perfect pasta.
From grain to perfect pasta.
Top quality from the innovation leader.
For over 100 years, Bühler has been developing commercial production lines for making fine pasta. Expe
rience, knowledge, Swiss precision and a profound understanding of market needs have made Bühler a
world-leading technology group: from the development, design and manufacture of industrial-scale pasta
lines to professional project management as well as fast and reliable start-up.
Bühler’s tailor-made solutions set milestones in the We set ourselves high quality standards, covering
food-production industry. The Group has consistently everyt hing from the processed material to smart and
developed new standards in the process chain from user-friendly design, combining a sense of tradition with
grain to finished pasta. modernity and ensuring success and peace of mind
for our customers. The high-temperature drying cycles
Consequently, Bühler pasta production lines not only developed by Bühler, which operate at up to 95 °C,
incorporate generations of know-how in making top- and the perfect cleanliness and hygiene ensured by its
quality pasta, but also an understanding of the best way Polymatik™ pasta press technology are milestones in
to handle the grain. Our finely tuned processes ensure the development of the food industry. Priomatik™ and
that the product is gradually refined at each stage of Ecothermatik™ are the latest examples of successful
the journey from grain to finished pasta. That means developments for the global pasta market.
a responsible use of resources as well as improved
profitability and new opportunities. With our extensive customer service, which covers the
entire lifecycle of our pasta lines, we are more than just
Bühler is a global company with more than 10,000 em service providers: We are dependable partners.
ployees and a worldwide presence in over 140 countries.
More than a third of the world’s pasta is produced daily
on Bühler lines.
If you need the perfect solution for every recipe and raw material – Bühler offers two ways to p roduce
the best dough possible. Either the flexible Polymatik™ press, which you can use for all raw materials,
or the traditional Priomatik™ press, especially designed for processing coarse-sized semolina parti
cles. Both technologies employ gravimetric scales, so the raw materials needed for the given recipe are
p recisely weighed and fed into the process and guarantee the optimal development of the pasta struc
ture. No matter what technology you choose, the result is a
lways the best quality for excellent pasta.
The traditional technology of Priomatik™ for perfect pasta from coarse semolina
The Bühler Priomatik™ press is the perfect solution This delivers high accessibility for maintenance and cleaning,
for manufacturers who value traditional technology thus complying with today’s requirements for high food safety
in pasta production. in modern pasta production.
Vacuum mixer
Extrusion head
Main screw
Extrusion head
Main screw
The Bühler Polymatik™ is the perfect solution for dients such as corn, rice and quinoa can be processed
manufacturers who process a wide variety of raw thanks to the steam and hot water injection. The Polymatik™
materials with highest food safety requirements. is thus ideal for enabling pasta production with locally availa-
ble grains other than wheat and for the production of higher
Key technology features value-added products like gluten-free pasta.
The Bühler Polymatik™ has a smart and simple design: its
co-rotating twin-screw mixer/kneader is the core feature to Fast recipe changes and virtually no cleaning
deliver a “first-in, first-out” and self-cleaning process. This The simplicity of the Polymatik™ system allows fast stopping
guarantees an absolutely hygienic and safe pasta production. and restarting. Product mixes can be changed very quickly
Semolina, flour and even gluten-free ingredient mixes are fed because the “first-in, first-out” operation avoids mixing of
into the co-rotating twin-screw mixer/kneader and mixed with different lots. This feature helps you keep downtimes to a
water. The raw materials are processed into a homogeneous minimum while changing recipes. Sanitation operations are
dough in about 20 seconds, before extruding through the simplified and reduced thanks to the self-cleaning of the
consecutive main screw and the pasta die. This minimal air mixer-kneader-system. In addition, the limited quantity of
exposure reduces oxidation of yellow pigments for pasta that dough in the process chamber reduces waste at the end of
is bright and golden. Steam and hot water injection can be production and ensures that the line can re-start quickly.
added according to production needs for gluten-free pasta.
A variety of semolina, flours, and gluten-free raw – P roven technology for flexible usage of wheat or
materials can be processed gluten-free raw materials
The Polymatik™ pasta press is extremely flexible: its confi- – S horter mixing times than traditional technology for
gurable mixing and kneading elements can be adjusted to brightly colored pasta
individual raw-material properties. That is why it is an ideal – R educed downtime and waste thanks to fast recipe
solution for semolina and flours from durum or common changes
wheat, but also for other cereals. Even gluten-free ingre- – Increased food safety thanks to the self-cleaning
Extrusion head
Polymatik™ – the optimal press for hygienic and flexible processing of various raw materials
Extrusion head
with mixing screws
Main screw
The Bühler C-line™ for long-cut and short-cut pasta is a reliable solution if you are looking for a
state-of-the-art technology. It can be customized easily thanks to its modular design. The core
concept is based on single drying elements that define the drying times in the different climate
zones and, as a result, the length of the line. Technological objectives for premium pasta quality
with maximum throughput and efficient floor space utilization can thus be combined effectively.
The Bühler C-line™ achieves optimal performance over a wide range of shapes and ingredient
types, from flour and semolina to gluten-free cereals.
(here e.g. Polymatik™)
Shaking pre-dryer
Cooler with
dew-point control
Modular short-cut
pasta dryer
–C ustomizable drying parameters through independently controllable climate zones and belt speeds
for a tailor-made al dente texture
– C onsistently uniform pasta drying with the synergistic effect of S-shape elements, smart air distribu-
tion and heat insulation for perfect quality and structure stabilization
–H igh-performance shaking pre-dryer, with a 6 pp reduction in moisture for the right pasta structure
– Automatic dew-point control in the cooler guarantees clean, dry and thus hygienic conditions
Climate separation
approx. 1.75 m
Heat exchanger
Arrows indicate direction of drying air flow. Direction of flow changes from element to element.
Independent belt-speed control increases the flexibility in Cooler: efficient design with dew-point regulation
adjusting layer depth and retention time for each shape The modular design of the belt cooler allows optimal regula-
of traditional short-cut pasta, but also for soup pasta and tion of the cooling process and ensures controlled comple-
noodle-like products. As a result, the C-line™ offers the tion of the drying process, and therefore consistent pasta
right drying conditions to produce premium-quality pasta. quality. Electronic monitoring of the dew point eliminates
any condensation, and gentle transportation with aluminum
Optimal air distribution and heat insulation S-type elements keeps product abrasion to a minimum.
Air distribution is key to a homogeneous process and Together, this guarantees dust-free and hygienic process
perfectly structured pasta. In the Bühler C-line™, air is conditions in the cooler, while also maintaining the right
conveyed through the product layer only once for reproduc- cooling performance. The variable belt speed allows the
ible drying conditions with maximum process control. In ad- cooling time to be adjusted according to the bulk density of
dition to a technological advantage, the design of the dryers various pasta shapes.
allows optimal operation of the fans with efficient electrical-
energy consumption. The optimal performance of the dryer
panels, with highly insulating materials and signature curved
Uniform distribution of drying air thanks to
shapes, is ideal for the air distribution within the drying zone
patented S-type elements
and delivers perfect sealing tension.
Moreover, the conveyor belts of C-line™ short-pasta dry-
ers have a special S-shape with long-lasting durability. Air
can flow properly between the belt elements to ensure air
distribution throughout the pasta layer for uniform dry-
ing – irrespective of pasta shapes, bulk densities and belt
ustomizable drying parameters thanks to independently controllable climate zones, including
moistening, for a tailor-made al dente texture
onsistently uniform pasta drying with the combined effect of state-of-the-art air distribution
and heat insulation for perfect quality and structure
eliable mechanics and smart sensors for steady operation
o condensation with automatic dew-point controls for flawless pasta
ccurate pasta length through optimal cutting operations
High heat insulation of the dryer Speed profile shows uniform distribution of drying
thanks to perfect seal and uniform air in the product chamber
contact of the curved panels via
tensioning belts Heat exchanger Exhaust duct Perforated plate
Tensioning belt
Locking lever
Fan Fresh air duct
Constant process conditions automatic dew point regulation: efficient cooling condi-
The Bühler C-line™ ensures uniform drying conditions tions avoiding risks of condensation, which could create
across the stick width thanks to state-of-the-art air distri- visible spots on the pasta.
bution screens coupled with optimally sized and laterally
positioned fans. This effect is maximized by the optimal Stacker
performance of the panels: their highly insulating materi- Ensuring our customers’ continuous operations is a focus
als and signature curved shape is ideal for air distribution in all Bühler does. For example, in the stacker the system
and optimal sealing tension. Overall these features result monitors the transfer of sticks to and from tiers with spe-
in uniform pasta drying with no defects or after-drying cially positioned sensors; these ensure that sticks always
breakage over the line’s life cycle. land simultaneously on both ends.
(here e.g. Polymatik™)
Energy-saving Stacker
long-cut pasta dryer
–E nergy savings: 40 % less thermal energy, 20 % less cooling energy and 10 % less electrical
energy thanks to sophisticated control of the drying air
–P asta quality: an innovative drying concept for excellent pasta quality in terms of appearance,
cooking characteristics and breakage resistance
–U ser friendliness: optimum line operations, ease of maintenance and food safety thanks
to a simple design
– Line reliability: steady mechanics guide the sticks accurately at all transfer points
The low energy consumption also contributes to improved not only ensure constant air circulation with low pres-
environmental friendliness and increased sustainability in sure drop, but also allow easy accessibility for cleaning
pasta production. and maintenance work. The reliable and mechanically
synchronized stick transport ensures high operational
Excellent pasta quality thanks to the rubbery state reliability.
The Bühler Ecothermatik™ employs a new drying con-
cept: new climate-control technology and more humid State-of-the-art engineering
drying air prevent the surface of the pasta from becom- To achieve higher productivity, Bühler has developed
ing glassy and the pasta remains in a rubbery state an innovative dual stick transport to reduce the chain
throughout the whole drying cycle. The pasta dough speed in the most critical spots in the line, without any
proteins are optimally integrated in such conditions, unguided stick movements. The pasta can be elevated
resulting in a firm pasta texture. more precisely within the multi-tier dryer, thus increasing
reliability. The multi-tier design of the larger dryers fully
In addition, the stresses caused by shrinkage are re- exploits the reduced stabilization time, so that less floor
duced to a minimum in the rubbery state. Therefore, the space is required.
Ecothermatik™ produces completely stable pasta after
just 75 minutes in the stabilization phase. In the stabiliza-
tion phase, the pasta color can be adjusted by selecting
different temperatures.
In order to produce pasta in competitive and complex market conditions, efficient and flexible production
processes are an important success factor. With WinCos ® Bühler provides an intelligent, proven process-
control system that ensures reliable and high-quality production – with more than 4500 automation solu
tions in global operation. Its modular design enables it to be flexibly adapted to the size of your pasta-
production line and functionality requirements.
From grain milling to pasta production system. The comprehensive recipe-management system
Bühler WinCos® offers a common process-control system ensures optimal reproducibility of product formulas and
for everything from milling operations to pasta produc- consistent product quality at an unsurpassed level.
tion. For customers who are integrated along the supply
chain, this results in clear advantages for training, Unrivaled production reliability and traceability
supervision, troubleshooting and traceability. WinCos ® documents every step in the process, as well
as every change in the parameters and settings, along
Efficient production planning and maximum with a time stamp and operator identification. This en-
product quality ables customers to completely trace all the production
WinCos ® enables customers to process their jobs and steps – from raw material and recipe versions to produc-
product formulas in their ERP system and transfer them tion batches and finished product. Clear graphic visual-
directly to the process-control system of the production ization helps to detect and correct production problems
line. Its job-handling feature makes it easier to plan pro- early on. This prevents expensive downtimes and in-
duction and increases the capacity utilization rate: More creases the efficiency and availability of your equipment.
than 10 production processes can be covered by a single
Easy operation and efficient energy management This is supported by modern control concepts that im-
WinCos ® offers full control over all functions and settings prove process documentation and allow production runs
through a simple and intuitive graphic user interface. This to be traced without gaps.
allows you to intervene in the production process when-
ever required. It minimizes operating errors and increases However, the automation solutions from Bühler not only
production line uptime. WinCos ® continuously monitors provide maximum transparency, they also ensure that the
your energy consumption and ensures efficient balancing plants run as economically and efficiently as possible. The
of loads to cut operating costs. focus here is on optimum controlling of the processes for
the smooth production of high-quality pasta products.
Food safety
One important factor in pasta production is food safety.
Bühler plants guarantee compliance with strict hygiene
requirements in all manufacturing steps.
Bühler WinCos ®
process control system
for pasta production
The Bühler customer service is far more than just a phone number. Our engineers and service technicians
support you throughout the lifecycle of your pasta-production plant.
Bühler service starts long before you buy a production even beyond, extending a machine’s service life by revis-
line. It begins with the development of processes and ing spare parts or by retrofitting older equipment with the
systems, based on a trust-based collaboration with latest Bühler technology.
our customers and tailored precisely to their needs. By
experts who are not only specialized in their respective Our customers benefit from an extensive service network
disciplines, but who can also turn their minds to a wide with a staff of more than 1,000 experts and more than
variety of processes and problems. Experts who will 80 service stations around the globe – guaranteeing you
support you from the very start throughout the entire life- peace of mind. Thanks to our comprehensive service
cycle of your pasta plant with sound technological advice expertise that enables you to focus on what you do best:
drawn from our extensive experience. And sometimes your core business.
Strategic, plant-performance, or energy consulting are REPAIRS
just some of the consulting services to improve product Dedicated to minimizing downtime in the event of an
quality, production processes and energy efficiency. incident: Fast and reliable technical repair service via
the Bühler Helpline – worldwide, 24/7.
At Bühler training centers – or at any site anywhere in REVISION
the world – specially trained experts pass on their hands- Bühler evaluates, overhauls, adjusts or renews customer
on expertise and knowledge to customers’ staff. installations – including Bühler and non-Bühler machines.
H2 H3
B1 B3 B4
B2 B3
1500 TTHD 27.5 24 4,9 3,2 5,5 6,0 8,3 6,4 7,5
2000 TTHD 31 27,5 4,9 3,2 5,5 6,0 9,3 6,4 7,5
3250 TTHE 35,5 32 5,2 3,9 6,1 6,0 10,3 7,0 8,0
4000 TTHD 43,5 40,5 6,7 6,4 5,5 6,6 10,1 6,4 7,5
H2 H3 H4
B2 B3
H2 H3 H4
Capacity Stick Press Sprea- Predryer Main dryer Moistening Cooler Stacker Cutter
[kg/h]* length der zone
1250 2 2 1/3 3/6 1/1 1/1 6/6 1x
1 x 210/2000 1 x 210/2000
1750 2 2 1/4 3/8 ** 1/2 7/7 1x
Capacity Dryer L1 L2 B1 B2 B3 H1 H2 H3 H4
[kg/h]* [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
4500 TDHF 82 80,5 6,8 5,9 3,3 10,5 6,3 5,5 6,4
5500 TDHF 88 86,5 6,8 5,9 3,3 10,5 6,3 5,5 7,8
H2 H3
H2 H3 H4
Capacity Stick Press Sprea- Dryer Stabilization Moistening Cooler Stacker Cutter
[kg/h]* length der zone zone
1250 2 2 1/6 – 1/5 1/5 1/1 1/1 6/6 1x
1 x 210/2000 1 x 210/2000
1750 2 2 1/8 – 1/7 1/7 1/1 1/2 7/7 1x
Capacity Dryer L1 L2 B1 B2 B3 H1 H2 H3 H4
[kg/h]* [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
3500 TDHI 58 56,5 6,9 5,9 3,3 10,2 8,2 7,5 6,4
4500 TDHI 72 70,5 6,9 5,9 3,3 10,8 8,2 7,5 6,4
5500 TDHI 74 72,5 6,9 5,9 3,3 10,8 8,2 7,5 7,8