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January 15, 2019


SY 2018 – 2019


Content Standards
(The learner demonstrates understanding of core concepts and theories in cookery

Performance Standards
(The learner independently demonstrates core competencies in cookery as prescribed
in the TESDA Training Regulation.)

Learning Competencies
L.O. 5. Package prepared foods

At the end of 60 – minute period, the learners should be able to:

5.2. Select Appropriate Packaging Material to Specific Food Stuff
5.2.1. Identify the different materials used in packaging food stuff;
5.2.2. Classify the packaging materials as to flexible or rigid;
5.2.3. Select suitable packaging materials and methods for different food items.

Selecting Appropriate Packaging Material to Specific Food Stuff


A. Books
Competency Based Learning Materials Fourth Year Food Trades NC II Module No. 5
(page 09-12)

B. Others

Television/ LCD Projector, laptop, ball pen, marker, chalk and board, bond papers,
colored papers, scotch tape

Classroom Management
Checking of Attendance

A. Priming

Directions: There will be a paper gift bag containing pictures of different product. The students
will pick one picture and will go to the board to paste it where the appropriate packaging material
should be placed.

B. Activity

“Group Activity”
Directions: The class will be divided into four groups. The students will review the picture. Below
the pictures, they will see blank spaces indicating how many letters are in the answer for them to
identify the kind of packaging material. Each group will complete the following table for ten
minutes and present it on class for two minutes.
Picture Characteristics Example of Kinds of Packaging
Food Item (Rigid/
It is made from Pastillas Flexible
renewable Yema
materials. It is Biscuits
Cellophane made from wood
Tough and Junk foods Flexible
durable to Food container
withstand rough Plastic bottles
Plastics handling during
and distribution
It could not Paper food Flexible
retain strengths carton
but more
Paper or flexible
Paper Board
It is 100% Glass juice Rigid
recyclable Wine
Glass without loss in
quality or purity
The most Sardines Rigid
versatile of all Soft drinks in
packaging forms can

Scoring Rubric
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Speed Last to finish Third to finish Second to finish First to finish
Content Need to add Fair Good Very good
more ideas

Presentation Poor Fair enough Presentable Very


C. Analysis

Engagement Activity
Discussion (Whole Class)
1. Flexible packaging
a) Cellophane – a thin and transparent material that is made of cellulose and contains variable
amount of water and softener.
b) Plastics – are manmade polymers of very high molecular weight.
c) Paper and paperboard – are materials made from wood pulp.

2. Rigid packaging materials – the world rigid connotes hardness and inflexibility. This describes
those packaging materials which are pre-formed, generally cannot be folded and has a definite
volume for its content. They are classified.
a. Glass – made from limestone, sand, soda, and ash.
b. Metal – tinplate and aluminum belong to this group. Tin cans are not as chemically insert as glass
D. Abstraction
“Pass the Paper Ball Activity”
Directions: Paper ball will be passed while a music is playing. The last person who holds the ball
will unwrap the paper and answer the question stated with a clear voice”.

The two kinds of food packaging are ______.

The difference between the two are ________.
The types of flexible packaging are _______.
The types of rigid packaging are __________.
I learned that _________________________.
For me, knowing the kinds of packaging is very important because___________________.

I. Application
Directions: Identify the different packaging materials used in foodstuff and classify if it is
rigid or flexible.
1. It is manmade polymers of very high molecular weight.
2. It is made from limestone, sand, soda and ash.
3. It is used as cans, as foil wrapper for daily products.
4. It is used to wrap baked good confectionery, snack foods, processed meats, coffee and
tea, pasta products and wet produce.
5. It is used for dry foods because it could not retain its strength, and is more flexible.

1. Plastics/ Flexible
2. Glass/ Rigid
3. Metal/ Rigid
4. Cellophane/ Flexible
5. Paper or Paperboard/ Flexible

J. Agreement
Directions: In your notebook, answer the following questions:
 What is the hygiene and food safety practices for storing and transporting food?
 What is the best functional food packaging design?

Reference: Module No. 5 Competency – Based Learning Materials Grade 9 Packaging

Prepared Food Stuff, page 14

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
application or remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


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