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The document discusses the commands and configuration of ZXR10 routers and Ethernet switches including MAC address configuration, Ethernet OAM configuration, and commands to display various configuration and status information.

The contents of the document including text, images, and the document itself are protected by copyright laws without prior written consent from ZTE Corporation.

Ethernet OAM (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance) allows Ethernet networks to monitor link performance and detect and isolate faults in the network.


Router/Ethernet Switch
Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Version 4.8.22

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Copyright © 2006 ZTE CORPORATION.

The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of
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This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

Users may visit ZTE technical support website http://ensupport.zte.com.cn to inquire related information.

The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 Dec. 28, 2008 First Edition

Serial Number: sjzl20086535

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About This Manual.............................................. i
Command Introduction .....................................1
Manual Use Guide........................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ............................. 1
Auxiliary Function ........................................................... 2
Command Mode ............................................................. 3
MAC Configuration.............................................7
mac add........................................................................ 7
mac aging-time .............................................................. 8
mac delete .................................................................... 8
mac filter ...................................................................... 9
mac learn .....................................................................10
mac learning.................................................................10
mac limit-num ..............................................................11
mac protect ..................................................................11
mac protect time ...........................................................12
mac to-static ................................................................12
mac learning-strategy ....................................................13
mac transparent-control .................................................13
mac unknow-filter-limit-num ...........................................14
mac unknowsource-filter ................................................14
show mac.....................................................................15
show mac aging-time .....................................................16
show mac learning.........................................................17
show mac limit-num ......................................................17
show mac port-info........................................................17
show mac protect ..........................................................18
show mac running .........................................................19
VLAN Configuration ......................................... 21
acceptable frame types ..................................................21
ingress filtering .............................................................22
interface ......................................................................22
name ...........................................................................23
show qinq.....................................................................23
show vlan.....................................................................24
show vlan private-map ...................................................25
show vlan protocol-map .................................................26

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show vlan subnet-map ...................................................27
show vlan translate........................................................27
swicthport ....................................................................28
switchport access vlan ...................................................29
switchport hybrid native vlan ..........................................30
switchport hybrid vlan ....................................................30
switchport mode............................................................31
switchport qinq (Global Configuration)..............................32
switchport qinq (Port Configuration) .................................32
switchport trunk native vlan............................................33
switchport trunk vlan .....................................................34
vlan (Global Configuration) .............................................34
vlan (VLAN Database Configuration).................................35
vlan database ...............................................................35
vlan list........................................................................36
vlan private-map ...........................................................36
vlan protocol-map .........................................................38
vlan protocol-map(Port Enabling).....................................38
vlan qinq ......................................................................39
vlan subnet-map ...........................................................41
vlan subnet-map (Port Enabling) .....................................42
vlan translate................................................................42
SuperVLAN Configuration ................................ 45
arp-broacast .................................................................45
interface supervlan ........................................................46
inter-subvlan-routing .....................................................46
ip supervlan pool ...........................................................47
ip-pool-filter .................................................................48
show supervlan .............................................................48
show supervlan ip-pool...................................................49
subvlan ........................................................................50
supervlan .....................................................................51
supervlan inter-subvlan-routing.......................................52
STP Configuration............................................ 53
instance .......................................................................53
name ...........................................................................54
show spanning-tree inconsistentports...............................55
show spanning-tree instance ...........................................56
show spanning-tree interface ..........................................56

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show spanning-tree mst configuration ..............................57
show spanning-tree statistics ..........................................57
show spanning-tree transparent ......................................58
spanning-tree ...............................................................59
spanning-tree bpduguard ...............................................59
spanning-tree edged-port ...............................................60
spanning-tree forward-delay ...........................................61
spanning-tree guard ......................................................61
spanning-tree hello-time ................................................62
spanning-tree linktype ...................................................62
spanning-tree max-age ..................................................63
spanning-tree mode.......................................................63
spanning-tree mst configuration ......................................64
spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest.......................................64
spanning-tree mst hmd5-key ..........................................65
spanning-tree mst instance (Global Configuration) .............65
spanning-tree mst instance (Port Configuration) ................66
spanning-tree mst max-hops ..........................................67
spanning-tree packet-type ..............................................67
spanning-tree path-cost .................................................68
LACP Configuration ......................................... 69
clear lacp .....................................................................69
interface ......................................................................69
lacp port-priority ...........................................................70
lacp system-priority .......................................................70
lacp timeout .................................................................71
show lacp .....................................................................71
smartgroup load-balance ................................................73
smartgroup mode ..........................................................73
VBAS Configuration ......................................... 75
vbas enable ..................................................................75
vbas port-type ..............................................................75
MAC PING Configuration.................................. 77
l2trace .........................................................................78
UDLD Configuration ......................................... 79
udld enable...................................................................79
udld message timer .......................................................80

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udld mode ....................................................................80
udld recovery enable......................................................81
udld recovery timer .......................................................82
udld reset.....................................................................82
show udld.....................................................................83
Ethernet OAM Configuration ............................ 85
set ethernet-oam debug .................................................85
set ethernet-oam enable ................................................86
set ethernet oam enable(interface configuration) ...............86
set ethernet-oam link-monitor enable ..............................87
set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-period......................87
set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-seconds ...................88
set ethernet-oam link-monitor symbol-period ...................88
set ethernet-oam oui .....................................................89
set ethernet-oam period timeout mode.............................89
set ethernet-oam port link-monitor frame .........................90
set ethernet-oam remote-loopback start...........................90
set ethernet-oam remote-loopback time-out .....................91
show ethernet-oam........................................................91
show ethernet-oam interface discovery ............................91
show ethernet-oam interface link-monitor.........................92
show ethernet-oam interface statistics .............................92

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About This Manual

Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
operation of ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
Intended This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform
Audience operation activities on ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
What Is in This This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Command This chapter describes the use method

Introduction of the command manual, command
description, format convention, auxiliary
function and mode.

Chapter 2, MAC This chapterdescribes the configuration

Configuration and view commands of the MAC protocol.

Chapter 3, VLAN This chapter describes VLAN configuration

Configuration and view commands.

Chapter 4, SUPERVLAN This chapter describes SUPERVLAN

Configuration configuration and view commands.

Chapter 5, STP This chapter describes Spanning Tree

Configuration Protocol (STP) configuration and view

Chapter 6, LACP This chapter describes Link Aggregation

Configuration Control Protocol (LACP) configuration and
review commands.

Chapter 7, VBAS Control This chapter describes the configuration

Configuration and view commands related to Virtual
Broadband Access Server (VBAS).

Chapter 8, MAC PING This chapter describes the configuration

Configuration and view commands related to MAC PING.

Chapter 9, UDLD This chapter describes the configuration

Configuration and view commands related to
Unidirectional Links Detection (UDLD).

Chapter 10, This chapter describes the configuration

and view commands related to ethernet
link OAM configuration and diaplay

Related The following documentation is related to this manual:

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Command
Index Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume I)

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-

figuration Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume III)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Remote Ac-
cess Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-
ing Volume I)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-
ing Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (MPLS Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (QoS Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Security
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Network
Management Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Multicast
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv6 Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Voice and
Video Service Volume)

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Chapter 1

Command Introduction

Table of Contents
Manual Use Guide............................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ................................. 1
Auxiliary Function ............................................................... 2
Command Mode ................................................................. 3

Manual Use Guide

The commands in other volumes are classified by functional mod-
ules, and each functional module corresponds to a chapter and
the commands in the chapter are organized in the form of level 2
directory and in the order of a–z.
To search a command, do as follows:
1. Find the desired command by referring to ZXR10 Router/Eth-
ernet Switch Command Manual — Command Index.
2. Find command details by the volume, chapter/section and page
of the obtained command.

Description of Man-Machine
Each MML command is described by the following items:
� Function
It describes the function implemented by this command.
� Command Mode
It describes the mode in which this command can be executed.
� Format
It describes the complete format of this command, including
the no format if possible.
� Parameter Description
It describes parameters in this command in the form and pre-
scribes the range and default value. If different products have

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

different parameter ranges or default values, an additional

form is used for description.
� Default
The default value is available in the case that this command is
not set. The default parameter value is not described here for
value selection.
Additional description shall be given if different products have
different default values.
� Instructions
First describes the platform version information about this
command. For example, “The platform version X.X.XX or later
supports this command” indicates this command is provided
from the beginning of the platform version X.X.XX. This com-
mand is provided from the platform version 2.6 by default.
Second describes the use method and precautions of this com-
� Example
It describes the use of this command in an example.
� Related Commands
Lists the command(s) related to this command.
� History Command
It describes history version information related to this com-
mand if a command is changed after version upgrade.
Do not describe the history command if this entry does not exist.

Auxiliary Function
The auxiliary function for ZXR10 devices is as follows.
1. In any command mode, enter a question mark (?) after the
DOS prompt of the system, a list of available commands in the
command mode will be displayed. With the context-sensitive
help function, the keywords and parameter lists of any com-
mands can be obtained.
i. In any command mode, enter a question mark "?" after the
DOS prompt of the system, and a list of all commands in
the mode and the brief description of the commands will
be displayed.
ii. Input the question mark behind a character or character
string to view the list of commands or keywords beginning
with this character or character string. Note that there is
no space between the character (string) and the question
iii. Press TAB behind the character string. If the command or
keyword beginning with this character string is unique, it
shall be completed with a space at the end. Note that there
is no space between the character string and the TAB.

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

iv. Input a question mark after a command, a keyword or a

parameter, the next keyword or parameter to be input will
be listed, and also a brief explanation will be given. Note
that a space must be entered before the question mark.
2. If incorrect command, keyword or parameter is input, the error
isolation is offered with ^ in the user interface after you press
ENTER. The ^ is below the first character of the input incorrect
command, keyword or parameter.
3. ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch allows the command or key-
word to be abbreviated into a character or character string that
uniquely identifies this command or keyword. For example, the
show command can be abbreviated to sh or sho.
4. The user interface supports the function of recording input
commands. A maximum of ten history commands can be
recorded. The function is very useful in re-invocation of a long
or complicated command or ingress.
To re-invoke a command from the record buffer, conduct one
of the following operations, as shown below.

Command Function

Press CTRL-P or the Re-invokes the latest command in the

up arrow key record buffer. Repeat these keys to
invoke old commands forwards.

Press CTRL-N or the Rolls the commands downward. When the

down arrow key last command line is reached, one more
operation will roll the commands from the
begging of the buffer cyclically.

In any mode, execute the show history command to list the

latest commands input in this mode.

Command Mode
The command modes in this manual are shown below.

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Exec ZXR10> enters directly Views simple

mode after logging information
the system

Privi- ZXR10# Exec enable Configures

leged mode system
mode parameters

Global ZXR10(config)# Privi- configure Configures

config- leged terminal global service
uration mode parameters

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Inter- ZXR10(config- Global interface Configures

face if)# config- port
config- uration parameters
uration mode and selects
mode a port type
depending on
the keyword

Subin- ZXR10 (config- Global interface Configures

terface subif)# config- subinterface
mode uration parameters
mode of the

VLAN ZXR10(vlan- Privi- vlan datab Creates or

data- db)# leged ase deletes VLANs
base mode in batches

VLAN ZXR10(config- Global vlan Configures

config- vlan)# config- VLAN
uration uration parameters
mode mode

MSTP ZXR10(config- Global spanning-t Configures

config- mstp)# config- ree mst conf MSTP
uration uration iguration parameters
mode mode

Basic ZXR10(config- Global acl basic Defines basic

ACL basic-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Ex- ZXR10(config- Global acl extend Defines

tended ext-acl)# config- extended ACL
ACL uration rule
config- mode

Line ZXR10(config- Global line console Configures

config- line)# config- 0 parameters
uration uration related to
mode mode line <1~64 serial port
>(GAR) and telnet

Layer ZXR10(config- Global acl link Defines layer

2 ACL link-acl)# config- 2 ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Hybrid ZXR10(config- Global acl hybrid Defines hybrid

ACL hybd-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

stand- std-nacl)# config- standard ACL
ard ACL uration rule
mode mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

ex- ext-nacl)# config- extended ACL
tended uration rule
ACL mode

Route ZXR10(config- Global router rip Configures

config- router)# config- RIP
uration uration parameters
mode mode
router ospf Configures

router isis Configures


router bgp Configures


router Configures
pimsm PIM-SM

ipv6 router Configures

rip RIPng

ipv6 router Configures

ospf OSPFv3

VRF ZXR10(config- Global ip vrf Configures

config- vrf)# config- VRF
uration uration parameters
mode mode

VFI con- ZXR10(config- Global vfi Configures

figu- vfi)# config- VPLS related
ration uration parameters
mode mode

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

IPv4 ad- ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

dress router-af)# config- ily ipv4 vrf RIP VRF
family uration parameters
config- mode
uration (RIP)
Route address-fam Configures
config- ily vpnv4 BGP VPN
uration address-fam and VRF
mode ily ipv4 vrf parameters

IPv6 ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

unicast router-af)# config- ily ipv6 BGP4+
address uration unicast
family mode address family
config- (BGP4+)
mode Route address-fam Configures
config- ily ipv6 IS-ISv6
uration address family

Route ZXR10(config- Global route-map Configures

map route-map)# config- route map
config- uration matching item
uration mode and operation

Channe- ZXR10(config- Global control Configures

lization control)# config- channelization
config- uration for ce1, ce3
uration mode and cpos3

Dial ZXR10(config- Global dial-peer Configures

peer voip100)# config- voice business
config- uration related to
uration mode integrated
mode service

Voice ZXR10(config- Global voice-port Configures

port voice-port)# config- voice service
config- uration
uration mode

IPSec ZXR10(config- Global ipsec Configures

config- ipsec)# config- IPv6 IPSec
uration uration protection
mode mode

Diagno- ZXR10(diag)# Privi- diagnose Tests CPU

sis mode leged and memory
mode usage

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Chapter 2

MAC Configuration

Table of Contents
mac add............................................................................ 7
mac aging-time .................................................................. 8
mac delete ........................................................................ 8
mac filter .......................................................................... 9
mac learn .........................................................................10
mac learning.....................................................................10
mac limit-num ..................................................................11
mac protect ......................................................................11
mac protect time ...............................................................12
mac to-static ....................................................................12
mac learning-strategy ........................................................13
mac transparent-control .....................................................13
mac unknow-filter-limit-num...............................................14
mac unknowsource-filter ....................................................14
show mac.........................................................................15
show mac aging-time.........................................................16
show mac learning.............................................................17
show mac limit-num ..........................................................17
show mac port-info............................................................17
show mac protect ..............................................................18
show mac running .............................................................19

mac add
Purpose Use this command to add a MAC address entry.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac add {static | permanent}<mac-address> interface <por
t-name>[vlan <vlan-id>| all-owner-vlans]
static Static address, which does not take part in
aging, and cannot be written into database

permanent Permanent address, which does not take part

in aging, and can be written into database

<mac-address> MAC address in dotted division format

interface <port-na Ethernet physical port


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vlan <vlan-id> VLAN ID where the MAC address is located

all-owner-vlans All VLANs where the interface is located

Instructions If the parameter vlan <vlan-id> is not specified, the PVID on the
port is selected. Use the show running-config command to dis-
play the configured permanent MAC address.
Example This example describes how to add the static MAC address
000a.010c.e2c6 to the Ethernet port fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#mac add static 000a.010c.e2c6 interface fei_1/1

Related mac delete

show mac

mac aging-time
Purpose Use this command to configure the dynamic MAC address aging
time of the device.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac aging-time <time>
<time> Aging time, in seconds, range: 60~630,
default: 300 seconds

Instructions If the MAC address aging time is set to n seconds, the dynamic
MAC address ages in the time range: n~2n.
Example This example describes how to set the MAC address aging time of
the device to 180 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#mac aging-time 180

Related show mac aging-time

show mac running

mac delete
Purpose Use this command to delete a MAC address entry.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac delete {<mac-address>| interface <port-name>|
<mac-address> MAC address in dotted division format

interface <port-na Ethernet physical port


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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

vlan Delete a MAC address entry according to

some VLAN

<vlan-id> VLAN ID where the MAC address is located

Example This example describes how to delete the MAC address

(000a.010c.e2c6) and then delete all MAC addresses on the
Ethernet port fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#mac delete 000a.010c.e2c6
ZXR10(config)#mac delete ethernet fei_1/1

Related mac add

show mac

mac filter
Purpose Use this command to to filter data frames according to the MAC
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac filter {source | both | destination}<mac-address><vlan
Description source Filters data frames according to the source
MAC address.

both Filters data frames according to the source or

destination MAC address

destination Filters data frames according to the

destination MAC address

<mac-address> MAC address in dotted division format

<vlan-id> VLAN identifier, range: 1~4094

Instructions � There is no need to specify the physical port when running the
mac filter command. The data frames on any port are filtered.
� To cancel the MAC address filtering configured by the com-
mand, run the mac delete command to delete the MAC ad-
Example This example describes how to filter the VLAN 1 data frames with
the MAC address 000a.010c.e2c6.
ZXR10(config)#mac filter source 000a.010c.e2c6 vlan 1

Related mac delete

show mac

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

mac learn
Purpose Use this command to configure the HIGIH interface to learn the
MAC address.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac learn {normal | special}
normal Permits the HIGIG interface to learn MAC

special Denies the HIGIG interface to learn MAC

Instructions This command is supported by ZXR10 T160G/7800.

Example This example describes how to forbid the HIGIG interface from
learning the MAC address.
ZXR10(config)#mac learn special

Related show mac running


mac learning
Purpose Use this command to configure the physical port to dynamically
learn the MAC address.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac learning {[interface <port-name>]|[vlan <vlan-id>]}{di
sable | enable}
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

vlan <vlan-id> Vlan ID, range: 1~4094

disable Disables the MAC address learning

enable Enable the MAC address learning

Instructions � After the MAC address learning is disabled on some interface,

this interface does not dynamically learns the MAC address,
but various MAC addresses can be added on the interface by
manual configuration.
� ZXR10 T160G only supports the configuration of dynamic MAC
address learning on the physical interface.
Example This example describes how to disable the Ethernet interface
fei_1/1 to learn the MAC address.
ZXR10(config)#mac learning ethernet fei_1/1 disable

Related show mac learning

show mac running

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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

show mac port-info

mac limit-num
Purpose Use this command to configure the number of the MAC addresses
that the physical port can dynamically learn.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac limit-num [interface <port-name>]<max-number>
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

<max-number> Maximum number of the MAC addresses that

can be dynamically learned, range: 1~6384

Instructions � If the <max-number> value is set to 0, it means that the num-

ber of the MAC address learning is not limited on the interface.
� ZXR10 T160G only supports to set the number of the MAC ad-
dresses that the physical interface can dynamically learn.
Example This example describes how to set the number of the MAC ad-
dresses that the Ethernet interface fei_1/1 can dynamically learn
to 1000.
ZXR10(config)#mac limit-num ethernet fei_1/1 1000

Related mac protect

mac protect time
show mac limit-num
show mac running

mac protect
Purpose Use this command to enable or disable the port to enter the dy-
namic MAC address learning protection state.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac protect [interface <port-name>]{disable | enable}
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

disable Disables the MAC address learning protection

enable Enables the MAC address learning protection

Instructions This command is used together with the mac protect time and m
ac limit-num commands. After the protection of the MAC address

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

learning is set, the protection time if the MAC address learning on

the interface is in abnormal status and the number of the MAC
addresses that the port can learn need setting.
ZXR10 T160G only supports the configuration of protection state
on the physical interface.
Example This example describes how to configure the Ethernet interface
fei_1/1 to protect the MAC address learning.
ZXR10(config)#mac protect ethernet fei_1/1 enable

Related mac limit-num

mac protect time
show mac protect

mac protect time

Purpose Use this command to configure the protection time when the MAC
address learning on the interface is in abnormal status.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac protect time <time>
<time> Protection time of the MAC address learning,
in seconds, range: 0~3600

Instructions � Only one protection time can be set for the whole switch.
� The command will not be effective until the mac protect com-
mand is configured.
Example This example describes how to set the number of the MAC ad-
dresses that the Ethernet interface fei_1/1 can learn to 1000, and
configure this interface to protect the MAC address learning. And
the protection time is 500 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#mac limit-num ethernet fei_1/1 1000
ZXR10(config)#mac protect ethernet fei_1/1 enable
ZXR10(config)#mac protect time 500

Related mac limit-num

mac protect
show mac protect
show mac running

mac to-static
Purpose Use this command to translate all dynamic MAC addresses learned
by the interface into static MAC addresses.
Command Modes Global configuration

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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

Syntax mac to-static [interface <port-name>|<vlan-id>]{disable |

interface <port-na Ethernet physical port

<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

disable Disables the dynamic MAC address to be

translated into the static MAC address

enable Enables the dynamic MAC address to be

translated into the static MAC address

Instructions This command is used to translate the dynamic MAC address on

the port into the static MAC address. And it no longer participates
in the aging. The executing result of this command is not written
into the database.
Example This example describes how to translate the dynamic MAC address
into the static address on the interface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#mac to-static ethernet fei_1/1 enable

Related show mac


mac learning-strategy
Purpose Use this command to configure the MAC learning strategy (chip
learning/network processor learning).
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac learning-strategy {driver | micode}
driver Chip learning

micode Network processor learning

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G/7800.

Example This example describes how to configure the MAC learning strategy
to NP method.
ZXR10(config)#mac learn special
ZXR10(config)#mac learning-strategy micode

Related show mac learning-strategy


mac transparent-control
Purpose Use this command to enable or disable the transparent function of
the MAC address.

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Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax mac transparent-control {disable | enable}
enable Enables the transparent function of the MAC

disable Disables the transparent function of the MAC


Instructions This command is supported by ZXR10 3900/5900/5200 in single

mode. This command is used to enable or disable the transparent
function of the MAC address.
Example This example describes how to enable the transparent function of
the MAC address.
ZXR10(config)#mac transparent-control enable

Related show mac transparent_control


mac unknow-filter-limit-num
Purpose Use this command to configure the limitation of the number of
learning and forwarding MAC addresses.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac unknow-filter-limit-num [interface <port-name>]< limi
t-num >
interface <port-na Ethernet physical port

< limit-num > Limitation of the number, range: 0~16384

Instructions This command is supported by ZXR10 3900/5900/5200.

Example This example describes how to configure the limitation of MAC ad-
dress numbers on the interface.
ZXR10(config)#mac unknow-filter-limit-num interface fei_1/1 15

Related show mac running


mac unknowsource-filter
Purpose Use this command to configure the unknown source MAC filter
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax mac unknowsource-filter interface <port-name>{disable |

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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

interface <port-na Ethernet physical port

disable Disables the filtering of unknown source MAC


enable Enables the filtering unknown source MAC


Instructions This command is used to control the port to filter the traffic ac-
cording to the unknown source MAC.
Example This example describes how to configure the unknown source MAC
address filter on the interface.
ZXR10(config)#mac unknowsource-filter interface gei_1/1 enable

Related show mac


show mac
Purpose Use this command to display the MAC address entry.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac [dynamic | static | permanent | to-static | src-f
ilter | dst-filter | <mac-address>[vlan <vlan-id>] | interface
<port-name>| vlan <vlan-id>]
dynamic Dynamic address

static Static address

permanent Permanent address

to-static Solidified MAC address

src-filter Filters data frames according to the source

MAC address

dst-filter Filters data frames according to the

destination MAC address

<mac-address> MAC address in dotted division format

interface <port-na Ethernet physical port


vlan <vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

Example This example describes how to display all MAC addresses on the
Ethernet interface fei_1/1. (In this example, it is displayed on
ZXR10 T160G , which slightly differs from ZXR10 3900/3200 and
ZXR10 5900/5200).
ZXR10(config)#show mac Ethernet fei_1/1
Total MAC address : 2
Flags:vid --VLAN id,stc--static,per--permanent,toS--to-static,

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srF-source filter,dsF-destination filter,time--day:hour:min:sec

Frm --mac from where:0,drv; 1,config; 2,VPN; 3,802.1X; 4,micro

MAC_Address port vid stc per toS srF dsF Frm vpnid Time
00d0.d0c0.1320 fei_1/1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0:00:43:41

Descriptions of the displayed fields are shown below.

Field Description

MAC_Address MAC_address in dotted division format

port Port where the MAC address is located

vid VLAN ID where the MAC address is located

stat Static flag of the MAC address

perma Permanent MAC address flag

toSta Solidified MAC address flag

src_filter Whether to filter the frames of the source

MAC address.

dst_filter Whether to filter the frames of the destination

MAC address

Frm Source of the MAC address (drive,

configuration, VPN, 802.1x and microcode)

vpnid VPN identifier

Time Time when the MAC address is learned

Related mac add

mac delete
mac to-static
mac filter

show mac aging-time

Purpose Use this command to display the aging time of the dynamic MAC
address of the switch.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac aging-time
Example This example describes how to display the aging time of the MAC
address of the switch.
ZXR10#show mac aging-time
The MAC Address aging time is 60 seconds

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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

Related mac aging-time


show mac learning

Purpose Use this command to display the setting of the dynamic MAC ad-
dress learned by the port.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac learning {[ interface <port-name>]|<vlan-id>}
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

Example This example describes how to display the setting of the dynamic
MAC address learned by the port fei_1/1.
ZXR10#show mac learning ethernet fei_1/1
The MAC learning is enabled.

Related mac learning

show mac port-info

show mac limit-num

Purpose Use this command to display the number limitation of the dynamic
MAC address learned by the port.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac limit-num [interface <port-name>]
<port-name> Ethernet physical interface

Example This example describes how to display the number limit of the
dynamic MAC address learned by the port fei_1/1.
ZXR10#show mac limit-num ethernet fei_1/1
The limit num is: 100.

Related mac limit-num


show mac port-info

Purpose Use this command to display the configuration and status of the

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Command Modes All modes

Syntax show mac port-info {interface <port-name>}
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

Example This example describes how to display the setting of the number
limit of the dynamic MAC address learned by the port fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#mac limit ethernet fei_1/1 100
ZXR10(config)#mac bind ethernet fei_1/1 enable
ZXR10(config)#show mac port-info ethernet fei_1/1
The fei_1/1 limit num = 100; current mac num = 10
Mac bind is enable
IP+MAC bind is disable
Mac learn is enable
Mac is learning
Mac protect is disable
Mac is not protecting

Related mac limit-num

mac protect
mac learn

show mac protect

Purpose Use this command to display the protection setting of the dynamic
MAC address learning on the port and the protection time of the
MAC address learning of the switch.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac protect [{interface <port-name>| protect-time}]
interface <port-na Ethernet physical interface

protect-time MAC address learning protection time

Example This example describes how to display the protection setting of

the dynamic MAC address learning on the interface fei_1/1 and
the protection time of the MAC address learning of the switch.
ZXR10#show mac protect ethernet fei_1/1
The MAC protect is enabled.
ZXR10#show mac protect protect-time
The protect time is 300 seconds.

Related mac protect

mac protect time

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Chapter 2 MAC Configuration

show mac running

Purpose Use this command to display the related configuration of the MAC
address of the switch.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show mac running
Instructions If there is no configuration and various parameters remain default,
nothing is displayed. Only information about the configuration to
be written into the database is displayed.
Example This example describes how to display the related configuration of
the MAC of the switch.
ZXR10#show mac running
mac aging-time 60
mac limit-num ethernet fei_1/1 10
mac protect ethernet fei_1/1 enable

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Chapter 3

VLAN Configuration

Table of Contents
acceptable frame types ......................................................21
ingress filtering .................................................................22
interface ..........................................................................22
name ...............................................................................23
show qinq.........................................................................23
show vlan.........................................................................24
show vlan private-map .......................................................25
show vlan protocol-map .....................................................26
show vlan subnet-map .......................................................27
show vlan translate............................................................27
swicthport ........................................................................28
switchport access vlan .......................................................29
switchport hybrid native vlan ..............................................30
switchport hybrid vlan ........................................................30
switchport mode................................................................31
switchport qinq (Global Configuration)..................................32
switchport qinq (Port Configuration) .....................................32
switchport trunk native vlan................................................33
switchport trunk vlan .........................................................34
vlan (Global Configuration) .................................................34
vlan (VLAN Database Configuration).....................................35
vlan database ...................................................................35
vlan list............................................................................36
vlan private-map ...............................................................36
vlan protocol-map .............................................................38
vlan protocol-map(Port Enabling).........................................38
vlan qinq ..........................................................................39
vlan subnet-map ...............................................................41
vlan subnet-map (Port Enabling) .........................................42
vlan translate....................................................................42

acceptable frame types

Purpose Use this command to set the frame type be received at an inter-
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax acceptable frame types {all | tag}

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

all All the frame types can be received

tag tag frames only

Defaults All the frame types are acceptable.

Instructions Use the show running-config command on the interface to dis-
play the configuration.
Example This example describes how to configure the interface fei_1/1 to
receive tag frames only.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#acceptable frame types tag

Related show interface


ingress filtering
Purpose Use this command to set the ingress filtering for an interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax ingress filtering {enable | disable}
enable Enables ingress filtering

disable Disables ingress filtering

Defaults The ingress filtering is enabled by default.

Instructions Use the show running-config command on the interface to dis-
play the configuration.
Example This example describes how to enable ingress filtering on the in-
terface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#ingress filtering enable

Related show run interface


Purpose Use this command to create a VLAN interface and enter VLAN in-
terface configuration mode. Delete the VLAN interface with the no
form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax interface {vlan <vlan-id>|<vlan-if>}
no interface {vlan <vlan-id>|<vlan-if>}

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

vlan <vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-if> VLAN interface name

Instructions The parameter <vlan-if> is in the format of vlan + VLAN ID, such
as vlan10.
Example This example describes how to create a VLAN interface vlan1, and
enter VLAN interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan 1

Related exit

Purpose Use this command to configure the alias of some VLAN. Restore
the default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes VLAN configuration
Syntax name <vlan-name>
no name
<vlan-name> VLAN name, not more than 32 characters, it
starts with a character

Defaults VLAN0001 is the alias of vlan 1; VLAN0100 is the default alias of

vlan 100, and so on.
Instructions The VLAN alias cannot be the same as that of other VLAN, it must
not be configured to be the default name of any other VLANs (even
if the VLAN does not exist).
Example This example describes how to create vlan 2 and set its alias to v2.
ZXR10(config)#vlan 2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#name v2

Related show vlan


show qinq
Purpose Use this command to display information about QinQ configuration
on an interface.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show qinq [<interface-name>]

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<interface-name> Name of the specified interface

Instructions QinQ configuration information of all interfaces is displayed if this

command has no parameter.
Example � This example describes how to display QinQ configuration in-
formation of all interfaces.
ZXR10#show qinq
Interface QinqMode QinqId Pvid
fei_1/1 normal 0x8100 1
Fei_1/2 uplink 0x9100 1
fei_1/3 customer 0x9100 1

� This example describes how to display QinQ configuration in-

formation of a given interface.
ZXR10#show qinq fei_1/1
Interface QinqMode QinqId Pvid
fei_1/1 normal 0x8100 1

The displayed information descriptions are displayed as fol-


Field Description

Interface Interface name

QinqMode QinQ mode of the interface

QinqId QinQ ID of the interface


Related switchport qinq


show vlan
Purpose Use this command to display information about VLAN configura-
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show vlan [brief | access | trunk | hybrid | id <vlan-id>| name
brief Displays major information about a VLAN

access Displays the access port of the VLAN

trunk Displays the trunk port of the VLAN

hybrid Displays the hybrid port of the VLAN

id <vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

name <vlan-name> VLAN name, not more than 32 characters

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

Instructions All information about the VLAN is displayed if this command has
no parameter.
Example � This example describes how to display all information about
the VLAN.
ZXR10#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Said MTU IfIndex PvidPorts UntagPorts TagPorts
1 v1 active 1400 1 fei_1/1 fei_1/2

� This example describes how to display major information about

ZXR10#show vlan brief
VLAN Name Status PvidPorts UntagPorts TagPorts
1 v1 active fei_1/1 fei_1/2”

The displayed field descriptions are shown below.

Field Description


Name VLAN name

PvidPorts Port whose PVID is the specified VLAN

UntagPorts untag port of the VLAN

TagPorts tag port of the VLAN

show vlan private-map

Purpose Use this command to display information about the configuration
of the private VLAN.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show vlan private-map [<session id>]
<session id> Session ID of the designated PVLAN

Instructions If there is no parameter after this command, information about

the configuration of isolate/promicuous ports of all sessions is dis-
Example � This example describes how to display information about the
configuration of all private VLANs.
ZXR10#show vlan private-map
Session_id Isolate_Ports Promis_Ports
1 fei_1/1 fei_2/1
2 fei_1/2 fei_2/2

� This example describes how to display information about the

configuration of a private VLAN.
ZXR10#show vlan private-map 1
Session_id Isolate_Ports Promis_Ports
1 fei_1/1 fei_2/1

The displayed field descriptions are displayed as follows.

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Field Description

Session-id Session ID of the PVLAN, range: 1~20

Isolate port Isolate port

Promis port Promiscuous port

show vlan protocol-map

Purpose Use this command to display information about the configuration
of the protocol-based VLAN partion.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show vlan protocol-map [<session id>]
<session id> Session ID of the designated PVLAN

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� If there is no parameter after this command, information about
the configuration of all protocol-based VLANs is displayed.
� The session ID is 1~12 for ZXR10 3900, and 1~16 for ZXR10
Example � This example describes how to display information about the
configuration of all protocol-based VLANs.
ZXR10#show vlan protocol-map
Session_no Frame-type Ethernet-type VLAN
1 ethernet2 0x0800 2
2 ethernet2 0x0900 3

� This example describes how to display information about the

configuration of one protocol-based VLAN.
ZXR10#show vlan protocol-map 1
Session_no Frame-type Ethernet-type VLAN
1 ethernet2 0x0800 2

The displayed field descriptions are displayed as follows.

Field Description

Session_no Session number

Frame-type Frame type

Ethernet-type Ethernet encapsulation type


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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

Related vlan protocol-map


show vlan subnet-map

Purpose Use this command to display information about the configuration
of the subnet-based VLAN.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show vlan subnet-map [<session id>]
<session id> Session ID of the designated PVLAN

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� If there is no parameter after this command, information about
the configuration of all subnet-based VLANs is displayed.
� The session ID is 1~12 for ZXR10 3900, and 1~256 for ZXR10
Example � This example describes how to display information about the
configuration of all subnet-based VLANs.
ZXR10#show vlan subnet-map
Session_no IpAddr IpMask VLAN
1 2
2 3

� This example describes how to display information about the

configuration of one subnet-based VLAN.
ZXR10#show vlan subnet-map 1
Session_no IpAddr IpMask VLAN
1 2

The displayed field descriptions are displayed as follows.

Field Description

Session_no Session number

ipAddr Prefix of the subnet IP address

Mask Subnet mask


Related vlan subnet-map


show vlan translate

Purpose Use this command to display information about the configuration
of the VLAN translation.

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Command Modes All modes except user EXEC

Syntax show vlan translate [<session id>]
<session id> Session ID of the designated PVLAN

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� If there is no parameter after this command, information about
the configuration of all VLAN translations is displayed.
� ZXR10 3900 does not support this command.
Example � This example describes how to display information about the
configuration of all VLAN translations.
ZXR10#show vlan translate
Session_no In_Port E_Port In_vlan E_vlan Advance Uplink-ports
1 gei_4/1 10-20 2 1 gei_4/2
2 gei_4/5 30 3 0
3 gei_4/6 6-7 10 0

� This example describes how to display information about the

configuration of one VLAN translation.
ZXR10#show vlan trans 1
Session_no In_Port E_Port In_vlan E_vlan Advance Uplink-ports
1 gei_4/1 10-20 2 1 gei_4/2

The displayed field descriptions are displayed as follows.

Field Description

Session-no Session number

Ingress- Ingress port


egress-port(E_Port) Egress port

Ingress- Ingress VLAN


Egress-vlan(E_vlan) Egress VLAN

Advance Uplink-port symbol

Uplink-ports Uplink port

Related vlan translate


Purpose Use this command to set batch processing for VLAN ports.
Command Modes VLAN configuration
Syntax switchport {pvid | tag | untag}<port-list>

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

no switchport {pvid | untag | tag}<port-list>

pvid Sets the PVID of a port

tag Sets the port in the VLAN to untag

untag Sets the port in the VLAN to tag

<port-list> Port list

Instructions The configuration of the PVID takes effect o0n all ports. The config-
uration of the tag port takes effect on ports in trunk/hybrid mode.
The configuration of the untag port takes effect on hybrid ports.
If the mode is wrong, the system prompts error information for
Example This example describes how to set the PVID of ports 1~10 on the
line interface board fei_1 to 2.
ZXR10(config)#vlan 2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#switchport pvid fei_1/1-10

Related show vlan


switchport access vlan

Purpose Use this command to add the access port to some VLAN. If the
VLAN does not exist, it is created. Remove the access port from a
VLAN with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport access vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>}
no switchport access vlan
<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-name> VLAN name

Defaults The Layer 2 port is in VLAN 1 by default.

Instructions Use the show running-config command to display information
about the configuration on the interface.
Example This example describes how to add the access port fei_1/1 to vlan
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10

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Related show vlan


switchport hybrid native vlan

Purpose Use this command to configure the native VLAN for the hybrid port.
If the VLAN does not exist, it is created. Restore default with the
no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport hybrid native vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>}
no switchport hybrid native vlan
<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-name> VLAN name

Defaults The native VLAN is VLAN 1 by default.

Instructions � The ports on which this command is executed must be in hybrid
mode. Otherwise, the system prompts error information.
� Use the show running-config command to display the con-
figuration on the interface.
Example This example describes how to set the native VLAN of the hybrid
port fei_1/1 to VALN 10.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switch hybrid native vlan 10

Related show vlan


switchport hybrid vlan

Purpose Use this command to add a hybrid port to a VLAN. If the VLAN
does not exist, it is created. Remove a hybrid port from a VLAN
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport hybrid vlan <vlan-list>[tag | untag]
no switchport hybrid vlan <vlan-list>
<vlan-list> VLAN list, which can be a list of VLAN IDs
(range: 1~4094) or VLAN aliases

tag Ports labeled as tag

untag Ports labeled as untag

Defaults The Layer 2 port is in VLAN 1 by default.

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

Instructions � The ports on which this command is executed must be in hybrid

mode. Otherwise, the system prompts error information.
� Use the show running-config command to display informa-
tion about the configuration on the interface. If there is no
tag/untag keyword after this command, it is tag by default.
� At most 4000 VLANs can be configured on each interface. Un-
der this circumstance, the efficiency of batch deletion is low.
There are at most 8 ports on which 4000 VLANs are configured.
If the number of these ports exceeds 8, the system gives a
Example This example describes how to add the hybrid port fei_1/1 to VLAN
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport hybrid vlan 10

Related show vlan


switchport mode
Purpose Use this command to set the VLAN link mode for the port. Restore
default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport mode {access | trunk | hybrid}
no switchport mode
Description access Sets a port to access (mode)

trunk Sets a port to trunk (mode)

hybrid Sets a port to hybrid (mode)

Defaults The Layer 2 port works in access mode.

Instructions If a trunk/hybrid port is changed to an access port, it is necessary
to delete the tag and untag VLANs of this port at the same time
because the access port can belong to one VLAN only.
Example This example describes how to set the VLAN link mode of the in-
terface fei_1/1 to trunk.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport mode trunk

Related show vlan

show interface

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

switchport qinq (Global

Purpose Use this command to configure the QinQ function for the desig-
nated port.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax switchport <port-list> qinq {normal | uplink | customer | tpid
<port-list> Port list

normal Sets a port to normal

uplink Sets a port to uplink

customer Sets a port to customer

tpid <tpid> Tag protocol identifier, a hexadecimal number,

range: 0x0001~0xffff, default: 0x8100

Defaults The port is in normal mode by default.

Instructions The QINQ attribute of the port is configured in batches. For ZXR10
3900, there is no tpid parameter in this command. For ZXR10
5900, the tpid parameter must not be modified if the port is in
normal or customer mode.
Example This example describes how to set ports fei_1/1–2 in uplink mode,
and the tpid to 0x9100.
ZXR10(config)#switchport fei_1/1-2 qinq uplink
ZXR10(config)#switchport fei_1/1-2 qinq tpid 0x9100

Related show qinq


switchport qinq (Port

Purpose Use this command to set the QinQ function for the port.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport qinq {normal | uplink | customer | tpid <tpid>}
normal Sets a port to normal

uplink Sets a port to uplink

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

customer Sets a port to customer

tpid <tpid> Tag protocol identifier, a hexadecimal number,

range: 0x0001~0xffff, default: 0x8100

Defaults The port is in normal mode by default.

Instructions � The switchport qinq command in interface configuration
mode takes effect on this port only, while the switchport
qinq command in global configuration mode can designate
multiple ports once.
� ZXR10 3900 does not support this command. For ZXR10 5900,
the parameter tpid cannot be modified if the port mode is in
normal or customer mode.
Example This example describes how to set the port fei_1/1 in uplink mode,
and the tpid to 0x9100.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport qinq uplink
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport qinq tpid 0x9100

Related show qinq


switchport trunk native vlan

Purpose Use this command to set the native VLAN for the trunk port. If
the VLAN does not exist, it is created. Restore default with the no
form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport trunk native vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>}
no switchport trunk native vlan
<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-name> VLAN name

Defaults The native VLAN is VLAN 1 by default.

Instructions This command takes effect on trunk ports only.
Example This example describes how to set the native VLAN of the trunk
port fei_1/1 to vlan 10.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 10

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Related show vlan


switchport trunk vlan

Purpose Use this command to add a trunk port to some VLAN. If the VLAN
does not exist, it is created. Remove the trunk port from a VLAN
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax switchport trunk vlan <vlan-list>
no switchport trunk vlan <vlan-list>
<vlan-list> VLAN list, which can be a list of VLAN IDs
(range: 1~4094) or VLAN aliases

Defaults The Layer 2 port is in VLAN 1 by default.

Instructions The port on which this command is executed must be in trunk
mode. There are at most 4000 VLANs configured on each port.
Before 4000 VLANs are bound on the interface, make sure that
there is no operation of batch deletion or creation. If there is such
operation of batch deletion or creation, execute the binding in 2
or 3 minutes to avoid the VLAN queue to be full. Otherwise, the
system prompts busy alarms.
Example This example describes how to add the trunk port fei_1/1 to vlan
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 10

Related show vlan


vlan (Global Configuration)

Purpose Use this command to create a VLAN and enter VLAN configuration
mode. Remove the VLAN with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>}
no vlan {<vlan-id>|<vlan-name>}
<vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-name> VLAN name

Instructions When you delete some VLAN, If this VLAN is VLAN 1 or a Lyaer 3
interface is created in this VLAN, the system prompts error infor-

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

Example This example describes how to create VLAN 2.

ZXR10(config)#vlan 2

Related show vlan


vlan (VLAN Database

Purpose Use this command to create VLANs in batches. Delete VLANs in
batches with the no form of this command.
Command Modes VLAN database configuration
Syntax vlan <vlan-list>[name <vlan-name>]
no vlan <vlan-list>[name]
<vlan-list> VLAN list, which can be a list of VLAN IDs
(range: 1~4094) or VLAN names

name <vlan-name> VLAN name

Instructions The alias is configured for single VLAN only. It is not allowed that
multiple VLANs have the same alias. When users delete a batch
of VLANs, if one VLAN is VLAN 1 or there is the Layer 3 interface,
the system prompts error information.
Example This example describes how to enter VLAN database configuration
mode, and create VLANs 2~100.
ZXR10#vlan database
ZXR10(vlan-db)#vlan 2-100

Related vlan database


vlan database
Purpose Use this command to enter VLAN database configuration mode.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Syntax vlan database
Instructions After the enter of this mode , VLANs can be created or deleted in
batch. Notice that after the batch configuration, the operation of
hot-plug or Active/standby Changeover is performed after a while.
Otherwise, part of entries are lost because the database synchro-
nization has not been finished. There must be interval between
continuous batch operations.
Example This example describes how to enter VLAN database configuration
ZXR10#vlan database

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vlan list
Purpose Use this command to enter VLAN global configuration mode.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax vlan list <vlan-list>
<vlan-list> Creates the VlAN identifier.It can be
configured in batches

Instructions After the enter of this mode , VLANs can be created or deleted in
batch. Notice that after the batch configuration, the operation of
hot-plug or Active/standby Changeover is performed after a while.
Otherwise, part of entries are lost because the database synchro-
nization has not been finished.
Example This example describes how to enter VLAN global configuration
ZXR10(config)#vlan list

vlan private-map
Purpose Use this command to set the isolate and promiscuous ports for
the Private VLAN. Remove the setting with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 5900:
vlan private-map session-id <id>[isolate <port-list>][promis
no vlan private-map session-id <id>
The command format on ZXR10 T240G/T160G:
vlan private-map session-id <id>[isolate <port-list>][promis
<port-list>][community <port-list>][vlan <vlan-list>]
vlan private-map change {add | del}<id>{[isolate <port-list
>]|[promis <port-list>]|[community <port-list>]|[vlan <vlan-
no vlan private-map session-id <id>
The command format on ZXR10 3900:
vlan private-map session-id <id><isolate <port-list>><pro
mis <port-list>>
no vlan private-map session-id <id>

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

session-id <id> PVLAN session ID, range: 1~20

isolate <port-list> Isolate port, it may be created in batches

promis <port-list> Promis port, it may be created in batches

community Community port, it may be created in batches


vlan <vlan-list> VLAN identifier, it may be created in batches

Instructions � ZXR10 6900 supports the PVLAN and change commands with
VLANs. It also supports the configuration of the community
ports. For ZXR10 6900, community port only supports PVLAN
based on the port, it does not support PVLAN based on the
� ZXR10 5900 does not support the PVLAN command with
VLANs. But the platform version 4.8.20 and upgrade versions
of ZXR10 5900 support the change command.
� At most one session and not more than eight promiscuous ports
can be configured for ZXR10 T160G.
� ZXR10 3900 can have one promiscuous port at most, and it is
required that isolate and promiscuous ports in the session be
effective at the same time. At present, isolate and promiscuous
ports belong to one session only. When there is only one isolate
port, this port must not be deleted.
Example � This example describes how to create session 1 and configure
isolate and promiscuous ports for ZXR10 5900.
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
isolate fei_1/1-2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
promis fei_2/1-2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 100
isolate fei_1/5 promis fei_1/6

� This example describes how to create session 1 and configure

isolate, promiscuous and community ports for ZXR10 T160G.
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
isolate fei_1/1-2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
promis fei_2/1-2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1
community fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1 vlan 5-9
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map cha add 1 isolate fei_1/3-4
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map cha del 1 promis fei_2/1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map cha add 1 community fei_3/2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map cha del 1 community fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 100 isolate
fei_1/5 promis fei_1/6 vlan 300
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 200 isolate
fei_2/5 promis fei_2/6 community fei_2/7

� This example describes how to create session 1 and configure

isolate and promiscuous ports for ZXR10 3900.
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan private-map session-id 1 isolate
fei_1/1-2 promis fei_2/1

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Related show vlan private-map


vlan protocol-map
Purpose Use this command to set protocol-based VLAN division. Delete the
setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax vlan protocol-map session-no <session-no>{ethernet2 | llc
| snap}<0xHHHH> vlan {<vlanId>|<name>}
session-no Session number, the different total number
<session-no> of sessions is supported depending on
the different project. It is 1~12 for
ZXR10 3900/3200, 1~16 for ZXR10

ethernet2 Ethernet II

llc LLC type

snap SNAP type

<0xHHHH> Ethernet encapsulation type, such as 0x0800

and 0x0806

<vlanId> VLAN ID

<name> VLAN name

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� At present, the VLAN division based on multiple protocol types
can be configured for one VLAN.
� The Ethernet encapsulation type cannot be 0x8100.
Example This example describes how to set Ethernet 2 and IPv4 for VLAN
ZXR10(config)# vlan protocol-map session-no 1 ethernet2
0x0800 vlan 2

Related show vlan protocol-map


vlan protocol-map(Port
Purpose Use this command to enable/disable protocol-based VLAN division
on the interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

Syntax vlan protocol-map {enable | disable}

enable Enables this function on the interface

disable Disables this function on the interface

Defaults This function is enabled by default.

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to enable the protocol-based VLAN
division on the interface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan protocol-map enable

Related show vlan protocol-map


vlan qinq
Purpose Use this command to set the Selective VLAN (SVLAN) rule. Delete
the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 T240G/T160G:
vlan qinq session-no <session_id> customer-port <interface
-name> uplink-port <interface-name> in-vlan <vlan-list>{ov
lan {<vlanId>|<name>}[priority {<priority-list>| mapping}]|
no vlan qinq session-no {<session_id>| all}
The command format on ZXR10 3900:
vlan qinq session-no <session_id> customer-port <interface
-name> uplink-port <interface-name> in-vlan <vlan-list>{[ov
lan {<vlanId>|<name>} customerbrg-port <interface-name>
uplinkbrg-port <interface-name>[mapping]]| untag}
no vlan qinq session-no {<session_id>| all}
The command format on ZXR10 5900:
vlan qinq session-no <session_id> customer-port <interface
-name> uplink-port <interface-name> in-vlan <vlan-list>{ov
lan {<vlanId>|<name>}[priority <priority-list>]| untag}
no vlan qinq session-no <session_id>
Syntax For ZXR10 T160G:
<session_id> Session ID, range: 1~1000

customer-port Customer port


uplink-port Uplink port


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<vlan-list> Ingress VLAN list

<vlanId> External label VLAN ID

<name> External label VLAN name

<priority-list> Packet priority, range: 0~7

For ZXR10 3900:

<session_id> Session ID, range: 1~100

customer-port Customer port


uplink-port Uplink port


<vlan-list> External label VLAN ID

<vlanId> External label VLAN name

customerbrg-port Bridge port of the customer port


uplinkbrg-port Bridge port of the uplink port


For ZXR10 5900:

<session_id> Session ID, range: 1~78

customer-port Customer port


uplink-port Uplink port


<vlan-list> External label VLAN ID

<vlanId> External label VLAN name

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� The SVLAN configuration uses different formats for ZXR10
T160G and ZXR10 3900.
Example � This example describes how to create session 1, set the cus-
tomer port to gei_5/1, set the uplink port to gei_5/2, attach
the external label ovlan 1000 to packets from invlans 100~200
and map the priority from the internal side to the external side:
for: ZXR10 69 series:
ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq session-no 1 customerbrg-port gei_5/1
uplinkbrg-port gei_5/2 invlan 100-200 ovlan 1000 priority mapping

for ZXR10 39 series:

ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq session-no 1 customerbrg-port gei_5/1
uplinkbrg-port gei_5/2 invlan 100-200 ovlan 1000 customerbrg-port
gei_5/3 uplinkbrg-port gei_5/4 mapping

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

� This example describes how to create session 2, set the cus-

tomer port to gei_5/1, set the uplink port to gei_5/2, not attach
the external tag to packets from invlans 100~200 and transmit
them in single-tagged mode.
for 69 series:
ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq session-no 2 customerbrg-port gei_5/1
uplinkbrg-port gei_5/2 invlan 100-200 untag

for 39 series:
ZXR10(config)# vlan qinq session-no 2 customerbrg-port
gei_5/1 uplinkbrg-port gei_5/2 invlan 100-200 untag

Related show vlan qinq


vlan subnet-map
Purpose Use this command to configure subnet-based VLAN division.
Delete the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax vlan subnet-map session-no <session-no><ipaddr><mask>
vlan {<vlanId>|<name>}
no vlan subnet-map session-no <session-no>
session-no Session number, the different total number
<session-no> of sessions is supported depending on the
different project. It is 1~12 for ZXR10
3900/3200, 1~128 for ZXR10 T160G/5900

<ipaddr> Prefix of the subnet IP address

<mask> Subnet mask

<vlanId> VLAN ID

<name> VLAN name

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� At present, multiple subnets can be configured for one VLAN.
The subnet division of multiple VLANs is configured according
to the longest match rule.
Example This example describes how to set a subnet divided
for VLAN 2.
ZXR10(config)#vlan subnet-map session-no 1
vlan 2

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Related show vlan subnet-map


vlan subnet-map (Port

Purpose Use this command to enable/disable subnet-based VLAN division
on the interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax vlan subnet-map {enable | disable}
enable Enables this function on the interface

disable Disables this function on the interface

Defaults This function is enabled on the interface by default.

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to disable subnet-based VLAN division
on interface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#int fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-vlan)#vlan subnet-map disable

Related show vlan subnet-map


vlan translate
Purpose Use this command to set the VLAN translation rule. Delete the
setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax vlan translate session-no <session_id> ingress-port| egress
-port <interface-name> ingress-vlan <vlan-list> egress-vlan
<vlanId>[uplink-port <interface-name>]
no vlan translate session-no <session_id>[ingress-port|
egress-port <interface-name> ingress-vlan <vlan-list>][upli
nk-port <interface-name>]]
The command format on ZXR10 T160G:
vlan translate session-no <session_id>[ingress-port <interfa
ce-name>|[egress-port <interface-name>] ingress-vlan <vlan
-list> egress-vlan <vlanId> advance <interface-name>
vlan translate change {add | del}<session_id>{ingress-vlan
<vlan-list>| egress-vlan <vlanId>| advance <interface-nam
no vlan translate session-no <session_id>

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Chapter 3 VLAN Configuration

<session_id> Session identifier, range: 1~1024

<interface-name> Ingress port

<vlan-list> Ingress VLAN list

<vlanId> Egress VLAN ID

Defaults The VLAN translation function is disabled by default.

Instructions � ZXR10 5900 does not support VLAN translation on the uplink
� At present, this function is supported only by some line cards of
ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10 T160G (including 12GE+4GE (electri-
cal interface), 24GE+4GE (electrical interface) and 12GE+4GE
(electrical interface) + Ezchip).
� In the case of ingress port and ingress VLAN matching, ZXR10
T160G can configure at most 1000 rules and ZXR10 5900 can
support 768 rules (the egress VLAN is unique).
� For ZXR10 5900, if a VLAN in some rule of SVLAN is configured
as the Invlan of some port, any other VLAN translation entries
must not configure this VLAN translation rule of this port.
� If the VLAN translation function is configured, the ingress port
replaces the VLAN ID of the received packet according to the
VLAN translation principle.
� The new function of VLAN translation is launched on ZXR10
6900, that is, ZXR10 6900 supports the function of egress
VLAN translation.
Example � This example describes how to create session 1, and translate
VLANs 1~5 of gei_1/1 to VLAN 100.
ZXR10(config)# vlan translate session-no 1 ingress-port gei_1/1
ingress-vlan 1-5 egress-vlan 10

� This example describes how to create session 2, and translate

VLANs 20~25 on the interface gei_1/2 to VLAN 200.
ZXR10(config)#vlan translate session-no 2 ingress-port gei_1/2
ingres-vlan 20-25 egress-vlan 200
ZXR10(config)#vlan translate session-no 100 ingress-port
gei_1/3 ingress-vlan 10-12 egress-vlan 20 advance gei_1/4

Related show vlan translate


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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

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Chapter 4


Table of Contents
arp-broacast .....................................................................45
interface supervlan ............................................................46
inter-subvlan-routing .........................................................46
ip supervlan pool ...............................................................47
ip-pool-filter .....................................................................48
show supervlan .................................................................48
show supervlan ip-pool.......................................................49
subvlan ............................................................................50
supervlan .........................................................................51
supervlan inter-subvlan-routing...........................................52

Purpose Use this command to enable/disable the SuperVLAN to make ARP
broadcast for all its sub-VLANs/real interfaces.
Command Modes SuperVLAN interface
Syntax arp-broadcast {enable | disable}
enable Enables broadcast between sub-VLANs

disable Disables broadcast between sub-VLANs

Defaults The SuperVLAN is not allowed to make ARP broadcast for all its
sub-VLANs/real interfaces.
Instructions � This command is to prevent the broadcast storm from decreas-
ing the system processing efficiency, and provide a config-
urable ARP broadcast function for users.
� Use the show running-config command on the supervlan in-
terface to display this configuration.
� For routers, use the command arp-broadcast {enable | disa
ble} in Superpvc interface configuration mode to enable or
disable SUPERPVC implement ARP broadcast to its all ATM sub
Example This example describes how to enable ARP broadcast for SUPER-

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

ZXR10(config)#interface supervlan1
ZXR10(config-if)#arp-broadcast enable

Related show interface

show supervlan

interface supervlan
Purpose Use this command to create a SuperVLAN and enter SuperVLAN
configuration mode. Remove the SuperVLAN with the no form of
this command.
Command Mode Global configuration
Syntax interface {supervlan <supervlan-id>|<supervlan-name>}
no interface {supervlan <supervlan-id>|<supervlan-name>}
supervlan SuperVLAN ID, range: 1~255

<supervlan-name> SuperVLAN name

Instructions � <supervlan-name> is in the format of “SuperVLAN” + Super-

VLAN ID, such as supervlan10.
� For T1200/T600/T128/T64E, the range of <supervlan-id> is
� For switch series, such as ZXR10 5928, the range of <superv
lan-id> is 1~255.
� For the router series, use the command interface {supervlan
<supervlan-id>|<supervlan-name>} to create a SUPERVC in-
terface. Use the command no interface {supervlan <super
vlan-id>|<supervlan-name>} to remove the SuperPVC inter-
face. The parameter <supervlan-id> ranges from 1 to 64.
Example This example describes how to create the SuperVLAN 10 and enter
SuperVLAN configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface supervlan 10

Related exit

Purpose Use this command to enable/disable routing between sub-VLANs.
Command Modes SuperVLAN interface
Syntax inter-subvlan-routing {enable | disable}

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Chapter 4 SuperVLAN Configuration

enable Enables routing between sub-VLANs

disable Disables routing between sub-VLANs

Defaults The routing between sub-VLANs is enabled.

Instructions � View this configuration with the show running-config com-
mand on the SuperVLAN interface.
� Use this command under SUPERVC interface mode to enable
or disable the routing function between ATM sub interfaces on
Example This example describes how to enable routing between sub-VLANs
for SuperVLAN 1.
ZXR10(config)#interface supervlan1
ZXR10(config-if)#inter-subvlan-routing enable

Related show interface

show supervlan

ip supervlan pool
Purpose Use this command to bind an IP address to a VLAN real interface.
Command Modes VLAN configuration sub-mode
Syntax ip supervlan pool < ip-address>< ip-address>
< ip-address> Start and end IP addresses of the IP address,
in the format of A.B.C.D

Instructions � For the router in ATM sub interface mode, if the interface has
been bound to the Supervc interface, use the ip superpvc
pool < ip-address >< ip-address > command to bind a seg-
ment of IP addresses to an ATM sub interface.
� Use the no supervlansuperpvc pool < ip-address >< ip-ad
dress > command to delete a configured IP pool on the inter-
face or sub interface. Use the no supervlan superpvc pool
all command to delete all IP-pools on the interface or sub in-
Example This example describes how to bind the IP address segment from to to VLAN 4.
ZXR10(config)#vlan 4
ZXR10(config-vlan)#ip supervlan pool

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Related show supervlan ip-pool


Purpose Use this command to enable/disable the SuperVLAN IP POOL fil-
Command Modes SuperVLAN interface
Syntax ip-pool-filter {enable | disable}
enable Enables the filtering of the communication
address between sub-VLANs

disable Disables the filtering of the communication

address between sub-VLANs

Defaults The SuperVLAN IP POOL filtering is enabled.

Instructions � After the SuperVLAN IP POOL is set, packets which are not in
the address segment are discarded.
� View this configuration with the show running-config com-
mand on the SuperVLAN interface.
� Use this command Superpvc in interface configuration mode to
disable or enable Superpvc IP POOL filter function.
Example This example describes how to enable the filtering of the commu-
nication address between sub-VLANs on the SuperVLAN interface.
ZXR10(config)#interface supervlan1
ZXR10(config-if)#ip-pool-filter enable

Related ip supervlan pool

show interface
show supervlan

show supervlan
Purpose Use this command to display information about SuperVLAN con-
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show supervlan [<supervlan-id>]
<supervlan-id> SuperVLAN ID

Instructions � Without the parameter <supervlan-id>, this command

displays information about relevant configurations of all Su-
perVLAN interfaces.

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Chapter 4 SuperVLAN Configuration

� For ZXR10 T1200/T600//T128/T64E, the parameter <supervl

an-id> ranges from 1 to 4096.
� For the switch series, such as ZXR10 5928, the parameter
ranges from 1 to 255.
� Use the show supervlan [<supervlan-id>] command on the
router to display information about the configuration of Super-
PVC. <supervlan-id> ranges from 1 to 64.
Example � This example describes how to displays information about con-
figurations of all SuperVLAN interfaces.
ZXR10(config)# show supervlan 2
interface supervlan2
inter-subvlan-routing enable
arp-broadcast disable
ip-pool-filter enable
fei_1/2.1 inner-vlan-id 1 outer-vlan-id 2

The displayed information descriptions are displayed as fol-


Field Description

inter-subvlan- Enables or disables routing between

routing sub-vlans

subvlan Sub-Vlans under the supervlan interface

Arp-broadcast ARP broadcast status

Ip-pool-filter IP POOL filter flag

SuperVLAN Supervlan identifier

fei_1/2.1 inner-vlan The sub interface bound. If it is a virtual

1 outer-vlan 2 interface, then the encapsulated VLAN
ID and QinQ are given. If it is a physical
interface, there is no encapsulated content

� The information about VLAN range or QinQ range is displayed

as follows.
ZXR10(config)#show supervlan 2
interface supervlan2
inter-subvlan-routing enable
arp-broadcast disable
ip-pool-filter enable
fei_1/2.2 inner-vlan 20-40 outer-vlan 60-80

show supervlan ip-pool

Purpose Use this command to display the IP POOL bound to the VLAN.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show supervlan ip pool
Instructions Use show superpvc ip-pool command on the router to display
the IP-pool configuration on ATM sub interface of Superpvc.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Example This example describes how to display the IP pool bound to the
ZXR10(config)#show supervlan ip-pool
Session-no Add-begin Add-end InvId OutvID Intf SupervlanNum
1 4 1 fei_1/1 2

The displayed field descriptions are shown below.

Session-no Session number

Address-begin Start address of the IP POOL

Address-end End address of the IP POOL

InvId Inner layer VLAN ID, it is a sub VLAN number

for the switch

OutvID Outer layer VLAN ID for QinQ

Intf Interface name, when the switch binds the

sub VLAN, this is empty.

SupervlanNum Supervlan number

Related ip supervlan pool


Purpose Use this command to bind VLANs to a designated SuperVLAN in
batches. Cancel the binding of these VLANs with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes SuperVLAN interface
Syntax subvlan <vlan-id>
no subvlan <vlan-id>
<vlan-id> VLAN ID to be bound, range: 1~4094

Instructions � One VLAN can belong to one SuperVLAN only, and one Super-
VLAN can bind at most 4094 sub-VLANs. This command can
be used on the switch only.
� The VLAN to be bound cannot have the L9ayer 3 interface.
Example This example describes how to bind VLANs 2~100 to SuperVLAN
ZXR10(config)#interface supervlan1
ZXR10(config-if)#subvlan 2-100

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Chapter 4 SuperVLAN Configuration

Related show supervlan


Purpose Use this command to bind some VLAN or physical interface to a
designated SuperVLAN. Cancel the binding of the VLAN or physical
interface with the no form of this command.
Command Modes VLAN configuration/Interface configuration
Syntax supervlan <supervlan-id>
no supervlan
<supervlan-id> SuperVLAN ID

Instructions � For ZXR10 T1200/T600/T128/T64E, the parameter <supervla

n-id> ranges from 1 to 4096.
� For the switch series, such as ZXR10 5928, the parameter <sup
ervlan-id> ranges from 1 to 255.
� The VLAN to be bound must not have the Layer 3 interface on
the switch.
� The physical interface can be bound with SuperVLAN directly.
The sub interface has to be encapsulated by VLANID or QinQ.
� SmartGroup interfaces or subinterfaces can also be bound
to the SuperVLAN by directly executing the SuperVLAN
command in SmartGroup interface/subinterface mode. Smart-
Group interfaces must be encapsulated with VLAN ID or QinQ
before they are bounded.
� A bridged ATM sub interface can be bound with Superpvc by
using the Superpvc <superpvc-id> command on the router.
The parameter <supervlan-id> ranges from 1 to 64.
Example This example describes how to bind VLAN 2 to SuperVLAN1.
ZXR10(config)#vlan 2
ZXR10(config-vlan)#supervlan 1
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-subif)#supervlan 1
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1.1
ZXR10(config-subif)qinq in 1 ex 1
ZXR10(config-subif)#supervlan 1

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Related show supervlan


supervlan inter-subvlan-rout
Purpose Use this command to enable/disable routing between sub-VLANs.
This command is used only on the switch.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax supervlan inter-subvlan-routing {enable | disable}
enable Enables routing between sub-VLANs

disable Disables routing between sub-VLANs

Defaults The routing between sub-VLANs is enabled by default. This com-

mand is used only on the switch.
Instructions � View this configuration with the show running-config com-
mand on the SuperVLAN interface.
� This command can be used only on the switch.
Example This example describes how to enable routing function between
ZXR10(config)#supervlan inter-subvlan-routing enable

Related show interface

show supervlan

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Chapter 5

STP Configuration

Table of Contents
instance ...........................................................................53
name ...............................................................................54
show spanning-tree inconsistentports...................................55
show spanning-tree instance...............................................56
show spanning-tree interface ..............................................56
show spanning-tree mst configuration ..................................57
show spanning-tree statistics ..............................................57
show spanning-tree transparent ..........................................58
spanning-tree ...................................................................59
spanning-tree bpduguard ...................................................59
spanning-tree edged-port ...................................................60
spanning-tree forward-delay ...............................................61
spanning-tree guard ..........................................................61
spanning-tree hello-time ....................................................62
spanning-tree linktype .......................................................62
spanning-tree max-age ......................................................63
spanning-tree mode...........................................................63
spanning-tree mst configuration ..........................................64
spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest...........................................64
spanning-tree mst hmd5-key ..............................................65
spanning-tree mst instance (Global Configuration) .................65
spanning-tree mst instance (Port Configuration) ....................66
spanning-tree mst max-hops ..............................................67
spanning-tree packet-type ..................................................67
spanning-tree path-cost .....................................................68

Purpose Use this command to create an instance in MSTP mode, and map
it to the corresponding VLAN table. Remove the instance with the
no form of this command.
Command Modes MSTP configuration
Syntax instance <instance> vlans <vlan-id>
no instance <instance>

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<instance> Instance number, range: 1~63

vlans <vlan-id> VLAN mapping table to which the instance

corresponds, in the range of 1 to 4094

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� The instance 0 exists permanently and cannot be deleted.
� The mst_config_id is composed of three parts: MST con-
figuration name, MST configuration version number and
configuration digest (16-byte-long signature generated by the
VLAN mapping table to which the instance corresponds and
processed by MD5).
� If two or more adjacent bridges have the same mst_config_id,
they can form one MST area.
Example This example describes how to create instance 1, and map it to
VLANs 10~20.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)#instance 1 vlans 10-20

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration

Purpose Use this command to set a configuration name for the mst_con-
fig_id. Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes MSTP configuration
Syntax name <string>
no name
<string> Configuration name, not more than 32

Defaults The configured name is bases on the MAC address by default.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� In MSTP configuration mode, to configure multiple switches in
one area, this parameter has to be configured so that config-
urations of these switches are consistent.
Example This example describes how to set the MST configuration name to
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)#name zte

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Purpose Use this command to set a configuration version number for the
mst_config_id. Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes MSTP configuration
Syntax revision <version>
no revision
<version> Configuration version number, in the range of
0~65535 (0 by default)

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� In MSTP configuration mode, to configure multiple switches in
one area, this parameter has to be configured so that config-
urations of these switches are consistent.
Example This example describes how to set the MST configuration version
number to 10.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXR10(config-mstp)#revision 10

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration

show spanning-tree
Purpose Use this command to display information about the port blocked
by the root-port or loop protection function.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Instructions The platform version 4.6.03B and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to display information about the port
blocked by the root-port or loop protection function.
ZXR10#show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Mst Instance interface
Name name Inconsistency
MST00 fei_1/1 Root Inconsistent

Related show spanning-tree instance

show spanning-tree interface

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show spanning-tree instance

Purpose Use this command to display information about an instance and
its ports.
Command Mode All modes
Syntax show spanning-tree instance <instance>
<instance> Instance number, in the range of 1~63 (the
instance 0 exists permanently)

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to display information about instances
0 and 1.
ZXR10#show spanning-tree instance 0
Spanning tree enabled protocol mstp
Root ID: Priority 32768; Address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
Hello Time 2 sec; Max Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 15sec;

RegRootID: Priority 32768; Address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01

RemainHops 19

BridgeID: Priority 32768; Address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-02

Hello Time 2 sec; Max Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 15 sec; MaxHops 19

Interface Port ID
Name Prio.Nbr Cost Sts Role LinkType Bound
Fei_1/1 128.31 200000 forward root p2p MSTP

ZXR10#show spanning-tree instance 1

Spanning tree enabled protocol mstp
RegRootID: Priority 32768; Address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
Hello Time 2 sec; Max Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 15 sec; RemainHops 19

BridgeID: Priority 32768; Address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-02

Hello Time 2 sec; Max Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 15 sec; MaxHops 19

Interface Port ID
Name Prio.Nbr Cost Sts Role LinkType Bound
Fei_1/1 128.31 200000 forward root p2p MSTP

Related show spanning-tree interface


show spanning-tree interface

Purpose Use this command to display information about all instances of a
designated port.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show spanning-tree interface <port-name>

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

<port-name> Port name

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to display information about the in-
stance of the interface fei_3/1.
ZXR10#show spanning-tree interface fei_3/1
Mst Instance Port ID
Name Prio.Nbr Cost Sts Role
MST00 128.31 200000 forward root
MST01 112.31 200000 forward root

Related show spanning-tree instance


show spanning-tree mst

Purpose Use this command to display information about relevant configu-
rations in MSTP mode.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show spanning-tree mst configuration
Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to display information about the cur-
rent MST configuration.
ZXR10#show spanning-tree mst configuration
spanning-tree mode: [MSTP]
transparent flag:DISABLE
Name: [000d0df00101]
Revision: 0
Packet-type : IEEE-type
Hmd5-key: 0x13ac06a62e47fd51f95d2ba243cd0346
Instance Vlans mapped
0 1-9,21-4094
1 10-20

Related show spanning-tree instance

show spanning-tree interface

show spanning-tree statistics

Purpose Use this command to display statistics of an STP port.
Command Modes All modes

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Syntax show spanning-tree statistics <port-name>

<port-name> Port name

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to display statistics of the STP port
ZXR10#show spanning-tree statistics fei_3/1
statistic of port fei_3/1
BPDU-related parameters
port spanning tree enable
state forward
port_priority 128
port_number 31
path cost 200000
designated_root 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
designated_ext_cost 0
designated_int_cost 200000
designated_bridge 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
designated_port 41
PORT based information & statistics
All bpdu’s xmitted 2
All bpdu’s received 123
Mst bpdu’s xmitted 2
Mst bpdu’s received 123
Rst bpdu’s xmitted 0
Rst bpdu’s received 0
config bpdu’s xmitted 0
config bpdu’s received 0
tcn bpdu’s xmitted 0
tcn bpdu’s received 0
spanningtree based information & statistics
spanningtree type MSTP
multicast_mac_addr 01-80-c2-00-00-00
bridge priority 32768
bridge mac address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
bridge hello time 2 sec
bridge forward delay 15 sec
bridge Max age 20 sec
bridge Max hop 20

Related show spanning-tree instance

show spanning-tree interface

show spanning-tree
Purpose Use this command to display the transparent transmission flag of
current STP.
Command Modes All modes

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Syntax show spanning-tree transparent

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� After this command is configured, the chip does not send re-
ceived BPDU packets to the CPU for processing, but directly
broadcasts them in the VLAN.
Example This example describes how to display the transparent transmis-
sion flag of current STP.
ZXR10#show spanning-tree transparent
transparent flag:DISABLE

Related spanning-tree transparent enable


Purpose Use this command to enable/disable STP or include/exclude a port
into/from spanning tree calculation.
Command Modes Global configuration, interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree {enable | disable}
enable Enables STP or includes a port into spanning
tree calculation

disable Disables STP or excludes a port from spanning

tree calculation

Defaults This function is disabled in the global configuration mode, and en-
abled in interface configuration mode.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� If STP is disabled, the status of all ports that are physically
up is Forwarding. Once a prot excluded from spanning tree
calculation is physically up , the bottom forwarding status is
Example � This example describes how to disable STP.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree disable

� This example describes how to exclude the interface fei_3/1

from spanning tree calculation.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree disable

spanning-tree bpduguard
Purpose Use this command to configure the BPDU protection type of the

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Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax spanning-tree bpduguard action {discard | shutdown}
no spanning-tree bpduguard action
discard Discards the BPDU packet when it is received
on the interface

shutdown Shutdowns the interface when a BPDU packet

is received on the interface

Defaults There is no BPDU packet protection configuration on the port by

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.03B and update versions support this
� With this command configured, the administrator prevents the
port from the attack by BPDU.
Example This example describes how to configure the BPDU protection on
the interface fei_3/1 and shutdown the interface when a BPDU
packet is received on the interface.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard action shutdown

Related show interface


spanning-tree edged-port
Purpose Use this command to configure an STP port to be an edged port.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree edged-port enable
spanning-tree edged-port disable
Defaults The port is not an edged port by default.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� With this command configured, the administrator can set the
port connected with the PC to an edged port. This interface
is in forwarding status and can fast switch to the forwarding
Example This example describes how to configure the interface fei_3/1 to
be an edged port.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree edged-port enable

Related spanning-tree link-type

spanning-tree packet-type

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

spanning-tree forward-delay
Purpose Use this command to set the forward delay time of STP. Restore
default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree forward-delay <time>
no spanning-tree forward-delay
<time> Forward delay time, in seconds, in the range
of 4~30, default: 15 seconds

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to set the forward-delay time to 16
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree forward-delay 16

Related spanning-tree max-hops

spanning-tree hello-time

spanning-tree guard
Purpose Use this command to configure the STP protection type, loop pro-
tection or root port protection of a port. Cancel the settings with
the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree guard {loop | root}[<instance range>]
no spanning-tree guard {loop | root}[<instance range>]
loop Loop protection port

root Root protection port

<instance range> Instance range, range: 0~31

Defaults There is no loop protection or root port protection on the port by

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.03B and update versions support this
� With this command, the administrator can prevent fault con-
Example This example describes how to configure the BPDU root protection
on the interface fei_3/1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree guard root instance 0

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Related show spanning-tree inconsistentports


spanning-tree hello-time
Purpose Use this command to set the Hello time (time interval for sending
BPDU packets) of STP. Restore default with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree hello-time <time>
no spanning-tree hello-time
<time> Hello time, in seconds, in the range of 1~10,
default: 2 seconds

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to set the hello-time to 3 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree hello-time 3

Related spanning-tree max-hops

spanning-tree forward-delay

spanning-tree linktype
Purpose Use this command to set the link type of the port.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree linktype {auto | p2p | share}
auto Automatically judges according to the duplex
mode of the port: p2p in full duplex mode
and share in half duplex mode

p2p Forces the link type to p2p

share Forces the link type to share

Defaults The default link type of the port is auto.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� If the link type of the port is p2p, the fast status change func-
tion can be enabled. If the link type of the port is share, the
status can be changed only after twice of the forward-delay

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Example This example describes how to set the link type of the interface
fei_3/1 to p2p.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree linktype p2p

Related spanning-tree packet-type


spanning-tree max-age
Purpose Use this command to set the maximum age of the STP BPDU
packet. Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree max-age <time>
no spanning-tree max-age
<time> Maximum age of the STP BPDU packet, in
seconds, in the range of 6~40, default: 20

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
Example This example describes how to set the max-age to 21 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree max-age 21

Related spanning-tree max-hops

spanning-tree forward-delay

spanning-tree mode
Purpose Use this command to set the current STP mode.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mode {sstp | rstp | mstp}
sstp SSTP mode

rstp RSTP mode

mstp MSTP mode

Defaults MSTP
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� Each mode allows the connection to the bridge.
Example This example describes how to set the current STP mode to RSTP.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mode rstp

Related spanning-tree

spanning-tree mst
Purpose Use this command to enter MSTP configuration mode.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst configuration
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� In MSTP configuration mode, exclusive parameters of MSTP
users configure include: MST configuration name, MST config-
uration version number, and configuration digest.
Example This example describes how to enter MSTP configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration


spanning-tree mst
Purpose Use this command to set the digest value for the mst_config_id.
Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest { CISCO | HUWWEI <key>}
no spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest { CISCO | HUAWEI }
<key> 32-bit hexadecimal number starting with 0x,
with the total length of 34 bits

Defaults The default value is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� When the different manufacturers (such as CISCO and
HUAWEI) implement MSTP, the MSTP packet format is different
from the IEEE standard. The KEY or DIGEST value has to be
configured for the ZTE switch before the devices of the above
manufacturers are connected in the same area.
Example This example describes how to set the CISCO hmd5-digest value.

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest CISCO


Related spanning-tree mst hmd5-key


spanning-tree mst hmd5-key

Purpose Use this command to set the KEY value for Hmd5 required by the
digest in the mst_config_id. Restore default with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst hmd5-key { CISCO | HUWWEI <key>}
no spanning-tree mst hmd5-key { CISCO | HUWWEI }
<key> 32-bit hexadecimal number starting with 0x,
with the total length of 34 bits

Defaults The default value is 0x13ac06a62e47fd51f95d2ba243cd0346.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� When the different manufacturers (such as CISCO and
HUAWEI) implement MSTP, the MSTP packet format is different
from the IEEE standard. A KEY or DIGEST value has to be
configured for the ZTE switch before the devices of the above
manufacturers is connected in the same area .
Example This example describes how to set the CISCO hmd5-digest value.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst hmd5-key CISCO

Related spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest


spanning-tree mst instance

(Global Configuration)
Purpose Use this command to set the priority for the bridge in some created
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst instance <instance> priority <priority>

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<instance> Instance number, in the range of 0~63 (the
instance 0 exists permanently)

priority <priority> Bridge priority, which must be the multiple of

4096, default: 32768, the maximum value:

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command enables thee user to set the root bridge of the
Example This example describes how to set the priority for the bridge in
instance 0~4096.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst instance 0 priority 4096

Related spanning-tree mst instance (port configuration)


spanning-tree mst instance

(Port Configuration)
Purpose Use this command to set the priority for the port in some created
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst instance <instance> priority <priority>
<instance> Instance number, in the range of 1~63 (the
instance 0 exists permanently)

priority <priority> Bridge priority, which must be the multiple of

16, default: 128, the maximum value: 240

Defaults The default priority is 128.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� With this command configured, the administrator can change
the STP topology.
Example This example describes how to set the priority of the interface
fei_3/1 in instance 1 to 112.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree mst ins 1 pri 112

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Chapter 5 STP Configuration

Related spanning-tree mst instance (global configuration)


spanning-tree mst max-hops

Purpose Use this command to set the maximum hops of the BPDU packet in
the MST area. Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax spanning-tree mst max-hops <hop>
no spanning-tree mst max-hops
<hop> Maximum hops of the BPDU packet, in the
range of 1~40 , default: 20 seconds

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� All the non 0 instances in the MST area use the maximum hops
to determine the hops of the BPDU packet.
Example This example describes how to set the max-hops to 23.
ZXR10(config)#spanning-tree mst max-hops 23

Related spanning-tree max-age


spanning-tree packet-type
Purpose Use this command to set the BPDU packet type of the STP port.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree packet-type {IEEE | CISCO | HUAWEI | HAMM
no spanning-tree packet-type
IEEE Standard IEEE BPDU packet


HAMMER HAMMER (Harbour Networks) BPDU packet


Defaults The port BPDU packet type is IEEE by default.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� Because different manufacturers modify MSTP packets, user
must configure the BPDU packet type of the port for MSTP con-
nection to devices of the above manufacturers.

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Example This example describes how to set the BPDU packet type of the
interface fei_3/1 to CISCO.
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree packet-type cisco

Related spanning-tree link-type

spanning-tree edged-port

spanning-tree path-cost
Purpose Use this command to set the path cost of the interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax spanning-tree instance <ins-index> path-cost <cost>
<ins-index> Instance number to which the interface
belongs, range: 0~63

<cost> Path cost of the interface, range: 1~2000000

Defaults The path cost of the interface is set according to the port rate-path
cost mapping table.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� With this command configured, the administrator can change
the STP topology.
Example This example describes how to set the path cost of the interface
fei_3/1 to 30000.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#spanning-tree path-cost 30000

Related spanning-tree mst instance (port configuration)


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Chapter 6

LACP Configuration

Table of Contents
clear lacp .........................................................................69
interface ..........................................................................69
lacp port-priority ...............................................................70
lacp system-priority ...........................................................70
lacp timeout .....................................................................71
show lacp .........................................................................71
smartgroup ......................................................................72
smartgroup load-balance ....................................................73
smartgroup mode ..............................................................73

clear lacp
Purpose Use this command to clear the count of received and transmitted
LACP packets.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Syntax clear lacp [<smartgroup-id>] counters
<smartgroup-id> Link aggregation group identifier, range:

Instructions The count of all Smartgroup interfaces is cleared when the param-
eter <smartgroup-id> is not configured.
Example This example describes how to clear the count of the Smartgroup1
ZXR10#clear lacp 1 counters

Purpose Use this command to create a VLAN interface and enter VLAN in-
terface configuration mode. Remove the VLAN interface with the
no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax interface {vlan <vlan-id>|<vlan-if>}

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no interface {vlan <vlan-id>|<vlan-if>}

vlan <vlan-id> VLAN ID, range: 1~4094

<vlan-if> VLAN interface name

Instructions The parameter <vlan-if> is in the format of vlan + VLAN ID, such
as vlan10.
Example This example describes how to create a VLAN interface vlan1, and
enter VLAN interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan 1

Related exit

lacp port-priority
Purpose Use this command to set the LACP port priority.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax lacp port-priority <priority>
<priority> LACP port priority, in the range of 1 to 65535,
default: 0

Instructions With this command configured, ports are added to the link aggre-
gation group according to their priorities.
Example This example describes how to set the LACP port priority.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_2/1
ZXR10(config-if)#lacp port-priority 1000

Related show lacp


lacp system-priority
Purpose Use this command to set the LACP system priority.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lacp system-priority <priority>
<priority> LACP system priority, in the range of 1 to
65535, default: 32768

Instructions With this command configured, ports are added to the link aggre-
gation group according to the system priority.

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Chapter 6 LACP Configuration

Example This example describes how to set the LACP system priority.
ZXR10(config)#lacp system-priority 100

Related show lacp


lacp timeout
Purpose Use this command to set the LACP timeout on the interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax lacp timeout {long | short}
long Sets the interface LACP to long timeout

short Sets the interface LACP to short timeout

Defaults Long timeout

Instructions � When the long timeout is set, the system sends LACP packets
every 30 seconds.
� When the short timeout is set, the system sends LACP packets
every 1 second.
Example This example describes how to set the interface LACP to short time-
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_2/1
ZXR10(config-if)#lacp timeout short

Related show lacp


show lacp
Purpose Use this command to display information about the current LACP
configuration and status.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show lacp {[<smartgroup-id>]{counters | internal | neighbo
rs}| sys-id}
<smartgroup-id> Link aggregation group ID, in the range of

counters Shows the LACP packets received/sent on the


internal Shows the aggregation status of the member


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neighbors Shows the member interface status of the

peer neighbor

sys-id Shows the LACP system priority

Example This example describes how to display the aggregation status of

the member interface in a Smatgroup.
ZXR10(config)#show lacp internal
Actor Agg LACPDUs Port Oper Port RX Mux
Port State Interval Priority Key State Machine Machine
fei_3/17 selected 30 32768 0x202 0x3d current distributing
fei_3/18 selected 30 32768 0x202 0x3d current distributing

Related smartgroup

Purpose Use this command to add an interface to a link aggregation group,
and set the link aggregation mode for the interface. Remove the
interface from the link aggregation group with the no form of this
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax smartgroup <smartgroup-id> mode {passive | active | on}
no smartgroup
<smartgroup-id> Link aggregation group ID, in the range of

passive Sets the interface LACP to passive negotiation


active Sets the interface LACP to active negotiation


on Indicates the static trunk mode when LACP

is disabled and the two extremities of the
aggregation must be set to on mode

Instructions � The aggregation mode of a member interface must be consis-

tent with that of the Smatgroup interface. Otherwise such an
interface is not allowed to join the Smatgroup.
� VLAN configurations of a member interface must be consistent
with those of the Smatgroup. Otherwise such an interface is
not allowed to join the Smatgroup.
� After an interface joins an aggregation group, you may modify
the VLAN attribute of the Smatgroup. The member interface
automatically modifies the VLAN attributes to keep consistent
with that of the Smatgroup.
Example This example describes how to add the interface gei_3/1 to Smat-
group 10.

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Chapter 6 LACP Configuration

ZXR10(config)#interface gei_3/1
ZXR10(config-if)#smartgroup 10 mode active

Related show interface

show lacp

smartgroup load-balance
Purpose Use this command to set the load balance mode of the link aggre-
gation group. Restore default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax smartgroup load-balance <mode>
no smartgroup load-balance
<mode> Load balance mode of the link aggregation
group. The detailed description of the
parameter refer to the following table

Products Description

ZXR10 T160G Link aggregation load balance mode,

per-packet or per-destination, default:

ZXR10 GER Link aggregation load balance mode,

per-packet or per-destination, default:

ZXR10 6910 Link aggregation load balance mode, src-ip,

src-mac, dst-ip, dst-mac, src-dst-ip and
src-dst-mac, default: src-dst-mac

ZXR10 3900/3200 Link aggregation load balance mode, src-ip,

src-mac, dst-ip, dst-mac, src-dst-ip and
src-dst-mac, default: src-dst-mac

Example This example describes how to set the load balance mode of smart-
group 10 to src-mac.
ZXR10(config)#interface smartgroup10
ZXR10(config-if)#smartgroup load-balance src-mac

Related show interface

show lacp

smartgroup mode
Purpose Use this command to configure the aggregation mode of link ag-
gregation group. Restore the default configuration with the no

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

form of this command. The default setting is static trunk mode

(“on” mode).
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax smartgroup mode {802.3ad | on}
no smartgroup mode
802.3ad Indicates the aggregation control method of
the Smartgroup interface uses the 802.3ad
standard LACP.

on Indicates the static trunk. LACP protocol does

not run at this time

Example This example describes how to configure the aggregation method

of Smartgroup 10 to 802.3ad.
ZXR10(config)#interface smartgroup10
ZXR10(config-if)#smartgroup mode 802.3ad

Related show interface

show lacp

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Chapter 7

VBAS Configuration

Table of Contents
vbas enable ......................................................................75
vbas port-type ..................................................................75

vbas enable
Purpose Use this command to enable VBAS or configure local VLAN to sup-
port VBAS.
Command Modes Global configuration and VLAN configuration
Syntax vbas enable
no vbas enable
Defaults VBAS is disabled by default.
The VLAN does not support VBAS by default.
Instructions This configuration can be viewed by the show running-config
command in global configuration mode.
Related show running-config

vbas port-type
Purpose Use this command to set the port to a VBAS user or network port.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax vbas port-type {user | net}
Description user Sets the port to a VBAS user port

net Sets the port to a VBAS network port

Defaults The port type is user by default.

Instructions This configuration can be viewed by the show running-config
command in global configuration mode.
Example This example describes how to configure the port to a VBAS user

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ZXR10(config)#interface fei_2/1
ZXR10(config-if)#vbas port-type user

Related show running-config


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Chapter 8

MAC PING Configuration

Table of Contents
l2trace .............................................................................78

Purpose Use this command to detect the Ethernet link by using private pro-
Command Mode Privileged EXEC
Syntax mac-ping <destination-mac>{interface <out-port>| vfi <vfi-n
ame> peer <peer-address>}{summary | detail}[repeat <rep
eat-count>][hops <hop-count>][timeout <timeout seconds>]
<destination-mac> Destination MAC address

interface <out-por Egress interface of the CE device where

t>> request packets are transmit

summary Briefly lists the result of MAC ping.

detail Lists the result of MAC ping in detail.

repeat <repeat-cou Repeat count, range: 1~65535, default: 1


hops <hop-count> Hop count, range: 1~10, default: 5

timeout <timeout Timeout interval, in seconds, range: 1~30,

seconds> default: 2 seconds

vfi <vfi-name> VFI name to be detected on the PE device

peer <peer-address> Peer router identifier to be detected on the

PE device

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Example The example describes how to detect the reachability of the des-
tination MAC through MAC-PING.
ZXR10#mac-ping 00d0.d0c0.0090 port fei_1/1 detail

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Purpose Use this command to detect ethernet links by using the private
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Syntax l2trace <destination-mac>{interface <out-port>|[vfi <vfi-na
me> peer <peer-address>]}
<destination-mac> Destination MAC address

interface <out-port> Egress interface sending request packets on

CE device

vfi <vfi-name VFI name to be detected on PE device

peer <peer-address> The remote Router-ID to be detected on PE


Example This example describes how to detect the reachability of the des-
tination MAC through l2trace.
ZXR10#l2trace 00d0.d0c0.0090 interface fei_1/1

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Chapter 9

UDLD Configuration

Table of Contents
udld enable ......................................................................79
udld message timer ...........................................................80
udld mode ........................................................................80
udld recovery enable..........................................................81
udld recovery timer ...........................................................82
udld reset.........................................................................82
show udld.........................................................................83

udld enable
Purpose Use this command to enable the function of unidirectional links
detection (UDLD).
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax udld {enable | disable}<interface_range>
udld {enable | disable}
enable Enables UDLD function

disable Disables UDLD function

<interface_range> Interface name, at most 16 interfaces can be

configured once

Defaults UDLD function is disabled by default.

Instructions � At present, only the Ethernet physical interfaces with switch
attribute support UDLD protocol.
� Batch configuration only takes effect in global configuration
� When this command is used for a single interface, it takes effect
in interface configuration mode.
Example � This example describes how to enable UDLD function in batch
in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#udld enable fei_1/1-3,fei_2/1

� This example describes how to enable UDLD function on the

interface fei_1/1 in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1

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ZXR10(config-if)#udld enable

udld message timer

Purpose Use this command to configure the time interval for sending Hello
packets when the interfaces are in dual connection status.
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax udld message timer <timer><interface_range>
udld message timer <timer>
<timer> Time interval for sending Hello packets when
the interfaces are in dual connection status,
in seonds, range: 7~90

<interface_range> Interface name, at most 16 interface names

can be configured once

Defaults The default time interval for sending Hello packets is 15 seconds.
Instructions � Batch configuration only takes effect in global configuration
� When this command is used for a single interface, it takes effect
in interface configuration mode.
Example � This example describes how to configure the time interval for
sending Hello packets in batch in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#udld message timer 7 fei_1/1-3,fei_2/1

� This example describes how to configure the time interval for

sending Hello packets in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#udld message timer 7

udld mode
Purpose Use this command to configure the interface UDLD protocol mode.
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax udld mode {aggressive | normal} <interface_range>
udld mode {aggressive | normal}
aggressive Works in aggressive mode

normal Works in normal mode

<interface_range> Interface name range, at most 16 interfaces

can be configured once

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Chapter 9 UDLD Configuration

Defaults The interface UDLD protocol works in normal mode by default.

Instructions � Batch configuration only takes effect in global configuration
� When this command is used for a single interface, it takes effect
in interface configuration mode.
Example � This example describes how to configure the interface in ag-
gressive mode in batch in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#udld mode aggressive fei_1/1-3,fei_2/1

� This example describes how to configure the interface in ag-

gressive mode in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#udld mode aggressive

udld recovery enable

Purpose Use this command to enable the function of UDLD automatic re-
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax udld recovery {enable | disable}<interface_range>
udld recovery {enable | disable}
enable enables the function of UDLD automatic

disable disables the function of UDLD automatic


<interface_range> Interface name range, at most 16 interfaces

can be configured once

Defaults The function of UDLD automatic recovery is disabled by default.

Instructions � Batch configuration only takes effect in global configuration
� When this command is used for a single interface, it takes effect
in interface configuration mode.
Example � This example describes how to enable UDLD automatic recov-
ery on interfaces fei_1/1-3 and fei_2/1 in batch in global con-
figuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#udld recovery enable fei_1/1-3,fei_2/1

� This example describes how to enable UDLD automatic recov-

ery in the interface fei_1/1 in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#udld recovery enable

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udld recovery timer

Purpose Use this command to configure the time interval for performing
automatic recovery when UDLD protocol is in single connection
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax udld recovery timer <timer><interface_range>
udld recovery timer <timer>
<timer> Time interval for performing automatic
recovery when UDLD protocol is in single
connection status, in seconds, range: 10~600

<interface_range> Interface name range. At most 16 interfaces

can be configured at once time.

Defaults The default time interval for performing automatic recovery is 30

Instructions � Batch configuration only takes effect in global configuration
� When this command is used for a single interface, it takes effect
in interface configuration mode.
Example � This example describes how to configure the time interval for
performing automatic recovery on interfaces fei_1/1-3 and
fei_2/1 in batch in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#udld recovery timer 10 fei_1/1-3,fei_2/1

� This example describes how to configure the time interval for

performing automatic recovery on the interface fei_1/1 in in-
terface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#udld recovery timer 10

udld reset
Purpose Use this command to reset the interface which is in single connec-
tion status.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Syntax udld reset [<interface-name >]
<interface-name > Name of the interface which needs reseting

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Instructions � When the parameter <interface-name > is not specified, all
interfaces in single connection status are reset.

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Chapter 9 UDLD Configuration

� When the input interface is not in single connection status,

there will be not any operation.
Example This example describes how to reset the interface fei_2/1 which is
in single connection state.
ZXR10#udld reset fei_2/1

show udld
Purpose Use this command to display information about UDLD configura-
tion and its status on the interface.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show udld [<interface-name >]
<interface-name > The interface names needs to display

Instructions When the command is used without the parameter, information

about all UDLD interfaces is displayed.
Example This example describes how to display information about the UDLD
configuration of the interface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#show udld fei_1/1

interface fei_1/1
Administrative configuration: Disable
Port mode: Normal
Current state: Disable
Recovery configuration: Disable
Auto-recovery time: 30s
Message interval: 15s
No neighbour information stored

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This page is intentionally blank.

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Chapter 10

Ethernet OAM

Table of Contents
set ethernet-oam debug .....................................................85
set ethernet-oam enable ....................................................86
set ethernet oam enable(interface configuration) ...................86
set ethernet-oam link-monitor enable ..................................87
set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-period..........................87
set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-seconds .......................88
set ethernet-oam link-monitor symbol-period .......................88
set ethernet-oam oui .........................................................89
set ethernet-oam period timeout mode.................................89
set ethernet-oam port link-monitor frame .............................90
set ethernet-oam remote-loopback start...............................90
set ethernet-oam remote-loopback time-out .........................91
show ethernet-oam ...........................................................91
show ethernet-oam interface discovery ................................91
show ethernet-oam interface link-monitor.............................92
show ethernet-oam interface statistics .................................92

set ethernet-oam debug

Purpose Use this command to set debug function of link ethernet OAM.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam debug
Instructions � To view the configuration, use the show running-config com-
mand in global configuration mode.
� To cancel debug function, use the no set ethernet-oam
debug command.
Example This example describes how to set debug function of link ethernet
OAM in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam debug
ZXR10(config)#no set ethernet-oam debug

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Related show supervlan


set ethernet-oam enable

Purpose Use this command to enable global link Ethernet OAM.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam { enable | disable }
enable Enables global link Ethernet OAM.

disable Disables global link Ethernet OAM.

Instructions To view the configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Example This example describes how to enable debug function of link eth-
ernet OAM in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam enable

set ethernet oam

Purpose Use this command to enable link Ethernet OAM of some interface .
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam { enable | disable }
enable Enables global link Ethernet OAM.

disable Disables global link Ethernet OAM.

Instructions � To view the configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
� Fei and gei interfaces are supported by this command, while
sg interfaces are not supported.
Example This example describes how to enable global link Ethernet OAM in
interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam enable

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Chapter 10 Ethernet OAM Configuration

set ethernet-oam
link-monitor enable
Purpose Use this command to enable Ethernet OAM link detection of some
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam link-monitor enable
Instructions To view the configuration, use the show running-config com-
mand in global configuration mode.
At present fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces
are not supported.
Example This example describes how to enable global link Ethernet OAM in
interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam link-monitor enable

set ethernet-oam
link-monitor frame-period
Purpose Use this command to configure port error symbol frame period link
event parameters.
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-period threshold
<xxx> window <yyy>
<xxx> Error frame limit value, range: 1~65535,
default: 1

<yyy> Statistic period, range: 1~600000, default:


Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces are not
Example This example describes how to configure Ethernet OAM port error
symbol frame period event parameters in interface configuration
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-period
threshold 30 window 10

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

set ethernet-oam
link-monitor frame-seconds
Purpose Use this command to configure port error symbol frame—seconds
statistics link event parameters.
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-seconds threshold
<xxx> window <yyy>
Description <xxx> Error frame-seconds, range: 1~900, default:
1 (frame-seconds: receiving at least 1 error
frame in 1 second)

<yyy> Statistic period, in seconds, range: 10~900,

default: 60 seconds

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces are not
Example This example describes how to configure link Ethernet OAM port
error symbol frame-seconds statistics event parameters in inter-
face configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame-seconds
threshold 30 window 10

set ethernet-oam
link-monitor symbol-period
Purpose Use this command to configure port error symbol-period link event
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam link-monitor symbol-period threshold
<xxx> window <yyy>
<xxx> Error frame limit value, range: 1~65535, 1
by default

<yyy> Statistic period, range: 1~65535, default: 1

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces are not

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Chapter 10 Ethernet OAM Configuration

Example This example describes how to set Ethernet OAM port error symbol
link event parameters in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam link-monitor symbol-period
threshold 3 window 10

set ethernet-oam oui

Purpose Use this command to set OUI information of link Ethernet OAM.
Command Modes Global Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam oui <list>
<list> Sets OUI information of link Ethernet OAM

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Example This example describes how to set OUI information of link Ethernet
OAM in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam oui zte

set ethernet-oam period

timeout mode
Purpose Use this command to configure interface general attributes.
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam period <level-value> timeout <time> mode
{active | passive}
<level-value> Time interval of sending discovery packets, in
seconds, range: 1~10, default: 10 seconds

<time> Protocol disconnect timeout timer, in seconds,

range: 2~20, default: 5 seconds, if there is
no peer protocol packets received after this
time range, it means the peer does not exist.

active | passive Working mode, default: active

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
At present fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces
are not supported.
Example This example describes how to configure OAM interface general
attributes in interface configuration mode.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam period 5 timeout 6 mode active

set ethernet-oam port

link-monitor frame
Purpose Use this command to configure port error symbol frame link event
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam port <port-list> link-monitor frame thres
hold <xxx> window <yyy>
Description <xxx> Error frame, range: 1~65535, default: 1

<yyy> Period statistics time, in seconds, range:

1~60, default: 1 second

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
At present fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces
are not supported.
Example This example describes how to configure Ethernet link OAM inter-
face error symbol frame event parameters in interface configura-
tion mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam link-monitor frame
threshold 30 window 10

set ethernet-oam
remote-loopback start
Purpose Use this command to enable or disable link Ethernet OAM remote
Command Modes Interface Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam remote-loopback { start | stop }
start Enables link Ethernet OAM remote loopback.

stop Disables link Ethernet OAM remote loopback.

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.

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Chapter 10 Ethernet OAM Configuration

At present, fei and gei interfaces are supported, while sg interfaces

are not supported.
Example This example describes how to enable link Ethernet OAM remote
loopback in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#set ethernet-oam remote-loopback start

set ethernet-oam
remote-loopback time-out
Purpose Use this command to set Ethernet OAM remote loopback timeout
in global configuration mode.
Command Modes Global Configuration
Syntax set ethernet-oam remote-loopback timeout <time>
<time> Remote loopback timeout, in seconds, range:
1~10, default: 3 seconds

Instructions To view this configuration, use the show running-config com-

mand in global configuration mode.
Example This example describes how to set Ethernet OAM remote loopback
timeout in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#set ethernet-oam remote-loopback time-out 5

show ethernet-oam
Purpose Use this command to display Ethernet OAM global configuration
Command Modes Global Configuration
Syntax show ethernet_oam
Example This example describes how to display Ethernet OAM global con-
figuration information.
ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam

show ethernet-oam interface

Purpose Use this command to display Ethernet OAM discovery status of the
designated interface.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Ethernet Switch Volume)

Command Modes Global Configuration

Syntax show ethernet_oam < port-id > discovery
< port-id > Port name

Example This example describes how to display Ethernet OAM discovery

status of the designated interface.
ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam fei_1/1 discovery

show ethernet-oam interface

Purpose Use this command to display information about Ethernet OAM link
events of the designated port.
Command Modes Global Configuration
Syntax show ethernet_oam < port-id > link-monitor
< port-id > Port name

Example This example describes how to display information about Ethernet

OAM link events of the designated port.
ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam fei_1/1 link-monitor

show ethernet-oam interface

Purpose Use this command to display information about Ethernet OAM
management frames of the designated port.
Command Modes Global Configuration
Syntax show ethernet_oam < port-id > statistics
< port-id > Port name

Example This example describes how to display information about Ethernet

OAM management frames of the designated port.
ZXR10(config)#show ethernet-oam fei_1/1 statistics

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