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Ordinances and Syllabus

M. Phil. in Social Work

(Self-financing mode)

Coordinator: Prof. Raj Kumar Singh


M. Phil. in Social Work

1. DURATION: 18 Months (3 Semester each of 6 Months Duration)

2. Programme structure: The M. Phil Programme carries a total of 500 marks

(Each paper of 100 Marks)

The assessment of the candidate shall be 100 marks (70 Theory and 30 Internal

1) Basic Postulates of Social Work
2) Fundamentals of Social Work Research

B. Optional paper- Each students is required to opt any one of the following
I. Health and Health Care System
II. Family and Child Welfare
III. Community Development Management
IV. Human Resources Management

C. 1. Dissertation (Compulsory)
2. Workshops on Academic Writing Skills
3. Seminars on Monographs
Paper: I
Basic Postulates of Social work

Unit –I
Social Work: Meaning, Definition, Concept and Methods
Social work Ethics, Values and Responsibilities of Professional Social Worker
Professionalization of Social Work in India
Social work Theories: Problem Solving Theory, System Theory, Cognitive Theory,
Behaviour Modification Theory and Crisis Intervention Theory.

Unit – II
Development of Social work Education and Practice in India
Development of Social work Education and Practice in Abroad
Social Work Intervention : Concept, Level and Steps
Traditional and Contemporary Problems and Challenges in the Practice of Social
Work in Different Settings

Unit – III
Social Development panorama in Post Independence India
Human Development: Concept, Indicators and Status in Developing Countries
Social Policy and Planning in India, Welfare and Empowerment Debate
Curative, Preventive and Promotive Strategies in Social Welfare

Unit – IV
Radical Social Work : Meaning, Concept and Significance
Feminist Social Work : Meaning, Concept and Significance
Contemporary Social Work : Meaning, Concept and Significance
School Social Work : Meaning, Concept and Significance
Liberal Social Work : Meaning, Concept and Significance


1. Walter A. Friedlander, Robert Z., Apte (1982), “Introduction to Social

Welfare”, Prentice Hall India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

2. Walter A. Friedlander (1977), “Concept and Methdods of Social Work”,

Prentice Hall India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

3. Skidmore (1983), “Social Work Administration”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

4. Wadia A.R. (1961), “History and Philosophy of Social Work in India”, Allied
Publication, Mumbai.
5. Chaudhari D. Paul (1994), “Social Welfare Administration”, Atmaram & Sons,
New Delhi.

6. Gangrade, “Social Welfare Administration, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

7. Gore M.S. (1965) “Social Work and Social Work Education, Bombay: Asia
Publication House.

8. M. Srinivas: Social Work Model, Post Colonel Em, Convent Publication,


9. Skidmore, Rex A. Et al (1988): “Introduction to Social Work”, Enqlewood Cliff:

Prentice Hall.

10. Harry, Specht (1988)- New Directions for Social Work Practice, New Delhi.

11. Singh, Surendra and Kripal Singh Soodan. Horizons of Social Work (ed.),
Jyotsna Publications, Lucknow.

12. Singh, Surendra, P.D. Misra & A.N. Singh. Bharat Mein Samajik Neeti, Niyojan
Evam Vikas.

13. Singh, Surendra & S P Srivastava. Gender Equality Through Women;s

Empowerment: Strategies and Approaches, Bharat Book Centre, Lucknow.

14. Social Work Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities, New Royal
Book Company, Lucknow- 2003.

15. Social Work Education and Practice: Relations and Responses, New Royal
Book Centre, Lucknow, 2004.
Paper: II
Fundamentals of Social Work Research

Unit –I
Research Methodology: Meaning and Scope, Research problem Selection and
Research Design: Meaning, components, Significance and Types,
Approaches to Social Research, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Inquiry,
Social Work Research: Objectives, Nature Scope, Process
Hypothesis: Meaning, Concept, Types and Significance
Sampling: Meaning, Concept, Types and Significance,

Unit –II
Data Collection: Sources, Tools & Methods
Measurement & Scaling, Data Processing: Editing, Coding, Classification and
Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Report Writing.

Unit –III
Statistics: Meaning, Scope and Limitations,
Non Parametric Measures of Association
Test of Significance
Measures of Association
Correlation: Parametric and Non-Parametric
Measures of Central Tendency, Correlation, Regression, Chi-Square Test
(X2), t-Test, ANOVA

Unit –IV
Computer Application in Research: Definition, Peripherals of Computers, Hardware
and Software, System Information, System Formatting, Upgrading, Data backup,
Online & Offline backup, Surveillance, Cloud Storing, Online data security, Search
Engine & IT Techniques, SPSS


1. Laladas D.K. (2000), “Practice of Social Work Research”, Rawat Publications,

Jaipur, New Delhi.
2. Sinha P.K. (1992), “Computer Fundamentals”, BPB
3. Soleman H.A. (2006), “Using Statistical Methods in Social Work Practice: A
Complete SPSS Guide”, LYCEUN Book Inc., Chicago.
Paper: I
(Optional Paper) each student is required to opt any one of the
following Specialization

I. Health and Health Care System- Specialization

II. Family and Child Welfare- Specialization
III. Community Development Management- Specialization
IV. Human Resources Management- Specialization

Health and Health Care System

Unit –I
Historical Development of Medical Social Work in India and abroad.
Definition and Dimensions of Health Concept of Physical, Mental and Social Health,
Health Development and Health Welfare.

Unit –II
Health Education: Definition, Aims, Principles and Approaches to Public Health, Role
of Medical Workers in Various Settings: General Hospital, Child Guidance Clinics,
Specialized Hospitals- Counselling Centres, Rehabilitation Centres.

Unit –III
Psychiatric Social Work Concept, Origin, Recent Trends of PSW in India, Role of
Psychiatric Social Worker in Psychiatric Setting, DSM, Classification of Behvaioural
Disorders and Health Psychology

Unit –IV
Mental Health, Mental Health Education, Civil Society and Mental Health, Causes and
Preventive Aspects, Services Mental Health Act, Community Mental Health,
Therapeutic Community, Programmes and Development.


1. Park J.E., and Park K. (1982), “Text Book of Preventive Social Medicine”,
Bhanot Pub., Jabalpur.
2. Ratna Verma, “Psychiatric Social Work in India”, Sage Publication, New Delhi,
Family and Child Welfare

Unit –I
Family: Meaning, Concept, Types, Impact of Modernisation on Family, Family
Welfare: Concept, Programme, Services and Schemes, Forms of Marriage, Marriage
Conflicts, Marriage as Sacrament.

Unit –II
Child Welfare: Concept, Objective, Schemes and Services of Child Welfare, Social
Issues related to Children Welfare, Need to Change the Health Status of Children,
Social Aspects of Child.

Unit –III
Legislations: Legislations Relating to Family and Children, Juvenile Justice Act, 2000,
Law Relating to Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance and Inheritance and Adoption, Child
Labour Act, Role of Social Worker in Family and Child Welfare, Role of Family
Counselling Centre, Correctional and Remand Home, Role of International Aids.

Unit –IV
Youth Welfare: Concept, Need of Youth Welfare, Youth Problems, Needs of Youth,
Evolution of Youth Welfare, Status of Women, Women Welfare


1. R.Kumar, “Child Development (Vol.-I)”, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, Delhi

2. A.S. Kohli and S.R, Sharma, “Health Family Planning and Social Welfare”,
Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1997).
Community Development Management

Unit –I
Scope of Urban and Rural Sociology, Types of Villages in India, Family, Kinship,
Caste, Class and Occupation in Indian Villages. Demographic and Occupational
Aspects and Economic Patterns.

Unit –II
Rural Community Development: Importance, Nature, Scope and Objectives. Process
and Methods, Gandhian Approach to Rural Development

Unit –III
Concept of Democratic Decentralization: Panchayat Raj System, Integrated Rural
Development Programmes, Employment Generation Programmes, Training Rural
Youth for Self-employment. Empowerment of Rural Women through Self-Help
Groups (SHG).

Unit –IV
Urban Community Development: Concept, Objectives, Strategies and Objectives,
Urban Basic Services, Plan Provision for Urban Development. Provision regarding
Health and Hygiene. Slum improvement Programmes.


1. Sharma Rajendra Kumar: Rural Sociology, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors,

Delhi, 2004.
2. Thudipara Jacob Z., “Urban Community Development”, Rawat Publications,
Jaipur, 1993.
Human Resource Management

Unit –I
Human Resource Management: Meaning, Definitions, Strategic Role of HRM,
Environment of HRM- Internal and External, Acquiring and Preparing HR; Assessing
performance, Training and Development.

Unit –II
Industrial Relations: Nature of IR. IR Strategy, Employee Discipline, Model Standing
Orders, Grievances, Trade Unions, Nature of Trade Unions, Trade Union Movement
in India, Industrial Democracy, Workers’ participation in Management, Trends in
Trade Union.

Unit –III
Employee Benefits and Services: Insurance Benefits. Retirement Benefits and
Employee Services; Personal and Job related Services.

Unit –IV
Employee Safety and Health: Accidents, Prevention of Accidents, Health- Occupation
Hazards, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, Job Stress and Burnout, Employee

Labour Legislation: The Factories Act, 1948, The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947,
Gratuity Act, 1972, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. The
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Act, 1952, Employee Pension Scheme,


1. Bhagoliwal T.N., Labour and Industrial Relations, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra

2. Mamoria G.B. and Mamoria, S., “Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India,
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Punekar D. Deodhar S.B. and Shankaran S. “Labour Welfare, Trade Unionism
and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

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