MSW-Social-Work Slabuss
MSW-Social-Work Slabuss
MSW-Social-Work Slabuss
UNIT 5: CSR in India: Legal provisions and specifications on CSR – TCCI (Tata
Council for Community Initiatives), Tata Model on CSR – National CSR HUB,
TISS Mumbai – Success and failure with CSR initiatives – CSR Awards in India –
role of social workers in CSR
1. Benn & Bolton, (2011). Key concepts in corporate social responsibility.
Australia: Sage Publications Ltd.
2. Bradshaw, T. and D. Vogel. (1981). Corporations and their critics: Issues and
answers to the problems of corporate social responsibility. New York: McGraw
Hill Book Company
3. Brummer, J.J. (1991). Corporate Responsibility and Legitimacy: An
interdisciplinary analysis. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
4. Cannon, T. (1992). Corporate responsibility (1st ed.) London: Pitman
5. Crane, A. et al., (2008). The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility.
New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
6. Ellington. J. (1998).Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st century
business. New Society Publishers
7. Grace, D. and S. Cohen (2005). Business ethics: Australian problems and cases.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. Reddy, Sumati and Stefan Seuring. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility:
Sustainable Supply Chains. Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press.
9. Werther, W. B. & Chandler, D. (2011). Strategic corporate social responsibility.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
UNIT 1: Concept of health and disease; Concept of public health and related
terminologies like community health, Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM),
Health management etc; Historical development of public health: Chadwick era,
Scientific era (germ theory era), Internationalization; Basics of Epidemiology -
Distribution, determinants and basic measures of health; Health Indicators; Health
in developed and developing countries
UNIT 4: Health Policies - National Health Policy, National Rural Health Mission,
health policy analysis. Health programs (National Leprosy Eradication Program,
National Malaria & Filaria Control Programs, Pulse Polio, Revised National
Tuberculosis Control Program, National Mental Health Program., Universal
Immunization Program, National Tobacco Control Program, National Program for
Prevention and Control of Deafness, National Aids Control Program, National
Program for Control of Blindness, School Health Program, National Vector Borne
Diseases Control Program, Prevention and Control of Non-65
Communicable Diseases Program National Cancer Control Program), their
implementation; advocacy and lobbying
1. (1983).National Health Policy. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family
2. (2002). National Health Policy. New Delhi: Department of Health Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare.
3. Ashton, J. and Seymour, H. (1988). The New Public Health. Philadelphia: Open
University Press.
4. Breslow, L. (2002). Encyclopedia of Public Health. New York: Macmillan
Reference USA
5. Duggal R. and Gangolli L. (2005). Review of Healthcare in India. Mumbai:
6. Government of India (1946). Report of the Health Survey and Planning
Committee. Simla: Government of India Press.
7. Holland, W. W., Knox, G. and Detel, R. (2002). Oxford Textbook of Public
Health. Volume 1, 2 and 3, Oxford: Oxford University Press
8. Levy, B.S. (2006). Social Injustice and Public Health. New York: Oxford and
Sidel, V.W University Press
9. Moye, L. and Kapadia, A. S. (2000). Difference equations with public health
applications. New York: Marcel Dekker.
10. Park, J. E. (2006). Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine, 17th edition.
Jabalpur: Banarsidas Bhanot.
11. Qadeer, I. Sen, K. and Nayar, K. R. (Eds.) (2001). Public Health and the
Poverty of Reforms. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
12. Rowitz, L. (2003). Public Health Leadership. Boston: Jones and Bartlett
13. Schneider, Mary- Jane (2006). Introduction to Public Health. London: Jones
and Bartlett.
14. Smith, B.C. (1979). Community Health: an Epidemiological Approach. New
York: Macmillan Pub. Co.
1. Alex Nicholls, (2006), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable
Social Change, New York: Oxford University Press.
2. David Bornstein, (2007). How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and
the Power of New Ideas, New York: Oxford University Press.
3. Fred Setterberg, Kary Schulman (1985), Beyond Profit: Complete Guide to
Managing the Non Profit Organizations, New York: Harper & Row.
4. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, Peter Economy (2002), Enterprising Non Profits –
A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
5. Peter Drucker (1990), Managing the Non Profits Organizations: Practices and
Principles, New York: HarperCollins.
UNIT 3: Policies for Children: Child Development Programmes under Five Year
plans, National Policy on Education – 1986, National Child Labour Policy – 1987;
National Nutrition Policy – 1993; National Health Policy – 2002; National Charter
for Children – 2004; National Plan of Action for Children – 2005; National
Vaccine Policy – 2011; National Policy for Children – 2013.
1. Baroocha, Pramila Pandit. (1999). Hand book on Child, New Delhi: Concept
Publishing Company.
2. Bhalla, M. M. (1985). Studies in Child Care, Delhi: NIPCCD
3. Chawdry, Paul, D. (1963).Child Welfare Manual, Delhi: Atma Ram Company.
4. Choudhari, D. Paul. (1980). Child Welfare / Development, Delhi: Atma Ram &
5. Dept. of Plan of Action. (1992). – A Commitment to the Child. Women and
Child Development, Government of India.
6. Ziets, Derothy. (1951). Child Welfare Principle and Methods, New York: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Reddy, Suma Narayana. (1989). Institutionalized Children, Allahabad, India:
Chugh Publications
8. Shanmugavelayutham, K. (2000). Social Legislation and Social Change,
Chennai: Valhga Valamudan Publishers.
9. Singh, Dolly (2001) Child rights & Social wrongs – Vol – I, II, III, Delhi:
Kanishka Publishing Distributors
UNIT 1: Social Work with Families and Children: Working effectively with
children and families, Values and Ethics in social work with children and families,
Family as a Client System, Strengthening Family structure and Communication.
UNIT 3: Social Work Practice in different settings: Social Work interventions for
children in different settings: school settings, correctional settings, institutionalized
children, community based interventions, children in care and protection, adoption
centres, street children, children abusing substances, children in clinical settings,
Social work interventions for families in different settings: Family Counselling
centres, short stay, Respite care, Destitute homes, Clinical settings.
UNIT 4: Role of the Social Worker while working with children and families:
Case worker, Group Facilitator, Community Organizer, Case Manager, Enabler,
Reformer, Project Manager, Researcher, Activist, Advocacy and Lobbying,
Sensitisation, Campaigning, Social Audits, Trainer, Monitoring and Evaluation,
Documentation, Fund Raising, Resource Mobilisation, Policy Planning, Catalyst,
Change maker, Role Model, Community Organiser, Coordinator, Enabler,
Reformer, Facilitator, Volunteer.
1. Constable, Robert & Danniel B Lee. (2004). Social Work with Families:
Content and Process, Chicago, USA: Lyceum Books Inc
2. Pat, Starkey. (2000). Families and Social Workers: the work of Family Service
Units, Great Britain: Liverpool University Press
3. Jowit, Maureen & Loughlin, Steve O. (2007). Social Work with Children and
Families, Great Britain: Learning Matters Ltd
4. Butler, Ian and Roberts, Gwenda. (2004). Social Work with Children and
Families: Getting into Practice, second edition, Great Britian: Jessica Kingsley
5. Chowdry, Premanand. (2008). Child Survival, Health and Social Work
Intervention, Jaipur: ABD Publishers.
6. Munson C.E. (1985) Social Work with Families: Theory and Practice, London
Free Press.