Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
1. Social Work: Concepts, Definitions and allied concepts – Social Service, Social Welfare, Social
Security and Social Reform: Objectives, Assumptions; Principles and Functions, Social Work and
Social justice; Social Work and Human Rights, Common Base of Social Work Practice; Philosophy and
Values; SocialWork as a Profession in India.
3. Social Case Work: Concept, Objectives, Components, Processes and Client-Worker Relationship.
4. Social Group Work: Concept, Objectives, Principles, Skills and Role of Social Group Worker.
1. Community Organization: Concept, Steps and Procedures, Principles, Community Planning and
Community Integration, Role of Community Organizer. Community Organization and Community
3. Social Work Research: Concept, Social Research and Social Work Research, Steps of Social
Research – Research Design, Sampling, Sources, Tools and Methods of Data Collection, Processing of
Data, DataAnalysis and ReportWriting, Participatory Research.
4. Social Action: Concept, Models and Strategies, Social Action and Social Movement, Advocacy,
Lobbying and Networking, Approaches of Sarvodaya, Antoyodaya and Lok- Shakti.
Fields of Social Work Intervention: Concept, Constitutional and Legislative Response, Policies
and Programmes-
Child Development, Youth Development, Women Empowerment, Development of Weaker Sections,
Welfare of Senior Citizens, Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, Rural Development, Urban
Community Development, Medical and Psychiatric Social Work, Industrial Social Work, Correctional
Social Work, School Social Work, Urban Slums.