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Final Research

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The Problem

Background of the Study

International beauty pageants are always a trend especially to the people who show their
full support to the contestants representing their country. It has become a way to show the talents,
skills, and the pride of the country. In the Philippines, Filipinos remain devoted to the art of
pageantry. Filipinos has been constantly tracking every international beauty pageant. Many young
girls are being persuaded by their parents, friends, and the pageant itself to join international
competitions. Every year the people would prepare and would support the beauty contestants
representing the country. Many Filipinos are exposed to this activity at a young age due to pageants
in their local community. In the Philippine culture, pageants are for everyone. There are contests
for women, men, children, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers (LGBTQ)

Several titles were garnered from the grand events such as Miss Universe, Miss World,
Miss International and Miss Earth. The Filipino candidates would usually make it to the Top 10,
at the very least. Throughout the history, the country has garnered the top crown a total of 14 times:
four for Miss Earth, six for Miss International, one for Miss World, and four coronations on the
Miss Universe pageant.

Statement of the Problem

Major Problem: This study aims to seek and understand the impacts of watching
international pageants to the junior high school students and teachers of Ednas School of
San Carlos.

Specific Problem: This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How does international beauty pageant influence your standards to women?

2. How does watching international beauty pageants affect your self- esteem?
3. How do the beauty contestants make you conscious about your physical

Research Hypothesis

International beauty pageants play a big role to the Filipinos in affecting their beauty
standards and confidence. The pageants are taken seriously comparing to other countries. Their
perceptions among women differ as they watch international beauty pageants.

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the impacts of watching international beauty
pageants among teachers and junior high school students in Ednas School of San Carlos. It aims
to seek and understand the influence and effect of the international beauty pageants.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

Future researchers. The ideas presented may be used as a reference in conducting

new researchers. This study will serve as a cross-reference that will give them a background or
overview to this study.

Students. This study aims to know the effect of watching beauty pageants and how
it affects their standards to men and women.

Teachers. This study may purposefully discover the effect of watching beauty

Scope and Delimitations

The study focuses on the junior high school department and teachers of Ednas School of
San Carlos compromising the grade 7, 8, 9, and 10 students and grade school and high school
teachers. Conducting 10 surveys to the respondents. The study tackles the impacts of watching
international beauty pageants to students and teachers. It provides a deeper understanding of the
role of beauty pageants to the students and teachers. It aims to look for the impacts of watching
international beauty pageants.

Operational Definition

International Beauty Pageants. The big four international beauty pageants for women-
Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International, and Miss Earth.

Teachers. Referring to all grade school and high school teachers of Ednas School of San

Junior High School Department. Referring to all grade levels from grade 7 to 10 who are
officially enrolled at Ednas School of San Carlos.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter shows the different related literature or studies done by other researchers that
have significance to the topic, the impacts of watching international beauty pageants to junior high
school students and teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos. These related studies are relevant in
familiarizing the information to the present study.

Related Literature

According to an article posted by Rappler, beauty pageants are a national obsession in the
Philippines. Many young girls are urged by their parents or older relatives to join beauty pageants
because of the prestige that comes with winning. Filipinos are exposed to beauty pageants at a
young age due to their ubiquity- with pageants being a staple in every community.

“In the Philippine setting, pageants are an institution that will not fade away. Every sitio,
barrio, barangay, local town and city holds and conducts its own beauty pageant yearly. It’s part
of our culture,” Pawee Ventura, a pageant follower and frequent judge at international pageants,
told Rappler in 2013.

International pageants are an even bigger deal. Weeks before major international beauty
contests, news headlines are filled with updates about preparations of candidates, their gym
routines, their diets, and designers who are creating their gowns. Social media is abuzz with
opinions on what the Philippines representative should work on, with passionate fans often
bickering about their predictions. The candidates too are under immense pressure, and are put
under strict diets, training schedules, and press engagements. How did this all begin? Filipinos’
fixation with beauty pageants can be traced all the way back to colonial history.



According to Katrina Escalona, other countries religiously support events like the Super
Bowl and the World Cup but Filipinos are devoted to a different kind of competition- the beauty
pageant. Despite its appeal fading nearly everywhere else, Filipinos remain devoted to the art of
pageantry and with the country’s “beauty queens” ranking in international awards left and right,
the Philippines is as seasoned a candidate as a nation can get. Every year, Filipinos all over the
world huddle together to watch the glitz and sparkle of the Miss Universe competition. In an annual
countdown, the three other major international pageants (Miss Earth, Miss International and Miss
World) precede the main event- the Golden Globes to the Oscars. Together, these grand events
make up what is known as the “Big Four” of beauty pageants, in which the Philippines holds
several titles.


Related Studies

According to the article entitled “The Rise of the Local Beau-con” It is said that to excel
in what you do, you must love what you do- the Philippines and pageantry is a shining example.
The country’s love affair with beauty pageants is long, and needless to say, passionate. It dates all
the way back to the 1908 Manila Carnival (organized to celebrate Philippines- US relations and to
exhibit provincial achievements in commerce and agriculture), in which a contest was held in
search for the Carnival Queen. This quickly became one of the carnival’s most anticipated events,
and was the budding stages of the Philippines’ relationship with the world of pageantry.

Eventually, beauty contests (locally known as “beaucons”) were springing up like

mushrooms, becoming a staple at town fiestas and popular events at barangay (small district)
celebrations. Today, there are all kinds of pageants in the Philippines, from Mr. Gay to Gandang
Lola pageant held in Bulgaria in January this year). Many Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)
communities have even taken the pageant culture with them abroad, organizing their own beauty
contests in their foreign countries of work. More than just an interest, pageantry seems to have
ingrained itself in Filipino Blood.

Theoretical Framework

In trying to understand why this love for beauty pageants is so great, many factora seem to
play a role. For one, it is something Filipinos are good at and in grander international competitions,
this gives Filipinos all over the world a sense of national pride. For a country which has suffered
centuries under colonial rule, a large population of which still carries some deep-seated feeling of
being the underdog, acclaim and recognition counts for something. The world of pageantry allows
the Philippines a sense of not only being capable and at par, sharing the stage with the rest of the
world, but even a sense of victory- a feeling withheld from them for a great part of their history.

But what about the much smaller beacons constantly organized by towns and barangays
and even OFWs abroad? Aside from brining the community together, for many they serve as a
source of entertainment and escape from reality- which for many in the Philippines living below
the poverty line, isn’t always so great. It becomes a breather from life’s complications and for a
moment, they get to focus solely on a world of beauty, crowns, and dreams.

Whatever the inherent reason for Filipinos’ love for beauty pageants, there’s one that can’t
be denied and that it’s a lot of fun to watch, especially when you’re on the winning team. It’s
Exhilarating and you might even feel somehow part of the victory. That’s what Filipinos get from
the world of beauty pageants.


Research Methodology

This chapter shall be presenting the methodology used in the conduct of the study which
involves the following: research design, respondents of the study, and data gathering instrument

Data Gathering Instrument

Survey questions and interviews were planned to be used by the researchers as data
gathering tools. However, due to limited time and conflict with schedules between the
researchers and respondents, initially planned interviews were canceled and survey
questionnaires shall be the primary and only data gathering tool used. The devised questionnaires
pertain to “The Impacts of Watching International Beauty Pageants to Junior High School and
Teachers of ESSC”. The questionnaires shall be answered by the respondents given by the
researchers to gather data and information. It will include the respondent’s thoughts and opinions
of International beauty pageants.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will base the questionnaire from the given topic. The approved
questionnaires will be distributed in order to gather the data needed. Questionnaires will then be
randomly distributed to the junior high school and teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos.

Respondents of the Study

The qualified respondents of this research are the junior high school students of Ednas
School of San Carlos which are the grades 7 to 10. Chosen are 3 respondents from grade 7, 2
respondents from grade 8, 2 respondents from grade 9, 2 respondents from grade 10, and 1
respondent in the faculty. Respondents, selected at random shall answer the questionnaires given
by the researchers that will supply the information needed by the researchers.

Research Design

The research shall utilize the Ethnographical Design. Dealing with systematic reflection
and analysis of the Impacts of Watching International Beauty Pageants to Junior High School
Students and Teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos. Associated with experiences, perceptions,
and actions of the respondents.


Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

This chapter presents the necessary data gathered, analyzed and interpreted in response to
the queries in this study. Data gathered are summarized accordingly so as to facilitate better
understanding and to provide more convenience on the part of those who will need this study.

Presentation of Data

Contribution to confidence

7 out of 10 respondents clearly stated that beauty contestants help boost their
confidence and that these beauty contestants inspire them that they are beautiful in their own

1 out of 10 respondents said that they don’t contribute anything to his or her
confidence while other people gets confidence from them. 1 out of 10 respondents said that he or
she appreciates their opinions, their perspective and aspects in life. They could pertain to their
answers or response and their actions while preparing for the pageant and how they socialize
with other people.

Why Filipinos are fond of watching International beauty pageants

Majority of the respondents said that Filipinos are fond of watching international
beauty pageants because they show support to the contestants representing their country and they
show how proud each and everyone to the contestants. It also a way to relieve stress and
something to enjoy

Some said that Filipinos watch beauty pageants because they want to know who
will win. While the others stated that Filipinos love watching international beauty pageants
because we are nationalistic and people love to see fellow Filipinos win and Filipinos watch
international beauty pageants because we get confidence and raise our self-esteem.

Negative impacts from watching international beauty pageants

6 out of 10 respondents said that there are no negative impacts from watching
international beauty pageants because it gives confidence to an individual. Their actions are not
showing any rudeness towards viewers.

However, some respondents said that it has negative impacts because it makes
him or her disappointed among women and bashing other countries because of competitiveness
will be present. Two of the respondents said that the negative impact will be the ideal body type
one has and women will feel bad about their own which can lead to something worse.

How beauty pageants affect the society

Respondents had different perspectives and answers regarding on how beauty

pageants affect the society.

Others stated that beauty pageants affect the society by promoting and letting the
other people know more about their place. It affects the unity of the society that even though it’s
a competition, it brings the countries together. Some said that beauty pageants increase the
society’s standard. Contestants made people think and adopt its culture to make the society

One of the respondents said that beauty pageants are harmful not only to ordinary
women but also to the entire society because they give women the feeling that they are
inadequate and ugly, leading to dieting and eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, and has a larger
effect on men’s attitude towards women.

Another respondent stated that beauty pageants affect the society by influencing
most of the people by sharing their ideas to the problems that we are facing. It motivates or
encourage people to cooperate with each other.

Three respondents said that beauty pageants serve an entertainment.

Things you can learn from watching international beauty pageants

Some respondents said that we are able to think fast and give a good answer.
Also, girls learn how to model. Beauty pageants are not just for women competing who is more
beautiful but it is for us to reflect on how we could give ways to improve and value ourselves.

Other respondents said that we can learn that we must believe in ourselves to
represent our country someday and that we learn how to respect other people regardless of race.
It also shows unity among different countries. One out of 10 respondents said that Filipinos and
other contestants are competitive.

Some said that beauty pageants give us interest in our physical appearance and also the
wisdom in our society.

Four of the respondents said that beauty pageants taught them how to be confident.


Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter summarizes the context of the research, develops a conclusion, and presents
recommendations based on the given topic and findings of the research.


The researchers have chosen to research on “The Impacts of Watching International

Beauty Pageants to Junior High School Students and Teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos” to
address the impacts of the international beauty pageants as well as to find out the contribution to
confidence, fondness of Filipinos to it, negative impacts, effects of beauty pageants to the society
and learnings from the beauty pageants. It provided information by the used of ethnographic
approach from students and teachers associated with experiences, perceptions, and actions of the

Beauty pageants are a national obsession. Filipinos are exposed to beauty pageants at a
young age due to their ubiquity with pageants being staple in every community. International
beauty pageants are even a bigger deal, social media is abuzz with opinions on what the
Philippines’ representative should work on. The candidates too are under immense pressure and
are put to strict diets, training schedules and press engagements.

In order to gather the information and data needed by the researchers, survey questions
and interviews were planned to be used by the researchers as data gathering tools. Initially
planned interviews were cancelled due to limited time and conflict between the respondents and
the researchers. The qualified respondents of this research are the junior high school students and
teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos.

Majority of the respondents stated that beauty contestants help boost their confidence and
these contestants inspire them. However, one answered that watching these contestants didn’t
contribute anything to his or her confidence. Filipinos are fond of watching international beauty
pageants because they want to show their support to the contestant representing the country and
it serves as an entertainment. Most of the respondents said that there are no negative impacts. On
the other hand, watching beauty pageants disappoints the respondents because of the bashing that

happens and the ideal body type that standardize to women. Beauty pageants affect the society
by promoting and letting them know more about their country. It unites the countries together
although it’s a competition. It also influences the people to share their ideas to the problem that
we are facing. Beauty pageants are harmful because they give women the feeling that they are
inadequate and ugly leading to dieting and eating disorders. Watching beauty pageants make us
realize that we could learn something from it such as reflecting on how we could give ways to
improve and value ourselves. To believe in ourselves and respect others regardless of their
physical appearance. It shows the unity among the countries. It makes the people be conscious
about their physical appearance. Beauty pageants taught most of the ladies how to be confident.


The junior high school students and the teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos are
influenced by watching international beauty pageants. It affects their views and opinions towards
the Filipinos, society, and knowledge. The respondents came up with different perceptions to
beauty contestants and beauty pageants. It contributed a lot of factors such as being confident,
promotion and unity of the countries, and reflection on how to improve one’s self. However,
watching beauty pageants also affects the views and opinions of the students and teachers
negatively. It standardizes an ideal type of women which makes the viewers to be conscious
about their physical appearance which could lead to dieting and eating disorder. Also, due to the
competitiveness of the candidates bashing occurs


In line with the findings of the study, the researchers would like to suggest for future
researchers to explore more about the impacts and other factors that affects the students and
teachers from watching international beauty pageants. A wider range of respondents would have
gathered more point of views. The researchers was not able to gather more information or data
due to lack of time and it would be helpful to have it done by future researchers for an in-depth
understanding about the impacts of international beauty pageants.


Appendix 1: Informed Consent Letter


Title of Research: Impacts of Watching International Beauty Pageants to Junior High School
Students and Teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos

Student Researchers' Names: Alyssa Kyle DG. Batucan (09562193981)

Alyssa Kyle Batucan (Facebook)

Jean Keith M. Cancino (09271468203)

Jean Keith Cancino (Facebook)

Purpose of Study:

This research aimed at finding out the impacts of watching International beauty pageants
among teachers and junior high school students in Ednas School of San Carlos. It would provide
information by the used of ethnographic approach from students and teachers. It will disclose the
impacts and their experience and perception from watching these international contests.

The research is expected to last for at least a month. Research participants are the junior high
school students and high school teachers of Ednas School of San Carlos.


The study will be conducted with students from junior high school and high school teachers
of Ednas School of San Carlos. The researchers and their research will conduct surveys by handing
out questionnaires to the students and having a one-on-one interview with them.


Provided confidentiality and its limits for the research are as follows:

1. The data collected is ensured to be confidential wherein names of the participants in the
interviews and surveys are optional to be filled up.
2. The result gathered from the study will be published on the final output of the research.
Hence, these findings will serve as evidences for the upcoming defense of the researchers.
3. The research adviser, panelists form the defense and researchers of this study are the only
people who have access on this data.

4. The data will remain secured throughout the duration of the study through the safekeeping
of the researchers. If these data will no longer be needed it would be destroyed through

Note about risks and benefits of the study:

Potential risks that may be encountered during the study are disclosure of opinions and
beliefs among respondents and revelation of practices done by the Filipinos toward International
beauty pageants. The respondent should be comfortable doing so, they may opt not to answer some
questions leaving blanks in questionnaires and being asked a different question in the interview.

Note about inquiries from research participants:

In case of any questions or inquiries about the research and your participation, you may
contact us with the information provided in this paper or message us in the social media accounts
also provided in this paper.

Participant's agreement statement:

I have read and understood the information about the study and my participation in the
study. I voluntarily agree to participated in the study.

Name of the Participant Date

Note on the instructions on how to communicate a participant's informed consent to

participate in the study:

We will personally give the informed consent letter to you and we will also directly pick
them up after you have read the terms and signed the letter.

Appendix 2: Survey Questionnaire

Name:(optional) _________________________ Gender: ______________

Year level: _____________________________

1. How does beauty contestants contribute to your confidence? Expound and give concrete


2. Why are Filipinos fond of watching international beauty pageants? What are the benefits
we get from it? Explain.


3. Are there any negative impacts you get from watching these international beauty
pageants? How does it affect your perception among women?


4. How do beauty pageants affect the society? Do beauty pageants perpetuate society’s view
of physical beauty?


5. What are the things that you can learn from watching beauty pageants? Can you apply
what you’ve learned from watching it?



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