini@roe.com). Charles Emma, PE, is
principal engineer and can be reached at 856-638-6920 or cemma@roe.com TWITTER FEED
Tweets by @POWERmagazine
The National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70, defines hazardous (classified) areas as those
where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to the presence of flammable gases, vapors, or POWER magazine
liquids, combustible dust, or ignitable fibers. Electrical area classification (EAC) is the process @POWERmagazine
of determining the existence and extent of hazardous locations in a facility containing any of Cogen and combined cycle #power plants both
team a gas turbine with a #HRSG but very different
those substances. The result of the process is usually called the EAC of the facility. In the arrangements were originally designed for the
context of electrical equipment, the following terms—area classification, hazardous locations, different applications. The designs have evolved,
hazardous (classified) locations, and classified areas—are all synonymous with EAC. In the though, and the two aren't so different anymore.
following guidelines, the term EAC is used to avoid confusion with other nonelectrical
classifications. The Line Blurs Between Smal…
Lines have blurred between co…
The approach described in this article focuses on a combustion turbine-generator (CTG) plant, powermag.com
although the same methods are applicable to any type of power plant and its systems.
Tweets by POWERmagazine
Areas are classified in accordance with the type and properties of the combustible material Innogy Consulting-
and the likelihood that an ignitable mixture will exists. Since 2002, the NEC has permitted Using digital to build
hazardous locations to be categorized using either of two “concepts” or methods: Class I, II,
the workforce of the
and III, Division 1 and 2 (NEC Article 500); and Class I, Zone 0, 1, and 2 (NEC Article 505).
The first method has traditionally been used in the U.S. The second method complies with (https://www.powerm
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards and has been used in Europe. The
information presented in this article is based on the “Class, Division” concept.
Hazardous locations are categorized by class, group, and division as follows. the-workforce-of-the-
Class (material type) future/)
Class I: Denotes areas where flammable gas, vapor, or liquid is present.
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Class II: Denotes areas where combustible dust is present.
Class III: Denotes areas where ignitable fibers are present. (Class III areas rarely exist in CTG Generator Stator
facilities.) Rewinds
Group (material properties)
Sulzer - The
Hazardous chemicals and flammable materials are given group designations based on their Service Partner
propensity to explode or catch fire. The designations facilitate the approval and listing of to Keep Your
equipment suitable for use in hazardous locations. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Recommended Practices 497 and 499 and other industry sources also group chemicals in this
way. NEC Article 500 segregates chemicals and materials as follows: the-service-partner-to-keep-your-
• Group A: Acetylene More from Sulzer (/videos/?tag=sulzer)
• Group B: Hydrogen
• Group C: Cyclopropane, ethyl ether View All Videos » (/videos/)
• Group D: Acetone, butane, propane, hexane, natural gas, fuel oil
• Group E: Combustible metals
• Group F: Carbonaceous materials, including coal dust
• Group G: Flour, starch, plastic
Division 1: Denotes areas where flammable or combustible concentrations exist under normal
operating conditions or are highly likely to exist under other conditions.
The auto-ignition temperature (AIT) of the hazardous material in a facility must be known to
complete its EAC. NFPA 497 provides AIT values for various combustible substances.
A typical area classification for propane gas would be: Class I, Division 2, Group D, 450C AIT.
The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in
• Class I indicates the presence of vapor. New Jersey, the oldest operating nuclear plant in
• Division 2 indicates that the vapor is present only under abnormal conditions. the U.S., was shut down on September 17, 2018.
• Group D indicates that propane is a member of this group.
• 450C is the auto-ignition temperature of propane. For more, see “Oldest U.S. Nuclear Plant
Shuts Down
Once an area has been classified, the NEC provides very specific and stringent requirements
about the electrical equipment and associated wiring that can be installed within that area.
The requirements are intended to prevent electrical equipment from being the ignition source
for a flammable mixture. Accordingly, the installation itself must be explosion-proof. Visit our video archive (/power-video-
Obviously, a facility’s EAC must be known before any electrical equipment can be specified,
designed, or installed. On many CTG power projects, special-purpose mechanical equipment
with long lead times (motors and instrumentation and control systems and components, for INDUSTRY NEWS
example) must be specified and ordered early. Failure to determine the EAC for the facility
and such equipment in a timely fashion can result in unsafe installations, rework, confusion,
delays, and cost overruns.
• Wind turbine blade erosion to be tackled in
new Joint Industry Project
EAC dos and don’ts (https://www.powermag.com/press-
An EAC is best performed by a project team whose members are knowledgeable about • RusHydro Commissions Third Hydropower
classification, applicable codes and standards, electrical equipment and wiring, chemicals Unit at Ust-Srednekanskaya Power Plant
used, fire detection and protection systems, process operations and conditions, maintenance (https://www.powermag.com/press-
procedures, HVAC engineering, and plant safety.
Many variables must be included in area classification equations. They include the properties
• FPL announces plans to build four new solar
and behavior of materials, volumes, pressures, temperatures, flows, piping and equipment power plants in 2019
construction, weather, building arrangements, adequacy of mechanical ventilation and gas (https://www.powermag.com/press-
detection systems, and operator interfaces. Careful evaluation of all data in accordance with releases/fpl-announces-plans-to-build-four-
established techniques, along with the application of sound engineering judgment, should
• SKF Pulse™: Machine Monitoring Made Easy
produce a consistent and safe classification.
The NEC calls for each room, section, or area of a facility to be considered individually in made-easy/)
determining its classification. Eschewing this approach in favor of classifying an entire facility • Construction Resumes on $1.5 Billion
using a broad-brush approach (a process referred to as “blanket classification”) almost Zimbabwe Power Project
always leads to a more dangerous and ultimately more costly facility. This is especially true for
a power plant, which normally contains several different process, support, and maintenance
More (http://www.powermag.com/press-
areas. A properly conducted EAC, in a well-designed and constructed facility, might result in a releases/)
few Division 1 areas and several much larger Division 2 and nonclassified areas.
Although many other companies and industry organizations have written specific procedures
for Area Classification, the NFPA Recommended Practices for Classification are most
applicable to power plants. NFPA 497 covers Class I areas containing gases, vapors, and
liquids, and NFPA 499 covers Class II areas containing dusts. These practices assume the
ability to identify and locate sources of hazardous material.
The sources can be necessarily open process points or unintentional leaks in the process.
Once sources are located, the practices provide guidance in determining the degree of the
hazard (Division 1 or Division 2) and its extent. They also provide diagrams for typical
situations that give recommended distances from the source for the extent of a hazardous
location. Although the diagrams take into account pressure, volume, flow rate, ventilation,
building construction, and certain process operations, it must be remembered that they are
only typical and require sound engineering for application to specific situations. • Reprocessing Uranium Is No Problem for
Penetron Technology
The NFPA way
• U.S. Maintenance Projects Top $2 Billion in
What follows is a brief, nine-step outline of NFPA practices. The actual practices and March, Led by Power Generation, an
associated references should be consulted when performing any EAC. Industrial Info News Alert
To determine an electrical area classification: wire/?rkey=20190219DA57575&filter=15633)
• Energy Fuels Producing Vanadium at
Commercial Levels; Vanadium Shipments
1. Assemble pertinent information, including: codes, standards, practices, and reference;
process and operating descriptions; process flow diagrams and material and heat balance (https://www.powermag.com/from-the-
chart; piping and instrumentation diagrams; equipment arrangement drawings and plot wire/?rkey=20190212TO51037&filter=15633)
plans; and commissioning, testing, operating, and safety procedures. • FENOC Submits Requests to NRC as Part of
Plan to Shutdown Davis-Besse Nuclear
2. List all flammable and combustible materials and their pertinent properties, such as ignition Power Station
temperatures and flash points.
• Refueling activities and performance
3. Confirm the need for classification by assessing the likelihood of the presence of flammable enhancements underway at Plant Hatch Unit
and combustible materials. 2 (https://www.powermag.com/from-the-
drains, metering points, sampling points, and vents. See NFPA 497 and 499 for additional
guidance in identifying sources. As a practical matter, areas with large quantities of process
MAGAZINE – 21st ANNUAL, 04/23 - 04/26
equipment and piping that handle flammable/combustible materials can, as an area, be (http://www.electricpowerexpo.com)
considered a release source. • CTOTF Spring 2019 Conference, 04/28 - 05/02
5. Determine an area’s Class and Group from the chemicals present. • AWEA WINDPOWER 2019 Conference &
Exhibition, 05/20 - 05/23
6. Determine the degree of hazard (Division 1 or Division 2) by assessing the probability of (https://www.windpowerexpo.org/ )
• ARC's 17th India Forum: Driving Digital
Transformation in Industry and Cities, 07/04
- 07/05
7. Determine the extent (or distance from the source) of hazardous areas by reviewing the (https://www.arcweb.com/events/arc-
plant’s equipment layout drawings. industry-forum-india)
• 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution
8. Consider using recognizable boundaries (walls, floors, ceilings, and column lines) to Conference & Exhibition, 04/20 - 04/23
delineate Classified Areas. This approach will greatly simplify both design and installation. (https://www.ieeet-d.org/?
9. Prepare the recommended documentation for the EAC project team to review and approve.
The following codes and standards are particularly applicable to Hazardous Classified Areas in
CTG power plants.
a. U.S. standards
NFPA 59-2001: Standard for the Production, Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas
ANSI K61.1-1999: Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia
b. European standards
IEC 79-15 (Part 15): Electrical Apparatus with Type of Protection “n”
Major CTG vendors often supply Area Classification documents pertaining to their systems
and equipment.
d. Other
Numerous other materials are available for reference through industry sources.
The main components and systems in a CTG power plant that are vulnerable to fire or
explosion follow.
Fuel gas systems. These include the gas-receiving station, gas analyzer system, gas
compressor station, main shut-off valve, gas relief points, the filter and scrubber station, the
gas preheater, the gas control valve block, the gas safety relief valve, gas flow metering, gas
distribution piping, and turbine auxiliaries equipment/compartment.
Ignition gas systems. These include propane gas cylinders, piping to ignition burner and
combustor, and gas relief points.
Fuel oil systems. These include fuel oil tanks, the fuel oil unloading and forwarding pump
station, the fuel oil treatment system, fuel oil metering, the fuel oil booster pump and leakage
tank, the fuel oil control valve block, and fuel oil piping to burners. Fuel oil becomes
flammable when heated above its flash point.
Hydrogen gas for generator cooling systems. These include the hydrogen gas cylinder
station, the gas unit, the seal oil unit, the control cubicle, and piping.
Ammonia systems. These include storage tanks, pumps, and diked areas.
Following are some of the most common potential leak sources in fuel gas, propane gas
(ignition), fuel oil, hydrogen gas, and ammonia gas systems. Some are identified by the CTG
• The ignition gas cabinet, with screwed couplings and glands, in the turbine auxiliary
equipment area.
• Gas relief points above the turbine building roof.
Fuel oil system
• Fuel oil transfer pipe joints and coupling in the fuel oil�unloading area and forwarding
pump stations.
• Fuel oil tank piping, pump blocks, filling and suction valve blocks, vents, indicators, alarm
switches, oil piping (both outdoor and at the combustor), burners, and heaters.
• Open process points, sample points, and sumps.
Using the references listed above, determine the extent of the Classified Area for each type of
leak source shown in the table.
materials and where they typically exist in a power plant. Source: Burns and Roe Enterprises
Inc. Note 1: Adequately ventilated per NFPA 497 means a ventilation rate that affords either
six air changes per hour, 1 cfm per square foot of floor area, or another similar criterion that
prevents accumulated vapor-air concentrations from exceeding 25% of the lower flammable
limit. Note 2: If vent pipes are being discharged in an otherwise nonhazardous area, they
should be discharged outdoors at a minimum distance of 10 feet (for natural gas) and 15 feet
(for hydrogen) from any electrical equipment, light fixture, etc. Note 3: A continuously
operated exhaust fan in the battery room is required to remove any accumulation of
hydrogen gas discharged from the batteries. Loss of electrical power to the fan should be
alarmed in the plant control room. Note 4: Ammonia detectors should be installed around the
diked area and connected to the plant’s distributed control system. A deluge water spray
system should be installed for automatic/manual actuation; its alarm should be sent to the
fire alarm panel in the plant control room.
These guidelines should be used as a minimum requirement for Classification of Electrical
Areas where such materials are located and processes are performed. Sound engineering
judgment should be applied to determine if additional areas, not mentioned in the table,
should be identified. Equipment manufacturers’ recommendations for the Area Classification
of specific equipment should be followed, especially if they are more stringent than the
guidelines provided in the table.
When there is more than one leakage source in an area (for example, a manifold serving
several instruments or valves), or if there are several pieces of equipment with potential leak
sources, the area should be boxed out as an overall three-dimensional shape covering the
limits of the extreme leakage points. To avoid undue expense, take precautions to verify that
boxing in overall areas, or extending classified areas to recognizable boundaries, does not
include electrical equipment that would otherwise not be included in the hazardous area.
Like any engineering study or analysis, EAC must be carefully documented because it serves
as the basis for electrical equipment requirements in classified areas. Such documentation,
along with properly implemented protective measures, reduces the possibility of an explosion
or fire. The documentation also provides the necessary guidance to engineers working on
facility design, as well as to insurance and inspection personnel. The protective measures
ensure the safety of the O&M personnel working in the facility.
The design engineer should prepare a hazardous location design basis document defining the
plant hazards, the potential leakage sources, and the extent of the classified areas. The design
basis document and the associated plant drawings that show the extent of the horizontal and
vertical boundaries of each classified area should be discussed with the owner, the
construction contractor, and the plant’s operations staff to ensure their understanding of the
affected areas.
Figures 1, 2, and 3 are the plan and elevation drawings used for classifying the hazardous
areas around a combustion turbine-generator. Figures 4 and 5 are similar drawings for the
roof area of a hydrogen-cooled generator and an ammonia vaporizer skid, respectively.
Hazardous area classification drawings should be prepared for each plant and should include
similar details for the use of the plant construction contractor and the operations staff.
• A listing of all the flammable and combustible materials used in the facility, as well as
their pertinent properties (flash point, ignition temperature, density, etc.) and how and
where the materials are handled.
• Brief descriptions of the process and its O&M and cleaning details.
• A list (including dates and/or editions) of all the codes, standards, references, practices,
and other data used to prepare the classification.
• A discussion of all the assumptions made during the analysis.
• A listing of each room or area and its determined area classification, along with the
rationale for making the determination.
• A complete set of EAC drawings indicating all of classified area’s process equipment,
normal and leakage sources, and boundaries.
2.The EAC for the
area around a heat-recovery steam generator, fuel gas heat exchanger, and scrubber.
Courtesy: Burns & Roe Enterprises Inc.
3.Hazardous area
classification for the area around a combustion turbine-generator, including the hydrogen
manifold and connections. Courtesy: Burns & Roe Enterprises Inc.
4.Hazardous area
classification for the roof above a hydrogen-cooled generator. Courtesy: Burns & Roe
Enterprises Inc.
5.Hazardous area
classification for the area around the ammonia vaporizer skids and fuel gas valves and devices
at a combined-cycle power plant. Courtesy: Burns & Roe Enterprises Inc.
As mentioned earlier, once the EAC for an area has been determined, the NEC provides
stringent requirements for the design and installation of electrical equipment within it. These
rules should be followed very carefully, making exceptions only if absolutely necessary.
Rather than providing specific design guidelines, the following brief list of NEC rules is
intended only to convey an awareness of the complexity of electrical design in hazardous
areas. Experienced and knowledgeable engineers are needed to apply the NEC rules to
specific situations.
Disclaimer: The guidelines discussed in this article describe approaches used by Burns
and Roe Enterprises Inc. The information is provided solely to educate power plant
designers and staff. Burns and Roe is not responsible for classifications prepared by
others using these guidelines.
—Ram K. Saini, PE, is a senior principal engineer with Burns and Roe PRINT MODE : ON
Enterprises Inc. He can be reached at 201-986-4339 or rsaini@roe.com
(mailto:rsaini@roe.com). Chuck Emma, PE, is a principal engineer at the company; he can be
reached at 856-638-6920 or cemma@roe.com (mailto:cemma@roe.com).
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